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Bài tập MPP số 1: Giới thiệu về thương hiệu M.O.I
Bài tập MPP số 1: Giới thiệu về thương hiệu M.O.I
Principle of Marketing 4 tài liệu
Đại học FPT Hà Nội 38 tài liệu
Bài tập MPP số 1: Giới thiệu về thương hiệu M.O.I
Bài tập MPP số 1: Giới thiệu về thương hiệu M.O.I
Môn: Principle of Marketing 4 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học FPT Hà Nội 38 tài liệu
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BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business Unit number and title
Unit 1: Business and Business Environment Submission date
Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd submission Student Name Hoang Thi Minh Phuong Student ID BH00706 Class BA06301 Assessor name Ngo Thuy Quynh Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice. Student’s signature Phuong Grading grid P1 P2 P3 M1 M2 D1
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Downloaded by V?n Lê Ti?n (vanlehcp1152001@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|35919223 Contents
I. Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1. Overview of M.O.I Cosmetics. ......................................................................................................................... 4
II. Introduction to the concept of marketing............................................................................................................ 4
1. Concept of marketing:......................................................................................................................................... 4
2. An overview of the marketing process to reflect the key roles of marketing .................................................... 5
2.1 Understanding the marketplace and customer needs and wants. .............................................................. 6
2.3. Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value. ................................................. 7
2.4. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity. ...................................................... 9
3. Role of marketing. ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1. The role and responsibilities of the marketing department in M.O.I Comsmetics: ......................................... 10
2. The effects of microenvironment on M.O.I’s marketing strategies. ................................................................ 11
III. Interrelationships between marketing department and others department in M.O.I Cosmetics. .................. 13
IV.Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
V. List of reference ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Downloaded by V?n Lê Ti?n (vanlehcp1152001@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|35919223 I. Introduction:
Marketing plays an important role in a business in capturing customers and generating profits. The
following article will discuss the concept of Marketing and the role of the Marketing department in
that organization. Furthermore, it will be necessary to find out the relationship between the
Marketing Department and other functional departments in the company/organization, specifically
here is the cosmetics company M.O.I
1. Overview of M.O.I Cosmetics.
M.O.I Cosmetics is a cosmetics brand founded by singer, model, and actress Ho Ngoc Ha. Therefore, the
products of this brand are also affectionately known as Ho Ngoc Ha cosmetics. Currently, this is the first
professional makeup cosmetics brand in Vietnam with international quality standards and reasonable prices
for Vietnamese women. M.O.I Cosmetics was founded in 2018. Since its launch, the cosmetic brand M.O.I
Cosmetics has achieved a lot of success. (M.O.I Cosmetics,2023) Logo thuong hieu cua M.O.I.
II. Introduction to the concept of marketing.
1. Concept of marketing:
According to Philip Kotler, a world famous Marketing professor; The "father" of contemporary
marketing defines that: "Marketing is the science and art of discovering, producing, and delivering
value to satisfy the demands of target markets at a profit. Marketing recognizes unsatisfied needs and
desires. It finds, measures, and quantifies the size and profit potential of the identified market. It
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assesses which market niches the organization can best serve, and it designs and promotes the
appropriate products and services." (Tr n nh Tr ng 2 2 )
Marketing refers to any actions a company takes to attract an audience to the company's product or
services through high-quality messaging. Marketing aims to deliver standalone value for prospects
and consumers through content, with the long-term goal of demonstrating product value,
strengthening brand loyalty, and ultimately increasing sales.( Caroline Forsey, 2021).
Research, product design, promotion, sales, and distribution are all steps in the process of making a
product. Therefore, marketing also includes activities that distribute the value of your product or
service to users and conduct market research, promotion, and sales support. In order to assist
businesses in attracting, acquiring, and keeping customers, marketing today places a strong emphasis
on studying the market and consumer behavior as well as scrutinizing business management
practices. (and brand loyalty) by satisfying their needs and preferences.
2. An overview of the marketing process to reflect the key roles of marketing
* The Marketing Process:
The marketing process is defined as research, development, implementation, control, and
improvement with the goal of providing practical value to customers and assisting businesses in
making profits. Businesses will find it easier to create a marketing strategy or plan using a specific
marketing process, ensuring that everything is going in the right direction. The marketing process
includes the following 5 steps:
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Figure 1 shows the steps in the marketing process, including 5 important steps. I will analyze it in more detail below:
2.1 Understanding the marketplace and customer needs and wants.
Basic requirements (Needs):
The needs and desires of the scammer serve as the starting point for strategic marketing thinking.
People's urgent need is the absence of something they feel, and it is also very diverse and complex. It
includes both basic human physiological needs such as food, clothing, heating, and life safety, as well
as social and personal needs such as intimacy, proximity, prestige, and affection. knowledge and self-
expression. Urgent needs are inherent in human nature and are not determined by society or
marketers. People will feel uncomfortable and unsatisfied if their basic needs are not met. And if
those needs are extremely important to man, it becomes even more miserable. When people are
dissatisfied, they have two options: one is to find an object capable of satisfying the need, and the other is to suppress it. Wants:
Human desire is a need with a specific form that corresponds to each person's cultural level and
personality. Desires are expressed in specific things that can meet needs but must be appropriate for
that person's lifestyle. The needs of society's members grow in tandem with its development. As a
result, manufacturers' activities are always directed toward stimulating the desire to buy and
attempting to establish an adaptive relationship between their products and urgent human needs. Demands:
In marketing, human needs are essentially wants with the condition of being able to pay. When
backed by purchasing power, wants become needs. Many people want the same product, but only a
few can get it because of their financial means. As a result, businesses must measure how many
people buy their products and, more importantly, how many people are able and willing to buy that
product as part of their marketing strategy.
2.2. Designing a customer value-driven marketing strategy.
Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them.
A brand’s value proposition is the set of benefits or values it promises to deliver to customers to satisfy their needs.
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A marketing strategy is a long-term plan for achieving a company's goals through customer
understanding and the creation of a distinct and sustainable competitive advantage. It includes
everything from determining who your customers are to deciding how to reach those customers.
A marketing strategy allows you to define how your company positions itself in the marketplace, the
types of products you produce, the strategic partners you form, and the types of advertising and
promotion you engage in. A marketing strategy is critical to the success of any business. Continue
reading to learn how to develop a successful marketing strategy for your business. ( Rose,2023 )
The marketing concept is displayed in Figure 2. I'll delve deeper into the following marketing. The
marketing concept's primary focus is on customer needs, and its main goal is to satisfy customers.
Concepts in marketing place the customer at the center of all activities in order to clear products.
2.3. Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value.
Integrated marketing program means closely linked communication activities aimed at conveying a
message about a product, service, brand or organization clearly to consumers. Here are 6 builtin marketing tools that work:
Advertising is a form of paid communication used to promote a brand's goods or services and
convince consumers to act now or in the future.
Public relations (PR) is the term for the communication strategies and actions that a person,
group, or government uses to increase understanding and foster goodwill among external
audiences outside. Sponsorship is defined as the financial support of a brand, individual or
activity in exchange for the benefit of promoting the brand.
Customer service: Basically, marketing also has a role in providing support and advice to
customers. For businesses, sellers not only provide service before, during, but also after the
sale of the product. Good service will make customers happy and even bring value beyond
what they expect. If you can't do this then you will be inferior to your competitors even if your product is better
Direct marketing is a method of marketing products directly to customers in order to increase
sales and generate responses at the time of transaction. There are several types: Direct sales,
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telemarketing (Telesales Marketing), email marketing (Email Marketing), and a variety of
other media are all options.
Distribution : Distribution is part of the supply chain. This department is responsible for
transporting goods from warehouses to stores or supermarkets.
Market Research: Market research is one of the processes of gathering and analyzing
information. Data will help businesses become more aware of how people react to their products or services.
Media Planning: The communication plan is closely related to the marketing strategy. It uses
the best communication channels to reach the target market. These include internet, TV,
radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Product Pricing: When setting a price, you should take production and shipping costs into
account. You should also consider how much your competitors are selling it for, and with what quality.
Sales promotions are marketing activities that provide added value or impetus to the sales
force, distributors, or end users in order to drive sales. Promotions are broadly classified into
two types: consumer-oriented activities and commercial-oriented activities.
Brand Management: Work related to communication, exchange directly with each customer.
The company can then make some adjustments to approach each customer's tastes and
preferences. As a member of this department, you must do how to make users have a good
perception of your products and services.
Personal selling is a type of person-to-person marketing where the seller tries to help or
influence potential customers to buy a company's goods or services.
Engage customers, build profitable relationships, and create customer delight:
Customer relationship management—the overall process of building and maintaining
profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.
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The changing nature of customer relationships:
Relating with more carefully selected customers uses selective relationship management to target
fewer, more profitable customers.
Relating more deeply and interactively by incorporating more interactive two-way relationships
through blogs, websites, online communities, and social networks.
2.4. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity.
Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the sum of all future purchases a customer would make over
the course of a lifetime of business.
Customer share is the percentage of a customer's purchasing that a company receives in its product categories.
Customer equity is the sum of all of the company's customers' lifetime values.
Building customer equity: Having the right relationships with the right customers entails
treating them as assets that must be managed and maximized.
Different customer types necessitate distinct relationship management strategies. 3. Role of marketing.
Marketing helps businesses understand customers, conduct market research in different
forms to identify customer needs, thereby serving as the basis for other marketing activities
such as product development, pricing, product promotion, and branding. , and distribution. To
collect market information, businesses can conduct regular information collection through the
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sales team or point of sale, as well as conduct formal research to collect market information. (Bao,2021)
Marketing assists businesses in developing their brands Branding is an extremely important
business activity. Branding enables businesses to sell products and services at a higher price
and with greater customer trust.
Marketing helps convey information about brands and products to customers
Marketing contributes to increased sales Marketing requires the creation of profitable value
for individuals and businesses. Marketing not only meets the needs of customers, but it also
broadens the reach, allowing more people to learn about the company's products. As a result,
they will have more opportunities to bring their products to more consumers. A good
marketing strategy will help businesses increase sales and profits.
Marketing aims to satisfy, needs and wants of consumers. Customers directly give feedback
and suggestions about goods and services for businesses to improve products better. ( i .T, 2023)
Improve people's quality of life when many products and services are created to meet the needs of consumers.
III. The Marketing Function in M.O.I Comsmetics.
1. The role and responsibilities of the marketing department in M.O.I Comsmetics:
The marketing of M.O.I Comsmetics department plays a crucial role because it directly influences
consumers and determines whether or not revenue is generated. The marketing division is
responsible for of all marketing duties, including product promotion, brand image development,
market and customer research, and customer relationship building.
The responsibilities of marketing is to fulfill the needs and desires of consumers. To accomplish this,
the marketing division of M.O.I is in charge of concentrating on the market's current state and
identifying customer's issues in two different ways.
In order to market the product and introduce the brand to the public, the company first uses the
name and personal social networking profile of supermodel Ho Ngoc Ha, who serves as the creative director of M.O.I.
Additionally, the company partners with a variety of celebrities to launch and promote their
collections. One such partnership was Miss Thuy Tien's Love M.O.I By Thuy Tien, a line of lipsticks.
Globally, it is becoming more typical for brands to "collaborate" with artists to produce unique
versions of products and draw media attention. Understanding this, M.O.I started developing high-
end lipstick lines that incorporate the distinct essence of the inspirer. The people who have influence
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over the community in general and their area of expertise in particular are always the company's
representative faces. Cong Tri, Miss Huong Giang, and Walt Disney, a "giant" in the entertainment
business, are just a few of the famous people the company has previously collaborated with. (M.O.I
cooperates with miss grand international to create effective Communication Effects, 2022).
Initially creating a different success by approaching customers through the influence of celebrities,
but the key point that helps M.O.I win the favor of consumers is quality. M.O.I's products are all
researched and manufactured with a closed process at the factory in Korea. All selected lipstick colors
are the passion of Creative Director Ho Ngoc Ha, experimenting through hundreds of palettes to come
up with the most satisfactory lipstick tones.
The company's strategic move is to create a product mark with the personality of the representative
character. Each M.O.I product line has its own story and is told through materials, colors and packaging design.
Seizing all valuable cooperation opportunities, continuously improving quality, maintaining
reasonable prices with Vietnamese consumers are the core points for M.O.I to gain a position in the
overall picture of the Vietnamese beauty industry.
From here, it is possible to observe the efforts made by the entire business, particularly the Marketing
division of M.O.I Cosmetics, to comprehend the tastes and preferences of Vietnamese women. From
this understanding, the Marketing department conducted extensive testing to develop the final
product that was most suitable for Vietnamese women and achieved resounding success through the
introduction of new collections.
2. The effects of microenvironment on M.O.I’s marketing strategies.
According to Kotler and Armstrong in 2017, the marketing environment of a company consists of the
personalities and external factors that influence marketing management's ability to establish and
maintain effective connections with target consumers. Microenvironment and macroenvironment
both exist in the marketing environment. For M.O.I Cosmetics, marketing intermediaries and M.O.I’s
rivals are two factors of microenvironment that effect the most on firm’s marketing activities.
Marketing intermediaries
According to Kotler and Armstrong the components that assist a business in marketing, selling, and
distributing its goods to consumers are known as marketing intermediaries. They consist of retailers,
companies that specialize in physical distribution, marketing service providers, and financial
intermediaries. Despite being a Vietnamese cosmetic brand, M.O.I Cosmetics currently only has one
official location in Hanoi, and the majority of its products are distributed to customers through 267
cosmetic retailers spread out across Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hoa Binh, Bac Ninh, Quang
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Ninh, and many other provinces and cities in Vietnam. Additionally, M.O.I Cosmetics establishes
online shops on e-commerce websites like Shopee Mall and Tiki in addition to selling goods on the
firm's main website (M.O.I Cosmetics)
It is clear that the collaboration between the agents and the cosmetics brand M.O.I of singer Ho Ngoc
Ha has created a lot of advantages and economic potential. Due to the enormous expense, reality has
shown that nearly no manufacturer can set up a separate distribution network by themselves. Even
large multinational corporations with strong financial potential, like Unilever or Coca-Cola, must rely
on traditional distributors and resellers in Vietnam to capture the largest possible market share.
Companies will concentrate their resources on key points in the production chain to raise the caliber
and value of their products. The second advantage of using agents is that M.O.I will be able to contact
more clients through a broad network of resellers, which will help firms boost sales and revenue (Contributor, 2020).
On the other hand, because M.O.I's products are shown alongside other brands, the company's
marketing initiatives will be impacted by the company's distribution of products through resellers.
This may lower client awareness of the business. Additionally, due to the abundance of cosmetic
products from various brands, store employees may not have a thorough understanding of the
products they are selling or may not be aware of M.O.I Cosmetics' positioning with regard to its target
market, both of which could have an adverse effect on the company's sales and revenue.
A business must provide superior value and satisfaction compared to its rivals in order to succeed. To achieve
this, marketers must both adapt to consumer needs and gain a strategic edge over rival brands in order to
increase brand recall (Kotler and Armstrong, 2017). The Make-up Art Cosmetic (M.A.C) cosmetics company, run
by the American Estée Lauder group, must be highlighted as one of the company's main rivals. Although M.A.C
initially created goods for professional makeup artists, the company now caters to all types of consumers
globally. The competition between M.A.C and M.O.I has significantly intensified due to the growth of M.A.C's
clientele. In addition, M.A.C products tend to be oil-free, vibrant, and consistently at the forefront of emerging
beauty trends. M.A.C is renowned for its beauty, color adherence, and wide range of color options, all of which
help performers and singers look stunning on stage (Elle, 2017).
M.O.I's marketing strategy should concentrate on the brand's advantages, such as price and quality of product,
to compete with M.A.C. M.O.I will be driven to produce its products at the highest level as a result of
competition with M.A.C. M.O.I also has the chance to learn about the experiences and marketing techniques
that have enabled M.A.C to keep a positive prestige in the Vietnamese market.
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III. Interrelationships between marketing department and others department in M.O.I Cosmetics.
Coordination and alignment between the marketing department and other departments are crucial
for the success of the marketing plan. Because other departments like finance, human resources, and
research and development must support marketing goals.
The marketing and financial departments at M.O.I work closely together. The marketing division of
M.O.I strives to sell as many merchandise as it can. To achieve this, they will invest resources in
creating items that consumers need, want to purchase, and can effectively promote. Sales projections
and operating budgets will be made by M.O.I's finance division. As a result, the finance division will
make plans to ensure that the budget allocated for product promotion is both reasonable and useful.
While product development costs are at their highest, they must nonetheless fall within the
company's financial capabilities.
To safeguard the company's cash flow, the accounting department will also keep track on costs and
prices. For a business to turn a profit, prices must exceed costs. The marketing division will find it
challenging because M.O.I occasionally needs to offer its product at a loss. For instance, on particular
occasions when there are steep discounts or when the commodity has a short shelf life. In order to
get the funding required for the development of new products, the enhancement of current ones,
advertising, and distribution, the marketing department must regularly interact with the finance
department. Additionally, in M.O.I, the link between the marketing and production departments is
getting closer. To collect data for product development, the marketing department first conducts
market research. After that, they collaborate with the manufacturing team to design, engineer,
produce, and develop new goods that cater to the continuously shifting demands of their clients. Two
divisions had to decide on the best manufacturing schedule to get the goods to market as soon as
possible in order to compete with competitor businesses.
The main strategy that marketing has chosen to keep customers interested in M.O.I. is to ensure
product quality. In order to ensure that the products are error-free and uphold the standards for
health and safety and requirements of the law, the manufacturing department constantly
concentrates on, examines, and controls the products. The purchasing of production inputs is another
duty of the production department. Since M.O.I uses natural substances, the shelf life is frequently
limited and difficult to maintain. To produce products on schedule and guarantee quality for delivery
to customers, the production department must effectively manage the supply chain. In other words,
any production faults will negatively impact the M.O.I brand reputation. IV.Conclusion:
Through research and analysis, the role of marketing in Omo's business is very important and directly
affects the development and success of the business. Marketing is an indispensable part of
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development, if you consider a business as a hand, then marketing is blood. Thus, the
marketing of M.O.I detergent has contributed to enhancing the brand value of a product in the
consumer staples industry. Customers today not only buy a product because of its quality, but also
choose to stick with the brand that gives them the most affection. With deep vision, ingenuity and
grasping user psychology, M.O.I has created outstanding products with meaningful stories, affirming
an irreplaceable position in the hearts of customer.
Downloaded by V?n Lê Ti?n (vanlehcp1152001@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|35919223 V. List of reference
Tr ng, T.B. (2023) Marketing LÀ GÌ? Tổng Quan Kiến Thức VỀ ngành marketing, Tmarketing. Available
at: https://tmarketing.vn/tong-quan-ve-marketing/ (Accessed: 12 November 2023).
Forsey, C. (2022) What is marketing, and what’s its purpose?, HubSpot Blog. Available at:
https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/what-is-marketing (Accessed: 12 November 2023).
Kate (2023) Marketing process: 5 steps of marketing process, iEduNote. Available at:
https://www.iedunote.com/marketing-process (Accessed: 12 November 2023).
Rose (2023) The marketing process: 5 stages from planning to execution, Hocmarketing.org. Available at:
https://en.hocmarketing.org/the-marketing-process-5-stages-from-planning-to-execution (Accessed: 12 November 2023).
bao (2021) Marketing LÀ GÌ? Vai trò của marketing Với Doanh Nghiệp, Công ty Tư vấn Quản lý OCD.
Available at: https://ocd.vn/marketing-la-gi-vai-tro-cua-marketing/ (Accessed: 13 November 2023).
i .T. 2 2 Vai trò CỦA marketing đối VỚI Doanh Nghiệp Thời đại 4.0,
https://chuyengiamarketing.com/vai-tro-cua-marketing/. Available at:
https://chuyengiamarketing.com/vai-tro-cua-marketing/ (Accessed: 13 November 2023).
M.O.I , C. (2023) MỸ phẩm M.O.I Cosmetics - Thương Hiệu MỸ phẩm Trang điểm Chuyên Nghiệp đầu
Tiên Tại Việt Nam, M.O.I Cosmetics thương hiệu mỹ phẩm trang điểm chuyên nghiệp đầu tiên tại
Việt Nam. Available at: https://moicosmetics.vn/blogs/goc-review/my-pham-moi-cosmetics (Accessed: 27 November 2023).
M.O.I hợp tác với miss grand international tạo nên Hiệu Ứng Truyền thông hiệu quả (2022) Brands
Vietnam. Available at: https://www.brandsvietnam.com/22475-M-O-I-hop-tac-voi-Miss-Grand-
International-tao-nen-hieu-ung-truyen-thong-hieu-qua (Accessed: 13 November 2023).
Elle (2017) Thương Hiệu M.A.C - Elle Network - Elle Việt Nam, ELLE Vietnam. Available at:
https://www.elle.vn/elle-network/brand/m-a-c (Accessed: 27 November 2023).
Contributor, C. (2020) How do market intermediaries affect business?, Small Business - Chron.com.
Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/market-intermediaries-affect-business-10402.html (Accessed: 27 November 2023).
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