Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals Around The World Lesson 2 | Global Success

Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals Around The World Lesson 2 | Global Success được VietJack sưu tầm và soạn thảo để gửi tới các bạn học sinh cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

E O A O ER OO L SS N 2: CL S L K 1
d d            
r d        
Pr r rd rr r        
ARM P 
O A AR 
PRO AT O
PRO T O 
G ! " 
T r d r r # $      !%
T r# & !       %
T F rd r r# '    #    %
T 4 d r T d r r d #   %       %
T d r d r r d # (     %     
G d d !  
O O AT O )
r 
r"! #
E O A O ER OO L SS N 2: CL S L K 1
ARM P  G ! " 
E O A O ER OO L SS N 2: CL S L K 1
A ims of the stage:
T d d   * # 
TLa omana
rCh istmas
M d A Fi - utumn esval
rCheese olling
ARM P 
O A AR 
G ! " 
T r d r r # $      !%
T r# & !       %
T F rd r r# '    #    %
E O A O ER OO L SS N 2: CL S L K 1
F FCannes ilm esval
+  ! 
/kæn fɪlm festɪvl/
T , - .
E raste (n)
P , / 
r/ˈiːs /
rca ve (v)
-! #0
r rpe fo m (v)
d1 ,
F ro m Pronunciaon Meaning
F F$%  !  2#3 4! 42 +  ! 
T &% # 56 27839#:;4492 T , - .
E r '%  56 r2:<= 2 P , / 
4 r %   56 2#><2 -! #0
r r (%  ! 56 2=:?<!2 d1 ,
F F M d A F T r E r !  !  #  ! " 
1. ___________
2. _________
rCh istmas
3. _________________
M d A Fi - utumn esval
4 . _________________
F FCannes ilm esval
5. _______
E raste
6. _____________
r d r r r W ite un e each pictu e a fesval name f om the box.
r r Complete the table below with the ph ases f om the box.
d   ! #    
r r r r d  #     !#  !  
Fesval F doo Acvity
E r
M d A F ! 
 
! #
 
d  
r #
 
r   !#
r r d !  
F rd r r ill in blank with a wo / ph ase f om the box.
r M d A F    ! ! 
d F F r   !   #
1. A r @@@@@@@@@@@@@@   A   %
2. M dr E r    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@   %
3. d d r r " ! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     "  B
4 . A r r r  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  !   C!%
5. P r r d !          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%
6. r T * !!  # @@@@@@@@@@@ #%
r !
 
d  
F F ! 
M d A F ! 
r #
ARM P 
O A AR 
PRO AT O
G ! " 
T r d r r # $      !%
T r# & !       %
T F rd r r# '    #    %
T 4 d r T d r r d #   %       %
T d r d r r d # (     %     
E O A O ER OO L SS N 2: CL S L K 1
A ims of the stage:
T d d r        
rd rr r     
T d r r      
rd rr r         
r rdSt ess in two-syllable wo s
d r T d r r d rdListen an epeat. hen un e line the st esse syllable in each wo .
d AdNouns an jecves rVe bs
r rC  #
r #
d d
r r 
d r d r r d d rdListen an epeat the sentences. Un e line the st esse syllables in the bol wo s.
1. r *  da8en E r   rpa ty #* %
2. T  d rance s  r rpe fo m r d d     %
3. A rCh istmas    rp esents r r  !%
4 . d     F rlowe F r    rpa ents B
5. M   rcleve d  paent %
ARM P 
O A AR 
PRO AT O
PRO T O 
G ! " 
T r d r r # $      !%
T r# & !       %
T F rd r r# '    #    %
T 4 d r T d r r d #   %       %
T d r d r r d # (     %     
G d d !  
E O A O ER OO L SS N 2: CL S L K 1
Aims of the stage:
T d r   E F# 
G ame: d dUp an own
G ame: d dUp an own
F r r i st st e ss: d Stan up
d r Secon st ess: dSit own
ARM P 
O A AR 
PRO AT O
PRO T O 
G ! " 
T r d r r # $      !%
T r# & !       %
T F rd r r# '    #    %
T 4 d r T d r r d #   %       %
T d r d r r d # (     %     
G d d !  
O O AT O )
r 
r"! #
E O A O ER OO L SS N 2: CL S L K 1
r r G    ##%
F anpage:
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LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION Uni HOBBIES t OBJECTIVES B y the e d n o f the lesson, st d u ents will be able to gain:
- Vocabulary :types of festivals and festival activities
- Pronunciation: pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress
LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 WARM P -U Game: Hot seat Task 1: r W ite und r
e each picture a festival name. O V A C BULARY Task
2 Complete the table below with the phrases. Task 3: Fil lin each blan k with a word or phrase.
Task 4 :Listen and repeat. The
n underline the stressed syllable. PRONUNCIAT O I N Task 5: Listen and repea
t the sentences. Underline the stressed syllables. PRODUCTION Game: Up and down • r W ap-up CONSOLIDATION • Homework
LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 WARM P -U Game: Hot seat Aims of the stage:  T
o activate students’ knowledge WARM-UP La Tomatina WARM-UP Christmas WARM-UP M d i A - utumn Festival WARM-UP Cheese rolling WARM-UP Tet
LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 WARM P -U Game: Hot seat Task 1: r W ite und r
e each picture a festival name. O V A C BULARY Task
2 Complete the table below with the phrases. Task 3: Fil lin each blan k with a word or phrase. VOCABULARY
Cannes Film Festival
/kæn fɪlm festɪvl/ Liên hoan phim Cannes VOCABULARY Thanksgiving /ˌθæŋksˈɡɪvɪŋ/ Lễ Tạ ơn VOCABULARY Easter (n) /ˈiːstər/ Lễ Phục sinh VOCABULARY c r a ve (v) /kɑːv/ chạm, khắc VOCABULARY
perform (v) /pəˈfɔːm/ biểu diễn VOCABULARY F r o m Pronunciation Meaning 1 .Cannes Film Festival /kæ n fɪlm festɪvl/ Liên hoan phim Cannes 2 .Thanksgiving (n) /ˌθæŋksˈɡɪvɪŋ/ Lễ Tạ ơn 3 .East r e (n) /ˈiːstər/ Lễ Phục sinh 4 .c r a ve (v) /kɑːv/ chạm, khắc 5 .perf r o m (v) /pəˈfɔːm/ biểu diễn VOCABULARY 1 r W ite u d
n er each picture a festival name from the box.
Cannes Film Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Thanksgiving Christmas Halloween Easter 1 .__ H _ a _ ll ___ ow __ ee _ n _ 2. ___ Chr__ is ___ tma _ s 3 .__ M _ i _ d- _ A_u__ tu ___ mn _F__ es _ ti _v_ al 4. ___ Ca _ n _ n __ es _ Fi___ lm _ F __ es _ ti _ v _ al 5 .__ E _ as_t_ e _ r _ 6 .__ T _ h _ a _ n_ k _ s __ giv__ in _ g _ VOCABULARY
2 Complete the table below with the phrases from the box. having a feast moon cake s chocolate eggs candy apples
turkey painting eggs carving pumpkins performing a lion dance Festival Food Activity Easter chocolate eggs pain ting eggs Halloween c d an y apples carv ing pumpkins M d i A - utumn Festival moon cakes perf r o ming a lion dance Thanksgiving turkey hav ing a feast VOCABULARY Fill
in blank with a word/ phrase from the box. 3 painti ng eg
gs Christmas Mid-Autumn Festival c d an y apples Canne s Film Festival turkey 1 .A t _____r Ch _i_ st__ m __
as ___, people give gifts to each other. 2 .My childre n love ____ pai _ n _ ti __ ng _e_g__ gs __ at Easter. 3 .Ho w many ___ c _ a _ n _ d _ y _____ apple _
s _ do you need for the Halloween party? 4 .A t the __ C ____ anne _ s _ F ___ ilm _ F _ e _ s _ ti _ v _
al , there are many interesting films. 5 .Perf r
o ming lion dances is one of the activities at the ___ Mi _ d _ - _ A __ ut __ um_n_ _ F _ e _ s _ ti _ va_l. 6 .Bill’ s mum i s cooking a ____ t _r u _ k _ e _ y ___ for Thanksgiving.
LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 WARM P -U Game: Hot seat Task 1: r W ite und r
e each picture a festival name. O V A C BULARY Task
2 Complete the table below with the phrases. Task 3: Fil lin each blan k with a word or phrase.
Task 4 :Listen and repeat. The
n underline the stressed syllable. PRONUNCIAT O I N Task 5: Listen and repea
t the sentences. Underline the stressed syllables. PRONUNCIATION r
St ess in two-syllable words Aims of the stage:  T o le
t students identify how to pronounce two- syllable w r o ds with correct stress  T o le
t students practice pronouncing two- syllable w r
o ds with correct stress in sentences PRONUNCIATION
4 Listen and repeat. Then underline the stressed syllable in each word. Nouns d an Adjectives Verbs costume enjoy r fi ew r o ks dec d i e turkey discuss happy r p e r pa e PRONUNCIATION
Listen and repeat the sentences. Underline the stressed syllables in the bold words. 5 1. We’re goi ng to att d en
an Easter party at Nick’s house .
2. The dancers will perform tr d a itional dance s at the festival. 3. A
t Christmas, people usually buy presents f r o their family. 4 .Did you g o t
o the Da Lat Flower Festival with your parents ? 5. My aun t is clever d an patient .
LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 WARM P -U Game: Hot seat Task 1: r W ite und r
e each picture a festival name. O V A C BULARY Task
2 Complete the table below with the phrases. Task 3: Fil lin each blan k with a word or phrase.
Task 4 :Listen and repeat. The
n underline the stressed syllable. PRONUNCIAT O I N Task 5: Listen and repea
t the sentences. Underline the stressed syllables. PRODUCTION Game: Up and down PRODUCTION
Game: Up and down Aims of the stage:  T
o test students' quick reaction PRODUCTION
Game: Up and down F r i s
t stress: Stand up
Second stress: Sit down
LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOO K 1 WARM P -U Game: Hot seat Task 1: r W ite und r
e each picture a festival name. O V A C BULARY Task
2 Complete the table below with the phrases. Task 3: Fil lin each blan k with a word or phrase.
Task 4 :Listen and repeat. The
n underline the stressed syllable. PRONUNCIAT O I N Task 5: Listen and repea
t the sentences. Underline the stressed syllables. PRODUCTION Game: Up and down • r W ap-up CONSOLIDATION • Homework CONSOLIDATION 1 R W AP-UP O V CABU A L RY PRONUNC A I TION CONSOLIDATION O H ME OR W K 2  D o exercises in w r o kbook.
Website: sachmem.vn
Fanpage: facebook.com/sachmem.vn/
Document Outline

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