Life expectancy - Tiếng Anh | Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn

Life expectancy - Tiếng Anh | Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Ms Huyen
In many countries around the world, life expectancy is increasing. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of this situation and give your own opinion.
Write at least 250 words.
improvements in life expectancy/ preventative health care: nh ng s c i thi n trong tu i th ọ/ chăm
sóc s c kh e phòng b nh
a decrease in fertility and mortality rates: m t s gi m sút trong t l sinh và t l t
declining mortality rates: t l t vong gi m
increase pressure on public finances: c lên tài chính công tăng áp lự
place an increasing burden on health care and social services: đặt áp lực ngày càng tăng lên chăm
sóc s c kh e và các d ch v xã h i
face greater funding demands: i m t v i nhu c u tr c p l đố ớn hơn
pressure on social care increases: áp l ực lên chăm sóc xã hội gia tăng
struggle to meet an ever increasing number of retired workers & pension commitments: khó khăn
để ng ngày càng nhi ng vđáp ứ ều người lao độ hưu & cam kết lương hưu
place a higher burden on the shrinking working population: t m t gánh n i v i dân đặ ặng cao hơn đố
s làm vi thu h p d n ệc đang bị
more people claim pension benefits: nhi i yêu c u tr c ều ngườ ấp hưu trí
face significant challenges to meet the needs of an ageing population: đố i m t vi nh ng thách th c
đáng kể đáp ứ để ng nhu cu ca dân s già
struggle to live independent lives: s ng cu c s c l p khó khăn để ống độ
have limited access to health care professionals: p c n h n ch vtiế ế ới các chuyên gia chăm sóc sức
unaffordable medical treatment for chronic conditions: u tr y t cho các b nh mãn tính điề ế đắt đỏ
socially isolated and developmental and physical health issues: các v s c kh e th t và phát ấn đề ch
trin và cô lp v mt xã hi
require high tax rates on the current, shrinking workforce: yêu c u m c thu i v i l ng ế cao đố ực lượ
lao độ ại đang giảng hin t m dn
a fall in productivity & growth: 1 s gi ng ảm trong năng suất và tăng trưở
a shortage of workers → push up wages → wage inflation: thi u h y tiế ụt công nhân → đẩ ền lương lên
→ lạ ền lươngm phát ti
Ms Huyen
present many challenges to labour markets, government tax, government spending & the wider
economy: u thách th i v i th ng, thuđưa ra nhiề ức đố trường lao độ ế chính ph , chi tiêu chính ph và n n
kinh t ế
declining quality of life: ng cu c s ng gi m sút chất lượ
force people to save a proportion of their income: bu c m i ph i ti t ki m m t ph n thu nh p ọi ngườ ế
ca h
build age friendly cities & housing: xây d ng nhà và thành ph thích h p v i già hóa dân s
study the economic & social implication of …: nghiên c & xã h i c ứu ý nghĩa kinh tế ủa …
plan decades ahead: lên k ho ch cho các th p k t i ế
increase the retirement age from … to…: i ngh tăng tu hưu từ … lên …
increase the role of the private sector
crease the importance of the private sector:in tăng vai trò
ca khu v ực tư nhân
increase tax to pay for pension costs: tăng thuế để tr chi phí lương hưu
encourage young migrants of working age encourage the immigration of young working
adults: khuy ng ến khích người di cư trẻ trong độ tuổi lao độ
reform pension systems: c i cách h thống hưu trí
Disadvantages Advantages
Create demands on a nation’s
health service
living longer -> more chances
of suffering from serious
Not always bring happiness if
live longer
have few activities they can
enjoy -> depression
Young people benefit from the wisdom
of the elderly
The world developed -> people need
advice from older generations. ->
health aspect is irrelevant
Retired people become healthier, and
more enjoyed their lives
have the best of both worlds (the
benefits of widely differing situations,
enjoyed at the same time.)
Ms Huyen
Medical care over the past century has improved dramatically. As a consequence, the world’s population is
increasingly living long into old age. This tendency can bring both harmful effects and benefits. However, in my
opinion, the merits can overshadow the demerits for reasons as follows.
One obvious issue with an aging population is that it can create enormous demands on a nation’s health
service. As people live longer into their old age, the chances of them suffering from serious illnesses increases.
As a result, the likelihood of them requiring medical treatment becomes higher, and it becomes more difficult
to provide care for everyone. A further downside is that living longer does not necessarily bring happiness.
This is because an older person is unable to do many of the activities that they want to do, leading to the
likelihood of depression and a deterioration in their physical health.
Despite the above mentioned downsides, I believe that the benefits old age can bring to their family and
society seem more significant. One outstanding advantage to people living longer is that young people can
benefit for a longer time from the wisdom handed down to them by older members of their families. In
today’s fast-paced world, it is often comforting to seek advice from older generations. Consequently, the
physical health of a grandparent is almost irrelevant, as the children and grandchildren will benefit from the
experience of an older mind. What is more, retired people today are generally much healthier than they have
ever been, and often enjoy their lives more than they did when they were young. They have the best of both
worlds a family that can care for and look up to them, and better health than at any time in human history.
Weighing up both sides of the argument again, although there are a number of problems that aging
population might bring, predominantly health-related, the positives that it has for the family unit and to the
community on a larger scale are impossible to ignore
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Ms Huyen
In many countries around the world, life expectancy is increasing. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of this situation and give your own opinion.

Write at least 250 words. CAUSES
improvements in life expectancy/ preventative health care: nh ng s ữ c ự ải thiện trong tu i ổ thọ/ chăm sóc s c ứ kh e ỏ phòng bệnh
a decrease in fertility and mortality rates: m t
ộ sự giảm sút trong tỷ lệ sinh và t l ỷ ệ t ử
declining mortality rates: tỷ lệ tử vong giảm PROBLEMS
increase pressure on public finances: c
tăng áp lự lên tài chính công
place an increasing burden on health care and social services: đặt áp lực ngày càng tăng lên chăm sóc s c ứ kh e
ỏ và các dịch vụ xã h i ộ
face greater funding demands: i
đố mặt với nhu cầu trợ cấp l ớn hơn
pressure on social care increases: áp l
ực lên chăm sóc xã hội gia tăng
struggle to meet an ever increasing number of retired workers & pension commitments: khó khăn
để đáp ứng ngày càng nhiều người lao độ ề ng v
hưu & cam kết lương hưu
place a higher burden on the shrinking working population: đặt m t ộ gánh n i
ặng cao hơn đố với dân số làm vi t
ệc đang bị hu hẹp dần
more people claim pension benefits: nhi i
ều ngườ yêu cầu trợ cấp hưu trí
face significant challenges to meet the needs of an ageing population: đối mặt với những thách thức đáng kể để đáp ứ
ng nhu cầu của dân số già
struggle to live independent lives: khó khăn để s ng cu ố c ộ s c ống độ lập
have limited access to health care professionals: tiếp cận hạn chế với các chuyên gia chăm sóc sức khỏe
unaffordable medical treatment for chronic conditions: điều trị y tế c
đắt đỏ ho các bệnh mãn tính
socially isolated and developmental and physical health issues: các v s ấn đề ức kh e ỏ thể chất và phát
triển và cô lập về mặt xã hội
require high tax rates on the current, shrinking workforce: yêu cầu mức thuế cao đối với lực lượng
lao động hiện tại đang giảm dần
a fall in productivity & growth: 1 s gi ự ng
ảm trong năng suất và tăng trưở
• a shortage of workers → push up wages → wage inflation: thiếu h y t
ụt công nhân → đẩ iền lương lên
→ lạm phát tiền lương Ms Huyen
present many challenges to labour markets, government tax, government spending & the wider economy: u t
đưa ra nhiề hách thức đối với thị trường lao động, thuế chính phủ, chi tiêu chính phủ và nền kinh tế
declining quality of life: chất lượng cu c ộ s ng gi ố ảm sút SOLUTIONS
force people to save a proportion of their income: bu c ộ m i
ọi ngườ phải tiết kiệm m t ộ phần thu nhập của họ
build age friendly cities & housing: xây dựng nhà ở và thành ph t
ố hích hợp với già hóa dân số
• study the economic & social implication of …: nghiên cứu ý nghĩa kinh tế & xã h i ộ của …
plan decades ahead: lên kế hoạch cho các thập k t ỷ ới
• increase the retirement age from … to…: tăng tu i
ổ nghỉ hưu từ … lên …
increase the role of the private sector increase the importance of the private sector: tăng vai trò của khu vực tư nhân
increase tax to pay for pension costs:
tăng thuế để trả chi phí lương hưu
encourage young migrants of working age e
ncourage the immigration of young working
adults: khuyến khích người di cư trẻ trong độ tuổi lao động
reform pension systems: cải cách hệ th ống hưu trí
PLAN & MODEL ESSAY Disadvantages Advantages
▪ Create demands on a nation’s
▪ Young people benefit from the wisdom health service of the elderly
➢ living longer -> more chances
➢ The world developed -> people need of suffering from serious
advice from older generations. -> illnesses health aspect is irrelevant
▪ Not always bring happiness if ▪
Retired people become healthier, and live longer more enjoyed their lives
➢ have few activities they can
➢ have the best of both worlds (the enjoy -> depression
benefits of widely differing situations, enjoyed at the same time.) Ms Huyen MODEL ESSAY:
Medical care over the past century has improved dramatically. As a consequence, the world’s population is
increasingly living long into old age. This tendency can bring both harmful effects and benefits. However, in my
opinion, the merits can overshadow the demerits for reasons as follows.
One obvious issue with an aging population is that it can create enormous demands on a nation’s health
service. As people live longer into their old age, the chances of them suffering from serious illnesses increases.
As a result, the likelihood of them requiring medical treatment becomes higher, and it becomes more difficult
to provide care for everyone. A further downside is that living longer does not necessarily bring happiness.
This is because an older person is unable to do many of the activities that they want to do, leading to the
likelihood of depression and a deterioration in their physical health.
Despite the above mentioned downsides, I believe that the benefits old age can bring to their family and
society seem more significant. One outstanding advantage to people living longer is that young people can
benefit for a longer time from the wisdom handed down to them by older members of their families. In
today’s fast-paced world, it is often comforting to seek advice from older generations. Consequently, the
physical health of a grandparent is almost irrelevant, as the children and grandchildren will benefit from the
experience of an older mind. What is more, retired people today are generally much healthier than they have
ever been, and often enjoy their lives more than they did when they were young. They have the best of both
– a family that can care for and look up to them, and better health than at any time in human history.
Weighing up both sides of the argument again, although there are a number of problems that aging
population might bring, predominantly health-related, the positives that it has for the family unit and to the
community on a larger scale are impossible to ignore