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gợi ý từ vựng tiếng anh siêu hay/trường đại học ngoại ngữ - đại học Đà Nẵng
Look at the underlined word that receives the stress in each sentence, and tell what the speaker means. One example has been done for you.
Ngôn ngữ anh (NNA001) 48 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng 249 tài liệu
gợi ý từ vựng tiếng anh siêu hay/trường đại học ngoại ngữ - đại học Đà Nẵng
Look at the underlined word that receives the stress in each sentence, and tell what the speaker means. One example has been done for you.
Môn: Ngôn ngữ anh (NNA001) 48 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng 249 tài liệu
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15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11
1.Write the transcriptions for the following words.
injured ;gelatin; measure ; inches ;caution; topical;telephone ; syllable gelatin injured [IndZ2d] [dZEl@tIn] measure [mEZ2] inches [IntS@z] caution [kOS@n] topical telephone [tAp@k@l] [tEl@fon] syllable [sIl@b@l]
2. How many sound segments are there in each of the following words? homopho 7 equestrian 10 ne broach 4 writer 4 thatched 4 middle 4 knack 3 photographer 9 lesson 5 imagination 10
3. State whether the place of articulation is the same (S)
or different (D) in the initial consonants of each pair. In
either case, state the place of articulation. Example: now – pneumonia Same; alveolar sun – sugar
Different; alveolar vs. palato-alveolar (a) goose –
Different; velar vs. palato-alveolar (b) gerrymander
Different; alveolar vs. palato-alveolar (c)
simple – shackle Different; velar vs. alveolar (d) curious – cereal Same; labio-dental (e) phonetic –
Different; bilabial vs. labio-velar about:blank 1/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11 fictional manners – wicker (f) Same; alveolar normal – location (g)
Different; labio-velar vs. palatal (h) Same; interdental wander – yesterday those – Thursday scissors – zipper Same; alveolar (i) temperate –
Different; alveolar vs. palato-alveolar (j) chestnut (k) chromosome –
Different; velar vs. palato-alveolar chief (l) baker – delegate
Different; bilabial vs. alveolar (m) happened – usual
Different; glottal vs. palatal (n) neuron – market
Different; alveolar vs. bilabial
(o) painting – broccoli Same; bilabial
4. State whether the manner of articulation is the same
(S) or different (D) in the final consonants of each pair. In
either case, state the manner of articulation. Example: bomb – ten Same; nasal rough – zip Different; fricative vs. stop album – broken Same; nasal ideal – keepsake Different; liquid vs. stop prologue – confine Different; stop vs. nasal Different; fricative vs. aqueous – liquid sociable Different; liquid vs. variable – watch affricate waste – adage Different; stop vs. barometer – finish affricate about:blank 2/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11 Different; liquid vs. inch – gauge fricative fiord – equip Same; affricate barb – relief Same; stop alive – fiftieth Different; stop vs. laughing – fricative hydraulic Same; fricative opulence – Different; nasal vs. stop paramedic Different; fricative vs. outrage – swivel stop dominion – Different; affricate vs. eminent liquid Different; nasal vs. stop 5. Assimilation
Provide two phonetic transcriptions for each of the following examples, one which reflects they way
you would say it in formal or careful speech style, the second the way you would say it in more rapid,
casual speech style. Identify the assimilation process that occurs in the sound sequence. 1. last year Careful style: ˈlæst ˈjɪr Casual style: ˈlæst ˈjɪr Assimilation process: 2. red carpet
Careful style: ˈɹɛd ˈkɑrpət
Casual style: ˈɹɛd ˈkɑrpət Assimilation process: 3. the green belt
Careful style: ðiː ɡ riː n belt
Casual style: ðiː ɡ riː n belt Assimilation process: about:blank 3/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11 6. Stress
Stress in a sentence is used to emphasize important information in a sentence, usually Noun, Verb, Adjective & Adverb.
Look at the underlined word that receives the stress in each sentence, and tell what the speaker
means. One example has been done for you. Word stressed in sentence What the speaker means
1. Sophie adored her gorgeous new motorbike.
e.g. It was Sophie – not Delia or Nigella or anybody else
2. Sophie adored her gorgeous new motorbike. Sophie adored, not hated
3. Sophie adored her gorgeous new motorbike. Her motorbike, noone else’s
4. Sophie adored her gorgeous new motorbike.
Her motorbike was gorgeous, not bad
5. Sophie adored her gorgeous new motorbike. Her new motorbike not old
6. Sophie adored her gorgeous new motorbike.
Her motorbike not her bike or car
7. Consider the distribution of [r] and [l] in Korean in the following words: a. [rupi] ‘ruby’ f. [mul] ‘water’ b. [kiri] ‘road’ g. [pal] ‘big’ c. [saram] ‘person’ h. [seul] ‘Seoul’ d. [irumi] ‘name’ i. [ilkop] ‘seven’ e. [ratio] ‘radio’ j. [ipalsa] ‘barber’
Are [r] and [l] allophones of one or two phonemes? State your reasons.
8. Analyze the syllable structure of the words: spy, apple, delight, convict. Word Number of First syllable Second syllable syllables Onset Rhyme Onset Rhyme Nucleus Coda nucleus coda spy apple delight convict about:blank 4/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11
9. What is Received Pronunciation in English? What is the difference between an accent and a dialect?
Give examples to illustrate the points you make.
- Received Pronunciation is the accent traditionally regarded as the standard and most prestigious form of spoken British English.
- The difference is that dialects refer to the way people speak their mother tongue, and accents refer to
how someone speaks another language.
10. Why do the rules for marking stress and intonation keep changing? Don't we have any fixed rules?
- Its true that the rules for marking stress and intonation keep changing. as far as my
knowledge concern its because the pronunciation of any language does not depend on
any particular rule. Its dynamic. Due to this reason the rules keep changing. PART 2
Please read the questions provided with four choices, marked A, B, C, and D in this reading
paper. Then, on your answer sheet, tick the correct box for the letter that corresponds to the answer you have chosen.
1. ……………… are sounds articulated by the lower lip against the upper teeth. A. labio-dentals B. alveolars C. velars D. glottals
2. How many syllables are there in the word photography? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
3. Which of the following forms a minimal pair? A. fat –tap B. thin –free C. see-she D. ship –three
4. How many segments are there in the word bookshop? A. 7 B. 6 C. 4 D. 5
5. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in voicing from the other segments ? A./ d, v, b, m / B./ m, n, ŋ, v / C. / w, z , r, l / D./z, t , ∫, s / about:blank 5/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11
6. Which of the following words contains a high vowel? A. sand B. hard C. sit D. hot
7. Which of the following is not true of a phoneme? A. It is what you interpret.
B. It is phonemic ( in dictionary). C. It is noncontrastive. D. It is non-predictable.
8. Which of the following is incorrect? A. All vowels are voiced.
B. Vowels are less sonorous than consonants. C. All vowels are syllabic.
D. consonants are either voiced or voiceless.
9. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions corresponds to the following
phonetic description: high front unrounded vowel ? A. / u: / B. / æ / C. / i: / D. / ʊ /
10. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions corresponds to the following
phonetic description : voiced alveolar stop ? A./ t / B. / t∫ / C. / d / D. / j /
11. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic description: voiced velar stop? about:blank 6/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11 A./ v / B. / g / C. / ð / D. / p /
12. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in place of articulation from the other segments? A./ t, r, d, s / B. / k, g , ŋ, w/ C./ p, b, m, n / D. / t, d, n, z /
13. In the articulation of the …………………… sound, the central of the tongue is raised toward the palate. A. front B. back C. central D. open
14. Which of the following words contain a long vowel? A. seen B. hat C. hot D. not
15. According to the ……………….., vowels can be rounded or unrounded.
A. height of the raised part of the tongue B. raised part of the tongue C. length of the vowels D. shape of the lip
16. Which of the following words contains a centring diphthong? A. hear B. tide C . day D. very
17. Which consonant cluster is the onset in the word ? streets A /sr/ B. /tr/ C. /str/ D/ ts/
18. In English , a syllable is generally not formed by ……….. about:blank 7/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11 A. a vowel B. one consonant and one vowel
C. one vowel and one consonant D. two stops
19. Which of the following phonetic variations may happen to the voiced stop [d ] in this context : [ li:d ] lead ?
A.[ d ] is aspirated after the front vowel [i:]
B.[ d ] is devoiced after the short vowel [i:]
C.[ d ] is devoiced word finally
D.[ d ] is unaspirated in the final position of a stressed syllable
20. Which of the following coarticulation processes may happen to the alveolar [ t ] in
this context : [ˈbɑːskɪt ˈmeɪkə(r)] basket maker ?
A.[ t ] may be devoiced before the bilabial [ m ]
B.[ t ] may be aspirated before the bilabial [ m ]
C.[ t ] may be labialised before the bilabial [ m ]
D.[ t ] may be nasalised before the bilabial [ m ]
21. Which of the following is not true of an allophone? A. It is what you hear. B. It is predictable.
C. It is a concrete unit of speech. D. It is distinctive. about:blank 8/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11
22. When two or more sounds or segments occur in mutually exclusive environments, they …
A. are quite likely to be allophones of the same phoneme.
B. can be used to produce a minimal pair. C. are different phonemes.
D. are probably in free variation.
23. …………………. deals with how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. A. Grammar B. Phonotactics C. Phonetics D. Phonology
24. Which of the following is not considered (an) articulator(s)? A. the tongue B. the lips C. the velum D. the ears
25. When the vocal cords are touching or nearly touching, the sounds they produce might be……….. A. /p, t and k/ B. / s, k and t/ C. /p, s and k/ D. /a: ; e and i:/
26. Which of the following statements is correct ?
All the aspirated voiceless stops are produced with
A. the vibration of the vocal cords
B. an extra puff of the air strongly expelled
C. the air stream from the glottis about:blank 9/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11
D. the air stream going through the nasal cavity
27. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic
description : short mid-high front vowel? A. [ i ] B. [ e ] C. [ o ] D. [ æ ]
28. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic description:
voiceless interdental fricative? A.[ m ] B. [ v ] C. [ t ] D. [ ]
29. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in manner of
articulation from the other segments ? A.[ w, r, j ] B. [ , ð , s ] C.[ p, b, m ] D. [ t, d, k ]
30.Which of the following statements is correct ? Interdentals are sounds made
A.with the tongue between the teeth
B.with the tongue on or near the hard palate
C.just behind the alveolar ridge
D.with the upper lip and the lower teeth
31. Which of the following coarticulation processes may happen to the alveolar [ d ] in
this context : [ dɪd ju:] did you? about:blank 10/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11
A. [ d ] becomes voiced before the palatal [ j ]
B. [ d ] is deleted before the palatal [ j ]
C. [ d ] is dentalised by the following [ j ]
D. [ d ] coalesces with [ j ] to make a new sound /dʒ/
32. Which of the following statements is correct ?
Progressive assimilation is a process by which
A.the change of a segment is brought by the preceding segment
B.a sound copies one or more phonetic features from the following sound
C.a sound becomes less like the preceding sound
D.two sounds coalesce to make a new sound.
33. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic
description : voiceless labiodental fricative? A.[ v ] B. [ w ] C. [ ð ] D. [ f ]
34. The process by which an alveolar stop is heard intervocally (voiced) between 2
vowels, the first of which is generally stressed is called A.metathesis B. epenthesis C.deletion D. flapping
35. Which of the following coarticulation processes may occur for the articulatory
transition from the sonorant [ ŋ ] to the nonsonorant [ ] to be eased in this context [ le ] ? about:blank 11/15 15:48 6/9/24
Phonetics AND Phonology Assignment 11 A.the deletion of [ ŋ ] B.the deletion of [ ]
C.the metathesis of the sound sequence [ ŋ ]
D.the epenthesis of a nonsonorant [ k ] within the sequence [ ŋ ]
36. Which of the following statements is correct ?
A. Velars are sounds made at the soft area toward the rear of the roof of the mouth.
B. Palatals are sounds made just behind the alveolar ridge
C. Bilabials are sounds made at the teeth ridge
D. Alveolars are sounds made with the tongue placed against the teeth
37. Which of the following statements is correct ?
A. When two or more sounds never occur in the same phonemic context or environment
they are said to be different phonemes.
B. When two or more sounds never occur in the same phonemic context or environment
they are said to be in free variation.
C. When two or more sounds never occur in the same phonemic context or environment
they are said to be allophones of the same phoneme.
D. A minimal pair is a pair that consists of two forms/words that are identical in
everywhere except for two segments that occur in the same place in the phonemic context.
38. Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
A. Fricatives are consonants produced with a continuous airflow through the mouth. about:blank 12/15 15:48 6/9/24
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