Avis de suppression - Tài liệu tổng hợp

The Q Classroom Activity A, p. 2 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. We like to know what other people have done. 2. I admire my mother. She is kind and wise. 3. The teacher is admirable because she is teaching young people to read and write. Activity B, p. 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Marcus: Firefighters go into burning buildings to save people and soldiers risk their lives to defend their country Sophy: Regular people like the man who helped people during a storm and surgeon who saved her father. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !


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Avis de suppression - Tài liệu tổng hợp

The Q Classroom Activity A, p. 2 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. We like to know what other people have done. 2. I admire my mother. She is kind and wise. 3. The teacher is admirable because she is teaching young people to read and write. Activity B, p. 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Marcus: Firefighters go into burning buildings to save people and soldiers risk their lives to defend their country Sophy: Regular people like the man who helped people during a storm and surgeon who saved her father. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

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Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-1
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 2
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. We like to know what other people
have done.
2. I admire my mother. She is kind and
3. The teacher is admirable because she is
teaching young people to read and
Activity B, p. 3
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Marcus: Firefighters go into burning
buildings to save people and soldiers
risk their lives to defend their country
Sophy: Regular people like the man who
helped people during a storm and
surgeon who saved her father
2. People who stand up for others; fight
injustice; give up their time their money
their personal happiness to help others
Self-sacrifice; do something that others
are afraid to do; example: surgeon who
saved her father
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 4
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Why we need a role model / What a role
model is / Who a role model is / What role
models do / What happens when things go
Activity B, p. 4
1. the qualities of role models
2. what people may be role models
3. how role models can inspire us
4. how role models learn from mistakes
Activity B, pp. 7–8
a. acknowledged for
b. resolve
c. inherently
d. aspires to
e. constrained
f. version
g. achievement
h. confront
i. embody
j. inclined
k. adversity
l. pursue
Activity D, p. 8
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Role
models are important to everyone.
2. The first paragraph and the last paragraph.
Activity E, p. 8
a. 4
b. 5
c. 1
d. 3
e. 2
Activity F, pp. 8–9
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. parents, other family members,
teachers, community leaders
2. They can help us aspire to the same
3. He/she can help us learn how to deal
with the problems that arise from the
4. Role models might help when we are
dealing with stress, illness, or other
Activity G, p. 9
1. T (paragraph 2)
2. F A parent
is usually our first role
model. (paragraph 3)
3. T (paragraph 5)
4. T (paragraph 6)
5. F A role model sometimes
mistakes. (paragraph 7)
6. F We need role models in many
different situations. (Answers may vary,
but for example, paragraph 6)
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-2
7. F Role models are all around us
(paragraph 10)
8. T (paragraph 5)
Activity H, p. 10
2–3 Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Other family members: how to manage our
daily lives; how to show qualities we admire
A young child: how to continue in our
Lawyers/doctors: inspire others to pursue
the same professions; how to become good
leaders and members of society
Teachers/community leaders: how to deal
with problems
Activities A and B, p. 10
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, they do, because they are good at
sports, and they inspire other people to
play sports.
2. I am a role model for my younger
3. I would like people to say that I am a
good person. I can be kind to other
people and help them when I am able.
Activity A, p. 11
1. b. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Out with charity, in with partnership;
you’re never too young; you’re never
too old; entrepreneurs are born, not
made; you can’t rely on the kindness of
strangers; go big or go home; true
heroes never consider themselves
3. These people are examples of the
everyday heroes.
Activity B, p. 15
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. c
11. b
12. a
Activity D, p. 16
1. T
2. F The social entrepreneurs in the book
all have different
3. F The nonprofits in the book are
focused on
improving the lives of other
4. F Some nonprofits are self-sustaining.
5. T
6. F
Many of the heroes are trying to help
a lot of people.
Activity E, p. 17
Roger Egger: DC Central Kitchen; local
Rebecca Onie: connects low-income
families with the basic resources they
need to be healthy; local
Adam Braun: Pencils of Promise,
Roy Prosterman: secures land rights for
poor families
Chuck Slaughter: Living Goods
Jill Vialet: national
Eugene Cho: improves education, delivers
clean water, and ends poverty;
Activity F, p. 17
Education and Training: Adam Braun,
Eugene Cho
Health and Safety: Rebecca Onie, Chuck
Slaughter, Jill Vialet, Eugene Cho
Legal Help: Roy Prosterman
Activity G, p. 18
1. Answers will vary. Possible answer:
These people are special not because of
some extraordinary talent but because
they are everyday people.
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-3
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Social entrepreneurs are naturally
independent, willing to take risks, and
willing to assume responsibilities.
3. Answers will vary. Possible answers
include: Yes, they could, because there
is more than one way to be a hero.
Heroes don’t have to be entrepreneurs.
/ No, they can’t, because in order to be
recognized as a hero, a person has to do
something different from what others
are doing.
Activity A, p. 18
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, I volunteered to help organize the
books at my local library.
2. I think police officers are seen as
admirable because they help to keep us
safe and enforce the laws. Also,
teachers are viewed as admirable for
their work with children.
3. A nonprofit organization I have heard of
is the United Nations Children’s
Emergency Fund (UNICEF). They work
with children in developing countries
who are struggling and need help. They
ask for donations.
Activity B, p. 18
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think that the president is a role
model. He worked hard and helped a
lot of people before he became who he
is today.
2. Role models and everyday heroes are
people who want to help others, by
giving their time and setting an example
for others to follow.
Activity A, p. 19
syllable division, pronunciation, part of
speech, example sentence, synonyms,
common collocations
Activity B, pp. 2021
1. 5
2. Face up to
3. Be confronted with something
4. adjective, adverb
5. intrinsic
6. in/her/ent
7. passive
8. 3
9. to/from
10. a/chieve/ment
11. 2
12. sense of achievement
Activity A, p. 23
1. Are fame and fortune in your future?
Do you dream of becoming a billionaire
or a famous actor?
2. We all want to succeed
, and identifying
what qualities make someone
successful can help us to achieve that
3. Successful people share three common
qualities that allow them to stand out.
4. They also work longer hours.
5. First, Second, For example, Finally
6. c
Activity B, pp. 2324
Answers will vary.
Activity C, p. 24
a. 2
b. 4
c. 1
d. 3
e. 8
f. 6
g. 7
h. 5
Activity D, pp. 2425
1. Answers will vary.
2. b
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-4
3. Summarizing the main idea and/or the
main points.
Activity A, p. 26
1. person
who makes his or her
community a better place
2. things that they do
3. book that changed his life forever
4. merchant who insisted that his son
have an education
5. children who have no access to
6. group which is trying to clean up the
7. trash Maryam’s group collects
Activity B, p. 26
1. We all aspire to do something that
other people will respect.
2. Role models may inspire us to help
people who/that cannot help
3. Role models have qualities which/that
we would like to have.
4. To me, a person who/that inspires
others to do good deeds is a role
5. Reading novels gives students
something which/that they cannot get
in textbooks.
6. Caring for the environment is
something which/that we can all do.
7. Someone who/that donates money to
charity is a generous person.
Activity C, p. 27
Sentences 1, 3, 5, and 6
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(2(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-5
1. I!like!to !s h o p !fo r !clo t h es .!/!I!don’t!lik e!t o !
2. I!bu y!t h in gs !b a se d !o n !h o w!they!lo o k.!
3. Yes,!I!would!want!to!buy!something!
from!this!sho p.!Th e!b righ t!colo rs!an d!
range!of!prod ucts !are!inv iting.!
1. Sophy !wants!things!to!be!good!looking!
her.!I!want !th in g s !to !lo o k !n ice !a s!well!as!
long!as!my!micro w a ve !fu n c tio n s,!I!d o n t!
2. Marcus!says!words!or!designs!on!the!
vegetables.!Pile!t h em!up!in!n ice !
I!like!packa g in g !th a t!is !cle a r!a n d !e as y!t o !
informa tio n .!!
1. The!title!probably!means!that!he!sees!a!
lot!of!stor e!windows!that!aren’t!very!
2. He!probably!doesn’t!like!many!store!
3. He!may!have!written!this!to!make!
1. a!
2. b!
3. a!
4. b!
5. a!
6. b!
7. a!
8. b!
9. a!
10. a!
11. b!
12. b!
Answers!will!vary.!Possible!answe rs :!!
1. The!topic!is!store!windows.!!
2. The!controlling!idea!is!that!attractive!
1. b!
2. a!
3. c!
4. b!
5. c.!
1. In!th e !last!century,!pedestrians!strolled!
2. A!“pile”!of!people!forms!and!stays!
3. They!are!crowded!with!many!products,!
4. One!of!the!following:!People!read!in!
just!a!few !h o u rs .!A!commercial!can!tell!
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(2(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-6
5. They!must!be!simple!enough!so!that!the!
they!must!be !crea tive!enough!to!catc h!
6. Windows!that!tell!jokes.!Some!are!
Information(abo u t(th e (
1. Be!simple.!Be!creative.!Catch!a!
2. Advertise!a!store’s!selection!of!
1. Store!owners!attract!customers!by!the!
2. Shopping!online!is!different!because!we!
3. I!like!a !small!clothing!store!d o wntow n .!
It!has!sim p le ,!c o lo rfu l!d is p la ys !o f!
is!appea lin g!b e c au s e!it !is!s im p le !a n d!
1. the!m ain!ide a!o f!the!p arag rap h!
2. examples!tha t!sho w !how !w e !proc ess!
informa tio n !fa s te r!
3. to!give!a!su m m ary!a nd !a!reas on!
EX=!Kiehl’s!shows !s o c ia l!is su e s !
Store!windows!today!must!be!quick!reads. !
the!store?!Do es!the !store !fit!their!pers on al!
the!store!take?!Es pe cially!since !toda y’s!
retail!market!is!so!co m pe titive,!if!don e!
right,!window s!can !fun ctio n!as !an !important!
brand-identity!t oo l.!As!retailers,!you!must!
1. vis ua liz e!
2. neutral!
3. rem ove !
4. negative!
5. residen ce!
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(2(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-7
6. tend!
7. minimize!
8. potential!
9. feature !
10. mentally!
11. in ve st m e n t!
12. in !th eo r y!
1. a.!The!article!gives!tips!on!how!to!sell!a!
2. b.!Make!home!buyers!want!to!buy!the!
3. b.!The!bullets!indicate!examples!of!the!
tip!“Organize!w ha t’s!left.”!
4. a.!It’s!state d !a t!t h e !e n d !of!the!
5. c.!Home!sellers!may!get!more!money!
for!the!hom e,!an d!it!usu ally!tak es!les s!
6. a.!Tina!Miller!hardly!recognizes!the!
1. They!are!a!family!who!want!to!sell!their!
2. Mr.!Miller!got!a!job!in!another!state.!
3. It!is!m o d e rn,!on!a!qu ie t!s tr ee t,!within!
restaurants,!with !large!ro oms!and!lots!
4. It!fee ls!wrong;!th e re !is !to o !much!
feels!like!the!Millers’!home,!not!th e !
5. They!hired!a!home!stager!and!followed!
lighter!co lo r.)!
6. Yes,!the y!w ere ,!because!they!have!had!
two!offers!on!th eir!ho m e.!
7. Answers!will!vary!but!should!be!along!
the!lines!of!“to!ma ke!th e!article!m o re!
interestin g ”!a n d /o r!“ to !h e lp !th e !re ad e r!
1. makes!a!place!look!larger!
2. redu ces!clu tter!an d!h elp s!bu yers!
imagine !t he mselves!in !th e !h ome!
3. feature !on ly!a!few !pie ces !of!furn iture !
4. makes!rooms!appear!spacious!and!neat!!
5. open!the!d rap es!or!re m ov e!the m !
6. dark!colors!can!make!a!room!seem!
7. helps!buyers!imagine!an!empty!space!as!
1. I!wo u ld !n e ed!to!remove!some!of!my!
furniture!to!ma ke !the!ro om!look!bigger. !
the!walls!to!mak e!the !roo m !look !new !
2. I!thin k !a!s ta g er ’s!jo b !is !in te re st in g ,!b u t!I!
would!not!be!good!at!it.!I!don’t!th in k!I!
1. The!“story”!that!homeowners!want!to!
tell!is!that!they!are!happ y!an d!
is!exactly!what!the y!a re !lo ok in g !fo r.!
2. D esigners!could!follow!the!advice!of!not!
1. Social!
2. old!
3. modern!!!
4. grab!
5. at!
6. full! !
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(2(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-8
7. caught!
8. quick!
9. take! !
10. on!
11. create!
12. Over!!
13. personal!
14. in !
15. give!!
16. in !
1. I!try!to !fo c u s !o n !o n e !su b je c t!at%a%time!
2. I!take%plea su re!in !s et tin g !a!g o o d !
3. When!I’m!wind ow!shopping,!I!only!need!
4. I!nee d !the!teach er !to !e xplain!the!
answer!in%a%way %tha t!I!can!un de rstan d!
5. His!suit!gives%me%the%impression!that!he!
is!a!busin e ss m a n .!
1. Thesis!statement:!One!of!my!favorite!
restaurants!is!Ben ’s!Din er!on !Fo urth !
looking!fo r !so mewher e!n e w !t o!g e t!
2. a.! sight:!red!neon!sign,!gleaming!
tables,!sparkling!clean !floors,!brigh t!
tomatoes,!pu rp le!olives!
b. sound:!pleasant!noise!of!
c. taste:!burge r!is!pepp ery !inside,!
d. smell:!rich!smell!of!their!homemade!
e. to uc h:!soft!re d!leath er!b oo ths,!
smooth!marble!coun ter,!soft!
toasted!bun ,!burg er!is!crunchy!on!
the!outside,!mo ist!on !the!ins ide!
1. The!old!man!lived!quietly!in!a!small!
farmhou se!fa r!from !the !bu sy!city. !
2. The!small!room!was!filled!with!pink!
roses,!yellow!an d!w hite !daise s,!and !
sweet-smelling!purp le!lilacs.!
3. The!moist!chicken!and!creamy!potatoes!
4. We!went!on!a!long!walk!through!the!
5. His!aunt!quietly!entered!the!room!on!
6. I!cou ld n ’t !b elie v e!th at!I!d id n ’t!g et !to !
friend’s!new!fla t- scree n!TV.!
1. The!Adventurer,!an!SUV!
2. the!be st,!mo st!reliab le!SU V!
3. Someone!who!likes!to!have!outdoor!
4. It’s!po werful,!qu ie t,!a n d !
environmentally!friendly.!It!has!a!lo t!o f !
room!and !is!com fo rtab le.!
5. It!restates!the!main!idea!and!gives!a!
6. Answers!will!vary.!Possible!answer:!Yes .!
I!imagin e!a n !S U V !lik e!my!friend !C a n d a ce !
1. no!article!
2. the!
3. the!
4. a!
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(2(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-9
5. The!
6. the!
7. the!
8. the!
9. an!
10. the !
11. the !
12. a!
13. the !
14. the !
15. no!article!
16. no!article!
17. no!article!
18. the !!
19. a!
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-10
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 54
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I remember my first day of school. I was
scared and excited at the same time.
2. Parents and their children sometimes
disagree about what the child should
eat or wear.
3. The child on the left looks happy
because he is about to get the toy. The
child on the right is struggling. I think
that the children will learn how to
Activity B, p. 54
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Felix: have to work for what I want;
contribute to the family.
Sophy: care for others and to share—
room, clothes and toys
Yuna: values and culture
One lesson I learned was how to share
with my siblings.
2. Right and wrong; adopt same habits as
parents whether we mean to or not. I
agree with Sophy that I can have
different habits from those of my
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 56
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
They take on more responsibility, like caring
for younger children. They may help out
more at home. Their schoolwork becomes
more difficult. They may become more
interested in social activities.
Activity B, p. 59
1. colleague
2. consistent with
3. Theoretically
4. accurately
5. extracurricular
6. select
7. equipped with
8. competence
9. nurture
10. assumption
11. innate
12. period
Activity D, pp. 5960
1. Adolescence is a difficult period
(including making poor decisions,
hanging out with the wrong friends,
taking risks, refusing to follow rules, not
talking to parents).
2. The Five Cs are competence,
confidence, connection, character, and
3. Eliza has the five Cs.
4. Teens need opportunities that nurture
positive interactions with adults,
develop life skills, and give them a
chance to show leadership.
5. Good parenting nurtures qualities like
honesty, empathy, self-reliance,
kindness, cooperation, self-control, and
Activity E, p. 60
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. c
Activity F, p. 61
1. T (paragraph 1, lines 10 & 11; lines 16 &
2. T (paragraph 2, lines 3 & 4)
3. F
Dr. Richard Lerner conducted the 4-H
study. (paragraph 3, lines 6–9)
4. T (paragraph 3, lines 18–21)
5. T (paragraph 7, lines 8–11)
6. T (paragraph 7, lines 8–11)
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-11
7. T (paragraph 8, lines 10–12)
8. F Parents should
let teens have some
independence. (paragraph 9, lines 5&6)
Activities A and B, p. 61
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Speaking in public involves confidence
because it can be scary, and connection
because you need to communicate with
others. / Playing on a sports team
requires competence in a physical skill
and confidence that you can play. You
also have to connect with your
teammates. / Reading to children
requires competence because you must
be able to read, and connection and
caring because working with children
requires patience.
2. Other activities include doing chores,
having a part-time job, and participating
in school clubs.
3. I can remember having very little
confidence when I was younger. Even
when I knew the answer in school, I was
too nervous to say it. My teacher
helped me to be less scared. She called
on me often, and slowly I felt better
about sharing my answers.
Activity A, p. 62
The following items are checked: 1, 3, 6, 7,
Activity B, p. 63
1. a (When I was a young child)
2. b (The writer mentions older siblings)
3. a and b (I have always had to struggle to
get out of bed in the morning; When I
was a young child, the problem wasn’t
so bad)
4. a (The writer’s father would knock on
the door at 6:00).
5. a (The writer would respond, “One or
the other, Dad.”)
Activity A, p. 64
1. Answers will vary but might include: be
kind; work hard; family is important;
exercise; eat healthy food
2. Answer will be yes or no depending on
Activity B, pp. 6768
a. attribute
b. petrified
c. hesitation
d. intervention
e. pitch in
f. work ethic
g. void
h. encounter
i. tragic
j. interaction
k. refrain
l. wounded
Activity D, p. 68
(Note: # = lesson (paragraph numbers)
1. 7 (15 &16)
2. 3 (8, 9 & 10)
3. 5 (12 & 13)
4. 2 (6 & 7)
5. 8 (17 & 18)
6. 4 (11)
7. 1 (4 & 5)
8. 6 (14)
Activity E, p. 69
1. 23 years old
2. just completing her first year of
graduate school
3. 16 years
4. her wedding, his grandchildren, her
adult “firsts” like buying a car and
5. 52
6. sunset
7. Because it wasn’t interesting;
sometimes things aren’t what they
seem, so it’s important to know when
to walk away
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-12
8. They remember him as friendly, kind,
and generous, and that he was always
willing to help others.
Activity F, p. 69
Ms. Hurley
Her father
from her father.
Activity G., p. 70
[Note: As this is inference, answers may vary.]
Ms. Hurley:
Successful: He frequently complimented my
writing and my focus and reminded me that
my work ethic would help me reach my
goals. All of them. As it turns out, he was
right. (Paragraph 11)
Misses her father: All of paragraph 2
Learned a lot: Had he taught me everything
I needed to know? It would be years before
I realized that he had. He left me with
everything I needed. (Paragraphs 2 and 3)
Brave: When I stepped off the dock and
onto the boat that summer, I stood tall and
smiled. (Paragraph 10)
Her Father:
Friendly: When people recall their
memories of my dad they often refer to him
as friendly, kind, and generous. (Paragraph
Liked the water: I knew his boat was
important to him… And I wanted to love
that boat just as much as everyone else.
(Paragraph 9)
Was a good father: I believe that my dad did
the best that he could with the time he had.
(Paragraph 17)
Activity A, p. 70
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. My lists of lessons learned would
include never saying, “I can’t.” My
mother taught us that it was important
to believe we could do something and
not doubt ourselves.
2. I quit the baseball team. I joined
because that’s what everyone else was
doing, but I was never good at sports
with balls. I started running and found
that I really enjoyed that more. I
realized I should follow my own path
and have done that as an adult.
Activity B, p. 70
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The five Cs match the lessons learned in
Reading 2 because they address
important qualities that help a young
person become a successful and
fulfilled adult. For example, a child or
adolescent develops competence by
working hard, which is one of the
lessons learned in Reading 2. Another
example is caring, which matches
exactly with the lesson that kindness
2. Children can make contributions by
helping other children who may need
assistance in developing a skill that the
child already has. Children can also be
encouraged from a very young age to
donate both time and money
(allowance) to help others.
Activity A, pp. 7172
1. mis
2. extra
3. inter
4. re
5. mid
6. anti
7. co
8. in
Activity B, p. 72
1. verb
2. noun
3. adjective
4. verb
5. adjective
6. noun
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-13
7. noun
8. adjective
9. noun
10. verb
11. noun
12. adjective
Activity C, p. 72
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 74
1. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
a. I broke my arm.
b. I was riding my bike with some
friends when I hit a curb and fell.
c. We were down the street from my
d. I was 10 years old.
e. I learned that it’s important to help
people when they’re hurt. My
friends got my mother, who took
me to the hospital.
Activity B, pp. 7576
1. A five-year-old child and her mother
2. The action takes place in the kitchen of
their home.
3. The action takes place when the girl is
Activity C, p. 76
I. Introductory Ideas: When I think about
my mother, the first thing I think of is
her collection of china cups and
II. Body paragraph 1: Main event in story
A. Important or interesting detail: My
mother never wanted to let me.
B. Sometimes I begged until she let
me take them down and clean
III. Body paragraph 2: Main event in story
My earliest memory of washing the
cups was when I was five.
A. I started with my favoritesthe old
blue and white one and the one
from Japan.
B. I filled the sink with soapy water
and began to wash the tiny cups.
IV. Body paragraph 3: Main event in story
As I was washing the cups, I broke my
favorite cup.
A. Important or interesting detail: My
mother only smiled and said we
would glue it back together.
B. My mother glued the handle on the
cup before we put it back on the
V. Conclusion (What I learned): I will
always remember that she cared more
about encouraging me than about her
valuable cups.
Activity D, p. 77
I had only washed a few when
the beautiful
blue and white cup slipped from my small
hands and fell back into the sink. The
handle broke off. My mother’s special cup
was ruined, and I was sure she would be
angry. I cried and waited for quite a
before I could find the courage to tell
her. My mother, *who was probably upset,
only smiled and said we would glue it back
together. I happily finished washing the
precious cups.
When I had cleaned and
dried them all, we carefully placed them
back on the shelves. Then my mother glued
the handle back on the broken cup
we set it back in its place, too.
1. The handle broke off.
2. 1
3. 4
4. My mother
Activity E, p. 77
Answers will vary.
Activity F, p. 77
Answers will vary.
Activity G, pp. 7778
The instructor—*a tall, athletic man
looked at us seriously. “You are going to
learn about survival,” he said. “This may be
the most challenging and rewarding
weekend of your life.” I looked at my father.
I wasn’t sure that I wanted to continue, but
he was still very excited. “You will learn how
Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-14
to do such things as find food, find shelter,
and keep warm. I won’t tell you that it is
going to be easy. In fact, it won’t be.
However, at the end of the weekend, I hope
you’ll think that it was worth the effort.
”We set out with only our water bottles
and knives. We hiked through the desert
for miles in the hot sun. I was afraid that we
would run out of water, but our guide said
that we would be fine as long as we didn’t
waste any. Along the way, we looked for
food. We found an edible plant that people
call a barrel cactus. We also caught a lizard
that people can boil and eat, but no one
wanted to. We were hungry and tired when
the instructor had us stop near some
flowering cactus. We ate the flowers,*
which tasted OK, and we rested in the
shade of some large rocks.
I don’t remember much about the rest
of the first day, but I do remember that the
air got cold quickly when the sun set, and I
was happy to sit close to my father, near
the fire that we had helped build. I looked
up at the stars and smiled. They were so
beautiful, out away from the city. I looked
up at my father and saw his face more
peaceful than I could remember ever seeing
It was a tough weekend, but I am glad
we went. I learned about the desert and
how to survive in it, but more importantly, I
learned about myself and my father. We
had shared a difficult time in the desert,
and we grew closer because of it.
afterward,* whenever we saw the stars,
one or the other would say, “Remember
that night in the desert?” and we would
both smile.
Activity A, pp. 7980
1. My mother (2) had a collection of very
small china cups and saucers. She
had collected them throughout her
2. I (1) had only washed a few when the
beautiful blue and white cup (2) slipped
from my small hands.
3. I (1) had forgotten to call my brother, so
he (2) was angry with me.
4. She (1) had thought seriously about
studying medicine, but in the end she
(2) decided to study business.
5. Until he (2) got an internship at a big ad
agency, he (1) hadn’t been interested in
working in advertising.
6. I (2) didn’t answer the man because I
(1) hadn’t heard him clearly.
7. We (1) had been working on the project
for hours when we finally (2) finished it.
Activity B, p. 80
1. I had offered to pay for lunch when I
realized that I didn’t have any money.
2. I had not left my home country until I
visited Canada.
3. He had already finished reading the
book when he watched the DVD.
4. After they had recalled the important
events from their past, the students
wrote stories about their memories of
5. I had had lunch by the time she arrived
at the restaurant.
6. She had studied English before she
moved to the United States.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(4(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-15
1. Yes,!I!like!to!write!by!hand.!I!don’t!type!
fast,!so!I!can!write!wh a t!I!need !by!h an d.!
I!have!m o r e!c o n fid e n c e!in !what!I!write!
2. Writing!is!a!very!old!system.!We!use!it!
3. I!thin k !th e se !p e o p le !ar e!writing!by !h a n d !
Answers!will!vary.!Possible!answer s:!!
1. So!much!more!time!consuming;!easier!
2. Sophy :!skill;!calligraphy;!for!example;!
Yuna:!imp o rta n t;!e a sie r!to !e xp re s s!
I!agree!w it h !Fe lix !th a t!writing!by !h a n d !is!
the!best!way!to !exp ress!m y !
1. We!get!better!through!practice.!
2. People!would!be!happier!if!they!could!
read!other!pe op le’s!ha nd w riting.!
3. You!can!change!anything!if!you!work!at!
it!long!en o u gh .!
4. Working!hard!is!more!important!than!
1. c!
2. b!
3. a!
4. c!
5. b!
6. a!!
7. a!
8. b!
9. c!
10. c!
11. b!
12. c!
1. a!
2. c!
3. c!
4. b!
1. Paragraphs!23!!
2. Paragraphs!5–7 !!
3. Paragraph!4!
4. Paragraphs!811!
1. T!
2. T!
3. F!Palmer!states!that!cultures!have!
favored!con ne cted !scrip t!thro ug ho ut!
4. T!
5. F!Children!can!also!refine!nerve!
1. Yes,!I!learned!how!to!write!in!two!
2. It’s!m o re !important!to!learn !to !write!by!
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(4(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-16
3. Maybe!people!won’t!have!pen!or!paper,!
! Cursiveusually!faster!than!print!
! Cursive—!harder!to!read!
Cursiveindividu alis tic ;!p eo p le !ca n !
Answers!will!vary.!Possible!answe rs :!
learned!c a lligr ap h y !/!how!long!he!has!been!
involved !w it h!it !/!who!helped!him!get!
a. craft!
b. essentially!
c. inspirin g !
d. ta lent!
e. undertake!
f. exhibit!
g. ima g er y!
h. com p lement!
i. unique!
j. determination!
k. recognize!
1. F!He!taught!calligraphy!at!Harvard.!
in!Istanb u l!(paragraph!3)!
2. T!(paragraph!4,!6)!
3. T!(paragraph!2)!
4. T!(paragraph!2,!3)!
5. T!(paragraph!5)!
6. F!He!will!seek!to!continue!calligraphy.!
(paragraph !8)!
7. T!(paragraph!1)!
1. 1!
2. 5!
3. 3!
4. 2!
5. 4!
1. Haji!Noor!Deen!was!the!first!Chinese!
2. “The!99!names!of!God”!
3. Istan b u l,!T u r ke y!
4. Harvard!University,!the!University!of!
5. ArabNews.com!by!Afra!Naushad!
result!in!a!writing!style!of!u niq ue !bea uty!
1. He!wants!to!promote!the!unity!of!
2. Everyone!should!be!able!to!learn!some!
to!the!extent!of!be co m ing!a n!ex pert.!
1. Reading!is!the!same,!whether!on!paper!
2. Yes,!it!is!part!of!the!culture.!/!No,!it!
3. We!might!replace!it!with!vo ice!
1. A!noun,!a!verb! !
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(4(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-17
2. A!boat,!a!skill,!to!make!
1. verb:!make!something!develop!or!
2. noun:!any!of!the!long!threads!that!carry!
3. verb:!to!keep!stating!that!something!is!
true,!even!thou gh !othe r!pe op le!do !not!
4. verb:!to!reach!a!particular!age,!level!or!
5. adjective:!very!special!or!unusual!
6. verb:!to!make!yourself!responsible!for!
7. verb:!to!give!somebody!the!desire,!
8. noun:!language!that!produces!pictures!
in!the!m in d s!o f!p e o p le!r ea d in g!o r!
1. While!both!methods!serve!the!purpose!
2. Point!by!point!
3. Answers!will!vary.!Possible!answe r:!The!
1. Both:!same!groups!of!letters!form!
the!author!co m es!o ut;!appearance!
2. Both:!put!ideas!from!brain!to!more!
3. Both:!convey!information!to!reader;!
to!reader;!errors!in!bo th!
the!author!co m es!o ut;!ap pe aran ce !
1. In!th e !p a st!f ew!years,!d o-it-yourself!
(DIY)!projects!ha ve !bec ome!increasingly!
2. point!by!point,!past!and!present.!
Answers!will!vary.!Possible!answer:!The !
1. Although!CT!
2. Similarly!CP!
3. Nonetheless!CT!
4. Whereas!CT!
5. Likewise!CP!
1. pre fers!to !play !sports !
2. built!a!computer,!too!
3. likes!c a m p in g !b et te r!
4. go!to!the!beach!
5. appreciate!having!time!to!relax!
6. sleep!outside!
Reading(and(Writing(4( Q:(Skills(for(Success(
Unit(4(Student(Book(Answer(Key( Second(Edition,(Special(Edition
© Oxford University Press. AK-18
1. ,!I!e n jo y!c o o k in g!a n d !e a tin g !th e !fis h .!
2. ,!I!fin d !it !b o rin g .!
3. ,!not!many!people!become!famous!
4. ,!the y !a re !a ls o !p a id!well.!
5. ,!hockey!is!my!favorite!sport.!
6. ,!I!p la n !o n !working!u n t il!my!old!ag e.!
7. ,!stu d e n ts !n e e d !a mbition !to!learn!
!"#$%&'(#&$()*%+%&'(,( -.(/0%112(34*(/566"22(
7&%+(8(/+5$"&+(9440(:&2;"*(<"=( /"64&$(>$%+%4&?(/@"6%#1(>$%+%4&
© Oxford University Press. AK-19
1. Yes,!I!think!I!have!a!healthy!diet.!
them!every!d ay.! To day!ate!I!cereal!for!
2. Eating!for!pleasure!is!more!important!to!
3. Yes,!because!the!food!looks!clean!and!
1. Yuna:!if !sc ien c e!t ea c h es !u s!t ha t!
tell!when!som eth ing!is!rea lly!bad !like!
2. Felix:!scientists!always!change!their!
it’s!bad!to !e at !fas t!f oo d !a ll!th e !time;!
think!science!sho uld !influen ce !wh at!w e!
1. No,!the!author!does!not!think!science!
should!help!us!choose!the!foods!w e!eat.!
2. Answers!will!vary.!Possible!answer:!The!
food!labels!can !be !con fu sing .!
1. eliminate!
2. expert!
3. benefit! !
4. link!
5. access!
6. participate!
7. finding ! !
8. encourage!
9. practical!
10. approach!
11. physical!
12. challenge!
1. N !
2. N !
3. Y!
4. Y!
5. Y!
6. Y!
7. Y!
1. c!
2. a!
3. b!
4. b!
5. c!
1. People!are!healthier.!/!They!have!access!
to!more!fresh!fru it!and !vege tab les,!
2. The!food!costs!less!than!it!would!in!a!
3. People!get!exercise.!
4. Working!together!in!the!garden!
1. Access!to!more!fresh!
fruits!and!vegeta ble s!
2. Food!doesn’t!h av e !
!"#$%&'(#&$()*%+%&'(,( -.(/0%112(34*(/566"22(
7&%+(8(/+5$"&+(9440(:&2;"*(<"=( /"64&$(>$%+%4&?(/@"6%#1(>$%+%4&
© Oxford University Press. AK-20
3. Working!in!a!garden!
4. Working!together!
5. Participating!in!the!
1. I!do n ’t!u s u ally !p a y!a tt en t io n !to !t h e!
results!of!scientific!studies.!Som e!advice!
that!I!do!take!serious ly!is!to!eat!lots!of!
2. Three!meals!I!have!eaten!lately!are:!rice!
try!to!shop!at!the!ou tdo o r!ma rke t!
instead!o f !th e!s u p er m a rk et ,!b ut !
3. Another!benefit!of!an!urban!garden!is!
that!it!creates!an!op en ,!green !spa ce!in!
the!middle!of!b uilding s!an d!co nc rete.!
a. 2,!4!
b. 1!
c. 2,!3!
d. 3!
e. 4!
f. 2,!4!
g. 2,!4!
h. 1!
a. 2!You!may!have!read!that!my!colleagues!
let!me!make!this!c le ar:!my!colleagues!
b. 3!Not!all!fats!are!bad!for!you.!In!reality,!
c. 1!Nutrition!advice!can!sometimes!be!
d. 4!We!are!all!concerned!about!our!
e. 3!Research!into!nutrition!has!been!
going!on!for!decades,!but!in!fact,!mu c h !
is!still!unkn o w n !a b o ut !fo o d s!a s!s imple!
f. 4!You!and!I!both!know!that!candy!isn’t!
g. 2!Everyone!wants!to!eat!healthily.!Many!
food!man u factu rers ,!how e ver,! are!more!
intereste d !in !ke e pin g !co s ts !d o w n !th a n !
in!using!h e a lth y!in g re d ien t s.!
h. 1!You!won’t!believe!how!delicious!the!
1. milestone!
2. contribute!
3. Currently!
4. primarily!!
5. shift!
6. source!
7. modify!
8. major!
9. stable!
10. sink!in!
1. A!new!book!or!new!scientific!research!
2. A!food!recall!or!when!people!die!from!a!
food-rela ted !disea se!
3. Two!of!the!following:!beliefs!about!
reactions!to!hea ring !stories!a nd !read ing !
4. From!the!media!and!primarily!from!
| 1/40

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Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition The Q Classroom Activity B, pp. 7–8 Activity A, p. 2 a. acknowledged for
Answers will vary. Possible answers: b. resolve
1. We like to know what other people c. inherently have done. d. aspires to
2. I admire my mother. She is kind and e. constrained wise. f. version
3. The teacher is admirable because she is g. achievement
teaching young people to read and h. confront write. i. embody Activity B, p. 3 j. inclined
Answers will vary. Possible answers: k. adversity
1. Marcus: Firefighters go into burning l. pursue
buildings to save people and soldiers Activity D, p. 8
risk their lives to defend their country
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Role
Sophy: Regular people like the man who
models are important to everyone.
helped people during a storm and
2. The first paragraph and the last paragraph. surgeon who saved her father Activity E, p. 8
2. People who stand up for others; fight a. 4
injustice; give up their time their money b. 5
their personal happiness to help others c. 1
Self-sacrifice; do something that others d. 3
are afraid to do; example: surgeon who e. 2 saved her father Activity F, pp. 8–9
Answers will vary. Possible answers: PREVIEW THE UNIT
1. parents, other family members,
Activity A, iQ Online Resource teachers, community leaders Answers will vary.
2. They can help us aspire to the same
Activity B, iQ Online Resource profession. Answers will vary.
3. He/she can help us learn how to deal
with the problems that arise from the READING 1 mistakes. READING SKILL
4. Role models might help when we are Activity A, p. 4
dealing with stress, illness, or other
Answers will vary. Possible answers: misfortunes.
Why we need a role model / What a role Activity G, p. 9
model is / Who a role model is / What role 1. T (paragraph 2)
models do / What happens when things go
2. F A parent is usually our first role wrong model. (paragraph 3) Activity B, p. 4 3. T (paragraph 5) 1. the qualities of role models 4. T (paragraph 6) 2.
what people may be role models
5. F A role model sometimes makes 3.
how role models can inspire us mistakes. (paragraph 7) 4.
how role models learn from mistakes
6. F We need role models in many
different situations. (Answers may vary, WORK WITH THE READING but for example, paragraph 6)
© Oxford University Press. AK-1 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
7. F Role models are all around us. 3. a (paragraph 10) 4. c 8. T (paragraph 5) 5. a Activity H, p. 10 6. b
2–3 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 7. a
Other family members: how to manage our 8. b
daily lives; how to show qualities we admire 9. a
A young child: how to continue in our 10. c struggles 11. b
Lawyers/doctors: inspire others to pursue 12. a
the same professions; how to become good Activity D, p. 16
leaders and members of society 1. T
Teachers/community leaders: how to deal
2. F The social entrepreneurs in the book with problems all have different goals.
3. F The nonprofits in the book are WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
focused on improving the lives of other Activities A and B, p. 10 people.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
4. F Some nonprofits are self-sustaining.
1. Yes, they do, because they are good at 5. T
sports, and they inspire other people to
6. F Many of the heroes are trying to help play sports. a lot of people.
2. I am a role model for my younger Activity E, p. 17 brother.
Roger Egger: DC Central Kitchen; local
3. I would like people to say that I am a
Rebecca Onie: connects low-income
good person. I can be kind to other
families with the basic resources they
people and help them when I am able. need to be healthy; local
Adam Braun: Pencils of Promise, READING 2 international PREVIEW THE READING
Roy Prosterman: secures land rights for Activity A, p. 11 poor families 1. b. Answers will vary. Chuck Slaughter: Living Goods
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Jill Vialet: national
Out with charity, in with partnership;
Eugene Cho: improves education, delivers
you’re never too young; you’re never
clean water, and ends poverty;
too old; entrepreneurs are born, not international
made; you can’t rely on the kindness of Activity F, p. 17
strangers; go big or go home; true
Education and Training: Adam Braun,
heroes never consider themselves Eugene Cho heroes.
Health and Safety: Rebecca Onie, Chuck
3. These people are examples of the
Slaughter, Jill Vialet, Eugene Cho everyday heroes. Legal Help: Roy Prosterman Activity G, p. 18 WORK WITH THE READING
1. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Activity B, p. 15
These people are special not because of 1. b
some extraordinary talent but because 2. a they are everyday people.
© Oxford University Press. AK-2 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: confront
Social entrepreneurs are naturally 1. 5
independent, willing to take risks, and 2. Face up to
willing to assume responsibilities.
3. Be confronted with something
3. Answers will vary. Possible answers inherent
include: Yes, they could, because there 4. adjective, adverb
is more than one way to be a hero. 5. intrinsic
Heroes don’t have to be entrepreneurs. 6. in/her/ent
/ No, they can’t, because in order to be constrain
recognized as a hero, a person has to do 7. passive
something different from what others 8. 3 are doing. 9. to/from achievement WRITE WHAT YOU THINK 10. a/chieve/ment Activity A, p. 18 11. 2
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 12. sense of achievement
1. Yes, I volunteered to help organize the books at my local library. WRITING
2. I think police officers are seen as WRITING SKILL
admirable because they help to keep us Activity A, p. 23
safe and enforce the laws. Also,
1. Are fame and fortune in your future?
teachers are viewed as admirable for
Do you dream of becoming a billionaire their work with children. or a famous actor?
3. A nonprofit organization I have heard of
2. We all want to succeed, and identifying
is the United Nations Children’s what qualities make someone
Emergency Fund (UNICEF). They work
successful can help us to achieve that
with children in developing countries goal.
who are struggling and need help. They
3. Successful people share three common ask for donations.
qualities that allow them to stand out. Activity B, p. 18
4. They also work longer hours.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
5. First, Second, For example, Finally
1. I think that the president is a role 6. c
model. He worked hard and helped a Activity B, pp. 23–24
lot of people before he became who he Answers will vary. is today. Activity C, p. 24
2. Role models and everyday heroes are a. 2
people who want to help others, by b. 4
giving their time and setting an example c. 1 for others to follow. d. 3 e. 8 VOCABULARY SKILL f. 6 Activity A, p. 19 g. 7
syllable division, pronunciation, part of h. 5
speech, example sentence, synonyms, Activity D, pp. 24–25 common collocations 1. Answers will vary. Activity B, pp. 20–21 2. b
© Oxford University Press. AK-3 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
3. Summarizing the main idea and/or the main points. GRAMMAR Activity A, p. 26
1. person who makes his or her community a better place 2. things that they do
3. book that changed his life forever
4. merchant who insisted that his son have an education
5. children who have no access to television
6. group which is trying to clean up the city
7. trash Maryam’s group collects Activity B, p. 26
1. We all aspire to do something that other people will respect.
2. Role models may inspire us to help people who/that cannot help themselves.
3. Role models have qualities which/that we would like to have.
4. To me, a person who/that inspires
others to do good deeds is a role model.
5. Reading novels gives students
something which/that they cannot get in textbooks.
6. Caring for the environment is
something which/that we can all do.
7. Someone who/that donates money to charity is a generous person. Activity C, p. 27 Sentences 1, 3, 5, and 6 UNIT ASSIGNMENT
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
© Oxford University Press. AK-4 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition The Q Classroom
3. He may have written this to make Activity A, p. 28
people more aware of how to make
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: better store windows.
1. I like to shop for clothes. / I don’t like to shop for electronics. WORK WITH THE READING
2. I buy things based on how they look. Activity B, p. 33
For example, I don’t buy clothes in 1. a colors that I don’t like. 2. b
3. Yes, I would want to buy something 3. a
from this shop. The bright colors and 4. b
range of products are inviting. 5. a Activity B, p. 28 6. b
1. Sophy wants things to be good looking 7. a
as well as functional. Yes, I agree with 8. b
her. I want things to look nice as well as 9. a
have a function / No, I don’t agree. As 10. a
long as my microwave functions, I don’t 11. b care if it looks nice. 12. b
2. Marcus says words or designs on the Activity D, p. 34
packaging advertising the product
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
inside are important. Felix thinks
1. The topic is store windows.
presentation is important (the way
2. The control ing idea is that attractive
things look). For example: fruit and
windows make people look at them and
vegetables. Pile them up in nice maybe enter the store and buy
arrangements and spray them with something. water. Activity E, p. 34
I like packaging that is clear and easy to 1. b
read. I want to know what the product 2. a
does. I don’t like a lot of extra 3. c information. 4. b 5. c. PREVIEW THE UNIT Activity F, pp. 34–35
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
1. In the last century, pedestrians strol ed Answers wil vary.
and took time to look in store windows.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Now most people walk quickly and look Answers wil vary. straight ahead.
2. A “pile” of people forms and stays READING 1
crowded together after they cross. PREVIEW THE READING
Behind them is a gap of fewer people. Activity A, p. 30
3. They are crowded with many products,
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
so it’s difficult to focus on any product
1. The title probably means that he sees a clearly.
lot of store windows that aren’t very
4. One of the fol owing: People read in good.
groups of words, not letter by letter.
2. He probably doesn’t like many store
Movies show the story of a lifetime in windows.
just a few hours. A commercial can tel a ful story.
© Oxford University Press. AK-5 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
5. They must be simple enough so that the
products can be clearly identified, and READING SKILL
they must be creative enough to catch Activity A, p. 36 someone’s eye.
Answers wil vary but should include:
6. Windows that tel jokes. Some are
1. the main idea of the paragraph
related to history. Some make him
2. examples that show how we process laugh. information faster Activity G, p. 35
3. to give a summary and a reason Name Information about the Reason to include Activity B, pp. 36–37 author or store
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: Bil Bryson Author of Made in History of store America windows
Annotations: S= what makes a good window. Wil iam H. Author and urbanist Patterns of
EX= Kiehl’s shows social issues Whyte pedestrians on sidewalks
Store windows today must be quick reads. Kiehl’s Store sel ing all-natural Created windows its
They must be simple enough so that the bath and body products customers
products can be clearly identified, and they understand Calvin Klein Store and advertiser Think outside the
must be creative enough to catch the busy Benetton box; ads that catch
pedestrian’s eye. Just a brief look at a store our attention
window should answer many questions for Activity H, p. 35
savvy shoppers: Who is the core market of
1. Be simple. Be creative. Catch a
the store? Does the store fit their personal
pedestrian’s eye. Answer questions. Be
style or not? How long wil a typical trip into
a brand tool for stores. Tel a story.
the store take? Especial y since today’s Make us think.
retail market is so competitive, if done
2. Advertise a store’s selection of
right, windows can function as an important
products. Attract everyone to the
brand-identity tool. As retailers, you must product. Be complex.
know who your customers are, and you
must create windows that they wil WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
understand. For instance, Kiehl’s, which Activities A and B, p. 35
sel s al -natural products, uses its windows
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
as a place for highlighting social issues,
1. Store owners attract customers by the
which fits with the priorities of its
way they display items inside the store. customers.
Also, they may choose lighting and music that are pleasant. READING 2
2. Shopping online is different because we PREVIEW THE READING
are in the comfort of our own homes. Activity A, p. 37
We are usual y not in a hurry, so stores
Answers wil vary. Possible answer:
don’t need to capture our attention as
The second room is staged because it is
quickly. Also, it’s easier to look at items clean and looks nicer.
because you don’t have to look on a crowded rack. WORK WITH THE READING
3. I like a small clothing store downtown. Activity B, pp. 40–41
It has simple, colorful displays of 1. visualize
clothing and accessories that catch my 2. neutral
eye and make me want to look inside. It 3. remove
is appealing because it is simple and 4. negative bright. 5. residence
© Oxford University Press. AK-6 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition 6. tend 1. makes a place look larger 7. minimize
2. reduces clutter and helps buyers 8. potential
imagine themselves in the home 9. feature
3. feature only a few pieces of furniture 10. mental y
and pul the pieces away from the walls 11. investment
4. makes rooms appear spacious and neat 12. in theory
5. open the drapes or remove them Activity D, pp. 41–42 completely
1. a. The article gives tips on how to sel a
6. dark colors can make a room seem home. smal er
2. b. Make home buyers want to buy the
7. helps buyers imagine an empty space as staged home.
a home and keeps buyers from seeing
3. b. The bul ets indicate examples of the the negatives
tip “Organize what’s left.”
4. a. It’s stated at the end of the WRITE WHAT YOU THINK paragraph. Activity A, p. 43
5. c. Home sel ers may get more money
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
for the home, and it usual y takes less
1. I would need to remove some of my time to sel .
furniture to make the room look bigger.
6. a. Tina Mil er hardly recognizes the
Also I would probably add fresh paint to
place and now she wants to stay there.
the wal s to make the room look new Activity E, pp. 42–43 and clean.
1. They are a family who want to sel their
2. I think a stager’s job is interesting, but I home.
would not be good at it. I don’t think I
2. Mr. Mil er got a job in another state.
have an eye for that sort of work. I
3. It is modern, on a quiet street, within
often don’t pay attention to small walking distance of shops and details.
restaurants, with large rooms and lots Activity B, p. 43 of light.
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
4. It feels wrong; there is too much
1. The “story” that homeowners want to
clutter, the wal s are too dark, and it
tel is that they are happy and
feels like the Millers’ home, not the
comfortable in their home. The story potential buyers’ home.
should make buyers feel like the home
5. They hired a home stager and fol owed
is exactly what they are looking for.
her advice. (They minimized the clutter,
2. Designers could fol ow the advice of not
stored personal items, organized their
making the space look too crowded.
possessions, and painted the wal s a
Also, they might use neutral colors lighter color.)
because they appeal to more people.
6. Yes, they were, because they have had two offers on their home. VOCABULARY SKILL
7. Answers wil vary but should be along Activity A, p. 45
the lines of “to make the article more 1. Social
interesting” and/or “to help the reader 2. old
understand what he was saying” and/or 3. modern
“to provide an example of a family who 4. grab used a home stager.” 5. at Activity F, p. 43 6. ful
© Oxford University Press. AK-7 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition 7. caught
d. smel : rich smel of their homemade 8. quick
chicken soup, spicy aroma from the 9. take chicken fajitas 10. on
e. touch: soft red leather booths, 11. create smooth marble counter, soft 12. Over
toasted bun, burger is crunchy on 13. personal
the outside, moist on the inside 14. in Activity B, p. 48 15. give
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: 16. in
1. The old man lived quietly in a small Activity B, p. 45
farmhouse far from the busy city.
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
2. The small room was fil ed with pink
1. I try to focus on one subject at a time
roses, yel ow and white daises, and when I’m doing my homework. sweet-smel ing purple lilacs.
2. I take pleasure in setting a good
3. The moist chicken and creamy potatoes example for my little sister. were delicious.
3. When I’m window shopping, I only need
4. We went on a long walk through the
to take a quick look to know if I want to huge desert. go inside a store.
5. His aunt quietly entered the room on
4. I need the teacher to explain the her tiptoes.
answer in a way that I can understand
6. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t get to clearly.
watch the final World Cup match on my
5. His suit gives me the impression that he
friend’s new flat-screen TV. is a businessman. Activity C, pp. 48–49 1. The Adventurer, an SUV WRITING
2. the best, most reliable SUV WRITING SKILL
3. Someone who likes to have outdoor Activity A, p. 47 adventures
1. Thesis statement: One of my favorite
4. It’s powerful, quiet, and
restaurants is Ben’s Diner on Fourth
environmentally friendly. It has a lot of
Street because it’s perfect for a casual, room and is comfortable. delicious meal.
5. It restates the main idea and gives a
Concluding sentence: So, whether suggestion.
you’re a local, just passing through, or
6. Answers wil vary. Possible answer: Yes.
looking for somewhere new to get
I imagine an SUV like my friend Candace
some great food, I suggest you head
has, but bigger and more comfortable. over to Ben’s.
The writer gave enough detail so that I
2. a. sight: red neon sign, gleaming
could imagine what it looks like.
tables, sparkling clean floors, bright Activity D, p. 50
green lettuce leaves, deep red Answers wil vary. tomatoes, purple olives b. sound: pleasant noise of GRAMMAR
conversation, soothing clatter of Activity A, p. 52 dishes, sizzling skil et 1. no article
c. taste: burger is peppery inside, 2. the
sharp cheddar cheese, tangy purple 3. the olives 4. a
© Oxford University Press. AK-8 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition 5. The 6. the 7. the 8. the 9. an 10. the 11. the 12. a 13. the 14. the 15. no article 16. no article 17. no article 18. the 19. a UNIT ASSIGNMENT
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Answers wil vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Answers wil vary.
© Oxford University Press. AK-9 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition The Q Classroom 2. consistent with Activity A, p. 54 3. Theoretically
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 4. accurately
1. I remember my first day of school. I was 5. extracurricular
scared and excited at the same time. 6. select
2. Parents and their children sometimes 7. equipped with
disagree about what the child should 8. competence eat or wear. 9. nurture
3. The child on the left looks happy 10. assumption
because he is about to get the toy. The 11. innate
child on the right is struggling. I think 12. period
that the children will learn how to Activity D, pp. 59–60 share.
1. Adolescence is a difficult period Activity B, p. 54
(including making poor decisions,
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
hanging out with the wrong friends,
1. Felix: have to work for what I want;
taking risks, refusing to follow rules, not contribute to the family. talking to parents).
Sophy: care for others and to share—
2. The Five Cs are competence, room, clothes and toys
confidence, connection, character, and Yuna: values and culture caring.
One lesson I learned was how to share 3. Eliza has the five Cs. with my siblings.
4. Teens need opportunities that nurture
2. Right and wrong; adopt same habits as
positive interactions with adults,
parents whether we mean to or not. I
develop life skills, and give them a
agree with Sophy that I can have chance to show leadership.
different habits from those of my
5. Good parenting nurtures qualities like parents.
honesty, empathy, self-reliance,
kindness, cooperation, self-control, and PREVIEW THE UNIT cheerfulness.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Activity E, p. 60 Answers will vary. 1. a
Activity B, iQ Online Resource 2. c Answers will vary. 3. b 4. a READING 1 5. b PREVIEW THE READING 6. a Activity A, p. 56 7. b
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 8. c
They take on more responsibility, like caring Activity F, p. 61
for younger children. They may help out
1. T (paragraph 1, lines 10 & 11; lines 16 &
more at home. Their schoolwork becomes 17)
more difficult. They may become more
2. T (paragraph 2, lines 3 & 4)
interested in social activities.
3. F Dr. Richard Lerner conducted the 4-H
study. (paragraph 3, lines 6–9) WORK WITH THE READING
4. T (paragraph 3, lines 18–21) Activity B, p. 59
5. T (paragraph 7, lines 8–11) 1. colleague
6. T (paragraph 7, lines 8–11)
© Oxford University Press. AK-10 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
7. T (paragraph 8, lines 10–12) PREVIEW THE READING
8. F Parents should let teens have some Activity A, p. 64
independence. (paragraph 9, lines 5&6)
1. Answers will vary but might include: be
kind; work hard; family is important; WRITE WHAT YOU THINK exercise; eat healthy food Activities A and B, p. 61
2. Answer will be yes or no depending on
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1.
1. Speaking in public involves confidence
because it can be scary, and connection WORK WITH THE READING
because you need to communicate with Activity B, pp. 67–68
others. / Playing on a sports team a. attribute
requires competence in a physical skill b. petrified
and confidence that you can play. You c. hesitation
also have to connect with your d. intervention
teammates. / Reading to children e. pitch in
requires competence because you must f. work ethic
be able to read, and connection and g. void
caring because working with children h. encounter requires patience. i. tragic
2. Other activities include doing chores, j. interaction
having a part-time job, and participating k. refrain in school clubs. l. wounded
3. I can remember having very little Activity D, p. 68
confidence when I was younger. Even
(Note: # = lesson (paragraph numbers)
when I knew the answer in school, I was 1. 7 (15 &16)
too nervous to say it. My teacher 2. 3 (8, 9 & 10)
helped me to be less scared. She called 3. 5 (12 & 13)
on me often, and slowly I felt better 4. 2 (6 & 7) about sharing my answers. 5. 8 (17 & 18) 6. 4 (11) READING SKILL 7. 1 (4 & 5) Activity A, p. 62 8. 6 (14)
The following items are checked: 1, 3, 6, 7, Activity E, p. 69 10 1. 23 years old Activity B, p. 63
2. just completing her first year of
1. a (When I was a young child) graduate school
2. b (The writer mentions older siblings) 3. 16 years
3. a and b (I have always had to struggle to
4. her wedding, his grandchildren, her
get out of bed in the morning; When I
adult “firsts” like buying a car and
was a young child, the problem wasn’t house so bad) 5. 52
4. a (The writer’s father would knock on 6. sunset the door at 6:00).
7. Because it wasn’t interesting;
5. a (The writer would respond, “One or
sometimes things aren’t what they the other, Dad.”)
seem, so it’s important to know when to walk away READING 2
© Oxford University Press. AK-11 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
8. They remember him as friendly, kind,
to believe we could do something and
and generous, and that he was always not doubt ourselves. willing to help others.
2. I quit the baseball team. I joined Activity F, p. 69
because that’s what everyone else was Ms. Hurley Her father
doing, but I was never good at sports
with balls. I started running and found
that I really enjoyed that more. I father.
realized I should follow my own path father.
and have done that as an adult. from her father. Activity B, p. 70
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity G., p. 70
1. The five Cs match the lessons learned in
[Note: As this is inference, answers may vary.]
Reading 2 because they address Ms. Hurley:
important qualities that help a young
Successful: He frequently complimented my
person become a successful and
writing and my focus and reminded me that
fulfilled adult. For example, a child or
my work ethic would help me reach my
adolescent develops competence by
goals. All of them. As it turns out, he was
working hard, which is one of the right. (Paragraph 11)
lessons learned in Reading 2. Another
Misses her father: All of paragraph 2
example is caring, which matches
Learned a lot: Had he taught me everything
exactly with the lesson that kindness
I needed to know? It would be years before counts.
I realized that he had. He left me with
2. Children can make contributions by
everything I needed. (Paragraphs 2 and 3)
helping other children who may need
Brave: When I stepped off the dock and
assistance in developing a skill that the
onto the boat that summer, I stood tall and
child already has. Children can also be smiled. (Paragraph 10)
encouraged from a very young age to Her Father: donate both time and money
Friendly: When people recall their (allowance) to help others.
memories of my dad they often refer to him
as friendly, kind, and generous. (Paragraph VOCABULARY SKILL 6) Activity A, pp. 71–72
Liked the water: I knew his boat was 1. mis
important to him… And I wanted to love 2. extra
that boat just as much as everyone else. 3. inter (Paragraph 9) 4. re
Was a good father: I believe that my dad did 5. mid
the best that he could with the time he had. 6. anti (Paragraph 17) 7. co 8. in WRITE WHAT YOU THINK Activity B, p. 72 Activity A, p. 70 1. verb
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 2. noun
1. My lists of lessons learned would 3. adjective
include never saying, “I can’t.” My 4. verb
mother taught us that it was important 5. adjective 6. noun
© Oxford University Press. AK-12 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition 7. noun
B. I filled the sink with soapy water 8. adjective
and began to wash the tiny cups. 9. noun
IV. Body paragraph 3: Main event in story 10. verb
As I was washing the cups, I broke my 11. noun favorite cup. 12. adjective
A. Important or interesting detail: My Activity C, p. 72
mother only smiled and said we Answers will vary. would glue it back together.
B. My mother glued the handle on the WRITING
cup before we put it back on the WRITING SKILL shelf. Activity A, p. 74
V. Conclusion (What I learned): I will 1. Answers will vary.
always remember that she cared more
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
about encouraging me than about her a. I broke my arm. valuable cups.
b. I was riding my bike with some Activity D, p. 77
friends when I hit a curb and fell.
I had only washed a few when the beautiful
c. We were down the street from my
blue and white cup slipped from my small house.
hands and fell back into the sink. The d. I was 10 years old.
handle broke off. My mother’s special cup
e. I learned that it’s important to help
was ruined, and I was sure she would be
people when they’re hurt. My
angry. I cried and waited for quite a
friends got my mother, who took
while before I could find the courage to tell me to the hospital.
her. My mother, *who was probably upset, Activity B, pp. 75–76
only smiled and said we would glue it back
1. A five-year-old child and her mother
together. I happily finished washing the
2. The action takes place in the kitchen of
precious cups. When I had cleaned and their home.
dried them all, we carefully placed them
3. The action takes place when the girl is
back on the shelves. Then my mother glued five.
the handle back on the broken cup before Activity C, p. 76
we set it back in its place, too.
I. Introductory Ideas: When I think about 1. The handle broke off.
my mother, the first thing I think of is 2. 1
her collection of china cups and 3. 4 saucers. 4. My mother
II. Body paragraph 1: Main event in story Activity E, p. 77
A. Important or interesting detail: My Answers will vary.
mother never wanted to let me. Activity F, p. 77
B. Sometimes I begged until she let Answers will vary. me take them down and clean Activity G, pp. 77–78 them.
The instructor—*a tall, athletic man—
III. Body paragraph 2: Main event in story
looked at us seriously. “You are going to
My earliest memory of washing the
learn about survival,” he said. “This may be cups was when I was five.
the most challenging and rewarding
A. I started with my favorites—the old
weekend of your life.” I looked at my father.
blue and white one and the one
I wasn’t sure that I wanted to continue, but from Japan.
he was still very excited. “You will learn how
© Oxford University Press. AK-13 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
to do such things as find food, find shelter,
2. I (1) had only washed a few when the
and keep warm. I won’t tell you that it is
beautiful blue and white cup (2) slipped
going to be easy. In fact, it won’t be. from my small hands.
However, at the end of the weekend, I hope
3. I (1) had forgotten to call my brother, so
you’ll think that it was worth the effort. he (2) was angry with me.
”We set out with only our water bottles
4. She (1) had thought seriously about
and knives. We hiked through the desert
studying medicine, but in the end she
for miles in the hot sun. I was afraid that we
(2) decided to study business.
would run out of water, but our guide said
5. Until he (2) got an internship at a big ad
that we would be fine as long as we didn’t
agency, he (1) hadn’t been interested in
waste any. Along the way, we looked for working in advertising.
food. We found an edible plant that people
6. I (2) didn’t answer the man because I
call a barrel cactus. We also caught a lizard
(1) hadn’t heard him clearly.
that people can boil and eat, but no one
7. We (1) had been working on the project
wanted to. We were hungry and tired when
for hours when we finally (2) finished it.
the instructor had us stop near some Activity B, p. 80
flowering cactus. We ate the flowers,*
1. I had offered to pay for lunch when I
which tasted OK, and we rested in the
realized that I didn’t have any money. shade of some large rocks.
2. I had not left my home country until I
I don’t remember much about the rest visited Canada.
of the first day, but I do remember that the
3. He had already finished reading the
air got cold quickly when the sun set, and I book when he watched the DVD.
was happy to sit close to my father, near
4. After they had recalled the important
the fire that we had helped build. I looked
events from their past, the students
up at the stars and smiled. They were so
wrote stories about their memories of
beautiful, out away from the city. I looked childhood.
up at my father and saw his face more
5. I had had lunch by the time she arrived
peaceful than I could remember ever seeing at the restaurant. it before.
6. She had studied English before she
It was a tough weekend, but I am glad moved to the United States.
we went. I learned about the desert and UNIT ASSIGNMENT
how to survive in it, but more importantly, I
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
learned about myself and my father. We Answers will vary.
had shared a difficult time in the desert,
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
and we grew closer because of it. Long Answers will vary.
afterward,* whenever we saw the stars,
one or the other would say, “Remember
that night in the desert?” and we would both smile. GRAMMAR Activity A, pp. 79–80
1. My mother (2) had a collection of very
small china cups and saucers. She
(1) had collected them throughout her life.
© Oxford University Press. AK-14 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition The Q Classroom WORK WITH THE READING Activity A, p. 82 Activity B, pp. 87–88
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: 1. c
1. Yes, I like to write by hand. I don’t type 2. b
fast, so I can write what I need by hand. 3. a
I have more confidence in what I write 4. c with a pen. 5. b
2. Writing is a very old system. We use it 6. a
every day, and we can use it when we 7. a don’t have a computer. 8. b
3. I think these people are writing by hand 9. c
because they want to preserve a part of 10. c their culture. 11. b Activity B, p. 82 12. c
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: Activity D, p. 88
1. So much more time consuming; easier 1. a and more practical to type 2. c
2. Sophy: skil ; cal igraphy; for example; 3. c
part of being human; appreciate as skil 4. b
Yuna: important; easier to express Activity E, p. 89
myself; important skil to learn when 1. Paragraphs 2–3 young 2. Paragraphs 5–7
Felix: best way to express our feelings 3. Paragraph 4 and our personality 4. Paragraphs 8–11
I agree with Felix that writing by hand is Activity F, p. 89 the best way to express my 1. T
personality. / I agree with Marcus that 2. T
writing by hand is too time consuming.
3. F Palmer states that cultures have
favored connected script throughout PREVIEW THE UNIT time.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource 4. T
Answers wil vary. Possible answers.
5. F Children can also refine nerve
1. We get better through practice.
connections and develop good motor
2. People would be happier if they could
skil s when learning how to print.
read other people’s handwriting.
3. You can change anything if you work at WRITE WHAT YOU THINK it long enough. Activities A and B, p. 89
4. Working hard is more important than
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: working for a long time.
1. Yes, I learned how to write in two
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
different ways because I learned both in Answers wil vary. school.
2. It’s more important to learn to write by READING 1
hand because we use handwriting every PREVIEW THE READING
day, and you can always type with one Activity A, p. 84 or two fingers. Answers wil vary.
© Oxford University Press. AK-15 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
3. Maybe people won’t have pen or paper, 5. T (paragraph 5)
but they wil probably always have a
6. F He wil seek to continue cal igraphy. way to write. (paragraph 8) 7. T (paragraph 1) READING SKILL Activity E, p. 95 Activity A, p. 90 1. 1
Speed: Print—some people can write quickly 2. 5
Cursive—usual y faster than print 3. 3
Legibility: Print— more legible 4. 2 Cursive— harder to read 5. 4
Choice: Print—can also learn to type fast Activity F, p. 96
Cursive—individualistic; people can
1. Haji Noor Deen was the first Chinese choose to learn or not person to be given the award.
Part of culture: Print—can be left to specialists 2. “The 99 names of God”
Cursive—more mature; valuable link to 3. Istanbul, Turkey past
4. Harvard University, the University of
Cambridge, the University of California, READING 2 and Boston University PREVIEW THE READING
5. ArabNews.com by Afra Naushad Activity A, p. 91 Activity G, p. 96
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
Two of the world’s most beautiful styles of
How he started cal igraphy / where he
learned calligraphy / how long he has been
result in a writing style of unique beauty
involved with it / who helped him get
started / whether this is his profession or a WRITE WHAT YOU THINK hobby Activity A, p. 96
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: WORK WITH THE READING
1. He wants to promote the unity of Activity B, pp. 94–95 Arabic and Chinese cultures. a. craft
2. Everyone should be able to learn some b. essentially
basics of cal igraphy, but not necessarily c. inspiring
to the extent of becoming an expert. d. talent Activity B, p. 96 e. undertake
Answers wil vary. Sample answers: f. exhibit
1. Reading is the same, whether on paper g. imagery
or electronical y. / No, the experience is h. complement different. i. unique
2. Yes, it is part of the culture. / No, it j. determination
could be replaced by other ways of k. recognize communicating. Activity D, p. 95
3. We might replace it with voice
1. F He taught cal igraphy at Harvard.
messages. / We might see everyone
(paragraph )2 OR He learned cal igraphy using the same system. in Istanbul (paragraph 3) 2. T (paragraph 4, 6) VOCABULARY SKILL 3. T (paragraph 2) Activity A, p. 98 4. T (paragraph 2, 3) 1. A noun, a verb
© Oxford University Press. AK-16 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition 2. A boat, a skil , to make
Handwriting: easier to get away with Activity B, p. 98 errors
1. verb: make something develop or
Typing: program often takes care of become more active common errors
2. noun: any of the long threads that carry Activity C, p. 101
messages between the brain and parts
Similarities: same groups of letters form
of the body, enabling you to move, feel
words; same words form sentences / pain put ideas from brain to more
3. verb: to keep stating that something is
permanent form / convey information
true, even though other people do not to reader; errors in both agree or do not believe it Differences:
4. verb: to reach a particular age, level or
Handwriting: more information about condition
the author comes out; appearance
5. adjective: very special or unusual
changes with emotion/ paper and ink;
6. verb: to make yourself responsible for
eye on the paper/ easier to get away something and start doing it with errors
7. verb: to give somebody the desire,
Typing: screen and electrons; possibility
confidence or enthusiasm to do
of paying attention to ideas / program something wel
often takes care of common errors
8. noun: language that produces pictures Activity D, p. 102
in the minds of people reading or Answers wil vary. listening Activity E, p. 102 Answers wil vary. WRITING Activity F, pp. 103–104 WRITING SKILL
1. In the past few years, do-it-yourself Activity A, pp. 100–101
(DIY) projects have become increasingly
1. While both methods serve the purpose
popular, but they are different from
of putting words into visible text, there how they used to be.
are also some important differences.
2. point by point, past and present. 2. Point by point
Answers wil vary. Possible answer: The
3. Answers wil vary. Possible answer: The points are fairly balanced.
essay is balanced between the two subjects. GRAMMAR Activity B, p. 101 Activity A, p. 105
1. Both: same groups of letters form 1. Although CT
words; same words form sentences 2. Similarly CP
Handwriting: more information about 3. Nonetheless CT
the author comes out; appearance 4. Whereas CT changes with emotion 5. Likewise CP
2. Both: put ideas from brain to more Activity B, p. 105 permanent form 1. prefers to play sports
Handwriting: paper and ink; eye on the 2. built a computer, too paper 3. likes camping better
Typing: screen and electrons; possibility 4. go to the beach of paying attention to ideas
5. appreciate having time to relax
3. Both: convey information to reader; 6. sleep outside errors in both Activity C, p. 106
© Oxford University Press. AK-17 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
1. , I enjoy cooking and eating the fish. 2. , I find it boring.
3. , not many people become famous artists. 4. , they are also paid wel .
5. , hockey is my favorite sport.
6. , I plan on working until my old age.
7. , students need ambition to learn English grammar. UNIT ASSIGNMENT
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Answers wil vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
© Oxford University Press. AK-18 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition The Q Classroom
common sense, rather than science, Activity A, p. 108
when deciding what to eat. Looking at
Answers wil vary. Possible answers:
the picture, I think the author believes
1. Yes, I think I have a healthy diet. food labels can be confusing.
Sometimes I eat sweets, but I don’t eat
them every day. Today ate I cereal for WORK WITH THE READING
breakfast and a salad for lunch. Activity B, p. 113
2. Eating for pleasure is more important to 1. eliminate
me because food is one of the most 2. expert enjoyable things in life. 3. benefit
3. Yes, because the food looks clean and 4. link safe. 5. access Activity B, p. 109 6. participate
1. Yuna: if science teaches us that 7. finding
something is unhealthy, we shouldn’t 8. encourage eat it 9. practical
Sophy: of course; just because food is 10. approach
traditional doesn’t mean it’s good for 11. physical
us; people live longer now; science can 12. chal enge
tel when something is real y bad like Activity D, p. 114 toxins in fish 1. N
2. Felix: scientists always change their 2. N
minds about what is good for us; 3. Y
carbohydrates; people eat al kinds of 4. Y
diets and stay healthy; common sense 5. Y
and cultural traditions can tell us what’s 6. Y good for us 7. Y
Marcus: don’t need scientist to tel us Activity E, p. 114
it’s bad to eat fast food all the time; 1. c
grandmother could tell us that 2. a
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: I 3. b
think science should influence what we 4. b
eat, because it can teach us what’s 5. c unhealthy. Activity F, p. 115
1. People are healthier. / They have access PREVIEW THE UNIT
to more fresh fruit and vegetables,
Activity A, iQ Online Resource especially poorer people. Answers wil vary.
2. The food costs less than it would in a supermarket. READING 1 3. People get exercise. PREVIEW THE READING
4. Working together in the garden Activity A, p. 110
promotes community and sharing.
1. No, the author does not think science Activity G, p. 115
should help us choose the foods we eat. Causes Effect (Benefits)
He thinks common sense should.
1. Access to more fresh Better nutrition
2. Answers wil vary. Possible answer: The fruits and vegetables
author may suggest that we use 2. Food doesn’t have Costs are less
© Oxford University Press. AK-19 Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
Second Edition, Special Edition to be brought to
c. 1 Nutrition advice can sometimes be supermarkets difficult to understand.
3. Working in a garden Helps promote
d. 4 We are all concerned about our exercise
weight getting out of control, so let’s do 4. Working together Community and something about it. sharing
e. 3 Research into nutrition has been 5. Participating in the Learning about food
going on for decades, but in fact, much Edible Schoolyard production and program healthy eating
is still unknown about foods as simple as the carrot. WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
f. 4 You and I both know that candy isn’t Activities A and B, p. 115
good for our teeth, so why do we
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: continue to eat it?
1. I don’t usually pay attention to the
g. 2 Everyone wants to eat healthily. Many
results of scientific studies. Some advice
food manufacturers, however, are more
that I do take seriously is to eat lots of
interested in keeping costs down than green vegetables. in using healthy ingredients.
2. Three meals I have eaten lately are: rice
h. 1 You won’t believe how delicious the
with chicken, a ham sandwich, and beet
cheesecake is; it’s an absolute dream.
soup with potatoes. This food is not
mostly plants, but most of it was fresh. I READING 2
try to shop at the outdoor market PREVIEW THE READING
instead of the supermarket, but Activity A, p. 118
sometimes I have to do what is most Answers wil vary. convenient.
3. Another benefit of an urban garden is WORK WITH THE READING
that it creates an open, green space in Activity B, pp. 121–122
the middle of buildings and concrete. 1. milestone 2. contribute READING SKILL 3. Currently Activity A, pp. 116–117 4. primarily a. 2, 4 5. shift b. 1 6. source c. 2, 3 7. modify d. 3 8. major e. 4 9. stable f. 2, 4 10. sink in g. 2, 4 Activity D, p. 122 h. 1
1. A new book or new scientific research Activity B, p. 117
2. A food recal or when people die from a
Answers wil vary. Possible answers: food-related disease
a. 2 You may have read that my col eagues
3. Two of the fol owing: beliefs about
do not agree with me on this topic. But
what keeps us healthy, attitudes about
let me make this clear: my col eagues
our ability to control our health
have ignored the latest research data.
reactions to hearing stories and reading
b. 3 Not all fats are bad for you. In reality,
books, talking with friends and family some are very good for you.
4. From the media and primarily from magazines
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