Giáo trình Học phần Translation - Ngôn Ngữ Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng

Giáo trình Học phần Translation - Ngôn Ngữ Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

***** & *****
Compiled by Division of Translation and Interpretation
Danang 2018
Course Name: Translation 1
No. of Credits: 3
Course Length: periods/ 15 classes/ 15 weeks 45
Course Objectives
The course aims at developing students’ elementary skills of translation between English and
Vietnamese and building students’ repertoire of content knowledge, structures and vocabulary
through guided text analysis and translation practice. The course also engages learners with
individual, pair and group work activities through which they can demonstrate their autonomous,
collaborative and life-long learning.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Upon completing the course, students will be able to …
- DEVELOP elementary skills and techniques to produce natural and comprehensible
translations of common English structures into Vietnamese and vice versa
- APPLY linguistic and cultural knowledge relating to English and Vietnamese language for
rendering short texts into the target language
- BUILD a repertoire of content knowledge, common structures, and active vocabulary relating
to common topics
- DEVELOP skills of working individually and effectively in a team via individual, pair and group
work for handling translation tasks
Teaching and Learning Modes
Teachers will conduct the text analysis and guided translation as whole class activities.
Learners are to work in groups on vocabulary exercises and translation practice. Learners will
have to show their individual performance on basis of series of home tasks. As this course is
developed on both academic and practical assumptions, students will be able to work with
authentic materials and acquire some theoretical background knowledge concerning
translation career.
Course Assessment
On-going assessment
Attendance + In-class participation (individual, pair, group work)
Translation logbook (Individual work)
Collaborative translation task (Group work)
Mini written test (Individual work)
End-of-term assessment
Written test (Individual work)
Table of Contents
Translation Notes
Language and Culture:
Quebec’s Language Law
Impersonal Structures
“There” and “It”
Language and
Culture collocations
Compulsory Cooking Classes
Units of Translation and
Free Translation
Education Spider
Public Transport to be Felt
Passive Sentences
Translation of Lexis
Social Issues terms
Mobile Phones in Vietnam
Comparative expressions
Synonyms in Translation
Verbs showing
market changes
Ardent Lovers of Beach
Relative Clauses
Translation of Extreme
Adjectives and Other
Compelling Words
Health and Fitness:
Fresh fruit and vegetables for
good health
Cause-Effect and other
Relationships in Scientific
Translation of
Geographical and
Institutional Names
Diseases Causes
and Preventions
Further Practice
Read the text and find out what the new language law in Quebec says.
Quebec's Language Laws
Walking around the streets of the world's second largest francophone city, it’s difficult
to believe that laws are needed to guarantee the continuing use of French. Most passers-by are
speaking French, most of the shop names and advertisements are in French, and French is the
language of business and commerce.
While English options are given on telephone call cent lines, French is the first language re
used when you get to speak to anyone. But many Quebeckers feel that they continue to fight
for their language in the one major area of North America where English isn't the dominant
language. As a result there's a language charter which says that signs must use bigger writing
for the French version and that shopkeepers should address their customers in French first.
Most children go to French schools and only those whose parents were born in the province
can go to English-speaking ones.
(From BBC Learning English by Mike Fox)
francophone city city where the main language is French a
call centre a central location where big companies ha many operators answering their ve
dominant strongest or most widely used
a language charter - a written stateme which says what languages must be used nt
address to say some ing directly somebody th
Collocation refers to the way in which some words regularly occur together.
a. NOUN- VERB collocation: is a noun-verb collocation. Other verbs that Options are given”
collocate with are , , , . option have take promise etc
- Students of studying abroad in their second year. have the option
Sinh viên h l a ch c ngoài. ọc đến năm hay có thể ọn đi học nướ
- A savings plan that the option to vary your monthly payments gives you
Một chương trình tiế ạn thay đổt kim cho phép b i khon tin tr theo tng tháng.
- He has promised me on his car. first option
Anh ta h a s ưu tiên cho tôi khi nào bán xe.
b. NOUN-NOUN collocation: Call centre” is a combination of two nouns: call centre and . There
are other combinations with , or call centre: call centre jobs call centre officer.
Translating collocations imposes some problems: Firstly, there is no "one- e" relationship to-on
between SL and TL collocations. Secondly, translating an isolated term c be different from an
rendering the same term from a context. Finally, translation of new collocations might require a
lot of research in both languages. In Vietnamese " " is call centre trung tâm chăm sóc khách hàng
qua điện thoại”.
- While English option are given on , French is the first language used telephone call centre lines
when you get to speak to anyone. (Mc d u ti c s d ng t i các trung tâm ếng Anh đượ chăm
sóc khách hàng qua điệ ức khi ngườn thoi, tiếng Pháp li ngôn ng chính th i ta bt chuyn
vi nhau.)
a. It + Verb + Adjective / Noun + to-infinitive-clause / that-clauseIt structure: is used to show
impersonal emotional reactions, advisability, necessity, probability or hearsa y:
Walking around the streets of the world's second largest francophone city, it's difficult to
believe that laws are needed to guarantee the continuing use French. ( ) emotional reaction
Nếu d o quanh thành ph nói ti ng Pháp lế n th hai trên th ế gii này thì bn s không th tin
đượ c r ng l i c n lu duy trì v c a ti ng Pháp ần đế ật pháp để thế ế đây.
It is important to have healthy teeth because go teeth not only help us chew food but also od
help us look nice. ( ) necessity
Cn phi m c khột hàm răng chắ e // m c kh u cột hàm răng chắ ỏe điề n thiết vì răng
kh e không nhng giúp ta nhai t t mà còn t o ra m t din mo d thương.
It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. ( ) probability
Tình hinh cho th y có th o bí m t. hai nhà lãnh đạo đang tiến hành thương thả
b. There structure : There + Verbs of existence/ appearance + Noun
There is, are, was, were, will be, may be are used to introduce rather than to describe
something that exists, happens or takes place. Other verbs are also used in place of be: remain/
appear/ come.
As a result, there's a language charter which says that signs must use bigger writing for the
French version.
Kết qu m o lu t v ngôn ng nh các c a hàng ph i vi t bi n hi ột đạ đã ra đời, quy đị ế u
bng ch tiếng Pháp l ớn hơn.
There are some mistakes in this translation.
Có m t vài l i trong b n d ch này. // B n d ch này có m t vài l i.
During the oil refinery strike, there was enormous petrol queue.
Th i kì nhà máy l c dầu đình công, ở ạm xăng ngườ ếp hàng đông đặ các tr i ta x c.
Translate the text into Vietnamese, paying attention to impersonal expressions and the
way nouns are combined with other words.
1. Work in pairs or groups to write down as many as possible noun collocations of culture
and language, like street culture or ancient language.
Street culture
ancient language
2. Complete the following sentences with words to make appropriate collocations
1. The ______________ language of Singapore is Malay for historical reasons, and it is used in the
national anthem, "Majulah singapura". The ______________ languages are English, Malay,
Mandarin and Tamil.
2. Latin is an ____________ Indo-European language that was spoken in the Roman Kingdom, the
Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. It was also the language of science and scholarship in
mid and western Europe until the 17th century.
3. The term "___________ culture" itself is of 19th century coinage, in original usage referring to
the education and "culturedness" of the lower classes. culture often contrasts with ___________
a more exclusive, even elitist "high culture,", that is, the culture ruling social groups. of
4. Culture ___________ is a feeling of confusion and anxiety that someone experiences when
they visit or go to live in a place with a very different culture, especially a different country,
where they do not know how to behave and what is appropriate and what is not.
5. Children's ___________ culture refers to the cumulative culture created by young children. It is
most common in children between the ages of seven and twelve. It is strongest in urban working
class industrial districts where children are traditionally free to "play out" in the streets for long
periods without supervision.
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. Pay attention to impersonal
expressions and collocations.
1. It is a pity that you never took the trouble to get to
know her properly before she died.
2. to watch six horses come around a It ought to be fun
turn where there is room for only two.
3. His parents supported him all those years, so it is only
right and proper that he should take care of them now.
4. It was clear from the graceful way in which the girl
moved that she had had proper ballet training.
5. Below the castle . there stretches a vast plain
6. At that moment there came an intolerably violent knock
on the door.
7. It is now extremely popular to take a gap year between
school and university or university and work, and to spend
it travelling. There are plenty of reasons to recommend it.
The most important one is that “travel broadens the
8. Throughout the United States, there is a movement to
preserve the cultures and languages of American Indians.
This movement is not meant to replace the use of the
English language but to encourage the learning of and
respect for Native Americans' heritage and their
contributions to American society.
9. There are more speakers of English in India than in
Britain, perhaps seventy million, and their sounds range
from the most pukka "Oxbridge" enunciations to the
obscure pidgins of the streets.
10. There are also other schools which have been
experimenting with curricula that integrate language
subjects with mathematics and the sciences, using both
English and a second language.
11. Students of English can easily make themselves
understood using a minimal amount of idiomatic
language, but some feel it is a necessity to learn them and
then use them as often as possible to make a good
impression and show how good their language is.
12. In a primitive society, family and tribe provide all the
education that the young receive, and are the sole
transmitters of culture. But when language characters
develop and an alphabet and number system have
reached a certain stage for some , there comes a demand
formal teaching and so schools are established for a select
few - prospective rulers and priests - to supplement the
education given by family and tribe.
2. Translate the following sentences into English, using impersonal expressions where possible.
1. Không làm m t vi c ngay t u bao gi dàng đầ cũng dễ
hơn là dừ ệc đang làm dởng li mt công vi dang.
2. Nhi ng cu c s ng ngày càng ph c tều người nghĩ rằ p
do cách con người đối x vi nhau.
3. H c thu c lòng th l ợi nhưng quan trọng hơn
chúng ta ph i th t s u mình h hiểu được điề c.
4. Để xây dng mt qu c gia v i 54 dân t c anh em
thành m t c ng th ng nh t v ng, m nh, ộng đồ ràng
cn m o luột đạ ật quy định tiếng Vit ngôn ng
chính th c ch c ng truy n th ng ch qu viết
chính th c ta.c của nướ
5. Vi ết Nam ch y u ba vùng phương nghữ chính:
phương ngữ ắc, phương ngữ trung phương ngữ b
nam. Các phương này khác nhau chủ yếu ng âm, ri
đế n t v ng, cui cùng là mt chút khác bi t ng pháp.
6. hai dòng sông l n ch vào H ảy qua Đông Âu đổ c
Hải đượ ều ngườc nhi i trên khp thế gii biết tên, nh
đã đi vào những tác phm ngh thut ni tiếng. Đó
sông Đanuyp vớ ạc “Sông Đanuyp xanh” củi bn nh a nhà
son nh c n i ti ếng người Áo Johann Strauss sông
Đông vớ ết “Sông Đông êm đềm” của văn i b tiu thuy
hào Nga Xô Vi t Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov. ế
7. Giáo Daniel Struve, Trưở Văn ng Khoa Ngôn ng
minh Á Đông, Đạ ết: “Ngày i hc Paris Diderot 7 cho bi
nay, Vi c phát tri ng, có ệt Nam đang là một nướ ển năng độ
lch s i, nhi i Pháp c m tìn văn hóa lâu đờ ều ngườ h
đặ c bit vi Vi t Nam. Không do chúng tôi
không khuy n khíchế các b n sinh viên c a chúng tôi theo
hc ti ng Vi ế ệt.”
8. Không th n r ng s phát tri n c a phim nh, ph nh
các xu hướ các nướng thi trang các gu m thc t c
ngoài đã làm cho cuộ ủa con ngườc sng c i Vit nam
phong phú hơn, tuy nhiên cũng không th tránh kh i
nhng ng tiêu c c nhà. ảnh hưở ực đến văn hóa nướ
Further readings and translation practice
Preserving Native Cultures and Languages at
Viết như là dịch thut at
Read the text and find out what the aim of these cooking classes is.
English teenagers are to receive
compulsory cooking lessons in
schools. The idea is to encourage
eatingeating to combat the
spiralingspiraling obesity rate. It's
feared that basic cooking and food
preparation skills are being lost as
parents turn to
convenience foods.
The new lessons are due to
tt in September but some schools without kitchens
will be given longer to
adaptadapt. There is also likely to be a shortage of teachers with
the right skills, since the trend has been to
teachteach food technology rather than
practical cooking. Also the compulsory lessons for hands on cooking will only be
one hour a week for one term.
But the well-known cookery writer, Pru Leith, believes it will be worth it. She said: "If
we'd done this thirty years ago we might not have the crisis we've got now about
obesity and lack of knowledge about food and so on. Every child should know how
to cook, not just so that they'll be healthy, but because it's a life skill which is a real
pleasure and we deny children that pleasure."
(Adapted from BBC Learning English by Jon Devitt)
obesity extreme fatness
to adapt to change so that they are suitable
compulsory something you are obliged or have to do
hands on practical, making or doing something with your hands
a life skill knowledge that you can use all your life, that will help you outside of
A verbal is a form of verb; infinitive, gerund or participle, but works as a noun, an adjective or
The idea is
to encourage healthy eating to combat spiralling obesity rate the country’s
infinitive, noun gerund, noun infinitive, adverb participle, adjective
( Mục đích của chương trình này nh m khuyến khích thói quen hăn uống p góp ph n
ch ng l i tình tr ng m c bnh béo phì ngày càng tăng nhanh trong nước.)
Unit of translation refers to the SL unit which can be recreated into TL without addition of other
meaning elements from the SL text. (Newmark, 1984). One unit can be a word, a phrase, a
sentence or even a paragraph, which is usually decided by SL text type. In an informative text like
this article, UN is normally a collocation or a phrase.
English teenagers/ are to receive/ compulsory cooking lessons/ in schools. / The idea/ is/ to
encourage healthy eating/ to combat/ the country's spiralling obesity rate.
Tr em nước Anh s được ti p nh n các gi h c n ng b t bu ng hế ấu nướ ộc trong trườ c. Ý tưởng
ca vi c này nh m khuy n khích vi ng lành m ế ệc ăn uố ạnh để chng l i t l béo phì đang ngày
càng tăng tại đất nước này.
However, translators tend to expand UT to sentence, applying what is called free translation.
Free translation is to convey the message or content without paying much attention to the form
of the source language text. If the text is mainly informative in function, Vietnamese readers then
need to get accurate information in a smooth and easy- -understand, though a bit longer, text. to
Sp ti môn hc n ng s ng trung hấu nướ dược đưa vào chương trình chính khóa trong các trư c
ca Anh. M a vi i m i này nh m khuy n khích các em hình ục đích củ ệc đổ ế thành thói quen ăn
ung b dưỡng, lành m nh, góp ph ần ngăn chặn căn bệnh béo phì đang ngày càng gia tăng trong
Read the text, cut the sentences into UT and translate into Vietnamese. Pay attention to
the following noun collocations.
compulsory cooking lessons spiralling obesity rate
food preparation skills convenience foods
shortage of teachers food technology
practical cooking hands on cooking
cookery writer lack of knowledge life skill
1. How do these words relate to each other? Draw a spider diagram on these words to
expand your vocabulary of education.
association loan semester encourage
lessons private curriculum measures
deadline video degree employment
drop out innovation score oversea
secondary subsidized grants fees
society performance undergraduate education
classes first degree scholarship bill
Degree Employment
2. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the task above.
1. Cookery _______________ are to be compulsory in England's secondary schools for children
aged 11 to 14. Pupils will learn to cook for an hour a week for one _______________. Poorer
pupils' ingredients will be _______________.
2. With the abolition of _______________ and introduction of _______________ most students
are stretched particularly if students are paying tuition fees out of the _______________.
3. Some twenty years ago, the performance of girls and boys in class was compared. Boys
_______________ better in exams, so various measures were introduced to improve the
_______________ of girls, including holding single sex girl-only _______________.
4. As the pool of unskilled jobs shrinks in rich countries, the prospects for future
_______________ will depend increasingly on as many people as possible getting a good
5. The Indian government has introduced a _______________ in parliament to force
_______________ universities admit fixed numbers of students from traditionally disadvantaged
low castes and tribes.
1. Translate the sentences with verbals into Vietnamese in different ways, trying both
literal and free translation methods.
1. Upbringing is obviously important in forming your attitude
to the world.
2. Impressed by her friendly manner and self-assurance, he
decided to offer her the job.
3. Situated in the heart of England, Stratford upon Avon is
a town rich in both history and culture.
4. Disheartened by so much criticism, she resolved never to
write another novel.
5. Canada's 90 universities are government regulated and
maintain very high standards, ranking among the highest in
the world.
6. Australia has been actively promoting its educational
sector in Vietnam to exploit growing demand in the country
to obtain higher education in English.
7. Expanded vocational training for older students would
teach them the skills needed to earn a living and also
improve the quality of their village.
8. Setting up good communication now gives you a head start
for your child's upcoming teen years, when it will become
even harder and the topics even more tricky and
9. A study of 1,300 teachers and 10 schools by the Royal
Horticultural Society (RHS) showed that taking part in
gardening can make a child feel happy and boost their
development. It also encouraged pupils to become more
active in solving problems, as well as boosting literacy and
numeracy skills.
10. It remains true that the family is the first educator and a
life-long influence. But in our modern way of life, the
functions of the family tend to diminish, some to be assumed
by school and still more by other agencies.
11. When you are only a beginner at learning an instrument,
it is difficult to imagine eve becoming a professional r
musician. Even if you are very enthusiastic about the piano or
violin, unless you begin serious training in your childhood you
will find it difficult to achieve the level of perfection
necessary for a concert performance.
2. Work in groups to cut the sentences into UTs and translate them into English.
1. Người ta thường cho rng kinh nghim ca tr trong
những năm đầ ết địu vai trò to ln trong vic quy nh tính
cách và nhân cách sau này c a tr .
2. Thích nghi hòa nh p v i cu c s ng m ột đất nước
khác điề ; đây chính điều không h d dàng u các bc
ph huynh cần lưu ý khi l a chon du hcho con đi c. Có mc
tiêu rõ ràng, chu n b s c kh e t t, bi t s ng t l p là nh ng ế
điều c n thiết ph huynh nên chu n b cho con mình.
3. B trói bu c trong b n b ng c a l p h c, c giáo viên ức tườ
ln h c sinh tr thành nh i x ki n th c th ững ngườ ế
độ ng. Các c ngochương trình h i khóa, tìm hiu th c tế v.v
ít hoặc không được đưa vào giả ạy. Phương pháp đó ng d
làm h c sinh ù lì, thui ch t d n kh năng sáng tạo.
4. Giáo d c âm nh n nâng cao kh ạc phương tiệ năng trí
tu ng, giúp h c sinh phát tri ển trí tưở tượng, cng c kiến
thc thông qua hc tp. Làm quen vi âm nhc sm ngay t
lp 1,2 s giúp tr phát tri n toàn di n, hài hòa.
5. Cu n th c t c nhộc thi đến năm nay đã lầ 3 đượ ch m
phát hi n nh ng chuyên gia công ngh thông tin tr tài năng
dưới 30 tui nh i góp phững ngườ n xây d ng n n kinh t tri ế
thc cho VN.
6. Nhiu môn h c m i các ho ng ngo ạt độ ại khóa được
đưa và chương trình học nhm trang b cho sinh viên nhng
k năng mềm cho cu c s ng công vi ệc sau này như làm
vic nhóm, k n bi n, năng thuyết trình, duy phả gii
quyết v giao ti p b ng ngo i ng Trong b i cấn đề, ế ữ… nh
hin nay, nh ng k i cho sinh viên l i th năng này mang lạ ế
cnh tranh trên th trường vi c làm c trong và ngoài nước.
Further readings and translation practice
Practice more with verbals at
Improve your vocabulary of education at
Practice translating education news from Vietnamese at
Read the text and find out what problem is mentioned and what solutions are proposed.
The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes
many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of
accidents. Clearly, , but it is often difficult to persuade people to something must be done
change their halls and leave their cars at home.
One possible approach is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by increasing
charges for parking and bringing in tougher' fines for anyone who breaks the law. In
addition, for using particular routes at different times of drivers could be required to pay
the day. This system, known as 'road pricing', in a number of is already being introduced
cities, using a special electronic card fixed to the windscreen of the car.
Of course, the most important thing is to provide good public transport. However, to get
people to give up the comfort of their cars, public transport to be reliable, must be felt
convenient and comfortable, with fares at an acceptable level. kept
charge the amount of money that sb asks for goods and services
fine a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule
fare money that you pay to travel bus, plane, taxi, etc. the by
English Passive sentences can be rendered into Vietnamese in different ways according to their
meanings. In many cases, they will become active sentences, especially when they express
requests, notices or hearsay. Let us look at the following examples.
a. Actions, rather than the action doer, are emphasized
e.g. More measures to improve traffic jams in big cities. should be taken
o Cần phải tiến hành nhi u bi ện pháp hơn nữa để th ci thin tình trng giao thông tc
ngh n.n trong các thành ph l
b. Requests or notices
e.g. Passengers to keep their seatbelts fastened whenever they are seated. are advised
o Quý khách cài dây an toàn trong su t chuy n bay. nên ế
c. Things done by other people or through services
e.g. She will in the living-room. have an air-conditioner installed
o y s trong phòng khách. cho l u hòaắp điề
d. Bad luck or misfortune
e.g. The man by a bee when he was working in the garden. got stung
o Người đàn ông khi đang làm vườbị ong chích n.
e. Hearsay/ Reporting evidentials
e.g. D báo trong năm 2007 sẽ hơn mộ ệt Nam đi du lịch nướ t triu khách Vi c ngoài bng
máy bay.
o It is expected that there will be over one million Vietnamese travelling abroad via aviation
in 2007.
If you understand better the action, the actor and the reason behind each action, you can make
several different translations. Read the text again to find out what they mean by
- something must be done (what is something? must be done about what? who must do that? and
who says that?)
- drivers cou be required to payld (who requires the drivers to do so? why?)
- This system is already being introduced (what is the system? who introduce it? what do they do
exactly to introduce it?)
- transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient, and comfortable (who need to feel that way?
why is this feeling a "must"?)
- fare (must be) kept (who is going to keep the fare at that level? why?)
The biggest difficulties in translating are with words. It might be hard to pick up the right one out
of all different meanings of a word and it is the translator’s job to consider what the word
actually refers to and decide among all alternatives to find out the best Vietnamese equivalent in
the context. In the following example, the word may have more than a dozen of charge
Vietnamese equivalents. However, there is only one Vietnamese equivalent of from the charge
Charge (noun)
Colloquial/ slang
- n, ti n công, ti
cước phí
- l i bu c t i
- con chiên, tín đồ,
hc trò
- trách nhi m
- gánh n ng
- s c m nh, n
tượng, s mãnh
lit, lôi cun
- s n n ạp điệ
- ng thu c n lượ
- c công kích cu
- thu c lá, ma túy
Work in pairs to give equivalents for the words underlined in the following phrases and
- volume of traffic (n)
- lengthy delays (noun, count)
- charges for parking (noun)
- tougher fines (adj)
- road pricing (noun)
- provide good public transport (adj)
- give up on the comfort of their cars
- public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable
- acceptable level
Work in pair and translate the text into Vietnamese.
Work in groups to build up lists of words and phrases relating to common social issues in Vietnam
and put them in the aspects given below. If there are some issues that do not belong to these
aspects, build up a box of your own groups with its own name. Vote among groups the seven
most common issues.
Children and Education
gender education, physical abuse, ………………………………………….
Population and Development
poverty elimination, traffic congestion, ……………………………………
worker’s strikes, safety, …………………………………………………………..
medical rising costs, swine flu, ………………………………………………..
1. Translate the sentences into Vietnamese, paying attention to passive structures.
1. Letters to the editor are welcomed, but not all can be
2. Guests that no visitors are are courteously reminded
permitted in the room after 10p.m.
3. The management cannot be held responsible for the
theft or loss of valuables not at deposited for safekeeping
the reception.
4. His doctor is trying to a special to get him admitted
hospital where he will be properly looked after.
5. In the past, only those who are it was thought that
emotionally unstable . could be hypnotized
6. Following the earthquake, the government decided to
have whole section of the city completely rebuilt.
7. It is not known exactly how man discovered the use of
fire at early times. He must have seen forest fires,
perhaps by lightning, and have learned the started
terrible danger of fire.
8. Increasingly, voices are being raised in India and
abroad, questioning the wisdom and warning of the
consequences of sending such a massive number of new
cheap cars onto the roads.
9. The sudden increase in fuel costs has had very negative
effects on airline business. One of the effects is that
airlines are thought to contribute approximately 3% of
the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. Many of today’s
travellers are concerned about the “carbon footprint” of
their flights and this has an effect on on passenger
10. When , instruction low results are obtained must be
given to improve the quality of the concrete mix.
11. in the pursuit of their Chinese women are aided
career by the fact that child care is affordable and
accessible. In America, good quality child care is very
expensive. Many women live too far from their parents
and siblings for them to help out with child care.
12. A boom in the rate of divorce may soon be the
newest unwanted trend. New pension laws are being
passed by the government that will entitle wives to half
of their husband’s pension once their marriage has
2. Translate into English the sentences and the italicized in the paragraphs, using learnt
1. T c ngh n giao thông N i v n m t v hóc ấn đề
búa, nh t vào gi m, m c nhi ng ph cao điể ều đườ
đã đượ ống đèn giao thông hiện đại đã c m rng và h th
được l ắp đặt.
2. Quý khách không nên đ nhng v t d ụng như tiền, đồ
trang s c và các gi y t có giá tr trong hành lý ký g i.
3. Yêu c u quý khách ph i khóa c c khi ra ủa phòng trướ
ngoài. Chúng tôi trang b các t n t an toàn khóa điệ
để quý khách ct nh vững đồ t quý và ti n bc.
4. em c n ph c cung cTr ải đượ ấp đầy đủ dinh dưỡng
trong hai năm đầu đời để phát trin khe mnh.
5. Người ta k li rng ch Đồng Xuân được xây dng
năm 1899 trên khu đấ ộng trướ ổng đềt r c c n Huyn Thiên.
6. Ngôi sao nh i hâm ạc pop đã được đám đông ngườ
đón tiếp nng nhit khi anh xu t hi c a vào sân kh n u.
7. T m t thu a nh bé, nghèo tài nguyên, Xingapo ộc đị
đã phát triể ột đất nước độn thành m c lp t do, thu
nhp qu i cao th hai châu Á. ốc dân đầu ngườ Quc gia
hải đảo này đượ ếp vào hàng các nước x c nn kinh tế
công nghi p hóa m c qu n ới (NIC) đất nước đượ
tt nh t th ế gii.
8. Bng công ngh Telematics các lo , i xe ô trong
tương lai sẽ được lp các thiết b chng tr m t động.
Thiết b này s phát ra nh ng tín hi t giúp cệu đăc biệ nh
sát truy tìm nhanh b n t i ph m.
Further readings:
Read ghost story and translate passive sentences at
Learn more about social issues in Vietnam from Viet Nam News at
Learn more about global issues at
Read the text and find the words and phrases that refer to cell phone and imported.
Mobile telephone companies have been
pushing the government of Vietnam to
drop taxes to help fight the huge trade in
smuggled handsets. They argue that
reducing taxes will make legally imported
phones more attractive than the cheaper
smuggled models. Consumers can save
about forty dollars by buying what many
call "a hand luggage phone" carried into the country tax free. They're often sold
by the same shops which stock the legally imported model.
The telecoms ministry says that last year there were more than seven hundred
thousand phones sold in Vietnam. Two thirds of them had been smuggled in. But
Nokia, which sells some of the most popular phones, estimates that figure has
jumped. Company officials say that even more smugglers have entered the market,
since the principals of a major distributor, Dong Nam Associates, were prosecuted
for a multi-million dollar tax fraud.
From BBC Learning English
smuggled when someone takes people or things illegally or secretly from one place to another
tax free you do not have to pay any money on the goods that provide a country with public
estimate give an approximate calculation
the market the number of people who want to buy something
distributor a person, company or organisation that supplies goods or provisions to shops,
businesses or countries
fraud gaining money by deceit
It is typical of financial reports to feature near synonyms so as not to bore readers with repeated
events and numbers.
mobile phones, handsets, phones, models (cell phones ) …
điện tho n tho i c m tay, dòng s n ph m ại di động, điệ
Near synonyms differ in connotations to some extent.
(legally) imported, smuggled into, carried into
nhp kh u (chính hãng), buôn l u, tu n vào, mang v ề, đưa vào
Business news are also full of synonyms to show dramatic changes in market: increase, go up,
climb, mount, jump, etc drop, go down, plump, decline, etc. to show the or rise . to show the fail.
So it is important for the translator to transfer this hot and intense business atmosphere into TL
text by using appropriate TL synonyms.
estimates that the figure has jumped
Ướ c tính r ng con s này hi t. ện đã tăng vọ
That deal was intended to bring prices down.
Cam k dìm giá xuết này đưa ra nhằm để ng.
There are other factors too that contribute to price rises
Ngoài ra còn nh ng nguyên nhân khác góp ph y giá c leo thang. n đẩ
Beside comparative clauses like (a) or (b), there are expressions equivalent to comparative
clauses like in (c) or (d)
(a) Nokia, which sells some of the most popular phones , …
Nokia, hãng có nh ng m n tho i bán ch y nh ẫu điệ ất …
(b) They argue that reducing taxes will make legally imported phones more attractive than the
cheaper smuggled models.
H cho rng gim thu s n thoế làm cho điệ i nh p kh u h p pháp thêm ph n hp dn so vi
các lo i n tho i nh p l u giá r . điệ
(c) The advantages of living in the country may outweigh the disadvantages. (to be greater/ more
important than)
Cuc sng nông thôn có nhiu cái l i. ợi hơn là cái hạ
(d) We need to double the amount we already have. (twice as much/ many)
Chúng ta c n ph on s c hi n nay lên g ải tăng c thu đượ ấp đôi.
Work in pair and give Vietnamese equivalents of these collocations of tax.
to drop taxes
reducing taxes (will make legally imported phones more attractive)
(phone carried into country) tax free
(a multi-million dollar) tax fraud
What are all possible meanings physical, figurative, technical and colloquial of these lexical
stock (the legally/ illegally imported models)
huge (trade)
Translate the text into Vietnamese
1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words below.
the fastest
less than half
twice as much as
the most profitable
1. But now India is emerging as an with _____________________ growth of any economic force
democratic nation.
2. Market prices for wheat have _____________________ in the last year and have global stocks
fallen to their _____________________ point in thirty years.
3. According to recent figures, more than 62 million singles were sold or downloaded legally from
the Internet in the UK in 2006. That figure is almost _____________________ the 32 million
bought in 2004, and experts think it will c tinue to grow over the coming years. on
4. According to a survey by the business consultancy firm Interbrand, the multinational giant
Coca Cola is losing its position as _____________________ company in the world.
5. A senior official the Bangladeshi agriculture ministry, Ayub Mian, says of in government stocks
rice now stand at six hundred thousand tonnes, which is _____________________ the normal
6. The cost of jet fuel has more than doubled in the last year and _____________________ since
2004. Air Canada says every time oil increases by $1 a barrel, it costs t airline an additional $26 he
million a year. Fu is its _____________________ expense, representing more than 30 per ce el nt
of its total . operational spending
Give Vietnamese equivalents of these words and phrases
economic force (1)
global stock (2)
bought (3)
multinational giant (4)
government stocks (5)
operational spending (6)
4.3.2. Find near synonyms of these English words showing market changes
- grow (over the coming years) (3)
- increase by (6)
- stand at (5)
- have (2)fallen
4.4.1. Underline comparative expressions and translate the following sentences into
1. A larger than usual summer snow melt in Antarctica
has given a team of archaeologists and scientists a rare
glimpse into the day-today lives of early polar explorers.
2. Until now, transportation studies have concentrated
on technology-the search for faster, smoother, more
economical modes of transport.
3. The more thorough you do the job now, the easier it
will be when you have to do it next time.
4. Business prospects are nightly more encouraging now
than they were a few years ago.
5. His victory in the final was no more convincing than I
had expected.
6. It is estimated that no fewer than 40,000 people were
present at the demonstration.
7. It's hard to say why David isn't doing better at school;
he's certainly no less intelligent than the other children in
his class.
8. While it is important that advertisers are monitored to
ensure they do not mislead consumers, it can be argued
that puffery is a good technique for raising awareness of
new products that, otherwise, would go unnoticed in a
crowded market.
9. Small as it is in comparison with other stars, the sun
gives out two billion times more heat and light than the
earth absorbs.
10. Long ago, the biggest dinosaur weighed more than
ten times as much as a mature elephant and nearly
equaled the size of most modern-day whales.
11. When he retired, he felt that he had outlived his
12. Produce grown without pesticides and chemical
fertilizers may be more expensive than the usual
supermarket fare, but its better taste and health-giving
properties are becoming a major pull for consumers.
4.4.2. Translate into English the following sentences, choosing appropriate synonyms for
the words underlined.
1. Với GDP bình quân đầu người đạt 146.011 USD, Qatar
đứng đầu bảng xếp hạng quốc gia giàu nhất thế giới theo
đánh giá của tạp chí Global Finance Magazine.
2. Tng C c Th ng cho bi t xu t kh u g o trong hai ế
tháng đầu năm ệt Nam đượ2017 ca Vi c d báo gim
4.9% so v ng 788.000 t n. ới năm ngoái xu
3. Chính ph v a quy nh b thu p kh i v i ết đị ế nh ẩu đố
xăng máy bay, nhằm giúp các hãng hàng không đối phó
vi tình tr ng giá nhiên li i. ệu tăng cao trên thế gi
4. Giá b ng s t d c và các ch s ng ch ng ất độ n t th trườ
khoán r t xu ng m c th p nh t t l hai năm trở ại đây.
5. L m phát v t lên t i 25%, m c cao nh t t 17 năm qua
bóp ngh t thu nh p c a nhi i dân công nhân ều ngườ
khắp nơi bãi công đòi tăng lương. (inflation)
6. Theo báo cáo c a Savills, hi n nay, t giá căn hộ i
TPHCM N i nhìn chung v n th i các ấp hơn so vớ th
trường tương đương ực n Kuala Lumpur trong khu v
(Malaysia) Bangkok (Thái Lan), m c t ốc độ tăng
trưở trường c a TPHCM i các thcao hơn khi so sánh vớ ng
7. Theo ước tính của các nhà kinh tế học tại Bloomberg,
năm 201 , các nền kinh tế Đông Nam Á được dự báo sẽ7
tiếp tục tăng trưởng mạ Philippines Việt Nam sẽ nh.
tiếp tục giữ vững vị tdẫn đầu khu vực với mức tăng
trưởng lần lượt là 6,6% và 6,5%.
8. Theo k t qu u tra doanh nghi p nh vế điề a
(DNNVV) v ng kinh doanh Vi t Nam 2015, môi môi trườ
trường kinh doanh VN đang tt dn lên nh có ít rào cn
hơn đố i vi doanh nghiệp và các nhà đầu tư.
9. BMI Research, m chuyên v thông tin tài chính ột đơn vị
ca Fitch Group d báo, tng doanh s bán xe hơi ti
Đông Nam Á trong năm 2017 sẽ tăng 8,1% nh kinh tế
phát tri n. Con s này đã gấp đôi mc 3,1% của năm
ngoái m a th ng ô toàn châu Á ức tăng 3,7% củ trườ
trong năm nay.
Further readings:
Read and translate more business news at
Read the text to find out what beaches are described and what the intention of the
description is.
Ardent lovers of the each would only understand the true joy and ecstasy that is felt
when you feel your feet sinking into the sand and when the light spray of the azure waters fall
gently on the face! Miles and miles of golden sands, the roaring waves, the beautiful horizon
and the wind rushing through your hair is probably just one of the few reasons why I love being
at the beach! The peace and tranquility that is felt out here can definitely not be compared to
anything else in this world.
Whatever the reason, genuine lovers of the golden sands would always be in pursuit of
the most beautiful and serene beaches one can find around the world! This is probably the
reason why one such place does crop in my mind when I speak about beautiful beaches, which
are the beaches of Kauai. The Kauai beaches are some of the most gorgeous and picturesque
beaches ever; with each having its own uniqueness.
Some of the Kauai beaches offer an adventurous kind of fun whereas the others, with
their own Kauai beach resorts and gorgeous beach villas tend to spoil you in full style. The Kauai
beach vacations can therefore promise you completely fun filled holidays that would surely
leave you asking for more. Kauai forms a part of the oldest and is also the largest of the
Hawaiian Islands. Such is the beauty of the islands of Kauai that it has witnessed the shooting of
more than 70 Hollywood movies and many television shows as well.
ecstasy /ˈek.stə .si/ a feeling or state of very great happiness
azure /ˈæʒ .ər/ bright blue in colour like the sky
tranquility /træŋˈkwɪ ɪ ·t
i/ quietness
gorgeous /ˈɡɔː.dʒəs/ – beautiful and attractive
picturesque /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈesk/ (of a place, building, scene, etc.) pretty, especially in a way that
looks old-fashioned
Read the text again. Give synonyms of the underlined words and translate the phrases
into Vietnamese.
ardent lovers or the beach
joy and ecstasy
golden sands
roaring waves
azure water
gorgeous picturesque and beaches
gorgeous beach villas
peace and tranquility
serene beaches
adventurous kind of fun
Extreme adjectives describe a thing, a place or a person of very high quality or in very great
degree, like brilliant - extremely clever - or gorgeous - very beautiful and attractive. Travelogues
or tourist advertisements often use (1) tives, and (2) extreme adjec compelling and impressive
words - tranquility or - to show the writer's such strong feelings about spoil you in full style
certain places and to make such strong impressions on readers that they will want to travel there
To transfer successfully the text, to improve and intense its intention, we are to describe the
things or places in our own language and may use the following three techniques to translate
extreme adjectives and other compelling words.
(1) choose one equivalent Vietnamese adjective:
* gorgeous beach villas: nh ng bi t th n m bên b n tráng l bi
* peace and tranquility: không khí bình yên tĩnh lặng
(2) use a pair of adjectives
* serene beaches: nh ng bãi bi n bình yên thơ mộng
(3) use an adverb with an adjective
* ardent lovers of beaches: nh ng k say mê bi n cu ng nhiển đế t
* roaring waves: nh ng con sóng rù rì không ng ng ngh
(4) use a simile or metaphor
* azure water: nước xanh như ngọc
Relative clauses often begin with relative pronouns - - or with who, which, whose, whom, that
relative adverbs - . When there is a lack of equivalence in English-Vietnamese when, where, why
grammar structures, it is sometimes appropriate to omit words or phrases that are not essential
to the meaning or impact of source text.
Very often relative pronouns "who", "which", and "that" that function as subjects are omitted in
translation. Look at the examples:
a. There are very few artists who have enjoyed much material success in their own lifetimes.
Rt ít ngh c thành công v sĩ có đượ t cht khi còn sng.
Hiếm có ngh n phú quý vinh hoa. sĩ nào ngay lúc sinh thời đã đạt đế
b. The elephant that trampled the village was drunk on fermented fruit.
Con voi d say ẫm nát ngôi làng này đã bị ăn trái cây lên men từ trước.
Relative pronouns can be translated if they start a non-defining relative clause
c. Umberto, who saw it with his own eyes, refused to believe that Hulk Hogan was in a movie.
Umberto, người đã tậ ắt đi xem, nhất địn m nh không chu tin rng Hulk Hogan có xut hin
trong b phim.
Umberto đã tậ ắt đi xem bộ phim đó và cho rằn m ng Hulk Hogan không h xut hin trong
In other cases, connectors can be translated in various ways
d. Deserts are arid land areas where more water is lost through evaporation than is gained
through precipitation.
Sa m c nh ững ng đấ (có) lượng nướ ất đi do bốc hơi nhiều hơn t khô cn nơi c b m
lượng nước có được qua thm thu.
Sa m c là nh t khô c ững vùng đấ n đó lượng nướ ất đi do bốc hơi…c b m
Translate the sentences with the underlined relative clauses.
- the true joy and ecstasy when you feel your feet sinking into the sand that is felt
- This is probably the reason why one such place does crop in my mind when I speak about
beautiful beaches, which are the beaches of Kauai
- The Kauai beach vacations can therefore promise you completely fun filled holidays that would
surely leave you asking for more
- Such that is the beauty of the islands of Kauai it has witnessed the shooting of more than 70
Hollywood movies and many television shows as well.
Translate the whole text into Vietnamese
1. Complete the sentences below with appropriate given words or phrases.
to live on the planet conventional tourism environmental and cultural factors
attractions cultural integrity ecological tourism cultural heritage
Ecotourism, also known as _______________, is a form of tourism that appeals to
ecologically and socially conscious individuals. Generally speaking, ecotourism focuses on
volunteering, personal growth, and learning new ways to _______________. It typically involves
travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and _______________ are the primary
Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of
_______________ on the environment and enhance the _______________ of local people.
Therefore, in addition to evaluating _______________, an integral part of ecotourism is the
promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and creation of economic
opportunities for the local communities.
2. Translate these sentences into English by filling the gaps with appropriate words or
1. Châu Á đã trở thành phát triđịa điểm du lịch n nhanh nht thế gii vào lúc s người du l ch ra
nước ngoài nhi t kì th i ều hơn bấ gian nào trước đó.
Asia has become the fastest-growing _______________ in the world at a time when more people
_______________ than ever before.
2. N không nh ng ch p b i các tòa nhà cao t ng, các khách s n, nhà hàng i thời m c ửa đẹ
mà còn b i c b o t n và trùng tu c n th những di tích l ch s đượ n.
Hanoi _______________ is beautified not only by high-rises, hotels and restaurants but also by
carefully preserved and restored _______________.
3. Thành ph v i nh ng ki t tác v , nh Huế kiến trúc cung đình ững lâu đài lăng tẩm đã được
UNESCO x p h ng là m t trong nh ng a nhân lo i. ế di sản văn hóa c
Hue city with masterpieces of _______________; castles and mausoleums has been recognised
by UNESCO as one of _______________ of mankind.
4. Để ứng thú để hp dn du khách, to s h du khách tr li nhiu ln, các cthành ph du l ịch n
chú tr ng , di tích l ch s , nâng c h t ng th i phát bảo qu n th ắng c nh thiên nh iên ấp cơ sở ầng đồ
trin các dịch vụ du lịch.
To attract visitors and to create interests so that visitors may come back many times,
_______________ must pay attention to _______________ and historical relics, upgrading
infrastructure as well as developing _______________.
1. Translate these sentences into Vietnamese paying attention to dependent clauses.
1. The winner of the Nobel Prize in physics dedicated the
honour to his high school physics teacher, who had been
an inspiration during his early years.
2. The new shopping mall is gigantic. It’s advertised as a
place you want where you can find just about anything
to buy.
3. A professor who teaches linguistics at Hanoi National
University received an award for outstanding research.
4. Alexander Calder, who was originally interested in
mechanical engineering, later became a sculptor.
5. , communication is When there is a language barrier
accomplished through sign language in which motions
stand for letters, words and ideas.
6. Asthma is a chronic disease whose chief symptom is
difficulty in breathing.
7. To the modern hospital, the hospital is a heaven for
the sick, a source of knowledge of disease and above all,
a laboratory where the sick are studied for their sakes,
and the dead for the benefit of the living.
8. Acupuncture comes from the traditional Chinese
system of medicine that includes herbalism, massage,
diet, manipulation and exercise.
9. There will come a time at when you look back on days
college with pride.
10. He won't ever forget the house where he has spent
hard but very happy days with his school-mates.
2. Translate these sentences into English, considering if and how relative clauses can be
combined to make compound sentences.
1. Yoko đã kể ững sinh viên đã nhiề cho tôi nghe v nh u
ln d k thi tuy n sinh vào i h c này. trường đạ
2. B n nên t p trung ngh c a mình vào m ột lĩnh vc
bn th c s quan tâm.
3. Ngườ ống thười cái nhìn lc quan v cuc s ng
ngườ i h nh phúc.
4. M t gi ải thưởng 500.000 đô la Mỹ đã đượ c tng cho
bác s Sato ng cho gi i khoa h người đã gây ấn tượ c
vi công trình nghiên cu v b nh c m l nh thông
5. Văn phòng chúng tôi cầ ột thư biến m t s dng
nhi n.ều chương trình khác nhau để ảo văn bả son th
6. Đà Lạ còn đượt c gi thành ph hoa lôi cun
hàng trăm ngàn du khách trong và ngoài nước mi tun.
7. Nh ch luôn khám phá ững người thường xuyên đi du lị
đượ c nhi u thú vều điề m ỗi nơi họ đến.
8. Thành ph c H i An m m du l ch n i ti ng ột điể ế
min Trung Vi t Nam nơi lòng hiếu khách đã thật
s gây ng v i du khách. ấn tượ
9. Ngày T t c truy n th i gian m i con xa ế ọi ngườ
quê hương luôn tìm cách quay v để sum hp vi gia
10. Du khách đến Huế thích các khách sn cao tng
dc theo b th ng ngo sông Hương nơi họ thưở n
cảnh quan thơ mộng ca Huế rõ nét nht.
Further Readings
Read to learn more about American famous cities New York City, Seattle, Miami, and
Chicago at
Read the text and find out how fresh fruit and vegetables can be good for health.
An unhealthy diet together with little exercise
and smoking are the key preventable risks of
non-communicable diseases and it's estimated
that low fruit and vegetable intake alone causes
more than two and a half million deaths each
Eating at least five portions of fruit and
vegetables a day ensures an adequate supply of
micronutrients like vitamins but it can also
reduce the amount of fatty and salty food we
eat which isn't good for us. Evidence is growing
about other benefits of fruit and veg. too they
can help prevent heart disease, some types of
cancer, the most common form of diabetes and
The WHO and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, who are behind the scheme,
want to increase consumption in developing countries - which grow a lot of the global
supply of fruit and vegetables and also hope to encourage it in the developed world,
where the popularity of convenience foods means that many people no longer eat
enough fresh produce
(By Aria Lichtarowicz)
non-communicable diseases illnesses that are not infectious - not able to be transferred from
one person to another
low fruit and vegetable intake the eating of a small amount of fruit and vegetables a smaller
amount than recommended
veg short form of the word "vegetables", often heard in informal speech
diabetes medical condition in which a person's body is not able to control the level of sugar in
the blood
consumption a formal word for the eating or drinking of something
produce food that is grown or farmed, often in large quantities to be sold
If we can recognize the relationship of ideas in one clause or between clauses, the translation can
become much easier.
a. CauseEffect
Scientific reports often describe causal relationship of various variables in a research. This
relationship can be shown by (1) verbs like , etc. or by (2) connectors like cause, lead to, result in
because of, caused by, cause of, reason for, attributed to, on account of, owing to or because, as,
since, so…that, etc.
An unhealthy diet together with little exercise and smoking are the key preventable risks of
non-communicable diseases.
Cause Effect: unhealthy diet, little exercise, smoking :non-communicable diseases
Chế độ ăn không hợp lí, ít luyn tp và hút thuc là nh ng nguyên nhân chính gây ra các căn
bnh không truy n nhi m và hoàn toàn có th phòng tránh được.
A donation by the founder of Microsoft to the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases a vaccine against malaria. could eventually lead to
Cause Result: donation by Microsoft : a vaccine against malaria
Nh có khon vin tr c a nhà sáng lp Microsoft, Vin nghiên c u D ng và Các bnh truyn
nhim qu c gia Hoa Kì u v c xin ch ng s t rét. đã có thể tiếp tục chương trình nghiên cứ
b. Purpose Reason
Quite similar to above cause-effect sentences are sentences showing purpose or reason with
expressions like , etc. Scientific reports also explain since, because, in order to, so as not to, so that
the reason something should be done or why a research is carried out in a certain way.
There are other relationships found in a sentence such as and concession comparison.
Three quarters said they had not changed the frequency with which they washed their hands,
despite this being one of the core messages of the public health campaign.
Ba ph u tra nói r ng h không h r a tay nhiần số người được điề ều hơn đây mặc d u
mt trong nhng khuy n cáo nế i b ật mà các chương trình y tế đã đưa ra.
Their findings suggest it is better to keep the public as informed as possible in order to
maximise the chance they will make changes to their behaviour.
Kết qu điều tra cho th y c n ph ng xuyên cung c i dân ải thườ ấp thông tin cho ngườ để đảm
bảo h s i các thói quen vthay đổ sinh cá nhân m t các t t nh t.
WHO and the are the names of two organisations. When UN Food and Agriculture Organisation
transferring such names or geographical names into Vietnamese, we can apply one of the
following three techniques
1. Transferring, not translating
Oxfam, G8, Washington DC, Yamaha
2. Translation plus the acronym
T chc Y tế thế gii (WHO) và T chức Nông lương của Liên hip quc (UN FAO)
The Red Cross H i Ch Thập Đỏ
3. Transcription, usually applicable to geographical names
India - , Finland n Lan, Tibet Tây T Ấn Độ Ph ng
Translate the names of these international non-profit organizations.
Children Action
Doctors without Borders
Project Orbis
SOS Children's Villages
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
the Red Crescent
the World Heart Federation
What are these Vietnamese organizations?
The Directorate for Standard and Quality (STAMEQ) of Vietnam
Tropical Disease Hospital
The Central Institute of Epidemic Prevention
Institute for Malaria, Parasitology and Entomology
- Define the relationship in each sentence in the text, whether it is cause-effect; concession-
contrast; or purpose-reason;
- Identify relative clauses and find out how to translate them
Translate the text into Vietnamese
Build up your own list of the most common non-communicable diseases, causes and
treatments. To complete the table, read more about NCD at .
Little exercise
5 portions of fruit &
1. Work in groups to translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. Pay attention to
the ways causes and results, treatments and preventions are presented.
1. Drinking tea tooth decay and bad may ward off
breath, according to scientists. A study, presented at a
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,
suggests that chemicals in tea bacteria and can destroy
viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and
other dental conditions.
2. Each year, malaria about 2 million people; mostly kills
children and mostly in developing countries. Hopes are
pinned on a vaccin some strains of the e because
parasite have developed resistance to drug treatments
and mosquitoes are fighting back against traditional
3. A new study from the US National Cancer Institute in
Maryland says that eating cauliflower and broccoli twine
a week a man's chances of developing can almost halve
an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Between them,
cauliflower can cut the chances of developing the
cancer by 52 per cent, while broccoli the risk can reduce
by as much as 45 per cent, say researchers.
4. There are insomnia including stress, many causes of
environmental noise, extreme temperature changes in
the surrounding environment, or medication side
effects. In many cases, insomnia another is caused by
disease or psychological problem. In this case, medical
or psychological help may be useful. Talk to your doctor
if you are having trouble getting good, refreshing sleep
each night. Together you can identify possible reasons
for your sleeping difficulty and then try appropriate
measures to correct the problem.
5. Poor health infrastructure is a common problem for
nearly all developing countries. Putting HIV-positive
people on drugs earlier the would significantly reduce
cost to health systems of treating opportunistic
infections illnesses while the immune which take hold
system is weak. It life would also greatly improve
expectancy of HIV patients, for with repercussions
families and the workforce
2. Translate the following paragraphs into English.
1. Các t c c ng LHQ (UNICEF), ch ủa LHQ như Quỹ Nhi đồ
Qu toàn c u v các b nh AIDS, lao ph i và s t rét, Ngân
hàng Th n khích c p ngân sách cho 11 ế giới đã khuyế
nước yêu cầu 34 nước khác gim s d ng các lo i
thuc s t rét truy n t hống để chuyn sang dùng loi
thuc Artemisinin, m t lo i th c s n xu t t ảo dược đượ
cây thanh hao hoa vàng (qinghaosu).
2. Các nhà khoa h c M sau g n ch ục năm nghiên cứu cây
gc các s n ph m g c c a Vi ệt Nam cũng đã thừa
nhn: G c lo i qu s ch, an toàn hi u qu chng
oxy hóa cao hơn chua rt nhiu ln, tăng khả
năng miễ ức đền dch và s kháng cho cơ th, loi b phn
nào các tác h i c , thu c tr ủa môi trường như tia xạ sâu…
giúp e m nh, da d m n màngcơ thể kh .
3. M i bu i sáng u ng m t tách trà m t trong nh ng
bi n pháp t t nhất để chống sâu răng. Các nhà nghiên
cu trường Đạ ọc Illinois đã phát hiệ ằng trà đen i h n r
cha các cht ch ng vi khu n gây sâu răng. Ngoài ra, t
còn là ngu n fluor t nhiên r t h ng. ữu ích cho răng miệ
4. M t nghiên c u v c ng châu Á t gi ại Thái Lan, Đài
Loan Phi-líp-pin cho hay tình tr ng ng c vào ph thu
tui tác, gi u ki n kinh t . Nguyên nhân gây ới tính điề ế
mt ng ch yế u do stress trong cuc sng, tình tr ng
sc kh mỏe, môi trường gia đình. Mức độ t ng ph
thuộc vào độ ảnh hưở ng ca các yếu t trên.
5. Theo các chuyên gia y t , ế bin pháp h u hi u nh t để
phòng ch ng ng r a tay b ng xà cúm A (H1N1) là tăng cườ
phòng ho . Bi n pháp c nước sát khuẩn thông thường
này m trên 40% t n su t b nh nhân b đã góp phần gi
các , nh t là cúm A (H1N1). bệnh đường hô hp
Further readings:
Learn more about health problems of Vietnam at
A. English Vietnamese Translation
Translate the following texts into Vietnamese, p ing special attention to common English ay
structures and language features that are covered in translation notes of the material.
1. Humour is an important form of communication that is common to all societies although the
same things are not always considered funny in different cultures.
2. Today, there are no rules of conduct for teachers out of the classroom, and they are not
expected to perform caretaking duties such as cleaning the classrooms or making pens, but
nevertheless their jobs are much harder than they were in the 1990s.
3. It is no longer considered acceptable or appropriate for state schools to teach about religious
beliefs. Ideas about the value and purpose of education have also changed and with the
increasing sophistication of workplaces and life skills needed for a successful career, the
curriculum has also expanded to try to prepare children for the challenge of a diverse working
4. In modern schools, creative activities such as free writing are encouraged, and there is a
curriculum which offers a range of of subject choices to meet the needs and interests of each
pupil. There is an increasing level of sophistication in the curriculum to meet the needs of the
5. 30% of Chinese children were considered to be too heavy for their age. e cause of obesity is On
eating too much, too often and another is eating the wrong kind of food.
6. While it is important that advertisers are monitored to ensure they do not mislead consumers,
it can be argued that puffery is a good technique for raising awareness of new products that,
otherwise, would go unnoticed in a crowded market.
7. Increasingly, voices are being raised in India and abroad, questioning the wisdom and warning
of the consequences of sending such a massive number of new cheap cars onto the roads.
8. Enabling a million new drivers every year to take to the roads will worsen the air quality in
India’s megacities such as Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkatta, where the amount of air pollutdue due to
vehicles stands at 64%, 52% and 30% respectively .
9. Since 1995, there has been a city bike system in Copenhagen which allows anyone to borrow a
bike from one of 100 bike stands around the city for a small deposit. Once the bike is returned to
the same or another stand, this money is refunded.
10. Cycling is clearly a healthy and effective alternative to the private car in our congested cities.
The greater the proportion cyclists to other vehicles, the safer cycling becomes.
11. There needs to be a “po nce”, something int of differe that makes your sites, festival, or
attraction really stand out in a crowded market. Some places are lucky enough to have one of the
great wonders of the world. Others have a special annual festival or event which is too good to be
12. Many immigrants in the UK live in London, where over 300 different languages are spoken in
schools. You might be surprised to learn that there are more people living in London who were
born in Germany, Italy, France or Spain than people who were born in Bangldesh or Pakistan.
13. It is odd that Vietnamese students studying abroad do not realize that every situation beyond
formal education in the classroom, no matter how trivial or negative, can be an educational
experience, broadening one’s humanity and understanding of the world.
B. Vietnamese – English Translation
Translate the following texts into English, paying special attention to common English structures
and language features that are covered in translation notes of the material.
1. Caffeine th là th m gây m t ng v c bi u nh t, nhwung nhi ph đêm đượ ết đến nhi u
ngườ để i li không th t b caffeine. th m n tám giất đế những tác động kích thích c a
caffeine d ng l ng t i adenosine, m t ch t hóa h não gây ng ại. Caffeine cũng thể tácđộ c .
Đó là lý do tạ ều nhưng sẽi sao nhng tách cà phê giúp bn tnh táo vào bui chi làm bn khó ng
khi đêm đế ột điền. Và nếu bn s dng mt tách cà phê vào bui ti thì có m u chc chn s xy
ra đó là bạ ắng đêm.n s b mt ng tr
2. Trầm cảm không chỉ phổ biến ở đối tượng trẻ nhỏ mà còn gặp nhiều ở người lớn tuổi. Đặc biệt,
phụ nữ có nguy cơ bị trầm cảm nhiều hơn nam giới gấp hai lần. Nguy cơ mắc trầm cảm cũng tăng
với các bệnh lý thần kinh, tim mạch kèm theo như đột quỵ, Parkinson... Đối với người vừa về hưu,
có nhiều thay đổi gây ảnh hưởng, thậm chí đảo lộn cuộc sống của họ. Một trong những thay đổi
đó họ Thời gian trống quá nhiều. Đây thể sốc lớn nhất khi bước vào giai đoạn ngh
hưu, đặc biệt là đối với một người lao động chuyên cần, dành nhiều tâm huyết cho công việcCảm
giác nhớ công việc, nhớ các mối quan hệ công sở khiến cho người lớn tuổi không thoải mái, thậm
chí có phần bức bối, dễ nóng giận vì mỗi ngày đều nhàn rỗi. Một số trường hợp về hưu trở lại làm
việc vì nhiều lý do: Không cảm thấy thoải mái, cảm thấy cảm thấy vô dụng, cô đơn.
3. Ùn tắc giao thông đang trở thành vấn đề toàn cầu. Trung nh mỗi người mất gần 50% thời
gian trong năm để lái xe các thành phố lớn trên khắp thế giới. Thời gian ùn tắc càng lâu
đồng nghĩa với việc tăng chi phí lái xe. Tại Mỹ, cả nước mất gần 300 tỷ USD ỗi năm vào các chi m
phí liên quan đến giao thông trong năm 2017, theo thông tin từ . Bảng xếp hạng Inrix USA Today
Global Scorecard 2017 được phát hành vào tháng 2/2018 cũng điểm mặt 7 thành phố tắc nghẽn
nhất thế giới và thời gian người dân sử dụng để lái xe.
4. Ý thức và văn hóa giao thông kém của người Việt là nguyên nhân chính gây ra các vụ giao thông
thảm khốc thời gian qua. hai nguyên nhân lớn bản nhất liên quan đến vấn đề tai nạn
giao thông Việt Nam hiện nay đó là: cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông còn nhiều hạn chế và ý thức, văn
hóa của người dân khi tham gia giao thông. Trong khi chờ đợi một lộ trình để Việt Nam có được
một cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông hoàn chỉnh và hiện đại thì việc nâng cao ý thức và văn hóa khi tham
gia giao thông những việc cần phải chấn chỉnh ngay để mỗi người Việt trước hết bảo vệ bản
thân mình và không gây nguy hi ểm cho người khác.
5. Việc xếp hàng có thể thấy ở nhiều quốc gia trên khắp thế giới, nhưng hành vi này mỗi nơi lại có
sự khác nhau. Điều quan trọng là phải “đánh thức” mọi người hiểu xếp hàng như giá trị sống cần
tôn vinh và tuân thủ, nếu không, chúng ta sẽ chẳng bao giờ có văn hóa xếp hàng.
6. Sự ra đời của những chiếc điện thoại thông minh, hay còn gọi smartphone đã làm thay đổi
rất nhiều cuộc sống của con người. Đã hơn chục năm smartphone có mặt ở Việt Nam, nhưng liệu
người Việt, đặc biệt là những người trẻ đã thực sự sử dụng chúng một cách thông minh Nếu chỉ ?
sử dụng smartphone vào mục đích giải trí, chúng ta không những không khai thác được hết tính
năng của smartphone một cách hiệu quả mà còn lạm dụng, phụ thuộc và vô hình chung trở thành
“nô lệ” cho các công ty phát hành ứng dụng
7. Cùng với cơn sốt phim ảnh thời trang Hàn Quốc thâm nhập vào Việt Nam nói riêng các
nước Đông Á nói chung, ngày càng có nhiều bạn trẻ yêu thích ngôn ngữ xứ Hàn. Các lớp học tiếng
Hàn mặc dầu không sẵn như tiếng Anh tiếng Pháp trong trường học nhưng tiếng Hàn đã trở
thành một ngôn ngữ ngày càng phổ biến trong giới trẻ Việt . Nhu cầu nhân lực chuyên Nam
ngành tiếng Hàn tăng bởi Việt đã trở thành nước nhận đầu lớn thứ 2 từ các công ty Hàn Nam
Quốc trong 3 năm qua, theo KOTRA, cơ quan đầu thương mại Hàn Quốc. Hơn nữa, khoảng
350.000 người, khoảng 3% lao động Việt Nam làm việc trong các công ty Hàn Quốc xuất khẩu
từ Hàn Quốc vào Việt Nam chiếm 10% doanh số nhập khẩu của Việt Nam.
8. Du l hành (m t mình) th nói là m ng khá ph n trong gi i tr n nay, ịch độc ột xu hướ biế hi
đặ đứ c bi i vệt là đố i phái n . N giới đang ngày một độc l p và t c chạo đượ ng trong xã hi. T
khám phá nh u m i m h ng minh s c l p tinh th n m nh ững điề cũng một cách để ch độ
m c a chính mình.
9. Nhi l i cao tu i chi m t l khá cao h nhu ều năm trở ại đây, số lượng du khách là ngườ ế
cầu đa d ững đối tượng không kém nh ng khác. Khi tui già ca, thi gian nhiu, nhiu
người cao tu n du l t ổi tìm đế ịch như mộ cách để t o thêm ni ng th c s ng. Hình ềm vui, hưở cu
thức “du lị ậm” dành cho ngườ ều năm gần đây như mộch ch i cao tui n r trong nhi t gii pháp
hoàn h nh s c thiên nhiên vùng mi n m i lảo để du khách thăm thú đó đây, khám phá c . Điều
cn quan tâm và chú tr u trong suọng hàng đầ t hành trình du l ch ch i cao tu ậm dành cho ngườ i
v b m s c kh e, chấn đề ảo đả ế độ ăn uống điều độ, hp v sinh dành cho du khách cao tui.
Vi kiu tour đặc bit này, hướng dn viên cn có nhiu kinh nghi m, am hi u tâm lý du khách và
kp th i x lý các tình hu ng phát sinh.
10. Mt cu c kh o sát m i c i v ng thành trong d ủa Ernst & Young đố ới 1.200 người trưở tui 20-
36 cho th y nhi i thích mua nhà ngo các thành ph ều ngườ ại ô hơn ố. “Các vùng ngoại ô”
đây chỉ hơn gần các khu đô thị nơi người dân được hưở nhng khu vc nh ln ng s giàu
ca cu c s ng thành th (bao gm c i vi c làm) v i m cơ hộ c giá nhà th ấp hơn.
11 H Nhi. c trc tuy ng h c t p cến xu hướ ủa tương lai. u nghiên cu ch ra r ng h c tr c
tuyến giúp ti t ki m 50 - 70% chi phí so v i cách h c truy n th c xem gi i pháp hế ống và đượ c
tp hi i, ti t ki m hi u qu trong th i k 4.0 hi n nay. Theo m t nghiên c u gện đạ ế ần đây của
Learning House và Aslanian Market Research, kho ng 67% sinh viên hi nay s d ng các thi t b n ế
di động để ều nướ ới như Mỹ tham gia các khóa hc trc tuyến. nhi c phát trin trên thế gi , Hàn
Quc, Nh t B n... hình th c giáo d c E- Learning ngày càng phát tri H c tr c tuy n không còn n. ế
gói gọn trong đối tượng sinh viên cao đẳng, đại hc còn m rng ra các cp bc t tiu hc
đế n trung h , trung học cơ sở c ph thông. Vic hc tr nên đơn giản và hiu qu khi các em biết
vn d ng nh ng thiết b công ngh ng Internet và môi trườ ảo để tiếp thu nhng tri thc tht.
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Preview text:

Compiled by Division of Translation and Interpretation Danang 2018 COURSE OUTLINE
Course Name: Translation 1 No. of Credits: 3 Course Length: 4
5 periods/ 15 classes/ 15 weeks Course Objectives
The course aims at developing students’ elementary skills of translation between English and
Vietnamese and building students’ repertoire of content knowledge, structures and vocabulary
through guided text analysis and translation practice. The course also engages learners with
individual, pair and group work activities through which they can demonstrate their autonomous,
collaborative and life-long learning.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Upon completing the course, students will be able to …
- DEVELOP elementary skills and techniques to produce natural and comprehensible
translations of common English structures into Vietnamese and vice versa
- APPLY linguistic and cultural knowledge relating to English and Vietnamese language for
rendering short texts into the target language
- BUILD a repertoire of content knowledge, common structures, and active vocabulary relating to common topics
- DEVELOP skills of working individually and effectively in a team via individual, pair and group
work for handling translation tasks
Teaching and Learning Modes
Teachers will conduct the text analysis and guided translation as whole class activities.
Learners are to work in groups on vocabulary exercises and translation practice. Learners will
have to show their individual performance on basis of series of home tasks. As this course is
developed on both academic and practical assumptions, students will be able to work with
authentic materials and acquire some theoretical background knowledge concerning translation career. TRANSLATION 1/ 1 Course Assessment On-going assessment 50%
Attendance + In-class participation (individual, pair, group work) 10% 20%
Translation logbook (Individual work) 10%
Collaborative translation task (Group work) 15% 30%
Mini written test (Individual work) 15% End-of-term assessment 50%
Written test (Individual work) 50% Table of Contents Unit Topic Translation Notes Vocabulary Page Language and Culture: • Impersonal Structures Language and 1 3
Quebec’s Language Law “There” and “It” Culture collocations Education: • Verbals Education Spider 2
Compulsory Cooking Classes
• Units of Translation and Diagram 10 Free Translation Society: • Passive Sentences Social Issues terms 3
Public Transport to be Felt • Translation of Lexis 16 Reliable Business: • Comparative expressions Verbs showing 4 23
Mobile Phones in Vietnam • Synonyms in Translation market changes Tourism: • Relative Clauses Ecotourism Ardent Lovers of Beach
• Translation of Extreme Vocabulary 5 30 Adjectives and Other Compelling Words Health and Fitness:
• Cause-Effect and other Non-communicable
Fresh fruit and vegetables for
Relationships in Scientific Diseases – Causes good health Reports and Preventions 6 37 • Translation of terms Geographical and Institutional Names Further Practice 44 Reference 48 TRANSLATION 1/ 2 UNIT 1 LA NGUAGE AND CULTURE TEXT ANALYSIS
Read the text and find out what the new language law in Quebec says. Quebec's Language Laws
Walking around the streets of the world's second largest francophone city, it’s difficult
to believe that laws are needed to guarantee the continuing use of French. Most passers-by are
speaking French, most of the shop names and advertisements are in French, and French is the
language of business and commerce.
While English options are given on telephone call centr
e lines, French is the first language
used when you get to speak to anyone. But many Quebeckers feel that they continue to fight
for their language in the one major area of North America where English isn't the dominant
language. As a result there's a language charter which says that signs must use bigger writing
for the French version and that shopkeepers should address their customers in French first.
Most children go to French schools and only those whose parents were born in the province
can go to English-speaking ones.
(From BBC Learning English by Mike Fox) Notes:
francophone city – a city where the main language is French
call centre – a central location where big companies hav
e many operators answering their phones
dominant – strongest or most widely used
a language charter - a written statemen whi t
ch says what languages must be used
address – to say something directly somebody TRANSLATION 1/ 3 TRANSLATION NOTES
Collocation refers to the way in which some words regularly occur together.
a. NOUN- VERB collocation: “Options are given” is a noun-verb collocation. Other verbs that
collocate with option are have, ,
take promise, etc. Example:
- Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year. Sinh viên học đ l
ến năm hay có thể ựa ch c ngoài. ọn đi học nướ
- A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments
Một chương trình tiết kiệ ạn thay đổ m cho phép b
i khon tin tr theo tng tháng.
- He has promised me on his car. first option
Anh ta ha s ưu tiên cho tôi khi nào bán xe.
b. NOUN-NOUN collocation: “Call centre” is a combination of two nouns: call and centre. There
are other combinations with call centre: , or call centre jobs call centre officer.
Translating collocations imposes some problems: Firstly, there is no "one-to-o e" n relationship
between SL and TL collocations. Secondly, translating an isolated term can be different from
rendering the same term from a context. Finally, translation of new collocations might require a
lot of research in both languages. In Vietnamese "call "
centre is trung tâm chăm sóc khách hàng
qua điện thoại”. Example:
- While English option are given on telephone call centre lines, French is the first language used
when you get to speak to anyone. (Mc du tiếng Anh được s
dng ti các trung tâm chăm
sóc khách hàng qua điện thoi, tiếng Pháp li là ngôn ng chính thức khi người ta bt chuyn vi nhau.)
a. It structure: It + Verb + Adjective / Noun + to-infinitive-clause / that-clause is used to show
impersonal emotional reactions, advisability, necessity, probability or hearsay: Example:
• Walking around the streets of the world's second largest francophone city, it's difficult to
believe that laws are needed to guarantee the continuing use French. (emotional reaction)
Nếu do quanh thành ph nói tiếng Pháp ln th hai trên thế gii này thì bn s không th tin
được rng li c n lu ần đế duy trì v ật pháp để
thế ca tiếng Pháp đây. TRANSLATION 1/ 4
It is important to have healthy teeth because good teeth not only help us chew food but also help us look nice. ( ) necessity
Cn phi có một hàm răng c
chắ khe // Có một hàm răng chắc khỏe là u
điề cn thiết vì răng
khe không nhng giúp ta nhai tố ạ t mà còn t
o ra m t din mo d thương.
It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. (probability)
Tình hinh cho thy có th o bí m
hai nhà lãnh đạo đang tiến hành thương thả ật. b. There structure :
There + Verbs of existence/ appearance + Noun
There is, are, was, were, will be, may be are used to introduce
– rather than to describe –
something that exists, happens or takes place. Other verbs are also used in place of be: remain/ appear/ come. Example:
• As a result, there's a language charter which says that signs must use bigger writing for the French version.
Kết qu là một đạo lut v ngôn ng đã ra đời, quy định các c a
hàng phi viết bin hiu
bng ch tiếng Pháp l ớn hơn.
• There are some mistakes in this translation.
Có mt vài li trong bn dch này. // Bn dch này có mt vài li.
• During the oil refinery strike, there was enormous petrol queue.
Thi kì nhà máy lc dầu đình công, ở các trạm xăng người ta xếp hàng đông đặc. TEXT TRANSLATION
Translate the text into Vietnamese, paying attention to impersonal expressions and the
way nouns are combined with other words.
1. Work in pairs or groups to write down as many as possible noun collocations of culture
and language, like street culture or ancient language.
CULTURE LANGUAGE Street culture ancient language TRANSLATION 1/ 5
2. Complete the following sentences with words to make appropriate collocations
1. The ______________ language of Singapore is Malay for historical reasons, and it is used in the
national anthem, "Majulah singapura". The ______________ languages are English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil.
2. Latin is an ____________ Indo-European language that was spoken in the Roman Kingdom, the
Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. It was also the language of science and scholarship in
mid and western Europe until the 17th century.
3. The term "___________ culture" itself is of 19th century coinage, in original usage referring to
the education and "culturedness" of the lower classes. ___________ culture often contrasts with
a more exclusive, even elitist "high culture,", that is, the culture of ruling social groups.
4. Culture ___________ is a feeling of confusion and anxiety that someone experiences when
they visit or go to live in a place with a very different culture, especially a different country,
where they do not know how to behave and what is appropriate and what is not.
5. Children's ___________ culture refers to the cumulative culture created by young children. It is
most common in children between the ages of seven and twelve. It is strongest in urban working
class industrial districts where children are traditionally free to "play out" in the streets for long periods without supervision. TRANSLATION PRACTICE
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. Pay attention to impersonal
expressions and collocations.

1. It is a pity that you never took the trouble to get to
know her properly before she died.
2. It ought to be fun to watch six horses come around a
turn where there is room for only two.
3. His parents supported him all those years, so it is only
right and proper
that he should take care of them now.
4. It was clear from the graceful way in which the girl
moved that she had had proper ballet training. TRANSLATION 1/ 6
5. Below the castle there stretches a vast plain.
6. At that moment there came an intolerably violent knock on the door.
7. It is now extremely popular to take a gap year between
school and university or university and work, and to spend
it travelling. There are plenty of reasons to recommend it.
The most important one is that “travel broadens the mind."
8. Throughout the United States, there is a movement to
preserve the cultures and languages of American Indians
This movement is not meant to replace the use of the
English language but to encourage the learning of and
respect for Native Americans' heritage and their
contributions to American society.
9. There are more speakers of English in India than in
, perhaps seventy million, and their sounds range
from the most pukka "Oxbridge" enunciations to the
obscure pidgins of the streets.
10. There are also other schools which have been
experimenting with curricula
that integrate language
subjects with mathematics and the sciences, using both
English and a second language.
11. Students of English can easily make themselves
understood using a minimal amount of idiomatic
language, but some feel it is a necessity to learn them and
then use them as often as possible
to make a good
impression and show how good their language is. TRANSLATION 1/ 7
12. In a primitive society, family and tribe provide all the
education that the young receive, and are the sole
transmitters of culture. But when language characters
develop and an alphabet and number system have
reached a certain stage, there comes a demand for some
formal teaching and so schools are established for a select
few - prospective rulers and priests - to supplement the
education given by family and tribe.
2. Translate the following sentences into English, using impersonal expressions where possible.
1. Không làm một việc ngay từ đầu bao giờ cũng dễ dàng hơn là dừng lại mộ ệc đang làm dở t công vi dang.
2. Nhiều người nghĩ rằng cuộc sống ngày càng phức tạp
do cách con người đối xử với nhau. 3. Học thuộc lòng có th
ể có lợi nhưng quan trọng hơn là
chúng ta phải thật sự hiểu được điều mình học .
4. Để xây dựng một quốc gia với 54 dân tộc anh em
thành một cộng đồng thống nhất vững, mạnh, rõ ràng
n có một đạo luật quy định tiếng Vit là ngôn ng
chính th
c và ch quc ng truyn thng là ch viết
chính th
c của nước ta. 5. Ở Việt Nam chủ ế
y u ba vùng phương nghữ chính:
phương ngữ bắc, phương ngữ trung và phương ngữ
. Các phương này khác nhau chủ yếu ở ngữ âm, rồi đế ừ
n t vựng, cuối cùng là một chút khác biệt ngữ pháp.
6. Có hai dòng sông ln chảy qua Đông Âu và đổ vào Hc
ải được nhiều người trên khp thế gii biết tên, nh
đã đi vào những tác phm ngh thut ni tiếng. Đó là
sông Đanuyp với bản nhạc “Sông Đanuyp xanh” của nhà
soạn nhạc nổi tiếng người Áo Johann Strauss và sông
Đông với bộ tiểu thuyết “Sông Đông êm đềm” của văn
hào Nga Xô Vi t Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov. ế TRANSLATION 1/ 8
7. Giáo sư Daniel Struve, Trưởng Khoa Ngôn ngữ và Văn
minh Á Đông, Đại học Paris Diderot 7 cho ết: bi “Ngày
nay, Việt Nam đang là một nước phát triển năng động, có
lịch sử văn hóa lâu đời, nhiều người Pháp có cảm tình đặc biệt với ệ
Vi t Nam. Không có lý do gì mà chúng tôi
không khuyến khích các bạn sinh viên của chúng tôi theo học tiếng Việt.”
8. Không th ph nhn rng s
phát trin ca phim nh,
các xu hướng thi trang và các gu m thc t các nước
đã làm cho cuộc sống của con người Việt nam
phong phú hơn, tuy nhiên cũng không th tránh khi
những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến văn hóa nước nhà.
Further readings and translation practice
Preserving Native Cultures and Languages at
Viết như là dịch thut at Sources TRANSLATION 1/ 9 UNIT 2 EDUCATION TEXT ANALYSIS
Read the text and find out what the aim of these cooking classes is. COM CO P M U P LS U O LS R O Y R Y CO OK O I K N I G N G CL A CL S A S S E S S E S
English teenagers are to receive compulsory cooking lessons in
schools. The idea is to encourage healthy eating to combat the
country's spiraling obesity rate. It's
feared that basic cooking and food
preparation skills are being lost as parents turn to pre-prepared convenience foods.
The new lessons are due to start in September but some schools without kitchens
will be given longer to adapt. There is also likely to be a shortage of teachers with
the right skills, since the trend has been to teach food technology rather than
practical cooking. Also the compulsory lessons for hands on cooking will only be one hour a week for one term.
But the well-known cookery writer, Pru Leith, believes it will be worth it. She said: "If
we'd done this thirty years ago we might not have the crisis we've got now about
obesity and lack of knowledge about food and so on. Every child should know how
to cook, not just so that they'll be healthy, but because it's a life skill which is a real
pleasure and we deny children that pleasure."
(Adapted from BBC Learning English by Jon Devitt) Notes: obesity extreme fatness to adapt
to change so that they are suitable compulsory
something you are obliged or have to do hands on
practical, making or doing something with your hands a life skill
knowledge that you can use all your life, that will help you outside of TRANSLATION 1/ 10 TRANSLATION NOTES VERBALS -
A verbal is a form of verb; infinitive, gerund or participle, but works as a noun, an adjective or adverb. The idea is
to encourage healthy eating to combat the country’s spiralling obesity rate
infinitive, noun gerund, noun infinitive, adverb participle, adjective
(→ Mục đích của chương trình này là nhm khuyến khích thói quen ăn uốn
g hp lí góp phn chố ạ
ng l i tình trng mc bnh béo phì ngày càng tăng nhanh trong nước.)
Unit of translation refers to the SL unit which can be recreated into TL without addition of other
meaning elements from the SL text. (Newmark, 1984). One unit can be a word, a phrase, a
sentence or even a paragraph, which is usually decided by SL text type. In an informative text like
this article, UN is normally a collocation or a phrase. Example:
English teenagers/ are to receive/ compulsory cooking lessons/ in schools. / The idea/ is/ to
encourage healthy eating/ to combat/ the country's spiralling obesity rate.
Tr em nước Anh s được tiếp nhn các gi hc nấu nướng bt buộc trong trường hc. Ý tưởng
ca vic này là nhm khuyến khích việc ăn uống lành mạnh để chng li t l béo phì đang ngày
càng tăng tại đất nước này.
However, translators tend to expand UT to sentence, applying what is called free translation.
Free translation is to convey the message or content without paying much attention to the form
of the source language text. If the text is mainly informative in function, Vietnamese readers then
need to get accurate information in a smooth and easy-to-understand, though a bit longer, text. ➔ FREE TRANSLATION:
Sp ti môn hc nấu nướng s dược đưa vào chương trình chính khóa trong các trường trung hc
ca Anh. Mục đích của việc đổi mi này là nhm khuyến khích các em hình thành thói quen ăn
ung b dưỡng, lành mnh, góp phần ngăn chặn căn bệnh béo phì đang ngày càng gia tăng trong nước. TRANSLATION 1/ 11 TEXT TRANSLATION
Read the text, cut the sentences into UT and translate into Vietnamese. Pay attention to
the following noun collocations.
compulsory cooking lessons spiralling obesity rate food preparation skills convenience foods shortage of teachers food technology practical cooking hands on cooking cookery writer lack of knowledge life skill VOCABULARY EXPANDING
1. How do these words relate to each other? Draw a spider diagram on these words to
expand your vocabulary of education.
association loan semester encourage lessons private curriculum measures deadline video degree employment drop out innovation score oversea secondary subsidized grants fees society performance undergraduate education classes first degree scholarship bill Degree Employment Education
2. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the task above.
1. Cookery _______________ are to be compulsory in England's secondary schools for children
aged 11 to 14. Pupils will learn to cook for an hour a week for one _______________. Poorer
pupils' ingredients will be _______________.
2. With the abolition of _______________ and introduction of _______________ most students
are stretched – particularly if students are paying tuition fees out of the _______________. TRANSLATION 1/ 12
3. Some twenty years ago, the performance of girls and boys in class was compared. Boys
_______________ better in exams, so various measures were introduced to improve the
_______________ of girls, including holding single sex girl-only _______________.
4. As the pool of unskilled jobs shrinks in rich countries, the prospects for future
_______________ will depend increasingly on as many people as possible getting a good _______________.
5. The Indian government has introduced a _______________ in parliament to force
_______________ universities admit fixed numbers of students from traditionally disadvantaged low castes and tribes. TRANSLATION PRACTICE
1. Translate the sentences with verbals into Vietnamese in different ways, trying both
literal and free translation methods.

1. Upbringing is obviously important in forming your attitude to the world.
2. Impressed by her friendly manner and self-assurance, he decided to offer her the job.
3. Situated in the heart of England, Stratford – upon Avon – is
a town rich in both history and culture.
4. Disheartened by so much criticism, she resolved never to write another novel.
5. Canada's 90 universities are government regulated and
maintain very high standards, ranking among the highest in the world.
6. Australia has been actively promoting its educational
sector in Vietnam to exploit growing demand in the country
to obtain higher education in English.
7. Expanded vocational training for older students would
teach them the skills needed to earn a living and also
improve the quality of their village. TRANSLATION 1/ 13
8. Setting up good communication now gives you a head start
for your child's upcoming teen years, when it will become
even harder and the topics even more tricky and complicated.
9. A study of 1,300 teachers and 10 schools by the Royal
Horticultural Society (RHS) showed that taking part in
gardening can make a child feel happy and boost their
development. It also encouraged pupils to become more
active in solving problems, as well as boosting literacy and numeracy skills.
10. It remains true that the family is the first educator and a
life-long influence. But in our modern way of life, the
functions of the family tend to diminish, some to be assumed
by school and still more by other agencies.
11. When you are only a beginner at learning an instrument,
it is difficult to imagine eve
r becoming a professional
musician. Even if you are very enthusiastic about the piano or
violin, unless you begin serious training in your childhood you
will find it difficult to achieve the level of perfection
necessary for a concert performance.
2. Work in groups to cut the sentences into UTs and translate them into English.
1. Người ta thường cho rằng kinh nghiệm của trẻ trong
những năm đầu có vai trò to lớn trong việc quyết định tính
cách và nhân cách sau này của trẻ.
2. Thích nghi và hòa nhập với cuộc sống ở một đất nước
khác là điều không hề dễ dàng; đây chính là điều các bậc
phụ huynh cần lưu ý khi lựa chon cho con đi du học. Có mục
tiêu rõ ràng, chuẩn bị sức khỏe tốt, biết sống tự lập là những
điều cần thiết phụ huynh nên chuẩn bị cho con mình.
3. Bị trói buộc trong bốn bức tường của lớp học, cả giáo viên lẫn học sinh tr
ở thành những người xử lý ki n ế thức thụ TRANSLATION 1/ 14
động. Các chương trình học ngoại khóa, tìm hiểu thực tế v.v
… ít hoặc không được đưa vào giảng dạy. Phương pháp đó
làm học sinh ù lì, thui chột dần khả năng sáng tạo .
4. Giáo dục âm nhạc là phương tiện nâng cao khả năng trí
tuệ, giúp học sinh phát triển trí tưởng tượng, củng cố kiến
thức thông qua học tập. Làm quen với âm nhạc sớm ngay từ
lớp 1,2 sẽ giúp trẻ phát triển toàn diện, hài hòa.
5. Cuộc thi đến năm nay đã là n
lầ thứ 3 được tổ chức nhằm
phát hiện những chuyên gia công ngh thông tin tr ệ ẻ tài năng
dưới 30 tuổi những người góp phần xây dựng n n ề kinh t ế tri thức cho VN.
6. Nhiều môn học mới và các hoạt động ngoại khóa được
đưa và chương trình học nhằm trang bị cho sinh viên những
kỹ năng mềm cho cuộc sống và công việc sau này như làm
việc nhóm, kỹ năng thuyết trình, tư duy phản biện, giải
quyết vấn đề, giao tiếp bằng ngoại ngữ… Trong bối cảnh
hiện nay, những kỹ năng này mang lại cho sinh viên lợi th ế
cạnh tranh trên thị trường việc làm cả trong và ngoài nước .
Further readings and translation practice Practice more with verbals at
Improve your vocabulary of education at
Practice translating education news from Vietnamese at Source: TRANSLATION 1/ 15 UNIT 3 SOCIETY TEXT ANALYSIS
Read the text and find out what problem is mentioned and what solutions are proposed.
The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes
many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of
accidents. Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to persuade people to
change their halls and leave their cars at home.
One possible approach is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by increasing
charges for parking and bringing in tougher' fines for anyone who breaks the law. In
addition, drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of
the day. This system, known as 'road pricing', is already being introduced in a number of
cities, using a special electronic card fixed to the windscreen of the car.
Of course, the most important thing is to provide good public transport. However, to get
people to give up the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable,
convenient and comfortable, with fares kept at an acceptable level.
(From Notes:
charge – the amount of money that sb asks for goods and services
fine – a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule
fare – the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc. TRANSLATION 1/ 16 TRANSLATION NOTES
English Passive sentences can be rendered into Vietnamese in different ways according to their
meanings. In many cases, they will become active sentences, especially when they express
requests, notices or hearsay. Let us look at the following examples.
a. Actions, rather than the action doer, are emphasized
e.g. More measures should be taken to improve traffic jams in big cities.
o Cần phải tiến hành nhiu biện pháp hơn nữa để có th ci thin tình trng giao thông tc
nghn trong các thành ph ln. b. Requests or notices e.g. Passengers
to keep their seatbelts fastened whenever they are seated. are advised
o Quý khách nên cài dây an toàn trong sut chuyến bay.
c. Things done by other people or through services e.g. She will in the living-room.
have an air-conditioner installed
o y s cho lắp điều hòa trong phòng khách.
d. Bad luck or misfortune e.g. The man
by a bee when he was working in the garden. got stung
o Người đàn ông bị ong chích khi đang làm vườn.
e. Hearsay/ Reporting evidentials
e.g. D báo trong năm 2007 sẽ có hơn một triệu khách ệt Vi
Nam đi du lịch nước ngoài bằng máy bay.
o It is expected that there will be over one million Vietnamese travelling abroad via aviation in 2007.
If you understand better the action, the actor and the reason behind each action, you can make
several different translations. Read the text again to find out what they mean by
- something must be done (what is something? must be done about what? who must do that? and who says that?)
- drivers could be required to pay (who requires the drivers to do so? why?)
- This system is already being introduced (what is the system? who introduce it? what do they do exactly to introduce it?)
- transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient, and comfortable (who need to feel that way?
why is this feeling a "must"?)
- fare (must be) kept (who is going to keep the fare at that level? why?) TRANSLATION 1/ 17 TRANSLATION OF LEXIS
The biggest difficulties in translating are with words. It might be hard to pick up the right one out
of all different meanings of a word and it is the translator’s job to consider what the word
actually refers to and decide among all alternatives to find out the best Vietnamese equivalent in
the context. In the following example, the word
charge may have more than a dozen of
Vietnamese equivalents. However, there is only one Vietnamese equivalent of charge from the text.
Charge (noun) Physical Figurative Technical Colloquial/ slang - tiền, ti n công, ề - trách nhiệm - sự n n ạp điệ - thuốc lá, ma túy cước phí - gánh nặng - lượng thuốc nổ - lời buộc tội
- sức mạnh, ấn - cuộc công kích
- con chiên, tín đồ, tượng, sự mãnh học trò liệt, lôi cuốn
Work in pairs to give equivalents for the words underlined in the following phrases and collocations. - volume of traffic (n)
- lengthy delays (noun, count) - charges for parking (noun) - tougher fines (adj) - road pricing (noun)
- provide good public transport (adj)
- give up on the comfort of their cars
- public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable - acceptable level TEXT TRANSLATION
Work in pair and translate the text into Vietnamese. TRANSLATION 1/ 18 VOCABULARY EXPANDING
Work in groups to build up lists of words and phrases relating to common social issues in Vietnam
and put them in the aspects given below. If there are some issues that do not belong to these
aspects, build up a box of your own groups with its own name. Vote among groups the seven most common issues.
gender education, physical abuse, …………………………………………. Children and Education
poverty elimination, traffic congestion,
Population and Development …………………………………………………………………………………………………
worker’s strikes, safety, ………………………………………………………….. Labour
medical rising costs, swine flu, ……………………………………………….. Health
……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Other
……………………………………………………………………………………………….. TRANSLATION PRACTICE
1. Translate the sentences into Vietnamese, paying attention to passive structures.
1. Letters to the editor are welcomed, but not all can be acknowledged.
2. Guests are courteously
reminded that no visitors are
permitted in the room after 10p.m.
3. The management cannot be held responsible for the
theft or loss of valuables not deposited for safekeeping at the reception. TRANSLATION 1/ 19
4. His doctor is trying to get him admitted to a special
hospital where he will be properly looked after.
5. In the past, it was thought
that only those who are
emotionally unstable could be hypnotized.
6. Following the earthquake, the government decided to
have whole section of the city completely rebuilt.
7. It is not known exactly how man discovered the use of
fire at early times. He must have seen forest fires, perhaps
started by lightning, and have learned the terrible danger of fire.
8. Increasingly, voices are being raised in India and
abroad, questioning the wisdom and warning of the
consequences of sending such a massive number of new cheap cars onto the roads.
9. The sudden increase in fuel costs has had very negative
effects on airline business. One of the effects is that
airlines are thought to contribute approximately 3% of
the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. Many of today’s
travellers are concerned about the “carbon footprint” of
their flights and this has an effect on on passenger numbers.
10. When low results are obtained, instruction must be
given to improve the quality of the concrete mix.
11. Chinese women are aided in the pursuit of their
career by the fact that child care is affordable and
accessible. In America, good quality child care is very
expensive. Many women live too far from their parents TRANSLATION 1/ 20
and siblings for them to help out with child care.
12. A boom in the rate of divorce may soon be the
newest unwanted trend. New pension laws are being
by the government that will entitle wives to half
of their husband’s pension once their marriage has finished.
2. Translate into English the sentences and the italicized in the paragraphs, using learnt structures.
1. Tắc nghẽn giao thông ở Hà Nội vẫn là một vấn đề hóc
búa, nhất là vào giờ cao điểm, mặc dù nhiều đường phố
đã được mở rộng và hệ thống đèn giao thông hiện đại đã được lắp đặt.
2. Quý khách không nên để những vật dụng như tiền, đồ
trang sức và các giấy t có giá tr ờ
ị trong hành lý ký gởi.
3. Yêu cầu quý khách phải khóa của phòng trước khi ra
ngoài. Chúng tôi có trang bị các tủ khóa điện tử an toàn
để quý khách cất những đồ vật quý và tiền bạc.
4. Trẻ em cần phải được cung cấp đầy đủ dinh dưỡng
trong hai năm đầu đời để phát triển khỏe mạnh.
5. Người ta kể lại rằng chợ Đồng Xuân được xây dựng
năm 1899 trên khu đấ ộng trướ t r
c cổng đền Huyền Thiên.
6. Ngôi sao nhạc pop đã được đám đông người hâm mô
đón tiếp nng nhit khi anh xuất hiện c ở ửa vào sân khấu.
7. Từ một thuộc địa nhỏ bé, nghèo tài nguyên, Xingapo
đã phát triển thành ột m
đất nước độc lập tự do, có thu
nhập quốc dân đầu người cao thứ hai ở châu Á. Quc gia
ải đảo này được xếp vào hàng các nước có nn kinh tế
công nghip hóa mới (NIC) và là đất nước được qun lý TRANSLATION 1/ 21
tt nht thế gii.
8. Bng công ngh Telematics, các loi xe ô tô trong
tương lai sẽ được lp các thiết b chng trm t động.
Thiết bị này sẽ phát ra những tín hiệu đăc t biệ giúp cảnh
sát truy tìm nhanh bọn tội phạm. Further readings:
Read ghost story and translate passive sentences at
Learn more about social issues in Vietnam from Viet Nam News at
Learn more about global issues at TRANSLATION 1/ 22 UNIT 4 BUSINESS TEXT ANALYSIS
Read the text and find the words and phrases that refer to cell phone and imported. MOBIL M E OBIL E P H P O H NE N S E S I N I N V I V E I TN T A N M A
Mobile telephone companies have been
pushing the government of Vietnam to
drop taxes to help fight the huge trade in
smuggled handsets. They argue that
reducing taxes will make legally imported
phones more attractive than the cheaper
smuggled models. Consumers can save
about forty dollars by buying what many
call "a hand luggage phone" carried into the country tax free. They're often sold
by the same shops which stock the legally imported model.
The telecoms ministry says that last year there were more than seven hundred
thousand phones sold in Vietnam. Two thirds of them had been smuggled in. But
Nokia, which sells some of the most popular phones, estimates that figure has
jumped. Company officials say that even more smugglers have entered the market,
since the principals of a major distributor, Dong Nam Associates, were prosecuted
for a multi-million dollar tax fraud. (From BBC Learning English) ơ Notes:
smuggled – when someone takes people or things illegally or secretly from one place to another
tax free – you do not have to pay any money on the goods that provide a country with public services
estimate – give an approximate calculation
the market – the number of people who want to buy something
distributor – a person, company or organisation that supplies goods or provisions to shops, businesses or countries
It is typical of financial reports to feature near synonyms so as not to bore readers with repeated events and numbers.
mobile phones, handsets, phones, models (cell phones) … ➔ điện tho n tho ại di động, điệ
i cm tay, dòng sn phm
Near synonyms differ in connotations to some extent.
(legally) imported, smuggled into, carried into
nhp khu (chính hãng), buôn lu, tun vào, mang về, đưa vào
Business news are also full of synonyms to show dramatic changes in market: increase, go up,
climb, mount, jump, etc
. to show the
rise or drop, go down, plump, decline, etc. to show the fail.
So it is important for the translator to transfer this hot and intense business atmosphere into TL
text by using appropriate TL synonyms. Examples:
• … estimates that the figure has jumped Ướ ằ
c tính r ng con s này hiện đã tăng vọt.
• That deal was intended to bring prices down.
Cam kết này đưa ra nhằm để dìm giá xung.
• There are other factors too that contribute to price rises
Ngoài ra còn nhng nguyên nhân khác góp phn đẩy giá c leo thang.
Beside comparative clauses like (a) or (b), there are expressions equivalent to comparative clauses like in (c) or (d)
(a) Nokia, which sells some of the most popular phones , …
Nokia, hãng có nhng mẫu điện thoi bán chy nhất …
(b) They argue that reducing taxes will make legally imported phones more attractive than the cheaper smuggled models.
H cho rng gim thuế s làm cho điện thoi nhp khu hp pháp thêm phn hp dn so vi
các loi điện thoi nhp lu giá r. TRANSLATION 1/ 24
(c) The advantages of living in the country may outweigh the disadvantages. (to be greater/ more important than)
Cuc sng nông thôn có nhiu cái lợi hơn là cái hại.
(d) We need to double the amount we already have. (twice as much/ many)
Chúng ta cn phải tăng con s c hi thu đượ
n nay lên gấp đôi.
Work in pair and give Vietnamese equivalents of these collocations of tax. • to drop taxes
• reducing taxes (will make legally imported phones more attractive)
• (phone carried into country) tax free
• (a multi-million dollar) tax fraud
What are all possible meanings – physical, figurative, technical and colloquial – of these lexical items?
stock (the legally/ illegally imported models) • huge (trade) TEXT TRANSLATION
Translate the text into Vietnamese VOCABULARY EXPANDING
1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words below. doubled quadrupled less than half twice as much as largest the fastest lowest the most profitable
1. But now India is emerging as an economic force with _____________________ growth of any democratic nation.
2. Market prices for wheat have _____________________ in the last year and global stocks have
fallen to their _____________________ point in thirty years. TRANSLATION 1/ 25
3. According to recent figures, more than 62 million singles were sold or downloaded legally from
the Internet in the UK in 2006. That figure is almost _____________________ the 32 million
bought in 2004, and experts think it will continue to grow over the coming years.
4. According to a survey by the business consultancy firm Interbrand, the multinational giant
Coca Cola is losing its position as _____________________ company in the world. 5. A senior official i
n the Bangladeshi agriculture ministry, Ayub Mian, says government stocks of
rice now stand at six hundred thousand tonnes, which is _____________________ the normal level.
6. The cost of jet fuel has more than doubled in the last year and _____________________ since
2004. Air Canada says every time oil increases by $1 a barrel, it costs the airline an additional $26
million a year. Fuel is its _____________________ expense, representing more than 30 per cen t of its total . operational spending
Give Vietnamese equivalents of these words and phrases economic force (1) global stock (2) bought (3)
multinational giant (4) government stocks (5)
operational spending (6)
4.3.2. Find near synonyms of these English words showing market changes
- grow (over the coming years) (3) - stand at (5)
- have fallen (2) - increase by (6) TRANSLATION 1/ 26 TRANSLATION PRACTICE
4.4.1. Underline comparative expressions and translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
1. A larger than usual summer snow melt in Antarctica
has given a team of archaeologists and scientists a rare
glimpse into the day-today lives of early polar explorers.
2. Until now, transportation studies have concentrated
on technology-the search for faster, smoother, more
economical modes of transport.
3. The more thorough you do the job now, the easier it
will be when you have to do it next time.
4. Business prospects are nightly more encouraging now
than they were a few years ago.
5. His victory in the final was no more convincing than I had expected.
6. It is estimated that no fewer than 40,000 people were present at the demonstration.
7. It's hard to say why David isn't doing better at school;
he's certainly no less intelligent than the other children in his class.
8. While it is important that advertisers are monitored to
ensure they do not mislead consumers, it can be argued
that puffery is a good technique for raising awareness of
new products that, otherwise, would go unnoticed in a crowded market. TRANSLATION 1/ 27
9. Small as it is in comparison with other stars, the sun
gives out two billion times more heat and light than the earth absorbs.
10. Long ago, the biggest dinosaur weighed more than
ten times as much as a mature elephant and nearly
equaled the size of most modern-day whales.
11. When he retired, he felt that he had outlived his usefulness.
12. Produce grown without pesticides and chemical
fertilizers may be more expensive than the usual
supermarket fare, but its better taste and health-giving
properties are becoming a major pull for consumers.
4.4.2. Translate into English the following sentences, choosing appropriate synonyms for the words underlined.
1. Với GDP bình quân đầu người đạt 146.011 USD, Qatar
đứng đầu bảng xếp hạng quốc gia giàu nhất thế giới theo
đánh giá của tạp chí Global Finance Magazine.
2. Tổng Cục Thống kê cho bi t
ế xuất khẩu gạo trong hai
tháng đầu năm 2017 của Việt Nam được dự báo giảm
4.9% so với năm ngoái xuống 788.000 tấn.
3. Chính phủ vừa quyết định bỏ thuế nhập khẩu đối với
xăng máy bay, nhằm giúp các hãng hàng không đối phó
với tình trạng giá nhiên liệu tăng cao trên thế giới.
4. Giá bất động sản tụt dốc và các chỉ số thị trường chứng
khoán rớt xuống mức thấp nhất từ hai năm trở lại đây. (index) TRANSLATION 1/ 28
5. Lạm phát vọt lên tới 25%, mức cao nhất từ 17 năm qua
bóp nghẹt thu nhập của nhiều người dân và công nhân
khắp nơi bãi công đòi tăng lương. (inflation)
6. Theo báo cáo của Savills, hi n ệ nay, giá căn hộ tại
TPHCM và Hà Nội nhìn chung vẫn thấp hơn so v i ớ các thị
trường tương đương trong khu vực như Kuala Lumpur
(Malaysia) và Bangkok (Thái Lan), mặc dù tốc độ tăng
trưởng của TPHCM cao hơn khi so sánh i vớ các thị trường này.
7. Theo ước tính của các nhà kinh tế học tại Bloomberg,
năm 2017, các nền kinh tế Đông Nam Á được dự báo sẽ
tiếp tục tăng trưởng mạnh. Philippines và Việt Nam sẽ
tiếp tục giữ vững vị trí dẫn đầu khu vực với mức tăng
trưởng lần lượt là 6,6% và 6,5%.
8. Theo kết quả điều tra doanh nghi p ệ nhỏ và vừa
(DNNVV) về môi trường kinh doanh Vi t ệ Nam 2015, môi
trường kinh doanh VN đang tốt dần lên nhờ có ít rào cản
hơn đối với doanh nghiệp và các nhà đầu tư.
9. BMI Research, một đơn vị chuyên v thông tin tài chính ề
của Fitch Group dự báo, tổng doanh số bán xe hơi tại
Đông Nam Á trong năm 2017 sẽ tăng 8,1% nhờ kinh tế
phát triển. Con số này đã gấp đôi mức 3,1% của năm
ngoái và mức tăng 3,7% của thị trường ô tô toàn châu Á trong năm nay. Further readings:
Read and translate more business news at Sources: TRANSLATION 1/ 29 UNIT 5 TOURISM TEXT ANALYSIS
Read the text to find out what beaches are described and what the intention of the description is. ARDENT LOVERS OF THE BEACH
Ardent lovers of the each would only understand the true joy and ecstasy that is felt
when you feel your feet sinking into the sand and when the light spray of the azure waters fall
gently on the face! Miles and miles of golden sands, the roaring waves, the beautiful horizon
and the wind rushing through your hair is probably just one of the few reasons why I love being
at the beach! The peace and tranquility that is felt out here can definitely not be compared to anything else in this world.
Whatever the reason, genuine lovers of the golden sands would always be in pursuit of
the most beautiful and serene beaches one can find around the world! This is probably the
reason why one such place does crop in my mind when I speak about beautiful beaches, which
are the beaches of Kauai. The Kauai beaches are some of the most gorgeous and picturesque
beaches ever; with each having its own uniqueness.
Some of the Kauai beaches offer an adventurous kind of fun whereas the others, with
their own Kauai beach resorts and gorgeous beach villas tend to spoil you in full style. The Kauai
beach vacations can therefore promise you completely fun filled holidays that would surely
leave you asking for more. Kauai forms a part of the oldest and is also the largest of the
Hawaiian Islands. Such is the beauty of the islands of Kauai that it has witnessed the shooting of
more than 70 Hollywood movies and many television shows as well. TRANSLATION 1/ 30 Notes: ecstasy /ˈek.stə –
.si/ a feeling or state of very great happiness
azure /ˈæʒ.ər/ – bright blue in colour like the sky
tranquility /træŋˈkwɪl·ɪ·ti/ – quietness
gorgeous /ˈɡɔː.dʒəs/ – beautiful and attractive
picturesque /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈesk/ – (of a place, building, scene, etc.) pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned TRANSLATION NOTES
Read the text again. Give synonyms of the underlined words and translate the phrases into Vietnamese. • • and beaches
ardent lovers or the beach gorgeous picturesque • • joy and ecstasy gorgeous beach villas • • golden sands
peace and tranquility • • roaring waves serene beaches • • azure water
adventurous kind of fun
Extreme adjectives describe a thing, a place or a person of very high quality or in very great
degree, like brilliant - extremely clever - or gorgeous - very beautiful and attractive. Travelogues
or tourist advertisements often use (1) extreme t
adjec ives, and (2) compelling and impressive
words - tranquility or spoil you in full style - to show the writer's such strong feelings about
certain places and to make such strong impressions on readers that they will want to travel there too.
To transfer successfully the text, to improve and intense its intention, we are to describe the
things or places in our own language and may use the following three techniques to translate
extreme adjectives and other compelling words.
(1) choose one equivalent Vietnamese adjective:
* gorgeous beach villas: những bi t th ệ
tráng lệ nằm bên bờ bi n ể
* peace and tranquility: không khí bình yên tĩnh lặng (2) use a pair of adjectives TRANSLATION 1/ 31
* serene beaches: những bãi biển bình yên thơ mộng
(3) use an adverb with an adjective
* ardent lovers of beaches: những kẻ say mê biển đến cung nhiệt
* roaring waves: những con sóng rù rì không ngng nghỉ (4) use a simile or metaphor
* azure water: nước xanh như ngọc RELATIVE CLAUSES
Relative clauses often begin with relative pronouns - who, which, whose, whom, that - or with
relative adverbs - when, where, why. When there is a lack of equivalence in English-Vietnamese
grammar structures, it is sometimes appropriate to omit words or phrases that are not essential
to the meaning or impact of source text.
Very often relative pronouns "who", "which", and "that" that function as subjects are omitted in
translation. Look at the examples:
a. There are very few artists who have enjoyed much material success in their own lifetimes.
Rt ít ngh sĩ có được thành công vt cht khi còn sng.
Hiếm có ngh sĩ nào ngay lúc sinh thời đã đạt đến phú quý vinh hoa.
b. The elephant that trampled the village was drunk on fermented fruit.
Con voi dẫm nát ngôi làng này đã bị say vì ăn trái cây lên men từ trước.
Relative pronouns can be translated if they start a non-defining relative clause
c. Umberto, who saw it with his own eyes, refused to believe that Hulk Hogan was in a movie.
➔ Umberto, người đã tậ ắt đi xem, nhất đị n m
nh không chu tin rng Hulk Hogan có xut hin
trong b phim.
➔ Umberto đã tận ắt m
đi xem bộ phim đó và cho rằng Hulk Hogan không h xut hin trong phim.
In other cases, connectors can be translated in various ways
d. Deserts are arid land areas where more water is lost through evaporation than is gained through precipitation.
➔ Sa mạc là những vùng đất khô cằn nơi (có) lượng nước bị ất m
đi do bốc hơi nhiều hơn
lượng nước có được qua thẩm thấu.
➔ Sa mạc là những vùng đất khô cằn vì ở đó lượng nước bị mất đi do bốc hơi… TRANSLATION 1/ 32 TEXT TRANSLATION
Translate the sentences with the underlined relative clauses.
- the true joy and ecstasy that is felt when you feel your feet sinking into the sand
- This is probably the reason why one such place does crop in my mind when I speak about
beautiful beaches, which are the beaches of Kauai
- The Kauai beach vacations can therefore promise you completely fun filled holidays that would
surely leave you asking for more
- Such is the beauty of the islands of Kauai that it has witnessed the shooting of more than 70
Hollywood movies and many television shows as well.
Translate the whole text into Vietnamese VOCABULARY EXPANDING
1. Complete the sentences below with appropriate given words or phrases. to live on the planet conventional tourism
environmental and cultural factors attractions cultural integrity ecological tourism cultural heritage
Ecotourism, also known as _______________, is a form of tourism that appeals to
ecologically and socially conscious individuals. Generally speaking, ecotourism focuses on
volunteering, personal growth, and learning new ways to _______________. It typically involves
travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and _______________ are the primary _______________.
Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of
_______________ on the environment and enhance the _______________ of local people.
Therefore, in addition to evaluating _______________, an integral part of ecotourism is the
promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and creation of economic
opportunities for the local communities.
2. Translate these sentences into English by filling the gaps with appropriate words or phrases.
1. Châu Á đã trở thành địa điểm du lịch phát triển nhanh nhất thế giới vào lúc số người du lịch ra
nước ngoài nhiều hơn bất kì thời gian nào trước đó. TRANSLATION 1/ 33
Asia has become the fastest-growing _______________ in the world at a time when more people
_______________ than ever before.
2. Hà Nội thời mở cửa không những chỉ đẹp bởi các tòa nhà cao tầng, các khách sạn, nhà hàng
mà còn bởi những di tích lịch sử được bảo tồn và trùng tu cẩn thận.
Hanoi _______________ is beautified not only by high-rises, hotels and restaurants but also by
carefully preserved and restored _______________.
3. Thành phố Huế với những kiệt tác về kiến trúc cung đình, những lâu đài lăng tẩm đã được
UNESCO xếp hạng là một trong những di sản văn hóa của nhân loại.
Hue city with masterpieces of _______________; castles and mausoleums has been recognised
by UNESCO as one of _______________ of mankind.
4. Để hấp dẫn du khách, tạo sự hứng thú để du khách trở lại nhiều lần, các thành phố du lịc h cần
chú trọng bảo quản thắng cảnh thiên nhiên, di tích lịch sử, nâng cấp cơ sở hạ tầng đồng thời phát
triển các dịch vụ du lịch.
To attract visitors and to create interests so that visitors may come back many times,
_______________ must pay attention to _______________ and historical relics, upgrading
infrastructure as well as developing _______________. TRANSLATION PRACTICE
1. Translate these sentences into Vietnamese paying attention to dependent clauses.
1. The winner of the Nobel Prize in physics dedicated the
honour to his high school physics teacher, who had been
an inspiration during his early years.
2. The new shopping mall is gigantic. It’s advertised as a
place where you can find just about anything you want to buy.
3. A professor who teaches linguistics at Hanoi National
University received an award for outstanding research.
4. Alexander Calder, who was originally interested in
mechanical engineering, later became a sculptor.
5. When there is a language ,
barrier communication is
accomplished through sign language in which motions
stand for letters, words and ideas. TRANSLATION 1/ 34
6. Asthma is a chronic disease whose chief symptom is
difficulty in breathing.
7. To the modern hospital, the hospital is a heaven for
the sick, a source of knowledge of disease and above all,
a laboratory where the sick are studied for their sakes,
and the dead for the benefit of the living.
8. Acupuncture comes from the traditional Chinese
system of medicine that includes herbalism, massage,
diet, manipulation and exe
9. There will come a time when you look back on days at college with pride.
10. He won't ever forget the house where he has spent
hard but very happy days with his school-mates.
2. Translate these sentences into English, considering if and how relative clauses can be
combined to make compound sentences.

1. Yoko đã kể cho tôi nghe về n ững h
sinh viên đã nhiều lần dự k thi tuy ỳ
ển sinh vào trường đại học này.
2. Bạn nên tập trung nghề của mình vào một lĩnh vực bạn thực sự quan tâm.
3. Người có cái nhìn lạc quan về cuộc sống thường là người hạnh phúc.
4. Một giải thưởng 500.000 đô la Mỹ đã được tặng cho bác s
ỹ Sato – người đã gây ấn tượng cho giới khoa học
với công trình nghiên cứu về bệnh cảm lạnh thông thường. TRANSLATION 1/ 35
5. Văn phòng chúng tôi cần ộ
m t thư ký biết sử dụng
nhiều chương trình khác nhau để soạn th n ảo văn bả .
6. Đà Lạt – còn được gọi là thành phố hoa – lôi cuốn
hàng trăm ngàn du khách trong và ngoài nước mỗi tuần.
7. Những người thường xuyên đi du ch lị luôn khám phá
được nhiều điều thú vụ ở mỗi nơi họ đến.
8. Thành phố cổ Hội An là một điểm du lịch nổi tiếng ở
miền Trung Việt Nam – nơi mà lòng hiếu khách đã thật
sự gây ấn tượng với du khách. 9. Ngày T t
ế cổ truyền là thời gian mọi người con ở xa
quê hương luôn tìm cách quay về để sum họp với gia đình.
10. Du khách đến Huế thích ở các khách sạn cao tầng
dọc theo bờ sông Hương nơi họ có thể thưởng ngoạn
cảnh quan thơ mộng của Huế rõ nét nhất. Further Readings
Read to learn more about American famous cities
– New York City, Seattle, Miami, and Chicago at TRANSLATION 1/ 36 UNIT 6 HEALTH AND FITNESS TEXT ANALYSIS
Read the text and find out how fresh fruit and vegetables can be good for health. FRESH FRUIT FRESH FRUIT AND VEGET AND ABLES FOR GOOD HEAL VEGET TH ABLES FOR GOOD HEAL
An unhealthy diet together with little exercise
and smoking are the key preventable risks of
non-communicable diseases and it's estimated
that low fruit and vegetable intake alone causes
more than two and a half million deaths each year.
Eating at least five portions of fruit and
vegetables a day ensures an adequate supply of
micronutrients like vitamins but it can also
reduce the amount of fatty and salty food we
eat which isn't good for us. Evidence is growing
about other benefits of fruit and veg. too – they
can help prevent heart disease, some types of
cancer, the most common form of diabetes and obesity.
The WHO and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, who are behind the scheme,
want to increase consumption in developing countries - which grow a lot of the global
supply of fruit and vegetables – and also hope to encourage it in the developed world,
where the popularity of convenience foods means that many people no longer eat enough fresh produce .
(By Aria Lichtarowicz) Notes:
non-communicable diseases – illnesses that are not infectious - not able to be transferred from one person to another
low fruit and vegetable intake – the eating of a small amount of fruit and vegetables – a smaller amount than recommended
veg – short form of the word "vegetables", often heard in informal speech
diabetes – medical condition in which a person's body is not able to control the level of sugar in the blood
consumption – a formal word for the eating or drinking of something
produce – food that is grown or farmed, often in large quantities to be sold TRANSLATION 1/ 37 TRANSLATION NOTES
If we can recognize the relationship of ideas in one clause or between clauses, the translation can become much easier.
a. CauseEffect
Scientific reports often describe causal relationship of various variables in a research. This
relationship can be shown by (1) verbs like cause, lead to, result in, etc. or by (2) connectors like
because of, caused by, cause of, reason for, attributed to, on account of, owing to or because, as, since, so…that, etc.
• An unhealthy diet together with little exercise and smoking are the key preventable risks of non-communicable diseases.
Cause: unhealthy diet, little exercise, smoking
Effect:non-communicable diseases
Chế độ ăn không hợp lí, ít luyn tp và hút thuc là nh ng nguy ữ
ên nhân chính gây ra các căn
bnh không truyn nhim và hoàn toàn có th phòng tránh được.
• A donation by the founder of Microsoft to the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases a vaccine against malaria. could eventually lead to
Cause: donation by Microsoft
Result: a vaccine against malaria
Nh có khon vin
tr ca nhà sáng lp Microsoft, Vin nghiên cu D ng và Các bnh truyn
nhim quc gia Hoa Kì đã có thể tiếp tục chương trình nghiên cứu vc xin chng st rét.
b. PurposeReason
Quite similar to above cause-effect sentences are sentences showing purpose or reason with
expressions like since, because, in order to, so as not to, so that, etc. Scientific reports also explain
the reason something should be done or why a research is carried out in a certain way.
There are other relationships found in a sentence such as concession and comparison. Concession
• Three quarters said they had not changed the frequency with which they washed their hands,
despite this being one of the core messages of the public health campaign.
Ba phần tư số người được u
điề tra nói rng h không h ra tay nhiều hơn mặc dầu đây là
mt trong nhng khuyến cáo ni bật mà các chương trình y tế đã đưa ra. TRANSLATION 1/ 38 Purpose
• Their findings suggest it is better to keep the public as informed as possible in order to
maximise the chance they will make changes to their behaviour.
Kết qu điều tra cho thy cn phải ng
thườ xuyên cung cấp thông tin cho người dân để đảm
bảo h s thay đổi các thói quen v sinh cá nhân mt các tt nht.
WHO and the UN Food and Agriculture
Organisation are the names of two organisations. When
transferring such names or geographical names into Vietnamese, we can apply one of the following three techniques
1. Transferring, not translating
Oxfam, G8, Washington DC, Yamaha
2. Translation plus the acronym
Tổ chức Y tế thế giới (WHO) và Tổ chức Nông lương của Liên hiệp quốc (UN FAO)
The Red Cross – Hội Chữ Thập Đỏ
3. Transcription, usually applicable to geographical names
India - Ấn Độ, Finland – Phần Lan, Tibet Tây T – ạn g
Translate the names of these international non-profit organizations. ▪ Children Action ▪ the Red Crescent ▪ Doctors without Borders
▪ the World Heart Federation ▪ Project Orbis ▪ UNAIDS ▪ SOS Children's Villages ▪ UNESCO
▪ the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ▪ WWF
What are these Vietnamese organizations? ▪ MOH
▪ The Directorate for Standard and Quality (STAMEQ) of Vietnam ▪ Tropical Disease Hospital
▪ The Central Institute of Epidemic Prevention
▪ Institute for Malaria, Parasitology and Entomology TRANSLATION 1/ 39 TEXT TRANSLATION
- Define the relationship in each sentence in the text, whether it is cause-effect; concession-
contrast; or purpose-reason;
- Identify relative clauses and find out how to translate them
Translate the text into Vietnamese VOCABULARY EXPANDING
Build up your own list of the most common non-communicable diseases, causes and treatments. To complete the table, read more about NCD at .
PREVENTIONS/ TREATMENTS • Obesity • Little exercise • 5 portions of fruit & • … • Smoking veg/day • … • … • … • … • …. • … TRANSLATION PRACTICE
1. Work in groups to translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. Pay attention to
the ways causes and results, treatments and preventions are presented.
1. Drinking tea may ward
off tooth decay and bad
breath, according to scientists. A study, presented at a
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,
suggests that chemicals in tea can destroy bacteria and
viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions. 2. Each year, malaria
kills about 2 million people; mostly
children and mostly in developing countries. Hopes are
pinned on a vaccine because some strains of the
parasite have developed resistance to drug treatments
and mosquitoes are fighting back against traditional insecticides.
3. A new study from the US National Cancer Institute in
Maryland says that eating cauliflower and broccoli twine
a week can almost halve a man's chances of developing
an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Between them,
cauliflower can cut the chances of developing the
cancer by 52 per cent, while broccoli can reduce the risk
by as much as 45 per cent, say researchers.
4. There are many causes of insomnia including stress,
environmental noise, extreme temperature changes in
the surrounding environment, or medication side
effects. In many cases, insomnia is caused by another
disease or psychological problem. In this case, medical
or psychological help may be useful. Talk to your doctor
if you are having trouble getting good, refreshing sleep
each night. Together you can identify possible reasons
for your sleeping difficulty and then try appropriate
measures to correct the problem.
5. Poor health infrastructure is a common problem for
nearly all developing countries. Putting HIV-positive
people on drugs earlier would significantly reduce the
cost to health systems of treating opportunistic TRANSLATION 1/ 41
infections – illnesses which take hold while the immune
system is weak. It would also greatly improve life
expectancy of HIV patients, with repercussions for
families and the workforce
2. Translate the following paragraphs into English.
1. Các tổ chức của LHQ như Quỹ Nhi đồng LHQ (UNICEF), Quỹ toàn cầu ề
v các bnh AIDS, lao p
h i và st rét, Ngân
hàng Thế giới đã khuyến khích và cấp ngân sách cho 11
nước và yêu cầu 34 nước khác giảm sử dụng các loại thuc s t
rét truyn thống để chuyển sang dùng loại
thuốc Artemisinin, một loại thảo dược được sản xuất từ
cây thanh hao hoa vàng (qinghaosu). 2. Các nhà khoa học M sau ỹ
gần chục năm nghiên cứu cây
gc và các sn phm gc của Việt Nam cũng đã thừa
nhận: Gấc là loại quả sạch, an toàn và có hiệu quả chng
oxy hóa cao
hơn cà chua và cà rốt nhiều lần, tăng khả
năng miễn dch và sức đề kháng cho cơ thể, loại bỏ phần
nào các tác hại của môi trường như tia xạ, thuốc trừ sâu…
giúp cơ thể khe mnh, da d mn màng.
3. Mỗi buổi sáng uống một tách trà là một trong những
bin pháp tt nhất để chống sâu răng. Các nhà nghiên
cứu ở trường Đại học Illinois đã phát hiện rằng trà đen
chứa các cht ch ng
vi khun gây sâu răng. Ngoài ra, trà
còn là nguồn fluor tự nhiên rất h ng. ữu ích cho răng miệ
4. Một nghiên cứu về giấc ngủ châu Á tại Thái Lan, Đài
Loan và Phi-líp-pin cho hay tình trạng ngủ phụ thuộc vào
tuổi tác, giới tính và điều kiện kinh tế. Nguyên nhân gây
mt ng chủ yếu là do stress trong cuộc sống, tình trạng
sức khỏe, môi trường và gia đình. Mức độ mất ngủ phụ
thuộc vào độ ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố trên. TRANSLATION 1/ 42
5. Theo các chuyên gia y tế, bin pháp hu hiu nht để
phòng chống cúm A (H1N1) là tăng cường rửa tay bằng xà
phòng hoặc nước sát khuẩn thông thường. Biện pháp
này đã góp phần giảm trên 40% tần suất b nh ệ nhân bị
các bệnh đường hô hp, nhất là cúm A (H1N1). Further readings:
Learn more about health problems of Vietnam at TRANSLATION 1/ 43 FURTHER PRACTICE
A. English – Vietnamese Translation
Translate the following texts into Vietnamese, pa i
y ng special attention to common English
structures and language features that are covered in translation notes of the material.
1. Humour is an important form of communication that is common to all societies although the
same things are not always considered funny in different cultures.
2. Today, there are no rules of conduct for teachers out of the classroom, and they are not
expected to perform caretaking duties such as cleaning the classrooms or making pens, but
nevertheless their jobs are much harder than they were in the 1990s.
3. It is no longer considered acceptable or appropriate for state schools to teach about religious
beliefs. Ideas about the value and purpose of education have also changed and with the
increasing sophistication of workplaces and life skills needed for a successful career, the
curriculum has also expanded to try to prepare children for the challenge of a diverse working community.
4. In modern schools, creative activities such as free writing are encouraged, and there is a
curriculum which offers a range of of subject choices to meet the needs and interests of each
pupil. There is an increasing level of sophistication in the curriculum to meet the needs of the workplace.
5. 30% of Chinese children were considered to be too heavy for their age. O e n cause of obesity is
eating too much, too often and another is eating the wrong kind of food.
6. While it is important that advertisers are monitored to ensure they do not mislead consumers,
it can be argued that puffery is a good technique for raising awareness of new products that,
otherwise, would go unnoticed in a crowded market.
7. Increasingly, voices are being raised in India and abroad, questioning the wisdom and warning
of the consequences of sending such a massive number of new cheap cars onto the roads. TRANSLATION 1/ 44
8. Enabling a million new drivers every year to take to the roads will worsen the air quality in
India’s megacities such as Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkatta, where the amount of air pollutdue due to
vehicles stands at 64%, 52% and 30% respectively.
9. Since 1995, there has been a city bike system in Copenhagen which allows anyone to borrow a
bike from one of 100 bike stands around the city for a small deposit. Once the bike is returned to
the same or another stand, this money is refunded.
10. Cycling is clearly a healthy and effective alternative to the private car in our congested cities.
The greater the proportion cyclists to other vehicles, the safer cycling becomes.
11. There needs to be a “point of difference”, something that makes your sites, festival, or
attraction really stand out in a crowded market. Some places are lucky enough to have one of the
great wonders of the world. Others have a special annual festival or event which is too good to be missed.
12. Many immigrants in the UK live in London, where over 300 different languages are spoken in
schools. You might be surprised to learn that there are more people living in London who were
born in Germany, Italy, France or Spain than people who were born in Bangldesh or Pakistan.
13. It is odd that Vietnamese students studying abroad do not realize that every situation beyond
formal education in the classroom, no matter how trivial or negative, can be an educational
experience, broadening one’s humanity and understanding of the world.
B. Vietnamese – English Translation
Translate the following texts into English, paying special attention to common English structures
and language features that are covered in translation notes of the material.
1. Caffeine có th
ể là thủ phạm gây mất ngủ về đêm được biết đến nhiều nhất, nhwung nhiều
người lại không thể từ bỏ caffeine. Có thể mất n
đế tám giờ để những tác động kích thích ủ c a
caffeine dừng lại. Caffeine cũng có thể ng tácđộ
tới adenosine, một chất hóa học ở não gây ngủ.
Đó là lý do tại sao những tách cà phê giúp bạn tỉnh táo vào buổi ều chi
nhưng sẽ làm bạn khó ngủ
khi đêm đến. Và nếu bạn sử dụng một tách cà phê vào buổi tối thì có ột m
điều chắc chắn sẽ xảy
ra đó là bạn sẽ bị mất ngủ trắng đêm.
2. Trầm cảm không chỉ phổ biến ở đối tượng trẻ nhỏ mà còn gặp nhiều ở người lớn tuổi. Đặc biệt,
phụ nữ có nguy cơ bị trầm cảm nhiều hơn nam giới gấp hai lần. Nguy cơ mắc trầm cảm cũng tăng
với các bệnh lý thần kinh, tim mạch kèm theo như đột quỵ, Parkinson... Đối với người vừa về hưu,
có nhiều thay đổi gây ảnh hưởng, thậm chí đảo lộn cuộc sống của họ. Một trong những thay đổi TRANSLATION 1/ 45
đó là họ có Thời gian trống quá nhiều. Đây có thể là cú sốc lớn nhất khi bước vào giai đoạn nghỉ
hưu, đặc biệt là đối với một người lao động chuyên cần, dành nhiều tâm huyết cho công việcCảm
giác nhớ công việc, nhớ các mối quan hệ công sở khiến cho người lớn tuổi không thoải mái, thậm
chí có phần bức bối, dễ nóng giận vì mỗi ngày đều nhàn rỗi. Một số trường hợp về hưu trở lại làm
việc vì nhiều lý do: Không cảm thấy thoải mái, cảm thấy cảm thấy vô dụng, cô đơn.
3. Ùn tắc giao thông đang trở thành vấn đề toàn cầu. Trung bình mỗi người mất gần 50% thời
gian trong năm để lái xe ở các thành phố lớn trên khắp thế giới. Thời gian ùn tắc càng lâu
đồng nghĩa với việc tăng chi phí lái xe. Tại Mỹ, cả nước mất gần 300 tỷ USD mỗi năm vào các chi
phí liên quan đến giao thông trong năm 2017, theo thông tin từ USA Today. Bảng xếp hạng Inrix
Global Scorecard 2017 được phát hành vào tháng 2/2018 cũng điểm mặt 7 thành phố tắc nghẽn
nhất thế giới và thời gian người dân sử dụng để lái xe.
4. Ý thức và văn hóa giao thông kém của người Việt là nguyên nhân chính gây ra các vụ giao thông
thảm khốc thời gian qua. Có hai nguyên nhân lớn và cơ bản nhất liên quan đến vấn đề tai nạn
giao thông ở Việt Nam hiện nay đó là: cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông còn nhiều hạn chế và ý thức, văn
hóa của người dân khi tham gia giao thông. Trong khi chờ đợi một lộ trình để Việt Nam có được
một cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông hoàn chỉnh và hiện đại thì việc nâng cao ý thức và văn hóa khi tham
gia giao thông là những việc cần phải chấn chỉnh ngay để mỗi người Việt trước hết bảo vệ bản
thân mình và không gây nguy hiểm cho người khác.
5. Việc xếp hàng có thể thấy ở nhiều quốc gia trên khắp thế giới, nhưng hành vi này mỗi nơi lại có
sự khác nhau. Điều quan trọng là phải “đánh thức” mọi người hiểu xếp hàng như giá trị sống cần
tôn vinh và tuân thủ, nếu không, chúng ta sẽ chẳng bao giờ có văn hóa xếp hàng.
6. Sự ra đời của những chiếc điện thoại thông minh, hay còn gọi là smartphone đã làm thay đổi
rất nhiều cuộc sống của con người. Đã hơn chục năm smartphone có mặt ở Việt Nam, nhưng liệu
người Việt, đặc biệt là những người trẻ đã thực sự sử dụng chúng một cách thông minh? Nếu chỉ
sử dụng smartphone vào mục đích giải trí, chúng ta không những không khai thác được hết tính
năng của smartphone một cách hiệu quả mà còn lạm dụng, phụ thuộc và vô hình chung trở thành
“nô lệ” cho các công ty phát hành ứng dụng
7. Cùng với cơn sốt phim ảnh và thời trang Hàn Quốc thâm nhập vào Việt Nam nói riêng và các
nước Đông Á nói chung, ngày càng có nhiều bạn trẻ yêu thích ngôn ngữ xứ Hàn. Các lớp học tiếng
Hàn mặc dầu không sẵn như tiếng Anh và tiếng Pháp trong trường học nhưng tiếng Hàn đã trở
thành một ngôn ngữ ngày càng phổ biến trong giới trẻ Việt Nam. Nhu cầu nhân lực có chuyên
ngành tiếng Hàn tăng bởi Việt N đã am
trở thành nước nhận đầu tư lớn thứ 2 từ các công ty Hàn TRANSLATION 1/ 46
Quốc trong 3 năm qua, theo KOTRA, cơ quan đầu tư và thương mại Hàn Quốc. Hơn nữa, khoảng
350.000 người, khoảng 3% lao động Việt Nam làm việc trong các công ty Hàn Quốc và xuất khẩu
từ Hàn Quốc vào Việt Nam chiếm 10% doanh số nhập khẩu của Việt Nam.
8. Du lịch độc hành (một mình) có th
ể nói là một xu hướng khá phổ biến trong giới trẻ hi n ệ nay, đặc biệt i
là đố với phái nữ. Nữ giới đang ngày một độc lập và t c
ạo đượ chỗ đứng trong xã hội. Tự
khám phá những điều mới mẻ cũng là một cách để họ chứng minh sự độc lập và tinh thần mạnh mẽ của chính mình.
9. Nhiều năm trở lại đây, số lượng du khách là người cao tuổi chiếm t
ỷ lệ khá cao và họ có nhu cầu đa dạng không kém ững nh
đối tượng khác. Khi tuổi già gõ cửa, thời gian có nhiều, nhiều người cao tuổi tìm n
đế du lịch như một cách để tạo thêm niềm vui, hưởng thụ cuộc sống. Hình
thức “du lịch chậm” dành cho người cao tuổi nở rộ trong nhiều năm gần đây như một giải pháp
hoàn hảo để du khách thăm thú đó đây, khám phá cảnh sắc thiên nhiên ở vùng miền mới lạ. Điều
cần quan tâm và chú trọng hàng đầu trong suốt hành trình du lịch chậm dành cho người cao tuổi
là vấn đề bảo đảm sức khỏe, chế độ ăn uống điều độ, hợp vệ sinh dành cho du khách cao tuổi.
Với kiểu tour đặc biệt này, hướng dẫn viên cần có nhiều kinh nghiệm, am hiểu tâm lý du khách và
kịp thời xử lý các tình huống phát sinh.
10. Một cuộc khảo sát mới của Ernst & Young đối với 1.200 n ng gười trưở thành trong dộ tuổi 20-
36 cho thấy nhiều người thích mua nhà ở ngoại ô hơn là
ở các thành phố. “Các vùng ngoại ô” ở
đây chỉ những khu vực nhỏ hơn gần các khu đô thị lớn – nơi người dân được hưởng sự giàu có
của cuộc sống thành thị (bao gồm cả cơ hội việc làm) với mức giá nhà thấp hơn.
11. Học trực tuyến là xu ng hướ
học tập của tương lai. Nhiều nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng học trực tuyến giúp ti t
ế kiệm 50 - 70% chi phí so với cách học truy n
ề thống và được xem là giải pháp học
tập hiện đại, tiết kiệm và hiệu quả trong thời k ỳ 4.0 hi n
ệ nay. Theo một nghiên cứu gần đây của
Learning House và Aslanian Market Research, khoảng 67% sinh viên hiện nay sử dụng các thiết bị
di động để tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến. Ở nhiều nước phát triển trên thế g ới n i hư Mỹ, Hàn
Quốc, Nhật Bản... hình thức giáo dục E- Learning ngày càng phát triển. Học trực tuyến không còn
gói gọn trong đối tượng sinh viên cao đẳng, đại học mà còn mở rộng ra các cấp bậc từ tiểu học
đến trung học cơ sở, trung học phổ thông. Việc học trở nên đơn giản và hiệu quả khi các em biết
vận dụng những thiết bị công nghệ và môi trường Internet ảo để tiếp thu những tri thức thật. TRANSLATION 1/ 47 SOURCES • BBC Learning English •
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• › tin-tuc › thong-tin-suc-khoe TRANSLATION 1/ 48 TRANSLATION 1/ 49