New malaria vaccine - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

New malaria vaccine - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

New malaria vaccine “could save
millions of lives”
-A new vaccine for malaria developed by oxford university is being hailed as a
breakthrough that could save millions of lives
-it is The second malaria vaccine but it is considerably cheaper and be produced
on a massive scale up to 10 million doses a year which reduce the toll of a
disease that claims hundreds of thousands of lives every year, almost all of the
children in Africa
- malaria has been causing untold human suffering for milliennia. The parasitic
infection is spread by mosquitoes, Africa is worst affected. The central Africa
accounts for 95% of the global cases and deaths. 2021, 234 million cases and
593 thousands deaths from malaria. Most of those were children under the age
of 5
- the new vaccine is called r21, requires them to have 4 doses and is said to be
75% effective against the disease
-the world biggest vaccine manufacturer in india has agreed to produce a
hundred million a year of the oxford jab at between 2-4 dollars a dose
- this will be africa’s second malaria vaccine and it is twice cheaper than the
first one so it can be delivered at a much bigger scale
A new cheap malaria vaccine that can be produced on a huge scale has been hailed as a
breakthrough by the World Health Organisation.
The vaccine has been developed by the University of Oxford and is said to be 75% effective
against the disease.
Most deaths from malaria are of babies and infants in Africa, where it claims more than half a
million lives every year.
There are already agreements in place to manufacture more than 100 million doses of the
vaccine annually.
20:39 29/7/24
New malaria vaccine - tacnhomework
Malaria is a desease that the parasitic infection is spread by mosquitoes, and
Africa was the most infected with an estimated 234 millions cases and 530
thousands deaths from it, almost all of them are children. However, a new
malaria vaccine developed by Oxford University is considered a breakthrough,
as it is cheaper and can be produced on a massive scale, potentially saving
millions of lives. It is the second malaria vaccine to be developed. The first
malaria vaccine which is rtss from GSK, costs about twice as much as the
Oxford vaccine. The new vaccine, called r21, underwent a major trial involving
nearly 5,000 children across four African countries. It has shown to be around
75% effective in preventing malaria and will be manufactured by the Serum
Institute in India with up to 100 million doses per year. It is hoped that this
vaccine will be delivered at a much larger scale than previous vaccines.
20:39 29/7/24
New malaria vaccine - tacnhomework
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20:39 29/7/24
New malaria vaccine - tacnhomework
New malaria vaccine “could save millions of lives”
-A new vaccine for malaria developed by oxford university is being hailed as a
breakthrough that could save millions of lives
-it is The second malaria vaccine but it is considerably cheaper and be produced
on a massive scale up to 10 million doses a year which reduce the toll of a
disease that claims hundreds of thousands of lives every year, almost all of the children in Africa
- malaria has been causing untold human suffering for milliennia. The parasitic
infection is spread by mosquitoes, Africa is worst affected. The central Africa
accounts for 95% of the global cases and deaths. 2021, 234 million cases and
593 thousands deaths from malaria. Most of those were children under the age of 5
- the new vaccine is called r21, requires them to have 4 doses and is said to be
75% effective against the disease
-the world biggest vaccine manufacturer in india has agreed to produce a
hundred million a year of the oxford jab at between 2-4 dollars a dose
- this will be africa’s second malaria vaccine and it is twice cheaper than the
first one so it can be delivered at a much bigger scale
A new cheap malaria vaccine that can be produced on a huge scale has been hailed as a
breakthrough by the World Health Organisation.
The vaccine has been developed by the University of Oxford and is said to be 75% effective against the disease.
Most deaths from malaria are of babies and infants in Africa, where it claims more than half a million lives every year.
There are already agreements in place to manufacture more than 100 million doses of the vaccine annually. about:blank 1/2 20:39 29/7/24
New malaria vaccine - tacnhomework
Malaria is a desease that the parasitic infection is spread by mosquitoes, and
Africa was the most infected with an estimated 234 millions cases and 530
thousands deaths from it, almost all of them are children. However, a new
malaria vaccine developed by Oxford University is considered a breakthrough,
as it is cheaper and can be produced on a massive scale, potentially saving
millions of lives. It is the second malaria vaccine to be developed. The first
malaria vaccine which is rtss from GSK, costs about twice as much as the
Oxford vaccine. The new vaccine, called r21, underwent a major trial involving
nearly 5,000 children across four African countries. It has shown to be around
75% effective in preventing malaria and will be manufactured by the Serum
Institute in India with up to 100 million doses per year. It is hoped that this
vaccine will be delivered at a much larger scale than previous vaccines. about:blank 2/2