Law on commercial arbitration - Business Law | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Law on commercial arbitration - Business Law | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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Law on commercial arbitration - Business Law | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Law on commercial arbitration - Business Law | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

98 49 lượt tải Tải xuống
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
LAW 54
(17 June 2010)
CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................................................................ 1
General Provisi nso ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Article 1 G peoverning sco ..................................................................................................................... 1
Article 2 Competence f arbitrati n t res lve disputes:o o o o .................................................................... 1
Article 3 Interpretation f termso ............................................................................................................ 1
Article 4 Principles f r dispute res n by arbitratio olutio on:..................................................................... 2
Article 5 C nditi luto ons f r dispute reso o ion by arbitration .................................................................... 2
Article 6 Court refusal t accept jurisdicti n if there is an arbitrati n agreemento o o .............................. 3
Article 7 Determining which c urt has n activitieso competence over arbitratio .................................. 3
Article 8 Determining which enf rcement agency has c mpetence t enf rce arbitral awards and o o o o
interim relief decisi ns f arbitrati n to o o ribunals ...................................................................... 4
Article 9 Neg tiati nciliatio on and co on during arbitrati n pro oceedings................................................ 4
Article 10 Language................................................................................................................................. 4
Article 11 L cati lutio on f r dispute reso o on by arbitration........................................................................ 4
Article 12 Service f n tices and rder f r service f no o o o o otices............................................................... 5
Article 13 Loss f right to o object ............................................................................................................. 5
Article 14 Applicable law in dispute resoluti no ....................................................................................... 5
Article 15 State administrati n f arbitratio o on.......................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Arbitration Agreements ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Article 16 Form f arbitrati n agreementso o ............................................................................................. 6
Article 17 Right f c nsumers t select dispute res n metho o o olutio od ..................................................... 7
Article 18 Void arbitrati n agreements:o .................................................................................................. 7
Article 19 Independence f arbitrati n agreementso o .............................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Arbitrat rso .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Article 20 Qualifications f arbitrato ors .................................................................................................... 7
Article 21 Rights and obligati rs:ons f arbitrato o ..................................................................................... 8
Article 22 Arbitrat ciatiors' Asso on........................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 4............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Arbitration Centres............................................................................................................................................... 8
Article 23 Functions f arbitrati n centreo o ............................................................................................... 8
Article 24 C nditio ons and pr cedures f r establishment f arbitrati n centreo o o o ..................................... 9
Article 25 Registrati peration f o o on f arbitrati n centreo o ....................................................................... 9
Article 26 Announcement f establishmo ent f arbitrati n centreo o .......................................................... 9
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Article 27 Legal entity status and structure f arbitrati n centreo o .......................................................... 9
Article 28 Rights and obligations f arbitrati n centre:o o ....................................................................... 10
Article 29 Terminati peration f o o on f arbitrati n centreo o ..................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 5.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Instituting [Arbitrati n] Pro oceedings .............................................................................................................. 11
Article 30 Statement f claim and acc mpanying materialso o ............................................................... 11
Article 31 Time f c mmencement f arbitrati n pro o o o oceedings ........................................................... 11
Article 32 N tificatio on f statement f claimo o ......................................................................................... 11
Article 33 Limitati lution peri d f r initiating pr ceedings f r dispute reso o o o o on by arbitration .............. 12
Article 34 Arbitration fees...................................................................................................................... 12
Article 35 Defence and submissi n f the defenceo o ............................................................................. 12
Article 36 Counterclaim by respondent ................................................................................................ 13
Article 37 Withdrawal f statement f clo o aim r c unterclaim; amendment r additi n t statement o o o o o
o o of claim, c unterclaim r defences...................................................................................... 13
Article 38 Neg tiatio on during arbitrati n pro oceedings ......................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 6.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Arbitration Tribunal............................................................................................................................................ 14
Article 39 C mp sitio o on f arbitrati n tribunalo o ....................................................................................... 14
Article 40 Establishment f arbitrati n tribunal at arbitrati n centreo o o .................................................. 14
Article 41 Establishment f ad h c arbitrati n tribunalo o o ........................................................................ 14
Article 42 Replacement f arbitrato ors................................................................................................... 15
Article 43 C nsideratio on whether an arbitrati n is v id r incapable f being perf rmed and o o o o o
whether the arbitrati n tribunal has jurisdictio on.................................................................. 16
Article 44 Petiti lution and reso on f petiti n against decisi n f arbitrati n tribunal c ncerning o o o o o o
whether the arbitrati n agreement exists, the aro bitration agreement is v id, the o
arbitration agreement is incapable f being perf rmed and whether o o the arbitrati n o
tribunal has jurisdiction......................................................................................................... 16
Article 45 Jurisdiction f the arbitrati n tribuo o nal t verify the factso ..................................................... 17
Article 46 Jurisdiction f the arbitrati n tribunal t c llect evidenceo o o o .................................................. 17
Article 47 Jurisdiction of arbitration tribunal t summ n witnesseso o ................................................... 18
CHAPTER 7.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Interim Relief ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Article 48 Right t request applicati n f interim reliefo o o ........................................................................ 19
Article 49 Jurisdiction f arbitrati n tribunal t rder interim reliefo o o o ..................................................... 19
Article 50 Procedures f r arbitrati n tribunal t rder interim reliefo o o o ................................................... 20
Article 51 Jurisdiction f and pr cedures f r arbitrati n tribunal t change, supplement r rem veo o o o o o o
interim relief .......................................................................................................................... 20
Article 52 Responsibility f applicant f r interim reliefo o ......................................................................... 21
Article 53 Jurisdiction f and rder and pr cedures f r c urt t rder, change r rem ve interim o o o o o o o o o
relief....................................................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 8.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Dispute Res n Sessiolutio ons........................................................................................................................... 22
Article 54 Preparati luti nson f r dispute reso o on sessio ........................................................................ 22
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Article 55 C mp siti luti nso o on f and pr cedures f r dispute reso o o o on sessio ....................................... 22
Article 56 Absence f partieso ................................................................................................................ 22
Article 57 Adj lutiournment f dispute reso o on session ......................................................................... 22
Article 58 Mediati gnition and reco on f successful mediatio on............................................................ 23
Article 59 Stay f dispute reso olution..................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 9.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Arbitral Awards................................................................................................................................................... 23
Article 60 Principles f r issuance f awardo o .......................................................................................... 23
Article 61 Contents, f rm and validity f arbitral awardo o ...................................................................... 24
Article 62 Registration f ad h c arbitral awardo o ................................................................................... 24
Article 63 Rectification and explanati n f arbitral award; supplementary awardso o ........................... 25
Article 64 Archiving files ........................................................................................................................ 26
CHAPTER 10........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Enforcement f Arbitral Awardso ...................................................................................................................... 26
Article 65 Voluntary carrying ut f arbitral awardo o .............................................................................. 26
Article 66 Right t apply f r enf rcement f arbitral awardo o o o ................................................................. 26
Article 67 Enforcement f arbitral awardo .............................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER 11........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Setting Aside Arbitral Awards.......................................................................................................................... 26
Article 68 Grounds f r setting aside arbitral awardo ............................................................................. 26
Article 69 Right t petiti n f r arbitral award t be set asideo o o o .............................................................. 27
Article 70 Petition requesting arbitral award be set aside................................................................... 27
Article 71 Hearing by c urt f petiti n requesting arbitral award be set asideo o o .................................. 28
Article 72 Court fees regarding arbitration........................................................................................... 29
CHAPTER 12........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Organization and Operati n f F reign Arbitrati n in Vietnamo o o o ................................................................. 29
Article 73 C nditio ons for f reign arbitrati n instituti ns t perate in Vietnamo o o o o .................................. 29
Article 74 Operational f rms f f reign arbitrati n instituti ns in Vietnamo o o o o ......................................... 29
Article 75 Branches ............................................................................................................................... 29
Article 76 Rights and ns f branch f f reign arbitrati n instituti n in Vietnamobligatio o o o o o ................... 30
Article 77 Representative offices .......................................................................................................... 30
Article 78 Rights and ns f representative ffice f f reign arbitrati n instituti n in Vietnamobligatio o o o o o o
............................................................................................................................................... 30
Article 79 Operation f branches and representative ffices f f reign arbitrati n instituti ns in o o o o o o
Vietnam ................................................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER 13........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Implementing Provisions .................................................................................................................................. 31
Article 80 Application f this Law t arbitrati n centres established pri r t effective date f this o o o o o o
Law ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Article 81 Effectiveness......................................................................................................................... 31
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Article 82 Detailed regulati ns and guidelines n implementatio o on..................................................... 32
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Independence - -Freedom Happiness
No. 54 2010- -QH12
National Assembly f theo
Socialist Republic f Vietnamo
Legislature XII, 7th Sessi no
(17 June 2010)
Pursuant t the 199o 2 C n f the S cialist Republic f Vietnam as amended by Res n 51onstitutio o o o olutio -2001-
The Nati nal Assembly hereby pr mulgates the o o Law on C nommercial Arbitratio .
General Provisi nso
Article 1 Governing sc peo
This Law regulates commercial arbitration competence, arbitrati institution forms, arbitration ons and
arbitrat bligatiors; rder and pr cedures f r arbitrati n; rights, o o o o o ons and resp nsibilities f parties t o o o
arbitration pr ceedings; o competence of courts over arbitrati n activitieso ; organizati peration and o on f o
foreign arbitrati n in Vietnam;o and enf rcement f arbitral awards.o o
Article 2 Competence o of arbitrati n to res lve disputeso :
1. Disputes between parties arising fr m c mmercial activities.o o
2. Disputes arising between parties at least ne f wh m is engaged in c mmercial activities.o o o o
Other disputes between parties which the law stipulates shall [or may]
be resolved by arbitrati n.o
Article 3 Interpretation f o terms
In this Law, the f wing terms shall be c nstrued as follo o oll ws:o
1. Commercial arbitration means a dispute res lutio on method agreed by the parties and c nducted in o
accordance with the pr visio ons of this Law.
2. Arbitration agreement means an agreement between the parties t use arbitrati n t reso o o olve a
dispute which may arise r which ha arisen.o s
Allens Arthur R n f te: obinso ootno All square brackets c ntain trano slator's c mments nly.o o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
3. Parties in dispute mean Vietnamese r f reign individuals, o o bodies or ns which participate organizatio
in arbitrati n pr ceedings in the capacity f claimants o o o or resp ndents.o
4. Dispute with a f reign elemento means a dispute arising in commercial relations involving, or in s me o
o other legal relati nships involving a f reign element as prescribed in the o Civil Code.
5. Arbitrator means a pers n selected by the parties r app inted by an arbitrati n centre r by a c urt o o o o o o
t lvo reso e a dispute in acc rdance with the pr ns f this Law.o ovisio o
6. Institutional arbitration means the f rm f o o dispute res n at an arbitrati n centre olutio o in acc rdance o
with the pr ns f this Law and the pr cedural rules f such ovisio o o o arbitration centre.
7. Ad h c arbitratio on means the f rm f o o dispute res n olutio in acc rdance with the pr ns f this Law o ovisio o
and the order and pr cedures o as agreed by the parties.
8. Dispute res n l n olutio ocatio means the l n where the arbitrati n tribunal c nducts tocatio o o he dispute
res lutio on as agreed by the parties, or as decided by the arbitrati n tribunal if the parties d n t havo o o e
such an agreement. If the dispute res n l n is within the territ ry f Vietnam then the award olutio ocatio o o
must be deemed t have been o rendered in Vietnam irrespective f the l n at which the o ocatio
arbitration tribunal c nducted o sessions in rder t issue such award.o o
9. Arbitral decisi n o means a decisi n f the arbitrati n tribunal during the dispute reso o o olution pr cesso .
10 Arbitral award means the decisi n f the arbitrati n tribunal reso o o olving the entire dispute and
terminating the arbitrati n pro oceedings.
11. Foreign arbitrati n o means arbitration established in acc rdance with f reign arbitrati n law o o o which the
parties agree t select o t no co duct dispute resoluti no , either inside r utside the territ ry f Vietnam.o o o o
12. Foreign arbitral award means an award rendered by f reign arbitrati n o o either inside r utside the o o
territory f Vietnam o in rder t res lve o o o a dispute as agreed by the parties.
Article 4 Principles f r dispute res n by arbitratio olutio on:
1. Arbitrators must respect the agreement f the parties o if it does n t breach o pr hibitio ons and is n t o
contrary t s cial mo o orals.
2. Arbitrators must be independent, bjective and impartialo , and must c mply with pr ns f law.o ovisio o
3. Parties in dispute shall have equal rights and ns. Arbitrati n tribunals shall be resp nsible t obligatio o o o
facilitate the parties to exercise their rights and to discharge their obligati ns.o
4. Dispute res n by arbitrati n shall be c nducted in olutio o o private, unless otherwise agreed by the
5. An arbitral award shall be final.
Article 5 C nditi lutio ons f r dispute reso o on by arbitrati no
1. A dispute shall be resolved by arbitrati n if the parties havo e an arbitration agreement. An arbitrati n o
agreement may be made either pri r t r after o o o a dispute arises.
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
2. If ne f the parties t an arbitrati n agreement is an individual wh dies r wh l ses capacity f r o o o o o o o o o
acts, then the arbitrati n agreement shall reo main effective against the heir r legal representative o
[respectively] of such f rmer individualo , unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
3. If ne f the parties t an arbitrati n agreement is an n which o o o o organizatio must terminate its n, operatio
becomes bankrupt, dissolves, c lidates, onso merges, demerges, separates or converts its
organizati no al f rganizatiorm, then the arbitrati n agreement shall remain effective against the o o on
which succeeds t the rights and ns f o obligatio o such former n, organizatio unless otherwise agreed by
the parties.
Article 6 Court refusal t accept jurisdicti n if there is an arbitrati n agreemento o o
Where the parties in dispute already have an arbitrati n agreement o but ne party institutes c urt o o
proceedings, the c urt must refuse to o accept jurisdicti n unless the arbitrati n agreement is o o void or
incapable f being perfo ormed.
Article 7 Determining which court has c mpeteno ce over arbitration activities
1. If the parties already have an agreement to choose a specific c urt, then suco h c urt o as ch sen by the o
parties shall be the competent court.
2. If the parties d n t havo o e an agreement to choose a c urt, then o the competent court shall be
determined as fo oll ws:
(a) For app into ment of an arbitrat r t establish an ad h c arbitratio o o on tribunal, the c mpetent o court
s ,hall be the c urt o in the place where the resp ndent resides if the resp ndent is an individualo o
o o o o o or where the resp ndent has its head ffice if the resp ndent is an rganizati n. If there are a
number f resp ndents, then o o the competent c urt o shall be the c urt in the o place where ne f o o
such respondents resides or has its head ffice.o
If the resp ndent resides o or has its head ffice o overseas, then the competent court shall be the
court in the place where the claimant resides r has its head ffice.o o
(b) For the replacement f o an arbitrator in an ad h c arbitratio on tribunal, the competent court shall
be the c urt in the place where the arbitrati n tribunal o o res lvo es the dispute;
(c) For an appeal against the decisi n f ano o arbitration tribunal that the arbitrati n agreemento was
void or incapable f being perf rmed o o or about the jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal, the
competent court shall be the c urt in the place where the arbitrati n tribunal issued o o [such]
decisi n;o
(d) For an application to a court to collect evidence, the competent court shall be the c urt in the o
place where such evidence requiring c llectio on exists;
dd) For an applicati n t a co o ourt to grant interim relief
, the competent c urt o shall be the court in
the place where the relief needs to be applied;
(e) For summoning witnesses, the competent c urt o shall be the c urt in the place where o the
witnesses reside;
Allens Arthur R n f te: obinso ootno The literal translati n is "interim emergency measures"o but "injuncti n" r "injunctive relief" r o o o
"interim relief" is used through uto .
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
(g) For an applicati n o to set aside an arbitral award r t register an o o ad hoc arbitral award, the
competent court shall be the c urt in the place where the arbitrati n tribunal o o rendered such
3. Courts with er the arbitrati n activities prescribed in clauses 1 and 2 f this article competence ov o o
shall be pe ple's c urts f pr vinces ano o o o d cities under central auth rity.o
Article 8 Determining which enforcement agency has c mpeten to ce o enforce arbitral awards and
interim relief decisions of arbitration tribunals
1. The civil enf rcement agency o with competence to enf rce shall be to an arbitral award he civil
enforcement agency in the pr vince r city under central auth rity where the arbitrati n tribunal o o o o
rendered the award.
2. The civil enf rcement agency witho competence to enforce an interim relief decision f an o arbitration
tribunal shall be the civil enf rcement agency in the pr vince r city under central auth rity where o o o o the
relief needs to be applied.
Article 9 Neg tiati nciliatio on and co on during arbitrati n pr ceedingso o
Parties shall have the freedom, during the pr cess f arbitratio o on proceedings, to negotiate and reach
agreement with each ther to o resolve their dispute, or t request the arbitrati n tribunalo o to mediate in rder o
for the parties to reach agreement and res lvo e their dispute.
Article 10 Language
1. For disputes without a f reign element, the language t be used in arbitrati n pr ceedings shall be o o o o
Vietnamese, except in a dispute t which o at least ne o party is an enterprise with f reign invested o
capital. If a party in dispute cannot use Vietnamese, then it may use an interpreter [to translate] int o
2. For disputes with a f reign element, o disputes to which at least ne party is an enterprise with f reign o o
invested capital, the language t be used in arbitrati n pr ceedings shall be as agreed by the partieso o o .
If the parties d n t havo o e such an agreement, then the language t be used in o the arbitration
proceedings shall be as decided by the arbitrati n tribunal. o
Article 11 L cati lutio on f r dispute reso o on by arbitrati no
1. P aarties shall have the right to reach greement on the dispute res n lolutio ocati no ; if the parties d n t o o
have such an agreement, then the arbitrati n tribunalthe l catio on shall be as decided by o . The
dispute res n lolutio ocation may be inside r utside the territ ry f Vietnam.o o o o
2. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitrati n tribunal may co onduct sessions at a l n ocatio
which it deems appr priate f r
o o mutual c n onsultatio between the arbitrators
, for taking statements
from witnesses, f r seeking advice fr m experts, r f r co o o o onducting evaluations f g ds, assets r o oo o
other materials.
Allens Arthur R n f te: The literal translatiobinso ootno on is "between members f o the tribunal".
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Article 12 Service f n tices and rder f r service f n ticeso o o o o o
The meth d and rder f r service f n tices in arbitrati n pr ceedings shall be regulated as f ws, unless o o o o o o o ollo
otherwise agreed by the parties r o o o o otherwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre:
1. Explanatory statements, c mmunicatio ons and ther o materials as served by any ne party must be o
sent t the arbitrati n centre r arbitrati n tribunal in sufficient c pies s to o o o o o hat each member f the o
arbitration tribunal has ne c py, the ther party has ne c py, and ne c py o o o o o o o is archived at the
arbitration centre.
2. Notices and materials served by an arbitration centre and/o o or arbitrati n tribunal n the parties must
be sent to the addresses of the parties or to their representatives at the c rrect addresso es as n tified o
by such parties.
3. An arbitrati n centre and/ r arbitrati n tribunal may servo o o e notices and materials by hand delivery,
registered letter, rdinary mail, fax, to elex, telegram, email r any ther meth d which o o o ackn wledgeso
such service.
4. Notices and materials sent by an arbitrati n centre and/ r arbitrati n tribunalo o o shall be deemed
received o o on the date n which the parties r their representatives received them or they are deemed
received, if such n tices and o materials were sent in c rmity with the pr ns in clause 2 onfo ovisio of this
5. The time-limit for receipt of a notice or material shall be calculated from the day f wing the day n ollo o
which such notice r materialo is deemed received. If the f wing day is a ollo public or other holiday as
prescribed in regulations f the c untry r territ ry where such n tice r o o o o o o material was served, then
this time-limit shall be calculated from the first business day [ ]after such h lidayo . If the last day f this o
time-limit falls on a public r ther h liday o o o as prescribed in regulations f the c untry r territ ry o o o o
where such n tice r o o material is served, then the deadline shall be the cl se o of the next business day
[ taf er such holiday].
Article 13 Loss f right t bjecto o o
If a party discovers a breach of the pr visi no o s of this Law r f the arbitrati n agreement o o o but continues t o
conduct the arbitrati n pr ceedings and o o does not object to such breach within the time-limit stipulated in
this Law
, [such party] shall l se the right t bject at the arbitrati n r bef re the c urt.o o o o o o o
Article 14 Applicable law in dispute resoluti no
1. For disputes with ut a f reign element, the arbitrati n tribunal shall apply the o o o law of Vietnam in rder o
t lvo reso e the dispute.
2. For disputes with a f reign element, the arbitrati n tribunal shall apply the law o o chosen by the parties;
if the parties d n t havo o e an agreement n applicable law, then the arbitrati n tribunal shall o o make a
decision to apply the law which it considers the most appropriate.
3. If the law of Vietnam [or] the law chosen by the parties d es n t c ntain specific pr ns relevo o o ovisio ant
to the matters in dispute, then the arbitrati n tribunal o may apply internati nal n rder t o customs i o o
res lvo e the dispute if such applicati n r the c nsequences f o o o o such application are n t c ntrary t o o o
the fundamental principles f the o law f Vietnam.o
Allens Arthur R n fobinso ootnote: There d es n t seem t be a specific timeo o o -limit specified in the Law.
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Article 15 State administrati n f arbitrati no o o
1. State administrati n f arbitrati n shall co o o omprise the f wing ollo items:
(a) Pr mulgatio on f legal instrumentso on arbitrati n and o their implementing guidelines;
(b) Issuance and revo ocati n f establishment licences and certificates f registrati n f n o o o o operatio
o of arbitrati n centres, and f brano ches and representative offices of foreign arbitrati n o
institutions in Vietnam;
(c) Announcement f lists f arbitrat rs f arbitrati n instituti ns perating in Vietnam;o o o o o o o
(d) Dissemination and education on the law n o arbitration; internati nal co o-operation in the
arbitration sect r; and guido ance on training and f stering arbitrato ors;
(dd) Checks and inspecti ns, and dealing with breaches f the o o law n o arbitrati n;o
(e) Res lutio on f c mplaints and denunciati ns ab ut the arbitrati n activities prescro o o o o ibed in sub-
clauses (b), (c), (d) and (dd) f this clause.o
2. The Government shall exercise unif rm o State administrati n f arbitrati n.o o o
3. The Ministry f Justice shall be resp nsible bef re the G vernment f r o o o o o exercising State
administration f arbitrao ti n.o
4. Departments f Justice f pr vinces and cities under central auth rity shall assist the Ministry f o o o o o
Justice t carry ut a number f tasks in acc rdance with o o o o Government regulati ns and the pr ns o ovisio
of this Law.
Arbitration Agreements
Article 16 Form f arbitrati n agreementso o
1. An arbitrati n agreement may be o in the f rm f o o an arbitrati n clause in a c ntract r it may be o o o in the
form f o a separate agreement.
2. An arbitrati n agreement must be in writing. The f wing f rms f o ollo o o agreement shall als be deemed o
to constitute a written arbitrati n agreement:o
(a) An agreement established via an exchange between the parties by telegram, fax, telex, email
o o or ther f rm prescribed by law;
(b) An agreement established via the exchange of written inf n between the parties;ormatio
(c) An agreement prepared in writing by a lawyer, n tary r c mpetent o o o organization at the request
of the parties;
(d) Reference by the parties during the c urse f a transacti n cument o o o to a do such as a contract,
s cumentource do , c mpany charter r ther similar o o o documents which contain an arbitrati n o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
E s cxchange f a o tatement f o laim
and defence which express the existence f an agreement o
pr po osed by party and one not denied by the ther parto y.
Article 17 Right f c nsumers t select dispute res n meth do o o olutio o
For disputes between a goods and/or service pr vider o [on the ne hand] o and consumers [on the ther o
hand], even if such provider has drafted and inserted an arbitration clause in its standard c nditio ons n o
supply f such g ds and services
o oo
, a c nsumer shall still have the right t select arbitrati n r a c urt t o o o o o o
res lvo e the dispute. A g ds and/ r service pr vider shall nly havoo o o o e the right t institute arbitrati n o o
proceedings if t sumer he con s s.o c nsento
Article 18 Void arbitration agreements:
1. The dispute arises in a sect r utside the o o competence of arbitration prescribed in article 2 f this o
2. The pers n who o entered into the arbitrati n agreement lacko ed authority as stipulated by law.
3. The pers n who o entered into the arbitration agreement lacked civil legal capacity pursuant t the o Civil
4. The f rm f the arbitrati n agreement d es n t c mply with article 16 f this o o o o o o o Law.
5. One f the parties was deceivo ed, threatened r c erced during the pr cess f f n f the o o o o ormulatio o
arbitration agreement and requests a declaration that the arbitrati n agreemento is void.
6. The arbitrati n agreement breaches o a pr n prescribed by lawohibitio .
Article 19 Independence f arbitratio on agreements
An arbitrati n agreement shall o exist t ntracotally independent f the cly o o t. Any m n, extensiodificatio on or
rescission f the o contract, or invalidity or unenf rceability o of the c ntract shall n t o o result in the invalidity f o
the arbitrati n agreement.o
Arbitrat rso
Article 20
Qualificati nso
of arbitrat rso
1. A pe wrson ith all the f wing qualificatiollo ons may act as an arbitrat r:o
(a) Having full civil legal capacity as prescribed in the C Civil ode;
Allens Arthur R n f te: obinso ootno Alternative translati no s are "claim/request t institute pro oceedings" but "statement f claimo "
is used thr ut. ougho
Allens Arthur R n f te: obinso ootno The literal translati n is “o even if an arbitrati n clause has been rec rded in the general o o
conditions n supply f such go o oods and services as such pr vider has alreo ady drafted an arbitrati n agreemento
Allens Arthur R n f te: The literal translati n is "standards".obinso ootno o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
(b) Having a university qualification and at least five years' work experience in the discipline which
he or s d;he studie
(c) In special cases an expert with highly specialized qualifications and c nsiderable practical o
experience may still be selected t act as an arbitrato or n two ithstanding he/she fails t satisfy o
the requirements prescribed in sub-clause (b) above .
2. A pers n with all the qualificati ns prescribed in clause 1 f this article but wh falls int ne f the o o o o o o o
following categ ries shall n t be permitted t act as ano o o arbitrat r:o
(a) A pers n wh is currently a o o judge, pr r, invosecuto estigator, enf rcement fficer, r fficial f a o o o o o
p p p aeople's court, of a eople's r curacyo , of an investigative gency r o of a judgment
e anforcement gency;
(b) A pers n o under a criminal charge r pr n o osecutio or who is serving a criminal sentence or wh o
has fully served the sentence se criminal rec rd has n t yet been but who o o cleared.
3. An arbitrati n centre may stipulate higher qualificati ns than th se prescribed in clause 1 f this o o o o
arti instituti ncle as applicable t arbitrat rs in its o o o .
Article 21 Rights and ns f arbitratobligatio o ors:
1. To accept r refuse t res lve a dispute.o o o
2. T luti n.o remain independent during dispute reso o
3. T rmatio refuse t pr vide info o o on about a dispute.
4. To receive remunerati n.o
5. To maintain c nfidentiality f the c ntents f o o o o the dispute which he r she reso olves, unless inf n ormatio
must be pr vided t a c mpetent o o o State authority in acc rdance with law.o
6. T lutio ensure that reso on f a dispute is o impartial, speedy and prompt.
7. T fessio c mply with pro o onal ethics rules.
Article 22 Arbitrat ciati nors' Asso o
The Arbitrat rs' Ass n shall beo ociatio a socio-pr fessi rganizatio onal o on f arbitrat rs and arbitrati n centres o o o
thr ugho out the entire c untry. o Establishment and n f the Arbitrat rs' Ass n shall be operatio o o ociatio
implemented in acc rdance with the o law n o p ar fessio onal ss ciati ns.o o
Arbitration Centres
Article 23 Functions f arbitrati n centreo o
An arbitrati n centre shall havo e the function f rganizing and co o o-ordinating activities of dispute res n olutio
by institutional arbitrati no , and of assisting arbitrat rs o by pr viding o administrative and ffice facilities and o
other assistance during the pr cess f o o the arbitration pr ceedings.o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Article 24 C nditio ons and pr cedures f r establishment f arbitrati n centreo o o o
1. An arbitrati n centre may be established if there is a request o for establishment from at least five
founding members wh are Vietnamese citizens and o fully qualified t act as aro bitrators in acc rdance o
with article 20 f this Law, and if the Minister f Justice issues ao o n establishment licence.
2. An applicati n file f r establishment f an arbitrati n centre shall c mprise:o o o o o
(a) Request for establishment;
(b) Draft charter f the arbitrati n centre n the standard f rm issued by the Ministry f Justiceo o o o o ;
(c) List f f unding members and o o accompanying documents proving that such members satisfy all
the c ns prescribed in article 20 f this Law.onditio o
3. The Minister f Justice o shall, within thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt f a c mplete and valid o o o o
application file, issue an establishment licence f r theo arbitration centre and approve its charter; in a
case f refusal, o a written reply specifying the reasons must be provided.
Article 25 Registrati peration f o o on f arbitrati n centreo o
An arbitrati n centre musto , within thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt f o o o its establishment licence,
register its n with the Department f Justice in the pr vince r city under operatio o o o central auth rity where it o
has its head office. If upon the expiry f this timeo -limit the arbitrati n centre has failed t carry ut o o o
registration, then its licence shall n l nger be valid.o o
The Department f Justice shall issue a certificate f registratio o on of o operati n f r the arbitrati n centre o o no
later than fifteen (15) days fr m the date f receipt f the request f r registrati n.o o o o o
Article 26 Announcement f establishment f arbitrati n centreo o o
1. An arbitrati n centre must, within o thirty (30) days from the date f issuance f its certificate f o o o
registrati peration f o o on, publish an ann uncement o in three consecutive issues f a central daily o
newspaper r daily newspaper in o the locality where it registered its n, operatio with the f wing main ollo
(a) Name and address f o head ffice f o o the arbitrati n centre;o
(b) Operational activities of the arbitrati n centre;o
(c) Serial number f o the certificate f registrati n f n, issuing b dy and date f issuanceo o o operatio o o
of such certificate;
(d) Date f c mmencement f n f the arbitrati n centre.o o o operatio o o
2. An arbitrati n centre o must display at its head office a n tice f the particulars stipulated in clause 1 f o o o
this article and a list f arbitrat rs o o of the arbitrati n centre.o
Article 27 Legal entity status and structure f arbitrati n centreo o
1. An arbitrati n centre shall have legal entity status, o and its wn seal and bank acc unt.o o
2. An arbitrati n centre shall be a no on-profit instituti no .
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
3. An arbitrati n centre shall be permitted t estao o blish branches and representative ffices b th within o o
Vietnam and overseas.
4. An arbitrati n centre shall have an executive c mmittee and a secretariato o . The structure and
apparatus f o the arbitration centre shall be as prescribed in its charter.
The executive c mmittee f an arbitrati n centre shall c mprise the o o o o chairman and one r m re vo o ice
chairmen, and it may als include a general secretary app inted by the o o chairman. The chairman of
the arbitrati n centre shall be an arbitrat r.o o
5. An arbitrati n o centre shall have a list f arbitrat rs.o o
Article 28 Rights and ns obligatio of arbitration centre:
1. To formulate the charter and pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centreo o o , which shall be c nsistent with o
the pr ns f this Law.ovisio o
2. To prescribe the qualifications required f r arbitrat rs and the rules n selecti n and rem val f the o o o o o o
name f an arbitrat r fr m the list f arbitrat rs f such centre.o o o o o o
3. To send the list of arbitrators f the arbitrati n centreo o and any changes to such list t the Miniso try f o
Justice f r ann uncement.o o
4. To app int arbitrat rs t establish an arbitrati n tribunal in o o o o the cases prescribed in this Law.
5. To pr vide arbitrati n and o o mediation services and ther c mmercial dispute res n meth ds o o olutio o
prescribed by law.
6. To o o o o o supply administrative and ffice facilities and ther services f r dispute res luti n.
7. .To c llect arbitrati n o o fees and ther lawful o fees relevant t arbitrati n activitieso o
8. To pay remunerati n and ther o o expenses to arbitrat rs.o
9. T urseo h ld co o s for arbitrat rs t o o reinforce their knowledge and skills in dispute resoluti n.o
10. T peratio rep rt annually n the o o o on f the arbitrati n centre t the Department f Justice in the o o o o
l perati n.ocality where the arbitrati n centre has registered its o o o
11. To archive files and t pr vide c pies f arbitral decisi ns at the request f o o o o o o the in dispute parties or of
a competent State auth rito y.
Article 29 Terminati peration f o o on o of arbitrati n centre
1. The n f an arbitrati n centre shall terminate operatio o o in the f wing circumstances:ollo
(a) In the circumstances prescribed in the charter f the arbitrati n centre;o o
(b) Upon revo ocati n f o the establishment licence or certificate f registrati n f o o o operation of the
arbitration centre.
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
2. The Government shall pr vide detailed regulati ns n the o o o circumstances in which an establishment
licence r certificate f registrati n f o o o o operation of an arbitrati n centre o shall be rev ked, and n the o o
o o o o o o o order and pr cedures f r terminati n f perati n f an arbitration centre.
Instituting [Arbitration] Pr ceedingso
Article 30 Statement f o claim and accompanying materials
1. In the case f dispute res n at an arbitrati n centre, the claimant o olutio o prepare a statement f claim o
and send it to the arbitrati n ceno tre. In the case f dispute res n o olutio by ad h c arbitrati n, the o o
claimant shall prepare a statement f claim and o send it to the resp ndento .
2. A statement f claim shall c ntain the f wing particulars:o o ollo
(a) Date n which the statement f claim is o o made;
(b) Names and addresses of the parties, and names and addresses of witnesses if any;,
(c) Summary f the o matters in dispute;
(d) Grounds and evidence, if any, of the claim;
Specific relief s ught by the claimanto
and value f the dispute;o
(e) Name and address f the o person whom the claimant selects as arbitrat r o or request for an
arbitrator t intedo be appo .
3. The arbitrati n agreement mpany o and riginals r c pies f relevant o o o o materials must acco the
statement f claim.o
Article 31 Time o o o o of c mmencement f arbitrati n pr ceedings
1. In the case f dispute res n at an arbitrati n centreo olutio o and unless otherwise agreed by the parties,
the time f c mmencement f the arbitrati n pr ceedings o o o o o shall be upon receipt by the arbitrati n o
centre of the statement f claimo from the claimant.
2. In the case f dispute res n o olutio by ad h c arbitratio on and unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the
time f c mmencement f the arbitrati n pr ceedings o o o o o shall be up n o receipt by the resp ndent f the o o
statement f claim f the claimanto o .
Article 32 N tificatio on f o statement f o claim
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties r therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n o o o o o
centre, the arbitrati n centre o must, within ten (10) days from the date of receipt f the statement f claimo o
with accompanying materials and a receipt of the pr nal advance f ovisio o arbitration fees, send the
respondent a c py f the statement f claim f the claimant t gether with the o o o o o materials prescribed in article
30 L.3 f to his aw.
Allens Arthur R n f tn te: The literal translati n is obinso oo o o "Specific requests f the claimanto ".
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Article 33 Limitati lution peri d f r initiating pr ceedings f r dispute reso o o o o on by arbitrati no
The limitati n peri d f r initiating pr ceedings (2)
o o o o f luti nor dispute reso on by arbitratio
shall be two years
from the date of infringement of legal rights and interests, unless otherwise stipulated by specialized law.
Article 34 Arbitration fees
1. Arbitration fees are the fees collected fo r the pr viso ion f o services f r o dispute res n by olutio
arbitration. Arbitrati n fees shall c mprise:o o
(a) Remuneration and travelling and ther o expenses of arbitrat rs;o
(b) Fees f r expert c nsultancy and ther assistance requested by the arbitrati n tribunal;o o o o
(c) Administrative fees;
(d) Fees f r o the arbitrati n centre's o app into ment f an arbitrat r fo o or an ad h c arbitrat r at the o o
request f the parties in dispute;o
(dd) Fees f r use f o o other necessary services pr vided by the arbitrati n centre.o o
2. The arbitrati n centre shall fix the arbitrati n fees. In the case f dispute res n o o o olutio by ad h c o
arbitratio o on, the arbitrati n tribunal shall fix the arbitrati n fees.
3. The party which l ses the case o must pay the arbitrati n fees, o unless therwise agreed by the partieso
o o o o or therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre, or unless the arbitration
tribunal makes s me ther allo o ocation of fees.
Article 3
5 Defence
and submission f the o defence
1. A defence shall c ntain the f wing particulars:o ollo
(a) Date n which the defence is o made;
(b) Name and address f the resp ndent;o o
(c) Gr uo nds and evidence, if any, in supp rt f the defence;o o
(d) Name and address f the pers n wh m the resp ndent selects as arbitrat r r requesto o o o o o for an
arbitrator t intedo be appo .
2. In the case f dispute res n at an arbitrati n centre, o olutio o unless otherwise agreed by the parties r o
o o o otherwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre, the resp ndent must o send the
defence to the arbitrati n centre within m the date f receipt f the statement f o thirty (30) days fro o o o
claim and accompanying materials. If ne r o o all parties s request, the arbitrati n centre may extend o o
this time-limit depending n the particular circumstances f the case.o o
Allens Arthur R n f tn te: obinso oo o The literal translati n is "f r initiating pr ceedings pursuant t arbitrati n pr ceedings". o o o o o o
Allens Arthur R n f tn te: obinso oo o The literal translati n is "statement f defence" but "defence" is used thr ut. o o ougho
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
3. In the case f dispute res n o olutio by ad h c arbitrati n, o o unless otherwise agreed by the parties, within
thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt f the statement f claim and o o o o accompanying materials of the
claimant, the resp ndent must o send the defence to the claimant and the arbitrator/s and the name
and address f the pers n wh m the resp ndent selects ao o o o s arbitrat r.o
4. If the resp ndent alleges that the dispute is utside the o o jurisdiction of arbitration, r alleges that there o
is n arbitrati n agreement o o or that the arbitrati n agreement is o void or incapable f being perfo ormed,
the resp ndent must o specify such allegations in the defence.
5. If the resp ndent fails to o submit the defence as prescribed in clauses 2 and 3 f this article, the o
dispute res n pr cess olutio o shall still pr ceedo .
Article 36 Counterclaim by resp ndento
1. A resp ndent shall have tho e right t file a c unterclaim o o against the claimant on issues relevant t the o
2. The counterclaim o of the resp ndent must be sent to the arbitrati n centre. In the case f dispute o o
res lutio on by ad h c arbitrati n, the c unterclaim must be o o o sent to the arbitrati n o tribunal and the
claimant. Counterclaims must be submitted at the same time as the defence.
3. The claimant must send a defence [t unterclaimo co ] to the arbitrati n centre within o thirty (30) days
fr unterclom the date f receipt f the co o o aim. In the case f dispute res n o olutio by ad h c arbitrati n, o o
the claimant must send the defence t o counterclaim to the arbitrati n tribunal and o to the resp ndent. o
4. The arbitrati n tribunal statement f o which res lves the o o claim f the claimant o shall also res lvo e the
counterclaim in acc rdance with the o provisions in this Law n o order and procedures f r o res lvo ing a
statement f o claim f o a claimant.
Article 37 Withdrawal f statement f claim r c unterclaim; n t statement f o o o o amendment or additio o o
claim, counterclaim r defenceo s
1. Parties shall have the right to withdraw their statement f claim o and/or counterclaim bef re the o
arbitration tribunal issues the arbitral award.
2. Parties may amend or add t their statement f claim, c unterclaim r defenceo o o o s thr ugho out the
process f the arbitrati n pr ceedings. The arbitrati n tribunal shall havo o o o e the right to disall w o such
amendments r additi ns if it c nsiders they are an abuse aimed at causing difficulties r delaying o o o o
the issuance f an arbitral awardo , or if they exceed the sc pe f the arbitrati n agreement applicable o o o
to the dispute.
Article 38 Neg tiatio on during arbitrati n pr ceedingso o
Parties shall still have the right, as from the time f c mmencement f arbitrati n pr ceedings, t v luntarily o o o o o o o
neg tio ate and reach agreement n terminati n f the dispute reso o o oluti n.o
If the parties reach their wn o agreement on terminati lution f the dispute reso o on, they shall have the right t o
request the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre issue a decisi n staying the do ispute resoluti no .
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
Arbitration Tribunal
Article 39 C mp sitio o on f arbitrati n o o tribunal
1. An arbitrati n tribunal may c nsist f ne r m re arbitrat rs, depending n theo o o o o o o o agreement of the
2 If the parties do n t havo e an agreement on the number f arbitrat rs, o o an arbitrati n tribunal shall o
consist f three o (3) arbitrat rs.o
Article 40 Establishment f arbitrati n o o tribunal at arbitrati n centreo
Establishment f an arbitrati n tribunal shall be regulated as fo o oll wso , unless otherwise agreed by the parties
o o o o or therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre:
1. The resp ndent shall, within o thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt f the o o o statement f o claim and
request t select an arbitrat r as sent t the respo o o ondent by the arbitrati n centre, o select an arbitrat r o
for the resp ndent and o notify the arbitrati n centre f o o same or request the chairman of the arbitrati n o
centre app int an arbitrat r. If the resp ndent has failed t select an arbitrat r r t request o o o o o o o that the
chairman of the arbitrati n centre app int an arbitrat r, then within a further sevo o o en (7) days after
expiry f tho e time-limit provided in this clause, the chairman of the arbitrati n centre shall app int an o o
arbitrator f r the respo ondent.
2. If a dispute involves multiple resp ndents, then the resp ndents shall agree n selecti n f an o o o o o
arbitrator r agree n requesting app intment f an arbitrat r f r such resp ndents withino o o o o o o thirty
(30) days fr m the date f receipt f the o o o statement f o claim y sent b the arbitrati n centre.o If the
respondents have failed to select an arbitrat r, then o within a further seven (7) days after expiry f tho e
time-limit provided in this clause, the chairman of the arbitrati n centre shall app int an arbitrat r f r o o o o
the respondents.
3. The arbitrat rs shall, within fifteen (15)o days fr m the date f their selecti n by the parties r o o o o
appointment by the chairman of the arbitrati n centre, elect an ther [third] arbitrat r t act as o o o o
chairman of the arbitrati n tribunal. o If such election has n t taken place o upon the expiry f this timeo -
limit, then within a further seven (7) days after expiry f tho e time-limit provided in this clause, the
chairman o o of the arbitrati n centre shall app int the chairman of the arbitrati n tribunal.o
4. Where the parties agree to have the dispute resolved by a s le arbitrat r but fail t select an o o o
arbitrator within thirty (30) days fr m the date n which the resp ndent receivo o o es the statement f o
claim, then at the request f ne r o o o all parties, the the arbitrati n centre shall app int a chairman of o o
sole arbitrat r within o fifteen (15) days fr m the date f receipt f such request.o o o
Article 41 Establishment f o ad hoc arbitration tribunal
Establishment f o an ad h c o arbitration tribunal shall be regulated as foll wso , unless otherwise agreed by the
1. The resp ndent o must select an arbitrat r o for the resp ndent o and n tify the claimant f such selecti no o o
within thirty (30) days fr m the date n which the resp ndent o o o receives the statement f claim f the o o
cl -aimant. If up n expiry f this timeo o limit the resp ndent o has failed to n tify the claimant f the name o o
of the selected arbitrat r and the parties d n t o o o have some ther agreement n app intment f an o o o o
arbitrator, then the claimant shall have the right t ro equest the competent court t app int an o o
arbitrator f r the respo ondent.
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
2. If a dispute inv lves multiple resp ndents, then the resp ndents shall reach agreement n selecti n o o o o o
o of an arbitrat r within thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt o o of the statement f claim and o
accompanying materials from the claimant. If up n expiry f this timeo o -limit the resp ndents havo e
failed t select an arbitrat r and the parties d n t o o o o have some ther agreement n app intment f an o o o o
arbitrator, then ne r o o all parties shall have the right to request the competent court t app int an o o
arbitrator f r the respo ondents.
3. The arbitrat rs shall, wo ithin fifteen (15) days fr m the date f o o their selection by the parties or
appointment by the court, elect an ther [third] arbitrat r to o o act as chairman of the arbitrati n tribunal. o
If the arbitrators are unable to elect a and chairman unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the
parties shall have the right t request o the competent court to app int o the chairman of the arbitration
4. Where the parties agree t dispute res n by a s le arbitrat r but o olutio o o are unable t agree n o o selection
of an arbitrat r within o thirty (30) days fr m the date n which the resp ndent receivo o o ed the statement
of claim, and if the parties do o n t have an agreement to request an arbitratio o on centre t app int an
arbitrator, then the competent c urt shall at the request f o appoint a s le arbitrat r o o o one or all parties.
5. The chief judge of a competent court must, within seven (7) days fr m the date f receio o pt f a request o
from the parties prescribed in clauses 1, 2, 3 or 4 f this article, assign o a judge to app int an o
arbitrator and n tify the partieso thereof.
Article 42 Replacement o of arbitrat rs
1. An arbitrat r must refuse t res lve a disputeo o o , and the parties shall have the right t request o
replacement f o an arbitrat lvor reso ing the dispute in the f wing circumstances:ollo
(a) The arbitrator is a relative r representativo e f a party;o
(b) The arbitrator has an interest related t the dispute;o
(c) There are clear gr unds o demonstrating that the arbitrator is n t impartial r bjective;o o o
(d) The arbitrator was a mediator, representative r lawyer f r o o either the parties pri r t the of o o
dispute being br ught o to arbitrati n o f lutior reso on, unless the parties pr vide written c nsent.o o
2. An arbitrat r must, ao s from the time f o his r her o selection r app intment, pr vide written n tice t o o o o o
the arbitrati n centre r arbitrati n tribunal and to o o o the parties of any circumstances which may affect
his r her o objectiveness and impartiality.
3. In the case f dispute res n at an arbitrati n centre, io olutio o f an arbitrati n tribunal has n t yet been o o
established, then the chairman of the arbitrati n centre shall make the decisi n n replacement f o o o o
the arbitrat r. Ifo an arbitrati n tribunal has already been established, then the remaining members f o o
such tribunal shall make the decisi n n replacement f the arbitrat r. If such remaining members f o o o o o
the arbitrati n tribunal are unable t make a decisi n r if theo o o o arbitrators or the sole arbitrat r refuseo s
t lvo reso e the dispute, then the chairman of the arbitrati n co entre shall make the decisi n n o o
replacement f the arbitrat r.o o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
4. In the case f dispute res n o olutio by an ad h c arbitrati n tribunalo o , the remaining members f the o
arbitration tribunal shall make the decisi n n replacement f the arbitrat r. o o o o If such remaining
members are unable t reach a decisi n r if o o o the arbitrat r the s le arbitrat r refuses t resors o o o o olve
the dispute, then within fifteen (15) days from the date f receipt f a request fr m ne r m re o o o o o o
arbitrators as menti ned abo ove, r fr m ne r o o o o all parties t the dispute, the o chief judge of the
competent court shall assign a judge to make the decisi n n replacement f the arbitrat r.o o o o
5. The decision f the o chairman of the arbitrati n centre r f the c urt in the circumstances prescribed o o o o
in clauses 3 and 4 respectively f this article shall be o the final decisi n. o
6. If f r any reas n f f rce majeure r ther bjective o o o o o o o reason an arbitrat r iso unable t c ntinue o o his r o
her participati n in o the dispute res n r if such arbitrat r olutio o o is replaced, then selecti n r o o
appointment f a o substitute arbitrator shall be implemented in acc rdance with the rder and o o
procedures stipulated in this Law.
7. The newly established arbitrati n tribunal may, ao fter c nsulting the parties, o review issues already
dealt with in previ us o dispute res n olutio sessions held by the f rmer arbitrati n tribunal.o o
Article 43 C nsideratio on whether an arbitrati n is v id r incao o o pable f being perf rmed and whether the o o
arbitration tribunal has jurisdicti no
1. The arbitrati n tribunal must, pri r t dealing with the meritso o o of a dispute, c nsider whether the o
arbitration agreement is valid, whether the arbitrati n agreement is o capable f being perfo ormed, and
whether the tribunal has jurisdicti no . If the case is within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n tribunal t o o
res lvo e, then the tribunal shall pr lvoceed t reso o e the dispute in acc rdance with this Law. If the o
dispute is n t wito hin the jurisdiction of the tribunal, r if the arbitrati n agreement is o o void, r if it is o
clearly established that the arbitrati n agreement is incapable f being perfo o ormed, then the arbitrati n o
tribunal shall decide t stay and immediatelo the proceedings y n tify the parties there f.o o
2. If it is disc vered during the dispute reso olution process that the arbitrati n tribunal has exceeded its o
jurisdicti no , the parties may l dge a c mplaint with the arbitrati n tribunalo o o . The arbitrati n tribunal o
shall then be resp nsible to o hear such issue and make a decisi n n o o it.
3. If the parties have agreed f lutior dispute reso on at ne specific arbitrati n centre, but such centre has o o
already terminated its n with ut any ther instituti n succeeding it, then theoperatio o o o parties may
reach an agreement t select s me ther arbitrati n centre; if the parties are unable t reach such an o o o o o
agreement, they shall have the right t institute c urt pr ceedings f r res n f the dispute.o o o o olutio o
4. If the parties already have a specific agreement n selecti n f an arbitrat r f r an ad h c arbitrati n, o o o o o o o
but at the time when the dispute arises the arbitrat r is unable t c nduct res n f the dispute f r o o o olutio o o
any reas n f f rce majeure r f r any ther bjective reas ns, then parties may o o o o o o o o reach agreement n o
selection f an ther arbitrat r in replacement; if the parties are unable t reach such an agreement, o o o o
they shall have the right t institute c urt pr ceedings t reso o o o olve the dispute.
5. If the parties already have an arbitrati n agreemeo nt but do not clearly indicate the arbitrati n f rm r o o o
a specific arbitrati n instituti n, then if a dispute arises the parties must reach agreement n the o o o
arbitrati lvon f rm r a specific arbitrati n instituti n t reso o o o o o e the dispute. If the parties are unable t o
reach such an agreement, then selecti n f the arbitrati n f rm and the arbitrati n instituti n t o o o o o o o
res lvo e the dispute shall be implemented in acc rdance with the request f the claimant.o o
Article 44 Petition and res n f olutio o petition against decision of arbitration tribunal concerning whether
the arbitrati n agreement exists, the arbitrati n agreement is v id, the arbitrati n agreement is o o o o
incapable f being perf rmed and whether o o the arbitration tribunal has jurisdicti no
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
1. If the parties disagree with any decision f the arbitrati n tribunal prescribed in o o article 43 of this Law,
they shall have the right, within five (5) business days fr m the date f o o receipt f o such decisi n, t o o
petition the competent court to review such decisi n f the arbitrao o tion tribunal. The petitioner must
simultaneously n tify o the arbitration tribunal f o such petiti no .
2. A petition shall c llontain the fo owing main particulars:
(a) D ;ate n which the o petition is made
(b) Name and address f the o petiti nero ;
(c) Relief sought.
3. Copies f the statement f claim, arbitrati n agreement and o o o decision of the arbitrati n tribunal must o
accompany the petiti no . Accompanying d cuments o in a f reign language must be translated int o o
Vietnamese and translati ns must be validlyo certified.
4. The chief judge of the competent court shall, within business days fr m receipt f the five (5) o o petiti no ,
assign a j judge to hear and res lve o the petition. Such udge must hear the matter and make a
decision on it within ten (10) business days fr m the date f being assigned. The decisi n f the o o o o
court shall be final.
5. The arbitrati n tribunal o may continue to c nduct to he dispute res n while the c urt is olutio o dealing with
the petiti no .
6. If the c urt decides that the dispute d es n t falo o o l within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n tribunal, o or
that there is n arbitrati n agreement r that the arbitrati n agreement is r o o o o void o incapable f being o
perf rmedo , then the arbitrati n tribunal shall issue a decisi n staying the dispute reso o olution. Unless
the parties have s me ther agreemento o , the parties shall have the right t institute c urt pr ceedings o o o
t lvo reso e their dispute. The limitati n peri d f r initiating c urt pr ceedings shall be o o o o o determined in
accordance with law. Calculation f the o limitation peri d shall o exclude the time fr m when the o
claimant initiated arbitrati n pr ceedings o o up until the date f issuance f the o o court decision accepting
jurisdiction over the dispute resoluti no .
Article 45 Jurisdiction of the arbitrati n tribunalo to verify the facts
An arbitrati n tribunal shall have the right, during the dispute reso olution pr cesso , t meet r h ld o o o
discussi dons with ne party in the presence f ther party, by appr priate metho o the o o o s, in rder t clarify o o
issues relevant t theo dispute. The arbitrati n tribunal may n its wn initiative r at the request f ne r o o o o o o o
all parties, c nduct facto -finding with a third pers n in the presence f the parties r after having n tified the o o o o
Article 46 Jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal t c llect evidenceo o
1. The parties shall have the right and responsibility to provide evidence t the arbitrati n tribunal t o o o
prove facts relevant t the issues in dispute.o
2. The arbitrati n tribunal shall havo e the right, at the request f ne o o or all parties, t request witnesses o
to pr vide info ormation and materials relevant t the dispute res n. o olutio
3. The arbitrati n tribunal shall have the right, n its wn initiativo o o e r at the request f ne r b th o o o o o
parties, t seek an assessment r vo o aluation f o the assets in dispute in rder t pro o ovide gr unds f r o o
resolving the dispute. The party requesting an assessment r valuati n shall o o advance the c sts o
thereof, r the arbitrati n tribunal shall all cate such c sts.o o o o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
4. The arbitrati n tribunal shall o have the right, n its wn initiativo o e r at the request f ne r b th o o o o o
parties, t seek o expert advice. Expert fees shall be pr nally paid in advovisio ance by the party
requesting such advice, r shall be paid in acc rdance with the o o all catio on made by the arbitration
5. If the arbitrati n tribunal r ne r b th parties hao o o o o ve already taken necessary measures to c llect o
evidence but by themselves without success, then a petition may be made t the o competent court t o
require other b rganisatiodies, o ons r individuals o to pr vide o legible, audible r visual o materials o or t
provide ther bjects relevo o ant t the disputeo . Such petiti n must specify the matters in dispute o
currently being resolved by arbitrati n, the evidence which needs t be o o collected, the reasons why
the evidence has n t been co ollected, and the name and address f the o b rganisatiody, o on r o
individual currently managing and/or holding the evidence which needs t be o c llecteo d.
6. The chief judge o o of the c mpetent c urt shall, within seven (7) business days fr m the date f receipt o o
o of a request f r co o ollecti n f evidence, assign a judge to hear and resolve such request. Such judge
shall, within five (5) business days fr m the date f o o being assigned, send a written notice to the body,
organisation r individual o currently managing and/ r h lding the evidence requiring o o it to pr vide o the
evidence t the co ourt, and the judge shall als send o such notice to the same level procuracy in order
for the latter to implement its functi ns and duties o in accordance with law.
The the b rganisatiody, o on r individual o currently managing and/ r h lding o o evidence shall be
responsible t pr mptly and c mpletely pr vide such evidence pursuant t the request f the c urt o o o o o o o
within fifteen (15) days fr m the date f receo o ipt of the request.
The c urt o must, within five (5) business days fr m the date f receipt f o o o the evidence fr m the o body,
o o organisati n r individual supplying it, n tify o the arbitrati n tribunal and the applicant s that o o the
evidence may be handed ver.o
If after expiry f the stipulated timeo -limit the b rganisatiody, o on r individual o [concerned] fails t o
provide the evidence pursuant t the request o [ ]of the court , the c urt shall immediately n tify the o o
arbitration tribunal and the applicant, and als pro ovide written n tice t the c mpetent agency r o o o o
o o o organizati n t deal with such failure in acc rdance with law.
Article 47 Jurisdiction of arbitration tribunal t summo on witnesses
1. The arbitrati n tribunal shall havo e the right at the request f ne r bo o o oth parties and if the tribunal
c lutionsiders it necessary, t require a witness t attend a dispute reso o o on sessi n. Witness fees o
shall be paid by the party requesting that the witness be summ no ed, r shall be as all cated by the o o
arbitration tribunal.
2. If a witness wh has been vo alidly summoned by the arbitrati n tribunal fails t attend the sessi n o o o
without a legitimate reas n, and the absence f such witness c nstitutes an bstacle o o o o to res lutio on f o
the dispute, then the arbitrati n tribunal may send a o written request t the c mpetent co o ourt t issue a o
decisi non summo ing such witness t attend a sessi n f the arbitrati n tribunal. Such request must o o o o
specify the matters currently being res lved by arbitrati n; the full name and address f the witness; o o o
the reas cation why the witness needs t be summ ned; and the time and lo o o on where the witness is
required t attend.o
3. The chief judge o o of the c mpetent c urt shall, within seven (7) business days fr m the date f receipt o o
o of a written request fr m theo arbitration tribunal t summo on a witness, assign a judge t hear and
res lvo e such request. The judge must, within five (5) business days fr m the date f being assigned,o o
issue a decisi n summ ning the witness.o o
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The decisi n summo oning the witness must specify the name f the arbitrati n tribunal which o o
requested that the witness be summoned; the c ntents f the dispute; the full name and address o o of
the witness; and the time and l n where the witness must attend at the request f the arbitrati n ocatio o o
The c urt o must immediately send the decisi n t the arbitrati n tribunal, t the witness, and als t o o o o o o
the same level procuracy in rder f r the latter t implement its functi ns and duties in acc rdance o o o o o
with law.
A witness shall be bliged t strictly impo o lement the decisi n f the c urt.o o o
Witness fees shall be paid as stipulated in clause 1 f this article.o
Interim Relief
Article 48 Right t request o application f interim reliefo
1. Parties in dispute shall have the right t request the arbi rder o tration tribunal or a court to o an interim
relief in acc rdance with tho e pr ns f thovisio o is Law and ther relevo ant laws, unless such parties have
some ther agreemento .
2. A request t a c urt to o o order shall n t be deemed t be a an interim relief o o denial of the arbitration
agreement or a waiver of the right to dispute resolution by arbitration.
Article 49 Jurisdiction of arbitrati n tribunal to o order interim relief
1. The arbitrati n tribunal may, at the request f ne f the parties, o o o o order one r o more forms f interim o
relief applicable to the parties in dispute.
2. Interim relief shall comprise:
(a) Pr hibito io on f any change in the status quo of the assets in dispute;
(b) Pr hibitio on of acts by, or ordering one r m re o o specific acts to be taken by a party in dispute,
aimed at preventing c nduct adverse t the o o process f the o arbitration proceedings;
(c) Attachment of the assets in dispute;
(d) Requirement of preservati ron, sto age, sale r disp sal f o o o any f the o assets of one r o all parties
in dispute;
(dd) Requirement of interim payment f m ney as between the parties;o o
(e) Pr hibitio on of transfer of asset rights of the assets in dispute.
3. If during the dispute res n prolutio ocess one f the parties had already o applied to a c urt to o order one
o o or m re f the forms f interim relief o prescribed in clause 2 f this o article and then applies to the
arbitration tribunal to order interim relief, the arbitrati n tribunal must refuse such applicati n.o o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
4. The arbitrati n tribunal shall have the rigo ht, pri for to ordering interim relief, to require the applicant or
the interim relief to pr vide financial security.o
5. If an arbitrati n tribunal o orders a different f rm f o o interim relief or interim relief which exceeds the
scope f o the application by the applicant, thereby causing l ss t the applicanto o or to the party against
whom the interim relief was applied or t a third party, then o the party incurring l ss shall havo e the
right t institute c urt pr ceedings o o o for c mpensatio on in acc rdance with the o law n o civil pr ceedings.o
Article 50 Procedures f r o arbitration tribunal to order interim relief
1. An applicant f r o an interim relief must file an applicati n with the arbitrati n tribunal. o o
2. An applicati n f r o o an interim relief must contain the following main particulars:
(a) Date n which the applicati n is o o made;
(b) Name and address f the applicanto for the interim relief;
(c) Name and address f the party against wh m o o the interim relief is sought to be applied;
(d) Summary f the items in do ispute;
(dd) Reason for requiring the interim relief;
(e) Specific items f o interim relief s ught.o
The applicant f r o an interim relief must attach to such application evidence provided to the arbitrati n o
tribunal to prove the necessity f r o such interim relief.
3. The applicant f r o interim relief must, pursuant t a decisi n f the arbitrati n tribunal,o o o o lodge a sum f o
money, precious metals, precious st nes r vo o aluable papers as fixed by the arbitrati n tribunal o
c rrespo onding t theo amount f l ss o o that may arise due t unjustified o interim relief being ordered, in
o o order t pr tect the interests o of the party against wh m the interim relief is sought to be applied.
Such sum f m ney, o o precious metals, precious st nes r vo o aluable papers shall be dep sited o in an
escrow acc unt n minated by the arbitrati n tribunal.o o o
4. Within three (3) business days fr m the date f receipt f an applicati n, immediately after the o o o o
applicant has pr vided the security prescribed in clauseo 3 f this o article, the arbitrati n trio bunal shall
hear the matter . If the arbitrati n tribunal and issue a decisi n o ordering [or n t o ordering] interim relief o
does n t agree to o the applicati n, it shall pr vide a written n tice o o o to the applicant specifying its
5. Enforcement f ao decision by an arbitration tribunal ordering interim relief shall be implemented in
accordance with the law n enf rcement f civil judgments.o o o
Article 51 Jurisdiction of and pr cedures f r o o arbitration tribunal to change, supplement r o remove interim
1. The arbitrati n tribunal shall have the right, at the request f ne f the parties, to o o o o change,
supplement r o remove interim relief at any time during the dispute res n pr cess.olutio o
2. Procedures f r o changing or supplementing interim relief shall be implemented in acc rdance with o
article 50 of this Law.
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
3. The arbitrati n tribunal shall o remove interim relief already ordered in the f wing circumstances:ollo
(a) The applicant f r the o interim relief requests the removal;
(b) The party subject to enforcement f the decisi n o o ordering the interim relief has already l dged o
assets r o some other pers bligation has pr vided security f r discharge f the o o o o on wing t the o o
(c) The n f the r has terminated obligatio o obligo pursuant to law.
4. Pr ceduo res f r o removing interim relief shall be implemented as foll ws:o
(a) The applicant must file a petition for removal interim reliefof the with the arbitrati n tribunal. o
(b) The arbitrati n tribunal shall a decisi n o hear the applicati n ando issue o removing the interim
relief and shall also issue a decisi n thato the security prescribed in article 50.3 f this Law be o
returned t the applicanto unless the applicant who applied t the arbitrati n tribunal to o o order
the interim relief is liable t pay co ompensation f r an o unjustified application causing loss t the o
party against wh m o the interim relief was applied or t a third party.o
The decisi n o removing the interim relief must immediately be sent t the parties in dispute and o also
to the civil judgment enforcement agency.
Article 52 Responsibility f applicant fo or interim relief
An applicant f r o interim relief shall be liable f r such o applicati no . An applicant f r o unjustified interim relief
which causes l c mpensatioss t the ther party r t a third po o o o arty must pay o on [f ss]or such lo .
Article 53 Jurisdiction of and order and pr cedures f r c urt t , change r o o o o order o remove interim relief
1. If after a party has lodged its statement f claim,o such party's legal rights and interests have been
infringed r tho ere is a direct danger f o such infringement, such party shall have the right t file an o
application with the competent ne r m re court to order o o o forms f o interim relief.
2. The chief judge o o of the c mpetent c urt shall, within three (3) business days fro om the date f receipt
o of the applicati n for interim relief, assign a j judge to hear and resolve the applicati n. o The udge
assigned must, within three (3) business days fr m the date f o o being assigned, hear the applicati n o
and issue a decisi n o ordering rdering or not o interim relief. The judge must issue a decisi n o ordering
the interim relief immediately after the applicant implements security measures. If the judge does n t o
grant the applicant, the applicati n, the o judge must pr tiovide written no ce to specifying the reas ns.o
3. A party shall have the right t apply to o a court t change, supplement r o o remove interim relief.
Assignment f a o judge to hear and resolve any such applicati n t change, supplement r o o o remove
interim relief shall be implemented in acc rdance with the pr ns in clause 2 f this article. o ovisio o
4. The rder and pr cedures f r a c urt to o o o o order, change r o remove interim relief and f r co hecking
compliance with law during the application of interim relief shall be implemented in accordance with
the pr ns f the ovisio o Civil Pr cedure Co ode.
5. If during the dispute res n pr cess ne f the parties olutio o o o which already applied t the arbitrati n o o
tribunal for one r m re o o forms f o interim relief interim relief mustapplies t the c urt o o for , the court
refuse such applicati n and return it t the applicant, unless the o o [former] application f r the o interim
relief was beyond the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n tribunal.o
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Dispute Res n Sessi nsolutio o
Article 54 Preparation f r dispute reo s luti no on sessio s
1. The arbitrati n tribunal shall make decisio ons on the time and l n f r h lding dispute res n ocatio o o olutio
sessions, unless therwise agreed by the parties r therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f o o o o o
the arbitrati n centreo .
2. Summo o o o o o onses t attend a sessi n shall be f rwarded t the parties at least thirty (30) days pri r t the
date f c mmencement f a sessi n, o o o o unless therwise agreed by the parties r therwise stipulated o o o
by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centreo o o .
Article 55 C mp siti luti no o on f and pr cedures f r dispute reso o o o on sessio s
1. D .ispute res n sessiolutio ons shall be c nducted in private, o unless therwise agreed by the partieso
2. Parties may pers nally attend dispute res n sessi ns r o olutio o o may authorize their representatives t o
attend; and parties shall have the right t invite witnesses and
o a person
to pr tect their legal rights o
and interests.
3. The arbitrati n tribunal may permit ther pe ple t attend dispute res n sessio o o o olutio ons, if the parties
s nsento co .
4. The rder and pr cedures f r h lding dispute res n sessi ns shall be as stipulated in the o o o o olutio o
arbitration pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre; o o o or shall be as agreed by the parties in the case
o o of an ad h c arbitrati n.
Article 56 Absence f paro ties
1. A claimant who was validly summ no ed t attend a dispute res n sessio olutio on but fails t attend o
without a legitimate reas n r o o who leaves a session without the c nsent f the arbitrati n tribunal, o o o
shall be deemed t havo e withdrawn its statement f o claim. In such case the arbitrati n tribunal shall o
c lutiontinue the dispute reso on if the resp ndent s requests r if there is a c unterclaim.o o o o
2. If a respondent was validly summ no ed t attend a dispute res n sessi n but fails t attend o olutio o o
without a legitimate reas n r leaves o o a session with ut the c nsent f the arbitrati n tribunal, the o o o o
arbitrati lution tribunal shall c ntinue the dispute reso o on based n currently available o materials and
3. The arbitrati n tribunal may, at the o request of the parties, rely n the file t c nduct o o o a dispute
res lutio on sessi n with ut requiring the presence f the parties.o o o
Article 57 Adj lutiournment f dispute reso o on sessi no
Allens Arthur R n f te: obinso ootno This is the literal translation here, but lawyers as representatives are referred t in articles o
42.1(d) and 71.3.
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
One r b th parties mayo o , if there is a legitimate reason, request the arbitrati n tribo unal t adj urn a dispute o o
reso o oluti n sessi n. A request f r adj urnment f a dispute res n sessi n o o o olutio o must be in writing, specifying
the reas n and o providing evidence, and must be en sent to the arbitrati n tribunal at least sevo (7) business
days pri r to o the [due] date f c mmencement f the sessio o o on. If the arbitrati n tribunal d es n t receivo o o e the
request within this time-limit, the applicant f r o such adjournment must pay all costs arising, if any. The
arbitration tribunal shall consider and issue a decision c nsenting r n t c nsenting t the request f r the o o o o o o
adjournment, and shall pr mptly n tify the parties.o o
The peri d f any adj urnment shall be as decided by the arbitrati n tribunal.o o o o
Article 58 Mediation and rec gnitio on f successful o mediati no
The arbitration tribunal [ ]may , at the request f the parties, o conduct a mediation in rder f r the parties t o o o
reach an agreement n res n f their disputeo olutio o . If the mediation is successful, the arbitrati n tribunal o
shall prepare minutes f successful o mediation to be signed by the parties and certified by the arbitrator/s.
The arbitrati n tribunal shall issue a decisi n reco o ognizing the agreement of the parties. Such decision shall
be final and shall have the same validity as an arbitral award.
Article 59 Stay o o of dispute res luti n
1. Res luti llo on f a dispute shall be stayed in the fo o owing circumstances:
(a) The claimant r resp ndent being an individual o o dies, with ut anyo one inheriting his r her rights o
and obligati ns;o
(b) The claimant r respo ondent being an agency r n o organizatio has terminated its n, operatio
bec lvome bankrupt, disso ed, c lidated, merged, demerged, separated r conso o onverted its
o o organizati nal f rm without any agency r o organization succeeding to the former's rights and
o obligati ns;
(c) The claimant withdraws its statement of claim r the claim is deemed t be withdrawn pursuant o o
to article 56.1 f this Law, except where the resp ndent requires the dispute res n t be o o olutio o
c ntinued;o
(d) The parties reach agreement on termination of the dispute resoluti n;o
(dd) The c urt issues a decisi n that the dispute o o is not within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n o
tribunal, o o o or that there is n arbitrati n agreement r that such agreement is void or incapable f o
being perf rmed o in accordance with article 44.6 of this Law.
2. The arbitrati n tribunal shall issue o a decisi lution staying the dispute reso on. If an arbitrati n tribunal o
has n t yet been established, then the o chairman of the arbitrati n centre shall issue such decisi n.o o
3. After there is a decisi n staying dispute res n, the parties shall n t have the right t institute o olutio o o
arbitration pr ceedings f r reo o -res lutio on f such dispute if such pr ceedings are n t different fr m the o o o o
former dispute in terms f the claimant, resp ndent ao o nd legal relati nship giving rise t the dispute, o o
except f r the cases prescribed in sub-o clauses (c) and (dd) f clause 1 f this article.o o
Arbitral Awards
Article 60 Principles f r issuance f awardo o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
1. An arbitrati n tribunal shall issue an o arbitral award n the basis f o o its majority v te.o
2. If v ting d es n t result in a maj rity decisi n, then the arbitral award shall be made in acc rdance o o o o o o
with the n f the f the arbitrati n tribunal.opinio o chairman o o
Article 61 Contents, form and validity f arbitral awardo
1. An arbitral award must be in writing and c ntain the f wing o ollo main particulars:
(a) Date and l catio on of issuance f the award;o
(b) Names and addresses f the o claimant and of the resp ndent;o
(c) Full names and addresses f tho e arbitrator/s;
(d) Summary f the statement f claim and matters in disputeo o ;
(dd) Reasons for issuance f the award, o unless the parties agree it is unnecessary to specify
reasons for the award;
(e) Result f the dispute reso oluti n;o
(g) Time-limit for enforcement f the award;o
(h) All catio on f arbitrati n fees and ther relevant o o o fees;
(i) Signatures f theo arbitrator/s.
2. If an arbitrat r d es n t sign o o o the arbitral award, the chairman of the arbitrati n tribunal o must record
such fact in the arbitral award and specify the reas ns f r it. In o o such a case, the arbitral award shall
still be effective.
3. The arbitral award shall thirty (immediately be issued in the sessi n r n later than o o o 30) days fr m o
the end of the final sessi n.o
4. The arbitral award must be sent t the parties immediately after the date o of its issuance. The parties
shall have the right t request o the arbitrati n centre r arbitrati n tribunal t issue c pies f the o o o o o o
arbitral award.
5. An arbitral award shall be final and shall be f full f rce and effect as o o from the date f its issuance.o
Article 62 Registration f o ad h c arbitrao l award
1. An ad h c arbitral awardo may, at the request f ne r o o o all parties to the dispute, be registered at the
court in the l cality where theo arbitration tribunal issued such award, prior t any request being made o
to the c mpetent civil o judgement enf rcement agency to o organize enf rceo ment of the award.
Registrati non r no o -registration f an arbitral award shall n t affect the c ntents and o o o validity of such
2. Within a time-limit f ne year fr m the date f issuance f o o o o o an arbitral award, the applicant f r o
registration f o an ad h c arbitrao l award must send a petiti n o requesting registrati n f the arbitral o o
award to the competent court as prescribed in clause 1 f this article, t gether with o o originals or validly
certified copies of the f wing ollo materials:
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
(a) Arbitral award issued by the ad h c arbitrati n tribunal;o o
(b) Minutes, if any, of the sessi n f the ad h c arbitrati n tribunalo o o o resolving the dispute;
(c) Original r validly certified c py f the ao o o rbitration agreement.
The applicant must be responsible for the authenticity of the materials lodged with the c urt.o
3. The chief judge of the c urt o must, within five (5) business days fr m the date f receipt f a petiti n o o o o
requesting registration of an arbitral award, assign a judge to deal with such petiti no . The judge
assigned must, within ten (10) days fr m the date f o o being assigned, check the authenticity of the
materials accompanying the petiti n and c nduct registratio o on. The judge shall refuse t c nduct o o
registration if he r she o is satisfied arbitral award, and in such case shall return that there is in fact no
the petiti n and o accompanying materials and must immediately notify the petiti ner and specify o the
reasons [for the c nduct registratirefusal to o on]. The applicant f r registrati n f the arbitrao o o l award
shall have the right, within three (3) business days fr m the date f receipt f o o o such notice fr m the o
court, t lo odge a c mplaint with the o chief judge of the c urt regarding refusal t register the o o arbitral
award. The chief judge of the c urt shall, within three o (3) business days fr m the date f receipt f o o o
such c mplaint, o hear the c mplaint o and ng issue a decisi n reso olvi it. The decisi n f the o o chief judge
resolving the c mplaint shall be final.o
4. Registrati llon f an arbitral award shall c ntain the fo o o owing particulars:
(a) Time and l n f c nducting registrati n;ocatio o o o
(b) Name f the c urt c nducting registratio o o on;
(c) Name and address f the applicant o for registrati n;o
(d) The award which was registered;
(dd) Signature f the auth rized pers n and seal f the c urt.o o o o o
Article 63 Rectification and explanation of arbitral award; supplementary awards
1. A party may, within thirty (30) days from the date f receipt f an arbitral award o o unless the parties
have s me ther agreement ab ut o o o this time-limit, request the arbitrati n tribunal to o rectify us obvio
errors in spelling or figures caused by a mistake r inco orrect c mputatio on in the arbitral award, and
must immediately n tify o the ther partyo [ ]of such request . If the arbitrati n tribunal c nsiders o o such
request legitimate, it shall make the rectification within thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt f o o o the
2. A party may, within thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt f an arbitral award unless the parties o o o
have s me ther agreement ab ut o o o this time-limit, request the arbitrati n tribunal t explain specific o o
p into s or items in the award, and must immediately n tify the ther partyo o of such request. If the
arbitration tribunal c nsiders o such request legitimate, it shall pr vide o an explanation within thirty (30)
days fr m the date f receipt f o o o the request. The explanati n pr vided shall f rm a part o o o of the award.
3. The arbitrati n tribunal may o on its wn initiativeo , within thirty (30) days fr m the date f issuance f o o o
the arbitral award, rectify any of the errors prescribed in clause 1 f this article and immediately n tify o o
the parties.
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
4. If the parties d n t havo o e s me ther agreement, o o then within thirty (30) days fr m the date f receipt o o
of an award, a party may request the arbitrati n tribunal to o issue a supplementary award with
raised during the pr cess f the pr ceedings but n t yet ro o o o ecorded in the award, and must
immediately n tify the ther partyo o of such request. If the arbitrati n tribunal c nsiders o o such request
legitimate, it shall issue a supplementary award within forty-five (45) days fr m the date f receipt f o o o
the request.
5. In necessary cases, the arbitrati n tribunal may extend [the timeo -limits] for rectificati no , explanati n o
or issuance f a supplementary award o prescribed in clauses 1, 2 and 4 f this articleo .
Article 64 Archiving files
1. An arbitration centre shall be responsible t archive fileo s on disputes over which it has accepted
jurisdiction. Files n disputes reso olved by ad h c arbitrati n shall be archived by the parties r o o o by the
arbitrat rs.o
2. Arbitration files shall be archived f r a m the date f issuance f the arbitral o period of five years as fro o o
award r decisi n staying dispute res n by arbitrati n.o o olutio o
Enforcement f Arbitral Awardso
Article 65 Voluntary carrying out of arbitral award
The State enc urages the parties t v luntarily o o o carry out arbitral awards.
Article 6
6 Right t apply fo or
enforcement f arbitral awardo
1. If n expiry f the timeo o -limit for carrying out an arbitral award the award debt r has n t vo o oluntarily
carried ut the award and has n t requested that the award be seto o aside pursuant t article 6o 9 of this
Law, the arbitral award credit r shall have the right to o request the c mpetent civil o judgement
enforcement agency t enf rce o o such award.
2. In the case f o an ad h c o arbitral award, the award credit r shall havo e the right t apply t the o o
competent civil judgement enf rcement agency o requesting enf rceo ment of the arbitral award after
such award has been registered in acc rdance with article 62 f this Law.o o
Article 67 Enforcement f arbitral awardo
A brbitral awards shall e enforced in accordance with the law n enf rcement f civil o o o judgements.
Setting Aside Arbitral Awards
Article 68 Grounds f r setting aside arbitral awardo
Allens Arthur R n f te: The literal translati n is "requirements".obinso ootno o
Allens Arthur R n f te: The literal translati n is "t obinso ootno o o require”
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
1. The c urt shall o hear [an applicati n fo or] setting aside an arbitral award n receo ipt f a petiti n fr m o o o
o one f the parties.
2. An arbitral award which falls within any ne f the f wing cases o o ollo shall be set aside:
(a) There was n arbitrati n agreement r the arbitrati n agreement o o o o is void;
(b) The c n f the arbitrati n tomp sitio o o o ribunal was [or] the arbitrati n pr ceedings were o o
inconsistent with the agreement f the parties r o o contrary to the pr visio ons f this Law;o
(c) The dispute was not within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n tribunal; o where an award c ntains o
an item which falls outside the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n tribunalo , such item shall be set
(d) The evidence supplied by the parties n which the arbitrati n tribunal relied t issue the award o o o
was f rged; [ r] an arbitrat r receivo o o ed m ney, assets r s me o o o other material benefit fr m ne o o
of the parties in dispute which affected the bjectivity and o impartiality of the arbitral award;
(dd) The arbitral award is c ntrary t the fundamental principles f the o o o law of Vietnam.
3. When the c urt o hears a petiti n o to set aside an arbitral award, burden f pr f shall be regulated as o oo
foll ws:o
(a) Any petiti ner o [relying o on the gr unds] prescribed in sub-clauses (a), (b), (c) or (d) f clause 2 o
of this article shall have the burden f pr ving that the arbitrati n tribunal issued the arbitral o o o
award in ne f such prescribed co o ases;
(b) In the case f a petiti n t set aside an arbitral award o o o [relying n the gro ounds] prescribed in
sub-clause (dd) f clause 2 f this article, the c urt shall have the resp nsibility to o o o o itself c llect o
and verify evidence in rder t decio o de to set aside r n t set aside the arbitral award.o o
Article 69 Right t petitio on for arbitral award t be set asideo
1. A party with sufficient evidence proving that the arbitrati n tribunal issued the o arbitral award in any of
the cases prescribed in article 68.2 on this Law shall have the right, within thirty (30) days fr m the o
date f receipt f o o such award, to lodge a petiti n o with the competent court to set aside the arbitral
award. A petition requesting an arbitral award be set aside must be acc mpanied by o materials and
evidence pr ving that such petiti n has o o [sufficient] grounds and is lawful.
2. If a petiti n is l dged ut f time due t an ev ent o o o o o ent f f rce majeure, then the durati n f such evo o o o
s -hall n t o be included when calculating the time limit f r o requesting the arbitral award be set aside.
Article 70 Petition requesting arbitral award be set aside
1. A petiti n o requesting an arbitral award be set aside must contain the f wing ollo main particulars:
(a) D ;ate n which the petiti n is o o made
(b) Name and address f the petiti ner;o o
(c) Relief s ught and gr unds f r setting aside the arbitral award.o o o
2. The f wing d cuments ollo o must accompany the petiti n:o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
(a) Original r validly certified co opy f the arbitral award;o
(b) Original r validly certified c py f the arbitrati n agreement.o o o o
Documents acc mpanying o a petiti n o in a f reign language must be translated int Vietnamese and o o
the translati ns must be validly certified.o
Article 71 Hearing by c urt f o o petition requesting arbitral award be set aside
1. The c mpetent co ourt shall, after it accepts jurisdicti n f a petiti n o o o requesting an arbitral award be set
aside, immediately n tify the arbitrati n centre r the arbitrat rs o o o o in an ad h c aro bitrati no , the parties in
dispute, and the same level p .r curacyo
2. The chief judge shall, within seven (7) business days fr m the date o on which jurisdicti n o is accepted,
assign a ne council of three judges including o judge to act as chairman of the c unco il as assigned by
the chief judge, to hear the petiti n.o
The council of judges must commence a sessi n to o hear the petiti n o to set aside the arbitral award
within thirty (30) days fr m the date f o o being assigned. The c urt o must, seven (7) business days
prior t the date f pening o o o the session, transfer the file t the same level o procuracy for it t review o
and participate in the session hearing the petition. Upon the expiry f o such time-limit, the pr curacyo
must return the file t the c urt o o in rder fo or the c urt t pen the sessi n o o o o hearing the petiti n.o
3. The session shall be c nducted in the presence f the parties in dispute and their lawyers (if any) o o
and a pr r f osecuto o the same level pr curacyo . If either f the parties requests the o council of j es udg
to hear the petiti n in his r her absence, r o o o if after being validly summ no ed a party is absent with ut o
a legitimate reas n r leaves the sessi n with ut the c nsent f the o o o o o o council of judges, then the
council of judges shall c ntinue o hearing the petition t set aside the arbitral award.o
4. When hear udgeing the petiti n, the o council of j s shall rely n the pr ns in article 68 f this Law o ovisio o
and the materials accompanying the petiti n in rder t reach its decisi n; and shall n t o o o o o review the
merits f to he dispute which the arbitrati n tribunal already reso olved. The council of judges shall, after
onsidering the petiti n and o accompanying materials, after hearing witnesses
, if any, who have
been summ the oned and after hearing the pr curato or provide the opinion of pr curacyo , discuss and
reach a maj rity decisio on.
5. The council of judge hears ing the petiti n o shall have the right t issue a decisi n setting aside r n t o o o o
setting aside the arbitral award. If the petiti ner withdraws the petiti n, r if afteo o o r being validly
summoned the petiti ner o fails t attend the sessi n with ut a legitimate reas n r leavo o o o o es the sessi n o
without the c nsent f the o o council of j judges, then the council of udges shall issue a decisi n staying o
the applicati no .
6. The c urt shao ll, within five (5) business days fr m the date f issuing its decisi n, so o o end the decisi n o
to the parties, t tho e arbitrati n centre r t the arbitrat r/s f an ad h c arbitratio o o o o o on, and t the o same
level p .r curacyo
Allens Arthur R n f te: The literal translati n is "pers nsobinso ootno o o
Allens Arthur R n obinso - Vietnam Laws Online Database n om
7. The council of judges may, at the request f o a party and if the c uncil o considers it appr priate, o
adjourn a petition t set aside arbitral award f r a peri d n t o an o o o to exceed sixty (60) days in rder t o o
facilitate the arbitrati n tribunal o in rectifying what in the o opini n f the o arbitration tribunal were errors
in the arbitrati n pr the gr unds f r setting aside the arbitral award. The o oceedings, thereby removing o o
arbitrati non tribunal must otify the c urt o when it has rectified errors in the arbitrati n pr ceedings. If o o
the arbitrati n tribunal o does n t reo ctify errors in the proceedings, then the council of judges shall
continue t hear the petiti n t set aside the award.o o o
8. In a case where the council of judges issues a decisi n o to set aside the arbitral award, the parties
may reach a fresh agreement to bring their dispute before arbitrati n r o o any ne party shall havo e the
right t institute c urt pro o oceedings. If the council of judges d es n t set aside o o the arbitral award, such
award shall be enf rceable.o
9. In all cases, the time taken f r dio spute res n by arbitrati n and the time taken t c nduct olutio o o o court
procedures to set aside an arbitral award shall n t be included o when calculating the limitation peri do
for instituting pr ceedings.o
10. The decisi n f the c urt shall be final and shall o o o be valid f r enf rcement.o o
Article 72 Court fees regarding arbitrati no
Fees f r o requests t ro a c urt t app int an arbitrato o o o , to order interim relief, to set aside arbitral awards, to
register arbitral awards and any ther feeso shall be implemented in accordance with the law n legal and o
court fees.
Organization and Operati n f o o Foreign Arbitrati n in Vietnamo
Article 73 C nditio ons f r o foreign arbitrati n institutio ons to operate in Vietnam
Foreign arbitrati n o institutions which have been legally established and are currently legally perating in o
foreign c untries, and which respect o the c nstitutio on and law f the S cialist Republic f Vietnamo o o , shall be
permitted t perate in Vietnam in acc rdance with this Law.o o o
Article 74 Operati rmonal fo s o o of f reign arbitrati n institutions in Vietnam
Foreign arbitrati n o institutions shall operate in Vietnam in the f wing f rms:ollo o
1. Branch f the f reign arbitrati n o o o institution (hereinafter referred t as o branch).
2. Representative ffice f the fo o oreign arbitrati n (hereinafter referred t as o institution o representative
Article 75 Branches
1. Branch is a dependent unit of a foreign arbitrati n instituti n, established o o and c nducting arbitrati n o o
activities in Vietnam pursuant to this Law.
2. The f reign arbitrati n instituti n and its branch shall be o o o liable before the law of Vietnam f r the o
o operati n f the branch.o
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Preview text:

CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................................................................ 1 General Provisi n
o s............................................................................................................................................... 1 Article 1 Governing sc p
o e..................................................................................................................... 1 Article 2 Competence f o arbitrati n o t o res l
o ve disputes: .................................................................... 1 Article 3 Interpretation f
o terms ............................................................................................................ 1 Article 4 Principles f r o dispute resoluti n
o by arbitration:..................................................................... 2 Article 5 C n o ditions f r o dispute res l
o ution by arbitration .................................................................... 2 Article 6 Court refusal t o accept jurisdicti n
o if there is an arbitrati n
o agreement.............................. 3 Article 7 Determining which c u
o rt has competence over arbitrati n
o activities .................................. 3 Article 8 Determining which enf r o cement agency has c m o petence t o enf r
o ce arbitral awards and interim relief decisi n o s f o arbitrati n
o tribunals ...................................................................... 4 Article 9 Neg t o iation and c n
o ciliation during arbitrati n
o proceedings ................................................ 4 Article 10
Language................................................................................................................................. 4 Article 11 L c o ation f r o dispute res l
o ution by arbitration........................................................................ 4 Article 12 Service f o n t o ices and r o der f r o service f
o notices............................................................... 5 Article 13 Loss f
o right to object ............................................................................................................. 5 Article 14
Applicable law in dispute resoluti n
o ....................................................................................... 5 Article 15 State administrati n o f
o arbitration.......................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Arbitration Agreements ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Article 16 Form f o arbitrati n
o agreements ............................................................................................. 6 Article 17 Right f o c n o sumers t
o select dispute resoluti n
o method ..................................................... 7 Article 18 Void arbitrati n
o agreements: .................................................................................................. 7 Article 19 Independence f o arbitrati n
o agreements .............................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Arbitrat r
o s.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Article 20 Qualifications f
o arbitrators .................................................................................................... 7 Article 21
Rights and obligations f o arbitrat r
o s:..................................................................................... 8 Article 22 Arbitrators' Ass c
o iation........................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 4............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Arbitration Centres............................................................................................................................................... 8 Article 23 Functions f o arbitrati n
o centre ............................................................................................... 8 Article 24 C n o ditions and pr c o edures f r o establishment f o arbitrati n
o centre..................................... 9 Article 25 Registration f o p o eration f o arbitrati n
o centre....................................................................... 9 Article 26 Announcement f o establishment f o arbitrati n
o centre.......................................................... 9
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on i Article 27
Legal entity status and structure f o arbitrati n
o centre .......................................................... 9 Article 28
Rights and obligations f o arbitrati n
o centre: ....................................................................... 10 Article 29 Termination f o p o eration f o arbitrati n
o centre..................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 5.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Instituting [Arbitrati n
o ] Proceedings .............................................................................................................. 11 Article 30 Statement f o claim and acc m o
panying materials............................................................... 11 Article 31 Time f o c m o mencement f o arbitrati n
o proceedings ........................................................... 11 Article 32 N t o ification f o statement f
o claim......................................................................................... 11 Article 33 Limitation peri d o f r o initiating pr c o eedings f r o dispute res l
o ution by arbitration .............. 12 Article 34
Arbitration fees ...................................................................................................................... 12 Article 35 Defence and submissi n o f
o the defence............................................................................. 12 Article 36
Counterclaim by respondent ................................................................................................ 13 Article 37 Withdrawal f o statement f o claim r o c u
o nterclaim; amendment r o additi n o t o statement o o o
f claim, c unterclaim r defences...................................................................................... 13 Article 38 Neg t
o iation during arbitrati n
o proceedings ......................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 6.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Arbitration Tribunal............................................................................................................................................ 14 Article 39 C m o p s o ition f o arbitrati n
o tribunal....................................................................................... 14 Article 40 Establishment f o arbitrati n
o tribunal at arbitrati n
o centre .................................................. 14 Article 41 Establishment f o ad h c o arbitrati n
o tribunal........................................................................ 14 Article 42 Replacement f
o arbitrators................................................................................................... 15 Article 43 C n
o sideration whether an arbitrati n o is v i o d r o incapable f o being perf r o med and whether the arbitrati n
o tribunal has jurisdiction.................................................................. 16 Article 44 Petition and res l o ution f o petiti n o against decisi n o f o arbitrati n o tribunal c n o cerning whether the arbitrati n
o agreement exists, the arbitration agreement is v i o d, the
arbitration agreement is incapable f o being perf r
o med and whether the arbitrati n o
tribunal has jurisdiction......................................................................................................... 16 Article 45 Jurisdiction f o the arbitrati n o tribunal t
o verify the facts..................................................... 17 Article 46 Jurisdiction f o the arbitrati n o tribunal t o c l
o lect evidence .................................................. 17 Article 47
Jurisdiction of arbitration tribunal t o summ n
o witnesses ................................................... 18
CHAPTER 7.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Interim Relief ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Article 48 Right t o request applicati n o f
o interim relief........................................................................ 19 Article 49 Jurisdiction f o arbitrati n o tribunal to r
o der interim relief ..................................................... 19 Article 50 Procedures f r o arbitrati n o tribunal to r
o der interim relief ................................................... 20 Article 51 Jurisdiction f o and pr c o edures f r o arbitrati n o tribunal t o change, supplement r o rem v o e
interim relief .......................................................................................................................... 20 Article 52 Responsibility f o applicant f r
o interim relief......................................................................... 21 Article 53 Jurisdiction f o and r o der and pr c o edures f r o c u o rt to r o der, change r o rem v o e interim
relief ....................................................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 8.......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Dispute Resoluti n
o Sessions ........................................................................................................................... 22 Article 54 Preparation f r o dispute res l o ution sessi n
o s........................................................................ 22
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on ii Article 55 C m o p s o ition f o and pr c o edures f r o dispute res l o ution sessi n
o s....................................... 22 Article 56 Absence f
o parties ................................................................................................................ 22 Article 57 Adjournment f o dispute res l
o ution session ......................................................................... 22 Article 58 Mediation and rec g o nition f
o successful mediation............................................................ 23 Article 59 Stay f
o dispute resolution..................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 9.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Arbitral Awards ................................................................................................................................................... 23 Article 60 Principles f r o issuance f
o award .......................................................................................... 23 Article 61 Contents, f r o m and validity f
o arbitral award ...................................................................... 24 Article 62 Registration f o ad h c
o arbitral award................................................................................... 24 Article 63
Rectification and explanati n o f
o arbitral award; supplementary awards........................... 25 Article 64
Archiving files ........................................................................................................................ 26
CHAPTER 10........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Enforcement f
o Arbitral Awards ...................................................................................................................... 26 Article 65 Voluntary carrying u o t f
o arbitral award .............................................................................. 26 Article 66 Right t o apply f r o enf r o cement f
o arbitral award................................................................. 26 Article 67 Enforcement f
o arbitral award.............................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER 11........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Setting Aside Arbitral Awards.......................................................................................................................... 26 Article 68 Grounds f r
o setting aside arbitral award ............................................................................. 26 Article 69 Right t o petiti n o f r o arbitral award t
o be set aside .............................................................. 27 Article 70
Petition requesting arbitral award be set aside................................................................... 27 Article 71 Hearing by c u o rt f o petiti n
o requesting arbitral award be set aside.................................. 28 Article 72
Court fees regarding arbitration ........................................................................................... 29
CHAPTER 12........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Organization and Operati n o f o F r o eign Arbitrati n
o in Vietnam ................................................................. 29 Article 73 C n o ditions for f r o eign arbitrati n o instituti n o s to p
o erate in Vietnam.................................. 29 Article 74 Operational f r o ms f o f r o eign arbitrati n o instituti n
o s in Vietnam......................................... 29 Article 75
Branches ............................................................................................................................... 29 Article 76 Rights and obligati n o s f o branch f o f r o eign arbitrati n o instituti n
o in Vietnam................... 30 Article 77
Representative offices .......................................................................................................... 30 Article 78 Rights and obligati n o s f o representative f o fice f o f r o eign arbitrati n o instituti n o in Vietnam
............................................................................................................................................... 30 Article 79 Operation f
o branches and representative f o fices f o f r o eign arbitrati n o instituti n o s in
Vietnam ................................................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER 13........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Implementing Provisions .................................................................................................................................. 31 Article 80 Application f o this Law t o arbitrati n
o centres established pri r o t o effective date f o this
Law ........................................................................................................................................ 31 Article 81
Effectiveness......................................................................................................................... 31
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on iii Article 82 Detailed regulati n o s and guidelines n
o implementation..................................................... 32
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on iv NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness No. 54-2010-QH12 LAW ON COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION National Assembly f o the Socialist Republic f o Vietnam
Legislature XII, 7th Sessi n o (17 June 2010) Pursuant t o the 1992 Constituti n o f o the S c o ialist Republic f
o Vietnam as amended by Resoluti n o 51-2001- QH10; The Nati n o al Assembly hereby pr m o
ulgates the Law on Commercial Arbitrati n o . CHAPTER 1 General Provisi n o s Article 1 Governing sc p o e
This Law regulates commercial arbitration competence, arbitration forms, arbitration institutions and arbitrators; r o der and pr c o edures f r o arbitrati n o ; rights, b o ligations and resp n o sibilities f o parties t o arbitration pr c
o eedings; competence of courts over arbitrati n
o activities; organization and p o eration f o
foreign arbitration in Vietnam; and enf r o cement f o arbitral awards. Article 2 Competence o o f arbitrati n to res l o ve disputes: 1.
Disputes between parties arising from commercial activities. 2.
Disputes arising between parties at least n o e f o wh m o is engaged in c m o mercial activities. 3.
Other disputes between parties which the law stipulates shall [or may]1 be resolved by arbitrati n o . Article 3 Interpretation f o terms In this Law, the foll w o ing terms shall be c n o strued as foll w o s: 1.
Commercial arbitration means a dispute res l
o ution method agreed by the parties and c n o ducted in accordance with the pr v o isions of this Law. 2.
Arbitration agreement means an agreement between the parties t o use arbitrati n o t o resolve a dispute which may arise r o which has arisen. 1
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: All square brackets contain translator's comments only.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 1 3.
Parties in dispute mean Vietnamese r o f r
o eign individuals, bodies or organizati n o s which participate in arbitrati n o pr c o eedings in the capacity f o claimants or resp n o dents. 4. Dispute with a f r
o eign element means a dispute arising in commercial relations involving, or in s m o e o o
ther legal relati nships involving a f r
o eign element as prescribed in the Civil Code. 5.
Arbitrator means a pers n o selected by the parties r o app i o nted by an arbitrati n o centre r o by a c u o rt to res l o ve a dispute in acc r o dance with the provisi n o s f o this Law. 6.
Institutional arbitration means the form of dispute resoluti n o at an arbitrati n o centre in acc r o dance with the provisi n o s f o this Law and the pr c o edural rules f o such arbitration centre. 7. Ad h c
o arbitration means the f r o m f o dispute resoluti n o in acc r o dance with the provisi n o s f o this Law and the order and pr c
o edures as agreed by the parties. 8. Dispute resoluti n o locati n o means the locati n o where the arbitrati n o tribunal c n o ducts the dispute res l
o ution as agreed by the parties, or as decided by the arbitrati n o tribunal if the parties d o n t o have
such an agreement. If the dispute resoluti n o locati n o is within the territ r o y f o Vietnam then the award must be deemed t
o have been rendered in Vietnam irrespective f o the locati n o at which the arbitration tribunal c n o ducted sessions in r o der t o issue such award. 9. Arbitral decisi n o means a decisi n o f o the arbitrati n
o tribunal during the dispute resolution pr c o ess. 10
Arbitral award means the decisi n o f o the arbitrati n
o tribunal resolving the entire dispute and
terminating the arbitration proceedings. 11. Foreign arbitrati n
o means arbitration established in acc r o dance with f r o eign arbitrati n o law which the parties agree t o select to c n o duct dispute resoluti n o , either inside r o u o tside the territ r o y f o Vietnam. 12.
Foreign arbitral award means an award rendered by f r o eign arbitrati n o either inside r o u o tside the territory f o Vietnam in r o der t o res l
o ve a dispute as agreed by the parties. Article 4 Principles f r o dispute resoluti n o by arbitration: 1.
Arbitrators must respect the agreement f o the parties if it does n t o breach pr h o ibitions and is n t o contrary to social morals. 2.
Arbitrators must be independent, b
o jective and impartial, and must c m o ply with provisi n o s f o law. 3.
Parties in dispute shall have equal rights and obligati n o s. Arbitrati n o tribunals shall be resp n o sible t o
facilitate the parties to exercise their rights and to discharge their obligati n o s. 4. Dispute resoluti n o by arbitrati n o shall be c n
o ducted in private, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. 5.
An arbitral award shall be final. Article 5 C n o ditions f r o dispute res l o ution by arbitrati n o 1.
A dispute shall be resolved by arbitrati n
o if the parties have an arbitration agreement. An arbitrati n o
agreement may be made either pri r o to r o after a dispute arises.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 2 2. If n o e f o the parties t o an arbitrati n
o agreement is an individual wh o dies r o wh o l s o es capacity f r o acts, then the arbitrati n
o agreement shall remain effective against the heir r o legal representative [respectively] of such f r
o mer individual, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. 3. If n o e f o the parties t o an arbitrati n o agreement is an organizati n
o which must terminate its operati n o ,
becomes bankrupt, dissolves, cons l o idates, merges,
demerges, separates or converts its organizati n
o al form, then the arbitrati n
o agreement shall remain effective against the r o ganization which succeeds t o the rights and obligati n o s f o such former organizati n
o , unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Article 6 Court refusal t o accept jurisdicti n
o if there is an arbitrati n o agreement
Where the parties in dispute already have an arbitrati n o agreement but n o e party institutes c u o rt proceedings, the c u
o rt must refuse to accept jurisdicti n o unless the arbitrati n o agreement is void or incapable f o being performed. Article 7
Determining which court has c m o
petence over arbitration activities 1.
If the parties already have an agreement to choose a specific c u o rt, then such c u o rt as ch s o en by the
parties shall be the competent court. 2. If the parties d o n t
o have an agreement to choose a c u
o rt, then the competent court shall be determined as fo o ll ws: (a) For app i o ntment of an arbitrat r o t o establish an ad h c
o arbitration tribunal, the c m o petent court shall be the c u
o rt in the place where the resp n o dent resides if the resp n o dent is an individua , l o o o o o o
r where the resp ndent has its head ffice if the resp ndent is an rganizati n. If there are a number f o resp n
o dents, then the competent c u o rt shall be the c u o rt in the place where n o e f o
such respondents resides or has its head f o fice. If the resp n
o dent resides or has its head f
o fice overseas, then the competent court shall be the
court in the place where the claimant resides r o has its head f o fice. (b) For the replacement f o an arbitrator in an ad h c
o arbitration tribunal, the competent court shall be the c u
o rt in the place where the arbitrati n o tribunal res l o ves the dispute; (c)
For an appeal against the decisi n o f
o an arbitration tribunal that the arbitrati n o agreement was void or incapable f o being perf r
o med or about the jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal, the
competent court shall be the c u
o rt in the place where the arbitrati n o tribunal issued [such] decisi n o ; (d)
For an application to a court to collect evidence, the competent court shall be the c u o rt in the
place where such evidence requiring c l o lection exists; (dd) For an applicati n o t
o a court to grant interim relief2, the competent c u o rt shall be the court in
the place where the relief needs to be applied; (e)
For summoning witnesses, the competent c u o rt shall be the c u o rt in the place where the witnesses reside; 2
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "interim emergency measures" but "injunction" or "injunctive relief" or
"interim relief" is used throughout.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 3 (g) For an applicati n
o to set aside an arbitral award r o t
o register an ad hoc arbitral award, the
competent court shall be the c u
o rt in the place where the arbitrati n o tribunal rendered such award. 3.
Courts with competence over the arbitrati n
o activities prescribed in clauses 1 and 2 f o this article shall be pe p o le's c u o rts f o pr v
o inces and cities under central auth r o ity. Article 8
Determining which enforcement agency has c m o
petence to enforce arbitral awards and
interim relief decisions of arbitration tribunals 1. The civil enf r
o cement agency with competence to enf r
o ce an arbitral award shall be the civil enforcement agency in the pr v o ince r o city under central auth r o ity where the arbitrati n o tribunal rendered the award. 2. The civil enf r
o cement agency with competence to enforce an interim relief decision f o an arbitration
tribunal shall be the civil enf r o cement agency in the pr v o ince r o city under central auth r o ity where the relief needs to be applied. Article 9 Neg t o iation and c n
o ciliation during arbitrati n o pr c o eedings
Parties shall have the freedom, during the pr c o ess f
o arbitration proceedings, to negotiate and reach agreement with each t
o her to resolve their dispute, or t o request the arbitrati n o tribunal to mediate in r o der
for the parties to reach agreement and res l o ve their dispute. Article 10 Language 1. For disputes without a f r
o eign element, the language t o be used in arbitrati n o pr c o eedings shall be
Vietnamese, except in a dispute t o which at least n
o e party is an enterprise with f r o eign invested
capital. If a party in dispute cannot use Vietnamese, then it may use an interpreter [to translate] int o Vietnamese. 2. For disputes with a f r
o eign element, disputes to which at least n
o e party is an enterprise with f r o eign
invested capital, the language t o be used in arbitrati n o pr c
o eedings shall be as agreed by the parties. If the parties d o n t
o have such an agreement, then the language t o be used in the arbitration
proceedings shall be as decided by the arbitrati n o tribunal. Article 11 L c o ation f r o dispute res l o ution by arbitrati n o 1.
Parties shall have the right to reach a
greement on the dispute resoluti n o locati n o ; if the parties d o n t o
have such an agreement, then the l c
o ation shall be as decided by the arbitrati n o tribunal. The dispute resoluti n o location may be inside r o u o tside the territ r o y f o Vietnam. 2.
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitrati n
o tribunal may conduct sessions at a locati n o which it deems appr p o riate f r o mutual consultati n
o between the arbitrators3, for taking statements from witnesses, f r o seeking advice fr m o experts, r o f r o conducting evaluations f o go d o s, assets r o other materials. 3
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "between members of the tribunal".
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 4 Article 12 Service f o n t o ices and r o der f r o service f o n t o ices The meth d o and r o der f r o service f o n t o ices in arbitrati n o pr c
o eedings shall be regulated as foll w o s, unless
otherwise agreed by the parties r o o o o o
therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre: 1. Explanatory statements, c m o munications and t
o her materials as served by any n o e party must be sent t o the arbitrati n o centre r o arbitrati n o tribunal in sufficient c p o ies s o that each member f o the arbitration tribunal has n o e c p o y, the t o her party has n o e c p o y, and n o e c p o y is archived at the arbitration centre. 2.
Notices and materials served by an arbitration centre and/o o o
r arbitrati n tribunal n the parties must
be sent to the addresses of the parties or to their representatives at the c r o rect addresses as notified by such parties. 3. An arbitrati n o centre and/ r o arbitrati n
o tribunal may serve notices and materials by hand delivery, registered letter, r
o dinary mail, fax, telex, telegram, email r o any t o her meth d o which ackn w o ledges such service. 4.
Notices and materials sent by an arbitrati n o centre and/ r o arbitrati n o tribunal shall be deemed received o o o
n the date n which the parties r their representatives received them or they are deemed received, if such n t
o ices and materials were sent in conf r o mity with the provisi n o s in clause 2 of this article. 5.
The time-limit for receipt of a notice or material shall be calculated from the day foll w o ing the day n o which such notice r
o material is deemed received. If the foll w o
ing day is a public or other holiday as prescribed in regulations f o the c u o ntry r o territ r o y where such n t o ice r o material was served, then
this time-limit shall be calculated from the first business day [after such h l o ida ] y . If the last day f o this time-limit falls on a public r o t o her h l
o iday as prescribed in regulations f o the c u o ntry r o territ r o y where such n t o ice r
o material is served, then the deadline shall be the cl s o e of the next business day [after such holiday]. Article 13 Loss f o right to b o ject
If a party discovers a breach of the pr v o isi n o s of this Law r o f o the arbitrati n o agreement but continues t o conduct the arbitrati n o pr c
o eedings and does not object to such breach within the time-limit stipulated in
this Law4, [such party] shall l s o e the right to b o ject at the arbitrati n o r o bef r o e the c u o rt. Article 14
Applicable law in dispute resoluti n o 1. For disputes with u o t a f r
o eign element, the arbitrati n
o tribunal shall apply the law of Vietnam in r o der to res l o ve the dispute. 2. For disputes with a f r
o eign element, the arbitrati n
o tribunal shall apply the law chosen by the parties; if the parties d o n t o have an agreement n
o applicable law, then the arbitrati n o tribunal shall make a
decision to apply the law which it considers the most appropriate. 3.
If the law of Vietnam [or] the law chosen by the parties d e o s n t o c n o tain specific provisi n o s relevant
to the matters in dispute, then the arbitrati n
o tribunal may apply internati n o al customs in r o der t o res l
o ve the dispute if such applicati n o r o the c n o sequences f o such application are n t o c n o trary t o the fundamental principles f o the law f o Vietnam. 4
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: There does not seem to be a specific time-limit specified in the Law.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 5 Article 15 State administrati n o f o arbitrati n o 1. State administrati n o f o arbitrati n o shall comprise the foll w o ing items: (a)
Promulgation of legal instruments on arbitrati n
o and their implementing guidelines; (b) Issuance and revo o cati n f
o establishment licences and certificates f o registrati n o f o operati n o o o f arbitrati n centres, and f
o branches and representative offices of foreign arbitrati n o institutions in Vietnam; (c) Announcement f o lists f o arbitrat r o s f o arbitrati n o instituti n o s p o erating in Vietnam; (d)
Dissemination and education on the law n
o arbitration; international co-operation in the arbitration sect r
o ; and guidance on training and fostering arbitrators; (dd) Checks and inspecti n
o s, and dealing with breaches f o the law n o arbitrati n o ; (e) Res l o ution f o c m o plaints and denunciati n o s ab u o t the arbitrati n
o activities prescribed in sub-
clauses (b), (c), (d) and (dd) f o this clause. 2.
The Government shall exercise unif r o m State administrati n o f o arbitrati n o . 3. The Ministry f o Justice shall be resp n o sible bef r o e the G v o ernment f r o exercising State administration f o arbitrati n o . 4. Departments f o Justice f o pr v
o inces and cities under central auth r
o ity shall assist the Ministry f o Justice t o carry u o t a number f o tasks in acc r
o dance with Government regulati n o s and the provisi n o s of this Law. CHAPTER 2 Arbitration Agreements Article 16 Form f o arbitrati n o agreements 1. An arbitrati n
o agreement may be in the form of an arbitrati n o clause in a c n o tract r o it may be in the form f o a separate agreement. 2. An arbitrati n
o agreement must be in writing. The foll w o ing f r o ms f o agreement shall als o be deemed
to constitute a written arbitrati n o agreement: (a)
An agreement established via an exchange between the parties by telegram, fax, telex, email o o o r ther f rm prescribed by law; (b)
An agreement established via the exchange of written informati n o between the parties; (c)
An agreement prepared in writing by a lawyer, n t o ary r o c m o
petent organization at the request of the parties; (d)
Reference by the parties during the c u o rse f o a transacti n o to a d c o ument such as a contract, source d c o ument, c m o pany charter r o t
o her similar documents which contain an arbitrati n o agreement.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 6 (dd) Exchange f o a statement f
o claim5 and defence which express the existence f o an agreement pr p
o osed by one party and not denied by the t o her party. Article 17 Right f o c n o sumers t
o select dispute resoluti n o meth d o
For disputes between a goods and/or service pr v o ider [on the n
o e hand] and consumers [on the t o her
hand], even if such provider has drafted and inserted an arbitration clause in its standard c n o ditions n o supply f o such go d o s and services6, a c n
o sumer shall still have the right t o select arbitrati n o r o a c u o rt t o res l o ve the dispute. A go d o s and/ r o service pr v o ider shall n o ly have the right t o institute arbitrati n o proceedings if the co s n umer so c n o sents. Article 18
Void arbitration agreements: 1. The dispute arises in a sect r o u
o tside the competence of arbitration prescribed in article 2 of this Law. 2. The pers n
o who entered into the arbitration agreement lacked authority as stipulated by law. 3. The pers n
o who entered into the arbitration agreement lacked civil legal capacity pursuant t o the Civil Code. 4. The f r o m f o the arbitrati n o agreement d e o s n t o c m o ply with article 16 f o this Law. 5. One f
o the parties was deceived, threatened r o c e o rced during the pr c o ess f o formulati n o f o the
arbitration agreement and requests a declaration that the arbitrati n o agreement is void. 6. The arbitrati n
o agreement breaches a prohibiti n o prescribed by law. Article 19 Independence f
o arbitration agreements An arbitrati n
o agreement shall exist totally independently f o the c n o tract. Any modificati n o , extension or rescission f
o the contract, or invalidity or unenf r o ceability of the c n o tract shall n t o result in the invalidity f o the arbitrati n o agreement. CHAPTER 3 Arbitrat r o s Article 20 Qualificati n o s7 of arbitrat r o s 1. A person with all the foll w o
ing qualifications may act as an arbitrat r o : (a)
Having full civil legal capacity as prescribed in the Civil C ode; 5
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: Alternative translations are "claim/request to institute proceedings" but "statement of claim" is used throughout. 6
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is “even if an arbitration clause has been recorded in the general
conditions on supply of such goods and services as such provider has already drafted an arbitration agreement” 7
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "standards".
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 7 (b)
Having a university qualification and at least five years' work experience in the discipline which he or she studi d e ; (c)
In special cases an expert with highly specialized qualifications and c n o siderable practical
experience may still be selected t o act as an arbitrator n t
o withstanding he/she fails to satisfy
the requirements prescribed in sub-clause (b) above . 2. A pers n o with all the qualificati n o s prescribed in clause 1 f o this article but wh o falls into n o e f o the following categ r o ies shall n t o be permitted t o act as an arbitrat r o : (a) A pers n o wh
o is currently a judge, prosecut r o , investigator, enf r o cement f o ficer, r o f o ficial f o a
people's court, of a people's pr c
o uracy, of an investigative agency r o of a judgment enforcement a gency; (b) A pers n o under a criminal charge r o prosecuti n
o or who is serving a criminal sentence or who
has fully served the sentence but wh s o e criminal rec r o d has n t o yet been cleared. 3. An arbitrati n
o centre may stipulate higher qualificati n o s than th s o e prescribed in clause 1 f o this article as applicable t o arbitrat r o s in its i nstituti n o . Article 21 Rights and obligati n o s f o arbitrators: 1. To accept r o refuse t o res l o ve a dispute. 2.
To remain independent during dispute res l o uti n o . 3. To refuse t o pr v o ide inf r o mation about a dispute. 4. To receive remunerati n o . 5. To maintain c n o fidentiality f o the c n o tents f o the dispute which he r
o she resolves, unless informati n o must be pr v o ided t o a c m o
petent State authority in acc r o dance with law. 6. To ensure that res l o ution f
o a dispute is impartial, speedy and prompt. 7. To c m o ply with pr f o essional ethics rules. Article 22 Arbitrators' Ass c o iati n o The Arbitrat r o s' Associati n o shall be a socio-pr f o essional r o ganization f o arbitrat r o s and arbitrati n o centres thr u o ghout the entire c u o ntry. Establishment and operati n o f o the Arbitrat r o s' Associati n o shall be implemented in acc r o dance with the law n o pr f o essional a ss c o iati n o s. CHAPTER 4 Arbitration Centres Article 23 Functions f o arbitrati n o centre An arbitrati n
o centre shall have the function f o r
o ganizing and co-ordinating activities of dispute resoluti n o by institutional arbitrati n
o , and of assisting arbitrat r o s by pr v o iding administrative and f o fice facilities and
other assistance during the pr c o ess f o the arbitration pr c o eedings.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 8 Article 24 C n o ditions and pr c o edures f r o establishment f o arbitrati n o centre 1. An arbitrati n
o centre may be established if there is a request for establishment from at least five founding members wh
o are Vietnamese citizens and fully qualified t o act as arbitrators in acc r o dance with article 20 f
o this Law, and if the Minister f
o Justice issues an establishment licence. 2. An applicati n o file f r o establishment f o an arbitrati n o centre shall c m o prise: (a) Request for establishment; (b) Draft charter f o the arbitrati n o centre n o the standard f r o m issued by the Ministry f o Justice; (c) List f o f u
o nding members and accompanying documents proving that such members satisfy all the conditi n o s prescribed in article 20 f o this Law. 3. The Minister f
o Justice shall, within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o a c m o plete and valid
application file, issue an establishment licence f r
o the arbitration centre and approve its charter; in a case f
o refusal, a written reply specifying the reasons must be provided. Article 25 Registration f o p o eration f o arbitrati n o centre An arbitrati n
o centre must, within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o its establishment licence, register its operati n o with the Department f o Justice in the pr v o ince r o city under central auth r o ity where it
has its head office. If upon the expiry f
o this time-limit the arbitrati n o centre has failed t o carry u o t
registration, then its licence shall n o l n o ger be valid. The Department f
o Justice shall issue a certificate f o registration of o o perati n f r o the arbitrati n o centre no
later than fifteen (15) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o the request f r o registrati n o . Article 26 Announcement f o establishment f o arbitrati n o centre 1. An arbitrati n
o centre must, within thirty (30) days from the date f o issuance f o its certificate f o registration f o p o eration, publish an ann u
o ncement in three consecutive issues f o a central daily newspaper r
o daily newspaper in the locality where it registered its operation, with the foll w o ing main particulars: (a) Name and address f o head f o fice f o the arbitrati n o centre; (b)
Operational activities of the arbitrati n o centre; (c) Serial number f o the certificate f o registrati n o f o operati n o , issuing b d o y and date f o issuance of such certificate; (d) Date f o c m o mencement f o operati n o f o the arbitrati n o centre. 2. An arbitrati n
o centre must display at its head office a n t o ice f
o the particulars stipulated in clause 1 f o this article and a list f o arbitrat r o s of the arbitrati n o centre. Article 27
Legal entity status and structure f o arbitrati n o centre 1. An arbitrati n
o centre shall have legal entity status, and its w o n seal and bank acc u o nt. 2. An arbitrati n
o centre shall be a non-profit instituti n o .
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 9 3. An arbitrati n o centre shall be permitted t
o establish branches and representative f o fices b t o h within Vietnam and overseas. 4. An arbitrati n
o centre shall have an executive c m o
mittee and a secretariat. The structure and apparatus f
o the arbitration centre shall be as prescribed in its charter. The executive c m o mittee f o an arbitrati n o centre shall c m o prise the chairman and one r o m r o e vice chairmen, and it may als
o include a general secretary app i
o nted by the chairman. The chairman of the arbitrati n
o centre shall be an arbitrat r o . 5. An arbitrati n o centre shall have a list f o arbitrat r o s. Article 28 Rights and obligati n
o s of arbitration centre: 1.
To formulate the charter and pr c o edural rules f o the arbitrati n o centre, which shall be c n o sistent with the provisi n o s f o this Law. 2.
To prescribe the qualifications required f r o arbitrat r o s and the rules n o selecti n o and rem v o al f o the name f o an arbitrat r o fr m o the list f o arbitrat r o s f o such centre. 3.
To send the list of arbitrators f o the arbitrati n
o centre and any changes to such list to the Ministry f o Justice f r o ann u o ncement. 4. To app i o nt arbitrat r o s t o establish an arbitrati n
o tribunal in the cases prescribed in this Law. 5. To pr v o ide arbitrati n o and mediation services and t o her c m o mercial dispute resoluti n o meth d o s prescribed by law. 6. To o o o o o
supply administrative and ffice facilities and ther services f r dispute res luti n. 7. To c l o lect arbitrati n o fees and t o her lawful fees relevant t o arbitrati n o activitie . s 8. To pay remunerati n o and t o her expenses to arbitrat r o s. 9. To h l o d c u o rses for arbitrat r o s t
o reinforce their knowledge and skills in dispute resoluti n o . 10. To rep r o t annually n o the p o eration f o the arbitrati n o centre t o the Department f o Justice in the locality where the arbitrati n o centre has registered its p o erati n o . 11. To archive files and t o pr v o ide c p o ies f o arbitral decisi n o s at the request f
o the parties in dispute or of a competent State auth r o ity. Article 29 Termination f o p o eration o o f arbitrati n centre 1. The operati n o f o an arbitrati n
o centre shall terminate in the foll w o ing circumstances: (a)
In the circumstances prescribed in the charter f o the arbitrati n o centre; (b) Upon revo o cati n f
o the establishment licence or certificate f o registrati n o f o operation of the arbitration centre.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 10 2. The Government shall pr v o ide detailed regulati n o s n
o the circumstances in which an establishment licence r o certificate f o registrati n o f o operation of an arbitrati n o centre shall be rev k o ed, and n o the o o o o o o o o
rder and pr cedures f r terminati n f perati n f an arbitration centre. CHAPTER 5
Instituting [Arbitration] Pr c o eedings Article 30 Statement f
o claim and accompanying materials 1. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o at an arbitrati n
o centre, the claimant prepare a statement f o claim and send it to the arbitrati n o centre. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o by ad h c o arbitrati n o , the
claimant shall prepare a statement f
o claim and send it to the resp n o dent. 2. A statement f o claim shall c n o tain the foll w o ing particulars: (a) Date n o which the statement f o claim is made; (b)
Names and addresses of the parties, and names and addresses of witnesses, if any; (c) Summary f o the matters in dispute; (d)
Grounds and evidence, if any, of the claim; (dd) Specific relief s u
o ght by the claimant8 and value f o the dispute; (e) Name and address f
o the person whom the claimant selects as arbitrat r o or request for an arbitrator to be app i o nted. 3. The arbitrati n o agreement and r o iginals r o c p o ies f
o relevant materials must acc m o pany the statement f o claim. Article 31 Time o o o o o
f c mmencement f arbitrati n pr ceedings 1. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o at an arbitrati n
o centre and unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the time f o c m o mencement f o the arbitrati n o pr c
o eedings shall be upon receipt by the arbitrati n o centre of the statement f o claim from the claimant. 2. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o by ad h c
o arbitration and unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the time f o c m o mencement f o the arbitrati n o pr c o eedings shall be up n o receipt by the resp n o dent f o the statement f o claim f o the claimant. Article 32 N t o ification f o statement f o claim
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties r o t
o herwise stipulated by the pr c o edural rules f o the arbitrati n o centre, the arbitrati n
o centre must, within ten (10) days from the date of receipt f o the statement f o claim
with accompanying materials and a receipt of the provisi n o al advance f o arbitration fees, send the respondent a c p o y f o the statement f o claim f o the claimant t g
o ether with the materials prescribed in article 30.3 f o this Law. 8
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "Specific requests of the claimant".
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 11 Article 33 Limitation peri d o f r o initiating pr c o eedings f r o dispute res l o ution by arbitrati n o The limitati n o peri d o f r o initiating pr c o eedings for dispute res l o ution by arbitrati n o 9 shall be two (2) years
from the date of infringement of legal rights and interests, unless otherwise stipulated by specialized law. Article 34 Arbitration fees 1.
Arbitration fees are the fees collected for the provision of services f r o dispute resoluti n o by arbitration. Arbitrati n o fees shall c m o prise: (a)
Remuneration and travelling and t o her expenses of arbitrat r o s; (b) Fees f r o expert c n o sultancy and t
o her assistance requested by the arbitrati n o tribunal; (c) Administrative fees; (d) Fees f r o the arbitrati n o centre's app i
o ntment of an arbitrator for an ad h c o arbitrat r o at the request f o the parties in dispute; (dd) Fees f r o use f
o other necessary services pr v o ided by the arbitrati n o centre. 2. The arbitrati n
o centre shall fix the arbitrati n o fees. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o by ad hoc arbitratio o o
n, the arbitrati n tribunal shall fix the arbitrati n fees. 3. The party which l s
o es the case must pay the arbitrati n o fees, unless t
o herwise agreed by the parties o o o o o
r therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre, or unless the arbitration tribunal makes s m o e t o her allocation of fees. Article 35
Defence10 and submission f o the defence 1. A defence shall c n o tain the foll w o ing particulars: (a) Date n o which the defence is made; (b) Name and address f o the resp n o dent; (c) Gr u
o nds and evidence, if any, in supp r o t f o the defence; (d) Name and address f o the pers n o wh m o the resp n o dent selects as arbitrat r o r o request for an arbitrator to be app i o nted. 2. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o at an arbitrati n
o centre, unless otherwise agreed by the parties r o o o o o
therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre, the resp n o dent must send the defence to the arbitrati n
o centre within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o the statement f o
claim and accompanying materials. If one or all parties s o request, the arbitrati n o centre may extend this time-limit depending n
o the particular circumstances f o the case. 9
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "for initiating proceedings pursuant to arbitration proceedings". 10
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "statement of defence" but "defence" is used throughout.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 12 3. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o by ad h c o arbitrati n
o , unless otherwise agreed by the parties, within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o the statement f
o claim and accompanying materials of the claimant, the resp n
o dent must send the defence to the claimant and the arbitrator/s and the name and address f o the pers n o wh m o the resp n o dent selects as arbitrat r o . 4. If the resp n
o dent alleges that the dispute is u
o tside the jurisdiction of arbitration, r o alleges that there is n o arbitrati n
o agreement or that the arbitrati n
o agreement is void or incapable f o being performed, the resp n
o dent must specify such allegations in the defence. 5. If the resp n
o dent fails to submit the defence as prescribed in clauses 2 and 3 f o this article, the dispute resoluti n o pr c o ess shall still pr c o eed. Article 36 Counterclaim by resp n o dent 1. A resp n o dent shall have the right t o file a c u
o nterclaim against the claimant on issues relevant to the dispute. 2. The counterclaim o o
f the resp ndent must be sent to the arbitrati n o centre. In the case f o dispute res l o ution by ad h c o arbitrati n o , the c u
o nterclaim must be sent to the arbitrati n o tribunal and the
claimant. Counterclaims must be submitted at the same time as the defence. 3.
The claimant must send a defence [to c u
o nterclaim] to the arbitrati n
o centre within thirty (30) days from the date f o receipt f o the c u o nterclaim. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o by ad h c o arbitrati n o ,
the claimant must send the defence t
o counterclaim to the arbitration tribunal and to the resp n o dent. 4. The arbitrati n o tribunal which res l o ves the statement f o claim f
o the claimant shall also res l o ve the counterclaim in acc r
o dance with the provisions in this Law n o order and procedures f r o res l o ving a statement f o claim f o a claimant. Article 37 Withdrawal f o statement f o claim r o c u
o nterclaim; amendment or additi n o t o statement f o claim, counterclaim r o defences 1.
Parties shall have the right to withdraw their statement f
o claim and/or counterclaim bef r o e the
arbitration tribunal issues the arbitral award. 2. Parties may amend or add t o their statement f o claim, c u o nterclaim r o defences thr u o ghout the process f o the arbitrati n o pr c o eedings. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right to disall w o such amendments r o additi n o s if it c n
o siders they are an abuse aimed at causing difficulties r o delaying the issuance f
o an arbitral award, or if they exceed the sc p o e f o the arbitrati n o agreement applicable to the dispute. Article 38 Neg t
o iation during arbitrati n o pr c o eedings
Parties shall still have the right, as from the time f o c m o mencement f o arbitrati n o pr c o eedings, t o v l o untarily neg t o iate and reach agreement n o terminati n o f o the dispute resoluti n o . If the parties reach their w o n agreement on termination f o the dispute res l
o ution, they shall have the right t o
request the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre issue a decisi n
o staying the dispute resoluti n o .
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 13 CHAPTER 6 Arbitration Tribunal Article 39 C m o p s o ition f o arbitrati n o tribunal 1. An arbitrati n o tribunal may c n o sist f o n o e r o m r o e arbitrat r o s, depending n o the agreement of the parties. 2 If the parties do n t
o have an agreement on the number f o arbitrat r o s, an arbitrati n o tribunal shall consist f o three (3) arbitrat r o s. Article 40 Establishment f o arbitrati n
o tribunal at arbitrati n o centre Establishment f o an arbitrati n
o tribunal shall be regulated as foll w o
s, unless otherwise agreed by the parties o o o o o
r therwise stipulated by the pr cedural rules f the arbitrati n centre: 1. The resp n
o dent shall, within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt of the statement f o claim and request t o select an arbitrat r o as sent t
o the respondent by the arbitrati n o centre, select an arbitrat r o for the resp n
o dent and notify the arbitrati n o centre f
o same or request the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre app i o nt an arbitrat r o . If the resp n o dent has failed t o select an arbitrat r o r o t o request that the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre app i o nt an arbitrat r
o , then within a further seven (7) days after
expiry of the time-limit provided in this clause, the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre shall app i o nt an arbitrator for the respondent. 2.
If a dispute involves multiple resp n o dents, then the resp n o dents shall agree n o selecti n o f o an arbitrator r o agree n o requesting app i o ntment f o an arbitrat r o f r o such resp n o dents within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f
o the statement of claim sent y b the arbitrati n o centre. If the
respondents have failed to select an arbitrat r
o , then within a further seven (7) days after expiry of the
time-limit provided in this clause, the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre shall app i o nt an arbitrat r o f r o the respondents. 3. The arbitrat r
o s shall, within fifteen (15) days fr m o the date f o their selecti n o by the parties r o
appointment by the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre, elect an t o her [third] arbitrat r o t o act as chairman of the arbitrati n
o tribunal. If such election has n t
o taken place upon the expiry f o this time-
limit, then within a further seven (7) days after expiry f
o the time-limit provided in this clause, the chairman o o o
f the arbitrati n centre shall app int the chairman of the arbitrati n o tribunal. 4.
Where the parties agree to have the dispute resolved by a s l o e arbitrat r o but fail t o select an
arbitrator within thirty (30) days fr m o the date n o which the resp n
o dent receives the statement f o claim, then at the request f o n o e r
o all parties, the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre shall app i o nt a sole arbitrat r
o within fifteen (15) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o such request. Article 41 Establishment f
o ad hoc arbitration tribunal Establishment f o an ad h c
o arbitration tribunal shall be regulated as foll w o
s, unless otherwise agreed by the parties: 1. The resp n
o dent must select an arbitrat r o for the resp n o dent and n t o ify the claimant f o such selecti n o within thirty (30) days fr m o the date n o which the resp n
o dent receives the statement f o claim f o the claimant. If up n o expiry f o this tim - e limit the resp n o dent has failed to n t o ify the claimant f o the name of the selected arbitrat r o and the parties d o n t o have some t o her agreement n o app i o ntment f o an
arbitrator, then the claimant shall have the right t
o request the competent court t o app i o nt an arbitrator for the respondent.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 14 2. If a dispute inv l o ves multiple resp n o dents, then the resp n
o dents shall reach agreement n o selecti n o o o
f an arbitrat r within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt of the statement f o claim and
accompanying materials from the claimant. If up n o expiry f o this time-limit the resp n o dents have failed t o select an arbitrat r o and the parties d o n t o have some t o her agreement n o app i o ntment f o an arbitrator, then n o e r
o all parties shall have the right to request the competent court t o app i o nt an
arbitrator for the respondents. 3. The arbitrat r
o s shall, within fifteen (15) days fr m o the date f
o their selection by the parties or
appointment by the court, elect an t o her [third] arbitrat r
o to act as chairman of the arbitrati n o tribunal.
If the arbitrators are unable to elect a chairman and unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the
parties shall have the right t
o request the competent court to app i
o nt the chairman of the arbitration tribunal. 4. Where the parties agree t o dispute resoluti n o by a s l o e arbitrat r o but are unable t o agree n o selection of an arbitrat r o within thirty (30) days fr m o the date n o which the resp n o dent received the statement
of claim, and if the parties do o
n t have an agreement to request an arbitratio o o n centre t app int an
arbitrator, then the competent c u o rt shall appoint a s l o e arbitrat r o at the request f o one or all parties. 5.
The chief judge of a competent court must, within seven (7) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o a request
from the parties prescribed in clauses 1, 2, 3 or 4 f
o this article, assign a judge to appoint an arbitrator and n t o ify the parties thereof. Article 42 Replacement o o f arbitrat rs 1. An arbitrat r o must refuse t o res l
o ve a dispute, and the parties shall have the right t o request replacement f o an arbitrator res l
o ving the dispute in the foll w o ing circumstances: (a) The arbitrator is a relative r o representative f o a party; (b)
The arbitrator has an interest related t o the dispute; (c) There are clear gr u
o nds demonstrating that the arbitrator is n t o impartial r o b o jective; (d)
The arbitrator was a mediator, representative r o lawyer f r o either of the parties pri r o t o the dispute being br u o ght to arbitrati n o for res l
o ution, unless the parties pr v o ide written c n o sent. 2. An arbitrat r o must, as from the time f o his r o her selection r o app i o ntment, pr v o ide written n t o ice t o the arbitrati n o centre r o arbitrati n
o tribunal and to the parties of any circumstances which may affect his r
o her objectiveness and impartiality. 3. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o at an arbitrati n o centre, if an arbitrati n o tribunal has n t o yet been
established, then the chairman of the arbitrati n
o centre shall make the decisi n o n o replacement f o the arbitrat r o . If an arbitrati n
o tribunal has already been established, then the remaining members f o
such tribunal shall make the decisi n o n o replacement f o the arbitrat r
o . If such remaining members f o the arbitrati n o tribunal are unable t o make a decisi n o r
o if the arbitrators or the sole arbitrat r o refuses to res l
o ve the dispute, then the chairman of the arbitrati n
o centre shall make the decisi n o n o replacement f o the arbitrat r o .
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 15 4. In the case f o dispute resoluti n o by an ad h c o arbitrati n
o tribunal, the remaining members f o the
arbitration tribunal shall make the decisi n o n o replacement f o the arbitrat r o . If such remaining members are unable t o reach a decisi n o r o if the arbitrators r o the s l o e arbitrat r o refuses t o resolve
the dispute, then within fifteen (15) days from the date f o receipt f o a request fr m o n o e r o m r o e arbitrators as menti n o ed above, r o fr m o n o e r o all parties t
o the dispute, the chief judge of the
competent court shall assign a judge to make the decisi n o n o replacement f o the arbitrat r o . 5.
The decision of the chairman of the arbitrati n o centre r o f o the c u
o rt in the circumstances prescribed
in clauses 3 and 4 respectively f
o this article shall be the final decisi n o . 6. If f r o any reas n o f o f r o ce majeure r o t o her b o jective reason an arbitrat r o is unable t o c n o tinue his r o her participati n o in the dispute resoluti n o r o if such arbitrat r o is replaced, then selecti n o r o appointment f
o a substitute arbitrator shall be implemented in acc r o dance with the r o der and
procedures stipulated in this Law. 7.
The newly established arbitrati n o tribunal may, after c n
o sulting the parties, review issues already dealt with in previ u o s dispute resoluti n o sessions held by the f r o mer arbitrati n o tribunal. Article 43 C n
o sideration whether an arbitrati n o is v i o d r o incapable f o being perf r o med and whether the
arbitration tribunal has jurisdicti n o 1. The arbitrati n o tribunal must, pri r o t
o dealing with the merits of a dispute, c n o sider whether the
arbitration agreement is valid, whether the arbitrati n o agreement is capable f o being performed, and
whether the tribunal has jurisdicti n
o . If the case is within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n o tribunal t o res l
o ve, then the tribunal shall proceed t o res l o ve the dispute in acc r o dance with this Law. If the dispute is n t
o within the jurisdiction of the tribunal, r o if the arbitrati n o agreement is void, r o if it is
clearly established that the arbitrati n o agreement is incapable f
o being performed, then the arbitration tribunal shall decide t
o stay the proceedings and immediately n t o ify the parties there f o . 2. If it is disc v
o ered during the dispute resolution process that the arbitrati n o tribunal has exceeded its jurisdicti n o , the parties may l d o ge a c m o plaint with the arbitrati n o tribunal. The arbitrati n o tribunal shall then be resp n
o sible to hear such issue and make a decisi n o n o it. 3.
If the parties have agreed for dispute res l o ution at n o e specific arbitrati n o centre, but such centre has
already terminated its operati n o with u o t any t o her instituti n
o succeeding it, then the parties may reach an agreement t o select s m o e t o her arbitrati n
o centre; if the parties are unable t o reach such an
agreement, they shall have the right t o institute c u o rt pr c o eedings f r o resoluti n o f o the dispute. 4.
If the parties already have a specific agreement n o selecti n o f o an arbitrat r o f r o an ad h c o arbitrati n o ,
but at the time when the dispute arises the arbitrat r o is unable t o c n o duct resoluti n o f o the dispute f r o any reas n o f o f r o ce majeure r o f r o any t o her b o jective reas n
o s, then parties may reach agreement n o selection f o an t o her arbitrat r
o in replacement; if the parties are unable t o reach such an agreement, they shall have the right t o institute c u o rt pr c o eedings t o resolve the dispute. 5.
If the parties already have an arbitrati n
o agreement but do not clearly indicate the arbitrati n o f r o m r o a specific arbitrati n o instituti n
o , then if a dispute arises the parties must reach agreement n o the arbitration f r o m r o a specific arbitrati n o instituti n o t o res l
o ve the dispute. If the parties are unable to
reach such an agreement, then selecti n o f o the arbitrati n o f r o m and the arbitrati n o instituti n o t o res l
o ve the dispute shall be implemented in acc r o dance with the request f o the claimant. Article 44 Petition and resoluti n o f
o petition against decision of arbitration tribunal concerning whether the arbitrati n
o agreement exists, the arbitrati n o agreement is v i o d, the arbitrati n o agreement is incapable f o being perf r
o med and whether the arbitration tribunal has jurisdicti n o
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 16 1.
If the parties disagree with any decision f o the arbitrati n
o tribunal prescribed in article 43 of this Law,
they shall have the right, within five (5) business days fr m o the date f o receipt f o such decisi n o , t o
petition the competent court to review such decisi n o f
o the arbitration tribunal. The petitioner must simultaneously n t
o ify the arbitration tribunal of such petiti n o . 2.
A petition shall contain the f l o lowing main particulars: (a) Date n o which the petition is made; (b) Name and address f o the petiti n o er; (c) Relief sought. 3. Copies f o the statement f o claim, arbitrati n
o agreement and decision of the arbitrati n o tribunal must accompany the petiti n o . Accompanying d c o uments in a f r
o eign language must be translated int o Vietnamese and translati n o s must be validly certified. 4.
The chief judge of the competent court shall, within five (5) business days fr m o receipt f o the petiti n o ,
assign a judge to hear and res l
o ve the petition. Such judge must hear the matter and make a
decision on it within ten (10) business days fr m o the date f o being assigned. The decisi n o f o the court shall be final. 5. The arbitrati n o tribunal may continue to c n o duct the dispute resoluti n o while the c u o rt is dealing with the petiti n o . 6. If the c u
o rt decides that the dispute d e o s n t
o fall within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n o tribunal, or that there is n o arbitrati n o agreement r o that the arbitrati n o agreement is void r o incapable f o being perf r o med, then the arbitrati n
o tribunal shall issue a decisi n
o staying the dispute resolution. Unless the parties have s m o e t
o her agreement, the parties shall have the right t o institute c u o rt pr c o eedings to res l
o ve their dispute. The limitati n o peri d o f r o initiating c u o rt pr c
o eedings shall be determined in
accordance with law. Calculation f o the limitation peri d o shall exclude the time fr m o when the claimant initiated arbitrati n o pr c o eedings up until the date f o issuance f
o the court decision accepting
jurisdiction over the dispute resoluti n o . Article 45
Jurisdiction of the arbitrati n
o tribunal to verify the facts An arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right, during the dispute resolution pr c o ess, to meet or hold discussions with n o e party in the presence f o the t o her party, by appr p o riate meth d o s, in order to clarify issues relevant t o the dispute. The arbitrati n o tribunal may n o its w o n initiative r o at the request f o n o e r o all parties, c n
o duct fact-finding with a third pers n o in the presence f o the parties r o after having n t o ified the parties. Article 46
Jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal t o c l o lect evidence 1.
The parties shall have the right and responsibility to provide evidence t o the arbitrati n o tribunal t o prove facts relevant t o the issues in dispute. 2. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right, at the request f o n o e or all parties, t o request witnesses
to provide information and materials relevant t o the dispute resoluti n o . 3. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right, n o its w o n initiative r o at the request f o n o e r o b t o h parties, t o seek an assessment r o valuation f o the assets in dispute in r o der t o provide gr u o nds f r o
resolving the dispute. The party requesting an assessment r o valuati n o shall advance the c s o ts thereof, r o the arbitrati n o tribunal shall all c o ate such c s o ts.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 17 4. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right, n o its w o n initiative r o at the request f o n o e r o b t o h parties, t
o seek expert advice. Expert fees shall be provisi n
o ally paid in advance by the party requesting such advice, r o shall be paid in acc r o dance with the all c
o ation made by the arbitration tribunal. 5. If the arbitrati n o tribunal r o n o e r o b t
o h parties have already taken necessary measures to collect
evidence by themselves but without success, then a petition may be made t o the competent court t o require other bodies, r o ganisations r o individuals to pr v o ide legible, audible r o visual materials o o r t provide t o her b o jects relevant t o the dispute. Such petiti n
o must specify the matters in dispute
currently being resolved by arbitrati n
o , the evidence which needs t
o be collected, the reasons why the evidence has n t
o been collected, and the name and address f o the body, r o ganisation r o
individual currently managing and/or holding the evidence which needs t o be c l o lected. 6. The chief judge o o o
f the c mpetent c urt shall, within seven (7) business days fr m o the date f o receipt o o f a request f r co o o
llecti n f evidence, assign a judge to hear and resolve such request. Such judge
shall, within five (5) business days fr m o the date f
o being assigned, send a written notice to the body, organisation r
o individual currently managing and/ r o h l
o ding the evidence requiring it to pr v o ide the evidence t
o the court, and the judge shall als
o send such notice to the same level procuracy in order
for the latter to implement its functi n
o s and duties in accordance with law. The body, r o ganisation r
o individual currently managing and/ r o h l o ding the evidence shall be responsible t o pr m o ptly and c m o pletely pr v
o ide such evidence pursuant t o the request f o the c u o rt within fifteen (15) days fr m o the date f o receipt of the request. The c u
o rt must, within five (5) business days fr m o the date f o receipt f o the evidence fr m o the body, o o o
rganisati n r individual supplying it, n t o ify the arbitrati n
o tribunal and the applicant s o that the evidence may be handed v o er. If after expiry f
o the stipulated time-limit the body, r o ganisation r
o individual [concerned] fails t o
provide the evidence pursuant t o the request [of the cour ] t , the c u o rt shall immediately n t o ify the
arbitration tribunal and the applicant, and als o provide written n t o ice t o the c m o petent agency r o o o o o
rganizati n t deal with such failure in acc rdance with law. Article 47
Jurisdiction of arbitration tribunal to summon witnesses 1. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right at the request f o n o e r
o both parties and if the tribunal considers it necessary, t o require a witness t o attend a dispute res l o ution sessi n o . Witness fees
shall be paid by the party requesting that the witness be summoned, r o shall be as all c o ated by the arbitration tribunal. 2. If a witness wh
o has been validly summoned by the arbitrati n o tribunal fails t o attend the sessi n o without a legitimate reas n o , and the absence f o such witness c n o stitutes an b o stacle to res l o ution f o
the dispute, then the arbitrati n
o tribunal may send a written request t o the c m o petent court t o issue a decision summ n o ing such witness t o attend a sessi n o f o the arbitrati n o tribunal. Such request must
specify the matters currently being res l o ved by arbitrati n
o ; the full name and address f o the witness;
the reason why the witness needs t o be summ n o ed; and the time and l c o ation where the witness is required t o attend. 3. The chief judge o o o
f the c mpetent c urt shall, within seven (7) business days fr m o the date f o receipt o o o o o
f a written request fr m the arbitration tribunal t summ n a witness, assign a judge t hear and res l
o ve such request. The judge must, within five (5) business days fr m o the date f o being assigned, issue a decisi n o summ n o ing the witness.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 18 The decisi n
o summoning the witness must specify the name f o the arbitrati n o tribunal which
requested that the witness be summoned; the c n o tents f
o the dispute; the full name and address of
the witness; and the time and locati n
o where the witness must attend at the request f o the arbitrati n o tribunal. The c u
o rt must immediately send the decisi n o t o the arbitrati n o tribunal, t o the witness, and als o t o the same level procuracy in r o der f r o the latter t o implement its functi n o s and duties in acc r o dance with law. A witness shall be b o liged t
o strictly implement the decisi n o f o the c u o rt.
Witness fees shall be paid as stipulated in clause 1 f o this article. CHAPTER 7 Interim Relief Article 48 Right t o request application f o interim relief 1.
Parties in dispute shall have the right t
o request the arbitration tribunal or a court to r o der an interim relief in acc r o dance with the provisi n o s f o this Law and t
o her relevant laws, unless such parties have some t o her agreement. 2. A request t o a c u
o rt to order an interim relief shall n t o be deemed t
o be a denial of the arbitration
agreement or a waiver of the right to dispute resolution by arbitration. Article 49
Jurisdiction of arbitrati n
o tribunal to order interim relief 1. The arbitrati n
o tribunal may, at the request f o n o e f o the parties, order one r o more forms f o interim
relief applicable to the parties in dispute. 2. Interim relief shall comprise: (a) Pr h o ibitio o
n f any change in the status quo of the assets in dispute; (b) Pr h
o ibition of acts by, or ordering one r o m r
o e specific acts to be taken by a party in dispute, aimed at preventing c n o duct adverse t o the process f o the arbitration proceedings; (c)
Attachment of the assets in dispute; (d)
Requirement of preservation, st r o age, sale r o disp s o al f o any f o the assets of one r o all parties in dispute; (dd)
Requirement of interim payment f o m n o ey as between the parties; (e) Pr h
o ibition of transfer of asset rights of the assets in dispute. 3.
If during the dispute resoluti n o process one f
o the parties had already applied to a c u o rt to order one o o o r m re f the forms f
o interim relief prescribed in clause 2 f
o this article and then applies to the
arbitration tribunal to order interim relief, the arbitrati n
o tribunal must refuse such applicati n o .
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 19 4. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right, prior to ordering interim relief, to require the applicant f or
the interim relief to provide financial security. 5. If an arbitrati n
o tribunal orders a different form of interim relief or interim relief which exceeds the scope f
o the application by the applicant, thereby causing l s o s t
o the applicant or to the party against
whom the interim relief was applied or t
o a third party, then the party incurring l s o s shall have the right t o institute c u o rt pr c o eedings for c m o pensation in acc r o dance with the law n o civil pr c o eedings. Article 50 Procedures f r
o arbitration tribunal to order interim relief 1. An applicant f r
o an interim relief must file an applicati n o with the arbitrati n o tribunal. 2. An applicati n o f r
o an interim relief must contain the following main particulars: (a) Date n o which the applicati n o is made; (b) Name and address f
o the applicant for the interim relief; (c) Name and address f o the party against wh m o
the interim relief is sought to be applied; (d) Summary f o the items in dispute; (dd)
Reason for requiring the interim relief; (e) Specific items f o interim relief s u o ght.
The applicant for an interim relief must attach to such application evidence provided to the arbitrati n o
tribunal to prove the necessity f r o such interim relief. 3.
The applicant for interim relief must, pursuant t o a decisi n o f o the arbitrati n o tribunal, lodge a sum f o
money, precious metals, precious st n o es r
o valuable papers as fixed by the arbitrati n o tribunal c r o responding t o the amount f o l s o s that may arise due t
o unjustified interim relief being ordered, in o o o rder t pr tect the interests o o
f the party against wh m the interim relief is sought to be applied. Such sum f o m n
o ey, precious metals, precious st n o es r
o valuable papers shall be dep s o ited in an escrow acc u o nt n m o inated by the arbitrati n o tribunal. 4.
Within three (3) business days fr m o the date f o receipt f o an applicati n o , immediately after the applicant has pr v
o ided the security prescribed in clause 3 f
o this article, the arbitrati n o tribunal shall
hear the matter and issue a decisi n o ordering [or n t o ordering] interim relie . f If the arbitrati n o tribunal does n t o agree to the applicati n o , it shall pr v o ide a written n t
o ice to the applicant specifying its reasons. 5. Enforcement f
o a decision by an arbitration tribunal ordering interim relief shall be implemented in accordance with the law n o enf r o cement f o civil judgments. Article 51
Jurisdiction of and pr c o edures f r
o arbitration tribunal to change, supplement r o remove interim relief 1. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall have the right, at the request f o n o e f o the parties, to change, supplement r
o remove interim relief at any time during the dispute resoluti n o pr c o ess. 2. Procedures f r
o changing or supplementing interim relief shall be implemented in acc r o dance with article 50 of this Law.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 20 3. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall remove interim relief already ordered in the foll w o ing circumstances: (a) The applicant f r
o the interim relief requests the removal; (b)
The party subject to enforcement f o the decisi n
o ordering the interim relief has already l d o ged assets r o some other person has pr v o ided security f r o discharge f o the b o ligation w o ing t o the applicant; (c) The obligati n o f o the oblig r
o has terminated pursuant to law. 4. Pr c o edures f r
o removing interim relief shall be implemented as foll w o s: (a)
The applicant must file a petition for removal of the i
nterim relief with the arbitrati n o tribunal. (b) The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall hear the applicati n o and issue a decisi n o removing the interim
relief and shall also issue a decisi n
o that the security prescribed in article 50.3 f o this Law be returned t
o the applicant unless the applicant who applied t o the arbitrati n o tribunal to order
the interim relief is liable t
o pay compensation for an unjustified application causing loss t o the party against wh m o
the interim relief was applied or t o a third party. The decisi n
o removing the interim relief must immediately be sent t
o the parties in dispute and also
to the civil judgment enforcement agency. Article 52 Responsibility f
o applicant for interim relief An applicant f r
o interim relief shall be liable f r o such applicati n o . An applicant f r o unjustified interim relief which causes loss t o the t o her party r o t o a third party must pay c m o pensation [for such l s o s]. Article 53
Jurisdiction of and order and pr c o edures f r o c u o rt to orde , r change r o remove interim relief 1.
If after a party has lodged its statement f
o claim, such party's legal rights and interests have been infringed r
o there is a direct danger of such infringement, such party shall have the right to file an
application with the competent court to order n o e r o m r o e forms f o interim relief. 2. The chief judge o o o
f the c mpetent c urt shall, within three (3) business days fro o m the date f receipt o o
f the applicati n for interim relief, assign a judge to hear and resolve the applicati n o . The judge
assigned must, within three (3) business days fr m o the date f
o being assigned, hear the applicati n o and issue a decisi n o ordering or not r
o dering interim relief. The judge must issue a decisi n o ordering
the interim relief immediately after the applicant implements security measures. If the judge does n t o grant the applicati n
o , the judge must provide written n t o ice t
o the applicant, specifying the reas n o s. 3.
A party shall have the right t o apply to a court t o change, supplement r o remove interim relief. Assignment f
o a judge to hear and resolve any such applicati n o t o change, supplement r o remove
interim relief shall be implemented in acc r o dance with the provisi n o s in clause 2 f o this article. 4. The r o der and pr c o edures f r o a c u o rt to order, change r
o remove interim relief and f r o checking
compliance with law during the application of interim relief shall be implemented in accordance with the provisi n o s f o the Civil Pr c o edure Code. 5.
If during the dispute resoluti n o pr c o ess n o e f
o the parties which already applied t o the arbitrati n o tribunal for one r o m r
o e forms of interim relief applies t o the c u
o rt for interim relief, the court must refuse such applicati n o and return it t
o the applicant, unless the [former] application f r o the interim
relief was beyond the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n o tribunal.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 21 CHAPTER 8 Dispute Resoluti n o Sessi n o s Article 54 Preparation f r o dispute res l o ution sessi n o s 1. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall make decisions on the time and locati n o f r o h l o ding dispute resoluti n o sessions, unless t
o herwise agreed by the parties r o t
o herwise stipulated by the pr c o edural rules f o the arbitrati n o centre. 2. Summo o o o o o o
nses t attend a sessi n shall be f rwarded t the parties at least thirty (30) days pri r t the date f o c m o mencement f o a sessi n o , unless t
o herwise agreed by the parties r o t o herwise stipulated by the pr c o edural rules f o the arbitrati n o centre. Article 55 C m o p s o ition f o and pr c o edures f r o dispute res l o ution sessi n o s 1. Dispute resoluti n o sessions shall be c n o ducted in private, unless t
o herwise agreed by the partie . s 2. Parties may pers n
o ally attend dispute resoluti n o sessi n o s r
o may authorize their representatives t o
attend; and parties shall have the right t
o invite witnesses and a person11 to pr t o ect their legal rights and interests. 3. The arbitrati n o tribunal may permit t o her pe p o le t o attend dispute resoluti n o sessions, if the parties so c n o sent. 4. The r o der and pr c o edures f r o h l o ding dispute resoluti n o sessi n
o s shall be as stipulated in the arbitration pr c o edural rules f o the arbitrati n
o centre; or shall be as agreed by the parties in the case o o o f an ad h c arbitrati n. Article 56 Absence f o parties 1.
A claimant who was validly summ n o ed t o attend a dispute resoluti n o session but fails t o attend without a legitimate reas n o r
o who leaves a session without the c n o sent f o the arbitrati n o tribunal, shall be deemed t
o have withdrawn its statement f
o claim. In such case the arbitrati n o tribunal shall continue the dispute res l o ution if the resp n o dent s o requests r o if there is a c u o nterclaim. 2.
If a respondent was validly summ n o ed t o attend a dispute resoluti n o sessi n o but fails t o attend without a legitimate reas n o r o leaves a session with u o t the c n o sent f o the arbitrati n o tribunal, the arbitration tribunal shall c n o tinue the dispute res l o ution based n
o currently available materials and evidence. 3. The arbitrati n
o tribunal may, at the request of the parties, rely n o the file t o c n o duct a dispute res l o ution sessi n o with u o t requiring the presence f o the parties. Article 57 Adjournment f o dispute res l o ution sessi n o 11
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: This is the literal translation here, but lawyers as representatives are referred to in articles 42.1(d) and 71.3.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 22 One r o b t
o h parties may, if there is a legitimate reason, request the arbitrati n o tribunal t o adj u o rn a dispute reso o o luti n sessi n. A request f r o adj u o rnment f o a dispute resoluti n o sessi n
o must be in writing, specifying the reas n
o and providing evidence, and must be sent to the arbitrati n
o tribunal at least seven (7) business days pri r o to the [due] date f o c m o mencement f
o the session. If the arbitrati n o tribunal d e o s n t o receive the
request within this time-limit, the applicant f r
o such adjournment must pay all costs arising, if any. The
arbitration tribunal shall consider and issue a decision c n o senting r o n t o c n o senting t o the request f r o the adjournment, and shall pr m o ptly n t o ify the parties. The peri d o f o any adj u
o rnment shall be as decided by the arbitrati n o tribunal. Article 58 Mediation and rec g o nition f o successful mediati n o
The arbitration tribunal [may], at the request f
o the parties, conduct a mediation in r o der f r o the parties t o reach an agreement n o resoluti n o f
o their dispute. If the mediation is successful, the arbitrati n o tribunal shall prepare minutes f
o successful mediation to be signed by the parties and certified by the arbitrator/s. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall issue a decisi n
o recognizing the agreement of the parties. Such decision shall
be final and shall have the same validity as an arbitral award. Article 59 Stay o o o f dispute res luti n 1. Res l o ution f
o a dispute shall be stayed in the f l o lowing circumstances: (a) The claimant r o resp n
o dent being an individual dies, with u o t anyone inheriting his r o her rights and obligati n o s; (b) The claimant r o respondent being an agency r o organizati n o has terminated its operati n o , become bankrupt, diss l o ved, cons l
o idated, merged, demerged, separated r o converted its o o o
rganizati nal f rm without any agency r
o organization succeeding to the former's rights and o o bligati ns; (c)
The claimant withdraws its statement of claim r o the claim is deemed t o be withdrawn pursuant to article 56.1 f
o this Law, except where the resp n
o dent requires the dispute resoluti n o t o be c n o tinued; (d)
The parties reach agreement on termination of the dispute resoluti n o ; (dd) The c u o rt issues a decisi n
o that the dispute is not within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n o tribunal, o o o o
r that there is n arbitrati n agreement r that such agreement is void or incapable f o being perf r
o med in accordance with article 44.6 of this Law. 2. The arbitrati n
o tribunal shall issue a decision staying the dispute res l o ution. If an arbitrati n o tribunal has n t
o yet been established, then the chairman of the arbitrati n
o centre shall issue such decisi n o . 3. After there is a decisi n o staying dispute resoluti n o , the parties shall n t o have the right t o institute arbitration pr c o eedings f r o re-res l o ution f o such dispute if such pr c o eedings are n t o different fr m o the former dispute in terms f o the claimant, resp n o dent and legal relati n o ship giving rise t o the dispute,
except for the cases prescribed in sub-clauses (c) and (dd) f o clause 1 f o this article. CHAPTER 9 Arbitral Awards Article 60 Principles f r o issuance f o award
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 23 1. An arbitrati n
o tribunal shall issue an arbitral award n o the basis f o its majority v t o e. 2. If v t o ing d e o s n t o result in a maj r o ity decisi n
o , then the arbitral award shall be made in acc r o dance with the opini n o f o the chairman f o the arbitrati n o tribunal. Article 61
Contents, form and validity f o arbitral award 1.
An arbitral award must be in writing and c n o tain the foll w o ing main particulars: (a) Date and l c o ation of issuance f o the award; (b) Names and addresses f
o the claimant and of the resp n o dent; (c) Full names and addresses f o the arbitrator/s; (d) Summary f o the statement f
o claim and matters in dispute; (dd) Reasons for issuance f
o the award, unless the parties agree it is unnecessary to specify reasons for the award; (e) Result f o the dispute resoluti n o ; (g)
Time-limit for enforcement of the award; (h) All c o ation f o arbitrati n o fees and t o her relevant fees; (i) Signatures f o the arbitrator/s. 2. If an arbitrat r o d e o s n t
o sign the arbitral award, the chairman of the arbitrati n o tribunal must record
such fact in the arbitral award and specify the reas n o s f r
o it. In such a case, the arbitral award shall still be effective. 3.
The arbitral award shall immediately be issued in the sessi n o r o n
o later than thirty (30) days fr m o the end of the final sessi n o . 4.
The arbitral award must be sent t
o the parties immediately after the date of its issuance. The parties shall have the right t o request the arbitrati n o centre r o arbitrati n o tribunal t o issue c p o ies f o the arbitral award. 5.
An arbitral award shall be final and shall be f o full f r
o ce and effect as from the date f o its issuance. Article 62 Registration f o ad h c o arbitral award 1. An ad h c
o arbitral award may, at the request f o n o e r
o all parties to the dispute, be registered at the court in the l c
o ality where the arbitration tribunal issued such award, prior to any request being made to the c m o petent civil judgement enf r
o cement agency to organize enforcement of the award. Registration r o n n o -registration f o an arbitral award shall n t o affect the c n o tents and validity of such award. 2. Within a time-limit f o n o e year fr m o the date f o issuance f
o an arbitral award, the applicant f r o registration f o an ad h c
o arbitral award must send a petiti n o requesting registrati n o f o the arbitral
award to the competent court as prescribed in clause 1 f o this article, t g
o ether with originals or validly certified copies of the foll w o ing materials:
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 24 (a)
Arbitral award issued by the ad h c o arbitrati n o tribunal; (b)
Minutes, if any, of the sessi n o f o the ad h c o arbitrati n
o tribunal resolving the dispute; (c) Original r o validly certified c p o y f o the arbitration agreement.
The applicant must be responsible for the authenticity of the materials lodged with the c u o rt. 3.
The chief judge of the court must, within five (5) business days fr m o the date f o receipt f o a petiti n o
requesting registration of an arbitral award, assign a judge to deal with such petition. The judge
assigned must, within ten (10) days fr m o the date f
o being assigned, check the authenticity of the
materials accompanying the petiti n o and c n
o duct registration. The judge shall refuse t o c n o duct registration if he r
o she is satisfied that there is in fact no arbitral award, and in such case shall return the petiti n
o and accompanying materials and must immediately notify the petiti n o er and specify the reasons [for the refusal t o c n
o duct registration]. The applicant f r o registrati n o f o the arbitral award
shall have the right, within three (3) business days fr m o the date f o receipt f o such notice from the court, t o lodge a c m o
plaint with the chief judge of the c u o rt regarding refusal t o register the arbitral
award. The chief judge of the c u
o rt shall, within three (3) business days fr m o the date f o receipt f o such c m o plaint, hear the c m o plaint and issue a decisi n o resolving it. The decisi n o f o the chief judge resolving the c m o plaint shall be final. 4. Registration f o an arbitral award shall c n o tain the f l o lowing particulars: (a) Time and locati n o f o c n o ducting registrati n o ; (b) Name f o the c u o rt c n o ducting registration; (c) Name and address f
o the applicant for registrati n o ; (d)
The award which was registered; (dd) Signature f o the auth r o ized pers n o and seal f o the c u o rt. Article 63
Rectification and explanation of arbitral award; supplementary awards 1.
A party may, within thirty (30) days from the date f o receipt f
o an arbitral award unless the parties have s m o e t o her agreement ab u
o t this time-limit, request the arbitrati n o tribunal to rectify obvi u o s
errors in spelling or figures caused by a mistake r o incorrect c m o
putation in the arbitral award, and must immediately n t o ify the t o her party [of such reques ] t . If the arbitrati n o tribunal c n o siders such
request legitimate, it shall make the rectification within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o the request. 2.
A party may, within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f
o an arbitral award unless the parties have s m o e t o her agreement ab u
o t this time-limit, request the arbitrati n o tribunal t o explain specific p i
o nts or items in the award, and must immediately n t o ify the t
o her party of such request. If the arbitration tribunal c n
o siders such request legitimate, it shall pr v
o ide an explanation within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o the request. The explanati n o pr v o ided shall f r o m a part of the award. 3. The arbitrati n o tribunal may on its w o
n initiative, within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o issuance f o
the arbitral award, rectify any of the errors prescribed in clause 1 f
o this article and immediately n t o ify the parties.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 25 4. If the parties d o n t o have s m o e t
o her agreement, then within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt
of an award, a party may request the arbitrati n
o tribunal to issue a supplementary award with
matters12 raised during the pr c o ess f o the pr c o eedings but n t
o yet recorded in the award, and must immediately n t o ify the t
o her party of such request. If the arbitrati n o tribunal c n o siders such request
legitimate, it shall issue a supplementary award within forty-five (45) days fr m o the date f o receipt f o the request. 5.
In necessary cases, the arbitrati n
o tribunal may extend [the time-limits] for rectificati n o , explanati n o or issuance f
o a supplementary award prescribed in clauses 1, 2 and 4 f o this article. Article 64 Archiving files 1.
An arbitration centre shall be responsible t
o archive files on disputes over which it has accepted jurisdiction. Files n o disputes resolved by ad h c o arbitrati n
o shall be archived by the parties r o by the arbitrat r o s. 2.
Arbitration files shall be archived f r
o a period of five years as fr m o the date f o issuance f o the arbitral award r o decisi n o staying dispute resoluti n o by arbitrati n o . CHAPTER 10 Enforcement f o Arbitral Awards Article 65
Voluntary carrying out of arbitral award The State enc u o rages the parties t o v l
o untarily carry out arbitral awards. Article 66 Right t
o apply for13 enforcement f o arbitral award 1. If n o expiry f
o the time-limit for carrying out an arbitral award the award debt r o has n t o voluntarily carried u o t the award and has n t
o requested that the award be set aside pursuant t o article 69 of this
Law, the arbitral award credit r
o shall have the right to request the c m o petent civil judgement enforcement agency t o enf r o ce such award. 2. In the case f o an ad h c
o arbitral award, the award credit r o shall have the right t o apply t o the
competent civil judgement enf r
o cement agency requesting enforcement of the arbitral award after
such award has been registered in acc r o dance with article 62 f o this Law. Article 67 Enforcement f o arbitral award
Arbitral awards shall be enforced in accordance with the law n o enf r o cement f o civil judgements. CHAPTER 11
Setting Aside Arbitral Awards Article 68 Grounds f r
o setting aside arbitral award 12
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "requirements". 13
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "to require”
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 26 1. The c u
o rt shall hear [an applicati n
o for] setting aside an arbitral award n o receipt of a petition from o o ne f the parties. 2.
An arbitral award which falls within any n o e f o the foll w o ing cases shall be set aside: (a) There was n o arbitrati n o agreement r o the arbitrati n o agreement is void; (b) The comp s o iti n o f o the arbitrati n
o tribunal was [or] the arbitrati n o pr c o eedings were
inconsistent with the agreement f o the parties r o contrary to the pr v o isions f o this Law; (c)
The dispute was not within the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n o tribunal; where an award c n o tains
an item which falls outside the jurisdiction of the arbitrati n
o tribunal, such item shall be set aside; (d)
The evidence supplied by the parties n o which the arbitrati n o tribunal relied t o issue the award was f r o ged; [ r o ] an arbitrat r o received m n o ey, assets r o s m o e other material benefit fr m o n o e
of the parties in dispute which affected the b
o jectivity and impartiality of the arbitral award; (dd) The arbitral award is c n o trary t o the fundamental principles f o the law of Vietnam. 3. When the c u o rt hears a petiti n
o to set aside an arbitral award, burden f o pro f o shall be regulated as foll w o s: (a) Any petiti n o er [relying o o
n the gr unds] prescribed in sub-clauses (a), (b), (c) or (d) f o clause 2
of this article shall have the burden f o pr v o ing that the arbitrati n
o tribunal issued the arbitral award in n o e f o such prescribed cases; (b) In the case f o a petiti n o t
o set aside an arbitral award [relying n o the grounds] prescribed in sub-clause (dd) f o clause 2 f o this article, the c u o rt shall have the resp n o sibility to itself c l o lect and verify evidence in r o der t o decide to set aside r o n t
o set aside the arbitral award. Article 69 Right t
o petition for arbitral award t o be set aside 1.
A party with sufficient evidence proving that the arbitrati n
o tribunal issued the arbitral award in any of
the cases prescribed in article 68.2 on this Law shall have the right, within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o receipt f
o such award, to lodge a petition with the competent court to set aside the arbitral
award. A petition requesting an arbitral award be set aside must be acc m o panied by materials and evidence pr v o ing that such petiti n
o has [sufficient] grounds and is lawful. 2. If a petiti n o is l d o ged u o t f o time due t o an event f o f r
o ce majeure, then the durati n o f o such event
shall not be included when calculating the tim -
e limit for requesting the arbitral award be set aside. Article 70
Petition requesting arbitral award be set aside 1. A petiti n
o requesting an arbitral award be set aside must contain the foll w o ing main particulars: (a) Date n o which the petiti n o is made; (b) Name and address f o the petiti n o er; (c) Relief s u o ght and gr u o nds f r
o setting aside the arbitral award. 2. The foll w o ing d c
o uments must accompany the petiti n o :
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 27 (a) Original r o validly certified copy f o the arbitral award; (b) Original r o validly certified c p o y f o the arbitrati n o agreement. Documents acc m o panying a petiti n o in a f r
o eign language must be translated int o Vietnamese and the translati n o s must be validly certified. Article 71 Hearing by c u o rt f
o petition requesting arbitral award be set aside 1. The c m o
petent court shall, after it accepts jurisdicti n o f o a petiti n
o requesting an arbitral award be set aside, immediately n t o ify the arbitrati n o centre r o the arbitrat r o s in an ad h c o arbitrati n o , the parties in
dispute, and the same level pr c o urac . y 2.
The chief judge shall, within seven (7) business days fr m o
the date on which jurisdicti n o is accepted,
assign a council of three judges including n
o e judge to act as chairman of the c u o ncil as assigned by
the chief judge, to hear the petiti n o .
The council of judges must commence a sessi n o to hear the petiti n
o to set aside the arbitral award within thirty (30) days fr m o the date f o being assigned. The c u
o rt must, seven (7) business days prior t o the date f o p
o ening the session, transfer the file to the same level procuracy for it to review
and participate in the session hearing the petition. Upon the expiry f o such time-limit, the pr c o uracy must return the file t o the c u o rt in r o der for the c u o rt to p o en the sessi n o hearing the petiti n o . 3. The session shall be c n o ducted in the presence f
o the parties in dispute and their lawyers (if any) and a prosecut r o f o the same level pr c o uracy. If either f
o the parties requests the council of jud e g s to hear the petiti n o in his r o her absence, r
o if after being validly summ n o ed a party is absent with u o t a legitimate reas n o r o leaves the sessi n o with u o t the c n o sent f
o the council of judges, then the council of judges shall c n
o tinue hearing the petition t
o set aside the arbitral award. 4. When hearing the petiti n
o , the council of judges shall rely n o the provisi n o s in article 68 f o this Law
and the materials accompanying the petiti n o in r o der t o reach its decisi n o ; and shall n t o review the merits f
o the dispute which the arbitrati n
o tribunal already resolved. The council of judges shall, after considering the petiti n
o and accompanying materials, after hearing witnesses14, if any, who have
been summoned and after hearing the pr c
o urator provide the opinion of the pr c o uracy, discuss and reach a majority decision. 5.
The council of judges hearing the petiti n o shall have the right t o issue a decisi n o setting aside r o n t o
setting aside the arbitral award. If the petiti n o er withdraws the petiti n o , r o if after being validly summoned the petiti n o er fails t o attend the sessi n o with u o t a legitimate reas n o r o leaves the sessi n o without the c n o sent f
o the council of judges, then the council of judges shall issue a decisi n o staying the applicati n o . 6. The c u
o rt shall, within five (5) business days fr m o the date f o issuing its decisi n o , send the decisi n o to the parties, t o the arbitrati n o centre r o t o the arbitrat r o /s f o an ad h c o arbitration, and t o the same level pr c o urac . y 14
Allens Arthur Robinson footnote: The literal translation is "persons”
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 28 7.
The council of judges may, at the request f o a party and if the c u o ncil considers it appr p o riate, adjourn a petition t
o set aside an arbitral award f r o a peri d o n t
o to exceed sixty (60) days in r o der t o facilitate the arbitrati n
o tribunal in rectifying what in the o o pini n f
o the arbitration tribunal were errors in the arbitrati n
o proceedings, thereby removing the gr u o nds f r
o setting aside the arbitral award. The
arbitration tribunal must notify the c u
o rt when it has rectified errors in the arbitrati n o pr c o eedings. If the arbitrati n o tribunal does n t
o rectify errors in the proceedings, then the council of judges shall continue t o hear the petiti n o t o set aside the award. 8.
In a case where the council of judges issues a decisi n
o to set aside the arbitral award, the parties
may reach a fresh agreement to bring their dispute before arbitrati n o r o any n o e party shall have the right t o institute c u
o rt proceedings. If the council of judges d e o s n t
o set aside the arbitral award, such award shall be enf r o ceable. 9.
In all cases, the time taken f r o dispute resoluti n o by arbitrati n o and the time taken t o c n o duct court
procedures to set aside an arbitral award shall n t
o be included when calculating the limitation peri d o for instituting pr c o eedings. 10. The decisi n o f o the c u
o rt shall be final and shall be valid f r o enf r o cement. Article 72
Court fees regarding arbitrati n o Fees f r o requests to a c u o rt t o app i o nt an arbitrat r
o , to order interim relief, to set aside arbitral awards, to
register arbitral awards and any t
o her fees shall be implemented in accordance with the law n o legal and court fees. CHAPTER 12
Organization and Operation of Foreign Arbitrati n o in Vietnam Article 73 C n o ditions f r
o foreign arbitration institutions to operate in Vietnam Foreign arbitrati n
o institutions which have been legally established and are currently legally p o erating in foreign c u
o ntries, and which respect the c n o stitution and law f o the S c o ialist Republic f o Vietnam, shall be permitted to p o erate in Vietnam in acc r o dance with this Law. Article 74 Operational f r o ms o o o
f f reign arbitrati n institutions in Vietnam Foreign arbitrati n
o institutions shall operate in Vietnam in the foll w o ing f r o ms: 1. Branch f o the f r o eign arbitrati n
o institution (hereinafter referred to as branch). 2. Representative f o fice f o the foreign arbitrati n
o institution (hereinafter referred t o as representative office). Article 75 Branches 1.
Branch is a dependent unit of a foreign arbitrati n o instituti n o , established and c n o ducting arbitrati n o
activities in Vietnam pursuant to this Law. 2. The f r o eign arbitrati n o instituti n
o and its branch shall be liable before the law of Vietnam f r o the o o perati n of the branch.
” Allens Arthur Robinson - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 29