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Bí kíp ielts phần reading - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam
Bí kíp ielts phần reading - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: Tiếng Anh ngoại giao (E.018.02)
Trường: Học viện Ngoại giao
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20:31 29/7/24 Thi CK DP 1 - aaaa
NỘI DUNG THI CK ĐÀM PHÁN I. Thông tin chung:
1. Thời gian thi: Tuần 14 và 15 – vào buổi học chính thức
2. Hình thức thi: gồm 2 phần: vấn đáp trực tiếp + bài viết -
Vấn đáp: mô phỏng đàm phán giữa 2 cá nhân A và B. 1 lớp sẽ chia thành 2 nhóm lớn. 1 nhóm thi
tuần 14, 1 nhóm thi tuần 15. Mỗi nhóm lớn, lại phân ra từng cặp đôi pair với nhau thực hiện mô
phỏng tình huống giữa 2 người A và B. -
Bài viết: 2 – 3 trang (Tiếng Anh) 3. Quy trình thi:
a. Vấn đáp (Tiếng Anh): 5đ -
1 lớp sẽ chia thành 2 nhóm lớn. 1 nhóm thi tuần 14, 1 nhóm thi tuần 15. Mỗi nhóm lớn, lại phân ra
từng cặp đôi pair với nhau thực hiện mô phỏng tình huống giữa 2 người A và B. -
Có 7 tình huống giả lập (xem trang tiếp theo) -
Mỗi nhóm lớn sẽ có 1 tuần chuẩn bị bài thi: Nhóm thi vào tuần 14 sẽ bốc thăm tình huống vào
tuần 13 và nhóm thi vào tuần 15 sẽ bốc thăm tình huống vào tuần 14. Lưu ý: chỉ 1 lần bốc thăm,
không thay đổi lựa chọn thăm. -
Mỗi cặp đôi AB có 1 tuần để chuẩn bị kịch bản đàm phán (negotiation script). Đến ngày thi, sẽ
diễn lại kịch bản đó cho Giáo viên quan sát. Thời gian khoảng 5 phút. GV có thể đặt câu hỏi sau khi nghe xong kịch bản.
b. Bài viết (Tiếng Anh): 5đ -
Độ dài: 600-700 từ (Times New Roman, 12’, 1.5 space) -
Nội dung: gồm 2 phần: (1) script giữa 2 cá nhân A và B và (2) diễn giải cách thức/chiến lược đám
phán mà người A hoặc B áp dụng trong negotiation script. -
Mỗi 1 cặp AB nộp 1 bài viết. Các cặp A và B có chung negotiation script, nhưng phần diễn giải khác nhau. -
Bản in có cover ghi tên bên ngoài. Cạnh tên của mình cần mở ngoặc thêm A hoặc B, để GV chấm
xác định đc cá nhân đó đóng vai A hay B. Ví dụ: Nguyễn Thị Minh (A), Bùi Văn Tài (B)
Ghi chú: Trong trường hợp có 1 cá nhân bị lẻ. Cá nhân đó có thể trao đổi để dựng kịch bản đàm phán với GV about:blank 1/4 20:31 29/7/24 Thi CK DP 1 - aaaa
Situations for Negotiation Situation 1
You work in a company that wants all the staff to improve their English communication skills. Thus, all
staff are required to attend an English course which will be paid by the company. The course is expected
to be conducted over the weekends. Team A
You are a member of staff identified to attend the course. This means that you would have to sacrifice
your weekends. You have several co-workers who are not able to attend or complete the course and they
would like you to join them in negotiating with the management to have the course conducted during the weekdays. Team B
You are the management of the company. You want to improve the English communication skills of the
staff. The clients and associates of the company have complained that it is difficult to communicate with
the staff in English. There have been occurrences of miscommunication during telephone conversations and emails. Situation 2
The university is planning to ban all students’ vehicles from the inner academic areas. They plan to build
a parking lot about 3km from the school, and make all students use it. There will be a bus service every
10 minutes to ferry students from parking lot to the school campus. Team A
You are a representative of the students who are opposed to the idea of a parking lot. The students are
happy with the current arrangements as there are no parking restrictions. They do not want to park their
vehicle away from the academic area. They are concerned about the safety of their car and motorcycle.
They are planning to negotiate with the University management and if negotiation fails they plan to
march and conduct a Demonstration to show their displeasure. Team B
You are part of the University’s management. Parking has been an issue for many years. There are not
enough parking lots available for staff. It gets even worse when staff have to compete with students for
parking lots. There are at present 1800 staff and 6,000 students who own cars and motorcycles that they
drive to the campus. The number of existing parking lots available at the present time is 2000. The plan
is to build a new parking lot that will accommodate 2,000 vehicles at one time. There will be 1500 lots
for cars and 500 for motorcycles. It will even accommodate visitors’ vehicles especially during special
events such as Convocation Days. You would have to negotiate with the Students’ Representative to
convince them not to oppose the project. Situation 3
A group of squatters consisting of 200 households have been occupying a piece of government land. The
government has approved a project to build a sports complex for the use of the community in the
surrounding area. Work will commence in about six months. Team A about:blank 2/4 20:31 29/7/24 Thi CK DP 1 - aaaa
You are a representative of the squatters. The government has offered the squatters a choice of
VND 1bn for each household or a unit in a flat. The flat is to be built on the outskirts of the city.
Children would not be able to go to the schools they are going to now. Workers would also have to
travel a great distance to get to work. Team B
You are a representative of the government. You need the squatters to move out as the project has to
start on time. You need to discuss and negotiate with the squatters to make them move to the new designated flat. Situation 4
The Municipal Council of Hanoi has identified two buildings to be torn down as they are derelict and
unsafe. These buildings are also used as shelters or haven by drug addicts and students playing truant
from school. The Council has received many complaints from residents of the areas in which these buildings are in. Team A
You are a member of the Heritage Society. Over the past several years, the society has been successful in
its attempts to save historical buildings. The Society takes the role of conservation very seriously. You
need to save these two historical buildings. Team B
You are the representative of the Municipal Council. You have received many complaints from the
public about how these old buildings are being wrongly used by different groups such as drug addicts
and school children playing truant. Situation 5
The university encourages students to participate in the Global Outreach Programme (GOP). As such the
university has set aside an amount of money to help students to realize the programme. In previous years
the amount given range from VND 1mil to VND 3 mil per student. Team A
You are part of a group organising a GOP trip to Bangkok next year. In the initial discussion with the
Student Affairs officers, the amount agreed upon was VND 3mil per student. The trip would cost VND
5mil per person. This would mean each participant of the GOP trip would have to find ways and means
to cover the difference. However, your group has just been informed that because of financial
constraints, the university is only able to sponsor VND 1mil per student. Team B
You are an officer in the Student Affairs Office. You are the liaison officer for students intending to
participate in the Global Outreach Programme. The university had decided that the amount set aside for
each trip is VND 30mil. This amount would be distributed according to the number of participants, i.e. if
there are 10 students then each would be allocated VND 3mil, if there were 30 students then it would be
VND 1mil per student. The list of 30 selected students is already issued. about:blank 3/4 20:31 29/7/24 Thi CK DP 1 - aaaa Situation 6
Hanoi University has been providing dental services to students free of charge. At the moment there
is only one dentist and one dental nurse servicing the dental clinic. The university has to decide to
employ more dentists and dental nurses but this would mean having to charge the students using the
services. The charges will be 30% lower than what is charged by outside dental clinincs. T eam A
You are a representative of the Hanoi’s Students’ Council. The council has given notice to the
students that the charges will take effect once the new staff at the clinic starts. It is estimated that in
six months time the newly recruited staff will report for duty. Team B
You are a representative of the management of Hanoi University. The students do not want to be
charged the fee of a dental treatment as they feel that as students they do not have the resources to
pay for dental treatments. They would rather wait for appointments which sometimes take one
month before they are able to see the dentist. The university hopes that by employing two other
dentists, the waiting list would cease to exist and that students will be given dental treatments even in an emergency. Situation 7
A problematic student named Darren has been studying at a private college, JJ Institute. However, he
has not been attending classes, submitting assignments and was caught more than once for being
involved in gangsterism and fighting on campus. If the college is about to act according to the rule
book, Darren should have been expelled a long time ago. However, his parents are wealthy and they
have been providing much needed financial support for many of the college activities. Team A
You are a part of the Board of Directors for JJ Institute. You are afraid that if Darren is allowed to
finish his programme and graduate, this situation will set precedent to other students to also behave
like him. You will only allow Darren to stay provided that he repeats his year and fulfill all the
requirements before he can graduate. Team B
You are Darren’s family. You would like to meet the top management of the college to negotiate
about letting Darren stay and finish his programme on time. You are willing to fund the college with
a substantial amount of money as long as Darren can stay until the end of the programme and graduate. about:blank 4/4