Mẫu đề thi môn chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học | Đại học Công Nghệ sài gòn

Mẫu đề thi môn chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học | Đại học Công Nghệ sài gòn với những kiến thức và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học.


Đại học Công nghệ Sài Gòn 128 tài liệu

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Mẫu đề thi môn chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học | Đại học Công Nghệ sài gòn

Mẫu đề thi môn chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học | Đại học Công Nghệ sài gòn với những kiến thức và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học.

81 41 lượt tải Tải xuống
Trang 1 4 /
Học phần: Ngữ nghĩa học
Mã học phần: 813033
Hình thức thi: vấn trực tuyếnBài tập và Phát
Học kỳ: 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 2021 2022Năm học: ....................................................................................................
Trình độ đào tạo: Đại học .......................................................................................... Hình thức đào tạo: Chính quy ...........................................................................
I. Hướ ng d n cách th c hi n
- SV đọc k thi và ghi n i dung tr l i vào . đề Phiếu làm bài thi
- Phiếu làm bài thi có định dạng file đánh máy hoặc file hình chụp bản viết tay rõ nétPDF ( ).
- Bài làm của SV được đặt trong 01 file duy nhất, đặt tên file theo cấu trúc sau:
- Trên Phi thông tin ếu làm bài thi, thí sinh ghi đầy đủ H tên sinh viên, Ngày sinh Mã s, sinh
viên, và . Nhóm thi
- Thí sinh xem kỹ thông báo thời gian thi phát vấn trực tuyến của để truy cập đường nhóm thi
link từ đầu buổi thi và nghe phổ biến cách thức tiến hành.
- Thí sinh không nộp Phiếu làm bài thi đúng hạn hoặc không tham gia buổi thi phát vấn trực
tuyến xem như vắng thi.
- Bài làm c a thí sinh có hi ng gian l b x ện tượ ận, đạo văn sẽ lý theo quy đị ủa Nhà trườnh c ng.
II. Nội dung đề thi
Task 1: Write the semantic terms that best fit the definitions in the following sentences. (0.4pt)
1. When two or more words/phrases refer to the same referent
2. A sentence expresses the same proposition as another
3. Any stretch of talk, by one person, before and after which there is silence on the part of that person
4. A sense relation between predicates (or sometimes longer phrases) such that the meaning of one
predicate (or phrase) is included in the meaning of the other
Task 2: Write the semantic terms that best fit the definitions in the following sentences. (0.4pt)
1. An object or an entity in the real world or in the world of your imagination, which is talked about
2. The general meaning or the concept underlying the word
3. The relationship between two predicates that have the same sense
4. Which some statement is made about a whole unrestricted class of individuals
Task 3: Provide the appropriate definitions for the following terms and give examples. (0.4 pt)
1. Entailment
2. Equative sentence
Task 4: What are types of antonyms? Give examples of your own. (0.4pt)
Task 5: Decide whether the following statement is True or False. Give explanation for your answer.
A word’s referent does not change each time the word is applied to a different object or situation.
Trang 2 4 /
Task 6: Decide whether the following statement is True or False. Give explanation for your answer.
The word (of a clock vs of a person) is an example of polysehand my.
Task 7: Supply the correct terms in the blanks. (0.4pt)
(1) _____________ and (2) _____________ refer to relations between pairs of words, while
(3) _____________ and (4) _____________ refer to relations between pairs of sentences.
Task 8: Write the answers to the following questions about sense relations. (0.4pt)
1. Which is the superordinate term in the following list: lipstick, eyeliner, moisturizer, cosmetic, and
2. Which are the subordinate of the word kitchenware? List four nouns.
Task 9: Write the answers to the following questions about sense relations. (0.4pt)
1. Suggest two characteristics which should be included in the stereotype of the predicate . family
2. Give two hyponyms of technology.
Task 10: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations. (0.4pt)
Give one possible paraphrase of
1. Mike gave his favorite book to Miley.
2. Tim borrowed big loan from the bank. a
Task 11: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations. (0.4pt)
1. Give two hyponyms of reptile.
2. . Give two hyponyms of sport
Task 12: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations (0.4pt)
What kind of sense relation is it?
1. hide/ conceal :
2. dead/ alive :
3. big/ small :
4. fall/ autumn:
Task 13: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations (0.4pt)
What is the specific type of these pairs of antonymy?
1. married unmarried
2. boiling freezing
3. daisy rose
4. buy sell
Task 14: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations (0.4pt)
1. Suggest two characteristics which should be included in the stereotype of the predicate . lion
2. Suggest two characteristics which should be included in the stereotype of the predicate . father
Trang 3 4 /
Task 15: Indicate the arguments and predicator(s) in each sentence. (0.4pt)
1. Lisa is a singer.
2. John shows Jim his house.
3. Steve Jobs was a genius.
4. Thailand is between Laos and Cambodia.
Task 16: Identify the degree of the underlined predicates in the following sentences. (0.4pt)
1. She is different.
2. Tom Hank is handsome.
3. Kenny adored the Beetles.
4. Tom gave Sue his love.
Task 17: Provide two paraphrases for each of the following ambiguous sentences. (0.4pt)
1. Small boys and girls are playing musical instruments.
2. He saw the huge tree.
Task 18: Provide two paraphrases for each of the following ambiguous sentences. (0.4pt)
1. She looked at the bat.
2. Josh reads the letter Tim wrote with excitement.
Task 19: Decide whether the following sentences are analytic, synthetic or contradiction. (0.4pt)
1. The lizard is a reptile.
2. Anna is from Austria.
3. If it breaks, it doesn’t break.
4. Susan ’s husband is Vietnamese.
Task 20: What kind of sentence is it? Equative/Generic/Analytic/Synthetic/Contradictory sentence?
Explain your answers. (0.4pt)
1. Beijing is the capital of China.
2. Mai is studying English.
Task 21: What kind of sentence is it? Equative/Generic/Analytic/Synthetic/Contradictory sentence?
Explain your answers. (0.4pt)
1. Kenny killed Tim, who remained alive for many years after.
2. Lam’s wife is a woman.
Task 22: Consider the following pair of sentences. Is there any entailment relation existing between
them? Explain why or why not. (0.4pt)
Jim found large house. a
Jim found a large building.
Task 23: Answer these following questions and give explanation (0.4 ) pt
Does the truth of sentence (c) follow necessarily from the truth of sentences (a) and (b)? Give explanation.
a. A piece of furniture is in the living room
Trang 4 4 /
b. A table is a piece of furniture
c. A table is in the living room
Task 24: Answer these following questions and give explanation (0.4pt)
Does the truth of sentence (f) follow necessarily from the truth of sentences (d) and (e)? Give explanation.
d. A piece of furniture can be used to furnish a house
e. A table is a piece of furniture
f. A table can be used to furnish a house
Task 25: Translate the following sentences into the simple logical notation. (0.4pt)
1. Trang laughed.
2. Fred is running.
3. Tim loves Mary.
4. Kenny touched Gorge.
| 1/4

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Học phần: Ngữ nghĩa học
Mã học phần: 813033
Hình thức thi: Bài tập và Phát vấn trực tuyến Học kỳ: 1 Năm học: –
2021 2022 ....................................................................................................
Trình độ đào tạo: Đại học .......................................................................................... Hình thức đào tạo: Chính quy ...........................................................................
I. Hướng dn cách thc hin
- SV đọc kỹ đề thi và ghi n i
ộ dung trả lời vào Phiếu làm bài thi.
- Phiếu làm bài thi có định dạng file PDF (đánh máy hoặc file hình chụp bản viết tay rõ nét).
- Bài làm của SV được đặt trong 01 file duy nhất, đặt tên file theo cấu trúc sau:
- Trên Phiếu làm bài thi, thí sinh ghi đầy đủ thông tin H tên sinh viên, Ngày sinh M , ã s sinh
viên, và Nhóm thi.
- Thí sinh xem kỹ thông báo thời gian thi phát vấn trực tuyến của nhóm thi để truy cập đường
link từ đầu buổi thi và nghe phổ biến cách thức tiến hành.
- Thí sinh không nộp Phiếu làm bài thi đúng hạn hoặc không tham gia buổi thi phát vấn trực tuyến xem như vắng thi.
- Bài làm của thí sinh có hiện tượng gian lận, đạo văn sẽ bị xử lý theo quy định của Nhà trường.
II. Nội dung đề thi
Task 1: Write the semantic terms that best fit the definitions in the following sentences. (0.4pt)
1. When two or more words/phrases refer to the same referent
2. A sentence expresses the same proposition as another
3. Any stretch of talk, by one person, before and after which there is silence on the part of that person
4. A sense relation between predicates (or sometimes longer phrases) such that the meaning of one
predicate (or phrase) is included in the meaning of the other
Task 2: Write the semantic terms that best fit the definitions in the following sentences. (0.4pt)
1. An object or an entity in the real world or in the world of your imagination, which is talked about
2. The general meaning or the concept underlying the word
3. The relationship between two predicates that have the same sense
4. Which some statement is made about a whole unrestricted class of individuals
Task 3: Provide the appropriate definitions for the following terms and give examples. (0.4 pt) 1. Entailment 2. Equative sentence
Task 4: What are types of antonyms? Give examples of your own. (0.4pt)
Task 5: Decide whether the following statement is True or False. Give explanation for your answer. (0.4pt)
A word’s referent does not change each time the word is applied to a different object or situation. Trang 1 / 4
Task 6: Decide whether the following statement is True or False. Give explanation for your answer. (0.4pt)
The word hand (of a clock vs of a person) is an example of polysemy.
Task 7: Supply the correct terms in the blanks. (0.4pt)
(1) _____________ and (2) _____________ refer to relations between pairs of words, while
(3) _____________ and (4) _____________ refer to relations between pairs of sentences.
Task 8: Write the answers to the following questions about sense relations. (0.4pt)
1. Which is the superordinate term in the following list: lipstick, eyeliner, moisturizer, cosmetic, and toner?
2. Which are the subordinate of the word kitchenware? List four nouns.
Task 9: Write the answers to the following questions about sense relations. (0.4pt)
1. Suggest two characteristics which should be included in the stereotype of the predicate family.
2. Give two hyponyms of technology.
Task 10: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations. (0.4pt)
Give one possible paraphrase of
1. Mike gave his favorite book to Miley. 2. Tim borrowed a bi g loan from the bank.
Task 11: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations. (0.4pt)
1. Give two hyponyms of reptile.
2. Give two hyponyms of sport.
Task 12: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations (0.4pt)
What kind of sense relation is it? 1. hide/ conceal: 2. dead/ alive: 3. big/ small: 4. fall/ autumn:
Task 13: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations (0.4pt)
What is the specific type of these pairs of antonymy?
1. married unmarried
2. boiling freezing
3. daisy rose 4. buy sell
Task 14: Write the answers to the following request about sense relations (0.4pt)
1. Suggest two characteristics which should be included in the stereotype of the predicate lion.
2. Suggest two characteristics which should be included in the stereotype of the predicate father. Trang 2 / 4
Task 15: Indicate the arguments and predicator(s) in each sentence. (0.4pt) 1. Lisa is a singer. 2. John shows Jim his house. 3. Steve Jobs was a genius.
4. Thailand is between Laos and Cambodia.
Task 16: Identify the degree of the underlined predicates in the following sentences. (0.4pt) 1. She is different. 2. Tom Hank is handsome. 3. Kenny adored the Beetles. 4. Tom gave Sue his love.
Task 17: Provide two paraphrases for each of the following ambiguous sentences. (0.4pt)
1. Small boys and girls are playing musical instruments. 2. He saw the huge tree.
Task 18: Provide two paraphrases for each of the following ambiguous sentences. (0.4pt) 1. She looked at the bat.
2. Josh reads the letter Tim wrote with excitement.
Task 19: Decide whether the following sentences are analytic, synthetic or contradiction. (0.4pt) 1. The lizard is a reptile. 2. Anna is from Austria.
3. If it breaks, it doesn’t break.
4. Susan’s husband is Vietnamese.
Task 20: What kind of sentence is it? Equative/Generic/Analytic/Synthetic/Contradictory sentence?
Explain your answers. (0.4pt)
1. Beijing is the capital of China. 2. Mai is studying English.
Task 21: What kind of sentence is it? Equative/Generic/Analytic/Synthetic/Contradictory sentence?
Explain your answers. (0.4pt)
1. Kenny killed Tim, who remained alive for many years after. 2. Lam’s wife is a woman.
Task 22: Consider the following pair of sentences. Is there any entailment relation existing between
them? Explain why or why not. (0.4pt) Jim found a l arge house. Jim found a large building.
Task 23: Answer these following questions and give explanation (0.4pt)
Does the truth of sentence (c) follow necessarily from the truth of sentences (a) and (b)? Give explanation.
a. A piece of furniture is in the living room Trang 3 / 4
b. A table is a piece of furniture
c. A table is in the living room
Task 24: Answer these following questions and give explanation (0.4pt)
Does the truth of sentence (f) follow necessarily from the truth of sentences (d) and (e)? Give explanation.
d. A piece of furniture can be used to furnish a house
e. A table is a piece of furniture
f. A table can be used to furnish a house
Task 25: Translate the following sentences into the simple logical notation. (0.4pt) 1. Trang laughed. 2. Fred is running. 3. Tim loves Mary. 4. Kenny touched Gorge.  HẾT  Trang 4 / 4