Good matiriel | Listening and Speaking B2 | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trong khóa học Listening and Speaking B2 tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, tài liệu học là một phần quan trọng giúp sinh viên phát triển kỹ năng nghe và nói của mình. Tài liệu được thiết kế để cung cấp cho sinh viên những bài nghe và hoạt động thảo luận phong phú, phù hợp với trình độ B2. Những tài liệu này giúp sinh viên rèn luyện khả năng hiểu và phản ứng với các tình huống giao tiếp thực tế, từ đó nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp tiếng Anh của họ. Đồng thời, tài liệu còn cung cấp cho sinh viên cơ hội luyện tập và tự tin trong việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ Anh trong các tình huống hàng ngày và công việc.

"Well, when it comes to similarities, I think I share certain traits of my mother and
my father. But, if I had to choose, I might say that I'm more similar to my father in
terms of my interests. We both have a passion
for photography, and we enjoy spending time together capturing moments during
family events or outings. However, on a personal level, I inherited some personality
traits from my mother, such as her sense of humor, which we both seem to have in
"Well, my family and I aim to spend quality time together at least once a week,
typically on weekends. We might explore a nearby park, catch a 昀椀lm, or try out a
new restaurant. These outings are our way of bonding and staying connected. Family
time holds a special place in our hearts, and we prioritize it whenever our schedules
"Yes, my hometown has undergone quite a few changes since my childhood. When I
was a child, it was a smaller and quieter place with fewer buildings
and less trac. Over the years, it has expanded and modernized. New buildings, shopping
centers, and roads have been developed. The population has also increased, bringing in more
diversity and a variety of cultural inuences. Although some of
the changes have been positive, I also feel a sense of nostalgia for the simpler, more
close-knit community that I remember from my childhood.”
"Yes, there are a few things that I used to do in my hometown but don't do anymore. For
instance, I used to participate in local community events and festivals regularly. As a child, my
family and I would attend these events together. However, since I moved
to Can Tho, I 昀椀nd myself less involved in the local community activities back in my
hometown. The distance and my current schedule make it a bit challenging to participate as
much as I used to.”
"In my family, I have a strong bond with all my family members, and it's dicult to single
out one person. Each family member is special to me in their own way. For example, I
appreciate my parents for their guidance and support, my siblings for their companionship,
and each member contributes to our family dynamic. It's the collective bond that I value the
"I don't have a single favorite meal, but if I had to choose, I'd say I really enjoy 'Ph,' a traditional
Vietnamese noodle soup. It's made with avorful broth, rice noodles, and aromatic
herbs. Ph holds a special place in my heart as it reminds me of home, and the rich,
fragrant taste is
simply delightful.
"In my hometown, people usually have a diverse range of foods for lunch. Common options
include rice or noodles with vegetables and a protein source like meat or 昀椀sh. Street food is
also popular for a quick and tasty lunch. The variety of choices caters to di昀昀erent preferences
and dietary needs.”
"I typically go shopping at local supermarkets for everyday items and visit malls for clothing
accessories. Occasionally, I also shop online for convenience and a broader selection.”
"When I go shopping, I usually focus on buying essential items like groceries, household
products, and personal care items. Additionally, I enjoy exploring clothing
lOMoARcPSD| 41487147
stores for new out昀椀ts or accessories. I tend to prioritize practical purchases, but I also like to
treat myself to something fashionable or unique occasionally.”
"The last thing I bought for myself was a book. I enjoy reading, and it's a simple pleasure
that I like to indulge in regularly."
"I was born/grew up in Ho Chi Minh City. It's a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. However,
as I got older, I moved to Can Tho for my studies in primary school. I appreciate both the
memories from my hometown and the new experiences in Can Tho."
"Yes, I 昀椀nd it quite easy to travel around my town. The public transportation system is well-
developed, with buses and trains connecting di昀昀erent parts of the city eciently.
Additionally, there are plenty of taxis and ride-sharing services available for convenience. The city
is also pedestrian-friendly, with well-maintained sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. Overall, the
accessibility of various transportation options makes it easy for residents to move around and
explore di昀昀erent areas of the town."
"I really enjoy spending quality time with my family. We often engage in activities such as going for
picnics in the local park, watching movies together, or trying out new restaurants. These
allow us to bond and create lasting memories. Additionally, we share common interests like
playing board games or taking short trips during weekends. It's the simple yet meaningful
activities that I cherish the most, as they strengthen our family bonds and provide opportunities
for laughter and connection.”
"I value both my time with family and friends, but if I had to choose, I'd say I enjoy spending time
with both for di昀昀erent reasons. With family, there's a deep sense of connection and shared
history that I 昀椀nd comforting. On the other hand, spending time with friends brings a di昀昀erent
kind of joy, as we often share common interests and can explore new activities together. Each
relationship contributes uniquely to my life, and I appreciate the balance between time spent with
family and friends.
"I'm currently a student at Can Tho University, majoring in English Studies. While I'm not working
in a speci昀椀c job at the moment, my focus is on my studies. I'm passionate about language and
literature, and I appreciate the learning opportunities that come with being a student of English
Studies. The university environment is positive, and I enjoy the academic challenges and the
chance to expand my knowledge. Overall, my primary role now is as a student, and I 昀椀nd it
ful昀椀lling as it contributes to my personal and intellectual growth.”
"Yes, absolutely! I believe in the importance of lifelong learning, and there are several things I
would like
to explore in the future. One area of interest is presentation skills, as I think it would be valuable for
both personal growth and professional development. Learning new things not only broadens my
horizons but also keeps me motivated and engaged. It's a continuous journey, and I look forward
to acquiring new knowledge and skills in the future.”
"Yes, I do. It's not only a practical activity for acquiring necessary items but also a form of
for me. I particularly like exploring di昀昀erent stores, whether it's for clothing, electronics, or
groceries. It's also a social activity when done with friends or family. However, I try to be
mindful of my spending and focus on making intentional purchases that bring value and
lOMoARcPSD| 41487147
"Yes, I enjoy spending time in shopping centers. They o昀昀er a diverse range of stores and
products, making it convenient to 昀椀nd everything in one place. I 昀椀nd it interesting to
explore di昀昀erent shops, check out the latest trends, and sometimes make spontaneous
purchases. Additionally, shopping centers often have a lively atmosphere with various amenities
like cafes and entertainment options, making the experience enjoyable and social."
"No, currently, I do not work part-time. I'm fully focused on my studies, which requires my full
attention and commitment. However, in the past, I did have some part-time work experiences
during my college years to gain practical skills and contribute to my expenses. While it was
challenging to balance both work and studies, those experiences were valuable in terms of
personal and professional development.”
"No, I don't come from a large family. In fact, my family is quite small. It consists of my parents, my
younger sister, and me. While we may be small in number, we are close-knit and share a strong
bond. I appreciate the intimacy and the close relationships that come with being part of a smaller
family unit.”
"I used to see my grandparents very often because we lived together, but unfortunately, they
passed away about three years ago. While I don't have the opportunity to see them anymore,
I have fond memories of the time we spent together. Their in昀氀uence continues to shape
my life, and I hold onto the cherished moments we shared."
"I go shopping quite frequently, actually. It's something I do several times a week. Whether
it's for
groceries, personal items, or just browsing for things I might need, I 昀椀nd myself at the store
regularly. I prefer this approach as it allows me to manage my needs in smaller, more
manageable trips rather than doing a big shopping spree all at once. It helps me stay organized
and ensures I can easily 昀椀nd what I'm looking for without feeling rushed."
"For breakfast, I usually eat around 11:30 am. I like to start my day with a nutritious meal. It
could be an omelet with veggies, a bowl of yogurt with fruits and granola, or even a smoothie
with spinach and banana. Having a good breakfast later in the morning helps me stay energized
and positive throughout the day.
"Yes, people in my hometown really like Western food. In recent years, more and more locals
become interested in dishes from the West. We now have many restaurants and cafes that serve
Western food like burgers, pizzas, pasta, and steaks. A lot of young people, including myself,
enjoy exploring these 昀氀avors. Even though our traditional local food is still a favorite, the
popularity of Western dishes has brought more variety to our food scene.
"Sure, I'm not a fan of sweet foods. Whether it's desserts or candies, the overly sugary taste
doesn't appeal to me. I lean more towards savory and balanced 昀氀avors in my
lOMoARcPSD| 41487147
meals. Everyone has their preferences, and while some enjoy the sweetness, I 昀椀nd
satisfaction in exploring the diverse world of savory and mildly 昀氀avored dishes.”
"Yes, I believe my hometown is a fantastic place for young people. There are several factors
contribute to this. Firstly, the city o昀昀ers a vibrant social scene with a variety of entertainment
options, including cafes, clubs, and cultural events. This creates a lively atmosphere that appeals
to the younger demographic. Additionally, there are educational institutions and job opportunities
that make it conducive for young individuals to pursue their academic and professional
aspirations. The city's dynamic environment, coupled with the availability of recreational activities,
makes it an exciting and promising place for young people to thrive and build their futures.”
"At night, my hometown transforms into a vibrant spectacle. The city lights up with colorful neon
signs, creating a lively atmosphere, especially in the central districts. The streets are bustling
with activity, featuring night markets and a variety of street food stalls. These areas o昀昀er a
diverse nightlife, from trendy rooftop bars with stunning views to bustling markets. Along the
river, the city's skyline re昀氀ects in the water, creating a serene backdrop. Overall, the
nighttime scene in my hometown is a captivating mix of tradition and modernity, providing a
memorable experience for residents and visitors alike.”
"A long time ago, in the period between 1975 and 1986 in Ho Chi Minh City, people from my
hometown were often employed in various state-owned enterprises and industries. It was a time
when collective and cooperative work was emphasized, and many individuals found jobs in
manufacturing, agriculture, and services. Personally, my family members were involved in
farming, re昀氀ecting the prevailing employment trends during that era. It was a period of
signi昀椀cant economic development and changes in the workforce, with a strong emphasis on
state-driven industries and collective e昀昀orts.”
"My favorite subject in university is English grammar. I really like learning about how words 昀椀t
together to make sentences. It helps me talk and write better. I enjoy 昀椀guring out the rules and
making my communication clear. Studying English grammar feels like solving a puzzle, and I
always want to get better at it."
"I enjoy spending quality time with my family. We often do simple things together like watching
movies, playing board games, or taking short trips to nearby places. Sharing these moments
creates a strong bond, and it's something I always look forward to."
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Preview text:

"Well, when it comes to similarities, I think I share certain traits of my mother and
my father. But, if I had to choose, I might say that I'm more similar to my father in
terms of my interests. We both have a passion
for photography, and we enjoy spending time together capturing moments during
family events or outings. However, on a personal level, I inherited some personality
traits from my mother, such as her sense of humor, which we both seem to have in common"
"Well, my family and I aim to spend quality time together at least once a week,
typically on weekends. We might explore a nearby park, catch a 昀椀lm, or try out a
new restaurant. These outings are our way of bonding and staying connected. Family
time holds a special place in our hearts, and we prioritize it whenever our schedules align.”
"Yes, my hometown has undergone quite a few changes since my childhood. When I
was a child, it was a smaller and quieter place with fewer buildings
and less tra昀케c. Over the years, it has expanded and modernized. New buildings, shopping
centers, and roads have been developed. The population has also increased, bringing in more
diversity and a variety of cultural in昀氀uences. Although some of
the changes have been positive, I also feel a sense of nostalgia for the simpler, more
close-knit community that I remember from my childhood.”
"Yes, there are a few things that I used to do in my hometown but don't do anymore. For
instance, I used to participate in local community events and festivals regularly. As a child, my
family and I would attend these events together. However, since I moved
to Can Tho, I 昀椀nd myself less involved in the local community activities back in my
hometown. The distance and my current schedule make it a bit challenging to participate as much as I used to.”
"In my family, I have a strong bond with all my family members, and it's di昀케cult to single
out one person. Each family member is special to me in their own way. For example, I
appreciate my parents for their guidance and support, my siblings for their companionship,
and each member contributes to our family dynamic. It's the collective bond that I value the most.”
"I don't have a single favorite meal, but if I had to choose, I'd say I really enjoy 'Phở,' a traditional
Vietnamese noodle soup. It's made with 昀氀avorful broth, rice noodles, and aromatic
herbs. Phở holds a special place in my heart as it reminds me of home, and the rich, fragrant taste is simply delightful.”
"In my hometown, people usually have a diverse range of foods for lunch. Common options
include rice or noodles with vegetables and a protein source like meat or 昀椀sh. Street food is
also popular for a quick and tasty lunch. The variety of choices caters to di昀昀erent preferences and dietary needs.”
"I typically go shopping at local supermarkets for everyday items and visit malls for clothing and
accessories. Occasionally, I also shop online for convenience and a broader selection.”
"When I go shopping, I usually focus on buying essential items like groceries, household
products, and personal care items. Additionally, I enjoy exploring clothing lOMoAR cPSD| 41487147
stores for new out昀椀ts or accessories. I tend to prioritize practical purchases, but I also like to
treat myself to something fashionable or unique occasionally.”
"The last thing I bought for myself was a book. I enjoy reading, and it's a simple pleasure
that I like to indulge in regularly."
"I was born/grew up in Ho Chi Minh City. It's a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. However,
as I got older, I moved to Can Tho for my studies in primary school. I appreciate both the
memories from my hometown and the new experiences in Can Tho."
"Yes, I 昀椀nd it quite easy to travel around my town. The public transportation system is well-
developed, with buses and trains connecting di昀昀erent parts of the city e昀케ciently.
Additionally, there are plenty of taxis and ride-sharing services available for convenience. The city
is also pedestrian-friendly, with well-maintained sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. Overall, the
accessibility of various transportation options makes it easy for residents to move around and
explore di昀昀erent areas of the town."
"I really enjoy spending quality time with my family. We often engage in activities such as going for
picnics in the local park, watching movies together, or trying out new restaurants. These moments
allow us to bond and create lasting memories. Additionally, we share common interests like
playing board games or taking short trips during weekends. It's the simple yet meaningful
activities that I cherish the most, as they strengthen our family bonds and provide opportunities
for laughter and connection.”
"I value both my time with family and friends, but if I had to choose, I'd say I enjoy spending time
with both for di昀昀erent reasons. With family, there's a deep sense of connection and shared
history that I 昀椀nd comforting. On the other hand, spending time with friends brings a di昀昀erent
kind of joy, as we often share common interests and can explore new activities together. Each
relationship contributes uniquely to my life, and I appreciate the balance between time spent with family and friends.”
"I'm currently a student at Can Tho University, majoring in English Studies. While I'm not working
in a speci昀椀c job at the moment, my focus is on my studies. I'm passionate about language and
literature, and I appreciate the learning opportunities that come with being a student of English
Studies. The university environment is positive, and I enjoy the academic challenges and the
chance to expand my knowledge. Overall, my primary role now is as a student, and I 昀椀nd it
ful昀椀l ing as it contributes to my personal and intellectual growth.”
"Yes, absolutely! I believe in the importance of lifelong learning, and there are several things I would like
to explore in the future. One area of interest is presentation skills, as I think it would be valuable for
both personal growth and professional development. Learning new things not only broadens my
horizons but also keeps me motivated and engaged. It's a continuous journey, and I look forward
to acquiring new knowledge and skills in the future.”
"Yes, I do. It's not only a practical activity for acquiring necessary items but also a form of relaxation
for me. I particularly like exploring di昀昀erent stores, whether it's for clothing, electronics, or
groceries. It's also a social activity when done with friends or family. However, I try to be
mindful of my spending and focus on making intentional purchases that bring value and satisfaction.” lOMoAR cPSD| 41487147
"Yes, I enjoy spending time in shopping centers. They o昀昀er a diverse range of stores and
products, making it convenient to 昀椀nd everything in one place. I 昀椀nd it interesting to
explore di昀昀erent shops, check out the latest trends, and sometimes make spontaneous
purchases. Additionally, shopping centers often have a lively atmosphere with various amenities
like cafes and entertainment options, making the experience enjoyable and social."
"No, currently, I do not work part-time. I'm fully focused on my studies, which requires my full
attention and commitment. However, in the past, I did have some part-time work experiences
during my college years to gain practical skills and contribute to my expenses. While it was
challenging to balance both work and studies, those experiences were valuable in terms of
personal and professional development.”
"No, I don't come from a large family. In fact, my family is quite small. It consists of my parents, my
younger sister, and me. While we may be small in number, we are close-knit and share a strong
bond. I appreciate the intimacy and the close relationships that come with being part of a smaller family unit.”
"I used to see my grandparents very often because we lived together, but unfortunately, they
passed away about three years ago. While I don't have the opportunity to see them anymore,
I have fond memories of the time we spent together. Their in昀氀uence continues to shape
my life, and I hold onto the cherished moments we shared."
"I go shopping quite frequently, actually. It's something I do several times a week. Whether it's for
groceries, personal items, or just browsing for things I might need, I 昀椀nd myself at the store
regularly. I prefer this approach as it allows me to manage my needs in smaller, more
manageable trips rather than doing a big shopping spree all at once. It helps me stay organized
and ensures I can easily 昀椀nd what I'm looking for without feeling rushed."
"For breakfast, I usually eat around 11:30 am. I like to start my day with a nutritious meal. It
could be an omelet with veggies, a bowl of yogurt with fruits and granola, or even a smoothie
with spinach and banana. Having a good breakfast later in the morning helps me stay energized
and positive throughout the day.”
"Yes, people in my hometown really like Western food. In recent years, more and more locals have
become interested in dishes from the West. We now have many restaurants and cafes that serve
Western food like burgers, pizzas, pasta, and steaks. A lot of young people, including myself,
enjoy exploring these 昀氀avors. Even though our traditional local food is still a favorite, the
popularity of Western dishes has brought more variety to our food scene.”
"Sure, I'm not a fan of sweet foods. Whether it's desserts or candies, the overly sugary taste
doesn't appeal to me. I lean more towards savory and balanced 昀氀avors in my lOMoAR cPSD| 41487147
meals. Everyone has their preferences, and while some enjoy the sweetness, I 昀椀nd
satisfaction in exploring the diverse world of savory and mildly 昀氀avored dishes.”
"Yes, I believe my hometown is a fantastic place for young people. There are several factors that
contribute to this. Firstly, the city o昀昀ers a vibrant social scene with a variety of entertainment
options, including cafes, clubs, and cultural events. This creates a lively atmosphere that appeals
to the younger demographic. Additionally, there are educational institutions and job opportunities
that make it conducive for young individuals to pursue their academic and professional
aspirations. The city's dynamic environment, coupled with the availability of recreational activities,
makes it an exciting and promising place for young people to thrive and build their futures.”
"At night, my hometown transforms into a vibrant spectacle. The city lights up with colorful neon
signs, creating a lively atmosphere, especially in the central districts. The streets are bustling
with activity, featuring night markets and a variety of street food stalls. These areas o昀昀er a
diverse nightlife, from trendy rooftop bars with stunning views to bustling markets. Along the
river, the city's skyline re昀氀ects in the water, creating a serene backdrop. Overall, the
nighttime scene in my hometown is a captivating mix of tradition and modernity, providing a
memorable experience for residents and visitors alike.”
"A long time ago, in the period between 1975 and 1986 in Ho Chi Minh City, people from my
hometown were often employed in various state-owned enterprises and industries. It was a time
when collective and cooperative work was emphasized, and many individuals found jobs in
manufacturing, agriculture, and services. Personally, my family members were involved in
farming, re昀氀ecting the prevailing employment trends during that era. It was a period of
signi昀椀cant economic development and changes in the workforce, with a strong emphasis on
state-driven industries and collective e昀昀orts.”
"My favorite subject in university is English grammar. I really like learning about how words 昀椀t
together to make sentences. It helps me talk and write better. I enjoy 昀椀guring out the rules and
making my communication clear. Studying English grammar feels like solving a puzzle, and I
always want to get better at it."
"I enjoy spending quality time with my family. We often do simple things together like watching
movies, playing board games, or taking short trips to nearby places. Sharing these moments
creates a strong bond, and it's something I always look forward to."