Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Global Success HK2 Tuần 30

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài giảng trong cả năm học 2023 - 2024. Với đầy đủ 12 Unit, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6 - Global Success.

Period 86. Tuesday, April, 4th , 2023
Lesson 6: SKILLS 2
A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:
1. Knowlege:
- Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to houses in the future
2. Competence:
-Listen to get information about dream houses.
- Write about a dream house.
- Develop problem-solving, co-operation, creation.
3. Qualities:
- Build quanlities: Hard- working, Self- reliance.
- TV, computer
I.Warm up
- Hey, guys. Do you still remember the future houses you already talk about in
- I would liketocheckyourmemorywiththistable. Those who have got good answers
will get good marks.
Type of house
Appliances in the room
Type of house
On the ocean
Trees, a garden, a swimming pool,
Appliances in the room
Super smart TV
- So what types of house are you going to listenin our lesson today? Open your book
and start our lessonnow.
1.Pre listening:
Activity 1: Listen and write their names under the correct pictures.
-T: First,lookatthesepicturescarefullyandtrytogive
thedetailsofeachhouse:typesofhouse,location, surrroundings
- Stsgive details
- Stslisten and write their names under the correct pictures.
- T gets sts’s answers and correct.
Key: Linda:Picture3(villabythesea,withaswimming pool and agarden)
Nick: Picture 2 (apartment in the city)
2.While listening:
* Activity2- Listen and tick
- Sts read the information
- Sts listen and tick
- T gets sts’s answers and correct.
3.seaview 4. Swimming pool
5. garden 7.quiet
Nick: 1.parkview 2.cityview 6. Cable TV
Activity 3: sts listen again
Sts ask and answer in pairs
T corrects
1. Pre- writing:
- From the listening, we all know that Linda and Nick have different dream houses. In
fact, each of you has your own dream house. Now prepare all necessary information
and ideas for your dream house, then practise writing a paragraph ofabout 80-
120wordsaboutit.Remembertouse‘will’and ‘might’totellaboutfutureandfutureability.
* Activity 4 -Sts fill in the table individually.
- T goes around,guides and checks.
2. While writing:
*Activity 5:
- Have sts read the example sentences.
- Stswrite the paragraph individually.
3. Post writing:
- Feedback and correction (two sts write on the board, the other students read and
- T gives indirect corretion.
( If there isn’t enough time, sts complete their writing at home. T will collect sts’
paragraphs and correct)
*. Homework
Finish your writing in the notebook (if you don’thaveenoughtimeinclass).
Do Exercise E1, 2 (p. 31 Workbook)
Prepare for Looking back +
Period 87 . Thursday, April, 6th , 2023
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Our houses in the future” .
- Use “ will” for future and “might ” for future possibility.
- Talk about future houses and appliances.
a. Vocabulary: Related to the topic: “Our houses in the future”
b. Grammar: Review: “will” for the future, “might” for future possibility.
2. Competence :
groupwork, independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative
learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities:
Students will be more aware of protecting and preserving my house.
1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector
2. Students: Textbooks
1. Checking: Talk about the our house in the future.
2. New lesson:
I.Warm up
To warm up the class and lead in the lesson
T asks Ss to work in groups to write all appliances in your dream houses, then go
to the board to write down.
T gives suggestions.
Ss work in groups (two teams)
Eg: - robot, helicopter,
II. Vocabulary
T asks sts to use the words in the box, write the correct word under each picture.
Ss look at the pictures and write the correct word under each picture
T asks students to talk about what the appliances will do in the future
III. Grammar
T asks sts to read sentences then complete the sentences with “will ” or “won’t”
T asks sts to check their answers with their a partners
T asks Ss to complete the sentences with might or might not.
T calls on some sts to give answers.
Complete the sentences with “will ” or “won’t”
Get students to practice, then correct
* Keys:
4. Complete the sentences with might or might not.
Get students to practice, then correct
* Keys:
1. might
2. might
3. might not
4. might not
IV. Communication ( sách cũ)
T asks sts to work in pairs the use the information in 2, ask and answer the
Ss work in pairs
5. Work in pairs. Using the information in 2, ask and answer the questions.
A: Will robots clean your house in the future ?
B: Yes, they will
A: Will super car run on water in the future ?
B: No, they won’t
V. Project
- Think about an appliance you would like to have in the future.
- Make a poster for your future appliance.
- Write details about the appliance on the poster.
- Share your poster with the class.
I will have a robot.It will help me take care of the flowers in the garden.
*. Homework:
Learn the vocabularies by heart
Do exercises in exercise’s book
Period 88. Friday, April, 7
, 2023
Lesson 1: Getting started
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen and read the dialogue between Mi and Nick about the topic” go green”
- Use lexical items related to the words for things that can be reduced, reused and
2. Competence:
Develop Ss’s creativeness and problem- solving about how to co-operate and sel-
3. Qualities:
Honesty, responsibility and hard- working.
- Student’s books, textbooks, laptop and projector,etc
* Warm up: Greeting
St watch a video about environment
- Ask sts some questions:
What ways of helping the environment can you see in the video?
Can you tell me some other ways to help the environment nowadays?
(Lead sts to do matching activity 4)
-T shows the photos about ways of helping the environment
Sts work in groups of 4( 2 minutes).
I. Pre- listening:
Activity 1: Set the scene:
- Who can you see in the picture?
- What are they doing?
T leads in listen and read.
II. While- listening:
- Ask Ss to listen to the conversation twice.
- Give sts time to practice reading in pairs. (Open pairs/ Closed pairs)
- Check pronunciation.
Activity 2: Read the dialogue again to complete the sentences
- Ask sts to work in pairs in 5 minutes.
- Call some to do.
- Remark.
1. a picnic
2. plastic one
3. the check out
4. a reusable
5. she’s cycling
Activity 3. Games : Red apples. (2 lucky apples, 3 questions)
T divides class into 2 teams A and B.
T guides how to play the game.
St choose the correct answer A, B, C.
1. Green bags are
A. better than plastic bags
B. less than plastic bags
2. The air will be cleaner if more people
A. drive B cycle
3. If people use reusable bags for shopping, they
A. will help the environment B. won’t save the environment
III. Post- listening:
(If sts have difficulty in finding new words teacher can run through the words
bellow) (Optional)
1.Vocabulary: Matching
Sts match the English words with Vietnames meaning.
A B.
1. plan trees and flowers (v) a. đi bộ đến trưng
2. pick up the rubbish (v) b. đi xe đạp
3. cycle (v) c. trng cây và hoa
4. walk to school (v) d. s dng túi tái chế
5. use reusable bags (v) e. nht rác
Keys: 1c ; 2d ; 3b ; 4e ; 5a
D. Homework:
- Reread the dialogue again 3 times at home.
- Learn by heart the new words
- Do B1, 2 (p32, 33 WB)
- Get ready for A closer look 1 by finding new words and its demands.
Period 89. Dy
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Use the lexical items related to the words for things that can be reduced, reused
and recycled
- Say sentences with correct rhythm
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to be reduced, reused and recycled
b. Pronunciation: correct rhythm
2. Competence development: independent working, pairwork, linguistic
competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: industriousness, responsibility and honesty
1. Teacher: Textbooks, Tivi, Laptop
2. Students: Textbooks.
I. Presentation
1. Warm up: Brainstorm
What ways of helping the environment?
- T asks Ss to give the ways of helping the environmnent
- T leads new lesson
- rubbish (n) rác (picture)
- noise (n) tiếng n (picture)
- reduce (v) gim (explanation)
- reuse (v) tái s dng (explanation)
- recycle (v) tái chế (explanation)
II. Practice
1. Activity 1
- Have Ss read the information in the table and draw a line from a symbol in A to
the matching in B and its meaning in C
- Ss work in pairs
2. Activity 2:
- Have Ss work individually to write the words/phrase in the box under the picture.
They then compare their answers in pairs.
1. rubbish
2. plastic bags
3. glass
4. plastic bottle
5. noise
6. paper
7. water
8. clothes
3. Activity 3:
Have Ss work in pairs to put the words from 2 in appropriate groups
Reduce: rubbish, noise, plastic bags, water
Reuse: bottle, glass, paper..
Recycle: rubbish, plastic bags, bottle, glass, paper
III. Pronunciation
Rhythm in sentences
Activity 4
T asks Ss to listen to the sentences. Have Ss work in pairs to practise reading the
sentences. Then T calls on some Ss to read the sentences aloud. Comment on Ss’
Activity 5: Listen and practise more rhythm in sentences
T asks Ss to listen to the sentences. Have Ss work in pairs to practise reading the
conversation. Then T calls on some Ss to read the conversation aloud Comment on
Ss’ pronunciation
IV. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary
- Do A1, 2 (p32 WB)
- Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2
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Preview text:

Period 86. Tuesday, April, 4th , 2023

: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to: 1. Knowlege:
- Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to houses in the future 2. Competence:
-Listen to get information about dream houses. - Write about a dream house.
- Develop problem-solving, co-operation, creation. 3. Qualities:
- Build quanlities: Hard- working, Self- reliance. B. TEACHING AIDS: - TV, computer C. PROCEDURE:
.Warm up/Revision:
- Hey, guys. Do you still remember the future houses you already talk about in Lesson5?
- I would liketocheckyourmemorywiththistable. Those who have got good answers will get good marks. Type of house Location Surroundings Appliances in the room Key: Type of house Villa Location On the ocean Surroundings
Trees, a garden, a swimming pool, … Appliances in the room Robots, Super smart TV
- So what types of house are you going to listenin our lesson today? Open your book and start our lessonnow. II.Listening: 1.Pre –listening:
Activity 1: Listen and write their names under the correct pictures.
thedetailsofeachhouse:typesofhouse,location, surrroundings - Stsgive details
- Stslisten and write their names under the correct pictures.
- T gets sts’s answers and correct.
Key: Linda:Picture3(villabythesea,withaswimming pool and agarden)
Nick: Picture 2 (apartment in the city) 2.While – listening:
* Activity2- Listen and tick

Sts read the information - Sts listen and tick -
T gets sts’s answers and correct. -
Key: Linda: 3.seaview 4. Swimming pool 5. garden 7.quiet Nick: 1.parkview 2.cityview 6. Cable TV
Activity 3: sts listen again Sts ask and answer in pairs T corrects III.Writing: 1. Pre- writing:
From the listening, we all know that Linda and Nick have different dream houses. In -
fact, each of you has your own dream house. Now prepare all necessary information
and ideas for your dream house, then practise writing a paragraph ofabout 80-
120wordsaboutit.Remembertouse‘will’and ‘might’totellaboutfutureandfutureability.
* Activity 4 -Sts fill in the table individually.
- T goes around,guides and checks. 2. While –writing: *Activity 5:
- Have sts read the example sentences.
- Stswrite the paragraph individually. 3. Post – writing:
- Feedback and correction (two sts write on the board, the other students read and comment). - T gives indirect corretion.
( If there isn’t enough time, sts complete their writing at home. T will collect sts’ paragraphs and correct) *. Homework
1. Finish your writing in the notebook (if you don’thaveenoughtimeinclass).
2. Do Exercise E1, 2 (p. 31 –Workbook)
3. Prepare for Looking back + Project
Period 87 . Thursday, April, 6th , 2023
A. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Our houses in the future” .
- Use “ will” for future and “might ” for future possibility.
- Talk about future houses and appliances.
a. Vocabulary: Related to the topic: “Our houses in the future”
b. Grammar: Review: “will” for the future, “might” for future possibility. 2. Competence :
groupwork, independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative
learning and communicative competence. 3. Qualities:
Students will be more aware of protecting and preserving my house. B. TEACHING AIDS
1. Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector 2. Students: Textbooks C. PROCEDURE
1. Checking: Talk about the our house in the future. 2. New lesson: I.Warm up
To warm up the class and lead in the lesson
T asks Ss to work in groups to write all appliances in your dream houses, then go to the board to write down. T gives suggestions. Ss work in groups (two teams) Eg: - robot, helicopter, II. Vocabulary
T asks sts to use the words in the box, write the correct word under each picture.
Ss look at the pictures and write the correct word under each picture
T asks students to talk about what the appliances will do in the future III. Grammar
T asks sts to read sentences then complete the sentences with “will ” or “won’t”
T asks sts to check their answers with their a partners
T asks Ss to complete the sentences with might or might not.
T calls on some sts to give answers.
4. Complete the sentences with “will ” or “won’t”

Get students to practice, then correct * Keys: 1.won’t 2.will 3.will 4.won’t 5.will 6.won’t
4. Complete the sentences with might or might not.
Get students to practice, then correct * Keys: 1. might 2. might 3. might not 4. might not
IV. Communication ( sách cũ)
T asks sts to work in pairs the use the information in 2, ask and answer the question. Ss work in pairs
5. Work in pairs. Using the information in 2, ask and answer the questions. Ex:
A: Will robots clean your house in the future ? B: Yes, they will
A: Will super car run on water in the future ? B: No, they won’t V. Project
- Think about an appliance you would like to have in the future.
- Make a poster for your future appliance.
- Write details about the appliance on the poster.
- Share your poster with the class. Example:
I will have a robot.It will help me take care of the flowers in the garden. *. Homework:
Learn the vocabularies by heart
Do exercises in exercise’s book
Period 88. Friday, April, 7th , 2023 UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 1: Getting started A.OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1.Knowledge:
- Listen and read the dialogue between Mi and Nick about the topic” go green”
- Use lexical items related to the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled.. 2. Competence:
Develop Ss’s creativeness and problem- solving about how to co-operate and sel- study. 3. Qualities:
Honesty, responsibility and hard- working. B. TEACHING AIDS
- Student’s books, textbooks, laptop and projector,etc C. PROCEDURES: * Warm up: Greeting
St watch a video about environment - Ask sts some questions:
What ways of helping the environment can you see in the video?
Can you tell me some other ways to help the environment nowadays?
(Lead sts to do matching activity 4)
-T shows the photos about ways of helping the environment
Sts work in groups of 4( 2 minutes). I. Pre- listening:
Activity 1
: Set the scene:
- Who can you see in the picture? - What are they doing? T leads in listen and read. II. While- listening:
- Ask Ss to listen to the conversation twice.
- Give sts time to practice reading in pairs. (Open pairs/ Closed pairs) - Check pronunciation.
Activity 2: Read the dialogue again to complete the sentences
- Ask sts to work in pairs in 5 minutes. - Call some to do. - Remark. 1. a picnic 2. plastic one 3. the check out 4. a reusable 5. she’s cycling
Activity 3. Games : Red apples. (2 lucky apples, 3 questions)
T divides class into 2 teams A and B.
T guides how to play the game.
St choose the correct answer A, B, C. Questions: 1. Green bags are A. better than plastic bags B. less than plastic bags
2. The air will be cleaner if more people A. drive B cycle
3. If people use reusable bags for shopping, they
A. will help the environment B. won’t save the environment III. Post- listening:
(If sts have difficulty in finding new words teacher can run through the words bellow) (Optional) 1.Vocabulary: Matching
Sts match the English words with Vietnames meaning.
A B.
1. plan trees and flowers (v) a. đi bộ đến trường
2. pick up the rubbish (v) b. đi xe đạp 3. cycle (v) c. trồng cây và hoa 4. walk to school (v)
d. sử dụng túi tái chế 5. use reusable bags (v) e. nhặt rác
Keys: 1c ; 2d ; 3b ; 4e ; 5a D. Homework:
- Reread the dialogue again 3 times at home.
- Learn by heart the new words - Do B1, 2 (p32, 33 WB)
- Get ready for A closer look 1 by finding new words and its demands. Period 89. Dạy bù
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- Use the lexical items related to the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled
- Say sentences with correct rhythm
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to be reduced, reused and recycled
b. Pronunciation: correct rhythm
2. Competence development: independent working, pairwork, linguistic
competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: industriousness, responsibility and honesty B. TEACHING AIDS
1. Teacher: Textbooks, Tivi, Laptop
2. Students: Textbooks. C. PROCEDURE I. Presentation 1. Warm up: Brainstorm
What ways of helping the environment?
- T asks Ss to give the ways of helping the environmnent - T leads new lesson 2.Vocabulary: - rubbish (n) rác (picture) - noise (n) tiếng ồn (picture) - reduce (v) giảm (explanation) - reuse (v)
tái sử dụng (explanation) - recycle (v) tái chế (explanation) II. Practice 1. Activity 1
- Have Ss read the information in the table and draw a line from a symbol in A to
the matching in B and its meaning in C - Ss work in pairs 2. Activity 2:
- Have Ss work individually to write the words/phrase in the box under the picture.
They then compare their answers in pairs. Keys: 1. rubbish 2. plastic bags 3. glass 4. plastic bottle 5. noise 6. paper 7. water 8. clothes 3. Activity 3:
Have Ss work in pairs to put the words from 2 in appropriate groups Keys:
Reduce: rubbish, noise, plastic bags, water Reuse: bottle, glass, paper..
Recycle: rubbish, plastic bags, bottle, glass, paper III. Pronunciation Rhythm in sentences Activity 4
T asks Ss to listen to the sentences. Have Ss work in pairs to practise reading the
sentences. Then T calls on some Ss to read the sentences aloud. Comment on Ss’ pronunciation
Activity 5: Listen and practise more rhythm in sentences
T asks Ss to listen to the sentences. Have Ss work in pairs to practise reading the
conversation. Then T calls on some Ss to read the conversation aloud Comment on Ss’ pronunciation IV. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary - Do A1, 2 (p32 WB)
- Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2