Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1 | ENGLISH LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE (K40) | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

"Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1" là một bài kiểm tra trắc nghiệm độ khó cao về các mệnh đề danh từ và động từ trợ động từ, được thiết kế cho sinh viên học ngành Ngôn ngữ học và Văn học Anh tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Bài kiểm tra này có thể bao gồm các câu hỏi và bài tập để kiểm tra hiểu biết và kỹ năng áp dụng của sinh viên trong việc sử dụng mệnh đề danh từ và động từ trợ động từ ở mức độ nâng cao. Bằng cách làm bài kiểm tra này, sinh viên có thể củng cố kiến thức và nâng cao kỹ năng của mình trong lĩnh vực này.

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Đại hc Quc gia Thành ph H Chí Minh)
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
1. Jeremy was trying to assure me that Sarah
ticket by 5 o’clock that day, as we
A) has collected / will have arranged
B) will have collected / have arranged
C) had collected / have been arranging
D) would be collected / was arranging
E) would have collected / had arranged
2. The lady over there is asking whether the tennis
lessons because she to hire a private
instructor for her daughter.
A) has offered / wanted
B) is offering / had wanted
C) offered / has wanted
D) offers / wants
E) was offering / might want
3. Jack’s mother asked me why I
in the previous
week’s match and wondered whether I
an injury
A) haven’t played / have been having
B) hadn’t been playing / had had
C) didn’t play / was having
D) couldn’t have played / am having
E) wasn’t playing / have
4. Before we home, our father instructed us again
and again not to lose sight of each other while we
around the funfair.
A) had left / would be strolling
B) leave / will have strolled
C) left / were strolling
D) were leaving / had strolled
E) have left / are strolling
9. The art teacher the headmaster that they
some good entries in the children’s painting
competition already.
A) informed / had received
B) is informing / will receive
C) informs / receive
D) had informed / will be receiving
5. On the first day of the course, the trainees
the manager that they
to learn everything in a
few days.
A) were informed / shouldn’t expect
B) had informed / didn’t expect
C) have been informed / hadn’t been expecting
D) are informed / can’t be expected
E) will have informed / musn’t be expected
6. We all wondered how Jack’s wife
when she
about his new job in Outer-Mongolia.
A) reacts / has heard
B) had reacted / would hear
C) has been reacting / hears
D) would react / heard
E) is reacting / will hear
7. I asked Jim whether he
his wife to the firm’s
annual party as well, and he said she
her sister’s
wedding ceremony then.
A) had brought / has been attending
B) has brought / will have attended
C) brought / is attending
D) was bringing / would be attending
E) is bringing / has attended
8. Because I’m repeatedly leaving things behind, my
mother always tells me that I that I all my
belongings in my bag before leaving the sports
A) have to check / had had
B) checked / had
C) check / should have
D) might check / was having
E) must check / have
E) was informing / are receiving
10. I’m glad to tell you that we our yearly target
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
13. What will you say if the interviewer you why
your present job?
A) asks / are leaving
B) asked / were leaving
C) has asked / left
today, so new sales from now on additional from the
budget of our branch.
A) were reaching / were
B) had reached / are
C) have reached / will be
D) are reaching / have been
E) will have reached / had been
11. Mr. Higgins phoned his wife to say that she
him to eat dinner because he
home rather late.
A) won’t have to wait / had been
B) shouldn’t have waited / has been
C) didn’t need to wait / was going to be
D) hadn’t been waiting / would be
E) didn’t use to wait / was
12. We asked the receptionist if they
any room
available, and she replied that she
the last free
room to another couple just ten minutes before.
A) were having / let
B) had had / was letting
C) have / has been letting
D) had / had let
E) would have / have let
17. Tim: I’m going to write about Franz Kafka for my
literature essay. Ed: I like his style and want to learn
more about him.
A) I expect so.
B) So am I.
C) Neither am I.
D) But I don’t
E) I have too.
18. The caretaker told us
in the sports hall with black
soled shoes on.
A) don’t go
B) not going
C) not to go
D) will ask / have left
E) would ask / had left
14. Mrs. Smith complained to her husband that the
in a terrible state because the bathtub
for days.
A) has been / is leaking
B) will be / will be leaking
C) was / had been leaking
D) had been / would be leaking
E) would be / was leaking
15. When I went to collect the car from the garage, the
mechanic said that he the engine the day
before, but he the brakes yet.
A) fixed / wouldn’t have checked
B) had fixed / hadn’t checked
C) was fixing / wasn’t checking
D) has fixed / won’t have checked
E) would be fixing / isn’t checking
16. Tim: I don’t suppose you have seen my glasses,
? Ed: . Where did you last wear them?
A) haven’t you / I expect not
B) do you / I think so
C) don’t they / I don’t think so
D) haven’t they / It appears so
E) have you / I’m afraid not
D) didn’t go
E) not go
19. I think there was a demonstration in front of the
university today, ?
A) don’t I
B) was there
C) did I
D) didn’t there
E) wasn’t there
20. The headmaster told the boy
the top button
of his shirt and at attention.
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
A) fastening / standing
B) being fastened / stands
C) having fastened / stood
D) to be fastened / stand
E) to fasten / to stand
21. Tim: Jerry won’t be taking his dog to Germany,
will he? Ed: He was asking Roy whether he could look
after her while he was away.
A) But he will
B) I don’t expect so
C) Do you think so?
D) So he should
E) Will he, really?
26. My parents, who were dancing and chatting all night,
seemed to enjoy the anniversary party, .
A) but I didn’t
B) and I was too
C) I wasn’t though
D) and neither did I
E) but so was I
22. She hardly studies lesson, ?
A) doesn’t she
B) does she
C) neither does my sister
D) so did I
E) neither did I
23. What a shame! Our music lesson is cancelled. You were
looking forward to it so much and, actually, was I.
A) neither
B) too
C) so
D) also
E) either
24. When we are on holiday, I love sunbathing on the
beach, but my husband . He prefers to sit in the
shade reading his book.
A) is
B) does
C) hasn’t
D) doesn’t
E) isn’t
25. He didn’t tell you that he was going to join us for the
meal, he ?
A) wasn’t
B) was
C) didn’t
D) wouldn’t
E) did
27. The newspaper doesn’t state why they have chosen to
play the next national game in Bursa, ?
A) does it
B) haven’t they
C) don’t they
D) hasn’t it
E) do they
28. The swimming pool near our house opens in June, so
after that, we can go swimming we like.
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
31. I’m sure you will do well,
university you decide to
A) wherever
go to.
B) whenever
A) whenever
C) whichever
B) whichever
D) however
C) whoever
E) whoever
D) however
E) wherever
29. Look at that ugly building!
designed it has no
taste at all.
32. We didn’t notice
we had strayed off the path
A) Wherever
until we were deep in the forest.
B) Whenever
A) how far
C) Whoever
B) so far
D) Whatever
C) how long
E) However
D) so long
E) how often
30. Good luck for the future! I wish you happiness in you
decide to do.
A) however
B) whoever
C) whenever
D) wherever
E) whatever
35. I don’t know money to take on holiday with me
because this is my first holiday abroad.
A) how many
B) whatever
C) however
D) how much
E) whether
33. It’s going to be a long journey, we travel,
because we can only take the plane as far as the nearest
airport, which is more than 200 miles away from the area,
and then we will have to take the coach.
A) how far
B) whichever
C) how long
D) how much
E) however
34. Why don’t you ask Auntie Doris? I’m sure she’ll know to
make an apple pie.
A) what
B) how
C) why
D) which
E) whom
36. you are going on holiday is probably the best place to go in
Turkey at this time of year.
A) Where
B) Which
C) Who
D) What
E) Why
37. It’s not clear in his will
is going to be the new owner
of his house.
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
A) whose
B) that
C) who
D) where
E) what
38. she wrote in reply to my question about her charity
work was the most touching account I have ever
A) Why
B) Where
C) What
D) When
E) How
39. He hasn’t explained to us yet
he sacked the
A) how long
B) why
C) what
D) how often
E) whom
40. I was surprised to find out football team your
brother supports. Why does he support
Manchester United when he lives in London?
A) which
B) how
C) when
D) who
E) where
41. His poor performance in examinations might have
something to do with he misses class.
A) how long
B) how many
C) that
D) how often
E) whenever
42. The form requires you to state you got divorced.
A) how long
B) what
C) when
D) which
E) whom
43. Perhaps the driver’s manual says
air pressure
you should have in each tyre.
A) how long
B) which
C) whether
D) how often
E) how much
44. he only attended about sixty per cent of the course
contributed to his poor examination results.
A) The fact that
B) Why
C) How much
D) Whether
E) When
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45. I can’t imagine they are going to cope with three
children now that he has lost his job.
A) what
B) why
C) when
D) how
E) which
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Answer Key:
1: E
24: D
25: E
2: D
26: A
3: B
27: A
4: C
28: B
5: A
29: C
6: D
30: E
7: D
31: B
8: E
32: A
9: A
33: E
10: C
34: B
11: C
35: D
12: D
36: A
13: A
37: C
14: C
38: C
15: B
39: B
16: E
40: A
17: B
41: D
18: C
42: C
19: E
43: E
20: E
44: A
21: B
45: D
22: B
23: C
| 1/8

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noun-clauses-and-auxiliaries-advanced-level-mcqs-test-with-a nswers-1 englishtestsonline
ENGLISH LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE (Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn,
Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh) lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
5. On the first day of the course, the trainees by the manager that they to learn everything in a
1. Jeremy was trying to assure me that Sarah few days. my
ticket by 5 o’clock that day, as we previously.
A) were informed / shouldn’t expect
A) has collected / will have arranged
B) had informed / didn’t expect
B) will have collected / have arranged
C) have been informed / hadn’t been expecting
C) had collected / have been arranging
D) are informed / can’t be expected
D) would be collected / was arranging
E) will have informed / musn’t be expected
E) would have collected / had arranged
6. We all wondered how Jack’s wife when she
about his new job in Outer-Mongolia.
2. The lady over there is asking whether the tennis club A) reacts / has heard lessons because she to hire a private
B) had reacted / would hear instructor for her daughter.
C) has been reacting / hears
A) has offered / wanted D) would react / heard
B) is offering / had wanted
E) is reacting / will hear
C) offered / has wanted
D) offers / wants
E) was offering / might want 7. I asked Jim whether he his wife to the firm’s
annual party as well, and he said she her sister’s wedding ceremony then.
3. Jack’s mother asked me why I in the previous
A) had brought / has been attending
week’s match and wondered whether I an injury
B) has brought / will have attended then.
C) brought / is attending
A) haven’t played / have been having
D) was bringing / would be attending
B) hadn’t been playing / had had
E) is bringing / has attended
C) didn’t play / was having
D) couldn’t have played / am having
E) wasn’t playing / have
8. Because I’m repeatedly leaving things behind, my mother always tells me that I that I all my
belongings in my bag before leaving the sports centre. 4. Before we
home, our father instructed us again
and again not to lose sight of each other while we
A) have to check / had had around the funfair.
B) checked / had
A) had left / would be strolling
C) check / should have
B) leave / will have strolled
D) might check / was having
C) left / were strolling
E) must check / have
D) were leaving / had strolled
E) have left / are strolling
E) was informing / are receiving 9. The art teacher the headmaster that they
some good entries in the children’s painting competition already.
A) informed / had received
10. I’m glad to tell you that we our yearly target
B) is informing / will receive
C) informs / receive
D) had informed / will be receiving
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
13. What will you say if the interviewer you why
D) will ask / have left you
E) would ask / had left your present job?
A) asks / are leaving
B) asked / were leaving
C) has asked / left
14. Mrs. Smith complained to her husband that the bathroom
in a terrible state because the bathtub
today, so new sales from now on additional from the for days. budget of our branch.
A) has been / is leaking
A) were reaching / were
B) will be / will be leaking
B) had reached / are
C) was / had been leaking
C) have reached / will be
D) had been / would be leaking
D) are reaching / have been
E) would be / was leaking
E) will have reached / had been
15. When I went to collect the car from the garage, the
11. Mr. Higgins phoned his wife to say that she for
mechanic said that he the engine the day him to eat dinner because he home rather late. before, but he the brakes yet.
A) won’t have to wait / had been
A) fixed / wouldn’t have checked
B) shouldn’t have waited / has been
B) had fixed / hadn’t checked
C) didn’t need to wait / was going to be
C) was fixing / wasn’t checking
D) hadn’t been waiting / would be
D) has fixed / won’t have checked
E) didn’t use to wait / was
E) would be fixing / isn’t checking
12. We asked the receptionist if they any room
16. Tim: I don’t suppose you have seen my glasses,
available, and she replied that she the last free ? Ed:
. Where did you last wear them?
room to another couple just ten minutes before.
A) haven’t you / I expect not
A) were having / let
B) do you / I think so
B) had had / was letting
C) don’t they / I don’t think so
C) have / has been letting
D) haven’t they / It appears so
D) had / had let
E) have you / I’m afraid not
E) would have / have let D) didn’t go
17. Tim: I’m going to write about Franz Kafka for my
literature essay. Ed: I like his style and want to learn E) not go more about him. A) I expect so. B) So am I.
19. I think there was a demonstration in front of the
C) Neither am I. university today, ?
D) But I don’t E) I have too. A) don’t I B) was there C) did I
D) didn’t there 18. The caretaker told us in the sports hall with black
E) wasn’t there soled shoes on. A) don’t go B) not going
20. The headmaster told the boy the top button C) not to go
of his shirt and at attention.
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
A) fastening / standing
B) being fastened / stands
C) having fastened / stood
22. She hardly studies lesson, ?
D) to be fastened / stand
A) doesn’t she
E) to fasten / to stand B) does she
C) neither does my sister D) so did I
E) neither did I
21. Tim: Jerry won’t be taking his dog to Germany,
will he? Ed: He was asking Roy whether he could look after her while he was away. A) But he will
23. What a shame! Our music lesson is cancelled. You were
B) I don’t expect so
looking forward to it so much and, actually, was I.
C) Do you think so? D) So he should A) neither
E) Will he, really? B) too C) so D) also E) either
24. When we are on holiday, I love sunbathing on the beach, but my husband . He prefers to sit in the shade reading his book. A) is B) does C) hasn’t D) doesn’t E) isn’t
25. He didn’t tell you that he was going to join us for the meal, he ? A) wasn’t B) was C) didn’t D) wouldn’t E) did
27. The newspaper doesn’t state why they have chosen to
26. My parents, who were dancing and chatting all night,
play the next national game in Bursa, ?
seemed to enjoy the anniversary party, . A) does it
A) but I didn’t
B) haven’t they
B) and I was too C) don’t they
C) I wasn’t though D) hasn’t it
D) and neither did I E) do they E) but so was I
28. The swimming pool near our house opens in June, so
after that, we can go swimming we like.
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1
31. I’m sure you will do well, university you decide to A) wherever go to. B) whenever A) whenever C) whichever B) whichever D) however C) whoever E) whoever D) however E) wherever
29. Look at that ugly building! designed it has no taste at all. 32. We didn’t notice we had strayed off the path A) Wherever
until we were deep in the forest. B) Whenever A) how far C) Whoever B) so far D) Whatever C) how long E) However D) so long E) how often
30. Good luck for the future! I wish you happiness in you decide to do.
33. It’s going to be a long journey, we travel, A) however
because we can only take the plane as far as the nearest B) whoever
airport, which is more than 200 miles away from the area,
and then we will have to take the coach. C) whenever D) wherever E) whatever A) how far B) whichever C) how long D) how much E) however
34. Why don’t you ask Auntie Doris? I’m sure she’ll know to make an apple pie. A) what B) how C) why D) which E) whom
36. you are going on holiday is probably the best place to go in 35. I don’t know
money to take on holiday with me Turkey at this time of year.
because this is my first holiday abroad. A) Where A) how many B) Which B) whatever C) Who C) however D) What D) how much E) Why E) whether
37. It’s not clear in his wil is going to be the new owner of his house.
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Noun Clauses and Auxiliaries Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1 A) whose B) that
40. I was surprised to find out football team your C) who
brother supports. Why does he support
Manchester United when he lives in London? D) where E) what A) which B) how C) when D) who
38. she wrote in reply to my question about her charity E) where
work was the most touching account I have ever heard. A) Why B) Where
41. His poor performance in examinations might have C) What
something to do with he misses class. D) When A) how long E) How B) how many C) that D) how often E) whenever
39. He hasn’t explained to us yet he sacked the secretary. A) how long B) why
42. The form requires you to state you got divorced. C) what A) how long D) how often B) what E) whom C) when D) which E) whom
43. Perhaps the driver’s manual says air pressure you should have in each tyre. A) how long B) which C) whether D) how often E) how much
44. he only attended about sixty per cent of the course
contributed to his poor examination results.
A) The fact that B) Why C) How much D) Whether E) When
Take this test ONLINE: test-with-answers-1/ lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299 45. I can’t imagine
they are going to cope with three
children now that he has lost his job. A) what B) why C) when D) how E) which lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299 Answer Key: 24: D 1: E 25: E 2: D 26: A 3: B 27: A 4: C 28: B 5: A 29: C 6: D 30: E 7: D 31: B 8: E 32: A 9: A 33: E 10: C 34: B 11: C 35: D 12: D 36: A 13: A 37: C 14: C 38: C 15: B 39: B 16: E 40: A 17: B 41: D 18: C 42: C 19: E 43: E 20: E 44: A 21: B 45: D 22: B 23: C