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KIELO Joint Stock Company - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen
KIELO Joint Stock Company - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả
Thực Tập Nhận Thức (qa_) 50 tài liệu
Đại học Hoa Sen 4.8 K tài liệu
KIELO Joint Stock Company - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen
KIELO Joint Stock Company - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả
Môn: Thực Tập Nhận Thức (qa_) 50 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Hoa Sen 4.8 K tài liệu
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FACULTY OF LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL CULTURES WORK EXPERIENCE INTERNSHIP REPORT Company Jin Heung Vina Co., Ltd Department Customer Care Staff Supervisor Võ Ngọc Phương Thảo Duration 17/ 7 0 /2023 - 01/09/2023 Student Nguyễn Phạm Trúc Anh Student ID 22110504 Class TM21111 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
First of all, I would like to send my deep appreciation to HSU and LCF had
creating the opportunity for me to experience and complete this subject. More
specifical y, the support from Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong, a mentor and advised,
is invaluable insight and guidance to il ustrate and instruct on how to construct
the report. Mrs. Vo Ngoc Phuong Thao is equal y crucial to me in the process.
She is the one who provided the direction and advantageous feedback to me to grow as an actual officer.
In the point of Jin Heung Vina's company, the sales department is one of the
most crucial elements in connecting customers with the company. Hence, this
internship aims to grasp al the essential knowledge and skills of sales
management, evaluation of the market, and finance management. Throughout
the internship, I took a lot of time and effort to challenge myself, apply the
theories in the academy, and face the dilemmas of the reality market. Eventual y,
constructive feedback was given that helped me enhance my mastery and approach the task.
In extra, I am appreciative of the opportunity to unite with my trustworthy
and proficient co-workers, who were always wil ing to answer and assist me
with any queries or difficulties. I believe al these acquaintances and great skills
will be a priceless experience for my career in the hereafter. i SUPERVISOR’S REMARKS
.................................................................................................................................. Organization's Confirmation
Date … Month … Year …… (Signature and Seal)
Evaluator's Signature, Name, and Position ii TABLE OF CONTENTS
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... i
TABLE OF ABBREVIATION ............................................................................. iv
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 2: ORGANIZATION .......................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 3: WORKING ENVIRONMENT ....................................................... 6
CHAPTER 4: POSITION, TASK & WORK EXPERIENCE ............................... 8
4.1. Connection with customer ........................................................................... 8
4.2. Receive the cal . ......................................................................................... 10
4.3. Shipments administration ........................................................................... 10
4.4. Experiences and skil s learned. .................................................................. 11
CHAPTER 5: SELF-EVALUATION .................................................................. 12
5.1. Strength points ........................................................................................... 12
5.2. Weakness points ......................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION ............................................................................. 14
CHAPTER 7: RECOMMENDATION ................................................................ 16
7.1. The Jin Heung Vina Co., Ltd ..................................................................... 16
7.2. The Hoa Sen University ............................................................................. 17
7.3. The Interns ................................................................................................. 18
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 19 iii TABLE OF ABBREVIATION CCS Customer Care Staff CS Customer Service JHVC Jin Heung Vina Co., Ltd CRO Customer Relations Office iv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION
To be a part of the Jin Heung Vina Co., Ltd, as wel as a Customer Care Staff
(CCS) or Customer Consultant (CS), located at 17A Street 1, Hamlet 4, An Phu
Ward, Thu Duc City. According to the job description, I must attend the Customer
Relations Office (CRO) 5 days a week and finalize al the tasks given, even
working from home. My supervisor supposed the job may be hard for an
inexperienced learner, hence the ruling company was adjusted to build the most
reasonable setting for interns and new staff in the beginning term. It took al my
concentration and endeavor to comprehend deeply the information about the
products and regulation of sales in general. Consequently, I would be qualified to
deal with al the queries from customers, build up, maintain, and consult the
products for them as a professional consultant.
In my point of view, internships deliver a practical, appropriate, and momentous
environment for students through feedback on their performance, manners,
transmission, and consumer interaction skil s. From an expert's point, an internship
assignment is an educational experience that provides meaningful, practical tasks
concerning to chosen scholar's field of study or occupation curiosity. It facilitates
the orientation for students to develop their talent and potential y construct an
excel ent pipeline for the official career in the days after. Moreover, the actuality
field will give precise self-evaluation for students via applying academic theories
and flexibility adjustment acted as a precursor to cultivating themselves in the
profession. On the other hand, external communication demands some specific soft
skil s to become a CSS as wel as a representation of the company because the
customer care staff is the one who satisfied the customers with their service. They
deliver acknowledged by presentation, fluency in oral speech, and the creative
mindset to build up social bonding with clients due to their touch with wel -
welcomed. In internal communication, the manager always demands every staff
be passionate, reliable, innovative, and critical thinking to satisfy the finite 1
assignment with individual competency. It asks for a professional standard manner
when communicating with co-workers and upper managers.
I chose the Business English and Mass Communication Subjects, so the
assignments are not just in the language area, there are also about the expectation
of recruiters from fresh or potential candidates. The JHVC, the company I
anticipated as an intern, showed me the company mission and goals which help an
intern like me il ustrate the main core of Marketing and CS and comprehend my
competencies. The environment pushed me to get acquainted and enrich myself,
which elements are insufficient, to become more suitable for future paths. 2 CHAPTER 2: ORGANIZATION
Jin Heung Industry Co., Ltd is a long-aged company in Korea, established in
1989 as JinHeung Precision Company, by Hheung Jin In as known as the recent
CEO of the head office, Shinhwa Industry Complex located at Shihueng-Si,
Gyoenggi-Do, Korean. Over 34 years of operation, Jin Heung Industry Co., Ltd
has found many Sales offices in 15 countries and 6,500-unit expansion of
production facilities (Canada, Greece, Brazil, India, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Singapore) and official y establish
Vietnamese Corporation "JIN HEUNG VINA Co., Ltd" in 2017, located at 17A
Street 1, Hamlet 4, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City. The company is also known as
"A reliable company JIN HEUNG Industry Co., Ltd" with the slogan " Hi-Efficient
Transport, Oil free, Heat & Noise." Accordingly, Jin Heung has a passion to
provide its customers with the best quality products with the corporate philosophy
for new product development with high capability and complete technology.
The products of Jin Heung comprehend bulk compressors, transport cement
powder, PVC resin, limestone, feed, and liquefied products effectively. The quality
of products has been wel not only in the owned country but also around the world.
Recently, Jin Heung focused on enhancing production degrees, and technical lines,
optimizing most internal and external resources. It also concentrates on taking out
the assignment to equitize mother parties, and enterprises with 100% state capital
to have the capital to develop production capacity by new asset, suspended the
al ocation of production capacity in harmony with each brand, guaranteeing a
balance between production capacity and the market, or obtain transfer of
industries that the Government, uphold the pivotal position, is the significant
equalizer of Vietnam's cement industry, resume to innovate corporate authority,
build an evolved corporate culture, utilize science and technology to maintain
speed with the industrial revolution 4.0. Continue to pay attention to the protection
of natural resources and the environment, participate in social security programs,
and recede poverty with gesticulations and moralities as Jin Heung has been 3
accomplishing. The effort of Jin Heung observed and awarded many notable achievements: •
No.1 in Supplying compressors to Korea Remicon (1990) •
Achieved ISO 9001 certification (2003) •
Achieved ISO 14000 certification (2011) •
Choose as a profitable business (2012) •
Praised by the Minister of Industry and Commerce (Outstanding capital goods evolution) (2016)
The logo of Jin Heung Industry Co., Ltd:
Figure 1: Jin Heung Industry Co.,Ltd Logo 4
The diagram of the structure of Jin Heung Industry Co., Ltd:
Figure 2: Structure of Jin Heung Industry Co.,
The diagram of the structure of Jin Heung Industry Vina C . o , Ltd, Sale Manager Director/CEO Vice Director Accountant Human Resources
Figure 3: Structure of Jin Heung Vina Co.,Ltd 5
A quality office needs to meet many standards, including facilities. Although it
is only a smal branch office in Vietnam, JHV has invested in assembling the best
working environment for its employees. The office is located on the second and
third floor of an office building with 8 floors, so the elevator is designed to be
spacious, modern, and airy, and has a capacity of about 20 people, to boost peak
hours. The fire alarm system and the escape log are revealed in the most observable
positions so that everyone can exit the risk.
Secondly, the eating room is located at the end of the hal , with ful gear such
as a microwave, coffee maker, water purifier, and refrigerator along with cakes,
sweets, and coffee so that staff can energize themselves while working. At JHV's
office, departments are divided into zones for the convenience of col eagues who
can support each other to complete work.
Importantly, each individual's workspace is spacious and convenient, including
a desk area of about 2m, an office chair, a personal locker with 3 drawers, and a
ful electrical outlet. Because of being a trainee, I mainly work on personal laptops,
only, when necessary, I am allowed to use the mentor's computer to solve tasks.
The entire office is ful y equipped with electric bulbs for lighting, air conditioning
is running smoothly, and devices such as printers, projectors, and fax machines. Figure 4: Office's facilities 6
Connection between people is the top priority for an ideal company and acts as
a precursor to enhancing staff's working efficiency and reducing the turnover rate.
Firstly, there is existing transparency among people including col eagues and
managers. Col eagues consistently strive to communicate with each other
effectively to complete the common work. They also attempt to support the interns,
exchange, and be friendly so that the interns can adjust reasonably to the working
environment and soon do wel in the basic tasks given. For leaders and
subordinates, there is invariably a certain confidence and respect so that employees
can be comfortable with their opinions at work. In expansion, via lunches together,
I learned more about internal news, useful advice for work, and increased a sense of belonging to the company. 7
After introducing the core details of the Jin Heung Vina Co., Ltd, and the
specific working environment, in this chapter, I shal describe in detail the daily
work as wel as the valuable experience in the process. Whereas before that, I must
clarify my workflow to they are related and support each other so that I can better
understand the work of a CCS intern like me. Conect With Customaers Receive Note Customers' Information Call Figure 5: Workflows practice 4.1. Connection with customer
Every morning, I must contact the sales manager, who is also Thao, to receive
a list of available customers. That list is divided into 3 groups, customers who are
having problems, potential customers who need advice, and customers who are
using products that need care.
For the item customers are having problems, the other col eagues note down the
solution or the problems solved. I must phone that group of customers to inform
them and ask for views as survey customer satisfaction of the customer care
department. For a sample, a customer with a technical problem needs assistance,
needs to dispatch technical support to the customer's place, or instruct the customer
to do it in a clear and detailed manner.
For a group of potential customers who have researched the company's goods
and are stil confused about prices or differentia. I wil be responsible for actively 8
connecting with them, handling problems, and giving competitive edges in price
and quality to the external market. For the most recent example, there is a
construction company that is researching the Bulk Compressor VS200 but stil has
not made many decisions due to confusion about whether the quality meets the
standards or not. I schedule a company representative to come to my office, the
consulting department shal have the possibility to point out better qualities
through data sheets. At the same time, our company has a one-t - o one exchange
policy for 1 year of use if there are problems due to technical quality errors on the
company's side. Consequently, customers can rest guaranteed when employing the product.
Figure 6: Data of VS200 Series
As for the group of customers that need to be taken care of, they are loyal
customers of the company, mainly immense and reputable construction
companies. After using the product for a long time, the sales department as wel as
the CCS must actively contact to investigate the satisfaction of customers with the
used products. Moreover, customer appreciation programs such as giving new year
calendars, giving smal gifts related to big occasions of the year, to increase the
connection with customers as wel as to show gratitude to them for trusting the company. 9 4.2. Receive the cal .
In addition to the task of actively connecting with consumers, the company wil
have a switchboard to receive their cal s to advise products, purchase advice, and
receive complaints and problems. For consulting cases or simple problems that
they meet, I can solve them immediately in that cal , or transfer the phone to a staff
with more in-depth expertise so that the consumer can get an answer. best words.
On the other hand, when receiving questions in difficult categories such as
maintenance of severely damaged products, customers want to learn more about
products, and they need to schedule an appointment at the company's office or
bring the problem down. Processing technical support. Information is noted and
wil be reviewed and approved by the management of the departments because that
process needs time to arrange the schedule so that it is reasonable for both parties,
especial y the customer must be supported as soon as possible. 4.3. Shipments administration
While placing an order for a customer, I must simultaneously check the number
of goods currently in stock, ensure that I wil have enough stock, and deliver it to
the customer in time after confirming the order. If a customer urgently needs an
item that is missing from stock, I need to contact the factory so that they can speed
up production and deliver goods to customers. For physical y large items such as
vehicles, that need shipping time from large machinery shipments abroad, it is
necessary to inform the customer of the exact shipping time, if the customer agrees
to be Order confirmation. After confirming the successful orders, I wil organize
an email to mail to the customer with invoice information, transaction contract,
and ful warranty policy for customers. The customer must pay within 48 hours of
the amount agreed in the contract, otherwise, the contract wil be invalidated, and
the delivery process wil be eliminated. For urgent orders that need the same day,
payment is required within 12 hours after receiving the goods, but this policy only
applies to companies with high reputations and long-term cooperation. 10
4.4. Experiences and skil s learned.
In the position of a CCS intern like me, the skil s required for the job are the
ability to communicate with customers. Though for the communication to be
effective for both sides, I have learned a lot of new skil s while working at JHVC.
Firstly, consulting skil s are indispensable for a consultant. Before picking up
the phone to cal a customer, preparation of the cal 's content is important. The next
step is to listen to the needs and problems of the customer, remembering the key
information, so that I wil have a foundation for customers to trust that JHVC
company wil meet their needs as the best solution.
Secondly, problem-solving skil s are skil s related to the background knowledge
of each individual and the ability to be flexible with customers with different
personalities. In terms of acquaintance, I was pretty wel supported by the
supervisor so that I could grasp everything in the shortest time. But in terms of
flexibility, it needs a lot of time to be practiced directly, because each customer
has a different approach and way of communicating. Moreover, I have to keep an
optimistic attitude as wel as not put too much emphasis on failure, prepare in
advance like that, I can continue to be polite to customers and not be disappointed
after the process. The process of going overboard with customers without success.
For instance, Customer A's lady has a very friendly way of talking, but the staff
must keep the right attitude, or else it wil be seen as rude to her.
In addition to consulting work, my daily internal task is to manage customer
data and to write a clear report to report a working day to my superiors. On the
other hand, superiors and children can see their work efficiency through reports,
market trends shortly, and analysis to provide solutions for customers. 11 CHAPTER 5: SELF-EVALUATION
Thanks to this WEI process, I was given a practical opportunity to reflect on
myself, from both strengths and weaknesses. During the whole process of
participating in a realistic environment, and chal enging situations, I have
discovered many new skil s to help al future employment opportunities. 5.1. Strength points
In terms of strengths, I believe myself highly adaptable and capable of learning.
You can get high appreciation and trust from superiors and col eagues. It is
extremely important to receive credibility, so my supervisor al ows me to interact
with many different types of work, with more customers. However, sometimes I
feel overwhelmed when the work pressure is too much, but when the adaptability
factor helps me complete the tasks wel .
Confidence and sociability are my strong points in CCS, they help me overcome
barriers when talking with a stranger. Building a peaceful relationship with
customers is a job that I feel entirely comfortable with, even winning many
people's hearts. Due to a lot of experience in previous part-time jobs, I can describe
myself as having a lot of energy in communicating with people. Similarly, the
element of capturing customer emotion, through the tone in their voice, is the key
point to help the conversation take place according to the criteria set, creating an
important feeling needed for the opposite person. From internal and external
communication, communication skil s should always be fostered as sharpened as
possible because it is only beneficial, not harmful.
Next, my major strength is my computer skil s. It seems that al work on
spreadsheets such as presenting data or contract tables is remarkably swel , tidy,
and easy to understand. The command operations on the internal software I got
used to and mastered very quickly. Most of the time I get little feedback to correct
the texts and it is usual y approved the first time. Thanks to that, my work pressure 12
is also significantly reduced, and I have more time for myself to focus on other things. 5.2. Weakness points
Along with my potencies, I stil have many shortcomings in the process of
expressing myself at JHVC. First, this industry isn't something I've been exposed
to much before. As a result, I have put a lot of effort into learning and grasping the
information about products such as parameters, uses, and usage. During the whole
2 weeks of the internship, I dropped far behind my classmates, the pressure was
on me because my ability to comprehend jargon was low. Since then, I have been
given relatively little on important product consultations and reduced work
productivity if the situation continued.
Second, I have good adaptability but lack time management. After my
internship, I was assigned a lot of official work, and that made me overloaded. It
is straightforward for me to find that I have not been able to balance my work time
and my time. In the long run, stress wil not be good for the body and mentality,
instead of working mechanical y, it is better to find a way to work smarter and more efficiently.
Regarding suggestions for self-improvement, I suppose about a few things. First
of al , it is needed to have a calmer attitude when facing big obstacles in your
ability. If losing sanity, work can only get worse than it already is, and it creates
great frustration. Next, I need more flexibility in using knowledge from school and
outside experiences because they have smal in terms of shortening and better time
management. Even if it's just an internship, it's better than taking my current job
seriously, because it's a much more important stepping stone for personal growth and improvement. 13 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION
As a 2nd year student, in addition to the necessary knowledge at school, I am
aware of the importance of experience and experience. Therefore, the internship is
a preparatory step that should be prioritized so that any student can be confident in
himself. This is a summary of the internship this summer term.
During my time working at JHVC, in addition to applying the available
knowledge, although not much, I have received a lot of new and valuable things, especial y soft skil s.
The first is to be exposed to the office culture, where students can visualize a
professional working environment and learn how to best adapt. For example, work
pressure, every job has invisible or tangible pressure because it is inevitable. But
those with experience, are used to or know how to balance it without affecting their
work results. The second is to expand relationships that can be of great help to the
future career path. Building a relationship and maintaining it is also an essential
skil for a Business English and Mass Communication major. It helps me get good
results in my work such as connecting with customers, moreover, I also get a lot
of experience from my predecessors. Final y, the skil of teamwork, not simply the
department you are working for, but the coordination of al departments in the
company, sharing a common development goal.
Beyond al , I acknowledge there is a huge difference between reality and theory.
It is not a denial of the importance of theory but some of them are stil limited in
practicality. When it comes to putting the theory into practice, it wil stil take a lot
of effort on its own to make the theory relevant to real-life cases. In addition, some
skil s have been developed such as formulating documents, writing concise and
concise emails; efficient work arrangement; telephone communication skil s;
Communicate with superiors in a concise, complete, and persuasive manner. 14
As for myself, since the internship period is not long enough, and most of the
time is an internship, it is impossible to express my self-worth to the business.
Accordingly, to gain experience for future jobs, it is a must to have more
experience and knowledge in similar environments that I have chosen. Moreover,
for myself, I have mastered thes
e things, but they need to be improved every day
because these are the basic necessary skil s for a professional employee. After
finishing my internship, I wil find a part-time office job while studying. By the
time you graduate, you can be more confident in your new journey. 15