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Kiểm tra giữa kỳ Kinh tế chính trị | Đại học Thái Nguyên
Neglect is an active and destructive response to dissatisfaction in which an employee waits for conditions to improve. Attitudes have three components cognition, affect, and behaviour. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!
Kinh tế chính trị 3 tài liệu
Đại học Thái Nguyên 165 tài liệu
Kiểm tra giữa kỳ Kinh tế chính trị | Đại học Thái Nguyên
Neglect is an active and destructive response to dissatisfaction in which an employee waits for conditions to improve. Attitudes have three components cognition, affect, and behaviour. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!
Môn: Kinh tế chính trị 3 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Thái Nguyên 165 tài liệu
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ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Time allowed: 60 minutes
I. True/False (No explanation required) (2 marks)
1. Neglect is an active and destructive response to dissatisfaction in which an employeewaits for conditions to improve. A. True B. False
2. Attitudes have three components: cognition, affect, and behaviour. A. True B. False
3. The opposite of emotional stability is neuroticism. A. True B. False
4. Expectations can distort your perceptions in that you will see what you expect to see. A. True B. False
5. It is very easy to find two individual with same personality. A. True B. False
6. People don’t learn by observing from others. A. True B. False
7. Compared to introverts, extroverts tend to be happier in their jobs and lives as a whole. A. True B. False
8. Ability is the assessment of an employee's motivation. A. True B. False
9. An individual's overall abilities are essentially made up of two sets of factors:
intelligence and physical abilities. A. True B. False
10. Projection is the idea that people selectively interpret what they see based on
theirinterests, background, experience, and attitudes. A. True B. False
II. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
1. Managers are most concerned with the _____ component of attitude. (a) behavioural (b) affective (c) cognitive (d) organizational
2. _____ is the degree to which a person psychologically identifies with his or her job.
(a) Job committment (b) Job overload (c) Job satisfaction (d) Job involvement 3. The belief
that discrimination is wrong is an example of the _____ component of an attitude. lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390 (a) behavioural (b) affective (c) cognitive (d) organizational
4. ____ is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. (a) Moods (b) Values (c) Personality (d) Attitudes
5. Which of the Big Five dimensions has shown a strong and consistent relationship with job performance?
(a) extroversion (b) agreeableness (c) conscientiousness (d) openness to experience
6. _____ is the degree to which people in a country prefer structured over unstructuredsituations. (a) Power distance (b) Individualism (c) Uncertainty avoidance (d) Long-term orientation
7. _____ is the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensoryimpressions. (a) Perception (b) Intuition (c) Analysis (d) Self-serving bias
8. When we judge someone on the basis of group membership, we are using the short- cutprocess known as _____. (a) projection (b) stereotyping (c) escalation to commitment (d) intuition
9. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that influences perception? (a) Target (b) Medium (c) Perceiver (d) Situation
10. Because it is impossible for us to assimilate everything we see; we engage in _____.
(a) selective perception (b) memorization (c) mental desensitization (d) periodic listening
11. Researchers have found that genetics accounts for about _____ of personalitydifferences. (a) 70% (b) 50% (c) 30% (d) 10%
12. The management function of ____________ is concerned with creating enthusiasm
forhard work among organizational members. (a) planning (b) motivating (c) controlling (d) leading
13. In the management process, ____________ is concerned with measuring performance
results and taking action to improve future performance. (a) disciplining (b) organizing (c) leading (d) controlling
14. Among Mintzberg’s 10 managerial roles, acting as a figurehead and liaison areexamples of ____________ roles. lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390 (a) interpersonal (b) informational (c) decisional (d) conceptual
15. When a manager moves upward in responsibility, Katz suggests that____________skills
decrease in importance and ____________ skills increase in importance. (a) human, conceptual (b) conceptual, emotional (c) technical, conceptual (d) emotional, human
16. Self-efficacy is a form of ____________. (a) self-awareness (b) self-esteem (c) nurture (d) agreeableness
17. Belief, opinion, knowledge, emotions feelings intention are the components of (a) OB (b) Job satisfaction (c) Attitude (d) Personality
18. The statement “I don’t feel comfortable in crowd” is an example of _____________ component of attitude. (a) behavioural (b) affective (c) cognitive (d) organizational
19. Outgoing, talkative, social are part of __________ Personality Trait as per big 5 personality trait (a) Friendly (b) Openness to experience (c) Introversion d) Extroversion
20. Trust, nature, and cooperative are part of __________ Personality Trait as per big 5 personality trait.
(a) Agreeableness (b) Openness to experience (c) Introversion d) Extroversion III. Case study (4 marks)
ADS is a chain of 300 take-away restaurants in Vietnam. This outlet has a restaurant manager, an assistant
manager, and several part-time team-leaders. The restaurant manager rarely has time to serve customers, and
frontline work by managers is discouraged by the head office. The assistant manager serves customers for a
couple of hours during the busy lunchtime but otherwise assists the restaurant manager with purchasing,
accounts, hiring, and other operations. Most team leaders are college students and serve customers alongside
other employees, particularly from late afternoon to night closing. Most employees are also students who work
part-time; a few are in high school. All regular staff earn minimum pay rates of 10$ per hour.
The company has experienced below-average profitability over the past 18 months, which has reduced the
monthly bonus paid to the restaurant manager and assistant manager. This bonus is calculated by percentage of
“wastage” (unsold, damaged, or unaccounted for food and drinks) relative to sales; the lower the percentage of
wastage, the higher the bonus. Wastage occurs when employees drop or spill food, cut up more toppings than
are sold, burn heated subs, prepare an order incorrectly, and eat or give away food without permission. When
employees make mistakes, the expense is supposed to come out of their paycheck. Unauthorized eating and
giving away food are grounds for immediate dismissal. However, team leaders are reluctant to report any
accidental or deliberate wastage, even when confronted by the restaurant manager about the store’s high
wastage over the previous week and month. One team leader who reported several accidental wastage incidents
eventually quit after being snubbed by coworkers who attended the same college classes.
The company gives employees a food allowance if they work continuously for at least four and one half hours.
Staff complain that the allowance is meager and that they are often ineligible for the food allowance because
many shifts are only three or four hours. Employees who work these shorter shifts sometimes help themselves
to food and drinks when the managers aren’t around, claiming that their hard work justifies the free meal. Some
also claim the food is a low company expense and makes up for their small paycheck, relative to what many lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390
of their friends earn elsewhere. Several (but not most) employees give some of their friends generous helpings
as well as occasional free soft drinks and chips. Employees say handing out free food to friends makes them
more popular with their peers.
Five months ago, the restaurant’s wastage (mainly deliberate wastage) had risen to the point where the two
managers no longer received a bonus. The restaurant manager reacted by giving the food allowance only to
those who work for six or more hours in a single shift. This action excluded even more staff from receiving the
food allowance, but it did not discourage employees from eating or giving away food. However, almost 20
percent of the experienced college staff left for other jobs over the following two months. Many of those who
stayed discouraged friends from considering jobs at ABC. Morale declined, which dampened the fun
atmosphere that had been experienced to some extent in past times. Relations between employees and managers soured further.
With relatively low unemployment, the restaurant manager found it difficult to hire replacements, particularly
people with previous work experience of any kind. Temporary staff shortages required the two managers to
spend more time working in food preparation and training the new staff. Their increased presence in the
restaurant significantly reduced deliberate wastage, but accidental wastage increased somewhat as the greater
number of inexperienced staff made more mistakes.
After three months, the manager and assistant manager were confident that the situation had improved, so they
spent less time training staff and serving customers. Indeed, they received a moderate bonus after the third
month in the store. However, wastage increased again soon after the managers withdrew from daily operations.
The experienced employees started eating more food, and the new staff soon joined this practice. Exasperated,
the restaurant manager took bolder steps. He completely removed the food allowance and threatened to fire
any employee caught consuming or giving away food. Wastage dropped somewhat over the next month but is now creeping upward again.
1. What symptoms in this case suggest that something has gone wrong?
2. Explain the main causes of these problems based on any motivation theory?
3. What actions should the managers take to correct these problems?