Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Friends Plus Review 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Chân trời sáng tạo trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài soạn của 35 tuần trong cả năm học. Qua đó, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 6 - Friends Plus của mình.

Week: Planning date:
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: revision
2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to check their progress through further practices.
3. Skills: 4 skills
4. Attitude:
5. Competences: do all exercises in Progress preview 1
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III. TECHNIQUES: Qs& As, games, visualize.
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)
- Divides the class into 3 groups
- Teacher invites one student to come in front
- Play the game in groups.
* Given words:
Getting up, playing games, cooking,
playing basketball, cleaning the floor,
of the class and show the actions for the class
to guess what it is.
brushing teeth, washing hair, relaxing
I. Vocabulary: Places in a town or city
* Activity 1: Complete the words in the text
- Read the text carefully to do the task
- Check the answer with the class
Suggested answers:
1. restaurant
2. café
3. sports centre
4. park
5. hotel
6. cinema
7. theatre
8. school
II. Reading: A description of a cruise ship
* Activity 2: Choose the correct answer:
- Read the text carefully to do the task.
- Check the answer with the class.
Suggested answers
1 - b library
2- a chefs
3- c exciting
4- a cabins
5- c fantastic
6- a swimming pools
III. Language focus:
Is there...? Are there ...? How many...?
* Activity 3: Write questions and short
- Teacher has students write the structures on
the board to make sure that they all remember
- Check the answers with the class
- Write the structures again
- Do the task
- Check the answers with the class
Language point:
Is there + a/an + singular noun?
Are there + any + plural noun?
How many + plural noun + are there
+ ...?
Suggested answers
1. Is there a big cinema in your area?
No, there isn't.
2. Are there any interesting
monuments in this town?
Yes, there are.
3. Is there a quiet park near the
Yes, there is.
4. Are there any small shops in that
No, there aren't.
5. How many cafés are there near
IV. Vocabulary and Listening: Comparing
* Activity 4: Lucy is a new student at school.
Listen to Lucy talking to her teacher. Match
the places in A with the adjectives in B
(audio: 1.27)
- Allows students to read the text
- Play the video/audio for students to complete
the text
- Check the answers with the class
- Read the sentences silently and
individually and guess the words.
- Watch or listen, identify word stress
and pronunciation to complete the
- Check the answers in pairs.
- Check the answers with the teacher.
- Write the structures again.
There are three.
6. How many students are there in
Anna's class?
There are thirty.
Suggested answers
1- e noisy
2 -a quiet
3- f modern
4- b pretty
5- c dangerous
6 -d clean
V. Language focus: Comparative adjectives
* Activity 5: Choose the correct words and
write them on the lines
- Read the text carefully to do the task.
- Check the answers with the class.
Language point:
* Short adjectives:
S + be + adjective + ER + than + ...
I am taller than my sister
* Long adjectives:
S + be + MORE + adjective + than + ...
This film is more interesting than that one
Suggested answers
1- b than
2- a better
3- b friendlier
4- c more
5- a bigger
6- c cleaner
VI. Speaking: Asking and saying where
places are
* Activity 6: Work in pairs. Put the dialogue
in the correct order. Number the sentences
- Have students read the text carefully.
- Check the answers with the class.
VII. Writing: A description of a town or city
* Activity 7: Work in pairs. Order the
words to make sentences
- Asks students to work in pairs.
- Work in pairs to do the task.
- Check the answers with the class.
- Work in pairs to do the task.
- Write down all the sentences.
Suggested answers
a 5
b 4
c 1
d 6
e 3
f 2
Suggested answers
1. Norwich is a very interesting city.
2. It's in the east of England.
3. It's got a population of about
4. My favourite place is the castle.
5. There are some fantastic shops.
- Read each sentence carefully.
- Check the answers with the class.
VIII. Vocabulary: Daily routines
* Activity 8: Complete the sentences with
the words
- Teacher asks students to read the words in the
box carefully.
- Explain the meaning of the words if
- Check the answers with the class.
- Check the answers with the class.
- Read the words in the box carefully.
- Check the answers with partners.
6. There's a good market too.
7. It's only thirty-five kilometres from
the sea.
8. It's an exciting place.
Suggested answers
1. get
2. have
3. brush; wash
4. go
5. chat
6. help
IX. Reading: My family
* Activity 9: Work in pairs. Complete the
words in the text
- Have students read the text carefully.
- Make sure that they all understand the
meaning of the words.
- Check the answers with the class.
- Check the answers with the class.
- Read the text carefully.
- Check the answers with partners.
- Check the answers with the class.
7. study
8. relax; watch
Suggested answers
1. brothers
2. mother
3. aunt
4. father
5. grandmother
6. grandfather
X. Language focus: Present simple -
Affirmative and negative
* Activity 10: Make the negative sentences
affirmative and the affirmative sentences
- Have students to review the structures of
Present Simple tense.
- Write down the structures of Present Simple
- Do the task.
- Check the answers with the class
Language point:
Present Simple tense
S + verb (s /es) +...
+ I like cooking very much.
+ Peter plays football after school.
S + doesn't/don't + verb- bare
infinitive+ ...
+ They don't study on weekends
+ She doesn't like watching TV
XI. Vocabulary and Listening: Special days
* Activity 11: Listen and draw lines from
names 1-6 to people a-f in the picture.
(audio: 1.28)
- Allows students to read the text
- Play the video/audio for students to complete
the text
- Check the answers with the class
- Watch the picture and listen to
complete the text.
- Check the answers in pairs.
- Check the answers with the teacher.
Suggested answers
1. I like cooking.
2. We play football every afternoon.
3. She washes the car.
4. They don't help with the housework.
5. My brother doesn't study in the
6. You don't play video games
Suggested answers
1. Dad -e
2. Emma -c
3. Grace -d
4. Holly -b
5. Mum -f
6. Richard -a
XII. Language focus: Present simple -
* Activity 12: Read the email and write the
- Have students to review the structures of
Present Simple tense
- Read the email carefully to do the task
- Write down the structures of Present Simple
- Check the answers with the class
Language point:
Present Simple tense
Do/Does + S + verb- bare infinitive+ ...?
+ Do you do your homework every
Yes, I do / No, I don't
+ Does your father work in a big
Yes, he does/No, he doesn't
Suggested answers
1. What time do you get up?
2. do you have a big breakfast?
3. Does she help at home?
4. does Anna study a lot?
5. When do they get home from work?
6. Do your parents watch TV in the
XIII. Speaking: Making plans and
* Activity 13: Work in pairs. Complete the
dialogue with the phrases
- Work in pairs to complete the text.
- Read the text and phrases in the box
- Check the answers with partners.
- Check the answers with the class.
Suggested answers
1. What's on?
2. What do you want
3. I'm not really interested
4. like the sound
5. What about
6. Let's go
- Asks students to work in pairs.
- Read the text and phrases in the box
XIV. Writing: A special day
* Activity 14: Complete the text with the
words. There are five extra words.
- Asks students to read the text and the words
in the box carefully
- Explain the meaning of the words if
- Read the text and the words in the box
carefully to do the task
- Check the answers with the class
- Read the text to choose the correct answer
Suggested answers
day 2.
3. play
.also 5.
* Activity 15: Work in pairs. Choose the
best title for the text. Tick () one box
- Check the answer with the class
Suggested answers
A special day in the USA
- Give homework.
- Take notes.
V. Homework
- Review all structures
- Prepare for the next lesson - Unit
3: Wildlife.
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Preview text:

Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
- Vocabulary: revision
2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to check their progress through further practices. 3. Skills: 4 skills 4. Attitude:
5. Competences: do all exercises in Progress preview 1
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)
Game: " GUESSING GAME" * Given words:
- Divides the class into 3 groups - Play the game in groups.
Getting up, playing games, cooking,
- Teacher invites one student to come in front
playing basketball, cleaning the floor, 1
of the class and show the actions for the class
brushing teeth, washing hair, relaxing to guess what it is. II. PRACTISE: (40')
I. Vocabulary: Places in a town or city Suggested answers:
* Activity 1: Complete the words in the text 1. restaurant 2. café
- Read the text carefully to do the task 3. sports centre
- Check the answer with the class 4. park 5. hotel 6. cinema 7. theatre 8. school
II. Reading: A description of a cruise ship
* Activity 2: Choose the correct answer:
- Read the text carefully to do the task. Suggested answers
- Check the answer with the class. 1 - b library 2- a chefs 3- c exciting 4- a cabins 5- c fantastic 6- a swimming pools 2 Language point:
Is there + a/an + singular noun? - Write the structures again
Are there + any + plural noun? - Do the task
How many + plural noun + are there III. Language focus:
- Check the answers with the class + ...?
Is there...? Are there ...? How many...?
* Activity 3: Write questions and short Suggested answers answers:
1. Is there a big cinema in your area?
- Teacher has students write the structures on No, there isn't.
the board to make sure that they all remember
2. Are there any interesting them.
monuments in this town? Yes, there are.
- Check the answers with the class
3. Is there a quiet park near the station? Yes, there is.
4. Are there any small shops in that street? No, there aren't.
5. How many cafés are there near here? 3 There are three.
6. How many students are there in
Anna's class? There are thirty.
- Read the sentences silently and
individually and guess the words.
- Watch or listen, identify word stress
and pronunciation to complete the sentences. Suggested answers
IV. Vocabulary and Listening: Comparing 1- e noisy places - Check the answers in pairs. 2 -a quiet
* Activity 4: Lucy is a new student at school.
- Check the answers with the teacher. 3- f modern
Listen to Lucy talking to her teacher. Match 4- b pretty
the places in A with the adjectives in B 5- c dangerous (audio: 1.27) 6 -d clean
- Allows students to read the text
- Play the video/audio for students to complete the text
- Check the answers with the class - Write the structures again. 4
- Read the text carefully to do the task.
- Check the answers with the class.  Language point: * Short adjectives:
V. Language focus: Comparative adjectives
S + be + adjective + ER + than + ...
* Activity 5: Choose the correct words and Eg:
write them on the lines I am taller than my sister * Long adjectives:
S + be + MORE + adjective + than + ... Eg:
This film is more interesting than that one Suggested answers 1- b than 2- a better 3- b friendlier 4- c more 5- a bigger 6- c cleaner 5
VI. Speaking: Asking and saying where places are
* Activity 6: Work in pairs. Put the dialogue
in the correct order. Number the sentences
- Have students read the text carefully.
- Work in pairs to do the task.
Suggested answers
- Check the answers with the class.
- Check the answers with the class. a 5 b 4 c 1 d 6 e 3 f 2 Suggested answers
1. Norwich is a very interesting city.
2. It's in the east of England.
VII. Writing: A description of a town or city
3. It's got a population of about
* Activity 7: Work in pairs. Order the 200,000.
words to make sentences
- Work in pairs to do the task.
4. My favourite place is the castle.
- Asks students to work in pairs.
- Write down all the sentences.
5. There are some fantastic shops. 6
- Read each sentence carefully.
- Check the answers with the class.
6. There's a good market too.
- Check the answers with the class.
7. It's only thirty-five kilometres from the sea.
8. It's an exciting place. Suggested answers
VIII. Vocabulary: Daily routines 1. get
* Activity 8: Complete the sentences with 2. have the words 3. brush; wash
- Teacher asks students to read the words in the box carefully. 4. go
- Explain the meaning of the words if - Read the words in the box carefully. 5. chat necessary.
- Check the answers with partners. 6. help
- Check the answers with the class. 7
- Check the answers with the class. 7. study 8. relax; watch IX. Reading: My family
* Activity 9: Work in pairs. Complete the words in the text Suggested answers
- Have students read the text carefully. 1. brothers
- Make sure that they all understand the 2. mother meaning of the words. 3. aunt
- Check the answers with the class. 4. father - Read the text carefully. 5. grandmother
- Check the answers with partners. 6. grandfather
- Check the answers with the class. 8 Language point:
X. Language focus: Present simple - Affirmative and negative
Present Simple tense
* Activity 10: Make the negative sentences Affirmative:
affirmative and the affirmative sentences negative
- Write down the structures of Present Simple S + verb (s /es) +... tense.
- Have students to review the structures of Eg: Present Simple tense. - Do the task.
+ I like cooking very much.
- Check the answers with the class
+ Peter plays football after school. Negative:
S + doesn't/don't + verb- bare infinitive+ ... Eg:
+ They don't study on weekends
+ She doesn't like watching TV 9
Suggested answers 1. I like cooking.
2. We play football every afternoon. 3. She washes the car.
4. They don't help with the housework.
5. My brother doesn't study in the evenings.
6. You don't play video games
Suggested answers 1. Dad -e 2. Emma -c
- Watch the picture and listen to 3. Grace -d complete the text. 4. Holly -b 5. Mum -f
XI. Vocabulary and Listening: Special days - Check the answers in pairs. 6. Richard -a
* Activity 11: Listen and draw lines from
- Check the answers with the teacher.
names 1-6 to people a-f in the picture. (audio: 1.28)
- Allows students to read the text
- Play the video/audio for students to complete the text
- Check the answers with the class 10 Language point: Present Simple tense Questions:
- Read the email carefully to do the task
Do/Does + S + verb- bare infinitive+ ...?
- Write down the structures of Present Simple tense Eg:
- Check the answers with the class
+ Do you do your homework every night?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
XII. Language focus: Present simple -
+ Does your father work in a big Questions company?
* Activity 12: Read the email and write the
Yes, he does/No, he doesn't questions
- Have students to review the structures of Present Simple tense Suggested answers
1. What time do you get up?
2. do you have a big breakfast?
3. Does she help at home?
4. does Anna study a lot?
5. When do they get home from work?
6. Do your parents watch TV in the evening? 11 Suggested answers 1. What's on? 2. What do you want
3. I'm not really interested 4. like the sound
- Work in pairs to complete the text. 5. What about
- Read the text and phrases in the box carefully. 6. Let's go
- Check the answers with partners.
- Check the answers with the class. XIII. Speaking: Making plans and suggestions
* Activity 13: Work in pairs. Complete the
dialogue with the phrases 12
- Asks students to work in pairs.
- Read the text and phrases in the box carefully.
- Read the text and the words in the box carefully to do the task Suggested answers
- Check the answers with the class 1. day 2. streets 3. play 4. .also 5.
XIV. Writing: A special day
* Activity 14: Complete the text with the
words. There are five extra words.
- Asks students to read the text and the words in the box carefully
- Explain the meaning of the words if necessary
- Read the text to choose the correct answer 13
- Check the answer with the class Suggested answers
A special day in the USA
* Activity 15: Work in pairs. Choose the
best title for the text. Tick (
) one box III. HOMEWORK: (2') V. Homework - Give homework. - Take notes.
- Review all structures
- Prepare for the next lesson - Unit 3: Wildlife. V. REFLECTION:
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