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Bộ dự đoán sớm chủ đề writing quý I/2024 | Đại học giao thông vận tải
Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people think that schools should invest more money in technology, such as more computers, while others think more money should be spent on teachers. Tài liệu tham khảo. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Tiếng anh IELTS Fighter 2 tài liệu
Đại học Giao thông vận tải 269 tài liệu
Bộ dự đoán sớm chủ đề writing quý I/2024 | Đại học giao thông vận tải
Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people think that schools should invest more money in technology, such as more computers, while others think more money should be spent on teachers. Tài liệu tham khảo. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: Tiếng anh IELTS Fighter 2 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Giao thông vận tải 269 tài liệu
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HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG TÀI LIỆU ................................................................................................ 3
TOPIC 1: EDUCATION ..................................................................................................................... 4
Practice questions .................................................................................................................................. 4
Main points ............................................................................................................................................ 4
TOPIC 2: WORK ................................................................................................................................ 9
Practice questions .................................................................................................................................. 9
Main points ............................................................................................................................................ 9
TOPIC 3: HEALTH ........................................................................................................................... 13
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 13
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 13
TOPIC 4: ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................. 17
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 17
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 18
TOPIC 5: BUSINESS ........................................................................................................................ 23
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 23
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 23
TOPIC 6: ENTERTAINMENT ........................................................................................................ 28
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 28
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 29
TOPIC 7: SPORTS ............................................................................................................................ 33
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 33
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 33
TOPIC 8: LANGUAGE .................................................................................................................... 38
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 38
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 38
TOPIC 9: TECHNOLOGY .............................................................................................................. 43
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 43
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 44
TOPIC 10: SOCIAL ISSUES............................................................................................................ 47
Practice questions ................................................................................................................................ 47
Main points .......................................................................................................................................... 47 2
Trong kỳ thi IELTS Writing, việc lên ý tưởng cho các câu hỏi ược ặt ra trong ề bài là một
thách thức không nhỏ ối với học sinh. Đôi khi, áp lực thời gian và yêu cầu về mặt phát triển
nội dung làm cho họ mất hứng thú và không biết bắt ầu từ âu. Điều này có thể dẫn ến việc
viết những oạn văn thiếu logic và không thuyết phục.Vì vậy, IELTS Xuân Phi, với hơn 10
năm kinh nghiệm giảng dạy IELTS và thành công trong việc hướng dẫn hàng trăm học viên
ạt iểm cao (7.0, 7.5 và 8.0) trong kỹ năng Writing, ã biên soạn một bộ tài liệu mang tên Bộ
dự đoán sớm chủ đề writing quý I/2024 nhằm giúp các bạn thí sinh chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi
sắp tới. Tài liệu này sẽ hỗ trợ các bạn lên ý tưởng cho 50 ề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 khác
nhau, với các ề ược chia thành 10 Topics. Trong mỗi Topic sẽ có 02 phần, với các thông tin cụ thể như sau: Phần 1: Practice Questions
Phần này sẽ bao gồm một danh sách từ 4 tới 7 ề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 khác nhau liên
quan tới Topic bạn chọn. Các bạn có thể bắt ầu bằng việc ọc danh sách này ể chọn ề mình
muốn xem và chuyển qua phần 2 nhé. Phần 2: Main Points
Phần thứ hai này sẽ bao gồm các ề bài cụ thể, i kèm với danh sách ý tưởng hỗ trợ, và cuối
cùng là danh sách Reference ể các bạn tham khảo. Cách học:
Bước 1: Các bạn sử dụng mục lục ể lựa chọn Topic mà mình muốn xem trong tổng cộng 10 topic.
Bước 2: Các bạn lựa chọn ề bài mình muốn xem trong Topic ó bằng cách ọc danh sách ề
trong phần “Practice Questions”.
Bước 3: Các bạn sang trang tiếp theo ể tham khảo danh sách ý tưởng cho mỗi ề. Các ý
tưởng này ã ược chia làm các hướng khác nhau ể giúp các bạn dễ dàng trả lời câu hỏi của ề.
Bước 4: Các bạn click vào các ường link trong phần Reference ể ọc tài liệu tham khảo.
Các tài liệu này ều liên quan trực tiếp tới ý tưởng nêu trong danh sách, vậy nên các bạn hãy
ọc kỹ ể hiểu rõ hơn ý tưởng và cách triển khai, ồng thời học thêm các từ vựng và cấu trúc hay.
*Trong trường hợp các bạn không truy cập ược vào Link Reference, các bạn hãy thử ổi
phần mềm khác ể mở tài liệu như Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge...
Sau khi thực hiện các bước trên, các bạn sẽ hình thành ược quan iểm của bản thân về vấn
ề của ề bài, và cũng sẽ nắm ược các ý tưởng cụ thể ể triển khai trong bài viết. Kết hợp với
các từ vựng học thuật các bạn học ược, các bạn có thể bắt tay vào viết bài ngay cho nóng nhé. TOPIC 1: EDUCATION Practice questions
1. Question: Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to
university education and that governments should make it free for all students no
matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. Question: Some people think that schools should invest more money in
technology, such as more computers, while others think more money should be
spent on teachers. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
3. Question: Some people think that children should begin their education at a very
early age. Some think they should begin at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
4. Question: Some people think that sending criminals to prison is not effective.
Education and job training should be used instead. Do you agree or disagree?
5. Question: Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass
exams, and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught. To what extent do you agree/disagree? Main points
Question 1: Some people believe that everyone
has a right to have access to university education and that governments should make it
free for all students no matter what financial background they have.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Arguments in favor of free and
Arguments against free and universal
universal access to university education
access to university education
● Providing free education can lead to
● Waiving university tuition will put a a more educated workforce. strain on government coffers.
● Free education can help reduce
● The abolition of university tuition socioeconomic inequality.
may take a toll on students’ academic performance. Reference:
● 5 Reasons Why College Should Be Free: The Case for Debt-Free Education ●
Should university education be free?
● A debate is under way about the cost of higher education
● What makes Germany a popular choice among international students?
Question 2: Some people think that schools should invest more money in technology,
such as more computers, while others think more money should be spent on teachers.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The reasons why schools should invest
The reasons why schools should invest more in technology more in teachers ●
● Investing in teachers helps build a
Schools should provide greater
funding for technology to directly
team of high-quality educators. enhance the student learning
● Teachers contribute significantly to experiences.
students' emotional and social development. ●
Technology enables students to access educational resources globally. Reference:
● 5 Reasons Why Schools Should Invest in Technology This Year
● Investing in Education Starts with Investing in Teachers
Question 3: Some people think that children should begin their education at a very early
age. Some think they should begin at least 7 years old.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
The reasons why children should begin
The reasons why children should begin
their education at a very early age
their education at least 7 years old
● Early education can stimulate a
● Delaying formal education until
child's cognitive development.
around age 7 allows children to
● Preschool and early education
begin their academic journey when
settings provide opportunities for they are developmentally more
children to develop soft skills. prepared.
● Early childhood education can help
● Starting formal education at a later
children become more prepared for
age can potentially reduce stress and formal schooling.
anxiety for both children and their families.
● Delaying formal education allows
children to enjoy a more extended period of childhood. Reference:
● Benefits of Early Childhood Education: A Comprehensive Exploration
● How soft skills are taught in early learning services
● Early Childhood Training: A Foundation for Lifelong Success
● Better Late than Early
● School Readiness: What is the right age for your child?
● Delaying formal education allows children to enjoy a more extended period of childhood.
Question 4: Some people think that sending criminals to prison is not effective.
Education and job training should be used instead. Do you agree or disagree?
Sending criminals to prison is still
Education and job training should be effective used instead
● The threat of imprisonment is meant
● Providing education and vocational
to serve as a deterrent to potential
training to inmates can significantly offenders. reduce the likelihood of
● Incarceration removes dangerous reoffending.
individuals from the community,
● Education and job training can
reducing the immediate threat they
address the underlying factors that pose to public safety.
contribute to criminal behavior. Reference:
● Five Things About Deterrence
● The Crime Prevention Effects of Incarceration
● Education and Vocational Training in Prisons Reduces Recidivism, Improves Job Outlook
● Education and Crime
Question 5: Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass exams,
and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught.
To what extent do you agree/disagree?
The reasons why students should be
The reasons why skills such as cooking
taught academic knowledge
or dressing should be taught ● ●
Learning how to cook and dress
Many academic subjects have direct
practical applications in everyday
oneself fosters self-sufficiency. life.
● Cooking skills can have a positive ●
impact on their overall health.
Academic knowledge instills a love
for learning and the ability to pursue
● Proficiency in cooking can open up
further education throughout one's
opportunities for employment in the life. food industry.
● A solid academic background opens
doors to a wide range of career opportunities.
The reasons why students should be
The reasons why skills such as cooking
taught academic knowledge
or dressing should be taught Reference:
● Science practical work and its impact on its impact on students’ science achievement
● Benefits of Education Are Societal and Personal
● Building Self-help Skills through Cooking
● Learning cooking skills at different ages: a cross-sectional study
● Cooking Skills: Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them TOPIC 2: WORK Practice questions
1. Question: Some people work harder than others. Why is this?
Is this a positive or negative habit?
2. Question: Some people believe that it is a good idea that older people continue to
work if it is possible for them to do. Do you agree or disagree?
3. Question: In most successful companies, some people think that communication
between employers and workers is the most important factor, other people say that
other factors are more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
4. Question: Some people want to be able to contact their staff at all times, even on holidays.
Does this development have more advantages than disadvantages?
5. Question: More and more people are now moving away from an agricultural
background to cities for work. What will be the consequences of this? What solution can you offer? Main points
Question 1: Some people work harder than others.
Why is this? Is this a positive or negative habit?
The reasons why people work harder
Effects of this habits
● Some individuals are inherently
● Working hard can lead to the driven by a strong internal
accomplishment of personal and
motivation to achieve their goals. professional goals.
● This is due to natural differences in
● Excessive and sustained hard work temperament.
without adequate rest can lead to
● Those who genuinely enjoy what burnout.
they do are more likely to invest
● Prioritizing work excessively may
time and effort into their tasks.
lead to neglect in other important areas of life.
● Constantly pushing oneself to work
harder may contribute to mental health issues. Reference:
● Why do some people work harder than others?
● 5 Benefits of Hard Work
● 6 Ways Working Too Hard Is Bad for Your Health
Question 2: Some people believe that it is a good idea that older people continue to work
if it is possible for them to do. Do you agree or disagree?
Arguments in favor of older people
Arguments against older people continuing to work continuing to work
● Allowing older people to remain in
● Doing so can encourage greater employment can exacerbate financial independence.
unemployment rates among younger
● Staying active in the workforce can workers.
contribute to the mental and physical
well-being of older individuals.
● Health concerns may arise as
individuals age, making it difficult
Arguments in favor of older people
Arguments against older people continuing to work continuing to work
for them to perform job duties
● Older workers can play a crucial role effectively and safely. in transferring institutional
knowledge to younger generations. Reference:
What drives older adults to continue working after official retirement age?
The Advantages of Older Workers
Many older workers have difficult jobs that put them at risk
Question 3: In most successful companies, some people think that communication between
employers and workers is the most important factor, other people say that other factors are more important.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Communication between employers and Other factors workers
● Effective communication fosters
● The quality and innovation of a collaboration and teamwork.
company's products or services
● Transparent communication can
play a significant role in one boost employee engagement. business’s success.
● Communication is vital for
● Hiring and retaining the right talent problem-solving. is crucial.
● Strategic planning is a vital element of success.
● Fostering Collaborative Communication in the Workplace | Box, Inc. ● Why
transparency is key to employee engagement
● Good Communication Can Help Solve Problems | Ag Decision Maker
● Importance of Quality: Explanation & Importance | StudySmarter
Question 4: Some people want to be able to contact their staff at all times, even on holidays.
Does this development have more advantages than disadvantages? Advantages Disadvantages ● Maintaining constant
● Maintaining work-life balance communication with employees becomes challenging when can increase productivity.
employees are expected to be on
● It can provide flexibility for call during their time off.
employees to address urgent work
● Constant accessibility can lead to matters or make important burnout. decisions.
● It can decrease employee job
● It can meet client expectations. satisfaction.
● The Disadvantages of Being Connected to Work 24/7
● Strategies to increase employee productivity What are the most relevant? ●
12 Tips to Achieve and Maintain a Good Work-Life Balance
Question 5: More and more people are now moving away from an agricultural
background to cities for work.
What will be the consequences of this? What solution can you offer? Consequences Solutions
● Rapid urbanization can strain urban
● Governments should develop infrastructure and services
efficient public transportation
● This gives rise to unemployment systems and underemployment.
● Governments should implement
● This migration can lead to well-planned urbanization depopulation in rural areas. strategies
● Governments should invest in rural development
● Urbanization: a problem for the rich and the poor? | Public Health Reviews
● Rapid urbanisation: opportunities and challenges to improve the well-being of
societies | Human Development Reports
● Urbanization Causes and Impacts | National Geographic TOPIC 3: HEALTH Practice questions
1. Question: Some people think that public health is the responsibility of the
government while others think that people should be responsible for their own health.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
2. Question: Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to
improve their health. Do you agree or disagree with this?
3. Question: Healthcare should not be provided for free regardless of a person’s
income. The health of a person is in their own hands and they should, therefore, be held accountable for that.
Do you agree with this opinion?
4. Question: Some people think that public health in a country can be improved by
the government making laws regarding nutritious food. Others, however, think that
health is a matter of personal choice and responsibility.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
5. Question: The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to
being overweight is increasing.
What is the reason for the growth of overweight people in society? How can this problem be solved? Main points
Question 1: Some people think that public health
is the responsibility of the government while others think that people should be
responsible for their own health. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The reasons why public health is the
The reasons why people should be
responsibility of the government
responsible for their own health.
● Governments have the authority to
● Individuals who prioritize
implement large-scale public health
preventive measures and maintain a measures.
healthy lifestyle may incur fewer
● Governments have the resources to
healthcare costs in the long run.
invest in enhancing healthcare
● Individuals’ entire responsibility for services. their own health can ease the
● Government intervention helps government’s burdens on ensure the common good of a healthcare. healthy population.
● Individuals’ entire responsibility for
their own health is also their social responsibility. Reference:
● Responsibility for health: personal, social, and environmental
● Governmental Public Health Powers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
● Why Investors Should be Optimistic About Vietnam’s Healthcare Industry
● The Impact of Personalized Preventive Care on Health Care Quality, Utilization, and Expenditures
Question 2: Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to
improve their health. Do you agree or disagree with this? For Against
● Doctors can offer personalized health
advice based on an individual's medical ● Each patient has their own duty to take history.
care of their health on a daily basis.
● Doctors possess extensive medical
● Doctors have more urgent priorities. knowledge and expertise. For Against
● Doctors’ advice or sharing can be too complex for each patient to understand and follow. Reference:
● 3 Benefits of Patient Education: Improving Safety and Quality of Care
● 6 Benefits of Patient Education & How to Educate Patients ● Patient Education
● Educating patients: understanding barriers, learning styles, and teaching techniques
Question 3: Healthcare should not be provided for free regardless of a person’s income.
The health of a person is in their own hands and they should, therefore, be held accountable for that.
Do you agree with this opinion?
Arguments in favor of providing
Arguments against providing healthcare
healthcare for free regardless of income
for free regardless of income
● This can lead to improved public
● When individuals have to pay for health.
their healthcare to some extent, they
● Free healthcare encourages
are more likely to make responsible
individuals to seek preventative
health choices and adopt healthy
care and early treatment for medical lifestyles.
issues, reducing the spread of ●
diseases and the need for costly,
In a system where healthcare is advanced treatments later on.
entirely free, there may be concerns
about overutilization of healthcare services.
● Providing free healthcare to
everyone can strain a government's budget. Reference:
● Health care systems: models, pros and cons, and smart health card contribution ●
Should the U.S. Government Provide Universal Health Care?
Question 4: Some people think that public health in a country can be improved by the
government making laws regarding nutritious food. Others, however, think that health is a
matter of personal choice and responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Public health can be improved by the
Health is a matter of personal choice
government making laws regarding and responsibility. nutritious food. ● ●
Government regulations can reduce
Individuals should have the freedom
the prevalence of diet-related
to make their own dietary decisions. diseases.
● People have diverse dietary ●
preferences, cultural backgrounds, Regulations can ensure that
healthier food options are more and health needs. accessible and affordable.
● Regulations alone may have limited ●
effectiveness in changing behavior.
Regulations can protect consumers
from deceptive advertising and marketing of unhealthy food products. Reference:
● Healthy Foods and Healthy Diets. How Government Policies Can Steer Food Reformulation - PMC
● How Government Policies and Regulations Can Affect Dietary Choices
● Government Control of Your Diet: Threats to “Freedom to Eat” | The Heritage Foundation
Question 5: The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to
being overweight is increasing.
What is the reason for the growth of overweight people in society? How can this problem be solved? Reasons Problems
● High consumption of processed
● The government should promote
foods contributes to weight gain
awareness and education about the
● A sedentary lifestyle leads to
importance of a balanced diet and overweightness regular physical activity.
● The marketing of unhealthy foods
● The government should invest in and beverages has influenced
programs that support physical dietary choices. activity
● The government should impose a
ban on the marketing of unhealthy products to children Reference:
● Highly Processed Foods Linked to Weight Gain | NIH News in Health.
● A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of obesity
● Promoting the production of healthy food TOPIC 4: ENVIRONMENT Practice questions
1. While some people consider global warming to be the most pressing
environmental problem which we have at the moment, others believe that
deforestation has a more devastating impact on our world. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
2. With increasing populations and ever growing urban centers, many countries are
losing their natural beauty spots.
What benefits are there to protecting places of natural beauty? How can this be solved?
3. Question: Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species.
Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe
that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
4. Question: Nowadays, people have little awareness of the importance of the natural world.
What are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world?
5. Question: It is often said that governments spend too much money to protect
wildlife, while there are other problems that are more important. Do you agree or disagree? Main points
Question 1: While some people consider global
warming to be the most pressing environmental problem which we have at the
moment, others believe that deforestation has a more devastating impact on our world.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The reasons of why global warming is The reasons of why deforestation has a
considered the most pressing
more devastating impact on our world
environmental problem which we have at the moment ● ●
Global warming contributes to the
Deforestation can cause loss of intensification and increased biodiversity. frequency of extreme weather
● This phenomenon can entail a great events. impact on indigenous peoples. ● Changes in temperature and
precipitation patterns disrupt ecosystems.
● Warming temperatures contribute to
the melting of glaciers and ice caps,
leading to the thermal expansion of seawater. Reference:
● Global Warming 101
● Ice melt and sea level rise
● Effects of Deforestation
Question 2: With increasing populations and ever growing urban centers, many countries
are losing their natural beauty spots.
What benefits are there to protecting places of natural beauty? How can this be solved? The benefits The solutions
● Protecting natural beauty helps
● The government should impose conserve biodiversity.
strict laws on those who destroy
● Many natural beauty spots can help natural beauty spots. boost tourism.
● The local authorities should
● This can contribute to improved
integrate green spaces and nature human well-being. reserves into urban planning.
● Sustainable tourism practices should be encouraged among visitors coming to cities. Reference:
● 10 Benefits of the Natural Protected Areas in San Quintin
● Government Aims to Crack Down on Illegal Entrepreneurship and Protect
Greece’s Beautiful Natural Assets
● Alaminos takes measures for sustainable tourism
Question 3: Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some
people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective
measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The reasons why it is too late to do
The reasons why effective measures can
anything about this problem
be taken to improve this situation
● Human activities have led to the
● Governments can enact laws to ban
destruction and fragmentation of
illegal acts that pose a threat to natural habitats. natural habitats.
● Climate change, driven by human ●
activities, is altering ecosystems and
Governments can invest in the
establishment of protected areas.
threatening species with changing
temperature and weather patterns.
● Increasing public awareness about
the importance of biodiversity and
the threats to plant and animal
species can lead to changes in
consumer behavior and policies.
The reasons why it is too late to do
The reasons why effective measures
anything about this problem
can be taken to improve this situation
● Extinctions have occurred, and once
a species is lost, it cannot be recovered.
● Habitat destruction
● Climate change and its impact on biodiversity and human welfare ● Mass Extinctions
● 7 Strategies for protecting wildlife
Question 4: Nowadays, people have little awareness of the importance of the natural world.
What are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world?