Homework - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Homework - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

- The entrance exam for university will ensure fairness for candidates: Students are required to
participate in the university entrance exam to ensure fairness and uniformity in the way students are
evaluated and selected, regardless of other factors such as personal relationships or interests. By
taking the university entrance exam, students' scoring and achievements in the learning process will
be evaluated objectively and uniformly, providing a basis for classification and ranking rather than
relying on Relative assessment of each teacher or school.
- The entrance exam for university will help students demonstrate their abilities: University entrance
exams help evaluate students' learning abilities, through measuring necessary skills such as
specialized knowledge, logical thinking, English proficiency, and creativity.
- For students, participating in the university entrance exam also creates a clearer goal and more
motivation in the learning process, while also encouraging dedication and effort to overcome limits
to achieve. achieve that goal. For example, a student may not have had the financial means or family
tradition to continue studying in college. However, if evaluated based on their abilities and
achievements in the university entrance exam, they have the opportunity to receive scholarships or
financial support opportunities from institutions or university study programs.
- College entrance exams provide a common standard to compare and evaluate students across
different regions and schools. This makes the admission process fair and allows educational
institutions to optimize their search and attraction of highly qualified candidates.
20:40 29/7/24
Debate tacn - tacnhomework
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20:40 29/7/24 Debate tacn - tacnhomework
- The entrance exam for university will ensure fairness for candidates: Students are required to
participate in the university entrance exam to ensure fairness and uniformity in the way students are
evaluated and selected, regardless of other factors such as personal relationships or interests. By
taking the university entrance exam, students' scoring and achievements in the learning process will
be evaluated objectively and uniformly, providing a basis for classification and ranking rather than
relying on Relative assessment of each teacher or school.
- The entrance exam for university will help students demonstrate their abilities: University entrance
exams help evaluate students' learning abilities, through measuring necessary skills such as
specialized knowledge, logical thinking, English proficiency, and creativity.
- For students, participating in the university entrance exam also creates a clearer goal and more
motivation in the learning process, while also encouraging dedication and effort to overcome limits
to achieve. achieve that goal. For example, a student may not have had the financial means or family
tradition to continue studying in college. However, if evaluated based on their abilities and
achievements in the university entrance exam, they have the opportunity to receive scholarships or
financial support opportunities from institutions or university study programs.
- College entrance exams provide a common standard to compare and evaluate students across
different regions and schools. This makes the admission process fair and allows educational
institutions to optimize their search and attraction of highly qualified candidates. about:blank 1/1