Giải SGK Tiếng Anh 12 Bright Unit 1 1e Writing

Xin gửi tới quý thày cô và các em học sinh Tiếng Anh 12 Bright Unit 1 1e Writing có đáp án chi tiết cho từng câu hỏi chương trình sách mới. Thông qua đây các em học sinh đối chiếu với lời giải của mình, hoàn thành bài tập hiệu quả và ôn tập đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. Read the story about Arnel Pineda and match the paragraphs (A-D) to the
descriptions (1-4).Đọc câu chuyện về Arnel Pineda và nối các đoạn văn (A-D) với các mô tả
Đáp án:
1 - D 2 - A 3 - B 4 - C
2. What tense did the writer use in the model writing in Exercise 1. Why?'Người viết đã
sử dụng thì nào trong bài viết mẫu ở Bài tập 1. Tại sao?
Đáp án:
The writer used the past tenses in the model writing in Exercise 1.
3. Read the Useful Language Box. Find and underline the phrases the writer used in the
story.Đọc Hộp Ngôn ngữ thông dụng. Tìm và gạch chân các cụm từ tác giả sử dụng trong
câu chuyện.
Đáp án:
A.Amel Pineda was born inSampaloc, Manila, the Philippines in 1967, andhe is an inspiring
person. He has been passionate about singing since he was five years old and has achieved
great success as a professional singer. However, he faced a lot of challenges during his early
B.When Arnel was thirteen, his mother died, so his family had a lot of financial problems.
Then, Amel became homeless for several years. During that time, he took different low-
paying jobs like collecting old bottles and selling newspapers to help him survive. In 1982,at
the age of fifteen,he joined a local band as a lead singer, singing pop songs by famous bands.
Amel didn't make much money this way, but he never gave up on his passion.
C.By the late 1990s,he had achieved some success, but it was in the early 2000s that he
finally got his big break. In June 2007, Neal Schon, a member of the famous band Journey
viewed a video of Arnel online. Schon contacted him and invited him to an audition for the
band's new lead singer position.Six months later,Amel joined Journey and they have had
tremendous success since then. The band has released three studio albums and sold millions
of records worldwide.
D.Arnel Pineda is a special person becausehe overcame his difficult beginning.I admire him
becausehe stayed committed to his passion and achieved greatness. Arnel's success shows
that anyone can achieve their dreams if they try hard enough.
4. Your school English magazine has asked its readers to send life stories of people they
admire. Answer the questions.'Tạp chí tiếng Anh của trường bạn đã yêu cầu các độc giả gửi
những câu chuyện về cuộc đời của những người họ ngưỡng mộ. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.
1. What's his/her name and where is he/she from? What is he/she famous for?
2. What difficulties did he/she face during his/ her early life?
3. What are his/her achievements?
4. Why do you admire him/her?
5. Write your story of someone you admire. (about 180-200 words).'Viết một câu chuyện
về người mà bạn ngưỡng mộ.
6. Check your story for spelling/grammar mistake. Then, in pairs, swap your stories and
check each other’s work.Kiểm tra lỗi chính tả/ngữ pháp. Sau đó, đổi bài cho nhau rồi kiểm
tra bài của đối phương theo cặp.
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Preview text:

1. Read the story about Arnel Pineda and match the paragraphs (A-D) to the descriptions (1-4). Đọc câu chuyện về Arnel Pineda và nối các đoạn văn (A-D) với các mô tả (1-4).

Tiếng Anh 12 Bright Unit 1 1e Writing

Đáp án:

1 - D

2 - A

3 - B

4 - C

2. What tense did the writer use in the model writing in Exercise 1. Why? Người viết đã sử dụng thì nào trong bài viết mẫu ở Bài tập 1. Tại sao?

Đáp án:

The writer used the past tenses in the model writing in Exercise 1.

3. Read the Useful Language Box. Find and underline the phrases the writer used in the story. Đọc Hộp Ngôn ngữ thông dụng. Tìm và gạch chân các cụm từ tác giả sử dụng trong câu chuyện.

Tiếng Anh 12 Bright Unit 1 1e Writing

Đáp án:

A. Amel Pineda was born in Sampaloc, Manila, the Philippines in 1967, and he is an inspiring person. He has been passionate about singing since he was five years old and has achieved great success as a professional singer. However, he faced a lot of challenges during his early life.

B. When Arnel was thirteen, his mother died, so his family had a lot of financial problems. Then, Amel became homeless for several years. During that time, he took different low-paying jobs like collecting old bottles and selling newspapers to help him survive. In 1982, at the age of fifteen, he joined a local band as a lead singer, singing pop songs by famous bands. Amel didn't make much money this way, but he never gave up on his passion.

C. By the late 1990s, he had achieved some success, but it was in the early 2000s that he finally got his big break. In June 2007, Neal Schon, a member of the famous band Journey viewed a video of Arnel online. Schon contacted him and invited him to an audition for the band's new lead singer position. Six months later, Amel joined Journey and they have had tremendous success since then. The band has released three studio albums and sold millions of records worldwide.

D. Arnel Pineda is a special person because he overcame his difficult beginning. I admire him because he stayed committed to his passion and achieved greatness. Arnel's success shows that anyone can achieve their dreams if they try hard enough.

4. Your school English magazine has asked its readers to send life stories of people they admire. Answer the questions. Tạp chí tiếng Anh của trường bạn đã yêu cầu các độc giả gửi những câu chuyện về cuộc đời của những người họ ngưỡng mộ. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.

1. What's his/her name and where is he/she from? What is he/she famous for?

2. What difficulties did he/she face during his/ her early life?

3. What are his/her achievements?

4. Why do you admire him/her?

5. Write your story of someone you admire. (about 180-200 words). Viết một câu chuyện về người mà bạn ngưỡng mộ.

Tiếng Anh 12 Bright Unit 1 1e Writing

6. Check your story for spelling/grammar mistake. Then, in pairs, swap your stories and check each other’s work. Kiểm tra lỗi chính tả/ngữ pháp. Sau đó, đổi bài cho nhau rồi kiểm tra bài của đối phương theo cặp.