H16YS-6A-2102-reminder - Phrasal verb Ielts | Đại học Hoa Sen

H16YS-6A-2102-reminder - Phrasal verb Ielts | Đại học Hoa Sen  được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

(Da󰈨n do)
Fri,Jun4-2021 Classcode(Mãlớp): H16YS-6A-2102
Night on the town: an evening when you go to various places and enjoy entertainment
such as dancing , eating in a restaurant , or drinking in a bar
Ghosttown: a town that used to be busy and have a lot of people living in it, but is now
Hometown: the place where you were born or lived as a child
Paintthetownred: to go to a lot of different bars, clubs, etc. and enjoy yourself
Talkofthetown: to be what everyone is talking about
Teacher(s) (Giáoviên):
TeachingAssistant(s) (Trợgiảng):
Go on holiday or for a short break
Đi du li󰈨ch, nghı󰈖 mat
Spend time socially
Đi chơi
Start living in a place
Do󰈨n va o ơ󰈖
Moveout 
Leave a place you live
Do󰈨n đi
to become familiar with a place
and to feel happy and conident in
O󰈝 n đi󰈨nh
Townhall: a building containing local government ofices and, in Britain, usually a hall for
public meetings, concerts, etc.
Ma󰈨t đo󰈨
“Khu rư ng be tong”
Du ng đe󰈜 chı󰈖 thanh
pho󰈘 khong co cay
Ba󰈨n ro󰈨 n
Theratrace 
Cuo󰈨 c đua tranh
quye󰈘t lie󰈨t (đe󰈜 kie󰈘m
Phat trie󰈜n
So󰈘ng vo󰈨i va
to become popular or fashionable
He invented a new game, but it
never really caught on.
to receive something, especially
something unpleasant
The government's economic
policies have come in for a lot of
to do as well as or be as good as
other people expect you to
He failed to live up to his
parents' expectations.
Come ata price
Onsomebody’s behalf:
Tosomebody’s astonishment:
Onall accounts:
Behindthe scenes
Withouta doubt
to think that you are better than
She looks down on people who
haven't been to college.
to begin to do something,
especially in business or work
to start out in business
To move continuously around a place or
The condition prevents
the blood from
circulating freely.
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REMINDER  (Da󰈨n do)
Fri,Jun4-2021 Classcode(Mãlớp): H16YS-6A-2102
Teacher(s) (Giáoviên): 
TeachingAssistant(s) (Trợgiảng): 
MitchellAllenMiller 
NguyễnChínhĐông(0903871393)         
Today’sLesson(Nộidungbàihọcngàyhômnay)   
Vocabulary:UseyourEnglish:page51  Phrasalverbs  Getaway 
Go on holiday or for a short break Đi du li󰈨ch, nghı󰈖 mat Hangout  Spend time socially Đi chơi Moveinto  Start living in a place Do󰈨n vao ơ󰈖 Moveout  Leave a place you live Do󰈨n đi
to become familiar with a place
Settledown  and to feel happy and conident in O󰈝n đi󰈨nh it
Collocations&Expressions 
Night on the town: an evening when you go to various places and enjoy entertainment
such as dancing , eating in a restaurant , or drinking in a bar
Ghost town: a town that used to be busy and have a lot of people living in it, but is now empty
Hometown: the place where you were born or lived as a child
Paintthetownred: to go to a lot of different bars, clubs, etc. and enjoy yourself
Talkofthetown: to be what everyone is talking about
Townhall: a building containing local government ofices and, in Britain, usually a h all fo r
public meetings, concerts, etc. Vocabulary 
the quality of being dense; the Density
(n) degree to which something is dense Ma󰈨t đo󰈨 /ˈdensəti/
(ma󰈨t đo󰈨)  
a way of describing a city or an area “Khu rưng be tong”
that is unpleasant because it has Concretejungle (n)
Dung đe󰈜 chı󰈖 thanh
many large modern buildings and no pho󰈘 khong co cay trees or parks xanh
Leadabusylife 
(v)  To live a busy life Ba󰈨n ro󰈨n
the way of life of people living and
working in a large city where people Cuo󰈨c đua tranh
Theratrace 
(n) compete in an aggressive way with
quye󰈘t lie󰈨t (đe󰈜 kie󰈘m
each other in order to be more so󰈘ng)
successful, earn more money, etc. Thrive
to become, and continue to be, (v) Phat trie󰈜n /θraɪv/
successful, strong, healthy, etc.
where things are most exciting and (n) So󰈘ng vo󰈨i va /ˈfɑːstleɪn/ where a lot is happening  
Vocabulary:UseyourEnglish:page39 
Phrasalverbs 
He invented a new game, but it Catchon
to become popular or fashionable never really caught on. The government's economic
to receive something, especially Comeinfor  something unpleasant
policies have come in for a lot of criticism. Goaround  circulate
to do as well as or be as good as He failed to live up to his Liveupto  other people expect you to parents' expectations.
to think that you are better than She looks down on people who
Lookdownon  somebody/something haven't been to college. to begin to do something, Startout  to start out in business
especially in business or work Vocabulary  The condition prevents Circulate
To move continuously around a place or (v)  the blood from /ˈsɜːkjəleɪt/ system circulating freely. Prepositions  Inpublic/private Underpressure Come ata price
Onsomebody’s behalf:
Tosomebody’s astonishment: Onall accounts: Behindthe scenes Withouta doubt        