Giáo trình học phần Fundamentals of Financial Management | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

BA016U – Fundamentals of Financial Management provides students with basic concepts of financial management. The course is provided based on foundation knowledge of financial accounting and economics. This course may fulfill requirements of curriculum for students majoring in business administration in general; however is the foundation for students majoring in finance, banking and accounting. For those students that major in finance, banking and accounting, they can take higher level of courses in finance after this course, to count for some, Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions and Market, Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, International Finance, Business Analysis and Valuation, etc. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

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Giáo trình học phần Fundamentals of Financial Management | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

BA016U – Fundamentals of Financial Management provides students with basic concepts of financial management. The course is provided based on foundation knowledge of financial accounting and economics. This course may fulfill requirements of curriculum for students majoring in business administration in general; however is the foundation for students majoring in finance, banking and accounting. For those students that major in finance, banking and accounting, they can take higher level of courses in finance after this course, to count for some, Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions and Market, Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, International Finance, Business Analysis and Valuation, etc. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

104 52 lượt tải Tải xuống
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 1 | 8
Lecturer: Dr. Tien Nguyen (Rei)
Room: A1.305
E-mail: nc
Consultaon hours by appointment
lOMoARcPSD|47206417BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 2 | 8
2.1 Prerequisite courses: NA
2.2 Teaching mes and Locaons
Week Day
Dr. Tien Nguyen
10:30 – 12:45
A2. 601
2.3 Units of Credit: 3 credits
2.4 Parallel teaching in the course: N/A
2.5 Relaonship of this course to others
BA016U Fundamentals of Financial Management provides students with basic concepts of nancial
management. The course is provided based on foundaon knowledge of nancial accounng and economics.
This course may fulll requirements of curriculum for students majoring in business administraon in general;
however is the foundaon for students majoring in nance, banking and accounng. For those students that
major in nance, banking and accounng, they can take higher level of courses in nance aer this course, to
count for some, Corporate Finance, Financial Instuons and Market, Porolio Theory and Investment Analysis,
Internaonal Finance, Business Analysis and Valuaon, etc.
2.6 Approach to learning and teaching
The lecturer will ulize the following methods of instrucon: lecture, on-class tutorial, end-of-chapter acvies,
and self-study. Students are also encouraged to seek assistance outside class from the lecturer / tutor or through
group tutoring. The lecture materials will be uploaded in Blackboard to help the students to preview the materials
and to concentrate on listening and crical thinking during the lecture. This will help students to interact with
the lecturer during the classroom.
3.1 Course Aims
The aim of this course is to expose students to and familiarize them with the theorecal frameworks and praccal
maers of nancial management… The learning experience will include: an introducon to nancial
management; me value of money; techniques of pricing of nancial instruments such as bonds and stocks;
evaluaon of major projects; the relaonship between risk and return; an introducon to Capital Asset Pricing
Model (CAPM) and Porolio theory; and cost of capital and capital structuring.
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 3 | 8
3.2 Student Learning Outcomes
Aer compleng the course, students should be able to:
Explain the purpose, goals, and importance of nancial management;
Understand the relaonship between risk and return;
Understand me value of money and possess skills to convert nancial me values;
Make basic valuaon of bonds, stocks, and investment projects;
Evaluate capital budgeng alternaves, using the rm’s cost of capital in conjuncon with internal rate of
return and net present value techniques; Compute cost of capital and capital structure.
4.1 Workload
It is expected that the students will spend at least eight hours per week studying this course. This me should be
made up of reading, researching, working on exercises and problems, and aending classes.
4.2 Aendance
Students are expected to aend class regularly, and are responsible for materials covered during their absences.
Although it is the responsibility of the student for non-aendance, the lecturer has full authority to drop a
student for excessive absences. Exempons may only be made on medical grounds.
4.3 General Conduct and Behavior
Beepers, cell phones, and pagers need to be turned o before entering the classroom. The students are expected
to conduct themselves with consideraon and respect for the needs of the fellow students and teaching sta.
4.4 Keeping informed
The students should take note of all announcements made in lectures or on the course’s Blackboard. From me
to me, the university will send important announcements to their university e-mail addresses without providing
a paper copy. The students will be deemed to have received this informaon.
5.1 Formal Requirements
In order to pass this course, the students must:
lOMoARcPSD|47206417BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 4 | 8
achieve a composite mark of at least 50; and
make a sasfactory aempt at all assessment tasks (see below).
5.2 Assessment Details
Two Class Tests 20%
In-class Exercises 10%
Mid-Term Exam 30%
Final Exam 40%
Total 100%
Test 1 and 2 will be mulple choice quesons and will be held during class me, while mid-term and nal
exam will be a combinaon of short answer quesons, applicaon problems and mulple-choice
quesons. All of the tests and exams are closed book, but students are allowed to bring one A4 –
paper into the exam room.
5.3 Special Consideraon
Request for special consideraon (for nal examinaon only) must be made to the Oce of Academic
Aairs within one week aer the examinaon. General policy and informaon on special consideraon
can be found at the Oce of Academic Aairs.
Plagiarism is the presentaon of the thoughts or work of another as one’s own (denion proposed by
the University of Newcastle). The university regards plagiarism as a form of academic misconduct, and has
very strict rules regarding plagiarism.1
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 5 | 8
7.1 Course Resources Required textbook:
Note: the course will cover Chapter 1 - 12
Recommended readings: Recommended
website: www.
Other recommended books:
Brigham, E. F. and Houston, J. F. Fundamentals of Financial Management, South-Western
Ross, S. A., Westereld, R. W., and Jordan, B. D. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance - McGraw Hill.
Addional materials provided in Blackboard
The lecturer will aempt to make lecture notes and addional reading available on Blackboard. However
this is not an automac entlement for students doing this subject. Note that this is not a distance learning
course, and you are expected to aend lectures and take notes. This way, you will get the addional benet
of class interacon and demonstraon.
7.2 Other Resources, Support and Informaon
Addional learning assistance is available for students in this course and will be made available in
Blackboard. Academic journal arcles are available through connecons via the VNU - Central Library.
Recommended arcles will be duly informed to the students.
Learning materials
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 6 | 8
Introducon to corporate nance
Corporaon and Goals of the corporaon
Agency problems
Financial Decision
Investment Decision
Financing Decision
Working Capital Management
Roles of Financial Manager
Funcons of nancial markets and intermediates
Textbook, Chapter 1
2 & 3
Time Value of Money
Basic concepts
Time line/ Future values (FV)/ Present values (PV)
Simple interest rate (SR)/ Compound interest rate(CR)
Mulple cash ows
Future value of Mulple Cash Flows
Present value of Mulple Cash Flows
Annuity cash ow
Future Value of an Annuity
Present Value of an Annuity
Perpetuity cash ows
Present Value of a Perpetuity
Textbook, Chapter 4
On-class tutorials
Time Value of Money (Cont.)
Growing annuity cash ow
Future Value of an growing annuity
Present Value of an growing annuity
Mortgage loans
Inaon and me value of money: Real versus nominal cash ows
Eecve annual interest rates (EAR)
Textbook, Chapter 4
On-class tutorials
5 & 6
Bonds and their evaluaon
Textbook, Chapter 5
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 7 | 8
Bond characteriscs
Bond evaluaon
Coupon bonds, semi-annual coupon bonds
Zero-coupon bonds
Bond yield
Current yield
Yield to maturity (YTM)
Rate of return
Relaonship between market interest rate and bond price
Bond premiums and bond discounts
On-class tutorials
7 & 8
Stock and their evaluaon
Equity versus debt
Common stocks vs. Preferred stocks
Book values, Liquidaon values, and Market values
Stock valuaon: Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
Zero growth common stocks
Constant growth common stocks
Dierenal growth common stocks
Preferred stocks
Growth stocks and Income stocks
Textbook, Chapter 6
On-class tutorials
9 & 10
Project Investment Criteria and Capital Budgeng Decision
Capital budgeng decision
Capital budgeng process
Project classicaons
Net Present Value (NPV) method
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method
Payback Period (PP)/ Discount Payback period (DPP) method
Protability Index (PI)
Textbook, Chapters 7
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 8 | 8
10 & 11
Project Investment Criteria and Capital Budgeng (Cont.)
Principles of idenfying cash ows
Calculang Cash Flows
Capital investment
Operang cash ows
Textbook, Chapter 8
Investment in working capital
Terminal-year incremental cash ow
Introducon to Risk, Return and Opportunity Cost of Capital
Introducon relaonship between Risk and Return
Rates of return
Measuring risk: Variance and standard deviaon Risk
and diversicaon:
Asset versus porolio risk
Variance and standard deviaon of returns for a two-asset
Unique risk versus market risk
Textbook, Chapter 10
Risk, Return and capital budgeng
Measuring market risk
Concept of beta
Porolio betas
Risk and return
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Security Market Line (SML)
Capital budgeng and Project Risk
Textbook, Chapter 11
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
P a g e 9 | 8
Capital Structure and Cost of Capital
Measuring capital structure
Market versus book weight
Cost of capital
Cost of debt
Cost of equity: cost of preferred stock and common stock Cost
of retained earning
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and business evaluaon
Textbook, Chapter 12
Note: The tutorials are following Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C. and Marcus, A.J. Fundamentals of Corporate
Finance, McGraw Hill, 5th Edion
The syllabus is prepared following the format provided by the School of Organizaon and Management, University
of New South Wales, with kind permission.
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Preview text:

BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
Consultation hours by appointment P a g e 1 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen lOMoARcPSD|47206417 2. COURSE INFORMATION 2.1 Prerequisite courses: NA
2.2 Teaching times and Locations Lecture Week Day Time Venue Dr. Tien Nguyen Wednesday 10:30 – 12:45 A2. 601
2.3 Units of Credit: 3 credits
2.4 Parallel teaching in the course: N/A
2.5 Relationship of this course to others
BA016U – Fundamentals of Financial Management provides students with basic concepts of financial
management. The course is provided based on foundation knowledge of financial accounting and economics.
This course may fulfill requirements of curriculum for students majoring in business administration in general;
however is the foundation for students majoring in finance, banking and accounting. For those students that
major in finance, banking and accounting, they can take higher level of courses in finance after this course, to
count for some, Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions and Market, Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis,
International Finance, Business Analysis and Valuation, etc.
2.6 Approach to learning and teaching
The lecturer will utilize the following methods of instruction: lecture, on-class tutorial, end-of-chapter activities,
and self-study. Students are also encouraged to seek assistance outside class from the lecturer / tutor or through
group tutoring. The lecture materials will be uploaded in Blackboard to help the students to preview the materials
and to concentrate on listening and critical thinking during the lecture. This will help students to interact with
the lecturer during the classroom. 3. COURSE AIMS AND OUTCOMES 3.1 Course Aims
The aim of this course is to expose students to and familiarize them with the theoretical frameworks and practical
matters of financial management… The learning experience will include: an introduction to financial
management; time value of money; techniques of pricing of financial instruments such as bonds and stocks;
evaluation of major projects; the relationship between risk and return; an introduction to Capital Asset Pricing
Model (CAPM) and Portfolio theory; and cost of capital and capital structuring. P a g e 2 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen 3.2 Student Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, students should be able to:
• Explain the purpose, goals, and importance of financial management;
• Understand the relationship between risk and return;
• Understand time value of money and possess skills to convert financial time values;
• Make basic valuation of bonds, stocks, and investment projects;
• Evaluate capital budgeting alternatives, using the firm’s cost of capital in conjunction with internal rate of
return and net present value techniques; Compute cost of capital and capital structure.
It is expected that the students will spend at least eight hours per week studying this course. This time should be
made up of reading, researching, working on exercises and problems, and attending classes. 4.2 Attendance
Students are expected to attend class regularly, and are responsible for materials covered during their absences.
Although it is the responsibility of the student for non-attendance, the lecturer has full authority to drop a
student for excessive absences. Exemptions may only be made on medical grounds.
4.3 General Conduct and Behavior
Beepers, cell phones, and pagers need to be turned off before entering the classroom. The students are expected
to conduct themselves with consideration and respect for the needs of the fellow students and teaching staff. 4.4 Keeping informed
The students should take note of all announcements made in lectures or on the course’s Blackboard. From time
to time, the university will send important announcements to their university e-mail addresses without providing
a paper copy. The students will be deemed to have received this information. 5. LEARNING ASSESSMENT 5.1 Formal Requirements
In order to pass this course, the students must: P a g e 3 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen lOMoARcPSD|47206417
• achieve a composite mark of at least 50; and
• make a satisfactory attempt at all assessment tasks (see below). 5.2 Assessment Details Two Class Tests 20% In-class Exercises 10% Mid-Term Exam 30% Final Exam 40% Total 100%
Test 1 and 2 will be multiple choice questions and will be held during class time, while mid-term and final
exam will be a combination of short answer questions, application problems and multiple-choice
questions. All of the tests and exams are closed book, but students are allowed to bring one A4 – paper into the exam room. 5.3 Special Consideration
Request for special consideration (for final examination only) must be made to the Office of Academic
Affairs within one week after the examination. General policy and information on special consideration
can be found at the Office of Academic Affairs.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the thoughts or work of another as one’s own (definition proposed by
the University of Newcastle). The university regards plagiarism as a form of academic misconduct, and has
very strict rules regarding plagiarism.1 P a g e 4 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen 7. STUDENT RESOURCES
7.1 Course Resources Required textbook:
Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C. and Marcus, A.J. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill (any recent edition)
Note: the course will cover Chapter 1 - 12
Recommended readings: Recommended
website: Other recommended books:
Brigham, E. F. and Houston, J. F. Fundamentals of Financial Management, South-Western
Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., and Jordan, B. D. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance - McGraw Hill.
Additional materials provided in Blackboard
The lecturer will attempt to make lecture notes and additional reading available on Blackboard. However
this is not an automatic entitlement for students doing this subject. Note that this is not a distance learning
course, and you are expected to attend lectures and take notes. This way, you will get the additional benefit
of class interaction and demonstration.
7.2 Other Resources, Support and Information
Additional learning assistance is available for students in this course and will be made available in
Blackboard. Academic journal articles are available through connections via the VNU - Central Library.
Recommended articles will be duly informed to the students. 8. COURSE SCHEDULE: Week Topic Learning materials P a g e 5 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen 1 Textbook, Chapter 1
Introduction to corporate finance Introduction
Corporation and Goals of the corporation Agency problems Financial Decision Investment Decision Financing Decision Working Capital Management Roles of Financial Manager
Functions of financial markets and intermediates 2 & 3 Textbook, Chapter 4 Time Value of Money On-class tutorials Basic concepts
Time line/ Future values (FV)/ Present values (PV)
Simple interest rate (SR)/ Compound interest rate(CR) Multiple cash flows
Future value of Multiple Cash Flows
Present value of Multiple Cash Flows Annuity cash flow Future Value of an Annuity Present Value of an Annuity Perpetuity cash flows Present Value of a Perpetuity 4 Textbook, Chapter 4 Time Value of Money (Cont.) On-class tutorials Growing annuity cash flow
Future Value of an growing annuity
Present Value of an growing annuity Mortgage loans
Inflation and time value of money: Real versus nominal cash flows
Effective annual interest rates (EAR) 5 & 6 Bonds and their evaluation Textbook, Chapter 5 P a g e 6 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen Bond characteristics On-class tutorials Bond evaluation
Coupon bonds, semi-annual coupon bonds Zero-coupon bonds Bond yield Current yield Yield to maturity (YTM) Rate of return
Relationship between market interest rate and bond price
Bond premiums and bond discounts 7 & 8 Textbook, Chapter 6 Stock and their evaluation On-class tutorials Equity versus debt
Common stocks vs. Preferred stocks
Book values, Liquidation values, and Market values
Stock valuation: Dividend Discount Model (DDM) Zero growth common stocks Constant growth common stocks
Differential growth common stocks Preferred stocks
Growth stocks and Income stocks 9 & 10 Textbook, Chapters 7
Project Investment Criteria and Capital Budgeting Decision Capital budgeting decision Capital budgeting process Project classifications
Net Present Value (NPV) method
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method
Payback Period (PP)/ Discount Payback period (DPP) method Profitability Index (PI) P a g e 7 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen
10 & 11 Project Investment Criteria and Capital Budgeting (Cont.) Textbook, Chapter 8
Principles of identifying cash flows Calculating Cash Flows Capital investment Operating cash flows Investment in working capital
Terminal-year incremental cash flow 12 Textbook, Chapter 10
Introduction to Risk, Return and Opportunity Cost of Capital
Introduction relationship between Risk and Return Rates of return
Measuring risk: Variance and standard deviation Risk and diversification: Diversification Asset versus portfolio risk
Variance and standard deviation of returns for a two-asset portfolio
Unique risk versus market risk 13 Textbook, Chapter 11
Risk, Return and capital budgeting Measuring market risk Concept of beta Portfolio betas Risk and return
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Security Market Line (SML)
Capital budgeting and Project Risk P a g e 8 | 8
BA016IU – Fundamentals of Financial Management | Dr. Tien Nguyen 14 Textbook, Chapter 12
Capital Structure and Cost of Capital Measuring capital structure Market versus book weight Cost of capital Cost of debt
Cost of equity: cost of preferred stock and common stock Cost of retained earning
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and business evaluation 15 Revision
Note: The tutorials are following Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C. and Marcus, A.J. Fundamentals of Corporate
Finance, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition
i The syllabus is prepared following the format provided by the School of Organization and Management, University
of New South Wales, with kind permission. P a g e 9 | 8