Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Friends Plus Unit 8

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Chân trời sáng tạo trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài soạn của 35 tuần trong cả năm học. Qua đó, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 6 - Friends Plus của mình.

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Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
- Vocabulary: (n) means of transport, trolley bus, boat, tram, subway train, cable car, ferry, channel.
2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to talk about means of transport. 3. Skills:
- Main skills : speaking and listening skills.
- Sub skills : reading and writing skills.
4. Attitude: be excited about means of transport. 5. Competences:
- Talk about means of transport, using key phrases (for students with mid-level).
- Talk about the advantages of the means of transportation (for students with high level).
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
I. Warm-up. T- ss - t / ss - ss / (5’)
- Divide the class into 2 groups. - Play the game in groups.
- There is a picture hidden behind some color - Each group will choose a pair of
hexagons. As you click the hexagons, the image
is slowly revealed and students must try to guess number.
what it is. Who raises their hands first will get a - With one correct pair, students will chance to answer. get one point.
- The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
- Show all the pictures again and asks students a question:
“What are these pictures about”
- Answer on their own.
II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (12’)
Set context: (2’)
- Call out some students to answer the question. Question: - Answer the question.
“How do you travel when you go on holiday?”
“How do you travel when you go on - Listen to the teacher. holiday?”
- Lead to the topic of the lesson – Going away
Activity 1 (5’) Look and match photos 1 - 10 Suggested answers
with the words in the box. Listen and check.
- Ask students to look at the means of transport. - Use dictionaries to help, if 1) bus 6) trolleybus (Picture 1 to Picture 10). necessary. 2) plane 7) cable car 2 - With weaker classes, students
could - Check the answers with the teacher. 3) ferry 8) ship
work in pairs or small groups for this. With 4) tram 9) train
stronger classes, you could do it as a race. 5) subway train 10) boat
- Play the audio to check their answers.
- Check answers with the class and check that
students understand all the words.
 Teach new vocabulary: (5’)
- Use pictures and explanation to present new words.
- Ask students to practice their pronunciation New words: drills.
means of transport (n) /miːnz əv Vocabulary:
- Look, listen and repeat in chorus and trænspɔːt /
means of transport (n) (explanation) individuals. trolleybus (n) /ˈtrɒlibʌs/ trolleybus (n) boat (n) /bəʊt/ boat (n) tram (n) /træm/ tram (n) subway train (n) (picture)
subway train (n) /ˈsʌbweɪ treɪn/ cable car (n)
cable car (n) /ˈkeɪbl kɑː(r)/ ferry (n) ferry (n) /ˈferi/
channel (n) (explanation)
channel (n) /ˈtʃænl/
III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (20’) 3
Activity 2 (5’) Which means of transport have (Students’ own answers)
you got in your country?
- Work in pairs to do the task.
- Ask students to discuss in pairs or small groups
- Present their answers in the front.
which means of transport from exercise 1 they - Listen to the feedbacks.
have got in their town or in Viet Nam.
- Give students time to discuss in pairs.
- Go around to observe the class.
- Ask some pairs to tell the class which means they choose both.
- Give feedbacks to students’ answers.
Activity 3 (3’) Work in pairs. Do the Travel
Suggested answers
Quiz and compare your answers.
- Do the quiz individually then
1c - 2a - 3c - 4b - 5b - 6b - 7b - 8b
- Allow students time to read the Quiz and do the compare their answers with a Quiz. partner.
- Check answers with the teacher.
- Ask students to check the answers in pairs.
- Check answers with the class and see who
got all the answers right.
Activity 4: (5’) Listen and complete the Key Phrases.
- Watch or listen and write the means
of transport from exercise 1 which
- Focus on the means of transport in exercise 1 the people mention. again.
- Check answers with the teacher. - Play the video or audio.
- Encourage students to work in pairs or small
groups for this activity. (with weaker classes)
Suggested answers
- Check answer with the class. 4 1) holiday 4) plane train
2) means of transport 5) subway 3) boat  Example sentences:
OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: VOCABULARY It has four wheels. (5’)
It is a large motor vehicle with seats for - Give students a clue:
- Work in pairs to write down three people.
“You use this to travel from one place to another more clues.
It is the most popular public means of
in a city in Viet Nam.” transport.
- Work in groups of four to read their
clues to each other and guess the  BUS
- Put students into pairs to write three more clues items.
for the items on page 96, then ask them to close their books.
- Put pairs together into groups of four to read
their clues to each other and guess the items.
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.
Activity 5: (6’) Work in groups. Imagine that
you are going on holiday. Choose holiday A or
B. Which means of transport should you choose? Why?
- Work individually within their
- Put students into groups and ask them to choose
groups and suggest the means of
which holiday to discuss. transport.
- Give students time to discuss in groups and write - Present their ideas in the front. down their opinions. 5
- Call out some groups to present their opinion in - Listen to the teacher’s feedbacks. front of class. - Give feedbacks. Example:
I am going on my holiday to Moscow,
Russia, so I choose a plane for traveling.
The plane is the fastest means of transport
and it’s really great when traveling above
the clouds, looking down on the landscapes
below. Also, I can do many things like
reading, playing games or listening to
music while I’m on a plane.
V. Homework. (2’) V. Homework - Give homework. - Take notes
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Workbook: Exercises on page 54
- Prepare Lesson 2 – Reading. V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….…………………………………………………………………… 6
……………………………………………………………..………….…………………………………………………………………… Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
UNIT 8: GOING AWAY - LESSON 2: READING (Pre-While-Post) I. AIMS: 1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: revision of means of transport.
2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to read for detailed information. 3. Skills: - Main skills
: reading and writing skills. 7 - Sub skills
: listening and speaking skills.
4. Attitude: respect and protect good things of nice places for holidays. 5. Competences:
- know how to read for detailed information.
- use vocabulary items related to the issue of passage.
- talk about a good place for a holiday.
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III. TECHNIQUES: Games, discussion, questions and answers, Skills Strategy, project-based learning. IV. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)
- Divide class into 2 teams (A, B).
- Listen to the instructions carefully.
- Explain the rules: Students take turns in rolling - Play the game in teams.
the dice and moving their game piece. After
landing on a square, students should make a

sentence based on the image in that square. The
aim of the game is to arrive at the center star to
win a point. After winning a point, the student

goes back to the start and begins again. The 8
student with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
II. PRE-READING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (8’)
THINK (2’)
- Ask students to work in groups to talk about the Question: question :
“What do you normally do in the
- Work in groups and talk about the summer holidays?”
“What do you normally do in the summer
question based on their background “ holidays?”
Do you go away with your family? knowledge.
Where do you go? What do you like
- Go around for help if necessary. doing on holiday?
If you stay at home, do you get bored?” Lead in: (2’)
- Ask students some more questions:
Do you go away with your family?
- Look at the picture and listen to the
Where do you go? What do you like doing on holiday? teacher.
If you stay at home, do you get bored?”
- Show the picture of some famous vacation
destinations and lead in the lesson - Summer holidays
Teaching new words (4’) New words Eiffel Tower (n)
Eiffel Tower (n) /aɪfəl ˈtaʊə / cave (n) cave (n) /keɪv/ (picture)
- Look, listen and repeat in chorus and bay (n) individuals. bay (n) /beɪ/ 9
III. WHILE READING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (20’) Suggested answers
Activity 1 (5’) Read the text and write C 1C - 2M - 3J - 4M - 5J - 6C
(Ciara), M (Martin) or J (Jason).
- Allow students time to read sentences 1-6.
- Read and answer the questions.
- Explain that they must read for detailed
- Check answers with the teacher.
information to match each sentence to one of the people.
- Check answers with the class.
Activity 2 (5’) Read and listen to the text and Suggested answers write True or False.
1) False (Ciara is going to spend a week
- Read and listen to the text carefully
- Read through the sentences with the class. in Paris.) and do the task.
- Ask students to read and listen carefully for
2) False (They are going to learn how to specific information.
- Work in pairs to check their answers. play tennis with a new sports
- Ask students to correct the false sentences (with teacher.)
- Check the answers with the teacher. stronger classes). 3) True.
- Check answers with the class.
Optional activity: READING (5’) Suggested answers
- Write these questions on the board: - Work individually.
1) From reading her guidebook.
1) How does Ciara know that Paris is expensive?
- Read the text silently for specific 2) At school.
2) Where is Martin going to learn to play tennis?
ideas and underline sentences that
3) Because it is magnificent inside the
3) Why is Jason going to take some photos with his caves. contain the answers. friends? - Check the answers in pairs. 10
- Check the answers with the teacher
- Ask students to read the questions and underline
key words to understand main ideas.
(some students write key - word
answers or full answers).
- Have students reread the text silently and underline
sentences that contain the answers.
- Ask students to check their answer in pairs.
- Invite some students to write their answers and check their work.
Key word answers only (low/mid-level)  Full answers (high level) Words in blue:
Activity 4 (3’) Vocabulary Plus
- Work in pairs and use a dictionary to 1. cool (adj) /kuːl/
- Encourage students to work in pairs to use a
check the meanings of the words in 2. expensive (adj) /ɪkˈspensɪv/
dictionary to check the meanings of the words in blue in the text. blue in the text.
3. boring (adj) /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/
- Help students check these words’ meaning in the - Ask teacher if necessary. 4. new (adj) /njuː/ front.
5. magnificent (adj) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ Words in blue:
6. awesome (adj) /ˈɔːsəm/ 1. cool (adj) (explanation)
2. expensive (adj) (explanation) 3. boring (adj) (explanation) 4. new (adj) (explanation)
5. magnificent (adj) (explanation)
6. awesome (adj) (explanation) Suggested answers 11
Vocabulary check: (2’) - Work in pairs. 1) awesome 4) magnificent
- Write these adjectives on the board:
- Listen to the teacher and take notes. 2) expensive 5) boring
1) unamazing 4) unimpressive 3) cool 6) new
2) cheap 5) interesting
- Check answers with the teacher. 3) uncool 6) old
- Ask students to work in pairs to match the blue
adjectives in the text to their opposites 1–6.
- Point out the prefix un- in unamazing and explain
that with some adjectives we can form an opposite by adding un-.
- Elicit or give one or two more examples, e.g. unhappy, unlucky, …
IV. POST READING. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.
- Activity 5 (10’) Discussion Question
- Ask students to work in groups of four.
“Which holiday do you prefer, Ciara’s,
Martin’s or Jason’s? Why?” - Give the question - Work in groups of four. (students’ own answers)
“Which holiday do you prefer, Ciara’s, Martin’s or - Think about the question individually
Jason’s? Why?”
and write down the main points (the
- Ask students to talk about the question. holiday they prefer).
- Allow students time to prepare their answers to
- Take turns to talk about the question the questions individually. in groups.
- Go around for help if necessary.
- Ask the teacher if necessary.
- Ask some students to tell the class something they - Listen to the teacher’s feedbacks. learned about their group.
- Give feedbacks to the answers. 12 V. Homework. (2’) - Give homework. - Take notes
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Answer the questions: “Where did you
go on your last holiday? What did you do?”
- Prepare the next lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS. V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….……………………………………………………………… 13 Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
• be going to: affirmative, negative and questions • will and won't I. AIMS: 1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: revision - Patterns:
• Countable and uncountable nouns
• some, any, much, many and a lot of
2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students can talk about future plans and intentions. 3. Skills: - Main skills
: reading + speaking - Sub skills : listening + writing
4. Attitude: feel confident to make predictions about someone’s future or their future. 5. Competences:
Identify the rules of how to use BE GOING TO: affirmative, negative and questions • WILL AND WON'T
6. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
7. Students: textbook, notebook. 14
III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group work. IV. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)
- Divide the class into 2 groups. - Play the game in groups.
- Ask students to take turns to throw the dice to
- Throw the dice to choose TWO
choose TWO numbers on the screen.
numbers on the screen.
- Give each group ONE minute to make as
- Make as many sentences as possible in
many sentences as possible in with that 2
ONE minute with that 2 words.
words. (2 words in a sentence)
Example: We can take awesome photos together.
II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (5’) Lead- in
- Write sentences with be going to on the
1. I’m going to spend a week in Paris!
- Look at the board and answer the board. questions.
2. We are going to have a drink after each tennis
- Focus on the sentences and ask: Do they class.
refer to the past, present or future? - Listen to the teacher. 15
- Underline the verb in each sentence and
tell students they are going to learn how
to talk about future plans.
III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (20’) Suggested answers
Activity 1: Look at the text on page 98 again
1. going to 2. ’m not 3. are
and complete the examples. Then choose the
- Look back at the text and complete the Rules:
correct words in Rules 1–2. (4’) examples.
- Ask students to look back at the text and
- Check the answers with the teacher. complete the examples.
- Read through the rules with the teacher. I am - Check students’ answers.
- Check the answers with the teacher.
- Read through the rules with the class and She/ He/ It/ Noun is
elicit the correct words to complete going to + Vo them. You/ We/ They/ are - Check students’ answers. Nouns 1. future 2. be
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the Suggested answers
affirmative or negative form of be going to 1. ’re going to visit
and the verbs in brackets. (4’) 2. aren’t going to travel
- Ask students to complete the sentences
- Complete the sentences with the 3. ’s going to buy
with the correct forms of be going to,
correct forms of be going to, then
then compare their answers in pairs.
compare their answers in pairs. 4. ’m not going to take
- Check answers with the class.
- Check answers with the teacher. 5. ’re going to stay 6. isn’t going to study
Pronunciation: Question stress and rhythm 16
Activity 3: Listen and repeat the questions. Suggested answers
Underline the stressed words in each
1. Are you going to buy a torch?
question. (4’) 2. What are we going to see?
- Play the example and point out how the
3. How is she going to travel?
underlined words are stressed. - Listen to the teacher.
4. Are we going to stay in a tent?
- Play the audio once, then play it again,
- Listen to the audio and underline
pausing for students to underline the the stressed words. stressed words.
- Check answers with the teacher.
- Check answers with the class. - Listen and repeat.
- Play the audio again, pausing for students to repeat.
Activity 4: Look at the examples and Suggested answers
complete Rules 1–4. (4’) 1. will, ’ll 2. won’t
- Write on the board: It will be sunny
3. will 4. will / won’t
tomorrow. It won’t be hot. Underline will and won’t. + S + will + Vo
- Look at the board and answer the
- Ask: Are these sentences about plans? (no) -
S + will not (won’t) + Vo
Are they predictions about the future? (yes). questions.
- Tell students they are going to learn how to - Listen to the teacher. ? Will + S + Vo ..? make predictions in English. 
- Check answers with the teacher. Yes, S + will
- Read the examples with the class, then go No, S + will not
through the rules and elicit the correct words to complete them.
Activity 5: Nick and his family are going to 17
move from London to Australia. Write
questions and answers about his future. (4’) Suggested answers
- Read out the example question and answer,
1. Will Nick’s family live in a big house?
then read out the next prompt and elicit the question and answer. No, they won’t. - Listen to the teacher.
- Ask students to write the remaining questions
2. Will Nick make many new friends? Yes,
- Write the remaining questions and and answers. answers. he will. -
3. Will Nick learn a new language? No,
Check answers by asking pairs of students to
- Check answers with the teacher.
read out the questions and answers. he won’t.
4. Will it be hot and sunny in December? Yes, it will.
5. Will Nick’s family have a barbecue on
the beach in January? Yes, they will.
6. Will Nick’s friends in London visit him
next summer? No, they won’t.
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (13’)
Activity 6: Use IT! Work in pairs. Make five
predictions about your partner's future. Say
if you agree or not.
(7’) - Listen to the teacher.
- Write on the board: become famous, - Work in pairs.
travel around the world. Elicit other
ideas for things that might happen in the
- Make predictions about partner’s
future, e.g. win the lottery, live in another future.
town or city, write a book. 18 - Put students into pairs.
- Tell each other the predictions and
- Ask them to make predictions about their respond. partner’s future.
- In pairs, they tell each other their predictions and respond.
Activity 7: Finished? Write predictions about
your future.
- Ask students to write their predictions
- Write their predictions individually individually and then read their
and then read the predictions to the
predictions to the class omitting will or
class omitting will or won’t.
won’t, e.g. I ... get married. - Guess the missing word.
- Ask other students to guess the missing word.
V. Homework. (2’)
- Learn by heart all Grammar point. - Give homework. - Take notes
- Workbook: Exercises page 55. V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….………………………………………………………………………… 19 20 Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
- Vocabulary: icy, cloudy, foggy, snowy, stormy
9. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students can ask and answer about the weather. 10. Skills: - Main skills : listening - Sub skills : speaking
11. Attitude: love the weather in Viet Nam and be aware of protecting the environment. 12. Competences: -
Identify some places which have extreme weather around the world. -
Know how to guess answers before listening.
13. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
14. Students: textbook, notebook.
III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works. IV. PROCEDURES: 21 TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’) Categories animals foods weather means of - Divide class into 2 groups. - Work in groups. transport
- Write 3 categories on the board: animals,
- Take turns to go to the board and write
foods, weather, means of transport.
down as many words as possible in 2
- Let students take turns to go to the board and minutes.
write down as many words as possible in 2
minutes. (2 students/group for each turn)
II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss . (15’)
Set context: (3’) Ask questions:
Do you like hot or cold weather?
How many different types of weather can
you say in English?
- Ask students if they prefer hot or cold
- Listen and answer the questions. weather.
- Work in pairs to think of as many
- Elicit a few answers from individual
weather words as they can in English.
students and encourage them to give reasons for their answers.
- Put students into pairs to think of as
many weather words as they can in English. 22
- Check answers and write the words on the board.
- Check that everyone understands all the words.
Activity 1: Check the meanings of the words
in the box. What words can you match to
photos 1–4? Listen and check. (8’) Suggested answers
- Ask students to use their dictionaries to
1. rainy, cloudy 2. hot, sunny
3. cold, snowy, icy 4. foggy, cloudy, cold
check the meanings of the words in the box
and match some of the words to the photos.
- Play the audio for students to listen and
- Use their dictionaries to check the check.
meanings of the words in the box and
match some of the words to the photos.
- Check answers with the class.
- Listen to the audio and check. - Teach some necessary words.
- Check answers with the teacher. New words
1. icy (adj) /ˈaɪ.si/  using picture
2. cloudy (adj) /ˈklaʊ.di/  using picture New words - Copy down into notebooks.
1. icy (adj) /ˈaɪ.si/  using picture
3. foggy (adj) /ˈfɑː.ɡi/  using picture - Practice pronunciation.
2. cloudy (adj) /ˈklaʊ.di/  using picture
4. snowy (adj) /ˈsnoʊ.i/  using picture
3. foggy (adj) /ˈfɑː.ɡi/  using picture
5. stormy (adj) /ˈstɔːr.mi/  using picture
4. snowy (adj) /ˈsnoʊ.i/  using picture
5. stormy (adj) /ˈstɔːr.mi/  using picture 23
- Ask students to practice their pronunciation drills. -
Check vocabulary. (Workbook - Exercise 1 Page 54)
Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words. 24 Vocabulary check:
Activity 2: Complete the texts with some of
the words in exercise 1. (4’) -
- Read the texts and complete them
Ask students to read the texts and complete
with the correct weather words.
them with the correct weather words. -
- Check answers with the teacher.
Check answers with the class. - Answer the questions.
- Ask students which place they would most like to visit and why. Suggested answers 1. stormy 2. foggy 25 3. snowy 4. cold 5. sunny 6. windy 7. icy 8. cloudy 9. hot Suggested answers 1. rainy 2. hot 3. cold 4. icy 5. windy 6. foggy 7. stormy
III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (15’)
Activity 3: Listen to an interview with
explorer Stephanie Lowe. What do you think Suggested answers
she is going to do in Antarctica? Listen and
She’s going to walk to the South Pole and - Answer the question.
check your answer. (5’)
study / take photos of the ice in Antarctica.
- Listen and check their answers.
- Focus on the photo of Stephanie and ask
students what they think she is going to do in Antarctica.
- Elicit a few possible ideas, e.g. study
animals, learn about climate change.
- Play the audio for students to listen and check their answers.
Activity 4: Read the Study Strategy. Then
read the questions in exercise 5 carefully.
- Work in pairs to read the questions and STUDY STRATEGY
Are there any answers you can guess now?
answers in exercise 5 and guess the
Guessing answers before listening: 26 (5’) answers.
• Before listening, read the questions carefully.
- Read the study strategy with the class and
• See how many answers you can guess explain it.
- Put students into pairs to read the questions
and answers in exercise 5 and guess the answers.
Activity 5: Listen again and choose the Suggested answers
- Read the questions and underline the
correct answers. (5’) keys words in the questions. 1. b 2. a 3. c
- Play the audio again for students to listen and
- Listen and write down the answers. 4. a 5. c 6. b choose the correct answers.
- Check answers with the teacher.
- Check answers with the class and see how
many answers students managed to guess correctly.
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (8’)
Activity 6: Work in pairs. Choose a city for
your next summer holiday. Ask and answer
questions about the weather of that city. Use
the phrases in the box and the words in exercise 1.
- Read through the prompts in the box and
- Listen and answer the questions.
check that students understand the four seasons. 27
- Elicit some possible questions about weather,
e.g. What will the weather be like next week?
- Ask and answer questions in pairs.
- Let students ask and answer questions in pairs. - Ask the teacher if necessary. - Go around for help.
V. Homework. (2’)
- Learn by heart new words. - Give homework. - Take notes
- Workbook: Exercises page 56. V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….………………………………………………………………………… 28 Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
UNIT 8: GROWING UP - LESSON 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS (PPP) I. AIMS: 15. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: revision
- Patterns: • First conditional • Complex sentences
16. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to talk about conditions and their results. 17. Skills: - Main skills
: reading and writing skills. - Sub skills
: speaking and listening skills.
18. Attitude: feel confident to talk about conditions and their results. 19. Competences:
- Identify the complex sentence and rules of First conditional.
1. Teacher: textbooks, power point slides, ….
2. Students: textbooks, notebooks.
III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs, inductive grammar learning. 29 IV. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’) GAME: INITIALS
- Divide students into 4 groups. - Play the game in groups.
- Ask students to take the first letters from
- Take the first letters from each picture Answer key: CONDITIONAL
each picture and form the mystery word. and form the mystery word.
II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (10’)
Activity 1: Study the examples in the table. Suggested answers
In your notebook, complete the Rules with
Rules: 2. condition 3. result condition and result. 4. condition
- Ask students to study the table. - Study the table.
Rule - First conditional
- Check that they understand what - Complete the rules. condition means.
- Check answers with the teacher.
 We use the first conditional to talk
- Ask students to complete the rules.
about a condition in the future and
the result of this condition.
- Check answers with the class. Condition Result
if + present simple, S + will/won’t + infinitive S + will/won’t + if + present simple infinitive 30 Exercise:
1. If it’s sunny at the weekend, I _____ to the park.
2. I won't go to the park if it ______ at the weekend. Suggested answers 1. will go 2. rains
III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (15’)
Activity 2: Choose the correct words. (5’)
- Read the text and choose the correct Suggested answers verb forms.
- Ask students to read the text and choose 1.‘ll be 2. ‘re 3. put the correct verb forms.
- Check the answers with the teacher.
4. see, will visit 5. ‘ll lose, have
- Check answers with the class.
- Underline the conditions and circle the results in each sentence.
- Ask students to underline the conditions
and circle the results in each sentence.
Activity 3: The first conditional sentence is a Suggested answers:
kind of complex sentence. A complex 1. I.C – D.C 2. D.C – I.C
sentence has ONE independent clause and at
least one dependent clause.
(10’) - Answer the questions. 3. I.C – D.C
- Show the clause “If you go to school - Listen and take note.
today” and ask students if it expresses a
- Work in pairs and put I.C or D.C into complete thought. REMEMBER the brackets. - Compare the results. 31
- Show the clause “you will meet an
- Check the answers with the teacher.
• One independent clause → Simple
interesting person” and ask students if it sentence expresses a complete thought.
• At least two independent clauses →
- Explain what is a dependent clause and Compound sentence an independent clause.
• One independent clause and at least one
- Tell students to work in pairs and put I.C or D.C into the brackets.
dependent clause → Complex sentence
- Ask them to compare the results.
- Check answers with the class.
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (13’)
Activity 4: Work in pairs. Ask and answer
first conditional questions. Use what, where
and who, the words in the box and your own
ideas. (7’)
do / finish your homework early
- Read the example question with the tonight?
- Listen to the teacher. class.
go / sunny at the weekend?
- Ask and answer the questions in
- Elicit other possible answers to the
meet / go to the park later? pairs. example question.
buy / go shopping tomorrow?
- Keep practicing with new pairs.
- Let students ask and answer the questions in pairs.
- Tell the class about the partner’s plans. Example:
- Monitor round the class and correct any errors.
- Put students in new pairs and get them to repeat the activity. 32
- Ask some students to tell the class about their partner’s plans.
V. Homework. (2’)
- Learn by heart all structures. - Give homework. - Take notes
- Workbook: Exercises page 57. 33 V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….…………………………………………………………………………… Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
- Vocabulary: revision
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to make offers and promises 2. Skills: - Main skills
: speaking and listening skills. - Sub skills : reading and writing skills.
3. Attitude: Feel confident to make offers and promises 4. Competences:
- Know how to make offers and promises
- Communicate confidently with friends/ …
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairwork and group work, conversations, role – play. IV. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)
Game: “GUESSING GAME!” (5’) Words for Guessing 35 -
Invites one student to come to in front of
- Use phrases or give examples to picnic, beach, pizza, sandwich, chicken, the class.
explain the words that given by sun cream, drinks, house teacher. -
Show picture or words to the invited students. -
Invites some students to answer.
II. PRE-SPEAKING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /(5’) Set context:
Suggested answers Think: - Answer the questions.
- Read the question with the class.
- Listen to their friends’ answers. Students' own answers.
- T elicits a few answers from individual students.
Look at the photo of Zoe and Aaron. What do
you think they are talking about?
III. WHILE-SPEAKING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.(25’)
Suggested answers
Activity 1: Audio 2.37 (5’)
- Allow students time to read the gapped
- Read through the gapped dialogue. dialogue. (scanning skills)
- Check that students understand picnic.
- Watch or listen the complete the
- Play the video or audio for students to watch dialogue.
or listen and complete the dialogue with the - Check answers with friends. 1. hot and sunny words in the box. 2. a picnic
- Check answers with the class. 3. drinks 36 4. my house
- Listen to the audio or video again.
Activity 2: Watch or listen again. Which
key phrases are for making offers and which
- Read through the key phrases
are for making promises? Write O (offers) or
- Listen carefully for the pronunciation
P (promises). Then practise the dialogue with and intonation.
Suggested answers a partner. (5’) - Listen and repeat chorally.
- Students read the skills strategy before doing
- Work in pairs to practice the exercise 2. dialogue.
- Check that students understand the difference
between an offer (something you say you can
do for someone) and a promise (something
you say you will definitely do).
- Read through the key phrases with the class.
- Ask students to find the key phrases in the
dialogue, then play the audio or video again.
1 O - 2 O - 3 P - 4 P - 5 O - 6 P - 7 P
Students decide if the key phrases are for making offers or promises.
- Check answers with the class and check that
students understand all the key phrases.
Activity 3: Choose the correct responses in
Suggested answers
the mini dialogues. Listen and check. (10’)
1. I'll ask Naomi to come too. - Audio 2.38 2. I'll be there at three.
- Ask two confident students to read out the
- Read out the first mini-dialogue. 3. I can bring some chicken. first mini-dialogue. - Listen to the audio again. 4. won't - Elicit the correct answer.
- Choose the correct answers for the 37 - Play the audio. remaining mini-dialogues.
- Students choose the correct answers for the remaining mini-dialogues.
- Practice the key phrases in pairs.
- Play the audio again for students to check
- Feedback to the teacher. their answers.
* Optional activity: Work in pairs
- Work in pairs to do the task
- Check the answer with the class.
Activity 4: use IT! Work in pairs. Look at
the situations and choose A or B. Prepare
and practice a new dialogue. Use the Key
Phrases and the dialogue in exercise 1 to help you. (5’)
- Students work in pairs to choose a situation
- Work in pairs to prepare a new and prepare a new dialogue. dialogue
- With weaker classes, choose one of the
- Perform their dialogues for the class. Eg:
situations and build up a dialogue with the
+ Student 1: Look! It'll be cool and
class, asking students to contribute each line in
sunny this weekend. How about going turn. to the beach? 38
- Students can then work in pairs to prepare a
+ Student 2: That's great. Let's take a
dialogue based on the other situation. picnic
- Ask some pairs to perform their dialogues for
+ Student 1: Well, I can bring some the class. chicken and pizzas
- Ask other students to listen and note down
+ Student 2: Uhmmm, so I make some sandwiches
how many offers and promises they hear. ....
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.(10’)
Activity 5: Use it – Work in pairs.
- Work in pairs to prepare a new dialogue.
- Listen the friends’ feedback. V. Homework. (2’) V. Homework - Give homework. - Take notes.
- Learn by heart all structures.
- Do exercises page 109
- Write some sentences using phrase keys.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Writing: A postcard V. REFLECTION: 39
……………………………………………………………..………….…………………………………………………………………………… Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
- Vocabulary: revision
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to write a postcard about your visit 2. Skills: - Main skills
: writing and reading skills. - Sub skills
: speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: love and be proud of places where you visit 40 4. Competences:
- Identify and know how to use kinds of conjunctions.
- Know how to skim and scan, write a postcard
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works, skim and scan paragraph. IV. PROCEDURES” 41 TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)
- Divide class into groups (5 -6 students). - Work in group of 5 -6.
- Show series of pictures of places in the
- Watch the clip and write down as country
many places as possible. (discuss)
- Ask students to write down as many - Present their work.
places as possible while they are
- Listen to friends and teacher’s watching. feedback.
- Invite some groups to show their work.
Suggested answers: - Ha noi city - Hoan Kiem lake - Ba Dinh Square - Ha Noi old Town 42 - Temple of Literature - Ha Noi Big Church - Tran Quoc Pagoda - West Lake - Ha Noi Opera House
II. PRE-WRITING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /(10’) Set context: (5’)
- Read out the question and elicit answers from
- Do the task to answer the questions E.g. individual students.
- Check the answer with the teacher Answer the questions:
- Ask more questions to encourage them to
- What places are popular with tourists
speak more, e.g. What places are popular with in your town or city?
tourists in your town or city? Are there any
- Are there any interesting museums?
interesting museums? What fun things can
- What fun things can you do?
you do? Are there any other towns or cities
- Are there any other towns or cities you
you could visit in your area?
could visit in your area?
Activity 1: Read the postcard. Where is
Adele from? Where is she now? What is she doing? (5’)
- Read the postcard to answer the
- Teacher has students read the postcard and questions 43 answer the questions.
- Compare their answers in pairs.
- Check the answers with the class.
- Check answers with the class.
Suggested answers. 1. Adele is from the UK 2. She is in Hà Nội now
3. She is visiting Hoàn Kiếm Lake.
III. WHILE-WRITING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.(20’)
Activity 2: Complete the Key Phrases.
Then look at the postcard and check your answers.(5’)
- Have a look at the key phrases box.
- Students complete the key phrases from
- Read the postcard again (scanning skill).
memory then check in the postcard.
- Read and complete the key phrases.
- Check the answers with the class and check
- Listen to friends and teacher’s
that students understand all the key phrases. feedback.
Suggested answers. 44 1. a great time here 2. visiting Hoàn Kiếm Lake
3. to West Lake to go boating and enjoy bánh tôm 4. cool and wet
5. see you again in three days
Activity 3: Study the example. Match
sentences 1-5 with reasons a-e. Then
Language point: BECAUSE
- Look at the example and translate into
combine the sentences using because. (5’) own language
- Because is a subordinating conjunction.
- Teacher asks students to read out the It shows the cause.
- Read the sentences and match them.
example and ask students to translate because
- We can combine two clauses using
- Write the sentences by using because into their own language. because, eg:
- Check the answers with the class
- Students match the sentence halves and write
sentences with because.
- Check answers with the class. Suggested Answers:
1- e I hope it will be hot tomorrow
because I want to go to the beach. 45
2-b We're going to pack our suitcases
because we're going to go away tomorrow.
3-d My brother wants to buy a guidebook
because he's going to travel to Japan in the summer.
4- a Samir lives in France because his dad works there.
5- c We're going to take our waterproofs
because it will be rainy on Saturday.
Activity 4: Optional activity- Writing-
Write the following gapped sentences on
Suggested answers. the board. (10’) 1. hope
- Teacher asks students to complete the - Listen and take notes. 2. going sentences. - Do the task. 3. going
- Check answers with the class and check that
- Volunteers show them on the
students understand that we use I hope to board.
express a wish about the future, and we use be
- Listen to teacher feedback.
going to to talk about future plans.
- Complete the task in book.
- Encourage students to use these when they 46
write their own email in exercise 4. 47
*** Optional activity: Writing 48
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.(10’)
Activity 5: Use it. Follow the steps in the writing guide.
- Read the writing guide.
- Teacher has students read the task with the
- Answer the questions and plan class. their postcard.
- Students answer the questions and plan their
- Read through the paragraph plan postcard. aloud.
- Read through the paragraph plan with the
- Write their postcard.
class and check that students understand
- Remember to check grammar everything.
and spelling carefully.
- Students then write their postcard. This can be set for homework.
- Remind students to check their grammar,
spelling and punctuation carefully. 49 V. Homework. (2’) V. Homework - Give homework. - Take notes
- Learn by heart all structures.
- Write a postcard to friends/ family, ...
- Prepare for the next lesson: Culture V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….…………………………………………………………………………… 50 Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
- Vocabulary: cosplay, thrill ride, water ride, roller coaster.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to talk about theme parks and rides. 2. Skills: - Main skills
: reading and writing skills. - Sub skills
: speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: love both English and Culture. 4. Competences:
- Identify and understand language and culture.
- Know how to talk about theme parks and rides.
5. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, power point slides, ….
6. Students: textbook, noteboo 51
III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works. IV. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)
- Divide the class into small groups to play this * Suggested answers: - Listen to teacher. game. 1/ excited - Play the game. 2/ awesome
- Give students clear instructions. 3/ sunny - Monitor the game. 4/ expensive 5/ magnificent 6/ cool
- Check students’ answers and find out which
- Count the points with teacher. group wins. - Lead in the lesson. - Listen to teacher.
II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Set context: (3’) 52
Point to the words on the screen and ask - Make sentences. Suggestions:
students to make sentences with them.
1/ What do you often do in sunny
- Elicit their ideas by making questions and weather?
- Listen to teacher’s explanation and answer
showing the picture of the story “The the questions.
2/ Are you excited when you are at theme Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. parks?
3/ Is it expensive to go to theme parks to relax?
4/ Are there any magnificent theme parks in your country? Activity 1: (5’)
- Instruct students to complete the task.
- Listen to teacher’s instructions. Suggested answers:
- Have Students work in pairs to complete the task. 1/ cosplay
- Check answers-with the class and make sure - Work in pairs to understand the meaning of 2/ water ride
that students understand all the words.
the given words and decide what they can see 3/ roller coaster in the photos. 4/ thrill ride - Check answers with class. 53
III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.
Activity 2: Read the text. Then answer the
Suggested answers:
question: “What places can you find in a
- Listen to teacher’s instructions.
You can find roller coasters, rides (thrill theme park?”. (7’)
- Instruct students how to do this task and give
- Read the text and answer the questions.
rides, family rides, water rides), shops, them some examples.
- Check answer with the class.
cafés, restaurants, shows and concerts.
- Have students read the text “Theme parks,
Japan” and answer the questions.
- Check answers with the class.
Activity 3: Read and listen to the text to
answer the questions: (7’) Suggested answers:
- Instruct students how to do this task. 1/ More than 100
- Let students read and listen to the text again to - Listen to teacher’s instructions. 2/ 1983 answer the questions. 3/ No, they are very safe.
- Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
- Check answers with the class. 4/ A thrill ride - Check answers with teacher.
5/ You can dress up in historical costumes and visit attractions.
6/ You can go shopping, have a drink or a meal.
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.
Activity 4: YOUR CULTURE - Write about
a theme park in your country. Use the 54
internet to help you find the information you Suggested answers: need. (10’) - Listen to teacher. Students’ own answers
- Instruct students how to do this task.
-Brainstorm some theme parks in their
- Observe the class to support students.
country. Then they are going to choose one of
- If students cannot access the Internet in class,
them to find information and complete the
you can give them this task as homework. table.
Activity 5: USE IT (6’) Suggested answers:
- Give students clear instructions to practice Students’ own answers. this task in pairs. - Listen to teacher.
- Observe the class to support students.
- Work in pairs to tell each other about their
- Ask some pairs to volunteer to talk about theme parks. their theme parks.
- Volunteer to talk about their theme parks in
- Ask students to discuss as the class which front of the class.
theme parks look the most exciting and why.
- Answer teacher’s questions. V. Homework. (2’)
- Learn by heart all the new words. - Give homework. - Take notes. - Complete “Activity 4”.
- Prepare the next lesson “Puzzles and games”. 55 V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….…………………………………………………………………………… 56 Week: Planning date: Period: LESSON PLAN
- Revise the vocabulary and grammar structure of unit 8.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to remember what they have learnt in Unit 7. 2. Skills: - Main skills
: reading and speaking skills. - Sub skills
: writing and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Keen on studying English. 4. Competences:
- Solve all games and puzzle individually and in group.
- Self – revise all the lessons that have learnt.
5. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, powerpoint slides,… 57
6. Students: textbook, notebook.
III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works. IV. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS
I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’) Game: “HANGMAN” * Suggested answers:
- Divide the class into small groups.
- Follow teacher’s instructions. 1/ vehicles
- Instruct students how to play the game.
- Encourage students to attend in the game as a
- Complete the task in groups. 2/ move race.
- Check the answers with teacher. 3/ ride
- Check the answers with the whole class. 4/ wheels
II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / *Suggested answers: Activity 1 - (7’) 1/ BUS
- Instruct students how to complete the task in
- Listen to teacher’s instructions and example. 2/ TRAM pairs. 3/ BOAT - Do this as a race. - Complete the task in pairs. 4/ CAR
- Observe students and support them. - Check answer with teacher. 5/ PLANE
- Check answer with the class. 6/ FERRY 7/ CABLE CAR 58 * Extension:
- Discuss in pairs to write three more words. 8/ SUBWAY TRAIN
- Instruct students to work in pairs to write three Then swap with another pair to write the
more words from page 69 without vowels. Then words.
they could swap with another pair and try to write the words.
III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.
Activity 2: Use the code to complete the *Suggested answers: 1/ cold
weather forecast. Then use the code to write 2/ rainy
a weather forecast for your partner. (10’) 3/ windy
- Instruct students how to complete this task.
- Listen to teacher’s instructions. 4/ sunny
- Have students to work in pairs. - Complete the task in pairs. - Could do this as a race.
- Go around the class to support students.
- Use the code to find the missing letters, then
put the letters in the correct order.
- Check answer with the class. - Check answer with teacher.
- Write another weather forecast by using the
- Instruct students to write another weather code.
forecast for their partner by using the code.
- Volunteer to talk about their weather forecast. 59
- Ask students to show their weather forecast in front of the class.
IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.
Activity 3: A BOARD GAME. Work in
pairs. You need a dice. Take turns rolling the
dice and moving from START to FINISH. If
you land on a blue, red or green square,
* Suggested answers: Students’ own answers.
follow the instructions in the coloured box: (15’)
- Read through the instructions with the class
- Listen to teacher’s instructions.
and make sure students know what they have to do.
- Explain that when they land on a blue, red or
- Follow teacher’s instructions to play the
green square, they roll the dice again and then game.
answer the question or follow the instruction
based on the number that they roll. Students play the game in pairs. * Extension:
- Keep playing the game by making their own
- Brainstorm some different questions using questions.
will and be going to and write them on the board. 60
- Alternatively, students could work in pairs
and write different questions using will and be
- Swap questions with another pair and play going to. the game again.
- They could then swap questions with another
pair and play the game again. * Suggested answers: * SHARING (6’) - Work in group. Students’ own answers.
- Ask students to work in groups and discuss
- Discuss in group and write down their
what they learned in Unit 8. opinions.
- Give students time to discuss in groups and
write down their opinions.
- Present their opinions in front of class.
- Call out some students to present their opinions - Listen to friends and teacher’s feedback. in front of class. - Give feedback. V. Homework. (2’) V. Homework - Give homework. - Take notes.
- Learn by heart all structures and vocabulary.
- Complete the “Progress Review 4”. V. REFLECTION:
……………………………………………………………..………….……………………………………………………………………… 61