Đáp án Unit 4 skillful reading and writing 1 key - Ngôn Ngữ Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng

Đáp án skillful reading and writing 1 key - Ngôn Ngữ Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

A.Reading and writing
1.In each set, match the words with their meanings.
1.e 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.g 7.h 8.i 9.f
2. complete these sentences
1. abundant
5.aside from
Before you read
2. what the title means
1.Krill are a fuel that may solve our energy problems.
Close reading
2. Write the answers to these question
1. Krill are tiny, shrimp-like animals about the size of a paper clip,
2. They live in the ocean depths.
3. They feed on phytoplankton-single-cell plants at the bottom of the
food chain-and on algae found under sea ice.
4. 450 square kilometers
5. Because Krill oil has become popular in dietary supplemens in
recent years.
6. Some animals that feed on krill have declined in number as a result.
Before you read
3. Preview Size doesn’t matter
2.How Singapore bacame successful even with little land.
Global reading
1.Complete these sentences
1. 15,5
2. 7,3000
3. 24,000
4. 100
5. 3
2. Check the statements you can infer from Size doesn’t matter:
1.Find these sentences in Fuel of the sea. Complete them with the
correct definition or example
1. Tiny, shrimp like animals
2. single-cell plants at the bottom of the food chain
3. fish, seals and penguins
4. swarm
2. Complete these sentences about Singapore
1. a small country at the tip of the Malay Peninsula
2. an island resort at the southern end of the country
3. Indian, Chinese, and Malay influences
4. a large, smelly, and spiky fruit
5. one of the Asian “ tigers”
3. Complete these definitions
1. Large
2. not exactly
3. available in lagre quantities
4. demand
5. population.
1.Complete this paragraph
1. is making 2. Are buying 3. Are paying 4. Is fishing
5. am investing 6. Is changing 7. Are starting 8. Are shopping
2. Cricle the correct verb tenses
1. a, are closing b, Know
2. a, Are begining b, wants
3. a, is taking b, needs
4. are planning b, are you saving
| 1/2

Preview text:

A.Reading and writing Unit4: VOCABULARY PREVIEW:
1.In each set, match the words with their meanings.
1.e 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.g 7.h 8.i 9.f 2. complete these sentences 1. abundant 2.demand 3.population 4.massive 5.aside from 6.primary 7.approximately 8.effecient 9.concentration READING 1: FUEL OF THE SEA Before you read 2. what the title means
1.Krill are a fuel that may solve our energy problems. Close reading
2. Write the answers to these question
1. Krill are tiny, shrimp-like animals about the size of a paper clip,
2. They live in the ocean depths.
3. They feed on phytoplankton-single-cell plants at the bottom of the
food chain-and on algae found under sea ice. 4. 450 square kilometers
5. Because Krill oil has become popular in dietary supplemens in recent years.
6. Some animals that feed on krill have declined in number as a result.
3. Preview Size doesn’t matter
2.How Singapore bacame successful even with little land. Global reading
1.Complete these sentences 1. 15,5 2. 7,3000 3. 24,000 4. 100 5. 3
2. Check the statements you can infer from Size doesn’t matter: 2,3,4 VOCABULARY SKILL
1.Find these sentences in Fuel of the sea. Complete them with the correct definition or example
1. Tiny, shrimp like animals
2. single-cell plants at the bottom of the food chain 3. fish, seals and penguins 4. swarm
2. Complete these sentences about Singapore
1. a small country at the tip of the Malay Peninsula
2. an island resort at the southern end of the country
3. Indian, Chinese, and Malay influences
4. a large, smelly, and spiky fruit
5. one of the Asian “ tigers”
3. Complete these definitions 1. Large 2. not exactly
3. available in lagre quantities 4. demand 5. population. GRAMMAR 1.Complete this paragraph
1. is making 2. Are buying 3. Are paying 4. Is fishing
5. am investing 6. Is changing 7. Are starting 8. Are shopping
2. Cricle the correct verb tenses 1. a, are closing b, Know 2. a, Are begining b, wants 3. a, is taking b, needs
4. are planning b, are you saving