Grade 10 English Q1 Assessment | Đại học Hoa Sen

Grade 10 English Q1 Assessment | Đại học Hoa Sen  được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

SY 2024-2025
First Quarter – Grade (English)10
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Do not write anything on this test paper. After
carefully reading all the questions, reflect all your answers on the separate
ANSWER SHEET. Shade the circle that corresponds to your chosen answer.
1. Which of the following are the key components of concentration as
related to informational listening?
a. Active listening, motivation, and judgment
b. Focus, discipline, resistance to distractions, and active mental
c. Responsibility, distractions, and acceptance
d. Vocabulary, memory, and organization
2. Why is asking questions important during informational listening?
a. It allows you to interrupt the speaker frequently.
b. It helps clarify and deepen understanding of the given information.
c. It shows that you are not interested in the topic.
d. It makes the speaker feel uncomfortable and defensive.
3. Why is it important withhold judgment while listening?to
a. It ensures that listeners do not ask unnecessary questions during
b. It helps listeners to mentally organize key concepts for better
c. It allows listeners to actively engage with distractions and maintain
d. It prevents listeners from making premature conclusions and missing
valuable information.
4. Which behavior best shows that you are effectively withholding
judgment while listening to a speech?
a. Quickly disagreeing with the speaker's points if they don’t align with your
personal beliefs
b. Ignoring parts of the speech that seem complex or unfamiliar to you
c. Acknowledging the speaker's ideas and asking questions to clarify any
confusion before forming an opinion
d. Deciding on the speaker's credibility based on his/her delivery rather
than the content
5. Why is memory important for effective informational listening?
a. It allows remembering and processing of the shared information.
b. It helps in ignoring parts of the conversation you find uninteresting.
c. It lets you only focus on what you want to say next.
d. It enables you to avoid having to listen to the entire discussion.
6. What is the main purpose of paraphrasing during informational
a. To change the topic of the conversation to something more interesting
b. To repeat the speaker’s exact words to show you are listening
c. To restate the speaker’s ideas in your own words to ensure
d. To add your personal opinions to the speaker’s original statements
7. Which of the following is an effective and accurate paraphrase of th is
speech excerpt? The success of a team depends largely on how well its
members communicate with each other. Effective communication involves
not only speaking clearly but also listening actively. When team members
actively listen and respond thoughtfully, they can collaborate more
effectively and achieve their common goal s.
a. A team’s success is based on how clearly its members speak and how
well they listen. Good communication helps teams work together better.
b. Teams do not need to communicate effectively to succeed. Speaking and
listening are not important for teamwork.
c. To succeed, teams should only focus on speaking well, not on listening to
each other.
d. Effective communication is less important for teams than individual
Study the following excerpt and answer numbers 8-11:
Title: The Wonders of Marine Life
Subtitle: Exploring the Diversity of Ocean Ecosystems
The ocean is home to a vast array of life forms, each adapted to their
unique environment. From the vibrant coral reefs to the deep-sea trenches,
marine ecosystems offer a diverse range of habitats for countless species. Coral
reefs, often referred to as the "rainforests of the sea," support a rich variety of
fish, invertebrates, and plants. In contrast, the deep-sea environments, with
their extreme pressures and low temperatures, are inhabited by specially
adapted organisms like bioluminescent fish and giant squid.
8. What is the primary function of the title “The Wonders of Marine
a. To provide a specific focus on a particular marine species.
b. To introduce the general topic and capture the reader’s interest in the
subject of marine life.
c. To describe the detailed scientific study of marine organisms.
d. To list the various ecosystems found in the ocean.
9. How does the subtitle “Exploring the Diversity of Ocean Ecosystems”
enhance the reader's understanding of the text?
a. It describes the main types of marine life found in the ocean.
b. It offers a specific focus on the exploration methods used by scientists.
c. It narrows down the topic to the various types of marine ecosystems
discussed in the text.
d. It lists the challenges faced by marine life due to environmental changes.
10. Why is the subtitle important in relation to the title?
a. It provides a detailed description of the scientific methods used in marine
b. It breaks down the broader topic introduced by the title into a more
specific area of focus.
c. It summarizes the conclusions drawn about marine life in the article.
d. It suggests a list of key marine species that will be covered in the text.
11. If the text included a section titled “Coral Reefs: The Ocean’s
Rainforests,” what would likely be the purpose of this title?
a. To provide a detailed historical overview of coral reefs.
b. To list the types of marine plants found in coral reefs.
c. To describe the economic impact of coral reefs on human communities.
d. To emphasize the importance of coral reefs and their role within marine
Read the following excerpt and answer numbers 12-13:
Maps come in various types, each serving a unique purpose. Physical
maps highlight natural features of the Earth's surface, such as mountains,
rivers, and plains. They use color and shading to represent elevation and terrain.
For example, brown and green colors might be used to depict different elevations
and landforms. Political maps, on the other hand, focus on human-made
boundaries and divisions. They display countries, states, and cities, and often
use different colors or patterns to differentiate these political regions. While
physical maps help us understand the geography of a region, political maps are
essential for identifying locations and administrative divisions.
12. What is the primary function of a physical map as described in the
a. To show political boundaries and administrative regions
b. To depict natural features such as mountains and rivers using color and
c. To display population density and economic activities of a region
d. To highlight the location of historical landmarks and monuments
13. How does a political map differ from a physical map according to the
a. A political map shows natural landforms, while a physical map shows
human-made boundaries.
b. A political map highlights natural terrain, while a physical map focuses on
political divisions.
c. A political map displays countries, states, and cities, while a physical map
highlights natural features like mountains and rivers.
d. A political map uses color and shading to represent elevation, while a
physical map shows administrative regions.
Read the following excerpt and answer numbers 14-16:
To better understand climate patterns, scientists use various tools to
present data clearly. Tables are often used to display detailed numerical
information in rows and columns, making it easy to compare different data
points. For instance, a table might list monthly average temperatures for
different cities.
Graphs, such as bar graphs or line graphs, are used to visually represent
data trends over time. A line graph showing the temperature changes throughout
the year can quickly reveal seasonal patterns. Bar graphs might compare the
average temperatures of different cities side by side, making it easier to see which
city is warmer.
Illustrations, including charts and diagrams, are used to provide visual
explanations of complex concepts. For example, a diagram showing how different
factors like latitude and altitude affect climate can help readers understand the
relationship between these factors.
14. According to the excerpt, what is the main purpose of a table?
a. To show trends and changes over time with visual elements
b. To present detailed numerical information in a structured format
c. To explain complex concepts with visual aids
d. To compare the average temperatures of different cities in a visual
15. How does a graph help in understanding climate data according to the
a. By providing a visual representation of trends and comparisons over time
b. By displaying detailed numerical data in rows and columns
c. By offering explanations of complex climate concepts through diagrams
d. By listing monthly temperature data for various cities
16. Why might an illustration be used in the context of climate data?
a. To present numerical data in an organized manner.
b. To visually compare temperature differences between cities.
c. To explain how various factors affect climate with visual aids.
d. To show changes in temperature over a specific period.
Read the following film excerpt and answer numbers 17-21:
Title: The Mysterious Village
In the small village of Everwood, life seemed tranquil until a series of mysterious
events began to unfold. The plot revolves around a young detective named Alex
who arrives in Everwood to investigate these strange occurrences. The village is
set in a fog-covered, remote area that enhances the eerie atmosphere of the story.
Characters: Alex, the detective, is determined and insightful. The villagers
include Mr. Blackwood, a reclusive and secretive man, and Miss Lila, a kind-
hearted schoolteacher who seems to know more than she lets on.
Conflict: The central conflict arises from the mysterious events troubling the
village, leading Alex to uncover hidden secrets and confront dangers.
Theme: The story explores themes of trust and deception, as Alex must discern
whom to trust while unraveling the truth behind the village’s secrets.
Point of View: The story is told from a third-person limited perspective, focusing
primarily on Alex’s experiences and discoveries.
17. What is the main focus of the plot in the excerpt?
a. Alex’s personal life and relationships outside of the village
b. The history of Everwood and its past residents
c. The investigation of mysterious events occurring in the village of
d. The daily routines and peaceful life of the villagers
18. How does the setting contribute to the story in the excerpt?
a. It provides a detailed account of the village’s historical significance
b. It creates an eerie atmosphere that enhances the mystery of the plot
c. It describes the village’s modern amenities and advancements
d. It focuses on the daily lives of the villagers in a bustling town
19. What is the central conflict in the story?
a. Alex’s struggle with personal insecurities while solving the case
b. The financial difficulties faced by the villagers due to the mysterious
c. The tension between Alex and the villagers regarding the investigation
d. The mysterious events troubling the village, which Alex must investigate
20. What theme is explored in the story according to the excerpt?
a. Trust and deception as Alex uncovers hidden truths
b. The importance of technology in modern investigations
c. The impact of historical events on contemporary life
d. The significance of personal ambition and career success
21. From which point of view is the story told?
a. First-person, from Alex’s perspective
b. Third-person omniscient, knowing all characters’ thoughts
c. Third-person limited, focusing on Alex’s experiences and discoveries
d. Second-person, directly addressing the reader
22. Film Genre (Action): In the film “The Hero’s Journey,” the protagonist,
Jake, is a skilled fighter who must confront a series of physical challenges
to save his city. The action genre emphasizes Jake’s bravery and combat
skills. How does the action genre influence Jake’s character
development in “The Hero’s Journey”?
a. It emphasizes his emotional struggles and relationship issues.
b. It showcases his bravery and physical skills through combat challenges.
c. It highlights his scientific knowledge and interactions with aliens.
d. It focuses on his investigative skills and problem-solving abilities.
23. Film Genre (Romance): In “Heartstrings,” the main characters, Emma
and Liam, navigate their relationship amidst personal struggles. The
romance genre highlights their emotional growth and the development of
their relationship. In the romance genre of “Heartstrings,” how is
Emma’s character developed?
a. Through her scientific achievements and exploration of new worlds
b. By her combat skills and ability to confront physical challenges
c. Through her role in solving a complex mystery and uncovering clues
d. By her emotional growth and the evolving dynamics of her relationship
with Liam
24. Film Genre (Science Fiction): “Galactic Quest” follows an astronaut
named Dr. Ella who explores alien planets. The science fiction genre
focuses on her scientific discoveries and interactions with extraterrestrial
life. What impact does the science fiction genre have on Dr. Ella’s
storyline in “Galactic Quest”?
a. It focuses on her romantic entanglements and emotional development.
b. It highlights her physical prowess and bravery in combat situations.
c. It emphasizes her scientific discoveries and interactions with alien
d. It centers around her skills in solving mysterious cases and finding
25. Film Genre (Mystery): “The Secret Code” centers around detective Maria
as she solves a complex case. The mystery genre focuses on Maria’s
investigative skills and the clues she uncovers. How does the mystery
genre shape detective Maria’s character in “The Secret Code”?
a. It showcases her physical strength and ability to handle action scenes.
b. It explores her emotional relationship with other characters.
c. It focuses on her investigative skills and the process of solving the case.
d. It highlights her scientific expertise and knowledge of extraterrestrial life.
26. Why is it important to understand subgenres within a broader film
a. It helps viewers grasp the unique themes, traits, and storytelling
techniques of various films.
b. It provides insight into the actors’ personal lives and their career choices.
c. It focuses on the historical background of the film industry.
d. It helps in determining the film’s box office success and financial
27. Which of the following statements accurately reflects the impact of
genre on audience perception?
a. Genre classification has no effect on how audiences interpret the
underlying themes and messages of a film.
b. Audience preferences are solely influenced by the popularity of actors
and directors, rather than the genre of a film.
c. The genre of a film is irrelevant to its box office success, which is solely
determined by marketing strategies.
d. Different genres evoke specific emotional responses from audiences,
shaping their overall experience and interpretation of a film.
28. If you were a screenplay writer tasked to create horror film, which a
of the following elements would best fulfill your purpose?
a. A serene and picturesque setting with vibrant colors and cheerful
background music
b. Eerie characterizations, a foreboding setting, and a plot filled with
ominous twists and turns
c. Characters with humorous dialogue and light-hearted interactions
d. Characters engaged in a heartfelt romance amidst a lush natural
29. What is the primary difference between a movie adaptation and the
original written text?
a. A movie adaptation is a new story created from scratch while the original
written text is an adaptation of a film.
b. A movie adaptation is a film version of a written text while the original
written text is the source material for the film.
c. A movie adaptation and the original written text are the same, with no
differences in content.
d. A movie adaptation involves rewriting the original written text into a
different language.
30. In terms of character development, what is a common difference
between books and their film adaptations?
a. Films typically provide deeper insights into secondary characters
compared to books.
b. Both mediums tend to emphasize visual elements equally.
c. Films generally omit key scenes that contribute to the development of
main characters.
d. Books often rely more on dialogue to reveal character motivations and
31. What is a significant advantage of reading a book over watching its
movie adaptation, particularly concerning narrative details?
a. Books can include more intricate subplots and explore multiple
perspectives in greater depth.
b. Books tend to have a faster pace than movies, leading to a more engaging
reading experience.
c. Movies provide a clearer understanding of the author's writing style and
narrative voice.
d. Movies are more likely to retain every scene and dialogue from the
original text.
32. When evaluating the effectiveness of a movie adaptation compared to
its original text, which aspect is most crucial for maintaining the
integrity of the story?
a. The inclusion of additional subplots to enhance the storyline
b. Retaining the thematic elements and central message of the original work
c. Ensuring all dialogue from the text is faithfully reproduced on screen
d. Introducing new characters to add complexity to the narrative
33. In evaluating the impact of a book- -movie adaptation, which factor to
is often considered a limitation of films compared to texts?
a. Films can include more detailed descriptions of characters and settings
than written texts.
b. Films are constrained by time and cannot include all the detailed
descriptions and inner thoughts present in written texts.
c. Films have unlimited space to include all content from the written text.
d. Films are able to provide more in-depth analysis of themes compared to
written texts.
34. What is a potential benefit of modifying certain elements like
condensing or changing the plot of a written story for a film
a. It provides a more detailed and comprehensive narrative than the original
b. It helps to streamline the story, focusing on key events and making it
more engaging and manageable within a limited runtime.
c. It ensures that every detail from the written story is included without
d. It adds additional subplots and characters not present in the original
35. Considering the differences between movies and texts based on
adaptations like “Harry Potter,” propose an original storyline
adjustment that would enhance the cinematic experience while
staying true to the essence of the original book.
a. Rewrite a pivotal scene from the book to include a new character
perspective that adds depth to the plot.
b. Introduce a flashback sequence in the movie to reveal backstory that was
only hinted at in the book, enriching character development.
c. Develop a visual montage in the film to replace detailed narrative
descriptions from the book, enhancing emotional impact.
d. Modify the film's ending to incorporate an alternative resolution that
aligns with the book's themes and moral lessons.
36. When applying analytical listening skills, what aspect of the speaker's
message would you primarily focus on evaluating?
a. The speaker’s personal background and life experiences
b. The logical consistency and coherence of the information provided
c. The speaker’s attire and physical appearance during the presentation
d. The number of slides and visual aids used in the presentation
37. In the scenario of validating claims for the Social Amelioration
Program (SAP), which action demonstrates analytical listening?
a. Sympathizing with the speaker's difficult circumstances
b. Providing immediate approval based on the speaker's emotional appeal
c. Reassuring the speaker without further investigation
d. Asking specific questions to verify the accuracy of information presented
38. When evaluating the sincerity of a speaker’s intentions, what should
be the primary focus?
a. The speaker’s ability to use complex vocabulary and jargon.
b. The speaker’s use of visual aids and presentation style.
c. The number of times the speaker references current events or popular
d. The consistency of the speaker’s message and whether it aligns with their
actions and past statements.
39. How does asking sincere questions during analytical listening
contribute to effective problem solving?
a. It provides an opportunity to dominate the conversation and assert one's
b. It helps clarify and deepen understanding of the problem, leading to
more accurate and effective solutions.
c. It allow the listener to avoid addressing the real issues by shifting focus. s
d. It serves as a way to criticize the speaker rather than contributing to
40. When analyzing a myth compared to a short story, what structural
element would you expect to find more prominently in a myth?
a. The complex subplots and intricate character relationships
b. The inclusion of supernatural elements and interactions with gods
c. The development of detailed personal backstories for each character
d. The inclusion of modern, everyday problems and solutions
41. What is the most important criterion to evaluate when assessing the
effectiveness of a persuasive essay?
a. The length of the essay and the number of paragraphs
b. The quality and relevance of the arguments and evidence presented to
support the thesis
c. The use of complex vocabulary and advanced sentence structures
d. The number of sources cited and the formatting style used
42. What is the primary purpose of this excerpt? “By choosing public
transportation over driving your car, you not only save money but also
help reduce pollution and traffic congestion. It is a simple and effective
way to make a positive impact on the environment.”
a. To describe the different types of public transportation available
b. To inform readers about the benefits of using public transportation
c. To persuade readers to use public transportation to benefit the
d. To explain how traffic congestion affects public transportation
43. What is the primary focus of this excerpt? “In recent years, advances
in technology have revolutionized communication. Digital platforms allow
for instantaneous exchange of information across the globe.”
a. The historical development of communication technologies.
b. The impact of technology on the speed of information exchange.
c. The decline in the use of traditional communication methods.
d. The challenges associated with digital communication platforms.
44. What function does this excerpt serve? “In the dim light of the evening,
the ancient castle loomed like a sentinel, guarding secrets of a bygone era.
The wind whispered through the crumbling towers, carrying echoes of
forgotten tales.”
a. To inform about the history of castles
b. To persuade readers to visit historical sites
c. To provide a factual account of ancient architecture
d. To describe the setting and create a mood of mystery
45. What is the function of this excerpt? “A balanced diet includes a variety
of foods from different food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and
dairy. Each group provides essential nutrients that the body needs to
function properly.”
a. To describe different types of foods available
b. To persuade readers to eat a vegetarian diet
c. To narrate the story of a person adopting a balanced diet
d. To explain the components of a balanced diet and their importance
46. What issue is evident in this excerpt? “Well, um, you know, like, we
should, uh, consider, um, maybe going to the, uh, park, because, like, it’s
a good place, uh, to relax, I guess.”
a. The use of appropriate technical vocabulary.
b. The excessive use of filler words and pauses affecting fluency.
c. The clarity of the main argument being presented.
d. The consistency of tone throughout the speech.
47. Which revision would improve the cohesion of this excerpt? “I was
planning to visit the museum. It’s very informative. The museum has many
interesting exhibits. They have art collections and historical artifacts.”
a. I was planning to visit the museum because it’s very informative and has
many interesting exhibits, including art collections and historical
b. I was planning to visit the museum. It’s very informative. The museum
has many interesting exhibits, including some historical artifacts.
c. The museum has many interesting exhibits. I was planning to visit it
because of this.
d. It’s very informative. They have art collections.
48. What is the tone of this excerpt? “I guess it might be okay to try that
idea if you want, but I’m not sure if it’s really a good plan.”
a. Confident and assertive
b. Neutral and indifferent
c. Skeptical and hesitant
d. Enthusiastic and encouraging
49. How does this excerpt demonstrate fluency? “Let’s go over the main
points. Firstly, we need to address the budget issues. Next, we should look
into the marketing strategy. Finally, we’ll review the project timeline.”
a. By using jargon and technical terms
b. By presenting information in a clear, organized manner
c. By including long-winded explanations
d. By frequently changing the subject
50. When evaluating the credibility of this news report, what should be
the primary focus? “According to a recent article in The Daily News, a
new study claims that eating chocolate can increase your lifespan. The
article does not cite the study’s source or provide any details about the
a. The article’s length and detail
b. The reputation of The Daily News
c. Whether the report cites the study’s source
d. The presence of colorful images and advertisements
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First Quarter – Grade 10 (English)
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Do not write anything on this test paper. After
carefully reading all the questions, reflect all your answers on the separate
ANSWER SHEET. Shade the circle that corresponds to your chosen answer. 1.

Which of the following are the key components of concentration as
related to informational listening?
a. Active listening, motivation, and judgment
b. Focus, discipline, resistance to distractions, and active mental engagement
c. Responsibility, distractions, and acceptance
d. Vocabulary, memory, and organization 2.
Why is asking questions important during informational listening?
a. It allows you to interrupt the speaker frequently.
b. It helps clarify and deepen understanding of the given information.
c. It shows that you are not interested in the topic.
d. It makes the speaker feel uncomfortable and defensive. 3.
Why is it important to withhold judgment while listening?
a. It ensures that listeners do not ask unnecessary questions during discussions.
b. It helps listeners to mentally organize key concepts for better understanding.
c. It allows listeners to actively engage with distractions and maintain concentration.
d. It prevents listeners from making premature conclusions and missing valuable information. 4.
Which behavior best shows that you are effectively withholding
judgment while listening to a speech?
a. Quickly disagreeing with the speaker's points if they don’t align with your personal beliefs
b. Ignoring parts of the speech that seem complex or unfamiliar to you
c. Acknowledging the speaker's ideas and asking questions to clarify any
confusion before forming an opinion
d. Deciding on the speaker's credibility based on his/her delivery rather than the content 5.
Why is memory important for effective informational listening?
a. It allows remembering and processing of the shared information.
b. It helps in ignoring parts of the conversation you find uninteresting.
c. It lets you only focus on what you want to say next.
d. It enables you to avoid having to listen to the entire discussion. 2 6.
What is the main purpose of paraphrasing during informational listening?
a. To change the topic of the conversation to something more interesting
b. To repeat the speaker’s exact words to show you are listening
c. To restate the speaker’s ideas in your own words to ensure understanding
d. To add your personal opinions to the speaker’s original statements 7.
Which of the following is an effective and accurate paraphrase of this
speech excerpt? “The success of a team depends largely on how well its
members communicate with each other. Effective communication involves
not only speaking clearly but also listening actively. When team members
actively listen and respond thoughtfully, they can collaborate more
effectively and achieve their common goals.”
a. A team’s success is based on how clearly its members speak and how
well they listen. Good communication helps teams work together better.
b. Teams do not need to communicate effectively to succeed. Speaking and
listening are not important for teamwork.
c. To succeed, teams should only focus on speaking well, not on listening to each other.
d. Effective communication is less important for teams than individual achievements.
Study the following excerpt and answer numbers 8-11:

Title: The Wonders of Marine Life
Subtitle: Exploring the Diversity of Ocean Ecosystems
The ocean is home to a vast array of life forms, each adapted to their
unique environment. From the vibrant coral reefs to the deep-sea trenches,
marine ecosystems offer a diverse range of habitats for countless species. Coral
reefs, often referred to as the "rainforests of the sea," support a rich variety of
fish, invertebrates, and plants. In contrast, the deep-sea environments, with
their extreme pressures and low temperatures, are inhabited by specially
adapted organisms like bioluminescent fish and giant squid. 8.
What is the primary function of the title “The Wonders of Marine Life”?
a. To provide a specific focus on a particular marine species.
b. To introduce the general topic and capture the reader’s interest in the subject of marine life.
c. To describe the detailed scientific study of marine organisms.
d. To list the various ecosystems found in the ocean. 9.
How does the subtitle “Exploring the Diversity of Ocean Ecosystems”
enhance the reader's understanding of the text?
a. It describes the main types of marine life found in the ocean.
b. It offers a specific focus on the exploration methods used by scientists.
c. It narrows down the topic to the various types of marine ecosystems discussed in the text.
d. It lists the challenges faced by marine life due to environmental changes. 10.
Why is the subtitle important in relation to the title?
a. It provides a detailed description of the scientific methods used in marine research. 3
b. It breaks down the broader topic introduced by the title into a more specific area of focus.
c. It summarizes the conclusions drawn about marine life in the article.
d. It suggests a list of key marine species that will be covered in the text. 11.
If the text included a section titled “Coral Reefs: The Ocean’s
Rainforests,” what would likely be the purpose of this title?
a. To provide a detailed historical overview of coral reefs.
b. To list the types of marine plants found in coral reefs.
c. To describe the economic impact of coral reefs on human communities.
d. To emphasize the importance of coral reefs and their role within marine ecosystems.
Read the following excerpt and answer numbers 12-13:
Maps come in various types, each serving a unique purpose. Physical
maps highlight natural features of the Earth's surface, such as mountains,
rivers, and plains. They use color and shading to represent elevation and terrain.
For example, brown and green colors might be used to depict different elevations
and landforms. Political maps, on the other hand, focus on human-made
boundaries and divisions. They display countries, states, and cities, and often
use different colors or patterns to differentiate these political regions. While
physical maps help us understand the geography of a region, political maps are
essential for identifying locations and administrative divisions. 12.
What is the primary function of a physical map as described in the excerpt?
a. To show political boundaries and administrative regions
b. To depict natural features such as mountains and rivers using color and shading
c. To display population density and economic activities of a region
d. To highlight the location of historical landmarks and monuments 13.
How does a political map differ from a physical map according to the excerpt?
a. A political map shows natural landforms, while a physical map shows human-made boundaries.
b. A political map highlights natural terrain, while a physical map focuses on political divisions.
c. A political map displays countries, states, and cities, while a physical map
highlights natural features like mountains and rivers.
d. A political map uses color and shading to represent elevation, while a
physical map shows administrative regions.
Read the following excerpt and answer numbers 14-16:
To better understand climate patterns, scientists use various tools to
present data clearly. Tables are often used to display detailed numerical
information in rows and columns, making it easy to compare different data
points. For instance, a table might list monthly average temperatures for different cities.
Graphs, such as bar graphs or line graphs, are used to visually represent
data trends over time. A line graph showing the temperature changes throughout
the year can quickly reveal seasonal patterns. Bar graphs might compare the
average temperatures of different cities side by side, making it easier to see which city is warmer. 4
Illustrations, including charts and diagrams, are used to provide visual
explanations of complex concepts. For example, a diagram showing how different
factors like latitude and altitude affect climate can help readers understand the
relationship between these factors. 14.
According to the excerpt, what is the main purpose of a table?
a. To show trends and changes over time with visual elements
b. To present detailed numerical information in a structured format
c. To explain complex concepts with visual aids
d. To compare the average temperatures of different cities in a visual manner 15.
How does a graph help in understanding climate data according to the excerpt?
a. By providing a visual representation of trends and comparisons over time
b. By displaying detailed numerical data in rows and columns
c. By offering explanations of complex climate concepts through diagrams
d. By listing monthly temperature data for various cities 16.
Why might an illustration be used in the context of climate data?
a. To present numerical data in an organized manner.
b. To visually compare temperature differences between cities.
c. To explain how various factors affect climate with visual aids.
d. To show changes in temperature over a specific period.
Read the following film excerpt and answer numbers 17-21:

Title: The Mysterious Village
In the small village of Everwood, life seemed tranquil until a series of mysterious
events began to unfold. The plot revolves around a young detective named Alex
who arrives in Everwood to investigate these strange occurrences. The village is
set in a fog-covered, remote area that enhances the eerie atmosphere of the story.
Characters: Alex, the detective, is determined and insightful. The villagers
include Mr. Blackwood, a reclusive and secretive man, and Miss Lila, a kind-
hearted schoolteacher who seems to know more than she lets on.
Conflict: The central conflict arises from the mysterious events troubling the
village, leading Alex to uncover hidden secrets and confront dangers.
Theme: The story explores themes of trust and deception, as Alex must discern
whom to trust while unraveling the truth behind the village’s secrets.
Point of View: The story is told from a third-person limited perspective, focusing
primarily on Alex’s experiences and discoveries. 17.
What is the main focus of the plot in the excerpt?
a. Alex’s personal life and relationships outside of the village
b. The history of Everwood and its past residents
c. The investigation of mysterious events occurring in the village of Everwood
d. The daily routines and peaceful life of the villagers 5 18.
How does the setting contribute to the story in the excerpt?
a. It provides a detailed account of the village’s historical significance
b. It creates an eerie atmosphere that enhances the mystery of the plot
c. It describes the village’s modern amenities and advancements
d. It focuses on the daily lives of the villagers in a bustling town 19.
What is the central conflict in the story?
a. Alex’s struggle with personal insecurities while solving the case
b. The financial difficulties faced by the villagers due to the mysterious events
c. The tension between Alex and the villagers regarding the investigation
d. The mysterious events troubling the village, which Alex must investigate 20.
What theme is explored in the story according to the excerpt?
a. Trust and deception as Alex uncovers hidden truths
b. The importance of technology in modern investigations
c. The impact of historical events on contemporary life
d. The significance of personal ambition and career success 21.
From which point of view is the story told?
a. First-person, from Alex’s perspective
b. Third-person omniscient, knowing all characters’ thoughts
c. Third-person limited, focusing on Alex’s experiences and discoveries
d. Second-person, directly addressing the reader 22.
Film Genre (Action): In the film “The Hero’s Journey,” the protagonist,
Jake, is a skilled fighter who must confront a series of physical challenges
to save his city. The action genre emphasizes Jake’s bravery and combat
skills. How does the action genre influence Jake’s character
development in “The Hero’s Journey”?

a. It emphasizes his emotional struggles and relationship issues.
b. It showcases his bravery and physical skills through combat challenges.
c. It highlights his scientific knowledge and interactions with aliens.
d. It focuses on his investigative skills and problem-solving abilities. 23.
Film Genre (Romance): In “Heartstrings,” the main characters, Emma
and Liam, navigate their relationship amidst personal struggles. The
romance genre highlights their emotional growth and the development of
their relationship. In the romance genre of “Heartstrings,” how is
Emma’s character developed?

a. Through her scientific achievements and exploration of new worlds
b. By her combat skills and ability to confront physical challenges
c. Through her role in solving a complex mystery and uncovering clues
d. By her emotional growth and the evolving dynamics of her relationship with Liam 24.
Film Genre (Science Fiction): “Galactic Quest” follows an astronaut
named Dr. Ella who explores alien planets. The science fiction genre
focuses on her scientific discoveries and interactions with extraterrestrial
life. What impact does the science fiction genre have on Dr. Ella’s
storyline in “Galactic Quest”?

a. It focuses on her romantic entanglements and emotional development.
b. It highlights her physical prowess and bravery in combat situations. 6
c. It emphasizes her scientific discoveries and interactions with alien species.
d. It centers around her skills in solving mysterious cases and finding clues. 25.
Film Genre (Mystery): “The Secret Code” centers around detective Maria
as she solves a complex case. The mystery genre focuses on Maria’s
investigative skills and the clues she uncovers. How does the mystery
genre shape detective Maria’s character in “The Secret Code”?

a. It showcases her physical strength and ability to handle action scenes.
b. It explores her emotional relationship with other characters.
c. It focuses on her investigative skills and the process of solving the case.
d. It highlights her scientific expertise and knowledge of extraterrestrial life. 26.
Why is it important to understand subgenres within a broader film genre?
a. It helps viewers grasp the unique themes, traits, and storytelling techniques of various films.
b. It provides insight into the actors’ personal lives and their career choices.
c. It focuses on the historical background of the film industry.
d. It helps in determining the film’s box office success and financial performance. 27.
Which of the following statements accurately reflects the impact of
genre on audience perception?
a. Genre classification has no effect on how audiences interpret the
underlying themes and messages of a film.
b. Audience preferences are solely influenced by the popularity of actors
and directors, rather than the genre of a film.
c. The genre of a film is irrelevant to its box office success, which is solely
determined by marketing strategies.
d. Different genres evoke specific emotional responses from audiences,
shaping their overall experience and interpretation of a film. 28.
If you were a screenplay writer tasked to create a horror film, which
of the following elements would best fulfill your purpose?
a. A serene and picturesque setting with vibrant colors and cheerful background music
b. Eerie characterizations, a foreboding setting, and a plot filled with ominous twists and turns
c. Characters with humorous dialogue and light-hearted interactions
d. Characters engaged in a heartfelt romance amidst a lush natural environment 29.
What is the primary difference between a movie adaptation and the original written text?
a. A movie adaptation is a new story created from scratch while the original
written text is an adaptation of a film.
b. A movie adaptation is a film version of a written text while the original
written text is the source material for the film.
c. A movie adaptation and the original written text are the same, with no differences in content.
d. A movie adaptation involves rewriting the original written text into a different language. 7 30.
In terms of character development, what is a common difference
between books and their film adaptations?
a. Films typically provide deeper insights into secondary characters compared to books.
b. Both mediums tend to emphasize visual elements equally.
c. Films generally omit key scenes that contribute to the development of main characters.
d. Books often rely more on dialogue to reveal character motivations and personalities. 31.
What is a significant advantage of reading a book over watching its
movie adaptation, particularly concerning narrative details?
a. Books can include more intricate subplots and explore multiple
perspectives in greater depth.
b. Books tend to have a faster pace than movies, leading to a more engaging reading experience.
c. Movies provide a clearer understanding of the author's writing style and narrative voice.
d. Movies are more likely to retain every scene and dialogue from the original text. 32.
When evaluating the effectiveness of a movie adaptation compared to
its original text, which aspect is most crucial for maintaining the integrity of the story?
a. The inclusion of additional subplots to enhance the storyline
b. Retaining the thematic elements and central message of the original work
c. Ensuring all dialogue from the text is faithfully reproduced on screen
d. Introducing new characters to add complexity to the narrative 33.
In evaluating the impact of a book-to-movie adaptation, which factor
is often considered a limitation of films compared to texts?
a. Films can include more detailed descriptions of characters and settings than written texts.
b. Films are constrained by time and cannot include all the detailed
descriptions and inner thoughts present in written texts.
c. Films have unlimited space to include all content from the written text.
d. Films are able to provide more in-depth analysis of themes compared to written texts. 34.
What is a potential benefit of modifying certain elements like
condensing or changing the plot of a written story for a film adaptation?
a. It provides a more detailed and comprehensive narrative than the original text.
b. It helps to streamline the story, focusing on key events and making it
more engaging and manageable within a limited runtime.
c. It ensures that every detail from the written story is included without omission.
d. It adds additional subplots and characters not present in the original story. 35.
Considering the differences between movies and texts based on
adaptations like “Harry Potter,” propose an original storyline
adjustment that would enhance the cinematic experience while

staying true to the essence of the original book. 8
a. Rewrite a pivotal scene from the book to include a new character
perspective that adds depth to the plot.
b. Introduce a flashback sequence in the movie to reveal backstory that was
only hinted at in the book, enriching character development.
c. Develop a visual montage in the film to replace detailed narrative
descriptions from the book, enhancing emotional impact.
d. Modify the film's ending to incorporate an alternative resolution that
aligns with the book's themes and moral lessons. 36.
When applying analytical listening skills, what aspect of the speaker's
message would you primarily focus on evaluating?
a. The speaker’s personal background and life experiences
b. The logical consistency and coherence of the information provided
c. The speaker’s attire and physical appearance during the presentation
d. The number of slides and visual aids used in the presentation 37.
In the scenario of validating claims for the Social Amelioration
Program (SAP), which action demonstrates analytical listening?
a. Sympathizing with the speaker's difficult circumstances
b. Providing immediate approval based on the speaker's emotional appeal
c. Reassuring the speaker without further investigation
d. Asking specific questions to verify the accuracy of information presented 38.
When evaluating the sincerity of a speaker’s intentions, what should be the primary focus?
a. The speaker’s ability to use complex vocabulary and jargon.
b. The speaker’s use of visual aids and presentation style.
c. The number of times the speaker references current events or popular culture.
d. The consistency of the speaker’s message and whether it aligns with their actions and past statements. 39.
How does asking sincere questions during analytical listening
contribute to effective problem solving?
a. It provides an opportunity to dominate the conversation and assert one's opinions.
b. It helps clarify and deepen understanding of the problem, leading to
more accurate and effective solutions.
c. It allows the listener to avoid addressing the r eal issues by shifting focus.
d. It serves as a way to criticize the speaker rather than contributing to problem-solving. 40.
When analyzing a myth compared to a short story, what structural
element would you expect to find more prominently in a myth?
a. The complex subplots and intricate character relationships
b. The inclusion of supernatural elements and interactions with gods
c. The development of detailed personal backstories for each character
d. The inclusion of modern, everyday problems and solutions 41.
What is the most important criterion to evaluate when assessing the
effectiveness of a persuasive essay?
a. The length of the essay and the number of paragraphs
b. The quality and relevance of the arguments and evidence presented to support the thesis
c. The use of complex vocabulary and advanced sentence structures
d. The number of sources cited and the formatting style used 9 42.
What is the primary purpose of this excerpt? “By choosing public
transportation over driving your car, you not only save money but also
help reduce pollution and traffic congestion. It is a simple and effective
way to make a positive impact on the environment.”
a. To describe the different types of public transportation available
b. To inform readers about the benefits of using public transportation
c. To persuade readers to use public transportation to benefit the environment
d. To explain how traffic congestion affects public transportation 43.
What is the primary focus of this excerpt? “In recent years, advances
in technology have revolutionized communication. Digital platforms allow
for instantaneous exchange of information across the globe.”
a. The historical development of communication technologies.
b. The impact of technology on the speed of information exchange.
c. The decline in the use of traditional communication methods.
d. The challenges associated with digital communication platforms. 44.
What function does this excerpt serve? “In the dim light of the evening,
the ancient castle loomed like a sentinel, guarding secrets of a bygone era.
The wind whispered through the crumbling towers, carrying echoes of forgotten tales.”
a. To inform about the history of castles
b. To persuade readers to visit historical sites
c. To provide a factual account of ancient architecture
d. To describe the setting and create a mood of mystery 45.
What is the function of this excerpt? “A balanced diet includes a variety
of foods from different food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and
dairy. Each group provides essential nutrients that the body needs to function properly.”
a. To describe different types of foods available
b. To persuade readers to eat a vegetarian diet
c. To narrate the story of a person adopting a balanced diet
d. To explain the components of a balanced diet and their importance 46.
What issue is evident in this excerpt? “Well, um, you know, like, we
should, uh, consider, um, maybe going to the, uh, park, because, like, it’s
a good place, uh, to relax, I guess.”
a. The use of appropriate technical vocabulary.
b. The excessive use of filler words and pauses affecting fluency.
c. The clarity of the main argument being presented.
d. The consistency of tone throughout the speech. 47.
Which revision would improve the cohesion of this excerpt? “I was
planning to visit the museum. It’s very informative. The museum has many
interesting exhibits. They have art collections and historical artifacts.”
a. I was planning to visit the museum because it’s very informative and has
many interesting exhibits, including art collections and historical artifacts.
b. I was planning to visit the museum. It’s very informative. The museum
has many interesting exhibits, including some historical artifacts. 10
c. The museum has many interesting exhibits. I was planning to visit it because of this.
d. It’s very informative. They have art collections. 48.
What is the tone of this excerpt? “I guess it might be okay to try that
idea if you want, but I’m not sure if it’s really a good plan.” a. Confident and assertive b. Neutral and indifferent c. Skeptical and hesitant
d. Enthusiastic and encouraging 49.
How does this excerpt demonstrate fluency? “Let’s go over the main
points. Firstly, we need to address the budget issues. Next, we should look
into the marketing strategy. Finally, we’ll review the project timeline.”
a. By using jargon and technical terms
b. By presenting information in a clear, organized manner
c. By including long-winded explanations
d. By frequently changing the subject 50.
When evaluating the credibility of this news report, what should be
the primary focus? “According to a recent article in The Daily News, a
new study claims that eating chocolate can increase your lifespan. The
article does not cite the study’s source or provide any details about the researchers.”
a. The article’s length and detail
b. The reputation of The Daily News
c. Whether the report cites the study’s source
d. The presence of colorful images and advertisements
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