Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals Around The World Lesson 3 | Global Success

Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals Around The World Lesson 3 | Global Success được VietJack sưu tầm và soạn thảo để gửi tới các bạn học sinh cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

E O A O ER OO L SS N 3: CL S L K 2
d d             
d 1. Knowle ge:
Pr 
r 2. Co e competence:
d r     
r d r r r d r           
A     
P r 3. e sonal qualies
d   
ARM P 
PRA T E" !"
PRO T O" !
G   ##
Yes / No
T  $ F rr r r r d        %   
r &
T  ' "   
T M A r r  (         
 &
T 4 M r Tr M d F F         & 
Tr r     )  &
T  * G F r r r O d &   &  &   
O r d    +  &    
Yes / No
d   ,     &
E O A O ER OO L SS N 3 : CL S L K 2
O O AT O" -! !
r 
ARM P 
G   ##
E O A O ER OO L SS N 3 : CL S L K 2
Aims of the stage:
T d r r d   )   
r d r d r r    
quesons &
T r d r    )  &
Is that your Christmas present?
Did they eat moon cakes at the festival last year?
Can he eat all these moon cake?
  r r r "   /
 d d  
       /
ARM P 
G   ##
Yes / No
E O A O ER OO L SS N 3 : CL S L K 2
Is that your Christmas present?
Did they eat moon cakes at the festival last year?
Can he eat all these moon cake?
  r rauxilia y ve b r d rmo al ve b r   &
don’t   r rauxilia y ve b  
r   &
ARM P 
PRA T E" !"
G   ##
Yes / No
T  $ F rr r r r d        %   
r &
T  ' "   
T M A r r  (         
 &
T 4 M r Tr M d F F         & 
Tr r     )  &
E O A O ER OO L SS N 3 : CL S L K 2
F rr r r r d r ill in each blank with a co ect auxilia y ve b o mo al ve b.
1. ______ they hold the festival in Ha Noi every
2. ______ he visit Hoi An last year?
3. ______ they performing folk dances?
4. A: ______ you make banh chung?
B: Yes, I can.
5. ______ your brother usually come back home at
M r r $&     &
r d r '&       &
T dr d r r (&     &
4 T R r r r r &   "       #&
T r r d r E *&   ,      1 ) &
Change the sentences into
Yes / N o
r r r Can you mothe make a costume fo you?
r d r Will she bake a bi th ay cake fo him?
Ar dr d re the agon ances inte esng?
R r r r rDoes io Ca nival take place eve y yea in B azil?
d r r d r EDi they see a ewo ks isplay on New Yea s ve?
M A r r atch the quesons in column with thei answe s in column B.
1.      / a. 1  &
2. E r !    / b. !) &
3. d      ./ c. 1 ! &
4 . Ar d r d  %    / d .  )&
5. r r d "     / e. d 1  &
1 - c
2 - a
3 - e
4 - b
d5 -
M r Tr M d A F F a k is talking to ang about the i - utumn esval. ill in the blanks with
Tr r angs answe s below.
& d 1  & 
d   &
& r     
dd      
r  &
& d 1 ! & !)  
r   &
d& r 1& 2   
   
  &
& d 1 &  
r   &
M r a k: r M d A F        
r  /
Trang: 3$4 000000&
M r a k:        /
Tr ang: 3'4 000000&
M r a k: r        /
Tr ang: 3(4 000000&
M r a k:     /
Tr ang: 4 3 4 000000&
M r a k: " !      % /
Tr ang: 3*4 000000&
ARM P 
PRA T E" !"
PRO T O" !
G   ##
Yes / No
T  $ F rr r r r d        %   
r &
T  ' "   
T M A r r  (         
 &
T 4 M r Tr M d F F         & 
Tr r     )  &
T  * G F r r r O d &   &  &   
O r d    +  &    
Yes / No
d   ,     &
E O A O ER OO L SS N 3 : CL S L K 2
F r esval myste y.
r r O d Wo k in g oups. ne stu ent thinks of a fesval he / she likes.
O r d the stu ents ask
d quesons to )n out what the fesval is.
A: Do many countries celebrate the
B: Yes, they do.
C: Do children like the festival?
B: Yes, they do.
A: Do they paint eggs?
B: Yes, they do.
C: Is it Easter?
B: Yes, it is.
ARM P 
PRA T E" !"
PRO T O" !
G   ##
Yes / No
T  $ F rr r r r d        %   
r &
T  ' "   
T M A r r  (         
 &
T 4 M r Tr M d F F         & 
Tr r     )  &
T  * G F r r r O d &   &  &   
O r d    +  &    
Yes / No
d   ,     &
E O A O ER OO L SS N 3 : CL S L K 2
O O AT O" -! !
r 
Gr r amma :
Yes / No
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By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:
1 .Knowledge:
- Practice Yes/No questions
2 .Core competence: - Develop communicatio n skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Actively join in class activities
3 .Personal qualities - Develop self-study skills
LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 WARM P -U Game: Sentence puzzling PRE E S T N AT O I N Yes / No questions
Task 1: Fil lin each blank with a correct auxiliary verb or modal verb.
Task 2: Change the sentences into Yes/No questions. PRA T C I E C
Task 3: Match the questions in column A with their answers in column B. Task 4: M r a k is talking t
o Trang about the Mid-autumn Festival. Fill
in the blanks with Trang’s answers below.
Task 5: Game .Festival mystery. Work in groups. One student PRODU T C O I N
thinks of a festival he/ she likes. Other students ask Y es / No questions to find ou t what the festival is. • Wrap-up O C NSOLIDATION • Homework
LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 WARM P -U Game: Sentence puzzling Aims of the stage:  To activat e st d u ents’ pr r io knowledge relat d e t o th e t r a geted r g ammar :Yes/ No questions .  To i r nc eas e students’ interest. WARM-UP that is yo r u r Ch istmas present ?
Is that your Christmas present? they d d i eat moon a t the last ? cakes festival year
Did they eat moon cakes at the festival last year? he can all these moon cakes eat ?
Can he eat all these moon cake?
LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 WARM P -U Game: Sentence puzzling PRE E S T N AT O I N Yes / No questions PRESENTATION
Can he eat all these moon cake? S We
put the auxiliary verb r
o modal verb bef r o e the subject.
Did they eat moon cakes at the festival last year? S
Is that your Christmas present? We don’t use
an auxiliary verb when we use be a s a main verb.
LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 WARM P -U Game: Sentence puzzling PRE E S T N AT O I N Yes / No questions
Task 1: Fil lin each blank with a correct auxiliary verb or modal verb.
Task 2: Change the sentences into Yes/No questions. PRA T C I E C
Task 3: Match the questions in column A with their answers in column B. Task 4: M r a k is talking t
o Trang about the Mid-autumn Festival. Fill
in the blanks with Trang’s answers below. PRACTICE
1 Fill in each blank with a correct auxiliary verb or modal verb. Do
1. ______ they hold the festival in Ha Noi every year? Di d 2. ___ Ar__
e _ he visit Hoi An last year? 3. ______ t
Can hey performing folk dances?
4. A: ______ you make banh chung? B: Do Ye es s, I can.
5. ______ your brother usually come back home at Tet? PRACTICE
2 Change the sentences into Yes /N oquestions .
1. My mother can make a costume for me. __ C _ a _ n _ y _ o _ u _ r __ mo_ t _ h _ e _ r __ ma_ k _ e _ a_ _ c _ os_ t _ u __ me _ f _ o _ r _ y _ o _ u _ ? ______
2. She will bake a birthday cake for him. ___ W _ ill _ s _ h _ e _ b _ a _ k _ e _ a _ _ bi _ rt _ h _ d _ a _ y _ c _ a _ k _ e _ f _ or_ _ h ___ im? _________ 3. The drag d on ances are interesting. ___ Ar _ e _ t _ he_ _ dr_a_ g_ o_ n _ _ d _ a _ nc_ e _ s __ int_ e _ r _ es__ tin_g_ ? ____________ 4. The Ri
o Carnival takes place every year in Brazil. __ D _ o _ e _ s _ R __ io _ C _ a _ rn_ i __ val _ t _ a _ k _ e _ p _ la_ c _ e _ e__ ve _ r _ y _ y _ e _ ar_ _ in _ _ Br _ a ___ zil? _ 5. The
y saw a fireworks display on New Year’s Eve. __ D _ i _ d _ t _ he_ y _ s_ e _ e _ _ a _ fi _ re__ w _ or_ k _ s _ d_ is_ p__ la _ y _ o _ n __ Ne__ w _ Y _ e _ ar_ _ s _ E __ ve? PRACTICE
3 Matc hthe questions in column A with their answers in column B. A B
1 .Will you help me take a photo? a .Yes, he is. 1 - c 2 .I s he paintin g Easter eggs?
b .No, I’m not . 2 - a 3 - e 3 .D o they eat ca d n y apples on Halloween? c .Yes, Iw ill. 4 - b
4 .Are you excited about your holiday? d .No, she can’t. 5 - d
5 .Can she perf r o m Dutch folk dances? e. Yes, they do . PRACTICE
4 Mar kis talking to Trang about the Mid-Autumn Festival. Fill in the blanks with
Trang’s answers below. a. Yes, we do . We watch Mar k: D o yo
u celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in lio n dances, too. December? b. No, we celebrate it in Trang: (1) ____ b __. the middle o f the eighth Mar k: D o yo u ea t moon cake s at the festival? r luna month. Trang: (2) ____ e __ . c. Yes, I do . It’s one o f my Mar k: D o yo
u make lanterns at the festival? favo r u ite festiv als. Trang: (3) ____ a __ . d. Yes . Just come over t o Mar k: D o yo u like the festival? my house on the night Trang: (4) ____ c __ . o f the festiv al. Mar k: Can Ijo in t
he festival with you next month? e. Yes, we do .We also have Trang: (5) ____ d __. some autumn fruits.
LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 WARM P -U Game: Sentence puzzling PRE E S T N AT O I N Yes / No questions
Task 1: Fil lin each blank with a correct auxiliary verb or modal verb.
Task 2: Change the sentences into Yes/No questions. PRA T C I E C
Task 3: Match the questions in column A with their answers in column B. Task 4: M r a k is talking t
o Trang about the Mid-autumn Festival. Fill
in the blanks with Trang’s answers below.
Task 5: Game .Festival mystery. Work in groups. One student PRODU T C O I N
thinks of a festival he/ she likes. Other students ask Y es / No questions to find ou t what the festival is. PRODUCTION
Festival mystery .
5 W ro ki n rgoups .One s d
tu ent thinks of a festival he / she likes.
Other students ask Yes / N
o questions to find out what the festival is. Example:
Do many countries celebrate the festival? B: Yes, they do.
C: Do children like the festival? B: Yes, they do. A: Do they paint eggs? B: Yes, they do. C: Is it Easter? B: Yes, it is.

LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOO K 2 WARM P -U Game: Sentence puzzling PRE E S T N AT O I N Yes / No questions
Task 1: Fil lin each blank with a correct auxiliary verb or modal verb.
Task 2: Change the sentences into Yes/No questions. PRA T C I E C
Task 3: Match the questions in column A with their answers in column B. Task 4: M r a k is talking t
o Trang about the Mid-autumn Festival. Fill
in the blanks with Trang’s answers below.
Task 5: Game .Festival mystery. Work in groups. One student PRODU T C O I N
thinks of a festival he/ she likes. Other students ask Y es / No questions to find ou t what the festival is. • Wrap-up O C NSOLIDATION • Homework CONSOLIDATION 1 WRAP-UP
Grammar: Yes
/ No questions CONSOLIDATION 2 O H ME OR W K  Complete exercises in the workbook.  Pre r pa e for t he r p oject.
Website: sachmem.vn
Fanpage: facebook.com/sachmem.vn/
Document Outline

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