Forest Fires - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Forest Fires - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Forest Fires
1. Impact – catastrophic and detrimental
on global/local ecosystem (natural habitat, creatures’ extinction)
- ecosystem is devastatingly disturbed (fauna&flora)
+ discharge noxious emission into the atmosphere - When wildfires ignite, they consume vegetation
and organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas responsible for trapping heat and contributing
to global warming. Wildfires can release methane (CH4), another potent greenhouse gas. CARB has
released a draft estimate of 2020 wildfire GHG emissions, which was the worst fire year on record
(by acres burned) for the State of California. The emissions estimate, 112 million metric tons of
(MMTCO ) was emitted.
So generally, climate change will lead to intense wildfires which will lately contribute to global
warming. Basically, this is a vicious circle of climate change that will severely disturb the
ecosystem and human health right after.
+ directly lead to the death of a great quantities of animal individuals and the habitat loss of other
species. This will push several species to the brink of extinction, and unfortunately, the
disappearance of one kind will struggle others to survive in nature/wildlife, due to the chain
reaction, loss of one link will disrupt the whole food chain. According to Professor Chris Dickman
from University of Sydney, there was 480 million animals wiped out in 2020 forest fires in Australia
detrimentally upset the ecological balance
- The use of chemicals in firefighting adds an additional problem to the already dramatic
consequences of forest fires. That is to say chemicals contained in “flame retardants” used to
extinguish fires (such as Fire-Trol) accumulate in the soil for years, which will spoilt the soil in
longterm period. The findings of the study highlight the presence of ,ammonium polyphosphate
known to alter soil fertility, biodiversity and affect the composition of vegetation.
on socioeconomic aspects (air quality,….relate to humans)
- loss of property, even lives, material and mental uncountable, according to Australian
authorities, 26 loss of lives, following by the destruction of 2000 houses. The total damage of
the country was 4.4 milion dollars
- Ex: wildfires in Australia
Unhealthy bushfire – healthy bushfire: reproduction circle
2. Solution
- In short-term, prevent wildfires , avoiding bringing any sparks into forests, especially in the dry
season when drought raging harshly. When setting up camfires in the woods, the flammable
objects should be kept steer clear from the flame. System of drain around the woods for
instance to deter the fires from spreading--> treat the tips not the root
- But in the long-run, more planned and determined actions need to be done, and at a larger
scale. Many projects have launched in order to cope with this issue
+ Regenerate Australia
20:37 29/7/24
Forest Fires - tacn thuyết trình
Launched in October 2020 with hopes to raise AU$300 million over five years, Regenerate
Australia aims to rebuild the ecosystem devastated by the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires.
Project goals include doubling the number of koalas on the country’s east coast by 2050,
rebuilding forests and rewarding renewable energy production achievements to make the
country more resilient to future crises.
+Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance: in 2020 to educate decision- and policymakers about the
risks of extreme heat and how to mitigate them
Join hand to tackle. Climate change is a global issue, threaten future’s generation.
20:37 29/7/24
Forest Fires - tacn thuyết trình
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20:37 29/7/24
Forest Fires - tacn thuyết trình Forest Fires
1. Impact – catastrophic and detrimental 
on global/local ecosystem (natural habitat, creatures’ extinction) -
ecosystem is devastatingly disturbed (fauna&flora)
+ discharge noxious emission into the atmosphere - When wildfires ignite, they consume vegetation
and organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas responsible for trapping heat and contributing
to global warming. Wildfires can release methane (CH4), another potent greenhouse gas. CARB has
released a draft estimate of 2020 wildfire GHG emissions, which was the worst fire year on record
(by acres burned) for the State of California. The emissions estimate, 112 million metric tons of CO2 (MMTCO2) was emitted.
 So generally, climate change will lead to intense wildfires which will lately contribute to global
warming. Basically, this is a vicious circle of climate change that will severely disturb the
ecosystem and human health right after.
+ directly lead to the death of a great quantities of animal individuals and the habitat loss of other
species. This will push several species to the brink of extinction, and unfortunately, the
disappearance of one kind will struggle others to survive in nature/wildlife, due to the chain
reaction, loss of one link will disrupt the whole food chain. According to Professor Chris Dickman
from University of Sydney, there was 480 million animals wiped out in 2020 forest fires in Australia
detrimentally upset the ecological balance -
The use of chemicals in firefighting adds an additional problem to the already dramatic
consequences of forest fires. That is to say chemicals contained in “flame retardants” used to
extinguish fires (such as Fire-Trol) accumulate in the soil for years, which will spoilt the soil in
longterm period. The findings of the study highlight the presence of ammonium polyphosphate,
known to alter soil fertility, biodiversity and affect the composition of vegetation. 
on socioeconomic aspects (air quality,….relate to humans) -
loss of property, even lives, material and mental uncountable, according to Australian
authorities, 26 loss of lives, following by the destruction of 2000 houses. The total damage of
the country was 4.4 milion dollars - Ex: wildfires in Australia 
Unhealthy bushfire – healthy bushfire: reproduction circle 2. Solution -
In short-term, prevent wildfires , avoiding bringing any sparks into forests, especially in the dry
season when drought raging harshly. When setting up camfires in the woods, the flammable
objects should be kept steer clear from the flame. System of drain around the woods for
instance to deter the fires from spreading--> treat the tips not the root -
But in the long-run, more planned and determined actions need to be done, and at a larger
scale. Many projects have launched in order to cope with this issue + Regenerate Australia about:blank 1/2 20:37 29/7/24
Forest Fires - tacn thuyết trình
Launched in October 2020 with hopes to raise AU$300 million over five years, Regenerate
Australia aims to rebuild the ecosystem devastated by the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires.
Project goals include doubling the number of koalas on the country’s east coast by 2050,
rebuilding forests and rewarding renewable energy production achievements to make the
country more resilient to future crises.
+Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance: in 2020 to educate decision- and policymakers about the
risks of extreme heat and how to mitigate them
 Join hand to tackle. Climate change is a global issue, threaten future’s generation. about:blank 2/2