Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Global Success HK2 Tuần 25

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài giảng trong cả năm học 2023 - 2024. Với đầy đủ 12 Unit, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6 - Global Success.

Period 71. Tuesday, February, 28
, 2023
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
A.Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
1. Knowledge: know how to use the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
2. Qualities: - Ss identify the correct form of possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
3. Competences: Ss will be able to practise forming the correct form of possessive
adjectives and possessive pronouns.
- Co-operation
- Self- study creatively
- Practise communicative skills
B. Teaching aids:
Textbook, planning, laptop, projector or TV
C. Procedure:
* Warm up: Set the scene
Set up the situation to lead in to the lesson:
T Ss exchange:
T:How do you go to school every day?
Ss:I go to school by…..(by bike)
T: What color is your bike?
Ss: My bike/ It is red/…..
T: Mine is white.
I. Presentation:
1. Form:
I have a pen >This is my pen.
This book is my book, not your book.>This book is mine, not yours
2. Use: - We use a possessive adjective is used only when there’s a noun following it.
- We use a possessive pronoun is used alone, without a noun following it.
Possessive adjectives
Possessive pronouns
- Have them look at the Remember box to see
- Teacher confirms how to use possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
II. Practice:
1. Matching.
-Teacher asks Ss to read the sentences first .Tell them to pay attention to the underlined
phrase containing the possessive adjectives.
-Teacher has Ss do the matching
-Teacher asks Ss to do the exercise individually and then compare their answer with a
-Check the answer as a class.
-Teacher confirms the correct answers and then drawsSs’ attention to the underlined parts of
the sentences. Ask them to circle the subjects of the sentences.
-Teacher asks Ss to write on board the subjects and the possessive adjectives in
pairs,(E.g.Sue-her,Billy-his,The cat-its,We-our,They-their) Don’t erase them from the
Answer key:
2. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives.
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually and calls on two Ss to write their answers on
the board.
-Teacher asks Ss to read the pair of sentences carefully and find the subject in the first
sentence which will determine the possessive adjective to be used to complete the second
sentence (e.g. I-my, the lion- its)
- Confirm the correct answers.
Answer key:
1. My 2. Your 3. Its 4.her 5.our
3.Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronouns
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually and calls on two Ss to write their answers on
the board.
-Teacher asks Ss to read the first sentences of each question carefullyand underline the
words /phrases which determine the possessive pronoun for the secondsentence.
-Confirm the correct answers.
Answer key:
2. mine 2. theirs 3. yours 4.his 5.ours
4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually and calls on Ss to write their answers on the
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually before they share their answers with a partner.
Ask some Ss to read out their answers.
-Teacher confirms the correct one.
Answer key:
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B
III. Production:
- - T asks students to work in groups of 4 or 6 to choose the correct answer.
- Ss look at the sentences in EX4 for 30 seconds and then cover it.
Ss in each group say their sentences and other group repeat and do another sentences.
- T invites some pairs to perform in front of the class.
IV. Wrap - up:
-To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson?
Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
V. Homework:
- Revise what they have learnt (possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns)
- Do Ex part B in work book on page 20, 21.
- Prepare: Communication.
Period 72. Thursday, March, 2
, 2023
Lesson 4: Communication
A. Aims:
1. Knowledge:Students will be able to identify how to make an exclamation with what to
express their appreciation or surprise.
2. Qualities: Ss will be more aware of preserving and developing the country.
3. Competences: groupwork, independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
B. Teaching aids:Text book, computer, projector/ TV, cassette
C. Procedure:
* Warm up:
-T lets students watch a video: about England
-T asks some questions:
- What is the video about?
- How is beautiful England?
Ss answer
- This is England
-How to make an exclamation with what to express their appreciation or surprise.
-T introduces the lesson
I. Pre- speaking: Everyday English
Look at the picture. Listen and read the exclamation (Task 1)
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and read the exclamation at the same time.
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and read the exclamations. Ask them to find the
similarity/similarities among the three exclamations. To help them, write the three
exclamations on the board since it is easier for Ss to observe. (They all begin with what
followed by a noun phrase. An exclamation mark (!) is usually put at the end,)
- T elicits the structures to make exclamations from Ss.
Making exclamations
+ What +adj+noun+ exclamation mark (!)
- T asks Ss to copy down the structures into their notebooks.
II. While - speaking:
1. Work in pairs. Look at the picture below and say what you think by using
exclamations with What, You may use the suggestions below. (Task 2)
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to make similar conversations for the picture below, using the
structures for giving suggestions.
- T encourages them to take turns to make exclamations about the picture,.
- T moves around to observe and provide help.
- T calls on some pairs to practise in front of the class.
- T asks for and gives comments on their performance.
Answer key:
1. What happy and beautiful children!
2. What a colorful and nice picture!
3. What sunny and beautiful weather!
4. What a small and cute boy!
5. What beautiful and colorful apple trees!
2. Write the names of the landmarks under the correct pictures :( Task 3)
- T shows Ss photos of the four landmarks of different cities and asksSs what they are. IfSs
do not know their names in English, allow them to use Vietnamese.
- T has Ss work in pairs. Ask them to read the names in the box (make sure that they
pronounce the names correctly).
-T elicits from Ss any information they know about the landmarks : Which cities are they in
Key: 1. Merlion 2. Big Ben 3.Sydney Opera House 4. Eiffel Tower
3. Write the names of the landmarks in 3 for the descriptions. Task 4
- T has Ss read the description about the four landmarks. Set a time limit.
- T has them work individually. Ask them to write the names of the landmarks in 3 next to
the descriptions.
- T calls on some Ss to give their answer. Ask them to support theirs.
Key: 1. Big Ben 2. Sydney Opera House 3. Eiffel Tower 4.Merlion
III. Post speaking
1. Quiz(read the questions and circle the correct answer). (Task 5)
- T asks Ss to work individually
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to tell each other about answering.
- T gives some more interesting facts about each landmark if time allows.
IV. Homework:
- Learn by heart ways to give suggestions.
- Complete the drawing and practise presenting it.
- Do exercises C1,2,3 (P22,23 in WB)
- Get ready for “Skills 1”
Period 73. Friday, March, 3
, 2023
Lesson 5: Skills 1
A. Aims:
1. Knowledge:
- Students will be able to read the information in texts including postcards
- Tell about a city that they have known.
- Students will be able to develop their reading skill for specific information (scanning).
2. Qualities: Ss will be more aware of preserving and developing the country.
3. Competences: groupwork, independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
B. Teaching aids: laptop, TV
C. Procedure:
* Warm up:
-Teacher shows the class 4 real postcards.
-Ask Ss where the postcards were sent from.
-Ask them to guess who wrote the post card, and to whom, when it was written, what it was
written about
- T leads in the new lesson.
I. Pre - reading
Teacher tells students to quickly look at the postcard and answer the questions.
1. When do people write a postcard?
2. What do they often write on a postcard?
Teacher asks for students’ answers.
Then teacher tells them to read the text quickly to check their prediction.
After that, teacher confirms the correct answers.
Answer key:
1. When they are away from home, often on holiday or business. They want to tell their
family or friends what they see and do, and how they feel about their experience there.
2. The sender often writes about his/her stay in a city or country.
II. While-Reading
Task 1: Read the postcard and answer the questions. (Ex. 2, p. 32)
Teacher lets students look at Ex. 2 on p. 32 and tells them how to do this kind of exercise:
+ Read the questions.
+ Underline the key words.
+ Locate the key words in the postcard.
+ Read that part and answering the questions.
Teacher has students read the postcard in detail to answer the questions and tells them to
underline parts of the postcard that help them with the answers.
Teacher tells them to compare their answers in pairs before giving the answers to teacher.
Teacher asks them to give evidence when giving the answers.
Answer key:
1-B 2-A 3-B 4-C
Task 2: Read the text and match the palaces with the things they have.
(Ex. 3, p. 32)
Teacher asks students to read through the words given and then locate them in the postcard
and do the matching
Teacher has students compare their answers.
Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers.
Answer key:
1-b,c 2 a,d,e
Pre-teach vocabulary
Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
+ Providing the pictures of the words.
+ Providing the definition of the words.
- Royal palace (n) :Cung điện Hoàng gia
- rent (v) : thuê
- helmet (n) : mũ xe máy
- fantastic (adj):
III. Post-Reading
Task 3: Discussion (Ex. 4, p.32)
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Allow each group sometime to choose one city they have learnt
about in this unit, or the one they all know/like
- Ask Ss to discuss and make note of the information they want to share with their class. Ask
them to refer to the questions in this activity as suggestions for their notes or they can do it
their own way.
- Have them note down quickly these ideas.
- What city is it?
- What is it like? (The weather, the food…..)
- What can you see and do there?
- How do you feel about it?
Task 4: Retelling (Share the information you have collected in 4 with your classmate)
(Ex. 5, p.32)
-Teacher sets a time limit for students to do it.
-Allow Ss to vote for the most interesting and information presentation
We are going to tell you about...
V. Homework:
- Do exercise: Part C, D page 22, 23, 24
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 9: Skills 2.
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Preview text:

Period 71. Tuesday, February, 28th , 2023 UNIT 9: CITIES OF THE WORLD Lesson 3: A closer look 2
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
1. Knowledge: know how to use the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
2. Qualities: -
Ss identify the correct form of possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
3. Competences
: Ss will be able to practise forming the correct form of possessive
adjectives and possessive pronouns. - Co-operation - Self- study creatively
- Practise communicative skills B. Teaching aids:
Textbook, planning, laptop, projector or TV C. Procedure: * Warm up: Set the scene
Set up the situation to lead in to the lesson: T – Ss exchange:
T:How do you go to school every day?
Ss:I go to school by…..(by bike) T: What color is your bike? Ss: My bike/ It is red/….. T: Mine is white. I. Presentation:
1. Form:
I have a pen >This is my pen.
This book is my book, not your book.>This book is mine, not yours
2. Use: - We use a possessive adjective is used only when there’s a noun following it.
- We use a possessive pronoun is used alone, without a noun following it. Pronouns
Possessive adjectives
Possessive pronouns I My Mine You Your Yours He His His She Her Hers It Its Its We Our Ours You Your Yours they their theirs
- Have them look at the Remember box to see
- Teacher confirms how to use possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns II. Practice: 1. Matching.
-Teacher asks Ss to read the sentences first .Tell them to pay attention to the underlined
phrase containing the possessive adjectives.
-Teacher has Ss do the matching
-Teacher asks Ss to do the exercise individually and then compare their answer with a classmate. -Check the answer as a class.
-Teacher confirms the correct answers and then drawsSs’ attention to the underlined parts of
the sentences. Ask them to circle the subjects of the sentences.
-Teacher asks Ss to write on board the subjects and the possessive adjectives in
pairs,(E.g.Sue-her,Billy-his,The cat-its,We-our,They-their) Don’t erase them from the board. Answer key: 1-d,2-e,3-b,4-a,5-c
2. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives.
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually and calls on two Ss to write their answers on the board.
-Teacher asks Ss to read the pair of sentences carefully and find the subject in the first
sentence which will determine the possessive adjective to be used to complete the second
sentence (e.g. I-my, the lion- its)
- Confirm the correct answers. Answer key:
1. My 2. Your 3. Its 4.her 5.our
3.Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronouns
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually and calls on two Ss to write their answers on the board.
-Teacher asks Ss to read the first sentences of each question carefullyand underline the
words /phrases which determine the possessive pronoun for the secondsentence. -Confirm the correct answers. Answer key:
2. mine 2. theirs 3. yours 4.his 5.ours
4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually and calls on Ss to write their answers on the board.
-Teacher has Ss do this exercise individually before they share their answers with a partner.
Ask some Ss to read out their answers.
-Teacher confirms the correct one. Answer key: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B III. Production: * CHANGING GAME
- T asks students to work in groups of 4 or 6 to choose the correct answer.
Ss look at the sentences in EX4 for 30 seconds and then cover it.
Ss in each group say their sentences and other group repeat and do another sentences.
- T invites some pairs to perform in front of the class. IV. Wrap - up:
-To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson?
Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson. V. Homework:
- Revise what they have learnt (possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns)
- Do Ex part B in work book on page 20, 21. - Prepare: Communication.
Period 72. Thursday, March, 2nd , 2023 UNIT 9: CITIES OF THE WORLD Lesson 4: Communication A. Aims:
1. Knowledge:Students will be able to identify how to make an exclamation with what to
express their appreciation or surprise.
2. Qualities: Ss will be more aware of preserving and developing the country.
3. Competences: groupwork, independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
B. Teaching aids:Text book, computer, projector/ TV, cassette C. Procedure: * Warm up:
-T lets students watch a video: about England -T asks some questions: - What is the video about? - How is beautiful England? Ss answer - This is England -……..
-How to make an exclamation with what to express their appreciation or surprise. -T introduces the lesson
I. Pre- speaking: Everyday English
Look at the picture. Listen and read the exclamation (Task 1)
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and read the exclamation at the same time.
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and read the exclamations. Ask them to find the
similarity/similarities among the three exclamations. To help them, write the three
exclamations on the board since it is easier for Ss to observe. (They all begin with what
followed by a noun phrase. An exclamation mark (!) is usually put at the end,)
- T elicits the structures to make exclamations from Ss.
Making exclamations
+ What +adj+noun+ exclamation mark (!)
- T asks Ss to copy down the structures into their notebooks. II. While - speaking:
1. Work in pairs. Look at the picture below and say what you think by using
exclamations with What, You may use the suggestions below. (Task 2)
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to make similar conversations for the picture below, using the
structures for giving suggestions.
- T encourages them to take turns to make exclamations about the picture,.
- T moves around to observe and provide help.
- T calls on some pairs to practise in front of the class.
- T asks for and gives comments on their performance. Answer key:
1. What happy and beautiful children!
2. What a colorful and nice picture!
3. What sunny and beautiful weather! 4. What a small and cute boy!
5. What beautiful and colorful apple trees!

2. Write the names of the landmarks under the correct pictures :( Task 3)
- T shows Ss photos of the four landmarks of different cities and asksSs what they are. IfSs
do not know their names in English, allow them to use Vietnamese.
- T has Ss work in pairs. Ask them to read the names in the box (make sure that they
pronounce the names correctly).
-T elicits from Ss any information they know about the landmarks : Which cities are they in
Key: 1. Merlion 2. Big Ben 3.Sydney Opera House 4. Eiffel Tower
Write the names of the landmarks in 3 for the descriptions. Task 4
- T has Ss read the description about the four landmarks. Set a time limit.
- T has them work individually. Ask them to write the names of the landmarks in 3 next to the descriptions.
- T calls on some Ss to give their answer. Ask them to support theirs.
Key: 1. Big Ben 2. Sydney Opera House 3. Eiffel Tower 4.Merlion
III. Post – speaking
1. Quiz(read the questions and circle the correct answer). (Task 5)
- T asks Ss to work individually
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to tell each other about answering.
- T gives some more interesting facts about each landmark if time allows. IV. Homework:
- Learn by heart ways to give suggestions.
- Complete the drawing and practise presenting it.
- Do exercises C1,2,3 (P22,23 in WB)
- Get ready for “Skills 1”
Period 73. Friday, March, 3rd , 2023 UNIT 9: CITIES OF THE WORLD Lesson 5: Skills 1 A. Aims: 1. Knowledge:
- Students will be able to read the information in texts including postcards
- Tell about a city that they have known.
- Students will be able to develop their reading skill for specific information (scanning).
2. Qualities: Ss will be more aware of preserving and developing the country.
3. Competences: groupwork, independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
B. Teaching aids: laptop, TV C. Procedure: * Warm up:
-Teacher shows the class 4 real postcards.
-Ask Ss where the postcards were sent from.
-Ask them to guess who wrote the post card, and to whom, when it was written, what it was written about - T leads in the new lesson. I. Pre - reading READING SKILL: PRE-QUESTIONS
Teacher tells students to quickly look at the postcard and answer the questions.
1. When do people write a postcard?
2. What do they often write on a postcard?
Teacher asks for students’ answers.
Then teacher tells them to read the text quickly to check their prediction.
After that, teacher confirms the correct answers. Answer key:
1. When they are away from home, often on holiday or business. They want to tell their
family or friends what they see and do, and how they feel about their experience there.
2. The sender often writes about his/her stay in a city or country. II. While-Reading
Task 1: Read the postcard and answer the questions. (Ex. 2, p. 32)
Teacher lets students look at Ex. 2 on p. 32 and tells them how to do this kind of exercise: + Read the questions. + Underline the key words.
+ Locate the key words in the postcard.
+ Read that part and answering the questions.
Teacher has students read the postcard in detail to answer the questions and tells them to
underline parts of the postcard that help them with the answers.
Teacher tells them to compare their answers in pairs before giving the answers to teacher.
Teacher asks them to give evidence when giving the answers. Answer key: 1-B 2-A 3-B 4-C
Task 2: Read the text and match the palaces with the things they have. (Ex. 3, p. 32)
Teacher asks students to read through the words given and then locate them in the postcard and do the matching
Teacher has students compare their answers.
Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers. Answer key: 1-b,c 2 –a,d,e Pre-teach vocabulary VOCABULARY
Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
+ Providing the pictures of the words.
+ Providing the definition of the words.
- Royal palace (n) :Cung điện Hoàng gia - rent (v) : thuê - helmet (n) : mũ xe máy - fantastic (adj): III. Post-Reading
Task 3: Discussion (Ex. 4, p.32)

- Ask Ss to work in groups. Allow each group sometime to choose one city they have learnt
about in this unit, or the one they all know/like
- Ask Ss to discuss and make note of the information they want to share with their class. Ask
them to refer to the questions in this activity as suggestions for their notes or they can do it their own way.
- Have them note down quickly these ideas. - What city is it?
- What is it like? (The weather, the food…..)
- What can you see and do there? - How do you feel about it?
Task 4: Retelling (Share the information you have collected in 4 with your classmate) (Ex. 5, p.32)
-Teacher sets a time limit for students to do it.
-Allow Ss to vote for the most interesting and information presentation EX:
We are going to tell you about... V. Homework:
- Do exercise: Part C, D page 22, 23, 24
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 9: Skills 2.