Discussing About Quotes AND Statements | Listening and Speaking B2 | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

"Thảo luận về các câu trích dẫn và tuyên bố" là một phần trong môn học Listening and Speaking B2 tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Trong phần này, sinh viên sẽ được khuyến khích thảo luận và trao đổi ý kiến về các câu trích dẫn và tuyên bố từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau như sách, báo chí, phim ảnh, và các tài liệu học thuật. Qua việc thảo luận, sinh viên có cơ hội rèn luyện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ cũng như khả năng diễn đạt ý kiến và lập luận. Chủ đề này cũng giúp mở rộng kiến thức và ý thức về những vấn đề quan trọng trong xã hội và văn hóa hiện đại, đồng thời khơi dậy sự tò mò và sự phê phán xã hội từ phía sinh viên.

lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
“Fashion fade, style is eternal.”
The quote means that fashion trends are temporary and change over time, but
personal style is lasting and unique. Fashion trends are what is popular or fashionable to
wear at a certain time or place, but they may not suit everyone’s taste or personality.
Personal style is what one likes to wear and how one expresses oneself through clothing and
accessories, regardless of what is in or out of fashion.
For example, a fashion trend may be to wear neon colors, but someone who prefers
neutral colors may not follow this trend and stick to their own style. Or, a fashion trend may
be to wear skinny jeans, but someone who likes vintage clothes may not follow this trend
and wear flared jeans instead. These people have their own style that does not depend on
fashion trends.
The quote suggests that fashion trends are not very important or meaningful, because
they come and go quickly and can be easily forgotten. Personal style, on the other hand, is
more important and meaningful, because it reflects one’s identity, personality, and
preferences, and it can last for a long time. Personal style is what makes one stand out and
be original, while fashion trends can make one blend in and be ordinary.
Therefore, the quote encourages one to focus on developing one’s own style, rather
than following fashion trends blindly. It also implies that one’s style can be more beautiful,
elegant, and timeless than fashion trends, which can be superficial, boring, and outdated.
“Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not
already tested.”
The quote means that you should only tell secrets to those who have proven to be loyal and
discreet. You should not tell secrets to those who might betray you, expose you, or
misunderstand you. You should test their faith and silence by observing their behavior,
character, and reputation before you confide in them.
For example, if you have a secret that you want to share with a friend, you should first
make sure that your friend is trustworthy and respectful. You should not tell your secret to a
friend who is known to gossip, lie, or cheat. You should also not tell your secret to a friend
who is new, unfamiliar, or distant. You should only tell your secret to a friend who has
shown that they can keep your secret safe and support you.
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
The quote suggests that telling secrets to the wrong people can be dangerous and harmful. It
can lead to problems such as betrayal, conflict, embarrassment, or misunderstanding.
Telling secrets to the right people can be beneficial and helpful. It can lead to benefits such
as friendship, comfort, advice, or understanding.
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from
our children.”
This is a quote that expresses the idea that we should take care of the earth and its natural
resources, because we are only using them temporarily and we have to pass them on to the
next generations. It means that we do not own the earth or have the right to use it as we
please, but we have the responsibility to protect it and preserve it for our children and their
children. It also implies that we should not damage or waste the earth, because we will harm
the future of our children and ourselves. It is a quote that encourages us to be more
environmentally conscious and sustainable in our actions and choices.
“There will always be serendipity involved in discovery.”
The quote means that discovery is not always a planned or predictable process, but it often
involves some element of chance and luck. Serendipity is the occurrence and development
of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Discovery is the act of finding or learning
something new or valuable. The quote suggests that discovery is not something that can be
forced or controlled, but it often depends on being open and curious to new possibilities and
For example, some of the most famous discoveries in history were made by serendipity,
such as the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming, who noticed that a mold had
killed some bacteria in his petri dish, or the discovery of microwave ovens by Percy
Spencer, who noticed that a chocolate bar had melted in his pocket when he was working
with a radar device. These discoveries were not intentional or expected, but they were the
result of being observant and creative in the face of unexpected situations.
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
The quote implies that discovery is a fun and exciting process, but it also requires a lot of
patience, persistence, and flexibility. It also encourages one to embrace uncertainty and
randomness, and to be willing to explore and experiment with different ideas and
approaches. It also reminds one that discovery can happen anytime and anywhere, as long
as one is ready and receptive to serendipity.
“The more the world functions like the natural world, themore likely
we are to endure on this home that is ours, but not ours alone.”
The more the world functions like the natural world: This means that the more we align our
human systems and activities with the principles and patterns that nature follows, such as
using renewable energy, recycling resources, fostering diversity, and cooperating with each
The more likely we are to endure: This means that the more we increase our chances of
surviving and thriving on this planet, as we reduce our negative impacts on the
environment, improve our resilience and adaptability, and enhance our well-being and
On this home that is ours, but not ours alone: This means that we acknowledge and respect
that the Earth is our shared home with millions of other living beings, and that we have a
responsibility to care for it and protect it for the benefit of all life3
Therefore, this quote implies that by mimicking nature, we can create a more sustainable,
regenerative, and harmonious world for ourselves and other species. It also implies that we
need to shift our mindset from seeing ourselves as separate from or superior to nature, to
seeing ourselves as part of and dependent on natur
“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”
We can break it down into two parts: poverty is the parent of revolution, and poverty is the
parent of crime.
Poverty is the parent of revolution: This means that poverty can cause people to rebel
against the existing system or authority that they perceive as unfair or oppressive.
Revolution can be seen as a form of collective action that aims to overthrow or change the
status quo. Revolution can also be motivated by hope for a better future, or by a desire for
freedom and justice. However, revolution can also involve violence, bloodshed, and
instability, as different groups or factions compete for power or resources2
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
Poverty is the parent of crime: This means that poverty can cause people to resort to
illegal or immoral acts to survive or improve their condition. Crime can be seen as a form of
individual action that violates the law or the norms of society. Crime can also be driven by
despair, anger, or frustration, or by a lack of opportunities or alternatives. However, crime
can also have negative consequences, such as fear, harm, and punishment, for both the
perpetrators and the victims3
Therefore, this quote implies that poverty is a major source of social problems, and that it
can affect both the individual and the collective level of society. It also implies that poverty
can be reduced or eliminated by addressing its root causes, such as inequality, corruption, or
lack of education
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lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
“Fashion fade, style is eternal.”
The quote means that fashion trends are temporary and change over time, but
personal style is lasting and unique. Fashion trends are what is popular or fashionable to
wear at a certain time or place, but they may not suit everyone’s taste or personality.
Personal style is what one likes to wear and how one expresses oneself through clothing and
accessories, regardless of what is in or out of fashion.
For example, a fashion trend may be to wear neon colors, but someone who prefers
neutral colors may not follow this trend and stick to their own style. Or, a fashion trend may
be to wear skinny jeans, but someone who likes vintage clothes may not follow this trend
and wear flared jeans instead. These people have their own style that does not depend on fashion trends.
The quote suggests that fashion trends are not very important or meaningful, because
they come and go quickly and can be easily forgotten. Personal style, on the other hand, is
more important and meaningful, because it reflects one’s identity, personality, and
preferences, and it can last for a long time. Personal style is what makes one stand out and
be original, while fashion trends can make one blend in and be ordinary.
Therefore, the quote encourages one to focus on developing one’s own style, rather
than following fashion trends blindly. It also implies that one’s style can be more beautiful,
elegant, and timeless than fashion trends, which can be superficial, boring, and outdated.
“Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not already tested.”
The quote means that you should only tell secrets to those who have proven to be loyal and
discreet. You should not tell secrets to those who might betray you, expose you, or
misunderstand you. You should test their faith and silence by observing their behavior,
character, and reputation before you confide in them.
For example, if you have a secret that you want to share with a friend, you should first
make sure that your friend is trustworthy and respectful. You should not tell your secret to a
friend who is known to gossip, lie, or cheat. You should also not tell your secret to a friend
who is new, unfamiliar, or distant. You should only tell your secret to a friend who has
shown that they can keep your secret safe and support you. lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
The quote suggests that telling secrets to the wrong people can be dangerous and harmful. It
can lead to problems such as betrayal, conflict, embarrassment, or misunderstanding.
Telling secrets to the right people can be beneficial and helpful. It can lead to benefits such
as friendship, comfort, advice, or understanding.
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.”
This is a quote that expresses the idea that we should take care of the earth and its natural
resources, because we are only using them temporarily and we have to pass them on to the
next generations. It means that we do not own the earth or have the right to use it as we
please, but we have the responsibility to protect it and preserve it for our children and their
children. It also implies that we should not damage or waste the earth, because we will harm
the future of our children and ourselves. It is a quote that encourages us to be more
environmentally conscious and sustainable in our actions and choices.
“There will always be serendipity involved in discovery.”
The quote means that discovery is not always a planned or predictable process, but it often
involves some element of chance and luck. Serendipity is the occurrence and development
of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Discovery is the act of finding or learning
something new or valuable. The quote suggests that discovery is not something that can be
forced or controlled, but it often depends on being open and curious to new possibilities and opportunities.
For example, some of the most famous discoveries in history were made by serendipity,
such as the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming, who noticed that a mold had
killed some bacteria in his petri dish, or the discovery of microwave ovens by Percy
Spencer, who noticed that a chocolate bar had melted in his pocket when he was working
with a radar device. These discoveries were not intentional or expected, but they were the
result of being observant and creative in the face of unexpected situations. lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
The quote implies that discovery is a fun and exciting process, but it also requires a lot of
patience, persistence, and flexibility. It also encourages one to embrace uncertainty and
randomness, and to be willing to explore and experiment with different ideas and
approaches. It also reminds one that discovery can happen anytime and anywhere, as long
as one is ready and receptive to serendipity.
“The more the world functions like the natural world, themore likely
we are to endure on this home that is ours, but not ours alone.”
The more the world functions like the natural world: This means that the more we align our
human systems and activities with the principles and patterns that nature follows, such as
using renewable energy, recycling resources, fostering diversity, and cooperating with each other2
The more likely we are to endure: This means that the more we increase our chances of
surviving and thriving on this planet, as we reduce our negative impacts on the
environment, improve our resilience and adaptability, and enhance our well-being and happiness2
On this home that is ours, but not ours alone: This means that we acknowledge and respect
that the Earth is our shared home with millions of other living beings, and that we have a
responsibility to care for it and protect it for the benefit of all life3
Therefore, this quote implies that by mimicking nature, we can create a more sustainable,
regenerative, and harmonious world for ourselves and other species. It also implies that we
need to shift our mindset from seeing ourselves as separate from or superior to nature, to
seeing ourselves as part of and dependent on natur
“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”
We can break it down into two parts: poverty is the parent of revolution, and poverty is the parent of crime.
Poverty is the parent of revolution: This means that poverty can cause people to rebel
against the existing system or authority that they perceive as unfair or oppressive.
Revolution can be seen as a form of collective action that aims to overthrow or change the
status quo. Revolution can also be motivated by hope for a better future, or by a desire for
freedom and justice. However, revolution can also involve violence, bloodshed, and
instability, as different groups or factions compete for power or resources2 lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
Poverty is the parent of crime: This means that poverty can cause people to resort to
illegal or immoral acts to survive or improve their condition. Crime can be seen as a form of
individual action that violates the law or the norms of society. Crime can also be driven by
despair, anger, or frustration, or by a lack of opportunities or alternatives. However, crime
can also have negative consequences, such as fear, harm, and punishment, for both the perpetrators and the victims3
Therefore, this quote implies that poverty is a major source of social problems, and that it
can affect both the individual and the collective level of society. It also implies that poverty
can be reduced or eliminated by addressing its root causes, such as inequality, corruption, or lack of education