Giải Bài tập tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3 | Friends Global

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 3 Sustainable health được biên soạn và đăng tải dưới đây tổng hợp các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm phổ biến trong Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global mới đi kèm đáp án.

 !"
1. inside your body: ………………………………………………………………………………
2. part of your head or neck: ……………………………………………………………………
3. part of your arm or hand: ………………………………………………………………………
4. part of your leg or foot: ………………………………………………………………………
1. …………………….they (be) happy if Kai …………………(do) that?
A. Will be – does B. Will they be – do C. Are they – will do
2. Unless Suzy …………………….(start) now, she …………………….(not finish) the project on time.
ankle nostril fingernail brain calf cheek chin elbow eyebrow
eyelid forehead heart heel intestine jaw kidney knee lung
muscle tissue neck rib scalp shin skull spine stomach
thigh throat thumb toe wrist
A. start – won’t finish B. will start – don’t finish C. starts – won’t finish
3. Your mother …………………….(smile) happily if you …………………….(give) her some beautiful
A. smiles – give B. will smile – give C. will smile – gives
4. Peter …………………….(take) a taxi to get home if it …………………….(rain).
A. will take – rains B. takes – rains C. takes – will rain
5. If he …………………….(go) to the pub, he …………………….(come across) some old friends.
A. go – will come across B. goes – comes across C. goes – will come across
6. The meeting …………………….(begin) as soon as all of them …………………….(be) ready.
A. will begin – are B. will begin – will be C. begins – are
7. If my brother …………………….(study abroad), I …………………….(feel) happy for him.
A. studies abroad – feel B. studies abroad – will feel C. study abroad – will feel
8. If Peter …………………….(go) to the supermarket, she …………………….(buy) some tomatoes.
A. will go – buy B. goes – will buy C. go – buy
9. His parents …………………….(be) upset if he …………………….(smoke).
A. won’t be upset – smokes B. are – will smoke C. will be – smokes
10.If you …………………….(be) thirsty, …………………….(drink) some grape juice.
A. are – will drink B. will be – drink C. are – drink
11. What …………………….(happen) if you …………………….(not go) to school on time?
A. happen – won’t go B. will happen – don’t go C. will happen doesn’t
12. Unless Lam …………………….(hurry up), he …………………….(be) late for work.
A. won’t hurry up – will be B. don’t hurry up – will be C. hurries up – will be
13. If you …………………….(keep) eating too much, you …………………….(be) getting fat.
A. keep – will be B. keep – are C. will keep – are
14. San …………………….(not know) the secret unless you …………………….(tell) him.
A. don’t know – tell B. won’t know – tell C. won’t know – tells
15. If Kate …………………….(get) a haircut, she …………………….(look) much better.
A. gets – look B. will get – looks C. gets – will look
1. If you don’t cook dinner, you will be hungry tonight.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
2. I will feel bored if Mary and Susan don't come to the party with me.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
3. We won’t invite them if they don't apologize.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
4. He will cry louder if his mom doesn't give him some toys.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
5. If Mary doesn’t promise to get home early, her father will get angry.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
6. If we don’t prepare a map, we will be lost soon.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
7. If Mary doesn’t save enough money, she won’t buy that house.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
8. You can’t get a handsome salary if you don’t have an IELTS degree.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
9. If you don’t eat less, you can’t avoid weight gain.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
10. If he doesn’t learn English, he can’t transcript those English books.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
1. If I ………………………(go) out tonight, I ………………………(go) with my friends.
2. If you ………………………(stay) up late, you ………………………(be) exhausted.
3.If I ………………………(not meet) him today, I ………………………(phone) him.
4.If Mary ………………………(come), they ………………………(be) happy.
5.If we ………………………(continue) staying here, we ………………………(be) late.
6.If we ………………………(go) on holiday this summer, we ………………………(visit) Tokyo.
7.If it ………………………(rain) too much, he ………………………(stay) at home.
8.If the baby ………………………(eat) all the candies, he ………………………(feel) sick.
9.If my parents ………………………(not want) to go out, I ………………………(cook) for dinner.
10.The coffee ………………………(taste) bad unless you ………………………(add) the milk.
11.We ………………………(not win) the match unless he ………………………(play) with us.
12.If the weather ………………………(be) nice, we ………………………(have) a picnic.
13.She ………………………(be) surprised if her ex-boyfriend ………………………(get) married.
14.I ………………………(come) early if I ………………………(not have) anything to do.
15.He ………………………(buy) a new car if he ………………………(have) enough money.
16.If you ………………………(not come) with me, I ………………………(not go) to her birthday party.
17.If Lisa ………………………(forget) doing homework, the teacher ………………………(give) her a low
18.If we ………………………(recycle) more, we ………………………(help) our planet.
19.Unless it ………………………(be) so expensive, I ………………………(buy) it.
20.Unless they ………………………(wear) coats, they ………………………(feel) cold.
21. This company (accept) ………………………our conditions if John (meet) ……………………them
22. Take some bread if you (be) ……………………….hungry.
23. If I …………………(go) out tonight, Anna …………………(stay) at home with my mom.
24. If we …………………(stay) up late, we …………………(be) exhausted tomorrow morning.
25. If the weather …………………(be) nice tomorrow, our family …………………(have) a picnic.
1. (They / pay) ………………… for your mother yet?
2. (you / ever / eat)………..……..Sushi?
3. I (work)………….. here for three years.
4. I (just / decide) …………………….to start working next week.
5. My father (not/ play)……….. any sport since last year.
6. How long (you/ know) …………..………. each other?
7. She (write)………….. three poems about her fatherland.
8. This is the second time I (watch) ………………this comedy with my boyfriend.
9. He (not eat)…………..this kind of food before.
10. She is the most warm-hearted woman I (meet / ever)………………
1. I (eat) …………………..dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
2. My neighbor (buy) …………………..a new car last week.
3. They (go) ………………… Italy on their last summer holiday.
4. My family and I (see) …………………..a comedy movie last night.
5. First, we (do) …………………..exercise, and then we (drink) …………………..some water.
6. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) ………………… hand.
7. What time (you / get up) …………………..this morning?
8. When I was ten years old, I (break) ………………… arm. It really (hurt) …………………..
9. It was warm, so I…………… my coat. (take off).
10. The bed was very uncomfortable. I………………..very well (not / sleep)
1. They (do) ……………… it for you tomorrow.
2. My father (call) ……………… you in 5 minutes.
3. We believe that she (recover) ………………from her illness soon.
4. I promise I (return) ……………… school on time.
5. If it rains, he (stay) ……………… at home.
1. I …………………. (make) lunch when he arrives.
2. Kanna ………………….. (stay) here till Sunday,
3. Snehi ………………….. (wait) for the bus for ten more minutes.
4. When you come in the evening, we ………………….. (play) cricket.
5. While I am watching the match, Naina ………………….. (prepare) dinner.
6. This time tomorrow, I ………………….. (relax) at home.
1. We ……………….. the washing by 8 o’clock.(do)
2. She ……………….. Paris by the end of next year.(visit)
3. I ……………….. this by 6 o’clock.(finish)
4. Sam…………….. by next week.(leave)
5. They ……………….. their essay by tomorrow.(write)
6. You ……………….. a lot of your work by the end of this month. (do)
7. By November all the leaves…………….. (fall)
8. If he doesn’t hurry, they ……………….. before he comes. (leave)
9. Be quick! The child ……………….. before you rescue it. (drown)
10. The airman ……………….. more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month. (fly)
11. We ……………….. twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)
1. Patients with infections need ……………………..treatments, for example, a course of penicillin.
A. kidney B. antibiotic C. X-ray D. cream
2. Without …………………….., there would be so much more sickness and death in the world.
A. anger B. organ C. medicine D. dressing
3. Wrap the …………………….firmly around the injured limb.
A. bandage B. cream C. painkiller D. antibiotic
4. Apply a ………………… the wound and bandage it.
A. painkiller B. brain C. dressing D. nail
5. One day, she needed to be given a ……………………for a headache.
A. bandage B. painkiller C. organ D. frostbite
6. The…………………showed a slight irregularity in one lung.
A. X-ray B. organ C. melatonin D. hormone
7. Fever resulted from becoming …………………..
A. excited B. disgusted C. flexible D. dehydrated
8. A ………………………is a person who climbs mountains.
A. climber B. owl C. lark D. painkiller
9. A ………………….a large area of land where it is always very dry, there are few plants, and there is a lot
ofsand or rocks.
A. organ B. desert C. solution D. melatonin
10. ………………….is a medical condition in which parts of the body, especially the fingers and toes,
become damaged as a result of extremely cold temperatures.
A. Desert B. altitude C. Frostbite D. oxygen
1. ………I use your pen please?
A. May B. Could C. WillD. Might
2. When I was a child, I ……………speak a little German.
A. mayB. could C. might D. will
3. Take an umbrella. It ………….rain later.
A. could B. will C. must D. might
4. ……… snow tomorrow?
A. Will B. May C. Might D. Could
5. I …………… badminton tomorrow.
A. may not B. mightn’t C. won’t D. couldn’t
6. ………..I have a cup of tea, please?
A. Can B. May C. WillD. Might
7. …………………she definitely play at the concert?
A. Will B. May C. Might D. Can
8. ………………….you be able to find a good job when you leave school?
A. Will B. May C. Might D. Can
9. We haven't got a lot of money, so we ………………….go on holiday next year.
A. will B. may not C. might D. couldn’t
10. He ………………………probably help you with your homework if you ask him.
A. will B. mayC. might D. can
1. (A / An) ………………….is any of various chemical substances, such as penicillin, streptomycin,
chloramphenicol, and tetracycline, produced by various microorganisms, especially fungi, or made
A. bandage B. treatment C. antibiotic D. X-ray
2. One of the most widely used ………………….agents is penicillin.
A. medicine B. antibiotic C. X-ray D. genetics
3. Her doctor said that she should take (a / an) …………………..because it will help her fight the bacterial
infection that is causing her strep throat.
A. cream B. oxygen C. antibiotic D. measure
4. After falling off of his bike, Alex was sent to the camp infirmary where they administered an
……………… cream over his wound.
A. bandage B. X-ray C. salamander D. antibiotic
5. Typically, ……………….treatments offer rapid results that provides quick relief to patients.
A. hormone B. antibiotic C. oxygen D. organ
6. Without ………………………to ease his headache, the man had no choice but to go to bed early.
A. medicine B. festival C. opinion D. cotempt
7. I’ve got a difficult, important exam tomorrow. I’m feeling a little bit …………..
A. happy B. relieved C. anxious D. relaxed
8. Our mother will be ……………..when she finds out about the broken vase.
A. comfortable B. angry_ C. generous D. confused
9. I see people who have opportunities I don't have, and I get …………………….
A. envious B. satisfied C. amused D. suspicious
10. Laughter is the best…………………….
A. view B. measure C. injury D. medicine
(0"0(0(10!023 100"001
1. I studied………………… college.
2. He had a strip of …………………tied around his head.
3. The…………………….showed there was no break in his leg.
4. A ………………….is a person or animal thatclimbs.
5. The eye is the…………………….of sight.
6. Who do you think ……………….win the next World Cup?
7. Eve got a big black ………………………where I banged my arm.
8. I felt ………………….of the things I’d said to him.
9. She had always been envious ……………………her cousin's long blond hair.
10. Jack is ……………………about his exams and decides not to go out with Tom.
"00)000 0"0!400
1. My job makes me …………………….
2. Are you ………………………….in buying a car? I’m trying to sell mine.
3. Everybody was ………………….that he passed the examination.
4. I was………………….with the film. I expected to be much better.
5. We were very …………………..when we heard the news.
6. It ………………snow later. I'm not sure.
7. If you don't revise, you ……………………….pass the exam.
8. Some of his colleagues at work became suspicious ……………….his behaviour.
9. She lives a life of constant ………………………..over money and job security.
10. Heworeglovestoprevent……………………..
+ )!!!!*
023 10(10(10(0100)00
 
1. Music is the…………………….of the breaking heart.
2. The ………………………..are about 6-9 m wide and about 1 m or less thick.
3. Place the ………………….directly onto the wound and hold it in place.
4. She received strong …………………….but the pain did not end.
5. The………………….showed that the boy's leg was broken.
6. I was ………………………….after the marathon.
7. The………………….fell from a great height.
8. A …………………… aregionof land that is very dry
9. ……………….is a condition in which part of your body (such as your fingers or toes) freezes or almost
10. ………………………levels increase throughout pregnancy.
1. The……………………………..showed that the bone was broken in two places.
A. injury B. X-ray C. tent D. spot
2. He was wearing (a / an)……………………..around his head.
A. tattoo B. concept C. bandage D. sports gear
3. Give me (a / an)……………………. I can't endure the pain any longer.
A. painkiller B. measure C. solution D. scar
4. One …………………………camel drank 186 litres of water in two bouts of 94 and 92 litres.
A. dehydrated B. fragile C. stiff D. common
5. Drink lots of water to avoid becoming……………………….
A. fragile B. stiff C. dehydrated D. typical
6. The machine directs (a / an)…………………….beam at the patient's body.
A. bone B. heart C. muscle D. X-ray
7. She had (a / an)…………………….to see if any of her ribs were broken.
A. tissue B. X-ray C. antibiotic D. blood
8. When you wake up, your body is………………….and needs liquid.
A. dehydrated B. stiff C. alert D. fragile
9. By the time you actually feel thirsty, your body is already slightly…………………...
A. emotional B. flexible C. stiff D. dehydrated
10. High - sodium foods will make you more thirsty and……………………….
A. anxious B. disgusted C. dehydrated D. envious
- )!!!!*
(100(10)023 10100 100
1. Take the ……………………..three times a day.
2. Is he more important than the person who …………………..the wounds?
3. Panadol is a………………….. Its active ingredient is acetaminophen or paracetamol.
4. The…………………………showed a crack in one rib.
5. Her body had……………………… dangerously with the heat.
6. The……………………..girded himself with a rope.
7. They travelled many miles across burning ……………………sands.
8. A…………………… a large area of land, usually in a hot region, where there is almost no water,rain,
trees, or plants.
9. The liver is an…………………….and so is the heart.
10. As a biologist, my main interest has been human…………………...
1. His body temperature was high and he had become………………………….
A. proud B. anxious C. cross D. dehydrated
2. The……………………showed that her leg was not broken.
A. emotion B. X-ray C. frostbite D. bandage
3. When the ground is frozen, walking on it for extended periods of time can cause…………………...
A. dehydrated B. oxygen C. frostbite D. high altitude
4.…………………is a chemical substance produced in the body or in a plant that encourages growth or
influences how the cells andtissuesfunction; an artificial substance that has similar effects.
A. Oxygen B. Hormone C. genetics D. radiation
5. Research has shown that………………replacement therapy can reduce the risk of fracture by 50 to 60 per
A. hormone B. X- ray C. vessel D. record
6. Peter is recovering from……………………………in his left hand.
A. bruise B. having a nosebleed C. ankle D. breaking a bone
7. Students are flocking to such fields as……………………and molecular biology.
A. desert B. genetics C. radiation D. organ
8. An article in the newspaper ………………………..Mrs. Thu.
A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising D. surprisingly
9. It was a very …………………………..article to her.
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly
10. Mrs. Lan was very …………………………when she read the news.
A. surprise B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprised
1. I (have ) ………………………………….………this toy since my birthday.
2. The last time I (go) ………………………………….………to HN was in May.
3. I (not see ) ………………………………my son for ages. He (not visit ) ……………………me since
4. Tom ( be) ………………………………….………to HN twice .He loves it very much.
5. I (move) ………………………………to HN in 2001 .
6. So far this month there (be ) ………………………………….………three robberies in this street
7. I (feel ) ………………………………….………better since I ( live) ……………………………… here.
8. Since I (be ) ………………………………….………in this city, I ( not see) …………………………him.
9. (it/ rain) …………………………yesterday?
10. Up to now, the teacher (give) …………………………our class five tests.
1. Do you think our teacher will let us (use) ………………………our dictionaries?
2. I want to travel because I enjoy (meet) ……………………… people and (see) ……………………… new
3. He risked (lose) ………………………his house when his company went bankrupt.
4. The council considers (ban) ……………………… vehicles from the city center to relieve traffic jam.
5. Instead of (go) ………………………out with Janet, we decided (stay) ………………………home.
6. Would you mind (lend) ………………………me your pocket calculator?
7. It is not worth (repair) ………………………that computers. You had better (buy) ………………………a
new one.
8. He doesn’t allow us (smoke) ………………………in his house.
9. They will have some workers (decorate) ………………………their house.
10. Passing the restaurant, he stopped (drink) ………………………a coffee.
##$)5556 "!
( !*
1. A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” – B: “………………….”
A. Don’t mention it B. I’m glad you enjoy it
C. Yes, I’d like that D. Yes, that would be very nice
2. “Goodbye. Have a nice weekend.” – “Goodbye. “…………………..”
A. Me too B. You’re welcome C. Not at all D. The same to you
3. “Have a good holiday, Peter!” - “…………………, Mary.”
A. You too B. You will C. You do D. You have
4. John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “…………………….”
A. Good luck. B. It’s nice of you to say so. C. That’s a good idea. D. Congratulations!
5. Lam: “Bye!”- Lan “…………………”
A. See you lately B. See you later C. Thank you D. Meet you again
6. “Why don’t you ask Helen for help? I think he is always ready.” “…………………….”
A. Yes, please B. I hope so C. I hope not D. That is a good
7. A: “……………………” - B: “ I’ve got no idea.”
A. It’s your turn B. Are you tired? C. Let’s go D. What about you?
8. Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?” – Mary: “……………..”
A. I know so B. Well, I hope so C. I think not D. Yes, that’s right
0 00("0
1. It has eyes, nose and mouth on it. …………………..
2. You can use this to write and draw. ……………………
3. You can use this to smile. ………………………
4. You can use this to see everything. ………………….
5. You can use this to listen to music. …………………..
1. If the defender cannot achieve these aims, he may……………………..intentionally.
A. bang his head B. commitafoul C. twist his ankle D. cut himself badly
2. The gold…………….has been widely exposed to the public on television.
A. medalist B. solution C. measure D. contempt
3. David was a gymnastics gold……………….
A. concept B. medalist C. silhouette D. measure
4. Everyone cries sometimes – it’s nothing to be …………………….of.
A. envious B. cross C. ashamed D. proud
5. I see people who have opportunities I don’t have, and I get …………………...
A. cross B. proud C. ashamed D. envious
6. The knife is very sharp. Be careful or you’ll …………………..yourself.
A. burn B. cut C. break D. escape
7. That kettle is very hot – be careful! Don’t ………………………..yourself.
A. burn B. slip C. break D. cut
8. Mary ……………………her ankle and now it’s very swollen.
A. break B. bang C. cut D. twisted
9. My friend’s ………………………..was due to the death of her grandfather.
A. suspicion B. happiness C. shame D. sadness
10. The athlete wore his medal with………………...
A. sadness B. contentment C. pride D. suspicion
1. Mum will be ……………………when she finds out about the broken vase.
A. envious B. sad C. cross D. happy
2. We had (a/an) …………………….couple of weeks waiting for the test results.
A. anxious B. cross C. disgusted D. afraid
3. The police were …………………of Bob because his story did not quite make sense.
A. angry B. suspicious C. proud D. hopeful
4. Tan was a gold……………….in that event at both the 1993 World Cup and the 1994 World
A. festival B. party C. wedding D. medalist
5. Johnson, bronze………………….the last two years, was never a contender and finished eighth.
A. festival B. medalist C. party D. wedding
6. Mr. Ben, the 1983 World steeplechase silver………………….., has chosen London to make his marathon
A. medalist B. festival C. wedding D. party
7. Steven, a two-time gold…………………….at the Atlanta Games, won in the individual category.
A. festival B. wedding C. party D. medalist
8. I feel ………………….when my school got the best exam results in the country.
A. ashamed B. nervous C. proud D. disappointed
9. I was ……………….when my dad shouted at me.
A. ashamed B. unhappy C. cross D. suspicious
10. The children were ………………that they had behaved so badly.
A. ashamed B. happy C. proud D. angry
1. She expects (promote) …………………………soon, but things seem (go) ……………………..wrong.
2. Don’t forget (return) ……………………..John my books.
3. I remember (read) ……………………..this story several times.
4. He tries (work) …………………… save money.
5. We don’t have much time. Don’t stop (work) …………………….., please.
6. I was really busy last week, so I forget (phone) ……………………
(10(0(0 0(0(10"0(0(10
1. Shooter Xu Haifeng became China's first ever Olympic Gold…………………….
2. Being silent is the perfect way to show………………….
3. I feel nothing but……………………..for people who treat children so cruelly.
4. They had shown a………………..for the values she thought important.
5. People feel ……………………..when they hear good news.
6. Some people feel …………………..when it rains hard in the dry season.
7. People feel ………………………..when they hear bad news.
8. Minh, a gold……………… the men's team event, won the floor exercise Sunday night.
9. Parker, the 1988 bronze………………….., went home empty - handed after being eliminated in the
10. He won the Ohio State High School Championship and was……………….in the Ohio State Amateur.
1. Helen said she would go to the party with us.
Helen agreed ..................................................................
2. I met you somewhere, I clearly remember that.
I clearly remember ....................................................
3. My mother said I had better go on a vacation.
My mother advised me ……........................................................
4. It’s not a good idea to travel during rush hour.
It’s best to avoid ..........................................................................
5. He said that it was true that he didn’t have a license.
He admitted .....................................................................
1. I was ……………………….when John scored a goal.
A. happy B. suspicious C. sad D. envious
2. I’ll be …………….if Viet Nam win the World Cup.
A. surprised B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprise
3. I’m really ……………………because I can’t find my mobile phone.
A. annoy B. annoying C. annoyed D. annoyingly
4. A ……………………… a small, sometimes pointed, beard on a man’s chin.
A. goatee B. stubble C. moustache D. clean-shaven
5. A ………………………..a slight line or fold, especially in skin or fabric.
A. freckle B. wrinkle C. scar D. tattoo
1. Tom began playing the piano 4 years ago.
=> Tom has …………………………………………………
2. I started cooking for the party 4 hours ago.
=> I have …………………………………………………
3. She started working as a secretary 4 years ago.
=> She has …………………………………………………
4. My sister began to study English a year ago.
=> My sister has …………………………………………………
5. They last visited me 2 weeks ago.
=> They have …………………………………………………
 !"
1. inside your body: ankle, muscle, tissue, heart, brain, rib, intestine, kidney, spine, lung, stomach
2. part of your head or neck: eyelid, nostril, forehead , throat, neck, scalp, cheek, jaw, chin, skull, eyebrow
3. part of your arm or hand: fingernail, thumb, wris, elbow
4. part of your leg or foot: thigh, heel, toe, calf, shin, knee
ankle nostril fingernail brain calf cheek chin elbow eyebrow
eyelid forehead heart heel intestine jaw kidney knee lung
muscle tissue neck rib scalp shin skull spine stomach
thigh throat thumb toe wrist
| 1/13

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Bài tập tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 3
Exercise 1: Classify the following nouns according to their correct parts: ankle nostril fingernail brain calf cheek chin elbow eyebrow eyelid forehead heart heel intestine jaw kidney knee lung muscle tissue neck rib scalp shin skull spine stomach thigh throat thumb toe wrist
1. inside your body: ………………………………………………………………………………
2. part of your head or neck: ……………………………………………………………………
3. part of your arm or hand: ………………………………………………………………………
4. part of your leg or foot: ………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 2: Match
Exercise 3: Choose the best option
1. …………………….they (be) happy if Kai …………………(do) that? A. Will be – does B. Will they be – do C. Are they – will do
2. Unless Suzy …………………….(start) now, she …………………….(not finish) the project on time. A. start – won’t finish
B. will start – don’t finish C. starts – won’t finish
3. Your mother …………………….(smile) happily if you …………………….(give) her some beautiful flowers. A. smiles – give B. will smile – give C. will smile – gives
4. Peter …………………….(take) a taxi to get home if it …………………….(rain). A. will take – rains B. takes – rains C. takes – will rain
5. If he …………………….(go) to the pub, he …………………….(come across) some old friends. A. go – will come across B. goes – comes across C. goes – will come across
6. The meeting …………………….(begin) as soon as all of them …………………….(be) ready. A. will begin – are B. will begin – will be C. begins – are
7. If my brother …………………….(study abroad), I …………………….(feel) happy for him. A. studies abroad – feel
B. studies abroad – will feel C. study abroad – will feel
8. If Peter …………………….(go) to the supermarket, she …………………….(buy) some tomatoes. A. will go – buy B. goes – will buy C. go – buy
9. His parents …………………….(be) upset if he …………………….(smoke). A. won’t be upset – smokes B. are – will smoke C. will be – smokes
10. If you …………………….(be) thirsty, …………………….(drink) some grape juice. A. are – will drink B. will be – drink C. are – drink
11. What …………………….(happen) if you …………………….(not go) to school on time? A. happen – won’t go B. will happen – don’t go C. will happen – doesn’t go
12. Unless Lam …………………….(hurry up), he …………………….(be) late for work.
A. won’t hurry up – will be
B. don’t hurry up – will be C. hurries up – will be
13. If you …………………….(keep) eating too much, you …………………….(be) getting fat. A. keep – will be B. keep – are C. will keep – are
14. San …………………….(not know) the secret unless you …………………….(tell) him. A. don’t know – tell B. won’t know – tell C. won’t know – tells
15. If Kate …………………….(get) a haircut, she …………………….(look) much better. A. gets – look B. will get – looks C. gets – will look Exercise 4:
1. If you don’t cook dinner, you will be hungry tonight.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
2. I will feel bored if Mary and Susan don't come to the party with me.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
3. We won’t invite them if they don't apologize.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
4. He will cry louder if his mom doesn't give him some toys.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
5. If Mary doesn’t promise to get home early, her father will get angry.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
6. If we don’t prepare a map, we will be lost soon.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
7. If Mary doesn’t save enough money, she won’t buy that house.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
8. You can’t get a handsome salary if you don’t have an IELTS degree.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
9. If you don’t eat less, you can’t avoid weight gain.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
10. If he doesn’t learn English, he can’t transcript those English books.
=> Unless …………………………………………………………………..
Exercise 5: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets with the first conditional sentence.
1. If I ………………………(go) out tonight, I ………………………(go) with my friends.
2. If you ………………………(stay) up late, you ………………………(be) exhausted.
3.If I ………………………(not meet) him today, I ………………………(phone) him.
4.If Mary ………………………(come), they ………………………(be) happy.
5.If we ………………………(continue) staying here, we ………………………(be) late.
6.If we ………………………(go) on holiday this summer, we ………………………(visit) Tokyo.
7.If it ………………………(rain) too much, he ………………………(stay) at home.
8.If the baby ………………………(eat) all the candies, he ………………………(feel) sick.
9.If my parents ………………………(not want) to go out, I ………………………(cook) for dinner.
10.The coffee ………………………(taste) bad unless you ………………………(add) the milk.
11.We ………………………(not win) the match unless he ………………………(play) with us.
12.If the weather ………………………(be) nice, we ………………………(have) a picnic.
13.She ………………………(be) surprised if her ex-boyfriend ………………………(get) married.
14.I ………………………(come) early if I ………………………(not have) anything to do.
15.He ………………………(buy) a new car if he ………………………(have) enough money.
16.If you ………………………(not come) with me, I ………………………(not go) to her birthday party.
17.If Lisa ………………………(forget) doing homework, the teacher ………………………(give) her a low mark.
18.If we ………………………(recycle) more, we ………………………(help) our planet.
19.Unless it ………………………(be) so expensive, I ………………………(buy) it.
20.Unless they ………………………(wear) coats, they ………………………(feel) cold.
21. This company (accept) ………………………our conditions if John (meet) ……………………them tonight.
22. Take some bread if you (be) ……………………….hungry.
23. If I …………………(go) out tonight, Anna …………………(stay) at home with my mom.
24. If we …………………(stay) up late, we …………………(be) exhausted tomorrow morning.
25. If the weather …………………(be) nice tomorrow, our family …………………(have) a picnic.
Exercise 6: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. (They / pay) ………………… for your mother yet?
2. (you / ever / eat) …………..……..Sushi?
3. I (work)………….. here for three years.
4. I (just / decide) …………………….to start working next week.
5. My father (not/ play)……….. any sport since last year.
6. How long (you/ know) …………..………. each other?
7. She (write)………….. three poems about her fatherland.
8. This is the second time I (watch) ………………this comedy with my boyfriend.
9. He (not eat) ……………..this kind of food before.
10. She is the most warm-hearted woman I (meet / ever) …………………
Exercise 7: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. I (eat) …………………..dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
2. My neighbor (buy) …………………..a new car last week.
3. They (go) ………………… Italy on their last summer holiday.
4. My family and I (see) …………………..a comedy movie last night.
5. First, we (do) …………………..exercise, and then we (drink) …………………..some water.
6. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) ………………… hand.
7. What time (you / get up) …………………..this morning?
8. When I was ten years old, I (break) ………………… arm. It really (hurt) …………………..
9. It was warm, so I …………………my coat. (take off).
10. The bed was very uncomfortable. I …………………..very well (not / sleep)
Exercise 8: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets.
1. They (do) ……………… it for you tomorrow.
2. My father (call) ……………… you in 5 minutes.
3. We believe that she (recover) ………………from her illness soon.
4. I promise I (return) ……………… school on time.
5. If it rains, he (stay) ……………… at home.
Exercise 9: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets.
1. I …………………. (make) lunch when he arrives.
2. Kanna ………………….. (stay) here till Sunday,
3. Snehi ………………….. (wait) for the bus for ten more minutes.
4. When you come in the evening, we ………………….. (play) cricket.
5. While I am watching the match, Naina ………………….. (prepare) dinner.
6. This time tomorrow, I ………………….. (relax) at home.
Exercise 10: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets.
1. We ……………….. the washing by 8 o’clock. (do)
2. She ……………….. Paris by the end of next year. (visit)
3. I ……………….. this by 6 o’clock. (finish)
4. Sam ……………….. by next week. (leave)
5. They ……………….. their essay by tomorrow. (write)
6. You ……………….. a lot of your work by the end of this month. (do)
7. By November all the leaves ……………….. (fall)
8. If he doesn’t hurry, they ……………….. before he comes. (leave)
9. Be quick! The child ……………….. before you rescue it. (drown)
10. The airman ……………….. more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month. (fly)
11. We ……………….. twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)
Exercise 11: Choose the best option
1. Patients with infections need ……………………..treatments, for example, a course of penicillin. A. kidney B. antibiotic C. X-ray D. cream
2. Without …………………….., there would be so much more sickness and death in the world. A. anger B. organ C. medicine D. dressing
3. Wrap the …………………….firmly around the injured limb. A. bandage B. cream C. painkiller D. antibiotic
4. Apply a ………………… the wound and bandage it. A. painkiller B. brain C. dressing D. nail
5. One day, she needed to be given a ……………………for a headache. A. bandage B. painkiller C. organ D. frostbite
6. The …………………showed a slight irregularity in one lung. A. X-ray B. organ C. melatonin D. hormone
7. Fever resulted from becoming ………………….. A. excited B. disgusted C. flexible D. dehydrated
8. A ………………………is a person who climbs mountains. A. climber B. owl C. lark D. painkiller
9. A ………………….a large area of land where it is always very dry, there are few plants, and there is a lot of sand or rocks. A. organ B. desert C. solution D. melatonin
10. ………………….is a medical condition in which parts of the body, especially the fingers and toes,
become damaged as a result of extremely cold temperatures. A. Desert B. altitude C. Frostbite D. oxygen
Exercise 12: Choose the best option
1. ………I use your pen please? A. May B. Could C. WillD. Might
2. When I was a child, I ……………speak a little German. A. mayB. could C. might D. will
3. Take an umbrella. It ………….rain later. A. could B. will C. must D. might
4. ……… snow tomorrow? A. Will B. May C. Might D. Could
5. I …………… badminton tomorrow. A. may not B. mightn’t C. won’t D. couldn’t
6. ………..I have a cup of tea, please? A. Can B. May C. WillD. Might
7. …………………she definitely play at the concert? A. Will B. May C. Might D. Can
8. ………………….you be able to find a good job when you leave school? A. Will B. May C. Might D. Can
9. We haven't got a lot of money, so we ………………….go on holiday next year. A. will B. may not C. might D. couldn’t
10. He ………………………probably help you with your homework if you ask him. A. will B. may C. might D. can
Exercise 13: Choose the best option
1. (A / An) ………………….is any of various chemical substances, such as penicillin, streptomycin,
chloramphenicol, and tetracycline, produced by various microorganisms, especially fungi, or made synthetically. A. bandage B. treatment C. antibiotic D. X-ray
2. One of the most widely used ………………….agents is penicillin. A. medicine B. antibiotic C. X-ray D. genetics
3. Her doctor said that she should take (a / an) …………………..because it will help her fight the bacterial
infection that is causing her strep throat. A. cream B. oxygen C. antibiotic D. measure
4. After falling off of his bike, Alex was sent to the camp infirmary where they administered an
……………… cream over his wound. A. bandage B. X-ray C. salamander D. antibiotic
5. Typically, ……………….treatments offer rapid results that provides quick relief to patients. A. hormone B. antibiotic C. oxygen D. organ
6. Without ………………………to ease his headache, the man had no choice but to go to bed early. A. medicine B. festival C. opinion D. cotempt
7. I’ve got a difficult, important exam tomorrow. I’m feeling a little bit ………….. A. happy B. relieved C. anxious D. relaxed
8. Our mother will be ……………..when she finds out about the broken vase. A. comfortable B. angry_ C. generous D. confused
9. I see people who have opportunities I don't have, and I get ……………………. A. envious B. satisfied C. amused D. suspicious
10. Laughter is the best ……………………. A. view B. measure C. injury D. medicine
Exercise 14: Fill in the blank in the following sentences with one word below.
climber / anxious / ashamed / medicine / will / X-ray / bandage / bruise / of / organ
1. I studied ………………… college.
2. He had a strip of …………………tied around his head.
3. The …………………….showed there was no break in his leg.
4. A ………………….is a person or animal that climbs.
5. The eye is the …………………….of sight.
6. Who do you think ……………….win the next World Cup?
7. Eve got a big black ………………………where I banged my arm.
8. I felt ………………….of the things I’d said to him.
9. She had always been envious ……………………her cousin's long blond hair.
10. Jack is ……………………about his exams and decides not to go out with Tom.
Exercise 15: Fill in the blank in the following sentences with one word below.
could / frostbite / shocked / of / interested / anxiety / surprised / won’t / depressed / disappointed
1. My job makes me …………………….
2. Are you ………………………….in buying a car? I’m trying to sell mine.
3. Everybody was ………………….that he passed the examination.
4. I was ………………….with the film. I expected to be much better.
5. We were very …………………..when we heard the news.
6. It ………………snow later. I'm not sure.
7. If you don't revise, you ……………………….pass the exam.
8. Some of his colleagues at work became suspicious ……………….his behaviour.
9. She lives a life of constant ………………………..over money and job security.
10. He wore gloves to prevent ……………………..
Exercise 16: Fill in the blank in the following sentences with one word below.
frostbite / X-ray / climber / medicine / hormone / desert / bandages / painkillers / dressing / dehydrated
1. Music is the …………………….of the breaking heart.
2. The ………………………..are about 6-9 m wide and about 1 m or less thick.
3. Place the ………………….directly onto the wound and hold it in place.
4. She received strong …………………….but the pain did not end.
5. The ………………….showed that the boy's leg was broken.
6. I was ………………………….after the marathon.
7. The ………………….fell from a great height.
8. A …………………… a region of land that is very dry
9. ……………….is a condition in which part of your body (such as your fingers or toes) freezes or almost freezes.
10. ………………………levels increase throughout pregnancy.
Exercise 17: Choose the best option
1. The ……………………………..showed that the bone was broken in two places. A. injury B. X-ray C. tent D. spot
2. He was wearing (a / an) ……………………..around his head. A. tattoo B. concept C. bandage D. sports gear
3. Give me (a / an) ……………………. I can't endure the pain any longer. A. painkiller B. measure C. solution D. scar
4. One …………………………camel drank 186 litres of water in two bouts of 94 and 92 litres. A. dehydrated B. fragile C. stiff D. common
5. Drink lots of water to avoid becoming ………………………. A. fragile B. stiff C. dehydrated D. typical
6. The machine directs (a / an) …………………….beam at the patient's body. A. bone B. heart C. muscle D. X-ray
7. She had (a / an) …………………….to see if any of her ribs were broken. A. tissue B. X-ray C. antibiotic D. blood
8. When you wake up, your body is ………………….and needs liquid. A. dehydrated B. stiff C. alert D. fragile
9. By the time you actually feel thirsty, your body is already slightly …………………... A. emotional B. flexible C. stiff D. dehydrated
10. High - sodium foods will make you more thirsty and ………………………. A. anxious B. disgusted C. dehydrated D. envious
Exercise 18: Fill in the blank in the following sentences with one word below.
medicine / genetics / climber / painkiller / X-ray / organ / bandages / dehydrated / desert / desert
1. Take the ……………………..three times a day.
2. Is he more important than the person who …………………..the wounds?
3. Panadol is a ………………….. Its active ingredient is acetaminophen or paracetamol.
4. The …………………………showed a crack in one rib.
5. Her body had ……………………… dangerously with the heat.
6. The ……………………..girded himself with a rope.
7. They travelled many miles across burning ……………………sands.
8. A …………………… a large area of land, usually in a hot region, where there is almost no water, rain, trees, or plants.
9. The liver is an …………………….and so is the heart.
10. As a biologist, my main interest has been human …………………...
Exercise 19: Choose the best option
1. His body temperature was high and he had become…………………………. A. proud B. anxious C. cross D. dehydrated
2. The ……………………showed that her leg was not broken. A. emotion B. X-ray C. frostbite D. bandage
3. When the ground is frozen, walking on it for extended periods of time can cause …………………... A. dehydrated B. oxygen C. frostbite D. high altitude
4. …………………is a chemical substance produced in the body or in a plant that encourages growth or
influences how the cells and tissues function; an artificial substance that has similar effects. A. Oxygen B. Hormone C. genetics D. radiation
5. Research has shown that ………………replacement therapy can reduce the risk of fracture by 50 to 60 per cent. A. hormone B. X- ray C. vessel D. record
6. Peter is recovering from ……………………………in his left hand. A. bruise B. having a nosebleed C. ankle D. breaking a bone
7. Students are flocking to such fields as ……………………and molecular biology. A. desert B. genetics C. radiation D. organ
8. An article in the newspaper ………………………..Mrs. Thu. A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising D. surprisingly
9. It was a very …………………………..article to her. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly
10. Mrs. Lan was very …………………………when she read the news. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprised
Exercise 20: Give the correct form of each verb in brackets.
1. I (have ) ………………………………….………this toy since my birthday.
2. The last time I (go) ………………………………….………to HN was in May.
3. I (not see ) ………………………………my son for ages. He (not visit ) ……………………me since May.
4. Tom ( be) ………………………………….………to HN twice .He loves it very much.
5. I (move) ………………………………to HN in 2001 .
6. So far this month there (be ) ………………………………….………three robberies in this street
7. I (feel ) ………………………………….………better since I ( live) ……………………………… here.
8. Since I (be ) ………………………………….………in this city, I ( not see) …………………………him.
9. (it/ rain) …………………………yesterday?
10. Up to now, the teacher (give) …………………………our class five tests.
Exercise 21: Give the correct form of each verb in brackets.
1. Do you think our teacher will let us (use) ………………………our dictionaries?
2. I want to travel because I enjoy (meet) ……………………… people and (see) ……………………… new places.
3. He risked (lose) ………………………his house when his company went bankrupt.
4. The council considers (ban) ……………………… vehicles from the city center to relieve traffic jam.
5. Instead of (go) ………………………out with Janet, we decided (stay) ………………………home.
6. Would you mind (lend) ………………………me your pocket calculator?
7. It is not worth (repair) ………………………that computers. You had better (buy) ………………………a new one.
8. He doesn’t allow us (smoke) ………………………in his house.
9. They will have some workers (decorate) ………………………their house.
10. Passing the restaurant, he stopped (drink) ………………………a coffee.
Exercise 22: Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of
the following exchanges.
1. A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” – B: “………………….” A. Don’t mention it B. I’m glad you enjoy it C. Yes, I’d like that
D. Yes, that would be very nice
2. “Goodbye. Have a nice weekend.” – “Goodbye. “…………………..” A. Me too B. You’re welcome C. Not at all D. The same to you
3. “Have a good holiday, Peter!” - “…………………, Mary.” A. You too B. You will C. You do D. You have
4. John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “…………………….” A. Good luck.
B. It’s nice of you to say so. C. That’s a good idea. D. Congratulations!
5. Lam: “Bye!”- Lan “…………………” A. See you lately B. See you later C. Thank you D. Meet you again
6. “Why don’t you ask Helen for help? I think he is always ready.” “…………………….” A. Yes, please B. I hope so C. I hope not D. That is a good idea
7. A: “……………………” - B: “ I’ve got no idea.” A. It’s your turn B. Are you tired? C. Let’s go D. What about you?
8. Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?” – Mary: “……………..” A. I know so B. Well, I hope so C. I think not D. Yes, that’s right
Exercise 23: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word below.
hand / eye / face / mouth / ear
1. It has eyes, nose and mouth on it. …………………..
2. You can use this to write and draw. ……………………
3. You can use this to smile. ………………………
4. You can use this to see everything. ………………….
5. You can use this to listen to music. …………………..
Exercise 24: Choose the best option
1. If the defender cannot achieve these aims, he may ……………………..intentionally. A. bang his head
B. commit a foul C. twist his ankle D. cut himself badly
2. The gold …………….has been widely exposed to the public on television. A. medalist B. solution C. measure D. contempt
3. David was a gymnastics gold ………………. A. concept B. medalist C. silhouette D. measure
4. Everyone cries sometimes – it’s nothing to be …………………….of. A. envious B. cross C. ashamed D. proud
5. I see people who have opportunities I don’t have, and I get …………………... A. cross B. proud C. ashamed D. envious
6. The knife is very sharp. Be careful or you’ll …………………..yourself. A. burn B. cut C. break D. escape
7. That kettle is very hot – be careful! Don’t ………………………..yourself. A. burn B. slip C. break D. cut
8. Mary ……………………her ankle and now it’s very swollen. A. break B. bang C. cut D. twisted
9. My friend’s ………………………..was due to the death of her grandfather. A. suspicion B. happiness C. shame D. sadness
10. The athlete wore his medal with………………... A. sadness B. contentment C. pride D. suspicion
Exercise 25: Choose the best option
1. Mum will be ……………………when she finds out about the broken vase. A. envious B. sad C. cross D. happy
2. We had (a/an) …………………….couple of weeks waiting for the test results. A. anxious B. cross C. disgusted D. afraid
3. The police were …………………of Bob because his story did not quite make sense. A. angry B. suspicious C. proud D. hopeful
4. Tan was a gold ……………….in that event at both the 1993 World Cup and the 1994 World Championships. A. festival B. party C. wedding D. medalist
5. Johnson, bronze ………………….the last two years, was never a contender and finished eighth. A. festival B. medalist C. party D. wedding
6. Mr. Ben, the 1983 World steeplechase silver ………………….., has chosen London to make his marathon debut. A. medalist B. festival C. wedding D. party
7. Steven, a two-time gold …………………….at the Atlanta Games, won in the individual category. A. festival B. wedding C. party D. medalist
8. I feel ………………….when my school got the best exam results in the country. A. ashamed B. nervous C. proud D. disappointed
9. I was ……………….when my dad shouted at me. A. ashamed B. unhappy C. cross D. suspicious
10. The children were ………………that they had behaved so badly. A. ashamed B. happy C. proud D. angry
Exercise 26: Give correct form of the verbs, using bare infinitive, to infinitive and gerund.
1. She expects (promote) …………………………soon, but things seem (go) ……………………..wrong.
2. Don’t forget (return) ……………………..John my books.
3. I remember (read) ……………………..this story several times.
4. He tries (work) …………………… save money.
5. We don’t have much time. Don’t stop (work) …………………….., please.
6. I was really busy last week, so I forget (phone) ……………………
Exercise 27: Choose the best option
contempt / medalist / contempt / happy / medalist / contempt / surprised / medalist / medalist / sad

1. Shooter Xu Haifeng became China's first ever Olympic Gold …………………….
2. Being silent is the perfect way to show ………………….
3. I feel nothing but ……………………..for people who treat children so cruelly.
4. They had shown a ………………..for the values she thought important.
5. People feel ……………………..when they hear good news.
6. Some people feel …………………..when it rains hard in the dry season.
7. People feel ………………………..when they hear bad news.
8. Minh, a gold ……………… the men's team event, won the floor exercise Sunday night.
9. Parker, the 1988 bronze ………………….., went home empty - handed after being eliminated in the quarterfinals.
10. He won the Ohio State High School Championship and was ……………….in the Ohio State Amateur.
Exercise 28: Rewrite these sentences with the given word or phrases.
1. Helen said she would go to the party with us.
 Helen agreed ..................................................................
2. I met you somewhere, I clearly remember that.
 I clearly remember ....................................................
3. My mother said I had better go on a vacation.
 My mother advised me ……........................................................
4. It’s not a good idea to travel during rush hour.
 It’s best to avoid ..........................................................................
5. He said that it was true that he didn’t have a license.
 He admitted .....................................................................
Exercise 29: Choose the best option
1. I was ……………………….when John scored a goal. A. happy B. suspicious C. sad D. envious
2. I’ll be …………….if Viet Nam win the World Cup. A. surprised B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprise
3. I’m really ……………………because I can’t find my mobile phone. A. annoy B. annoying C. annoyed D. annoyingly
4. A ……………………… a small, sometimes pointed, beard on a man’s chin. A. goatee B. stubble C. moustache D. clean-shaven
5. A ………………………..a slight line or fold, especially in skin or fabric. A. freckle B. wrinkle C. scar D. tattoo
Exercise 30: Rewrite these sentences with the given words or phrases.
1. Tom began playing the piano 4 years ago.
=> Tom has …………………………………………………
2. I started cooking for the party 4 hours ago.
=> I have …………………………………………………
3. She started working as a secretary 4 years ago.
=> She has …………………………………………………
4. My sister began to study English a year ago.
=> My sister has …………………………………………………
5. They last visited me 2 weeks ago.
=> They have ………………………………………………… Đáp án
Exercise 1: Classify the following nouns according to their correct parts: ankle nostril fingernail brain calf cheek chin elbow eyebrow eyelid forehead heart heel intestine jaw kidney knee lung muscle tissue neck rib scalp shin skull spine stomach thigh throat thumb toe wrist
1. inside your body: ankle, muscle, tissue, heart, brain, rib, intestine, kidney, spine, lung, stomach
2. part of your head or neck: eyelid, nostril, forehead , throat, neck, scalp, cheek, jaw, chin, skull, eyebrow
3. part of your arm or hand: fingernail, thumb, wris, elbow
4. part of your leg or foot: thigh, heel, toe, calf, shin, knee
Document Outline

  • 7. Eve got a big black ………………………where I banged my arm.