Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh 9 năm 2017-2018 Sở GD Quảng Nam (có lời giải)

Tổng hợp Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh 9 năm 2017-2018 Sở GD Quảng Nam (có lời giải) rất hay và bổ ích giúp bạn đạt điểm cao. Các bạn tham khảo và ôn tập để chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi tốt nghiệp sắp đến nhé. Mời bạn đọc đón xem.

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QUNG NAM NĂM HỌC: 2017-2018
Điểm phần I và II
Họ tên và chữ ký của giám khảo
Mã phách
Ghi số
Ghi chữ
Giám khảo 1
Giám khảo 2
PART 1: For the questions from 1-5, you will hear two teachers talking about the excursion
of their language class. Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR
A NUMBER for each answer.
Write your answers here:
PART 2: For the questions from 6-10, you will hear a radio program talking about the early
life of Matt Damon, one of the award nominees of the Film awards. Decide whether these
following statements are True (T) or False (F).
Question 6: When his father left, Matt lived with five other members of his family.
Question 7: Matt's mother encouraged her sons to be creative.
Question 8: As a Child, Matt loved to pretend he was someone else.
Question 9: His first success came when he met Ben Affleck.
Question 10: Matt doesn't devote all his time and energy to acting.
Trang 2
Write your answers here:
PART 3: You will hear a radio interview with a ballet dancer called Elena Karpov, who is
talking about her life and career. Write the option A, B, or C to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions from 11-15.
Question 11: At ballet school in New York, Elena ___________.
A. was the only student from Bulgaria
B. found learning the language hard
C. learned to be independent
Question 12: What does Elena say about the ballet called Cinderella?
A. Children will enjoy it.
B. The music was unfamiliar to her.
C. She saw it when she was a child.
Question 13: In her free time, Elena likes to _____________.
A. go sightseeing
B. go to clubs
C. go shopping
Question 14: What does Elena often do for her fans?
A. She gives them a flower.
B. She signs one of her photographs.
C. She sends them a free ticket.
Question 15: What does Elena like best about her job?
A. appearing on television
B. doing something she loves
C. travelling to different countries
Write your answers here:
Trang 3
Part 1. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following questions
from 16 to 35.
Question 16: Why did the artists object to______ live on stage?
A. performing B. perform C. be performed D. being performed
Question 17: How many phone calls ______ today, Ms. Perkins?” “Just two, sir.”
A. did you make B. are you making C. do you make D. have you made
Question 18: Gary Bricks has been arrested because he’s been accused of ______ a crime.
A. participating B. committing C. fulfilling D. acting
Question 19: We received strict upbringing. We were not ______ to leave home after eight.
A. permissible B. allowed C. let D. legal
Question 20: I had to give a full ______ of my camera when I reported it stolen.
A. account B. detail C. description D. information
Question 21: I turned down the job ______ the attractive salary.
A. because B. because of C. despite D. although
Question 22: If you want to join the English Club, you must first ______ this application
A. make up B. fill in C. write down D. do up
Question 23: You will become ill ______ you stop working so hard.
A. until B. when C. if D. unless
Question 24: Drying flowers is the best way ______ them.
A. to preserve B. preserved C. preserve D. by preserving
Question 25: Don’t use the milk I bought last month. It’s ______ date now.
A. out of B. in for C. up to D. over
Question 26: His handwriting is so bad, I can not make ______ what he has written.
A. off B. out C. up D. down
Question 27: John: I apologize for keeping you waiting for 2 hours. My car broke down on
the way”.
Trang 4
Henry: “______”
A. Thank you B. You are welcome
C. It’s my pleasure D. Your apology is accepted.
Question 28: Mike and Lane are neighbors. They are talking about Lane’s party.
Mike: “Thank you for a lovely evening.”
Lane: “______.
A. It depends on you B. Thank you very much indeed
C. Yeah. I am really looking forward it D. You are welcome
Question 29: I am ______ you liked the film. I thought it was rather ______.
A. surprising/ disappointing B. surprised/ disappointed
C. surprised/ disappointing D. surprising/ disappointed
Question 30: Our village had ______ money available for education that the schools had to
A. so much B. so little C. such little D. such much
Question 31: Whenever we meet, we stop ______ .
A. talking B. for talking C. to talk D. talk
Question 32: She never let you cook the meal, ______ ?
A. didn’t she B. doesn’t she C. did she D. does she
Question 33: I suggest we ______ outside the theater at 8.30.
A. meeting B. met C. meet D. will meet
Question 34: Only by training hard ______ improve our skills
A. can we B. we can C. we do D. have we
Question 35: The death of Tran Lap, the leader of Vietnamese famous rock band called Buc
Tuong, was a great ______ to his fans.
A. losing B. loss C. lose D. lost
Write your answers here:
Trang 5
PART 2: For questions from 36-45, complete the following sentences with suitable phrasal
verbs given in the box. Remember to put the verbs in the correct form. There are two extra
phrasal verbs which you DO NOT use.
fall down, wake up, go off, carry out, break into, put on, bring up, get over, depend on,
go on, knock down, apply for.
Question 36: Someone has ______ my car and stolen the CD player.
Question 37: When I ______, I realized I was late for school.
Question 38: Your salary ______ how long you’ve been working here.
Question 39: I think I’ve ______ weight in the last few months.
Question 40: The three friends all ______the same job last week.
Question 41: ______ pressing Eddie and he’ll agree to your request, for sure.
Question 42: This useful handbook will tell you how to ______ your children.
Question 43: Martin’s condition was rather bad, but after a series of antibiotic injections he
______ his illness.
Question 44: He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will ______ someone
crossing the street.
Question 45: Several recruits were given a harsh training for their reluctance to ______the
captain’s orders.
Write your answers here:
Trang 6
Part 3: For questions from 46-55, read the text below and look carefully at each numbered
line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If the
line is correct, put a tick (
) by the number. If a line has a word which should not be there,
write the word . There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
Nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular for students to
go on an exchange the programme. This is especially popular in
the Europe . In such programmes, students can go abroad and study
at a foreign university for a term or two, and these studies count
towards their degree. This arrangement has several of advantages.
Students have the opportunity to be practise the foreign languages
what they have learnt in school. They meet different cultures and
experience a different way of life. In addition , they learn about
different ways of thinking in their own studying subject and get a
broader view of the issues. For example, one Austrian student who
was studying at agriculture found different types of farming in
England very interesting. Finally, they also meet to exchange
students from other countries, so they experience a really
international environment.
Write your answers here:
Line 01
Line 02
Line 03
Line 04
Line 05
Line 06
Line 07
Line 08
Line 09
Line 10
Part 4: For questions from 56-65, read the text below. Use the words given in CAPITAL at
the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
“Poor value for money and poor (0) SERVICE can cost jobs,” a
(56) ______ from VisitBritain, the UK’s official tourism agency,
explained just recently. Tourism is big (57) ______ in the UK.
Over thirty-six million people visited Britain in 2015; and they
Trang 7
spent over $22 billion. But despite efforts to improve the (58)
______, some visitors still complain about a lack of “service with
a smile”. Just recently, a (59) ______ group found poor standards
of hygiene at less-expensive hotels during an undercover (60)
______. This included filthy lavatories and dirty sheets. “We
need to improve service levels and (61) ______. A really nice
English breakfast served with a smile and a (62) ______ bed can
make all the difference,” the spokesperson said. “The UK offers
(63) ______ arts, sport, heritage and culture. But research has
shown that foreign tourists dislike the lack of (64) ______ they
receive,” he added. “When it comes to service, all you have to do
is be (65)______!”
(Source: hot_english_magazine_2017_180)
Write your answers here:
Trang 8
Điểm phần III
Họ tên và chữ ký của giám khảo
Mã phách
Ghi số
Ghi chữ
Giám khảo 1
Giám khảo 2
Part 1: For questions from 66-75, read the text below and decide which answers (A, B, C or
D) best fits each numbered gap. (2.0 pts)
The British Broadcasting Company was established in 1922. Four years later, it changed its
name to the British Broadcasting Corporation, better (66) ______ as the BBC, and that is how
it has remained ever since.
It was not the world's first radio (67) ______. There had already been public radio broadcasts
in Britain before 1920, and by 1922 radio stations were (68) ______ in Russia and in America.
In the Soviet Union, radio was owned, operated and rigidly controlled by the state. In the USA
it was a great new adventure for free enterprise. With its new idea of public service
broadcasting, the British government chose the middle road.
From the beginning, the BBC was a public service radio, but also an (69) ______ operator.
Except during the war years, it has never been controlled by the government. On the (70)
______, several British government ministers have (71) ______, over the years, that the BBC
was biased against them!
In the early days of BBC radio, there was not a lot of news on the radio. There were music,
drama, discussions and children's programmes; but news was not broadcast until after 7 p.m.,
to avoid (72) ______with the newspapers!
In 1936 the BBC began the world's first television service. Only a few thousand people in the
London area could receive those first flickering images, which were broadcast using a screen
Trang 9
of just 204 lines. Today we have 625 lines on ordinary television, and even more for HDTV.
(73) ______, people liked (74) ____ they saw, and as the number of transmitters increased,
more and more people went out to buy new television (75)______.
(Source: https://linguapress.com/intermediate/bbc-story.htm)
Question 66. A. seen B. regarded C. known D. considered
Question 67. A. channel B. station C. set D. company
Question 68. A. operating B. opening C. experiencing D. running
Question 69. A. initial B. independent C. active D. effective
Question 70. A. contrast B. opposite C. contrary D. one hand
Question 71. A. complained B. praised C. complimented D. apologized
Question 72. A. conflict B. argument C. competition D. rival
Question 73. A. Although B. Therefore C. So D. Nevertheless
Question 74. A. what B. which C. that D. how
Question 75. A. machines B. series C. sets D. aerial
Write your answers here:
Part 2: Fill in each numbered gap (76-85) with one suitable word to complete the passage.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (2.0 pts)
If you’re afraid (0) of delivering feedback, you’re not alone. In two surveys (76) ______ by
leadership development consultancy Zenger/Folkman, each polling nearly 8,000 managers,
about 44% of those surveyed (77) ______ they found it stressful and difficult to (78) ______
negative feedback. A fifth of them avoid the practice entirely. This feedback aversion is often
rooted in fear of (79) ______ others’ feelings.
“Feedback is a social threat,” says Ed Batista an executive coach, consultant, and facilitator at
Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. And like any threat, it’s accompanied (80)
Trang 10
______ physiological and cognitive responses, (81) ______ an increase in heart rate and blood
(82) ______ and feelings of anger, anxiety, and fear. Making matters worse, humans are biased
toward negativity-that is, a tendency to over-index on negative interactions relative to neutral
or positive ones. These physiological responses can inhibit us (83) ______ effectively
processing any feedback (84) ______ we perceive as threatening (85) ______ our identities,
happiness, and jobs.
(Source: https://work.qz.com/1238966/how-to-give-feedback-more-effectively/?utm_source=qzfb)
Write your answers here:
Part 3: Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the
questions from 86 to 95. (2.0 pts)
In 1996, Peace Corps volunteer, Peter Hessler, arrived in Fuling, a quiet town on the Yangtze,
to teach English. He went back recently to find the landscape and his former students
There is excellent mobile phone coverage at the bottom of the Yangtze River, although Huang
Dejian is one of the few people who know this. He’s the director of the new White Crane
Ridge Underwater Museum and today his phone rings constantly at a depth of 40 metres. The
museum is the strangest sight in the city of Fuling visitors enter via a 100-metre-long
escalator encased in a steel tube, like a massive straw dipped into the muddy Yangtze.
The last time I saw Huang, all this was dry land, the $34 million museum didn’t exist and the
Three Gorges Dam was still under construction 450 kilometres downstream. Fuling sits at the
junction of the Yangtze and the Wu Rivers, and in the mid-1990s it felt sleepy and isolated.
There was no main road or railway line, and the Yangtze ferries took seven hours to reach
Chongqing, the nearest large city. Foreigners were unheard of if I ate lunch in the town
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centre, I often attracted a crowd of 30 spectators. The city had one escalator, one nightclub,
and no traffic lights. I didn’t know anybody with a car.
In those days, I worked at Fuling Teachers College. Nearly all of my students came from rural
homes with little tradition of education; many had illiterate parents. My students taught me
many things, including what it meant to come from the countryside, where the vast majority of
Chinese lived at the beginning of the reform era. They also taught me about the complexities
of poverty in China. My students had little money, but they were optimistic, and they had
opportunities; it was impossible to think of such people as poor.
During my visit, about 15 students return to Fuling for an impromptu reunion. They give
updates on the classmates who, like so many Chinese of their generation, have migrated far
from home. My old students are interested in analysing their society. One, who gave himself
the English name of Mo Money says, ‘Life is competitive. I think this is a special stage for
China. In the past we criticised capitalist America. But now we are in a similar situation.’
My last meeting on this visit is with fishermen, Huang Zongming and his brother Zongguo. I
was here when they moved out of their homes in June 2003, when the first stage of the dam
was completed. The brothers tell me there’s still good fishing upstream and Zongming has still
never travelled on a train. I discover that they are the only people I know who remain virtually
the same, despite the changes all around them.
(Source: http://www.ngllife.com/return-river-town-1)
Question 86. The best title of the passage is ____________.
A. the construction of the Three Gorges Dam
B. the changes of Fuling and its people
C. teachers’ life in Fuling, a quiet town in China
D. life quality of people living in Fuling
Question 87. Huang Dejian is the director of ______________.
A. a highly unusual museum
B. a museum in the centre of the city
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C. one of the oldest museums in the area
D. the largest underground museum in the city
Question 88. The town of Fuling _______________.
A. has been transformed by the Three Gorges Dam
B. was built at the same time as the Three Gorges Dam
C. was destroyed by the Three Gorges Dam
D. was constructed based on the design of the Three Gorges Dam
Question 89. Peter Hessler discovers that ___________.
A. everyone he knew has moved away from the area
B. hardly anyone has the same life as they used to
C. most people are unhappy with the changes they have seen
D. most people are complacent about their current situation
Question 90. When Peter lived in Fuling, ______________.
A. he used to go to Chongqing for lunch
B. he was the only foreign visitor most people had seen
C. there were no cars in the town
D. he used to have lunch with 30 strangers in the town centre
Question 91. Peter's students ______________.
A. explained Chinese traditions to him
B. had lives which were very different to the lives of their parents
C. weren’t able to change their lives because they were poor
D. all came from underprivileged areas
Question 92. The word illiteratein the fourth paragraph is closest in the meaning to
A. knowledgeable B. intellectual C. affluent D. uneducated
Question 93. It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that Peter’s old students ____________.
A. are interested in the American way of life
Trang 13
B. don’t agree with the changes that have happened in China
C. think a lot about how life is changing in their country
D. are pessimistic about the future of Fuling
Question 94. What does Peter say about the two fishermen?
A. He expected them to have different lives.
B. The dam has affected them as much as everyone else in Fuling.
C. Their lives are better than before.
D. They liked fishing upstream.
Question 95. The word virtually in the last paragraph can be best replaced by
A. almost B. apparently C. approximately D. partially
Write your answers here:
Trang 14
Điểm phần IV
Họ tên và chữ ký của giám khảo
Mã phách
Ghi số
Ghi chữ
Giám khảo 1
Giám khảo 2
Part 1. For questions from 96 to 100, finish each of the following sentences in such a way
that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. There is an example at the
beginning. (1.0 pt)
(0). He started to play the guitar five years ago.
He has been playing the guitar for five years.
Question 96: I would prefer you not to smoke in here.
I’d rather ________________________________________________ .
Question 97: It’s my opinion that you should take more exercise.
If I _____________________________________________________ .
Question 98: I saw the answers to the test on my teacher’s desk by accident.
I didn’t mean _____________________________________________ .
Question 99: I was strongly determined to complete my dissertation by the end of this month.
I had____________________________________________________ .
Question 100: Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.
Betty is devoted __________________________________________.
Part 2. For questions from 101- 105, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must
Trang 15
use between two and five words including the word given. There is an example at the
beginning. (1.0 pt)
(0). “Do you know how to get to the town center?” she asked me. (WAY)
She asked me if I knew the way to the town center.
Question 101: You do not seem to realize the risk involved. (AWARE)
You do not seem to_________________________ the risk involved
Question 102: She got the part even though she didn’t have much acting experience. (OF)
In _________________________much acting experience, she got the part.
Question 103: He has always supported the idea of nuclear disarmament. (FAVOUR)
He has always _________________________ nuclear disarmament.
Question 104: Karen failed to persuade the landlord to change the locks. (SUCCEED)
Karen _________________________ the landlord to change the locks.
Question 105: My parents said I could go to the graduation party. (PERMISSION)
My parents _________________________go to the graduation.
Part 3. In some countries, young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of
pressure to work hard in their studies. What do you think are the causes of this? What
solutions can you suggest?
In about 150-200 words, write a paragraph to give your opinion. (3.0 pts)
Trang 16
Trang 17
QUNG NAM NĂM HỌC: 2017-2018
SECTION I: LISTENING (3pts): 15 * 0.2 = 3 pts
Part 1:
1. (the) animal park
2. cold and cloudy
3. 10.15 (am)
4. birds of prey
5. 6.30 (pm)
Part 2:
6. F He lived with his mother and elder brother
7. T
8. T
9. F They knew each other for years before they became successful
10. T
Part 3: 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15.B
Part 1. 20* 0.1 = 2 pts
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. A
25. A
26. B
27. D
28. D
29. C
31. C
32. C
33. C
34. A
35. B
Part 2. 10* 0.1= 1 pt
36. broken into
37. woke up
38. depends on
39. put on
40. applied for
41. Go on
42. bring up
43. got over
44. knock down
45. carry out
Part 3. 10* 0.1 = 1 pt
46. (01) the
47. (02)
48. (03) of
49. (04) be
50. (05) what
51. (06)
52. (07) studying
53. (08)
54. (09) at
55. (10) to
Part 4. 10* 0.2= 2 pts
57. business
58. situation
59. consumer
60. investigation
Trang 18
61. attention
62. comfortable
63. fantastic
64. hospitality
65. professional
SECTION III: READING : 30 * 0.2= 6 pts
Part 1.
66. C
67. B
68. A
69. B
70. C
71. A
72. C
73. D
74. A
75. C
Part 2.
77. said
78. give/ deliver
79. hurting
80. by
81. including
82. pressure
83. from
84. that/ which
85. to
Part 3
86. B
87. A
88. A
89. B
90. B
91. B
92. D
93. C
94. A
Part 1. 5*0.2 = 1 pt
96. I’d rather you did not smoke in here.
97. If I were/was you, I would take more exercise.
98. I did not mean to see the answers to the test on my teacher’s desk.
99. I had a strong determination to complete my dissertation by the end of this month.
100. Betty is devoted to looking after handicapped people.
Part 2. 5*0.2 = 1 pt
101.You do not seem to be aware of the risk involved.
102. In spite of not having much acting experience, she got the part.
103. He has always been in favour of nuclear disarmament.
104. Karen didn’t succeed in persuading the landlord to change the locks.
105. My parents gave me (their) permission to go to the graduation
Part 3. (3pts)
Guide for marking:
Band 5: Those scored from 2.5 3.0 points should be as followings:
The writing fully achieves the desired effect on the reader. The use of language is confident with a
varied range of structures and vocabulary. The ideas are linked with suitable linking devices.
Band 4: Those scored from 1.9 2.4 points should be as followings:
The writing achieves the desired effect on the reader. The use of language is confident with a range of
structures and vocabulary. The ideas are somewhat linked with linking devices. There may be some
errors but these do not affect understanding.
Band 3: Those scored 1.3 -1.8 points should be as followings:
The writing may have problem in conveying the reader the content and message in order to achieve
the desired effect. The use of language items like structures and vocabulary is quite limited. There
may be some linking between sentences but this linking is not always maintained. A number of errors
are present but most of these do not affect the general comprehension of the writing.
Band 2: Those scored from 0.7 1.2 points should be as followings:
The writing struggles to achieve the desired goal set in the task. The use of language including
vocabulary and structures is simple, limited and repetitive. There may be incomprehensible sentences
Trang 19
and errors that prevent comprehension and communication. The reader has to work very hard to
understand the writer’s ideas.
Band 1: Those scored from 0.1 0.6 points should be as followings:
The writing causes a negative effect on the reader. The use of language including vocabulary and
structures is very simple, limited and repetitive. There may be many incomprehensible sentences and
numerous errors that prevent comprehension and communication. The reader has to work very hard to
understand the writer’s ideas.
A score of 0 will be given for those writings that have too little language for scoring, are illegible,
have incomprehensible contents, or are irrelevant to the topic.
- The end-
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Preview text:

Điểm phần I và II
Họ tên và chữ ký của giám khảo Mã phách Ghi số Ghi chữ Giám khảo 1 Giám khảo 2
PART 1: For the questions from 1-5, you will hear two teachers talking about the excursion
of their language class. Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR
A NUMBER for each answer. School Excursion Day: Example Wednesday
Destination: (1) _____________ Weather: (2) _____________
Arrival time: (3) _____________ Activities Planned See: (4) _________________ Eat: Catered lunch
Return time: (5) _______________
Write your answers here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
PART 2: For the questions from 6-10, you will hear a radio program talking about the early

life of Matt Damon, one of the award nominees of the Film awards. Decide whether these
following statements are True (T) or False (F).
Question 6: When his father left, Matt lived with five other members of his family.
Question 7: Matt's mother encouraged her sons to be creative.
Question 8: As a Child, Matt loved to pretend he was someone else.
Question 9: His first success came when he met Ben Affleck.
Question 10: Matt doesn't devote all his time and energy to acting. Trang 1
Write your answers here: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
PART 3: You will hear a radio interview with a ballet dancer called Elena Karpov, who is
talking about her life and career. Write the option A, B, or C to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions from 11-15.
Question 11: At ballet school in New York, Elena ___________.
A. was the only student from Bulgaria
B. found learning the language hard C. learned to be independent
Question 12: What does Elena say about the ballet called Cinderella? A. Children will enjoy it.
B. The music was unfamiliar to her.
C. She saw it when she was a child.
Question 13: In her free time, Elena likes to _____________. A. go sightseeing B. go to clubs C. go shopping
Question 14: What does Elena often do for her fans? A. She gives them a flower.
B. She signs one of her photographs.
C. She sends them a free ticket.
Question 15: What does Elena like best about her job? A. appearing on television B. doing something she loves
C. travelling to different countries
Write your answers here: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Trang 2
Part 1. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following questions from 16 to 35.
Question 16: Why did the artists object to______ live on stage? A. performing B. perform C. be performed D. being performed
Question 17: “How many phone calls ______ today, Ms. Perkins?” “Just two, sir.” A. did you make
B. are you making C. do you make D. have you made
Question 18: Gary Bricks has been arrested because he’s been accused of ______ a crime. A. participating B. committing C. fulfilling D. acting
Question 19: We received strict upbringing. We were not ______ to leave home after eight. A. permissible B. allowed C. let D. legal
Question 20: I had to give a full ______ of my camera when I reported it stolen. A. account B. detail C. description D. information
Question 21: I turned down the job ______ the attractive salary. A. because B. because of C. despite D. although
Question 22: If you want to join the English Club, you must first ______ this application form. A. make up B. fill in C. write down D. do up
Question 23: You will become ill ______ you stop working so hard. A. until B. when C. if D. unless
Question 24: Drying flowers is the best way ______ them. A. to preserve B. preserved C. preserve D. by preserving
Question 25: Don’t use the milk I bought last month. It’s ______ date now. A. out of B. in for C. up to D. over
Question 26: His handwriting is so bad, I can not make ______ what he has written. A. off B. out C. up D. down
Question 27: John: “I apologize for keeping you waiting for 2 hours. My car broke down on the way”. Trang 3
Henry: “______” A. Thank you B. You are welcome C. It’s my pleasure D. Your apology is accepted.
Question 28: Mike and Lane are neighbors. They are talking about Lane’s party.
Mike: “Thank you for a lovely evening.”
Lane: “______.” A. It depends on you B. Thank you very much indeed
C. Yeah. I am really looking forward it D. You are welcome
Question 29: I am ______ you liked the film. I thought it was rather ______. A. surprising/ disappointing B. surprised/ disappointed C. surprised/ disappointing D. surprising/ disappointed
Question 30: Our village had ______ money available for education that the schools had to close. A. so much B. so little C. such little D. such much
Question 31: Whenever we meet, we stop ______ . A. talking B. for talking C. to talk D. talk
Question 32: She never let you cook the meal, ______ ? A. didn’t she B. doesn’t she C. did she D. does she
Question 33: I suggest we ______ outside the theater at 8.30. A. meeting B. met C. meet D. will meet
Question 34: Only by training hard ______ improve our skills A. can we B. we can C. we do D. have we
Question 35: The death of Tran Lap, the leader of Vietnamese famous rock band called Buc
Tuong, was a great ______ to his fans. A. losing B. loss C. lose D. lost
Write your answers here: 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Trang 4 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
PART 2: For questions from 36-45, complete the following sentences with suitable phrasal
verbs given in the box. Remember to put the verbs in the correct form. There are two extra
phrasal verbs which you DO NOT use.
fall down, wake up, go off, carry out, break into, put on, bring up, get over, depend on, go on, knock down, apply for.
Question 36: Someone has ______ my car and stolen the CD player.
Question 37: When I ______, I realized I was late for school.
Question 38: Your salary ______ how long you’ve been working here.
Question 39: I think I’ve ______ weight in the last few months.
Question 40: The three friends all ______the same job last week.
Question 41: ______ pressing Eddie and he’ll agree to your request, for sure.
Question 42: This useful handbook will tell you how to ______ your children.
Question 43: Martin’s condition was rather bad, but after a series of antibiotic injections he ______ his illness.
Question 44: He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will ______ someone crossing the street.
Question 45: Several recruits were given a harsh training for their reluctance to ______the captain’s orders.
Write your answers here: 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Trang 5
Part 3: For questions from 46-55, read the text below and look carefully at each numbered
line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If the
line is correct, put a tick (
) by the number. If a line has a word which should not be there,
write the word . There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
Nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular for students to 0
go on an exchange the programme. This is especially popular in 00 the
the Europe . In such programmes, students can go abroad and study 01
at a foreign university for a term or two, and these studies count 02
towards their degree. This arrangement has several of advantages. 03
Students have the opportunity to be practise the foreign languages 04
what they have learnt in school. They meet different cultures and 05
experience a different way of life. In addition , they learn about 06
different ways of thinking in their own studying subject and get a 07
broader view of the issues. For example, one Austrian student who 08
was studying at agriculture found different types of farming in 09
England very interesting. Finally, they also meet to exchange 10
students from other countries, so they experience a really international environment.
Write your answers here:
Line 01 Line 02 Line 03 Line 04 Line 05 Line 06 Line 07 Line 08 Line 09 Line 10 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
Part 4: For questions from 56-65, read the text below. Use the words given in CAPITAL at
the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
“Poor value for money and poor (0) SERVICE can cost jobs,” a SERVE
(56) ______ from VisitBritain, the UK’s official tourism agency, REPRESENT
explained just recently. Tourism is big (57) ______ in the UK. BUSY
Over thirty-six million people visited Britain in 2015; and they Trang 6
spent over $22 billion. But despite efforts to improve the (58) SITUATE
______, some visitors still complain about a lack of “service with
a smile”. Just recently, a (59) ______ group found poor standards CONSUME
of hygiene at less-expensive hotels during an undercover (60) INVESTIGATE
______. This included filthy lavatories and dirty sheets. “We
need to improve service levels and (61) ______. A really nice ATTEND
English breakfast served with a smile and a (62) ______ bed can COMFORT
make all the difference,” the spokesperson said. “The UK offers
(63) ______ arts, sport, heritage and culture. But research has FANTASY
shown that foreign tourists dislike the lack of (64) ______ they HOSPITABLE
receive,” he added. “When it comes to service, all you have to do is be (65)______!” PROFESSION
(Source: hot_english_magazine_2017_180)
Write your answers here: 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Trang 7 Điểm phần III
Họ tên và chữ ký của giám khảo Mã phách Ghi số Ghi chữ Giám khảo 1 Giám khảo 2
Part 1: For questions from 66-75, read the text below and decide which answers (A, B, C or
D) best fits each numbered gap. (2.0 pts)
The British Broadcasting Company was established in 1922. Four years later, it changed its
name to the British Broadcasting Corporation, better (66) ______ as the BBC, and that is how it has remained ever since.
It was not the world's first radio (67) ______. There had already been public radio broadcasts
in Britain before 1920, and by 1922 radio stations were (68) ______ in Russia and in America.
In the Soviet Union, radio was owned, operated and rigidly controlled by the state. In the USA
it was a great new adventure for free enterprise. With its new idea of public service
broadcasting, the British government chose the middle road.
From the beginning, the BBC was a public service radio, but also an (69) ______ operator.
Except during the war years, it has never been controlled by the government. On the (70)
______, several British government ministers have (71) ______, over the years, that the BBC was biased against them!
In the early days of BBC radio, there was not a lot of news on the radio. There were music,
drama, discussions and children's programmes; but news was not broadcast until after 7 p.m.,
to avoid (72) ______with the newspapers!
In 1936 the BBC began the world's first television service. Only a few thousand people in the
London area could receive those first flickering images, which were broadcast using a screen Trang 8
of just 204 lines. Today we have 625 lines on ordinary television, and even more for HDTV.
(73) ______, people liked (74) ____ they saw, and as the number of transmitters increased,
more and more people went out to buy new television (75)______.
(Source: https://linguapress.com/intermediate/bbc-story.htm)
Question 66. A. seen B. regarded C. known D. considered
Question 67. A. channel B. station C. set D. company
Question 68. A. operating B. opening C. experiencing D. running
Question 69. A. initial B. independent C. active D. effective
Question 70. A. contrast B. opposite C. contrary D. one hand
Question 71. A. complained B. praised C. complimented D. apologized
Question 72. A. conflict B. argument C. competition D. rival
Question 73. A. Although B. Therefore C. So D. Nevertheless
Question 74. A. what B. which C. that D. how
Question 75. A. machines B. series C. sets D. aerial
Write your answers here: 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
Part 2: Fill in each numbered gap (76-85) with one suitable word to complete the passage.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (2.0 pts)
If you’re afraid (0) of delivering feedback, you’re not alone. In two surveys (76) ______ by
leadership development consultancy Zenger/Folkman, each polling nearly 8,000 managers,
about 44% of those surveyed (77) ______ they found it stressful and difficult to (78) ______
negative feedback. A fifth of them avoid the practice entirely. This feedback aversion is often
rooted in fear of (79) ______ others’ feelings.
“Feedback is a social threat,” says Ed Batista an executive coach, consultant, and facilitator at
Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. And like any threat, it’s accompanied (80) Trang 9
______ physiological and cognitive responses, (81) ______ an increase in heart rate and blood
(82) ______ and feelings of anger, anxiety, and fear. Making matters worse, humans are biased
toward negativity-that is, a tendency to over-index on negative interactions relative to neutral
or positive ones. These physiological responses can inhibit us (83) ______ effectively
processing any feedback (84) ______ we perceive as threatening (85) ______ our identities, happiness, and jobs.
(Source: https://work.qz.com/1238966/how-to-give-feedback-more-effectively/?utm_source=qzfb)
Write your answers here: 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.
Part 3: Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the
questions from 86 to 95. (2.0 pts)
In 1996, Peace Corps volunteer, Peter Hessler, arrived in Fuling, a quiet town on the Yangtze,
to teach English. He went back recently to find the landscape and his former students transformed.
There is excellent mobile phone coverage at the bottom of the Yangtze River, although Huang
Dejian is one of the few people who know this. He’s the director of the new White Crane
Ridge Underwater Museum and today his phone rings constantly at a depth of 40 metres. The
museum is the strangest sight in the city of Fuling – visitors enter via a 100-metre-long
escalator encased in a steel tube, like a massive straw dipped into the muddy Yangtze.
The last time I saw Huang, all this was dry land, the $34 million museum didn’t exist and the
Three Gorges Dam was still under construction 450 kilometres downstream. Fuling sits at the
junction of the Yangtze and the Wu Rivers, and in the mid-1990s it felt sleepy and isolated.
There was no main road or railway line, and the Yangtze ferries took seven hours to reach
Chongqing, the nearest large city. Foreigners were unheard of – if I ate lunch in the town Trang 10
centre, I often attracted a crowd of 30 spectators. The city had one escalator, one nightclub,
and no traffic lights. I didn’t know anybody with a car.
In those days, I worked at Fuling Teachers College. Nearly all of my students came from rural
homes with little tradition of education; many had illiterate parents. My students taught me
many things, including what it meant to come from the countryside, where the vast majority of
Chinese lived at the beginning of the reform era. They also taught me about the complexities
of poverty in China. My students had little money, but they were optimistic, and they had
opportunities; it was impossible to think of such people as poor.
During my visit, about 15 students return to Fuling for an impromptu reunion. They give
updates on the classmates who, like so many Chinese of their generation, have migrated far
from home. My old students are interested in analysing their society. One, who gave himself
the English name of Mo Money says, ‘Life is competitive. I think this is a special stage for
China. In the past we criticised capitalist America. But now we are in a similar situation.’
My last meeting on this visit is with fishermen, Huang Zongming and his brother Zongguo. I
was here when they moved out of their homes in June 2003, when the first stage of the dam
was completed. The brothers tell me there’s still good fishing upstream and Zongming has still
never travelled on a train. I discover that they are the only people I know who remain virtually
the same, despite the changes all around them.
(Source: http://www.ngllife.com/return-river-town-1)
Question 86. The best title of the passage is ____________.
A. the construction of the Three Gorges Dam
B. the changes of Fuling and its people
C. teachers’ life in Fuling, a quiet town in China
D. life quality of people living in Fuling
Question 87. Huang Dejian is the director of ______________. A. a highly unusual museum
B. a museum in the centre of the city Trang 11
C. one of the oldest museums in the area
D. the largest underground museum in the city
Question 88. The town of Fuling _______________.
A. has been transformed by the Three Gorges Dam
B. was built at the same time as the Three Gorges Dam
C. was destroyed by the Three Gorges Dam
D. was constructed based on the design of the Three Gorges Dam
Question 89. Peter Hessler discovers that ___________.
A. everyone he knew has moved away from the area
B. hardly anyone has the same life as they used to
C. most people are unhappy with the changes they have seen
D. most people are complacent about their current situation
Question 90. When Peter lived in Fuling, ______________.
A. he used to go to Chongqing for lunch
B. he was the only foreign visitor most people had seen
C. there were no cars in the town
D. he used to have lunch with 30 strangers in the town centre
Question 91. Peter's students ______________.
A. explained Chinese traditions to him
B. had lives which were very different to the lives of their parents
C. weren’t able to change their lives because they were poor
D. all came from underprivileged areas
Question 92. The word “illiterate” in the fourth paragraph is closest in the meaning to _________. A. knowledgeable B. intellectual C. affluent D. uneducated
Question 93. It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that Peter’s old students ____________.
A. are interested in the American way of life Trang 12
B. don’t agree with the changes that have happened in China
C. think a lot about how life is changing in their country
D. are pessimistic about the future of Fuling
Question 94. What does Peter say about the two fishermen?
A. He expected them to have different lives.
B. The dam has affected them as much as everyone else in Fuling.
C. Their lives are better than before.
D. They liked fishing upstream.
Question 95. The word “virtually” in the last paragraph can be best replaced by ________. A. almost B. apparently C. approximately D. partially
Write your answers here: 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. Trang 13 Điểm phần IV
Họ tên và chữ ký của giám khảo Mã phách Ghi số Ghi chữ Giám khảo 1 Giám khảo 2
Part 1. For questions from 96 to 100, finish each of the following sentences in such a way
that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. There is an example at the
beginning. (1.0 pt)
(0). He started to play the guitar five years ago.
He has been playing the guitar for five years.
Question 96: I would prefer you not to smoke in here.
I’d rather ________________________________________________ .
Question 97: It’s my opinion that you should take more exercise.
If I _____________________________________________________ .
Question 98: I saw the answers to the test on my teacher’s desk by accident.
I didn’t mean _____________________________________________ .
Question 99: I was strongly determined to complete my dissertation by the end of this month.
I had____________________________________________________ .
Question 100: Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.
Betty is devoted __________________________________________.
Part 2. For questions from 101- 105, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must Trang 14
use between two and five words including the word given. There is an example at the
beginning. (1.0 pt)
(0). “Do you know how to get to the town center?” she asked me. (WAY)
She asked me if I knew the way to the town center.
Question 101: You do not seem to realize the risk involved. (AWARE)
You do not seem to_________________________ the risk involved
Question 102: She got the part even though she didn’t have much acting experience. (OF)
In _________________________much acting experience, she got the part.
Question 103: He has always supported the idea of nuclear disarmament. (FAVOUR)
He has always _________________________ nuclear disarmament.
Question 104: Karen failed to persuade the landlord to change the locks. (SUCCEED)
Karen _________________________ the landlord to change the locks.
Question 105: My parents said I could go to the graduation party. (PERMISSION)
My parents _________________________go to the graduation.
Part 3. In some countries, young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of
pressure to work hard in their studies. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?
In about 150-200 words, write a paragraph to give your opinion. (3.0 pts)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………... Trang 15
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Trang 16
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… THE END
SECTION I: LISTENING (3pts): 15 * 0.2 = 3 pts Part 1: 1. (the) animal park 2. cold and cloudy 3. 10.15 (am) 4. birds of prey 5. 6.30 (pm) Part 2:
6. F – He lived with his mother and elder brother 7. T 8. T
9. F – They knew each other for years before they became successful 10. T Part 3: 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15.B
SECTION II: LEXICO-GRAMMAR (6.0 pts): Part 1. 20* 0.1 = 2 pts 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. C 30.B 31. C 32. C 33. C 34. A 35. B Part 2. 10* 0.1= 1 pt 36. broken into 37. woke up 38. depends on 39. put on 40. applied for 41. Go on 42. bring up 43. got over 44. knock down 45. carry out Part 3. 10* 0.1 = 1 pt 46. (01) the 47. (02)  48. (03) of 49. (04) be 50. (05) what 51. (06) 
52. (07) studying 53. (08)  54. (09) at 55. (10) to Part 4. 10* 0.2= 2 pts 56. 57. business 58. situation 59. consumer 60. investigation representative Trang 17 61. attention 62. comfortable 63. fantastic 64. hospitality 65. professional
SECTION III: READING : 30 * 0.2= 6 pts Part 1. 66. C 67. B 68. A 69. B 70. C 71. A 72. C 73. D 74. A 75. C Part 2.
76.conducted/done 77. said 78. give/ deliver 79. hurting 80. by 81. including 82. pressure 83. from 84. that/ which 85. to Part 3 86. B 87. A 88. A 89. B 90. B 91. B 92. D 93. C 94. A 95.A SECTION IV. WRITING (5pts) Part 1. 5*0.2 = 1 pt
96. I’d rather you did not smoke in here.
97. If I were/was you, I would take more exercise.
98. I did not mean to see the answers to the test on my teacher’s desk.
99. I had a strong determination to complete my dissertation by the end of this month.
100. Betty is devoted to looking after handicapped people. Part 2. 5*0.2 = 1 pt
101.You do not seem to be aware of the risk involved.
102. In spite of not having much acting experience, she got the part.
103. He has always been in favour of nuclear disarmament.
104. Karen didn’t succeed in persuading the landlord to change the locks.
105. My parents gave me (their) permission to go to the graduation Part 3. (3pts) Guide for marking:
Band 5: Those scored from 2.5 – 3.0 points should be as followings:
The writing fully achieves the desired effect on the reader. The use of language is confident with a
varied range of structures and vocabulary. The ideas are linked with suitable linking devices.
Band 4: Those scored from 1.9 – 2.4 points should be as followings:
The writing achieves the desired effect on the reader. The use of language is confident with a range of
structures and vocabulary. The ideas are somewhat linked with linking devices. There may be some
errors but these do not affect understanding.
Band 3: Those scored 1.3 -1.8 points should be as followings:
The writing may have problem in conveying the reader the content and message in order to achieve
the desired effect. The use of language items like structures and vocabulary is quite limited. There
may be some linking between sentences but this linking is not always maintained. A number of errors
are present but most of these do not affect the general comprehension of the writing.
Band 2: Those scored from 0.7 – 1.2 points should be as followings:
The writing struggles to achieve the desired goal set in the task. The use of language including
vocabulary and structures is simple, limited and repetitive. There may be incomprehensible sentences Trang 18
and errors that prevent comprehension and communication. The reader has to work very hard to
understand the writer’s ideas.
Band 1: Those scored from 0.1 – 0.6 points should be as followings:
The writing causes a negative effect on the reader. The use of language including vocabulary and
structures is very simple, limited and repetitive. There may be many incomprehensible sentences and
numerous errors that prevent comprehension and communication. The reader has to work very hard to
understand the writer’s ideas.
A score of 0 will be given for those writings that have too little language for scoring, are illegible,
have incomprehensible contents, or are irrelevant to the topic.
- The end- Trang 19