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EBW-Final-Report - Feel free to get information - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen
EBW-Final-Report - Feel free to get information - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả
PHScar (Mar212) 26 tài liệu
Đại học Hoa Sen 4.8 K tài liệu
EBW-Final-Report - Feel free to get information - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen
EBW-Final-Report - Feel free to get information - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả
Môn: PHScar (Mar212) 26 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Hoa Sen 4.8 K tài liệu
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Analyze The Reasons For Leave Of Absence In 2021 And Propose Recommendations PRESENTED TO LE C T U R E MS QUACH THI VAN TRANG PREPARED BY
Realizing the increasing leave of absence of employees in the company,
staff in Human Resources Department of Sunflower company conducted
research to investigate the reasons why workers ask for absence. The
mix-method was applied, namely gathering absence leave forms and
interviewing individuals who submitted their forms. From the process of
collecting and analyzing, some key findings were indicated. Generally,
employees in Marketing and Sales are two departments whose staff was
absent most often for the similar reasons that they were under high stress
due to KPI and the lack of workers. Besides, sickness is the reason that
most employees show when they want to take a leave of absence,
whereas travel leave is the least popular excuse.
In order to inspect the reality behind the reasons given by employees, an
interview was carried out with 8 questions, including the requirement that
the workers had to provide their medical records or doctors’
prescriptions. However, some pieces of evidence were not provided for
private matters, which cannot make the research comprehensive.
Three recommendations were proposed to improve the mental health of
employees. First, they will be consulted by BetterHelp – an online therapy
service. Second, there will be more recruitment in the company to lessen
the pressure on the staff, especially those who are in the Marketing and
Sales Departments. Finally, the reward will be given monthly for people
who work well, which can boost their motivation to put more effort. i Table Of Contents Summary i Introduction 1 Body 2
Explain, Fact, Analysis, Methodology, Cause, Recommendation Close 7 References 8 Introduction
The human resources manager requested this report to generalize a large
number of employees who took the leave of absence letters in 2021. During
this year, there were 50 leave of absence applications of staff in all
departments for different reasons. We collected the letters and analyzed the
reasons behind such as sickness, accidents, family-related funerals, etc.
Besides, we also paid attention to the employees who sent the leave of
absence letters too many times and the ones whose reasons for being absent
were not justifiable. In addition, we figured out the correlation between being
absent of staff and productivity in 2021 . 1 Body EX P L A I N
We are employees of Sunflower Company - a fashion company, belong to the
department of human resource management. In the company's 2021 summary
report, we noticed that the company's employees asked for a lot of leave of
absence. This situation have negative effect on the working progress and quality
of the company's work. During the period from December 2021 to January 2022,
the manager of the human resources department assigned us to report on the
employee's leave of absence in the past year 2021 and make recommendations
to improve the leave of absence situation in 2022. FA C T
We will analyze this issue with the following steps. We will first contact the
managers of the departments to collect leave of absence applications. Second,
we will calculate how many forms of leave of absence applications are
submitted and how many applications are in each department. Third, we will list
the reasons for leave of absence each department based on the reason for the
leave of absence application. Fourth, we will hold interviews with each employee
of each department, to find out the real and legitimate cause. Fifth, we will draw
conclusions about the real causes of employee leave of absence in 2021
happening so much. And finally, we'll make recommendations to improve
employee leave of absence in 2022.
Our company has five departments: marketing department, sales department,
human resource management department, accounting department and
production department. Each of our departments has 1 manager and 9
employees, but in 2021 the marketing department and sales department only
have 1 manager and 7 employees due to lack of personnel. We have collected
leave of absence applications from managers of departments and aggregated a
total of 50 leave of absence applications from all employees in the company in
2021. In which, 15 applications were submitted in the form of leave of absence
applications email, 15 text messages, 10 phone calls and 5 face-to-face
conversations. Out of all the collected applications, the marketing department
has 20 leave of absence applications, the sales department has 15, the
accounting department has 8, the production department has 4 and the human resources department has 3. 2 Email Text Message Telephone Face-to-face 0 5 10 15
Statistics on the form of submitting applications for leave of absence Marketing HR Production Sales Accounting 0 5 10 15 20
Leave of absence statistics of departments 3 Body AN A L Y S I S
The fact that employees took so many leave in the past year has greatly
affected the company's revenue, the quality of the company's products and the
quality of work in general. All employees in our company have worked for more
than 1 year, so the number of leave of absence days that each employee has is
12 days. We analyzed the data and looked at the reasons for the employee leave
of absence that we have, to find out why in 2021 many employees taking leave of
absence, then we have the following results. The details are as follows: out of 50
applications, there are 35 cases of applying for sick leave, 5 cases of taking leave
to travel, 2 cases of bereavement leave and 8 cases of being busy with personal and family matters.
Out of the total 20 applications for leave of absence of the marketing
department, there are: 1 travel leave, 17 sick leave and 2 other reasons.
Out of the total of 3 leave of absence applications of HR department, there
are: 1 travel leave and 2 sick leave.
Out of the total of 15 leave of absence applications of the sales department,
there are: 1 travel leave, 10 sick leave and 4 other reasons.
Out of the total of 4 leave of absence applications from the production
department, there are: 1 travel leave and 3 sick leave.
Out of the total of 8 leave of absence applications from the accounting
department, there are: 1 travel leave, 3 sick leave, 2 other reasons and 2 bereavement leave. Sick leave Marketing Travel leave Other reasons HR Bereveament leave Sales Production Accounting 0 5 10 15 20
Leave of absence statistics of departments 4 Body ME T H O D O L O G Y
In order to improve the leave of absence situation in 2022 and bring about a
good improvement in the work. We held a 2-week interview to talk to
employees who applied for leave of absence in 2021. We interviewed each
employee in each department with the following list of questions:
1.Are you an employee of 2.In 2021, did you apply for a leave of absence with 3.Can you explain more clearly why you are sick and where it comes from?
4.We see that you often take sick leave, in order to properly assess the
situation and understand the cause, can we see your medical records and doctor's prescriptions?
5.We see that in 2021, you have a long leave to travel, in order to properly
analyze the matter, can we see pictures to prove that you have traveled?
6.Can you clarify what is your real reason? 7. How is your job in 2021?
8.If you could change anything in 2021, what would you change?
The reason we ask these questions is because with the first question we
wanted to give the impression to the staff that we were prepared and
welcoming. We will then tell them the purpose of this interview is to find out
the exact cause of the employee's leave of absence in 2021. With the second
question, we want to clarify whether it is true that they take leave of absence
and why they take it. With the third and fourth questions, because in 2021 sick
leave happens quite often and we think the sick leave will happen
unexpectedly and unforeseeable, however if the employee regularly takes sick
leave then we will explain the importance of this reason for leave of absence,
and ask them for medical records and doctor's prescriptions. In case the
employee no longer keeps the medical files and the doctor's prescription, we
will temporarily accept and ask them follow-up questions, aiming to hit the
psychology to go deeper into the problem. These two questions will be asked
if the employee's reason is sick leave. Question number five is asked when the
reason for the leave is to travel, and we will also explain to them the
importance of this analysis and ask them for evidence to support their
reason. Question number six, is to ask employees with analysis of reason of leave of absence. For question number seven, if they say
it's ok or if they say they have a bit of a problem, we will encourage them. And
then ask them question number eight, to find out what their problem was
during the past year and possibly find out what's going on, what they are not
satisfied with the company. With this method, we understand it has some
limitations such as: employees may be afraid to express their personal views.
But the advantage of this method is that it creates a sense that the company
cares about the needs of its employees and has a desire to improve. 5 Body CA U S E
We have gathered detailed results: for marketing departments, they take a lot
of sick leave because they feel stressed. The marketing department this year
has a shortage of staff because it has not found a suitable employee or a new
employee works for three or four months and then quits. This leads to the
employees of the marketing department feeling overwhelmed at work, so
they often ask for sick leave to rest. Regarding the sales department, the
reason for their sick leave is the same as the marketing department, the
department is understaffed and they are pressured by the goals to be
achieved, they feel stressed and depressed at work, leading to that they often
use the excuse of being sick to ask for leave. As for the other departments,
their reasons for sick leave were first confirmed to be legitimate. With the
excuse of taking leave to travel, all the employees can prove that they are
traveling with photos, and they also said that the reason was that they
wanted to rest after a period of work. For other reasons, there are a number of
reasons we do not know the exact facts such as: employees' children are sick
so they have to take leave of absence, some employees just say they are
busy with private family matters. There are a number of other reasons we can
accurately determine that it is true such as: family members get married,
families have lost loved ones because we have photos evidence. RE C O M M E N D A T I O N
We would like to make three recommendations to improve employee leave of
absence by 2022, and at the same time improve the quality of the company.
Introduce BetterHelp to all employees in the company. This is a company
that has online therapy services, you can talk to a professional therapist
through your computer, phone, text message, video without having to go
far, and it is also cheaper than when you go to see a therapist directly. The
reason we want to recommend BetterHelp to the company, is because we
think the mental health of the company should be taken care of, we
encourage employees to participate to raise awareness about their
mental health and get more advice from experts.
Apply for more employees for the company, especially for the marketing
and sales departments. And we will focus on training process so that new
employees can be familiar quickly with the job.
Motivate employees by evaluating and rewarding personally every month.
At the same time, if the employee goes to work fully and the number of
leave of absence is low, we will evaluate the employee's ability to consider promotion or salary increase. 6 CLOSE
The problem that our human resources department found was that a lot of
absence led to limited productivity of the company. With solutions such as
introducing employees to the BetterHelp mental health service, focusing on
recruiting and training employees, especially those in the sales and marketing
departments, and encouraging motivation when employees work hard, there
are many contributions such as a raise or promotion for them, the above
suggestions can help improve the number of employees' absence and
encourage employees to increase work productivity.
The limitation of this reporting process is that because this is an individual
employee's privacy, the extraction of information will not be completely
accurate, but to a relative level, but will also help improve partly the problem
of reduced productivity due to employee leave. 7