Sex education for children

Một bài nói về chủ đề: Giáo dục giới tính cho trẻ em bằng tiếng Anh. Mời các bạn đón đọc!


English (TACB) 17 tài liệu


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Sex education for children

Một bài nói về chủ đề: Giáo dục giới tính cho trẻ em bằng tiếng Anh. Mời các bạn đón đọc!

133 67 lượt tải Tải xuống
Today I am going to discuss a very necessary issue which is about sex
education for children, adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnt/ and students. My
presentation will be divided into two main parts. Firstly, I would like to
provide you with the importance of sex education as well as its advantages.
Secondly, I'll show how people can teach young children about sex in a
polite and proper manner both at home and school. Then, I will end up my
presentation with my own viewpoint.
Let me begin by sharing the importance of sex education and its advantages.
Sex education involves the process of providing knowledge on sex,
sexuality /ˌsekʃuˈæləti/, and relationships. It aims at sharing information
with the right age groups about the importance and repercussions /ˌriːpər
ˈkʌʃn/ of sex. The main importance of sex education is to provide education
against its risks, such as an unplanned pregnancy or getting dangerous
sexually transmitted illnesses like HIV, syphilis /ˈsɪfɪlɪs/, and so on. Thereby
preventing such things from happening.
For young children, sex education makes them safer. Because it helps
children identify inappropriate behaviors or acts of groping /ɡrəʊp/ and
abusing them, and from there, they notify their parents or relatives to avoid
future bad behavior.
For adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnts/, sex education is essential, in that, it helps
them to understand their changing bodies during puberty /ˈpjuːbərti/,
information on birth controls, as well as contraceptives /ˌkɑːntrəˈseptɪv/ and
their importance and e
ects, and the various types of relationships that
The main reason students have sex prematurely /ˌpriːməˈtʃʊrli/ is because
they are curious /ˈkjʊriəs/. They lack knowledge about sex because they
haven’t been taught /tɔːt/ about it; however, when children know the
consequences of their actions and the risks they are taking, I believe that
they are less likely to want to have sex.
In addition, e昀昀ective sex education clears up all misconceptions concerning
sex and sexuality and gives facts to the recipient /rɪˈsɪpiənt/, mainly
teenagers. And it should be able to nurture people’s abilities to make
decisions concerning sex, sexuality, and relationships. It is also important for
children, adolescents, and students to understand, accept, and appreciate
their sexuality.
Now, I would like to move on to the second part. The e昀昀ective way to
educate children about sex in a polite and appropriate manner
Some parents and guardians are very uncomfortable about talking about or
providing information about sex or sexual education. They are either too
embarrassed /ɪmˈbærəst/ to talk about the extreme topic of sex, afraid of
providing too much information to push their children to act on what they
have told them, or shy about not knowing the answers to the questions that
their children might ask. Honest, open communication between parents and
children through childhood, pre-teen, adolescence /ˌædəˈlesns/, and young
adulthood can help young people mature /məˈtʃʊr/ into sexually healthy
Therefore, Sexual education should begin at home. Parents and guardians
ought to be the primary instructors /ɪnˈstrʌktərs/ of sex education for their
children. Daily, parents should take advantage of every opportunity to teach
this subject to their children. From the beginning of a child’s life, they learn
how to respond to a
ection /əˈfekʃn/, show love, and how to react in
di昀昀erent types of relationships. Children even learn about their sexuality
/ˌsekʃuˈæləti/ when their parents speak to them, change their clothes, play
with them, or teach them their body parts. As they progress from children to
teenagers or adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnt/, they continue /kənˈtɪnjuː/ to learn
about their sexualities consistently.
In addition, sexuality education should be a part of the curriculum for
students in junior and senior high schools. Teachers should talk and
exchange with students in the most natural way and treat /triːt/ sexual
education and sex as common topics. Therefore, teachers should use words
that are simple, close, and easy to comprehend /ˌkɑːmprɪˈhend/. And sexual
education lectures should be linked to related topics such as biology, civics
/ˈsɪvɪks/, geography, and so on.
Furthermore, the educational content should be expanded to include soft
skills in life such as how to interact ɪntərˈækt/ with the opposite sex, forms
of self-defense when being sexually assaulted /əˈsɔːltɪd/, and so on. To
accomplish this, teachers must actively prepare material and be prepared to
answer questions when students need consultation /ˌkɑːnslˈteɪʃn/.
These are some of ways that people can teach their children about sex at
home as well as at school.
So far, I have been talking about the importance of a very necessary topic
which is about sex education for children, adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnts/, and
students. And how people can teach their children about sex both at home
and school. In my own viewpoint, a lack of sex education is very harmful for
us, especially for the youth. Parents and teachers should not hesitate
/ˈhezɪteɪt/ when it comes to discussing sexual issues with children, as long as
it's polite and gentle.
To properly educate /ˈedʒukeɪt/ children about sex, parents and teachers
should make every e
ort to understand their children's thoughts and
curiosity about gender and sexuality so that they can have appropriate and
ective educational directions. At the same time, teachers and parents
should learn about sex education for children from credible /ˈkredəbl/
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Preview text:

Today I am going to discuss a very necessary issue which is about sex
education for children, adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnt/ and students. My
presentation will be divided into two main parts. Firstly, I would like to
provide you with the importance of sex education as well as its advantages.
Secondly, I'll show how people can teach young children about sex in a
polite and proper manner both at home and school. Then, I will end up my
presentation with my own viewpoint.
Let me begin by sharing the importance of sex education and its advantages.
Sex education involves the process of providing knowledge on sex,
sexuality /ˌsekʃuˈæləti/, and relationships. It aims at sharing information
with the right age groups about the importance and repercussions /ˌriːpər
ˈkʌʃn/ of sex. The main importance of sex education is to provide education
against its risks, such as an unplanned pregnancy or getting dangerous
sexually transmitted illnesses like HIV, syphilis /ˈsɪfɪlɪs/, and so on. Thereby
preventing such things from happening.
For young children, sex education makes them safer. Because it helps
children identify inappropriate behaviors or acts of groping /ɡrəʊp/ and
abusing them, and from there, they notify their parents or relatives to avoid future bad behavior.
For adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnts/, sex education is essential, in that, it helps
them to understand their changing bodies during puberty /ˈpjuːbərti/,
information on birth controls, as well as contraceptives /ˌkɑːntrəˈseptɪv/ and
their importance and e昀昀ects, and the various types of relationships that exist.
The main reason students have sex prematurely /ˌpriːməˈtʃʊrli/ is because
they are curious /ˈkjʊriəs/. They lack knowledge about sex because they
haven’t been taught /tɔːt/ about it; however, when children know the
consequences of their actions and the risks they are taking, I believe that
they are less likely to want to have sex.
In addition, e昀昀ective sex education clears up all misconceptions concerning
sex and sexuality and gives facts to the recipient /rɪˈsɪpiənt/, mainly
teenagers. And it should be able to nurture people’s abilities to make
decisions concerning sex, sexuality, and relationships. It is also important for
children, adolescents, and students to understand, accept, and appreciate their sexuality.
Now, I would like to move on to the second part. The e昀昀ective way to
educate children about sex in a polite and appropriate manner
Some parents and guardians are very uncomfortable about talking about or
providing information about sex or sexual education. They are either too
embarrassed /ɪmˈbærəst/ to talk about the extreme topic of sex, afraid of
providing too much information to push their children to act on what they
have told them, or shy about not knowing the answers to the questions that
their children might ask. Honest, open communication between parents and
children through childhood, pre-teen, adolescence /ˌædəˈlesns/, and young
adulthood can help young people mature /məˈtʃʊr/ into sexually healthy adults.
Therefore, Sexual education should begin at home. Parents and guardians
ought to be the primary instructors /ɪnˈstrʌktərs/ of sex education for their
children. Daily, parents should take advantage of every opportunity to teach
this subject to their children. From the beginning of a child’s life, they learn
how to respond to a昀昀ection /əˈfekʃn/, show love, and how to react in
di昀昀erent types of relationships. Children even learn about their sexuality
/ˌsekʃuˈæləti/ when their parents speak to them, change their clothes, play
with them, or teach them their body parts. As they progress from children to
teenagers or adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnt/, they continue /kənˈtɪnjuː/ to learn
about their sexualities consistently.
In addition, sexuality education should be a part of the curriculum for
students in junior and senior high schools. Teachers should talk and
exchange with students in the most natural way and treat /triːt/ sexual
education and sex as common topics. Therefore, teachers should use words
that are simple, close, and easy to comprehend /ˌkɑːmprɪˈhend/. And sexual
education lectures should be linked to related topics such as biology, civics
/ˈsɪvɪks/, geography, and so on.
Furthermore, the educational content should be expanded to include soft
skills in life such as how to interact /ˌɪntərˈækt/ with the opposite sex, forms
of self-defense when being sexually assaulted /əˈsɔːltɪd/, and so on. To
accomplish this, teachers must actively prepare material and be prepared to
answer questions when students need consultation /ˌkɑːnslˈteɪʃn/.
These are some of ways that people can teach their children about sex at home as well as at school.
So far, I have been talking about the importance of a very necessary topic
which is about sex education for children, adolescents /ˌædəˈlesnts/, and
students. And how people can teach their children about sex both at home
and school. In my own viewpoint, a lack of sex education is very harmful for
us, especially for the youth. Parents and teachers should not hesitate
/ˈhezɪteɪt/ when it comes to discussing sexual issues with children, as long as it's polite and gentle.
To properly educate /ˈedʒukeɪt/ children about sex, parents and teachers
should make every e昀昀ort to understand their children's thoughts and
curiosity about gender and sexuality so that they can have appropriate and
e昀昀ective educational directions. At the same time, teachers and parents
should learn about sex education for children from credible /ˈkredəbl/ scienti昀椀c sources.