Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Global Success HK2 Tuần 27

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài giảng trong cả năm học 2023 - 2024. Với đầy đủ 12 Unit, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6 - Global Success.

Period 77. Tuesday, March , 14
, 2023
I. OBJECTIVES:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :
1. Knowledge:
- To revise the skills they have learnt in Unit 7-8-9. Reading : Strange sports; Listening to a
talk about Singapore and doing the tasks.
a) Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about TV programme; Sports and games; Cities
and landmarks
b) Grammar : - Review : Wh- Questions; Conjunctions in compound sentences: and, but, so;
Past simple, Imperatives; Possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns;
c) Writing : - Writing a paragraph about TV-viewing habits; Writing a paragraph about a
sport / game; Writing a holiday postcard
d) Speaking: Asking for and giving information about TV programmes; Expressing and
responding to congratulations; Exclamations with What + (a/ an)+ adj + Noun(s)!
2. Competence:Students will be able to revise the skills they have practiced in Units 7, 8, 9 .
They have learnt so far in terms of language and skills . Practicing doing exercises.
3. Quality/ behavior : Having the serious attitude toward studying and the love of cities and
landmarks….. The love of doing sports/ games. Ss are hard- working ; cooperative; sociable;
good communication.
- Teacher: Text book, laptop,
- Students : Text books, studying equipment….
- Work Arrangements: T_Ss , group works; individual ……
+ Greeting
+ Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about them and class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….
- Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.
- Open their book and write .
ACTIVITY 1 : Reading
1. Read the two descriptions of strange sports and choose titles for them.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) if
- Repeat in chorus and individually
* Vocabulary
- strange sport (n) Môn thể thao kì lạ
- cheese (n) pho mai
- catch (v) bắt
- lock (v) khóa
- toes (n) ngón chân
- push (v) đẩy ….
- Ask Ss to look at the photos and the names of the sports and ask if they know anything
about these sports. If they don't, ask them to guess.
- Have Ss read the passages individually and do the matching. Ask them to underline 2 - 3
key words for their quick answers.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
- Confirm the correct answers
- T _ Ss
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
* Key: 1. B 2. A
2. Use the information from the passages above to tick () the correct box.
- Ask Ss to read the questions and the passages again carefully for details for their answers.
- Ss work individually first then work in pairs ask and answer the questions
- Do the tasks
- Ask Ss to swap their answers with their partners and show where they find the information
for their answers.
- Share the answers.
- Observe and help when and where necessary, and correct Ss' pronunciation and intonation.
- Check Ss' answers as a class.
* Key:
1. Cheese Rolling 2. Toe Wrestling
3. Cheese Rolling 4. Cheese Rolling
5. Toe Wrestling
3. Work in groups. Interview your classmates about their likes. Take two notes of their
answers and report to the class.
- This section, again, revises the vocabulary and grammar items learnt in a more dynamic
form: interviewing and reporting the results.
- Group works
- Listen to the instructions clearly
- Ask Ss to take turns to ask the questions and take notes of their partners' answers.
Encourage them to add more questions with Why, Where, With whom, etc.
- Work in pairs
- Go round and offer help if needed.
- Call on some groups to report their results to the class.
- Ss’s answers.
ACTIVITY 4: Listening
4. Listen to a talk about Singapore and fill the missing information.
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the phrases underneath. Ask them if they know what
they are. Make sure they pronounce the phrases correctly (which helps make the listening
- Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully
Note: Ss have learnt about Merlion Park in Unit 9 already.
- Now ask Ss to read the sentences and determine what information is needed for the blanks.
* Key:
1. visitors 2. slowly 3. 35 4. 30 5. little
Audio script:
Singapore is a small island city-state. It attracts millions of visitors every year. A good way
to see the city is by taking a hop-on hop-off bus. The bus goes slowly around the city. It stops
at different attractions like Chinatown and Merlion Park. You can get off the bus at any place,
and then get on the next bus. The tour costs 35 dollars, and there is a bus every 30 minutes.
This kind of sightseeing is good for people with little time in the city.
ACTIVITY 5 : Writing
5. Look at the information on Mark’s visit to India last summer. Write a paragraph of about
50 words about his visit.
- - Ask Ss to read the information in the table carefully.
- Ask them what tense they should use for their writing.
- Have Ss write. Go round and offer help if needed. Ss might want to change some details
from the table or the order the information appears. Encourage them to do so.
* Post writing.
- Call on one or two volunteers to read aloud their answers. Call for other Ss' comments.
- Collect some writing to correct at home.
- Get feedback.
Sample answer:
Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He spent seven days there. During his holiday,
he went sightseeing around the city. He watched a snake performance, visited some temples,
and ate street food. The people he met were friendly and helpful. The only thing he didn't like
was the weather. It was very hot.
*Summarize the main points.
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important elements:
+ Words / phrases and combinations related to friends…
- Read again the conversation
- Do more exercises in the workbook.
- Make more sentences using adverbs of frequency.
Period 78. Thursday, March, 16
, 2023
Review the mid- second term test
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to
+ Revise the language Ss they have practised from Unit 7 to Unit 9.
+ Practice doing some exercises in Skills.
1. Knowledge
* Vocabulary Review vocabulary , Pronunciation in Units 7-9
* Grammar Grammar in Units 7 - 9
2. Skills Reading , speaking and Writing
3. Attitude Know the importance of revision and need to study harder.
4. Competences - Doing exercises on pronounciation, vocabulary, grammar and everyday
B. Phonetics
Choose the word that underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: (1pt)
1. A. hair B. fare C. prepare D. speaker
2. A. tooth B. father C. bath D. both
3. A. doctor B. opening C. gold D. postcard
4. A. favourite B. slight C. fine D. high
C. Vocabulary and grammar.
I. Circle the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2
1. Both my sister ………… I dream of becoming a TV MC.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
2. The food is very ………..
A. long B. delicious C. noisy D. historic
3. Hai can ……… boxing well.
A. do B. play C. go D. have
4. Big Ben is in ………………..
A. Viet Nam B. England C. America D. Australia
5. Disney Channel is one of .............channels for children.
A. the exciting B. exciting C. most exciting D. the most exciting
6. Thanh likes ………………weather because he can go swimming.
A. hot B. cold C. rainy D. warm
7. ............... is the most expensive city in the world. I think it is Tokyo.
A. Which B. What C. Where D. How
8. What is your favorite ...............? I like swimming.
A. sport B. game C. subject D. activity
II. Put the verbs in the correct form: (1pt)
1. Lan (buy)………………………… a new dress 5 days ago.
2. He (not eat)…………………fish last night.
3. I……………………. (read) this novel three times.
4. He. . ……….........… (not meet) her before.
D. Reading: Read and do the task below. (2pt)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in Australia
was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television has
changed a lot since then.
There are several channels and they show different TV programmes. In Western Australia, the
main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS. TV guides tell us what programmes are
showing on which channel, and at what time on a day.
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are part of a series. These episodes usually
last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films. You can
watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. Tick () True or False for these sentences.
1. Watching television is an interesting and fun activity.
2. Television hasn’t changed a lot since 1956
3. There are several channels on TV
4. Channels show same TV programmes.
5. A lot of programmes on television are episodes
6. At the weekend there are interesting bands
2. Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. When was the first Australian TV broadcast?
2. How were the pictures on a TV then?
E. Writing
I. Put these words into the correct orders to make meaningful sentences: (1pt)
2. My close friend is the best student in my class.
1. I / have / English /four/ years. / for/ learnt
-> ………………………………………………………….
2. best/ My / the / close / friend / student/ in/class./my/ is
-> ………………………………………………………………………….
3. lives / his / from / He / far / office. / very
-> ……………………………………………………………………….
4. play / Where / did / you / badminton / yesterday?
-> ………………………………………………………………………....
II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words provided: (1pt)
1. Hoa is a good teacher.
-> Hoa ……………………………………………………………
2. Ngan likes chicken most.
-> Ngan’s ……………………………………………………………?
B. Phonetics
Choose the word that underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: (1pt)
1. A. then
B. thing
C. them
D. their
2. A. bicycle
B. exciting
C. favorite
D. widely
3. A. hear
B. near
C. fear
D. pear
4. A. fold
B. close
C. cloth
D. hold
C. Vocabulary and grammar.
I. Circle the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2
1. .......…… we tried our best, we didn’t win the game.
A. But B. And C. Although D. So
2. The food is very ………..
A. long B. delicious C. noisy D. historic
3. Ba can ……… karate well.
A. do B. play C. go D. have
4. Eiffel tower is the most famous tower in …..
A. Viet Nam B. England C. America D. France
5. Phuc is …............student in her class.
A. intelligent B. more intelligent C. most intelligent D. the most intelligent
6. Thanh likes ………………weather because he can go swimming.
A. hot B. cold C. rainy D. warm
7. ………………. films have you seen this week.
A. Which B. What C. How much D. How many
8. Many girls and women ………….aerobics to keep fit.
A. play B. go C. do D. see
II. Put the verbs in the correct form: (1pt)
1. He ( not watch )………………......... last night.
2. I (eat)…………………a lot of fruits this morning.
3. I……………………. (see) this film three times.
4. He. . ……….........… (not visit) HaLong Bay.
D. Reading: Read the postcard and do the task below.
Dear Jane,
How are you getting on? I am going to visit Singapore with my parents next weekend. We
are going to stay at my uncle’s house near the harbor.
My uncle is going to show us round the city in the morning. In the afternoon we are going to
visit the harbor. In the evening we are going to Santos. We are going to enjoy the animal
show there.
We hope it will not rain.
1. Tick () True or False for these sentences.
1. This is a postcard for Mai.
2. Jane is going to visit Singapore next weekend.
3. Mai is going to stay in the hotel near the harbor.
4. Her uncle is going to show her round the city.
5. She is going to Santos in the afternoon.
6. The animal show is in Santos.
2. Answer the questions.
a. Is Mai going to visit Singapore with her parents next weekend?
b. What are they going to do in the afternoon?
E. Writing
I. Put these words into the correct orders to make meaningful sentences: (1pt)
1. I / been / have / three times. / Hanoi / to
-> ………………………………………………………….
2. tallest / My / is / the / brother / person .
-> ………………………………………………………………………….
3. lives / very / from / He / far / office. / his
-> ……………………………………………………………………….
4. did / Where / play / you / badminton / yesterday?
-> ………………………………………………………………………....
II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words provided: (1pt)
1. Phong is a good soccer player.
-> Phong ……………………………………………………………
2. Hung likes football most.
-> Hung’s............................................................................................?
B. Phonetics: Circle the letter preceding the word that has the underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest. ( 1 pt )
1. A. hear B. near C. fear D. bear
2. A. gather B. monthly C. father D. brother
3. A. favorite B. slight C. fine D. high
4. A. cold B. hold C. snow D. mother
C. Vocabulary and grammar.
I. Circle the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2
1. He can________chess well.
A. play B. do C. go D. goes
2. A: ________do you play football?
B: Usually on Saturday or Sunday
A. What B. When C. Why D. Where
3.This is the________restaurant I have ever known.
A. good B. best C. better D. well
4. Many girls and women________ aerobics to keep fit.
A. play B. went C. do D. go
5. She ________Ha Noi last week
A. visits B. visiting C. visited D. visit
6. It’s very__________to swim there. The water is heavily polluted.
A. safe B. unpopular C. unsafe D. good
7. I have never________to Australia
A. be B. been C. was D. am
8. As it doesn’t snow in Viet Nam, we can not __________skiing.
A. play B. do C. make D. go
II. Put the verbs in the correct form: (1pt)
1. Mr. Lan (teach)………………………… English 5 years ago.
2. He (not eat)…………………fish last night.
3. I……………………. (read) this novel three times.
4. He. . ……….........… (not meet) her before.
D. Reading: Read and do the task below. (2pt)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in Australia
was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television has
changed a lot since then.
There are several channels and they show different TV programmes. In Western Australia, the
main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS. TV guides tell us what programmes are
showing on which channel, and at what time on a day.
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are part of a series. These episodes usually
last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films. You can
watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. Tick () True or False for these sentences.
1. Watching television is a boring activity.
2. Television has changed a lot since 1956
3. There are several channels on TV
4. Channels show different TV programmes.
5. A lot of programmes on television are episodes
6. At the weekend there are interesting bands
2. Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. List any three TV channels in Western Australia.
2. Where can you find out the time of your favourite TV show?
E. Writing.
I. Put the following words in the correct order to make complete sentences. (1pt)
1. photos/ What/ nice/!
2. I/ never/ have/ to Nha Trang/ been.
3. Ho Chi Minh/ the biggest/ city/ is/ Viet Nam/ in.
4. lives / very / from / He / far / office . / his
-> ……………………………………………………………………….
II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words provided: (1pt)
1. Hien is a good swimmer.
-> Hien ……………………………………………………………
2. Nga likes table tennis most.
-> Nga’s............................................................................................?
Period 79. Tuesday, March, 14
, 2023
A.Aim: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to do a test to review the knowledge they
have learnt in unit 7,8,9
I. Listen to the short talk twice and circle the correct answer to each of the following
1. What is the weather like in Rio de Janeiro?
A. cold B. warm C. hot D. cool
2. Who has Tom been to the beaches with?
A. his friends B. his teacher C. his group D. his family
3. Tom has been to London ______________.
A. once B. twice C.three times D. never
4. Tom received the photo of Times Square from ______________.
A. his brother B. his father C. his sister D. his friend
II. Listen to the conversation twice and decide whether the following sentences are True
or False.
1. The Royal Palace is one of the largest palaces in Europe. T F
2. The biggest part of Stockholm is the Old Town. T F
3. The Nobel Prize is awarded in Stockholm. T F
4. The Nobel Prize is presented by the Swedish Prime Minister. T F
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others
by circling A, B, C or D
1. A. favorite B. animal C. channel D. programme
2. A. than B. thirsty C. therefore D. those
3. A. slow B. phone C. post D. count
4. A. home B. come C. open D. cold
5. A. opens B. gets C. kicks D. speaks
II. Choose the best option (A, B, C ) to complete these sentences.
1. She first ...........Thailand in 2003.
A. visit B. visited C. visits
2. ……_eat too much sugar. It’s not good for you.
A. Not B. Please C. Don’t
3. “ your favourite football player?” – I like Messi”
A. Who B. What C. Which
4.I can’t swim …………………..I am afraid of water.
A. because B. and C. so
5. “ ……………a nice T-shirt !”
A. How B. What C. Which
6. Many girls and women ___________aerobics to keep fit .
A. play B. go C. do
7.I was at the gym last Sunday , but I ……………you there.
A. not saw B. don’t see C. didn’t see
8…………bike is dirty, and I can’t tell what colour it is.
A. Your B. Yours C. You
9._________are you going to stay in Ha Long Bay? -> Two weeks.
A. How often
B. How long
C. When
10. Pedestrians are walking across the street at the _______ crossing.
A. zebra B. tiger C. horse D. mouse
11. All _______ for flight VN124 please proceed to gate 5.
A. signal B. rules C. passengers D. crossroads
12 . Hoa: What would you like to watch now? -> Mai:____________
A. Tom and Jerry.
B. No, thank you.
C. I like to do nothing.
III. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets
1. My brother (watch)_____________ TV all day yesterday.
2. We (not go)____________ to the cinema last week.
3. Mr. Pike ( eat)_____________ noodle this morning ?
4. What about (play) ____________volleyball ?
5. All of us (be)___________at home yesterday evening.
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following
Sydney is the (1) of the state New South Wales in Australia. It is the largest,
oldest, and perhaps the (2) _______ beautiful city in Australia. Sydney has a population
of 4.5 million. Its Harbour is one of the largest in the world, and famous (3) the
Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The streets in the city centre are narrow (4)
many art galleries, restaurants, pubs, but the streets in Paddington (5) wide and houses
are big.
1.A. home B. site C. capital D. village
2.A. more B. most C. less D. fewer
3.A. with B. for C. in D. at
4.A. on B. at C. to D. with
5.A. are B. is C. isn’t D. be
II: Read the passage and answer the questions by choosing the correct answer A,B orC
(1,25 pts)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in
Australia was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television
has changed a lot since then. There are several channels and they show different TV
programmes. In Western Australia, the main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS.
TV guides tell us what programmes are showing on which channel, and at what time on a day
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are parts of a series. These episodes
usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films.
You can watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. When was the first Australian TV broadcast?
A. In 1986 B. In 1956 C. In 1965
2. How were the pictures on a TV then?
A. colour B. black only C. black and white only
3. Are there any TV channels in Western Australia?
A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are C. No, They aren’t
4. Where can you find out the time of your favourite TV show?
A. In TV guide B. At work C. going to the cinema
5. What’s on at the weekend ?
A. cinema B. intersting films C. series
C WRITING I. Find out the mistake in each following sentence.
1. There are a stadium near our school.
2. Would you like any sugar? Yes , please
3 .Last summer, I go fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed so that the meanings stay the same.
1. She is taller than her sister .
-> Her sister..................................................................................................................
2. There are two interesting films on VTV3 today.
-> Today VTV3 has........................................................................................................
3. Your friends are making noise.
-> Don’t ........................................................................................................................
4. That bag belongs to me.
->That bag is ………..........
5. Let’s go fishing.
-> What about……………………………….?
III. Rearrange these words to make meaningful sentences
1. I / English./ so / want / abroad /learn/ I /to go
2. went/ to / last/ vacation./ Jack /London/ summer
NG 6
NĂM HỌC 2022 - 2023
Thi gian làm bài: 60 phút (Đề thi gm 02 trang)
Full name: …………………………… class: 6
I. Listen to the short talk twice and circle the correct answer to each of the following
1. What is the weather like in Rio de Janeiro?
A. hot B. cold C. warm D. cool
2. Who has Tom been to the beaches with?
A. his friends B. his family C. his teacher D. his group
3. Tom has been to London ______________.
A. once B.three times C. twice D. never
4. Tom received the photo of Times Square from ______________.
A. his father B. his sister C. his friend D. his brother
II. Listen to the conversation twice and decide whether the following sentences are True
or False.
1. The biggest part of Stockholm is the Old Town. T F
2. The Royal Palace is one of the largest palaces in Europe. T F
3. The Nobel Prize is presented by the Swedish Prime Minister. T F
4. The Nobel Prize is awarded in Stockholm. T F
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
others by circling A, B, C or D
1. A. thirsty B. than C. therefore D. those
2. A. slow B. phone C. post D. count
3. A. home B. come C. open D. cold
4. A. opens B. gets C. kicks D. speaks
5 A. animal B channel C. programme D. favorite
II. Choose the best option (A, B, C ) to complete these sentences.
1. ……_eat too much sugar. It’s not good for you.
A. Not B. Please C. Don’t
2.I can’t swim ………………… ..I am afraid of water.
A. because B. and C. so
3. “ ……………a nice T-shirt !”
A. How B. What C. Which
4. “ your favourite football player?” – I like Messi”
A. Who B. What C. Which
5. Many girls and women ___________aerobics to keep fit .
A. play B. go C. do
6.I was at the gym last Sunday , but I ……you there.
A. not saw B. don’t see C. didn’t see
7…………bike is dirty, and I can’t tell what colour it is.
MÃ ĐỀ 02
A. Your B. Yours C. You
8._________are you going to stay in Ha Long Bay? -> Two weeks.
A: How often
B: How long
C: When
9. She first ...........Thailand in 2003.
A. visit B. visited C. visits
10 . Ba: What would you like to watch now? -> Nam:____________
A. Tom and Jerry.
B. No, thank you.
C. I like to do nothing.
11. You can go when the traffic lights turn _______.
A. red B. green C. pink D. yellow
12. A person who is driving a motorbike on the road is called _______.
A. architect B. cyclist C. motorist D. pedestrian
III. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets
1. My brother (go)_____________ to the zoo yesterday.
2. She(not go)____________ to the cinema last week.
3. Mr. Pike ( eat)_____________ noodle this morning ?
4. Let’s (play) ____________volleyball
5. My parents (be)___________at home yesterday evening.
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following
Sydney is the (1) of the state New South Wales in Australia. It is the largest,
oldest, and perhaps the (2) _______ beautiful city in Australia. Sydney has a population
of 4.5 million. Its Harbour is one of the largest in the world, and famous (3) the
Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The streets in the city centre are narrow (4)
many art galleries, restaurants, pubs, but the streets in Paddington (5) wide and houses
are big.
1.A. home B. site C. capital D. village
2.A. more B. most C. less D. fewer
3.A. with B. for C. in D. at
4.A. on B. at C. to D. with
5.A. are B. is C. isn’t D. be
II: Read the passage and answer the questions by choosing the correct answer A,B orC
(1,25 pts)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in
Australia was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television
has changed a lot since then. There are several channels and they show different TV
programmes. In Western Australia, the main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS.
TV guides tell us what programmes are showing on which channel, and at what time on a day
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are parts of a series. These episodes
usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films.
You can watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. When was the first Australian TV broadcast?
A. In 1986 B. In 1956 C. In 1965
2. How were the pictures on a TV then?
A. colour B. black only C. black and white only
3. Are there any TV channels in Western Australia?
A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are C. No, They aren’t
4. Where can you find out the time of your favourite TV show?
A. In TV guide B. At work C. going to the cinema
5. What’s on at the weekend ?
A. cinema B. intersting films C. series
C WRITING I. Find out the mistake in each following sentence.
1. There are a stadium near our school.
2. Would you like any sugar? Yes , please
3 .Last summer, I go fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed so that the meanings stay the same.
1. There are two interesting films on VTV3 today.
-> Today VTV3 has........................................................................................................
2. Your friends are making noise.
-> Don’t ...................................................................................................................
3. She is taller than her sister .
-> Her sister..................................................................................................................
4. Let’s go fishing.
-> How about……………………………….?
5. That bag belongs to you
-> That bag is ………..........
III. Rearrange these words to make meaningful sentences
1. went/ to / last/ vacation./ Jack /London/ summer
2. I / English./ so / want / abroad /learn/ I /to go
(Total 10 mark ,50 sentences ,each correct sentence is 0,2 marks)
I. 1C hot 2 D his family 3B twice 4 A. his brother
II.1 T 2.F 3 F 4 .F
B Language
I.1A 2B 3D 4B 5 A
II. 1B 2C 3 A 4 A 5B 6 C 7 C 8A 9B 10 C 11A 12 A
1. Watched
2. didnot go
3 ate
4. playing
2. B most
3.B for
4.D with
5A are
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question
1B 2C 3C 4A 5B
I. 1. A, 2 C, 3A
1. Her sister is shorter than her.
2. Today VTV 3 has two interesting films.
3. Don’t make noise, please.
4.That bag is mine
5 What about going fishing
1. I want to go abroad so I learn English
2. Jack ewent to Lon Don last summer vacation
I. 1 A. 2 B 3C 4 D
II.1 F 2.T 3 F 4 .F
B Language
I.1A 2D 3B 4A 5 D
II. 1C 2A 3 B 4 A 5C 6 C 7 A 8B 9B 10 A 11 B 12C
III.1. Went
2. didnot go
3 Did Mr Pike eat
4. play
2. B most
4.D with
5A are
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question
1B 2C 3C 4A 5B
1. Today VTV 3 has two interesting films.
2. Don’t make noise, please.
3. Her sister is shorter than her.
4 .How about going fishing
5.That bag is yours
III.1. Jack ewent to Lon Don last summer vacation
2. I want to go abroad so I learn English
Kĩ năng
Mức độ nhn thc
Nhn biết
Thông hiu
Vn dng
Vn dng cao
T l
T l
T l
T l
3 - 4
1 - 2
4 - 6
6 - 8
6 - 8
12 -
6 - 8
5 - 6
11 -
2 - 4
4 - 5
5 - 8
13 -
23 - 30
20 - 25
8 -
5 - 10
60 -
T l (% )
T l chung
Kĩ năng
Đơn vị kiến thc/k
Mức độ kiến thức, kĩ năng
cn kiểm tra, đánh giá
S câu hi theo mức độ nhn thc
Nghe bài nói trong
khong 4 phút
(khong 80 100
từ) để chọn đáp
tr li.
Ni dung nghe
chn tranh v
cities of the
Nhn biết:
- Nghe ly thông tin chi tiết.
Thông hiu:
- Hiu ni dung chính ca
đoạn độc thoi/ hi thoại để
tìm câu tr lời đúng.
Vn dng:
- Nắm được ý chính ca bài
nghe để đưa ra câu trả li
phù hp.
- Tng hp thông tin t nhiu
chi tiết, loi tr các chi tiết sai
để tìm câu tr lời đúng.
Nghe một đoạn
hi thoại/ độc
thoi khong 1.5
phút (khong 80
100 t) liên quan
đến ch đề đã hoc
Nhn biết:
- Nghe ly thông tin chi tiết.
Thông hiu:
- Hiu ni dung chính ca
đoạn độc thoi/ hi thoại để
tìm câu tr lời đúng.
Vn dng:
- Nắm được ý chính ca bài
nghe để đưa ra câu trả li
phù hp.
- Tng hp thông tin t nhiu
chi tiết, loi tr các chi tiết sai
để tìm câu tr lời đúng.
1. Pronunciation
Các nguyên âm đơn,
nguyên âm đôi, phụ
âm, t hp ph âm,
trng âm t, trng âm
câu, nhịp điệu và ng
Nhn biết:
- Nhn biết các âm hoc
trng âm thông qua các t
vng theo ch đề đã học.
Thông hiu:
- Phân biệt được các âm
trong phn nghe.
Vn dng:
- Hiu và vn dng vào bài
2. Vocabulary
T vựng đã học theo
ch đim unit 7,8,9
Sports and
Cities of the
Nhn biết:
- Nhn ra, nh li, lit kê
đưc các t vng theo ch
đề đã học.
Thông hiu:
- Hiu và phân biệt được các
t vng theo ch đề đã học.
- Nắm được các mi liên kết
và kết hp ca t trong bi
cnh và ng cảnh tương ứng.
Vn dng:
- Hiu và vn dụng được t
vựng đã học trong văn cảnh
(danh t, đng t, tính t
trng từ…)
3. Grammar
Các ch đim ng
pháp đã học:
Question words,
exclamation, simple
past, possessive….
Nhn biết:
- Nhận ra được các kiến thc
ng pháp đã học.
Thông hiu:
- Hiu và phân bit các ch
đim ng pháp đã học.
Vn dng:
- Hiu và vn dng các kiến
thc ng pháp đã học vào
bài nghe/ nói/ đọc/ viết.
1. Cloze test
Hiểu được bài đọc có
độ dài khong 80-100
t v ch đim :
Nhn biết:
- Nhận ra được các thành t
ngôn ng và liên kết v mt
văn bản.
Thông hiu:
- Phân biệt được các đặc
trưng, đặc điểm các thành t
ngôn ng liên kết v mt
văn bản.
Vn dng:
- S dng các kiến thc ngôn
ng k năng trong các tình
hung mi.
2. Reading
Hiểu được ni dung
chính và ni dung chi
tiết đoạn văn bản có
độ dài khong 100-
120 t, xoay quanh
ch đim Television
Nhn biết:
- Thông tin chi tiết
Thông hiu:
- Hiu ý chính của bài đọc và
chn câu tr li phù hp.
- Hiểu được nghĩa tham
- Loi tr các chi tiết để đưa
ra câu tr li phù hp
Vn dng:
- Đoán nghĩa của t trong
văn cảnh.
- Hiu, phân tích, tng hp ý
chính của bài để chn câu tr
li phù hp.
1. Error
Xác định li sai
Nhn biết:
- Nhn din li v ng pháp
và t loi trong câu.
2. Sentence
Viết li câu dùng t
gi ý hoc t cho
So sánh hơn
There is /are
…với have/has
Câu mnh lnh
ph định.
Tính t s hu
và đại t s
Câu đè nghị
Thông hiu:
- S dng các t đã đ sp
xếp thành câu hoàn chnh.
Vn dng:
- Hiu câu gc và s dng
các t gợi ý để viết li câu
sao cho nghĩa không thay
3. Rearrange the
words to make
S dng t/ cm t
gợi ý để sp xếp
thành câu hoàn chnh
Vn dng cao:
- S dng các t, cm t đã
cho để viết thành câu hoàn
Period 80. Friday, March , 17
, 2023
A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: use the lexcial items related to houses in the future
- Grammar: get to know ” future simple tense
2. Competence:
- Listen and read for specific information about houses in the future
3. Qualities:
- Build quanlities: Hard -working, Self- reliance
- TV, computer
- Greetings
- T shows on the screen pictures about types of houses in the future and lead in the lesson.
And ask sts: what are they? and leads in the lesson.
- solar energy (n) : năng lượng mt tri (trans.)
- appliance (n) : trang thiết b (trans.)
- smart TV (n) : ti vi thông minh (trans.)
- ocean (n) : đại dương = sea (sym.)
- sky (n) : bu tri (visual)
- Moon(n) : mặt trăng (visual
1. Set the scene:
- Nick and Phong are talking to each other. Look at the picture Phong is drawing
+ Who are they?
+ What is he drawing? (something like a UFO)
+ Where is that UFO? Is it in the sea or in the mountains? (in the mountains)
2.Listen and read:
* Activity 1:
- T lets sts listen twice
- 2 or 3 pairs read the conversation aloud.
* Activity 2:
- T : You have listened & read the conversation between Nick and Phong. Now back to my
question,‘What is Phong drawing?
Well, hes drawing his house, but it’s his house in the future. What is it like? Complete the
table in Exercise 2. p. 39, Textbook individually,please.
Key :
Type of house
in the mountains
Appliances in
Some smart TVs
and ten robots
* Activity 3 : sts do in pairs Feedback & correction
Key: 1.T, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F.
* Activity 4
- Sts do individually
- Sts share and compare.
- Correction
- T adds a question: Where is your house?
- Sts work in pairs
- Feedback and correction.
* Activity 5:
- Have sts read the example
- Sts work in 2 groups : A & B
- Team A decribles and team B tries to guess. If the guess is correct, they get one point.
Then change the roles. The group with the most point is the winner.
- Ask the class to listen and comment.
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Prepare "Unit 10: A closer look1 " for the next lesson.
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Preview text:

Period 77. Tuesday, March , 14th , 2023
I. OBJECTIVES:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things : 1. Knowledge:
- To revise the skills they have learnt in Unit 7-8-9. Reading : Strange sports; Listening to a
talk about Singapore and doing the tasks.
a) Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about TV programme; Sports and games; Cities and landmarks
b) Grammar : - Review : Wh- Questions; Conjunctions in compound sentences: and, but, so;
Past simple, Imperatives; Possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns;
c) Writing : - Writing a paragraph about TV-viewing habits; Writing a paragraph about a
sport / game; Writing a holiday postcard
d) Speaking: Asking for and giving information about TV programmes; Expressing and
responding to congratulations; Exclamations with What + (a/ an)+ adj + Noun(s)!
2. Competence:Students will be able to revise the skills they have practiced in Units 7, 8, 9 .
They have learnt so far in terms of language and skills . Practicing doing exercises.
3. Quality/ behavior : Having the serious attitude toward studying and the love of cities and
landmarks….. The love of doing sports/ games. Ss are hard- working ; cooperative; sociable; good communication. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Text book, laptop,
- Students : Text books, studying equipment….
- Work Arrangements: T_Ss , group works; individual …… III. PROCEDURE: 1. WARM UP + Greeting + Revision
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about them and class.
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….
- Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do. - Open their book and write . ACTIVITY 1 : Reading
1. Read the two descriptions of strange sports and choose titles for them. *) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) if have
- Repeat in chorus and individually * Vocabulary
- strange sport (n) Môn thể thao kì lạ - cheese (n) pho mai - catch (v) bắt - lock (v) khóa - toes (n) ngón chân - push (v) đẩy ….
- Ask Ss to look at the photos and the names of the sports and ask if they know anything
about these sports. If they don't, ask them to guess.
- Have Ss read the passages individually and do the matching. Ask them to underline 2 - 3
key words for their quick answers.
- Check Ss' answers as a class. - Confirm the correct answers - T _ Ss
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks. * Key: 1. B 2. A
2. Use the information from the passages above to tick (✓) the correct box.
- Ask Ss to read the questions and the passages again carefully for details for their answers.
- Ss work individually first then work in pairs ask and answer the questions - Do the tasks
- Ask Ss to swap their answers with their partners and show where they find the information for their answers. - Share the answers.
- Observe and help when and where necessary, and correct Ss' pronunciation and intonation.
- Check Ss' answers as a class. * Key: 1. Cheese Rolling 2. Toe Wrestling 3. Cheese Rolling 4. Cheese Rolling 5. Toe Wrestling
3. Work in groups. Interview your classmates about their likes. Take two notes of their
answers and report to the class.
- This section, again, revises the vocabulary and grammar items learnt in a more dynamic
form: interviewing and reporting the results. - Group works
- Listen to the instructions clearly
- Ask Ss to take turns to ask the questions and take notes of their partners' answers.
Encourage them to add more questions with Why, Where, With whom, etc. - Work in pairs
- Go round and offer help if needed.
- Call on some groups to report their results to the class. - Ss’s answers. ACTIVITY 4: Listening
4. Listen to a talk about Singapore and fill the missing information.
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the phrases underneath. Ask them if they know what
they are. Make sure they pronounce the phrases correctly (which helps make the listening easier).
- Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully
Note: Ss have learnt about Merlion Park in Unit 9 already.
- Now ask Ss to read the sentences and determine what information is needed for the blanks. * Key:
1. visitors 2. slowly 3. 35 4. 30 5. little Audio script:
Singapore is a small island city-state. It attracts millions of visitors every year. A good way
to see the city is by taking a hop-on hop-off bus. The bus goes slowly around the city. It stops
at different attractions like Chinatown and Merlion Park. You can get off the bus at any place,
and then get on the next bus. The tour costs 35 dollars, and there is a bus every 30 minutes.
This kind of sightseeing is good for people with little time in the city.
ACTIVITY 5 : Writing
5. Look at the information on Mark’s visit to India last summer. Write a paragraph of about 50 words about his visit.
- - Ask Ss to read the information in the table carefully.
- Ask them what tense they should use for their writing.
- Have Ss write. Go round and offer help if needed. Ss might want to change some details
from the table or the order the information appears. Encourage them to do so. * Post writing.
- Call on one or two volunteers to read aloud their answers. Call for other Ss' comments.
- Collect some writing to correct at home. - Get feedback. Sample answer:
Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He spent seven days there. During his holiday,
he went sightseeing around the city. He watched a snake performance, visited some temples,
and ate street food. The people he met were friendly and helpful. The only thing he didn't like
was the weather. It was very hot.
4. WRAP-UP & HOME WORK *Summarize the main points.
- Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important elements:
+ Words / phrases and combinations related to friends… * HOME WORK - Read again the conversation
- Do more exercises in the workbook.
- Make more sentences using adverbs of frequency.
Period 78. Thursday, March, 16th , 2023
Review the mid- second term test I. OBJECTIVES
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to
+ Revise the language Ss they have practised from Unit 7 to Unit 9.
+ Practice doing some exercises in Skills. II. LANGUAGE ANALYSIS 1. Knowledge
* Vocabulary Review vocabulary , Pronunciation in Units 7-9
* Grammar Grammar in Units 7 - 9
2. Skills Reading , speaking and Writing
3. Attitude Know the importance of revision and need to study harder.
4. Competences - Doing exercises on pronounciation, vocabulary, grammar and everyday English. III. MATERIALS B. Phonetics
Choose the word that underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: (1pt)
1. A. hair B. fare C. prepare D. speaker 2. A. tooth B. father C. bath D. both 3. A. doctor B. opening C. gold D. postcard 4. A. favourite B. slight C. fine D. high C. Vocabulary and grammar.
I. Circle the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2 pts)

1. Both my sister ………… I dream of becoming a TV MC. A. but B. and C. or D. so
2. The food is very ……….. A. long B. delicious C. noisy D. historic
3. Hai can ……… boxing well. A. do B. play C. go D. have
4. Big Ben is in ……………….. A. Viet Nam B. England C. America D. Australia
5. Disney Channel is one of .............channels for children. A. the exciting B. exciting
C. most exciting D. the most exciting
6. Thanh likes ………………weather because he can go swimming. A. hot B. cold C. rainy D. warm
7. ............... is the most expensive city in the world. – I think it is Tokyo. A. Which B. What C. Where D. How
8. What is your favorite ...............? – I like swimming. A. sport B. game C. subject D. activity
II. Put the verbs in the correct form: (1pt)
1. Lan (buy)………………………… a new dress 5 days ago.
2. He (not eat)…………………fish last night.
3. I……………………. (read) this novel three times.
4. He. . ……….........… (not meet) her before.
D. Reading: Read and do the task below. (2pt)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in Australia
was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television has changed a lot since then.
There are several channels and they show different TV programmes. In Western Australia, the
main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS. TV guides tell us what programmes are
showing on which channel, and at what time on a day.
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are part of a series. These episodes usually
last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films. You can
watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. Tick () True or False for these sentences. Sentences. True False
1. Watching television is an interesting and fun activity.
2. Television hasn’t changed a lot since 1956
3. There are several channels on TV
4. Channels show same TV programmes.
5. A lot of programmes on television are episodes
6. At the weekend there are interesting bands
2. Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. When was the first Australian TV broadcast?
2. How were the pictures on a TV then?
______________________________________ E. Writing
I. Put these words into the correct orders to make meaningful sentences: (1pt)
2. My close friend is the best student in my class.
1. I / have / English /four/ years. / for/ learnt
-> ………………………………………………………….
2. best/ My / the / close / friend / student/ in/class./my/ is
-> ………………………………………………………………………….
3. lives / his / from / He / far / office. / very
-> ……………………………………………………………………….
4. play / Where / did / you / badminton / yesterday?
-> ………………………………………………………………………....
II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words provided: (1pt) 1. Hoa is a good teacher.
-> Hoa …………………………………………………………… 2. Ngan likes chicken most.
-> Ngan’s ……………………………………………………………? TEST 2 B. Phonetics
Choose the word that underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: (1pt) 1. A. then B. thing C. them D. their 2. A. bicycle B. exciting C. favorite D. widely 3. A. hear B. near C. fear D. pear 4. A. fold B. close C. cloth D. hold C. Vocabulary and grammar.
I. Circle the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2 pts)

1. .......…… we tried our best, we didn’t win the game. A. But B. And C. Although D. So
2. The food is very ……….. A. long B. delicious C. noisy D. historic
3. Ba can ……… karate well. A. do B. play C. go D. have
4. Eiffel tower is the most famous tower in ….. A. Viet Nam B. England C. America D. France
5. Phuc is …............student in her class. A. intelligent B. more intelligent
C. most intelligent D. the most intelligent
6. Thanh likes ………………weather because he can go swimming. A. hot B. cold C. rainy D. warm
7. ………………. films have you seen this week. A. Which B. What C. How much D. How many
8. Many girls and women ………….aerobics to keep fit. A. play B. go C. do D. see
II. Put the verbs in the correct form: (1pt)
1. He ( not watch )………………......... last night.
2. I (eat)…………………a lot of fruits this morning.
3. I……………………. (see) this film three times.
4. He. . ……….........… (not visit) HaLong Bay.
D. Reading: Read the postcard and do the task below. Dear Jane,
How are you getting on? I am going to visit Singapore with my parents next weekend. We
are going to stay at my uncle’s house near the harbor.
My uncle is going to show us round the city in the morning. In the afternoon we are going to
visit the harbor. In the evening we are going to Santos. We are going to enjoy the animal show there. We hope it will not rain. Love, Mai
1. Tick () True or False for these sentences. Sentences. True False
1. This is a postcard for Mai.
2. Jane is going to visit Singapore next weekend.
3. Mai is going to stay in the hotel near the harbor.
4. Her uncle is going to show her round the city.
5. She is going to Santos in the afternoon.
6. The animal show is in Santos.
2. Answer the questions.
a. Is Mai going to visit Singapore with her parents next weekend?
b. What are they going to do in the afternoon?
……………………………………………………………………………………. E. Writing
I. Put these words into the correct orders to make meaningful sentences: (1pt)
1. I / been / have / three times. / Hanoi / to
-> ………………………………………………………….
2. tallest / My / is / the / brother / person .
-> ………………………………………………………………………….
3. lives / very / from / He / far / office. / his
-> ……………………………………………………………………….
4. did / Where / play / you / badminton / yesterday?
-> ………………………………………………………………………....
II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words provided: (1pt)
1. Phong is a good soccer player.
-> Phong …………………………………………………………… 2. Hung likes football most.
-> Hung’s............................................................................................? TEST 3
B. Phonetics: Circle the letter preceding the word that has the underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest. ( 1 pt )
1. A. hear B. near C. fear D. bear 2. A. gather B. monthly C. father D. brother 3. A. favorite B. slight C. fine D. high 4. A. cold B. hold C. snow D. mother C. Vocabulary and grammar.
I. Circle the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2 pts)
1. He can________chess well. A. play B. do C. go D. goes
2. A: ________do you play football?
B: Usually on Saturday or Sunday A. What B. When C. Why D. Where
3.This is the________restaurant I have ever known. A. good B. best C. better D. well
4. Many girls and women________ aerobics to keep fit. A. play B. went C. do D. go
5. She ________Ha Noi last week A. visits B. visiting C. visited D. visit
6. It’s very__________to swim there. The water is heavily polluted. A. safe B. unpopular C. unsafe D. good
7. I have never________to Australia A. be B. been C. was D. am
8. As it doesn’t snow in Viet Nam, we can not __________skiing. A. play B. do C. make D. go
II. Put the verbs in the correct form: (1pt)
1. Mr. Lan (teach)………………………… English 5 years ago.
2. He (not eat)…………………fish last night.
3. I……………………. (read) this novel three times.
4. He. . ……….........… (not meet) her before.
D. Reading: Read and do the task below. (2pt)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in Australia
was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television has changed a lot since then.
There are several channels and they show different TV programmes. In Western Australia, the
main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS. TV guides tell us what programmes are
showing on which channel, and at what time on a day.
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are part of a series. These episodes usually
last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films. You can
watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. Tick () True or False for these sentences. Sentences. True False
1. Watching television is a boring activity.
2. Television has changed a lot since 1956
3. There are several channels on TV
4. Channels show different TV programmes.
5. A lot of programmes on television are episodes
6. At the weekend there are interesting bands
2. Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. List any three TV channels in Western Australia.
2. Where can you find out the time of your favourite TV show?
______________________________________ E. Writing.
I. Put the following words in the correct order to make complete sentences. (1pt)
1. photos/ What/ nice/!
2. I/ never/ have/ to Nha Trang/ been.
3. Ho Chi Minh/ the biggest/ city/ is/ Viet Nam/ in.
4. lives / very / from / He / far / office . / his
-> ……………………………………………………………………….
II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words provided: (1pt)
1. Hien is a good swimmer.
-> Hien ……………………………………………………………
2. Nga likes table tennis most.
-> Nga’s............................................................................................?
Period 79. Tuesday, March, 14th , 2023
A.Aim: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to do a test to review the knowledge they have learnt in unit 7,8,9 B.Content A.LISTENING
I. Listen to the short talk twice and circle the correct answer to each of the following questions
1. What is the weather like in Rio de Janeiro? A. cold B. warm C. hot D. cool
2. Who has Tom been to the beaches with? A. his friends B. his teacher C. his group D. his family
3. Tom has been to London ______________. A. once B. twice C.three times D. never
4. Tom received the photo of Times Square from ______________. A. his brother B. his father C. his sister D. his friend
II. Listen to the conversation twice and decide whether the following sentences are True or False.
1. The Royal Palace is one of the largest palaces in Europe. T F
2. The biggest part of Stockholm is the Old Town. T F
3. The Nobel Prize is awarded in Stockholm. T F
4. The Nobel Prize is presented by the Swedish Prime Minister. T F B: LANGUAGE
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others
by circling A, B, C or D
1. A. favorite B. animal C. channel D. programme 2. A. than B. thirsty C. therefore D. those 3. A. slow B. phone C. post D. count 4. A. home B. come C. open D. cold
5. A. opens B. gets C. kicks D. speaks
II. Choose the best option (A, B, C ) to complete these sentences.
1. She first ...........Thailand in 2003. A. visit B. visited C. visits
2. ……_eat too much sugar. It’s not good for you. A. Not B. Please C. Don’t
3. “ your favourite football player?” – “I like Messi” A. Who B. What C. Which
4.I can’t swim …………………..I am afraid of water. A. because B. and C. so
5. “ ……………a nice T-shirt !” A. How B. What C. Which
6. Many girls and women ___________aerobics to keep fit . A. play B. go C. do
7.I was at the gym last Sunday , but I ……………you there.
A. not saw B. don’t see C. didn’t see
8…………bike is dirty, and I can’t tell what colour it is. A. Your B. Yours C. You
9._________are you going to stay in Ha Long Bay? -> Two weeks.
A. How often B. How long C. When
10. Pedestrians are walking across the street at the _______ crossing. A. zebra B. tiger C. horse D. mouse
11. All _______ for flight VN124 please proceed to gate 5. A. signal B. rules C. passengers D. crossroads
12 . Hoa: What would you like to watch now? -> Mai:____________
A. Tom and Jerry. B. No, thank you. C. I like to do nothing.
III. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets
1. My brother (watch)_____________ TV all day yesterday.
2. We (not go)____________ to the cinema last week.
3. Mr. Pike ( eat)_____________ noodle this morning ?
4. What about (play) ____________volleyball ?
5. All of us (be)___________at home yesterday evening. C. READING
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text Sydney is the (1)
of the state New South Wales in Australia. It is the largest, oldest, and perhaps the (2)
_______ beautiful city in Australia. Sydney has a population
of 4.5 million. Its Harbour is one of the largest in the world, and famous (3) the
Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The streets in the city centre are narrow (4)
many art galleries, restaurants, pubs, but the streets in Paddington (5) wide and houses are big.
1.A. home B. site C. capital D. village 2.A. more B. most C. less D. fewer 3.A. with B. for C. in D. at 4.A. on B. at C. to D. with 5.A. are B. is C. isn’t D. be
II: Read the passage and answer the questions by choosing the correct answer A,B orC (1,25 pts)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in
Australia was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television
has changed a lot since then. There are several channels and they show different TV
programmes. In Western Australia, the main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS.
TV guides tell us what programmes are showing on which channel, and at what time on a day
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are parts of a series. These episodes
usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films.
You can watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. When was the first Australian TV broadcast? A. In 1986 B. In 1956 C. In 1965
2. How were the pictures on a TV then? A. colour B. black only C. black and white only
3. Are there any TV channels in Western Australia? A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are C. No, They aren’t
4. Where can you find out the time of your favourite TV show? A. In TV guide B. At work C. going to the cinema
5. What’s on at the weekend ? A. cinema B. intersting films C. series
C WRITING I. Find out the mistake in each following sentence.
1. There are a stadium near our school. A B C D
2. Would you like any sugar? – Yes , please A B C D
3 .Last summer, I go fishing with my uncle in the afternoon. A B C D
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed so that the meanings stay the same.
1. She is taller than her sister .
-> Her sister..................................................................................................................
2. There are two interesting films on VTV3 today.
-> Today VTV3 has........................................................................................................
3. Your friends are making noise.
-> Don’t ........................................................................................................................ 4. That bag belongs to me.
->That bag is ……….......... 5. Let’s go fishing.
-> What about……………………………….?
III. Rearrange these words to make meaningful sentences
1. I / English./ so / want / abroad /learn/ I /to go
2. went/ to / last/ vacation./ Jack /London/ summer
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (Đề thi gồm 02 trang)
Full name: …………………………… class: 6… A. LISTENING
I. Listen to the short talk twice and circle the correct answer to each of the following questions
1. What is the weather like in Rio de Janeiro? A. hot B. cold C. warm D. cool
2. Who has Tom been to the beaches with? A. his friends B. his family C. his teacher D. his group
3. Tom has been to London ______________. A. once B.three times C. twice D. never
4. Tom received the photo of Times Square from ______________. A. his father B. his sister C. his friend D. his brother
II. Listen to the conversation twice and decide whether the following sentences are True or False.
1. The biggest part of Stockholm is the Old Town. T F
2. The Royal Palace is one of the largest palaces in Europe. T F
3. The Nobel Prize is presented by the Swedish Prime Minister. T F
4. The Nobel Prize is awarded in Stockholm. T F B: LANGUAGE
I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
others by circling A, B, C or D
1. A. thirsty B. than C. therefore D. those 2. A. slow B. phone C. post D. count
3. A. home B. come C. open D. cold 4. A. opens B. gets C. kicks D. speaks
5 A. animal B channel C. programme D. favorite
II. Choose the best option (A, B, C ) to complete these sentences.
1. ……_eat too much sugar. It’s not good for you. A. Not B. Please C. Don’t
2.I can’t swim ………………… ..I am afraid of water. A. because B. and C. so
3. “ ……………a nice T-shirt !” A. How B. What C. Which
4. “ your favourite football player?” – “I like Messi” A. Who B. What C. Which
5. Many girls and women ___________aerobics to keep fit . A. play B. go C. do
6.I was at the gym last Sunday , but I ……you there.
A. not saw B. don’t see C. didn’t see
7…………bike is dirty, and I can’t tell what colour it is. A. Your B. Yours C. You
8._________are you going to stay in Ha Long Bay? -> Two weeks.
A: How often B: How long C: When
9. She first ...........Thailand in 2003.
A. visit B. visited C. visits
10 . Ba: What would you like to watch now? -> Nam:____________
A. Tom and Jerry. B. No, thank you. C. I like to do nothing.
11. You can go when the traffic lights turn _______. A. red B. green C. pink D. yellow
12. A person who is driving a motorbike on the road is called _______. A. architect B. cyclist C. motorist D. pedestrian
III. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets
1. My brother (go)_____________ to the zoo yesterday.
2. She(not go)____________ to the cinema last week.
3. Mr. Pike ( eat)_____________ noodle this morning ?
4. Let’s (play) ____________volleyball
5. My parents (be)___________at home yesterday evening. C. READING
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text Sydney is the (1)
of the state New South Wales in Australia. It is the largest, oldest, and perhaps the (2)
_______ beautiful city in Australia. Sydney has a population
of 4.5 million. Its Harbour is one of the largest in the world, and famous (3) the
Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The streets in the city centre are narrow (4)
many art galleries, restaurants, pubs, but the streets in Paddington (5) wide and houses are big.
1.A. home B. site C. capital D. village 2.A. more B. most C. less D. fewer 3.A. with B. for C. in D. at 4.A. on B. at C. to D. with 5.A. are B. is C. isn’t D. be
II: Read the passage and answer the questions by choosing the correct answer A,B orC (1,25 pts)
Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast in
Australia was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV were black and white only. Television
has changed a lot since then. There are several channels and they show different TV
programmes. In Western Australia, the main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS.
TV guides tell us what programmes are showing on which channel, and at what time on a day
Many programmes on television are episodes. They are parts of a series. These episodes
usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films.
You can watch them instead of going to the cinema.
1. When was the first Australian TV broadcast? A. In 1986 B. In 1956 C. In 1965
2. How were the pictures on a TV then? A. colour B. black only C. black and white only
3. Are there any TV channels in Western Australia? A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are C. No, They aren’t
4. Where can you find out the time of your favourite TV show? A. In TV guide B. At work C. going to the cinema
5. What’s on at the weekend ? A. cinema B. intersting films C. series
C WRITING I. Find out the mistake in each following sentence.
1. There are a stadium near our school. A B C D
2. Would you like any sugar? – Yes , please A B C D
3 .Last summer, I go fishing with my uncle in the afternoon. A B C D
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed so that the meanings stay the same.
1. There are two interesting films on VTV3 today.
-> Today VTV3 has........................................................................................................
2. Your friends are making noise.
-> Don’t ...................................................................................................................
3. She is taller than her sister .
-> Her sister.................................................................................................................. 4. Let’s go fishing.
-> How about……………………………….? 5. That bag belongs to you
-> That bag is ………..........
III. Rearrange these words to make meaningful sentences
1. went/ to / last/ vacation./ Jack /London/ summer
2. I / English./ so / want / abroad /learn/ I /to go
………………………………………………………………………………… KEY NO1
(Total 10 mark ,50 sentences ,each correct sentence is 0,2 marks)
I. 1C hot 2 D his family 3B twice 4 A. his brother II.1 T 2.F 3 F 4 .F B Language I.1A 2B 3D 4B 5 A
II. 1B 2C 3 A 4 A 5B 6 C 7 C 8A 9B 10 C 11A 12 A III. 1. Watched 2. didnot go 3 ate 4. playing 5.were C.READING 1.C.Capital 2. B most 3.B for 4.D with 5A are
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question 1B 2C 3C 4A 5B D.WRITING I. 1. A, 2 C, 3A II.
1. Her sister is shorter than her.
2. Today VTV 3 has two interesting films.
3. Don’t make noise, please. 4.That bag is mine 5 What about going fishing III.
1. I want to go abroad so I learn English
2. Jack ewent to Lon Don last summer vacation KEY NO2 A.Listening I. 1 A. 2 B 3C 4 D II.1 F 2.T 3 F 4 .F B Language I.1A 2D 3B 4A 5 D
II. 1C 2A 3 B 4 A 5C 6 C 7 A 8B 9B 10 A 11 B 12C III.1. Went 2. didnot go 3 Did Mr Pike eat 4. play 5.were C.READING 1.C.Capital 2. B most 3.B.for 4.D with 5A are
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question 1B 2C 3C 4A 5B D.WRITING
1. Today VTV 3 has two interesting films.
2. Don’t make noise, please.
3. Her sister is shorter than her. 4 .How about going fishing 5.That bag is yours
III.1. Jack ewent to Lon Don last summer vacation
2. I want to go abroad so I learn English
Mức độ nhận thức Tổng Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Vận dụng cao TT Kĩ năng Thời Thời Thời Thời Tỉ Thời Tỉ lệ Tỉ lệ Tỉ lệ Tỉ lệ gian gian gian gian lệ gian (%) (%) (%) (%) (phút) (phút) (phút) (phút) (%) (phút) 1 Nghe 14 3 - 4 6 1 - 2 20 4 - 6 2 Ngôn 12 - ngữ 20 6 - 8 20 6 - 8 40 16 3 Đọc 11 - 12 6 - 8 8 5 - 6 20 14 4 Viết 13 - 4 2 - 4 6 4 - 5 6 5 - 8 2 2-3 20 20 Tổng 60 - 50 23 - 30 40 20 - 25 6 8 - 4 5 - 10 100 90 Tỉ lệ (% ) 50 40 6 4 100 Tỉ lệ chung 84 16 100 (%)
Số câu hỏi theo mức độ nhận thức Vận Nhận Thông Vận Kĩ năng
Đơn vị kiến thức/kỹ Mức độ kiến thức, kĩ năng dụng năng biết hiểu dụng
cần kiểm tra, đánh giá cao T TL T T T
LISTENING 1. Nghe bài nói trong Nhận biết: khoảng 4 phút 3
- Nghe lấy thông tin chi tiết. (khoảng 80 – 100 Thông hiểu: từ) để chọn đáp
- Hiểu nội dung chính của trả lời. đoạn độ 1
c thoại/ hội thoại để
- Nội dung nghe tìm câu trả lời đúng. chọn tranh về cities of the Vận dụng: world
- Nắm được ý chính của bài
nghe để đưa ra câu trả lời phù hợp.
- Tổng hợp thông tin từ nhiều
chi tiết, loại trừ các chi tiết sai
để tìm câu trả lời đúng. 2. Nghe một đoạn Nhận biết: 2 hội thoại/ độc
- Nghe lấy thông tin chi tiết. thoại khoảng 1.5 Thông hiểu:
phút (khoảng 80 – - Hiểu nội dung chính của 2 100 từ) liên quan
đoạn độc thoại/ hội thoại để
đến chủ đề đã hoc tìm câu trả lời đúng. Vận dụng:
- Nắm được ý chính của bài
nghe để đưa ra câu trả lời phù hợp.
- Tổng hợp thông tin từ nhiều
chi tiết, loại trừ các chi tiết sai
để tìm câu trả lời đúng. LANGUAGE Nhận biết: 1. Pronunciation
- Nhận biết các âm hoặc 5
Các nguyên âm đơn, trọng âm thông qua các từ nguyên âm đôi, phụ
vựng theo chủ đề đã học. Thông hiểu: âm, tổ hợp phụ âm,
- Phân biệt được các âm
trọng âm từ, trọng âm trong phần nghe.
câu, nhịp điệu và ngữ điệ Vận dụng: u
- Hiểu và vận dụng vào bài nghe/nói. Nhận biết:
- Nhận ra, nhớ lại, liệt kê đượ 2 c các từ vựng theo chủ đề 2. Vocabulary đã học. Thông hiểu: Từ vựng đã học theo
- Hiểu và phân biệt được các chủ điểm unit 7,8,9
từ vựng theo chủ đề đã học. - Television 5
- Nắm được các mối liên kết - Sports and
và kết hợp của từ trong bối Games
cảnh và ngữ cảnh tương ứng. - Cities of the Vận dụng: world.
- Hiểu và vận dụng được từ
vựng đã học trong văn cảnh
(danh từ, động từ, tính từ và trạng từ…) 3. Grammar Nhận biết: Các chủ điểm ngữ
- Nhận ra được các kiến thức 5 pháp đã học: ngữ pháp đã học. Question words, conjunctions, Thông hiểu: exclamation, simple past, possessive….
- Hiểu và phân biệt các chủ 5
điểm ngữ pháp đã học. Vận dụng:
- Hiểu và vận dụng các kiến
thức ngữ pháp đã học vào
bài nghe/ nói/ đọc/ viết. READING 1. Cloze test Nhận biết:
Hiểu được bài đọc có - Nhận ra được các thành tố độ 3
dài khoảng 80-100 ngôn ngữ và liên kết về mặt từ về chủ điểm : văn bản. Cities Thông hiểu:
- Phân biệt được các đặc
trưng, đặc điểm các thành tố 2
ngôn ngữ và liên kết về mặt văn bản. Vận dụng:
- Sử dụng các kiến thức ngôn
ngữ và kỹ năng trong các tình huống mới. Nhận biết: 1 - Thông tin chi tiết Thông hiểu: 2. Reading comprehension
- Hiểu ý chính của bài đọc và
chọn câu trả lời phù hợp. Hiểu được nội dung - Hiểu được nghĩa tham 2
chính và nội dung chi chiếu. tiết đoạn văn bản có độ
- Loại trừ các chi tiết để đưa dài khoảng 100-
ra câu trả lời phù hợp 120 từ, xoay quanh Vận dụng: chủ điểm Television
- Đoán nghĩa của từ trong văn cảnh. 2
- Hiều, phân tích, tổng hợp ý
chính của bài để chọn câu trả lời phù hợp. WRITING 1. Error Nhận biết: identification
- Nhận diện lỗi về ngữ pháp 2 Xác định lỗi sai và từ loại trong câu. 2. Sentence Thông hiểu: transformation
- Sử dụng các từ đã để sắp Viết lại câu dùng từ
xếp thành câu hoàn chỉnh. gợi ý hoặc từ cho trước - So sánh hơn - There is /are Vận dụng:
…với have/has - Hiểu câu gốc và sử dụng
- Câu mệnh lệnh các từ gợi ý để viết lại câu 3 phủ định. sao cho nghĩa không thay
- Tính từ sở hữu đổi. và đại từ sở hữu - Câu đè nghị 3. Rearrange the words to make Vận dụng cao: meaningful sentences
- Sử dụng các từ, cụm từ đã 5
cho để viết thành câu hoàn Sử dụng từ/ cụm từ chỉnh. gợi ý để sắp xếp thành câu hoàn chỉnh Tổng 21 2 15 2 2 3 0 5
Period 80. Friday, March , 17th , 2023
: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: use the lexcial items related to houses in the future
- Grammar: get to know ” future simple tense” 2. Competence:
- Listen and read for specific information about houses in the future 3. Qualities:
- Build quanlities: Hard -working, Self- reliance B. TEACHING AIDS: - TV, computer C. PROCEDURE: I. WARM UP: - Greetings
- T shows on the screen pictures about types of houses in the future and lead in the lesson.
And ask sts: what are they? and leads in the lesson. II. VOCABULARY:
- solar energy (n) : năng lượng mặt trời (trans.)
- appliance (n) : trang thiết bị (trans.)
- smart TV (n) : ti vi thông minh (trans.)
- ocean (n) : đại dương = sea (sym.)
- sky (n) : bầu trời (visual)
- Moon(n) : mặt trăng (visual III. LISTEN AND READ: 1. Set the scene:
- Nick and Phong are talking to each other. Look at the picture Phong is drawing + Who are they?
+ What is he drawing? (something like a UFO)
+ Where is that UFO? Is it in the sea or in the mountains? (in the mountains)
SowhyisPhongdrawingaUFO?ListentotheconversationbetweenNickandPhongtofindmoreaboutth is
2.Listen and read: * Activity 1: - T lets sts listen twice
- 2 or 3 pairs read the conversation aloud. * Activity 2:
- T : You have listened & read the conversation between Nick and Phong. Now back to my
question,‘What is Phong drawing?’
Well, he’s drawing his house, but it’s his house in the future. What is it like? Complete the
table in Exercise 2. p. 39, Textbook individually,please. Key : Type of house UFO Location in the mountains Appliances in the house Some smart TVs and ten robots
* Activity 3 : sts do in pairs – Feedback & correction Key: 1.T, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F. * Activity 4 Sts do individually -
Sts share and compare. - Correction -
T adds a question: Where is your house? - Sts work in pairs -
Feedback and correction. - * Activity 5:
- Have sts read the example
- Sts work in 2 groups : A & B
- Team A decribles and team B tries to guess. If the guess is correct, they get one point.
Then change the roles. The group with the most point is the winner.
- Ask the class to listen and comment. *Homework
Learn by heart all the new words
- Prepare "Unit 10: A closer look1 " for the next lesson.