Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals Around The World Lesson 7 | Global Success

Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals Around The World Lesson 7 | Global Success được VietJack sưu tầm và soạn thảo để gửi tới các bạn học sinh cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

E O OO G A PRO E T    
r r 
Gr r r 
Pr A   
d d           
r r d r r      
Unit 9
r r d r r          
r r r    
ARM P 
O A AR  !
RE E"
RE E"
r r  
T $ % r rr rd r r r        $&
T $ '     (   $
rd r r       )&
T $ * rr A r     + &
T 4 $ A r r   +   &
O O AT O ,- ". " ,
r 
r/ $
P r  )
E O OO G A PRO E T    
ARM P 
r r  
E O OO G A PRO E T    
Aims of the stage:
T r r r d       
d d r     )    
T d r   0 $    
 
RA TORM G  
List as many typ e s of fesvals as possible in 2 minutes.
ARM P 
O A AR  !
RE E"
r r  
T $ % r rr rd r r r         $&
T $ '     (   $
rd r r       )&
E O OO G A PRO E T    
r rr rd r r r         
1. light / reworks
2. Cannes Film Festival / music
3. painting / buying
4. moon cakes / candy apples!"
5. #Thanksgiving / Tet!$%
rd r r              
T r M d A F r r %&             11111111111&
T r r r T F '&  2 111111111    &
r r d T *& $   11111111111 &
4 O E r E r &          1111111111&
T T F r r r d 3&   .      11111111111     &
d r2      
dlion ances
rgathe ing
ARM P 
O A AR  !
RE E"
RE E"
r r  
T $ % r rr rd r r r         $&
T $ '     (   $
rd r r       )&
T $ * rr A r     + &
T 4 $ A r r   +   &
E O OO G A PRO E T    
rr A r     !" 
A # d F rd .        4
 Ar F rd        4
A $ Ar r M        4
 r M .        4
A % r r     /4
 d r r     /4
4 A r d .       4
 r d "       4
A & r d M F r .      /     4
 d r d M F r .       /     4
A r r  ' !" ! ! '
1. $!&
2. '$banh chung &
3. ($%!&
4. '$)%&
5. '$!*&
ARM P 
O A AR  !
RE E"
RE E"
r r  
T $ % r rr rd r r r         $&
T $ '     (   $
rd r r       )&
T $ * rr A r     + &
T 4 $ A r r   +   &
P r  )
E O OO G A PRO E T    
T d  '  '"(  ! ! 
r   )!  ' 
- Name of the fesval
T d - ime an place of the fesval
F - esval acvies
r r* '   
r r r )  !  '   '"( !
r r ! !  '  +
Pr r  ! '"(   
ARM P 
O A AR  !
RE E"
RE E"
r r  
T $ % r rr rd r r r         $&
T $ '     (   $
rd r r       )&
T $ * rr A r     + &
T 4 $ A r r   +   &
O O AT O ,- ". " ,
r 
r/ $
P r  )
E O OO G A PRO E T    
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LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PRO E J CT Vocabulary review Grammar review Uni t Project: A new festival OBJECTIVES B y t he e d n o f t he lesso n, st d u ents will be able to: o revie w th e vocabular y d an grammar o f Unit 9 o appl y what the y have learnt (vocabular y and r g ammar) int o r p actice through a project
LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PRO E J CT WARM P -U Brainstorming Tas k 1: Circle the corre ct w r o ds or phrases in brackets. O V A C BULAR Y Tas
k 2: Complete each sentence by filling in the blank RE E VI W with a w r o d r o phrase in the box. GRAMMAR Tas
k 3: Choose the correct question A or B. REVIEW Tas
k 4: Answer the following questions about yourself. PRO E J T C Poster exhibition • Wrap-up CONSOLIDATION • Homework
LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PRO E J CT WARM P -U Brainstorming Aims of the stage:  T
o revise the vocabulary related t o the topic
and lead in the next part of the lesson  T
o enhance students’ skills of cooperating with team mates WARM-UP BRAINSTORM G IN
List as man
y types of festivals as possible in 2 minutes. TEAM A TEAM B
LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PRO E J CT WARM P -U Brainstorming Tas k 1: Circle the corre ct w r o ds or phrases in brackets. O V A C BULAR Y Tas
k 2: Complete each sentence by filling in the blank RE E VI W with a w r o d r o phrase in the box. VOCABULARY REVIEW C r
i cle the correc
t words or phrases in brackets. 1
1. There wasn’t a (light / fireworks) display on New Year’s Eve last year.
2. She was the best actress at the (Cannes Film Festival / music festival) last year.
3. At Easter, children enjoy (painting / buying) Easter eggs.
4. People prepare (moon cakes / candy apples) for Halloween.
5. For (Thanksgiving / Tet), people have a feast with turkey,
cornbread, and sweet potatoes. VOCABULARY REVIEW
Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with a word or phrase in the box. 2 floats Bunn y li on dance s costume s gath r e ing
1. The best part of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the performance of __ li _ o _ n __ d _ a __ nc _ es_. 2. There are flower ____ fl _ o _ a _
ts __ in the Tulip Festival.
3. We like to wear traditional ___ c _ o _ s _ t ___ ume _ s _ at Tet.
4. One of the symbols of Easter is the Easter ____ B _ u __ nn _ y __.
5. The Twins Day Festival is the largest ___ ga__ th _ e _ ri__
ng__ for twins in the world.
LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PRO E J CT WARM P -U Brainstorming Tas k 1: Circle the corre ct w r o ds or phrases in brackets. O V A C BULAR Y Tas
k 2: Complete each sentence by filling in the blank RE E VI W with a w r o d r o phrase in the box. GRAMMAR Tas
k 3: Choose the correct question A or B. REVIEW Tas
k 4: Answer the following questions about yourself. GRAMMAR REVIEW
Choose the correct question A or B.
3 1 . A .Ddi yo ug ot othe Lim Festival yesterday? B .Are yo u g
o to the Lim Festival yesterday?
2 . A .Are the y alway
s celebrate the festival in May? B .D o they alway s cele r b ate the festival in May?
3 . A .Will you wear a costume for Halloween? B .Will d o you wear a costume f r o Halloween? 4. A. Doe
s he interested in joining the festival?
B .Is he interested in joining the festival?
5 . A .D
o people listen to traditional songs at the Hoi Mua Festival last year?
B .Did people listen to traditional songs at the Hoi Mua Festival last year? GRAMMAR REVIEW
Answer the following questions about yourself. 4
1. Are you interested in festivals?
2. Do you eat banh chung at Tet?
3. Can you cook any traditional food?
4. Did you see a fireworks display last year?
5. Does your family gather together at Tet?
LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PRO E J CT WARM P -U Brainstorming Tas k 1: Circle the corre ct w r o ds or phrases in brackets. O V A C BULAR Y Tas
k 2: Complete each sentence by filling in the blank RE E VI W with a w r o d r o phrase in the box. GRAMMAR Tas
k 3: Choose the correct question A or B. REVIEW Tas
k 4: Answer the following questions about yourself. PRO E J T C Poster exhibition PROJECT
5Think o fa new festiva lthat you would like
1 to celebrate. Discuss the following points: - Nam e of the festival
- Time and place of the festival - Festival activities 2 r
D aw pictures o
f the new festival or cut out pic r
tu es from magazines.
3 Present your festival to the class.
4 Vote for th ebes tposter.
LESSON 7: LOOKING BACK & PRO E J CT WARM P -U Brainstorming Tas k 1: Circle the corre ct w r o ds or phrases in brackets. O V A C BULAR Y Tas
k 2: Complete each sentence by filling in the blank RE E VI W with a w r o d r o phrase in the box. GRAMMAR Tas
k 3: Choose the correct question A or B. REVIEW Tas
k 4: Answer the following questions about yourself. PRO E J T C Poster exhibition • Wrap-up CONSOLIDATION • Homework CONSOLIDATION R W AP- P U 1 Vocabulary review Grammar review Project :A ne w festival CONSOLIDATION O H ME OR W K 2  Prepar e f r o th e next lesson: Uni t 10 Getti ng st r a t d e Website : sachmem.vn
Fanpage: facebook.com/sachmem.vn/
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