State history and law: Vietnam culture building and development | Bài tiểu luận học phần Vietnamese History and Culture | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Culture has always been the decisive foundation of society, a culture for the strongest and most comprehensive development of globalization and integration, globalization as a necessity. It can be affirmed: Culture is the soul of a nation, a nation, if it cannot keep its own cultural identity, that nation will be eclipsed or even no longer exist. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture. Therefore, building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity is not only the responsibility of the cultural sector but also the responsibility of the entire party, the people and the whole society. I was interested and chose the topic: "The law of negation of negation and its application to the construction and development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity" to be a topic for this essay. this essay. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

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State history and law: Vietnam culture building and development | Bài tiểu luận học phần Vietnamese History and Culture | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Culture has always been the decisive foundation of society, a culture for the strongest and most comprehensive development of globalization and integration, globalization as a necessity. It can be affirmed: Culture is the soul of a nation, a nation, if it cannot keep its own cultural identity, that nation will be eclipsed or even no longer exist. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture. Therefore, building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity is not only the responsibility of the cultural sector but also the responsibility of the entire party, the people and the whole society. I was interested and chose the topic: "The law of negation of negation and its application to the construction and development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity" to be a topic for this essay. this essay. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

86 43 lượt tải Tải xuống
Course: Vietnamese History and Culture
Lecturer: V.V.Sen
1. Reason for choosing topic
2. Research situation: Essay History of state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese
3. Purpose of the mission
1. The concept of dialectical negation. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture
2. Contents of the rule: Essay History of the state and law: Building and developing
Vietnamese culture
3. Meaning: Essay History of state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture
1. Achievements and limitations in the process of cultural and world integration
2. The application of the law of negation of negation to the construction and development
ofan advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity. Essay on History of
State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
3. The results of application in building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture
imbued with national identity. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture
4. Issues raised in building and preserving national identity in the current process of
globalization and cultural integration
I. INTRODUCTION: Essay History of state and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture
1. Reason for choosing topic
Over 55 years on the way of cultural development, from the first document
"Cultural Outline of 1943", our Party and State have accumulated practical and
theoretical experience, leaving historical and cultural imprints. the era of cultural
It is no coincidence that in the Document of the 4th Conference of the 7th Central
Committee of the Party, culture is identified not only as the result but also as the
cause of the process of industrialization and modernization of the country. .
Developing this point of view, the 10th Conference of the Central Committee of
the Party, term IX, continued to define the goal to be achieved, which is to create a
synchronous development of cultural quality.
“Ensuring the connection between the task of economic development as the center,
building and correcting the Party is the key with constantly improving the culture -
the spiritual foundation of the society; creating the synchronous development of
the three above fields is the decisive condition to ensure the comprehensive and
sustainable development of the country” (Document of the 10th Plenum of the IX
Central Committee). The Resolution of the 10th National Party Congress in April
2006 continued to affirm: “…Building an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued
with national identity, meeting the development requirements of society and
people. people in conditions of accelerating industrialization, modernization and
international economic integration. Essay on State history and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture.
Through nearly 20 years with the correct line of the Party, along with the
renovation and proactive international integration, we have gradually steadily
achieved very proud achievements such as: a market-oriented economy. socialism
is being built step by step; Socialist democracy with a rule of law state of the
people, by the people, for the people has been established. Besides economic
integration, the process of cultural integration is also an objective necessity. The
process between economic integration and cultural integration, if economic
integration is overlooked, the country will be slow to get out of poverty.
And disregarding cultural integration is sometimes more dangerous because it can
be assimilated by other cultures. Therefore, in addition to the economic
development strategy, we need to have a strategy to develop a culture imbued with
national identity in accordance with economic development. Of course, imbued
with national identity cannot close the culture, but actively select the quintessence
of human culture to enrich, enrich, and modernize the culture of the people of their
Culture has always been the decisive foundation of society, a culture for the
strongest and most comprehensive development of globalization and integration,
globalization as a necessity. It can be affirmed: Culture is the soul of a nation, a
nation, if it cannot keep its own cultural identity, that nation will be eclipsed or
even no longer exist. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing
Vietnamese Culture.
Therefore, building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with
national identity is not only the responsibility of the cultural sector but also the
responsibility of the entire party, the people and the whole society. I was interested
and chose the topic: "The law of negation of negation and its application to the
construction and development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with
national identity" to be a topic for this essay. this essay.
2. Research situation: Essay History of state and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture
Our country is in the period of integration with the open economy. However,
integration has both positive and negative sides. If we absorb non-selectively, then
besides the positive aspects of modern civilization, we are easily receptive to the
negative aspects. On the other hand, we are also concerned about losing our
national traditions, following other countries in the world, and being completely
influenced by other countries' cultures.
Each country has its own traditions and identities. The unique identity of a nation
helps us to clearly identify that country. Preserving and promoting national identity
is an indispensable thing in today's open economy.
3. Purpose of the mission
Clarifying cultural issues and national cultural identity in Vietnam.
Assess the positive and negative aspects in building an advanced Vietnamese
culture imbued with national identity in the process of integration in our country.
- Apply the law of negation of negation to build an advanced Vietnamese culture
imbued with national identity.
The result of applying the law of negation of negation in building an advanced
Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity.
On the basis of theory and practice, have researched and proposed solutions to
build an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity in our
country. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese
II. General issues about the law of negation in the construction and
development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national
1. The concept of dialectical negation. Essay on History of State and Law:
Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
In the common sense, negation is understood as the non-acceptance, rejection or
substitution of a certain thing or phenomenon. In Philosophy there are two views:
the metaphysical view and the dialectical view of negation.
The metaphysical view understands negation as the intervention of external forces
leading to the annihilation of things, ending its development. The dialectical view
holds that negation is an indispensable step of any development. It is the
replacement of one thing with another on the basis of the loss of the old and the
emergence of a more progressive new, which is the process of resolving the
internal contradiction of the negated thing itself.
Therefore, dialectical negation is the process of negation itself, self-development
leading to the birth of a new, more advanced than the negated (the result of the
process of struggle between the opposite sides of the world). in that matter decide).
2. Contents of the rule: Essay History of the state and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture
The law of negation of negation is one of the three basic laws of the materialist
dialectic. This law generalizes the upward development trend in the form of a
spiral, showing the cyclical nature of the development process.
It is the methodological basis of the principle of dialectical negation, which directs
all methods of human thought and action. Dialectical negation requires respect for
inheritance, but inheritance must be selective, reformative, critical, anti-inheritance
primitive, mechanical and clean, nihilism with the past. The principle of dialectical
negation equips the scientific method to approach history and predict and predict
the basic forms of the future.
The law of negation of negation shows that the development of things is
determined by the contradiction in the thing itself. Each negation is the result of a
struggle and transformation between the opposites in the thing itself - between the
positive and the negative. The first negation occurs because the old thing turns into
its opposite. The second negation is done leading to the birth of the new thing. This
thing is the opposite of that which is born in the first negation. It added many new
elements. Thus after two negations things seem to return to the old, but on a higher
new basis is the most important feature of the dialectical development through the
negation of the negation. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture.
The negation of the negation that gives rise to a new thing is the result of the
synthesis of all the positive factors that were present and developed in the initial
affirmation and in the subsequent negations. Therefore, the new thing as a result of
negation of negation has more comprehensive, richer content, has the original
affirmation and the result of the first negation.
The result of negation of negation is the end of one development cycle and also the
beginning of the next. Things continue to negate their own dialectic to develop.
Just like that, new things become more and more new.
The law of negation of negation generalizes the inevitable upward trend of things -
the development trend. But that development is not in a straight direction but in a
"spiral" line. The "spiral" development is a clear and complete expression of the
characteristics of the dialectical development of things: inheritance, repetition, and
progression. Each round of the spiral seems to represent repetition, but higher,
represents a higher level of development. The infinity of development from low to
high is expressed in the bottom-up succession of rings in the "spiral" line. Essay on
History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
During the movement of things, new factors appear to replace old ones, in which
the positive factors of old things are retained. But this new thing will be negated by
another new thing. That other new thing seems to be an existing thing, but it is not
a complete duplicate, but it is supplemented with new factors and only preserves
the positive factors suitable for continued development. its. After the double
negation of the negation is done, the new thing completes a development cycle.
3. Meaning: Essay History of state and law: Building and developing
Vietnamese culture
The law of negation of negation helps us to correctly perceive the development
trend of things. The development process of any thing never goes in a straight line,
it consists of many different cycles. The stellar cycle is always more advanced than
the previous one. Therefore, we must understand those characteristics in order to
have the right impact on development requirements.
Accordingly, everything always appears, the new replaces the old, the progressive
replaces the backward, the new is born on the basis of inheriting all the positive
factors of the old. Therefore, in their activities, people must know how to inherit
the quintessence of the old, avoiding a clean negative attitude.
In the natural world the new develops spontaneously, while in society the new born
is associated with conscious human activities. Therefore, in their own activities,
people must know how to discover new things and support it. Essay on State
history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
III. Applying the law of negation of negation in building an advanced
Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity
1. Achievements and limitations in the process of cultural and world
Globalization is an irresistible trend for all countries. Taking the initiative to
integrate is a positive and wise attitude, which is to affirm a strategic, tactical, and
planned direction for each step. Proactive integration will exploit the most
advantages and opportunities for the nation to have the most benefits, minimize the
challenges and negatives that arise.
The renovation of our country in the past twenty years has been the initiative of
international integration, gradually steadily achieving very proud achievements. In
terms of economy, Vietnam is one of the economies with a relatively high growth
rate (from 7.5 to 8% per year), the economic structure has been transformed in the
direction of actively developing industry and services. The pace of modernization
of infrastructure, science and technology with long strides... all have created ripe
conditions for Vietnam to firmly step on the process of integrating into the World
Trade Organization (WTO). Essay on State history and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture.
That's the strategy, but 20 years of world cultural integration is a fierce struggle.
Assessment of cultural integration achievements have many different opinions, not
as consensus as when we evaluate achievements of economic innovation. This
proves that our cultural integration process still has weak problems.
No one can deny that after 20 years of renovation, the cultural and spiritual life of
our people has been enhanced, expanded, diversified and much richer. But it must
also be admitted that, besides those good sides, many negative aspects of social life
also arise. Social morality is seriously degraded, cultural life is mixed, many social
standards are no longer respected, some bad aspects are maintained publicly
without anyone speaking up, many evils cannot be prevented.
Particularly in the field of literature and art, after 20 years of integration, world
literature and art has flooded into our country, both good works and bad works.
The culture of violence and sex blatantly challenges the fine customs and
traditions, the cheap instant goods attack the profound and profound values...
Those foreign literary and artistic qualities sometimes have power. Strongly
dominating him, a section of creative and performing tasks and a part of the public,
especially a large number of young people, applauded blasphemously, "in unison,
corresponding to the world's air" quite loudly. . Essay on State history and law:
Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Integrating the world, that is, going out to the ocean with many big waves. In any
field, it is necessary to have a driver with bravery and foresight. There have been
many lessons in the world about the harmonious development of economy and
culture. Every lesson only has certain values, not a universal key.
The strategy of building a rich Vietnamese culture, imbued with national identity is
absolutely correct, but implementing the construction of cultural management for
the whole society is extremely difficult and complicated, and is a big challenge to
have. the power of many levels and many branches can do. With great
determination, in the end, every disease can find a cure, and find the right solution.
Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Vietnamese culture in its 4000 years of existence and development has shown
intense vitality. The assimilation conspiracy of great cultures from wave to wave
has not erased the Vietnamese cultural bravery. It can be said that Vietnamese
culture has been tempered and has high resistance. This gives us confidence in the
upcoming development of the national culture. A big and important problem is
that: The advanced and modern culture formed by international integration has
contradictions, destroys the traditional culture and loses the national identity of the
traditional culture. system?
The materialist dialectic and social practice show that the spiritual life has its
independent life compared with the social material foundation. Culture, once born,
whether it comes from economic existence or from material life, it becomes an
independent entity with socio-economic basis. Reality has proven that ideologies,
politics and culture have played a role in regulating and determining the direction
of movement of society. Today, humanity is increasingly realizing that culture is
not only a derivative of socio-economic conditions, but also an endogenous driving
force of that development. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture.
Vietnamese culture with its own identity, through many adaptations, has not been
distorted, faded, even through many times the country has been invaded, the nation
has been annexed, but that identity has never been lost. Not only is it not lost, but it
is increasingly confirmed and developed. Every time it adapts, Vietnamese culture,
with its bravery and vitality, takes the national identity as the criterion, it refines
and absorbs the good quintessence of other cultures around the world. richer and
richer, richer for their identity.
This does not mean that cultural integration only brings advantages, creates all
positive factors for and preserves the cultural identity of Vietnam. Essay on History
of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
We can easily see: "Globalization and integration" on the one hand improves the
quality of life, on the other hand also forms new standards in spiritual life, which
can lead to "collision". between modern way of life and thinking with traditional
way of life and thinking: Lifestyle and way of thinking in harmony with nature,
community sentiment and neighborliness seem to be "complex" with urban
lifestyle and mathematics. individual economy, peaceful lifestyle easily "allergic"
to the fast pace of industrial style, emotional behavior inclined to morality often
contrasts with intellectual culture and strict legal background. The lifestyle of
consumption is not very suitable with the frugal tradition of Vietnamese people...
International integration is not only the import of technology but also
comprehensive scientific and technical activities, production experience -
socioeconomic management. The integration will rapidly increase many kinds of
cultural products, in which, besides the good factors, there are also elements that
are not suitable for traditional culture, even harmful.
We actively choose policies in acculturation of industrialization - modernization.
The strengths in that countermeasure are relative because our country's
socioeconomic level is very low compared to other countries investing in us. In so
many types of investment, there are also certain cultural forms attached. What we
need is generally more than what we are able to give. In a poor society, the massive
penetration from the outside has upset many habits and lifestyles, including our
people's thinking, on a broader scale than ever before. Essay on History of State
and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
In recent years, not only in urban areas but also in rural areas, living conditions,
living facilities and lifestyles have undergone a great change, that change takes
place not only in appearance but also in depth. . A crisis of several facets in many
facets of life is taking shape in relation to individual families. In the past, some
people sought to satisfy their lifestyle abroad, but now that lifestyle has flourished
in Vietnam, in some areas that lifestyle has dominated the traditional Vietnamese
way of life, in many ways. activities, ways of living, ways of thinking... actually
conflicted with the standards that our people consider healthy.
Many phenomena that used to be completely foreign are now seen as normal in
many people: violence, sexual immorality, view of money as paramount, and
material enjoyment as the goal of life. The ally of the loose lifestyle is the liberal,
democratic without boundaries argument. All of that, if not promptly prevented, at
some point, national security, even national independence will be a target for
bombardment, national lifestyle and national culture will be considered backward.
2. The application of the law of negation of negation to the construction and
development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national
identity. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing
Vietnamese Culture
Currently, the issue of national cultural identity and its variations is one of the
issues of special concern in Vietnam. The obsession with identity is present
everywhere, from political discourses such as "building an advanced, modern
culture imbued with national identity", "integrated but not dissolved" to economic,
cultural and social activities such as building Vietnamese brands, self-criticizing
national character or criticizing literature and art.
Undeniably, this is a right orientation, a healthy concern of the whole society as
Vietnam increasingly participates more comprehensively in the process of
globalization, but the aspiration for conservation is itself. , promoting national
identity also raises difficult questions for the whole society, first of all in
determining the national cultural identity and then in dealing with that cultural
"The original" is the root, the basic, the core, the nucleus of a thing; "Color" is the
outward expression. To speak of the national identity of Vietnamese culture means
to speak of the original, fundamental, core, and core values of the Vietnamese
nation. To say kernels of nuclear values is not to say all values, but only to say the
most representative, most essential values, they are so deeply nationalistic that they
manifest in all fields. such as: literature and art, theater, painting, sculpture,
architecture, in daily life, communication and behavior of Vietnamese people.
Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Those core values do not come naturally, they are formed gradually and confirmed
in the historical process of construction, consolidation and development of the
Vietnamese state. Those values are not unchanged over the course of history. There
are old, outdated values removed, and there are new, progressive values added.
There are values that continue to work, in new forms. The Vietnamese people, as a
creative subject, regularly test those core values, decide on the necessary changes
and additions, and reproduce those values from generation to generation.
There should be no static and metaphysical thinking about those core values, even
those that we consider the most sacred. If the nation does not have a sense of
preserving, fostering and regenerating in order to pass it on from generation to
generation, they will also be lost and perished over the years. Essay on State
history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Let's try to compare the Vietnamese patriotic identity among the people of the
August Revolution, in the resistance wars against France, Japan, and the United
States with the so-called "identity" of Vietnamese patriotism in the past. In the last
years of the Nguyen Dynasty, it was clear. Or for Vietnamese patriotism in the Le
Mat period and Vietnamese patriotism in the Ly - Tran dynasties. It cannot be said
that it is the same patriotic identity!
Someone asked can have negative identity values, or said identity is saying
something progressive, positive, worthy of being passed on and inherited.
As mentioned above, there should not be a static and metaphysical view of national
identity. Everything that lives changes and must change. The same is true of
national identity. The leading class must be wise and proactive in the evolution of
national identity. What obsolete values have to be removed, what new values need
to be added, what values should be inherited, but in a new form, and how is that
new form added?
During the revolutionary transitions, life-changing events of our nation such as the
August Revolution, Ngo Quyen's victory ending the ten-century long night of
Northern domination, the Tay Son incident..., the leadership of the people The
nation at that time had to seriously re-examine the contemporary identity values of
the nation. It is not without reason that after 10 centuries of Northern domination,
the leadership of the nation at that time rejected Confucianism and accepted
Buddhist thought. For the same good reasons, our people, through the August
Revolution, have accepted the Marxist-Leninist ideology as their current
mainstream thought. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing
Vietnamese culture.
Such tests should also be carried out when there is widespread intercultural
communication between different cultures, for example between Vietnamese
culture and Soviet culture, Vietnamese culture and Indian culture. , China,
Vietnamese culture and European and American culture... there are no borders. The
present era is the era of extremely developed communication and information
technology. The earth seems to have shrunk hundreds of times, compared to ten
years ago. Therefore, cultural contact between ethnic groups living far apart is
natural and inevitable.
Through those contacts, the cultural identity of the ethnic groups has changed,
besides the affirmations. It is absurd if we discard all the progressive elements and
the beauty and beauty of other countries' culture just because we are afraid of being
alienated. But it would also be more absurd if we absorbed all the elements of
foreign culture uncritically, just because they were new and innovative.
The progressive elements of foreign culture, once accepted by our people and
turned into their property, they can become part of the value of Vietnamese cultural
identity, of the people. Vietnamese ethnicity. No one can deny that many elements
of Buddhism and Confucianism, although originating from abroad, have become
an integral part of the national identity and Vietnamese culture. become your real
property. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese
In short, the outdated but not improved, the good but exaggerated, the foreign good
but not well localized can all turn negative and create obstacles to normal
development. of the national culture. Therefore, as we affirm, the identity values of
the Vietnamese nation and Vietnamese culture need to be regularly tested,
monitored, preserved, improved by the leadership of the nation. supplement and
remove obsolete ones, innovate forms that are no longer appropriate, absorb and
localize all the quintessence of foreign culture...
To make the values called cultural identity of our nation promote to the fullest
extent of the two catalytic and converging effects, for the comprehensive and
allsided development of our Vietnamese nation. The catalytic effect is a powerful
growth-promoting effect. Convergent effect is the effect of sticking, combining
with the face, the elements into a unified system.
3. The results of application in building and developing an advanced
Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity. Essay on History of State
and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
For our country in recent years, in the process of opening up to the world, we not
only absorbed modern and advanced values but also supplemented and adjusted
some features of traditional values. to suit the times, to absorb and diversify the
national identity. We are becoming more and more aware of the integration
process. In the process of practical development of the country, they have achieved
achievements in building and promoting cultural identity which are:
The process of cultural integration has brought countries closer together by
common traditional values, and at the same time created conditions for each nation
to promote its uniqueness and characteristics. This process will also create
conditions for the world to always exist in the general unity of all the particulars
and the particulars; the common does not exclude the particular, but together with
the particular serve as a premise for each other to promote each other's
development and progress.
Applying the law of negation of negation, we cannot passively protect identity, but
only integrate with friction and change to appear and shine. From Tales of Kieu,
Nom poetry or folk woodblock paintings, tuong tuong, Hue royal court music,
Quan Ho or Ca Tru ... contain the national identity because it used to be the
interference, friction and mutual exploitation of the different groups. different arts
and cultures.
Recently, the ao dai, the hat, the lacquer, silk, oil paintings from Indochina to Doi
Moi, Moi Poetry, novels, "Indochina" architecture, cai luong... are all sources, and
" repository" of national identity. It is abstract but not general, but lies in the
concrete works of specific authors. If there are studies that identify certain
common features of those works and authors, then we can call our "national
identity". Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese
Preserve identity without shrinking entrenched in separateness, refuse cultural
exchange. There is not a single culture in this world that is indigenous. The change
between cultures is due to exchange. When the exchange stopped, both areas
slowed down in development. This is the dialectic of exogenous factors in
endogenous development. However, the integration of cultural values is different
from cultural alienation as well as good hybridization is different from the
introduction of strange genes into the body, causing mutations, even teratogens.
Say nothing far. In the first half of the twentieth century, French culture and way of
life, followed by Europe, penetrated us quickly and strongly, seemingly reigning,
while the national culture showed signs of weakening. However, in the 20s, 30s
and early 40s, under the influence of that wave and with the rich cultural capital
available, a whole new Vietnamese literature and art emerged. The newly formed
petty bourgeoisie, with prose and poetry, music, painting, theater, literary
criticism... still resonates to this day. The early painting of the interrupted new era
made the Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese people richer, adding new features to
the identity. We reject something, we absorb and produce something newer, more
relevant, that has the power to elevate us. Essay on State history and law: Building
and developing Vietnamese culture.
Today's integration is stronger, comprehensive and global, its influence and impact
cannot be compared with before. But we possess a whole capital of genes, the
capital of our identity is extremely deep, extremely durable, there is nothing to be
afraid of! Try it, I imitate the Japanese style of eating raw fish with mustard, but
add lettuce, broccoli leaves, and raw radishes. I sing pop and rock music, but the
melody and the way it is performed are not the same. Even at these international
airports, every time I see a few of my compatriots gathered, I immediately
recognize it. It's in daily life, but in big categories like how to think, how to live,
how to strive... I'm not like anyone else.
Another solid achievement in preserving our identity is that we are not afraid to
attack globalization, but to attack it against it. Give two examples: food and
Food is the strongest element of identity, so it evolved with globalization. Today's
Japanese su-si globalizes the menu across five continents and four seas. It's so
simple: just a little bit of rice wrapped in agar. The richer world is bored with fat,
the more they like sushi. Grasping that weakness, su-si advances on the snack food
market: it plays with the stomach, it's not real, it's eaten as if it were nothing. Essay
on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Our pho is the same now, also globalizing in the demand for "fastfood". Contrary
to su si, it is actually, making a big bowl is finishing lunch, but the taste is rich and
stimulating. Not to mention spring rolls (fried spring rolls) not only go into luxury
restaurants but also go to school canteens, trolleys on the street. When the students
saw the fried spring rolls, they were already salivating when they didn't eat.
But whether it's fried spring rolls or pho, whether it's pho cooked by a Chinese
kitchen or whether fried spring rolls are hybridizing with Thai rice paper, what's
special, what's different from China, and Vietnamese's Thai, is what makes
Vietnamese food good. Popular in the world, what makes Vietnamese people
forever define themselves as Vietnam regardless of space, regardless of nationality
law, is still that, that pungent smell, the salty taste. Without it, life is as bland as the
lack of a national element: "a bottle of fish sauce", fish sauce is a great marshal of
victory. Colonialism, imperialism, hegemony, Northern domination, Western
domination… don't consider it anything. But for Vietnam it is "identity". Essay on
History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture “Ao Dai”
is the national costume, the second key element of identity. Although Ao Dai is not
a long-standing tradition, it is only a reformed dress from the 1930s, it is also a
fashion processed to adapt to the new era. But how successful it is, how dear, how
lovely it is, how appropriate it is! It entered the hearts of the nation as if it had been
born since the nation was still in its cradle. And it proudly floats in the world, the
world admires it. Today, although fashion is free to draw, add and subtract,
multiply new styles, it is still what it is, still being honored and praised. What is
suitable for the nation has undergone many challenges, that is the identity, we are
not afraid of being overshadowed, who will take it, who will steal it! That way, no
one is afraid. Like a cup of fish sauce. Like a shirt. Then forever of the Vietnamese
4. Issues raised in building and preserving national identity in the current
process of globalization and cultural integration
In order to overcome limitations and weaknesses, continue to preserve and promote
the national cultural identity, meet the development requirements of society and
people in the context of accelerating industrialization, modernization and
socialization. For the sake of international economic integration, in the immediate
future, we need to perform a number of basic and urgent tasks as follows:
Strengthening the leadership of the Party and management of the State, promoting
the synergy of the country, creating a fundamental change and a strong
development step in construction, an advanced and rich Vietnamese culture.
national identity in sync with socio-economic development. Essay on History of
State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
We must definitely further promote the movement "All people unite, build a
cultural life" closely associated with extensive political movement throughout the
Party, the whole people and the army to study and implement the ideology. Ho Chi
Minh on ethics and lifestyle, drastically changed the work of education, moral
training and lifestyle among cadres, party members and people, especially key
cadres at all levels and young people.
We must closely associate the task of building culture with the central task of
economic construction and the key task of Party building, ensuring that cultural
activities proceed synchronously with economic activities, forming a spiritual
foundation. strong spirit for society. It should also be added that, in order to
perform well the specific tasks of building and developing culture, while putting
first the task of building people with basic and good virtues, we must build
Harmonious construction and development of other tasks, from building a cultural
environment, developing literature and art, mass communication, preserving and
promoting cultural heritages to preserving and developing culture, etc. Ethnic
minorities, cultural policy towards religion and international cooperation on
culture… Essay History of state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese
We continue to increase resources and facilities for cultural activities, first of all,
and increase the level of investment from the budget for the development of
cultural causes in parallel with mobilizing contributions from all classes of people.
and make the most effective use of those resources; soon develop and implement a
strategy for selection, training and development of cultural and artistic talents;
strongly strengthen and renew the Party's leadership method and the State's
management of culture.
To do that, first of all, cadres and party members, it is necessary to raise awareness
and leadership level in the field of culture, in parallel with the fields of politics,
economy, society...; uphold the exemplary spirit of ideology, morality and lifestyle;
improving the quality and efficiency of ideological work under the motto "talking
together with doing", said to be done so that the decisions this time are thoroughly
understood in each cadre, party member, most and key cadres , and all classes of
people. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese
All levels and sectors need to immediately have specific programs, plans and
measures to bring those contents deeply into each locality, sector, unit, community,
family, and person. , forming an exciting emulation movement, building new
people and a rich and healthy new cultural environment, promoting the fine
cultural traditions of our nation. If every day, each of us can do one good thing or a
few good deeds, and the whole society does the same, then we will definitely repel
negative phenomena, making our society more and more beautiful. The better it
gets, the more our culture gets better and better.
IV. CONCLUSION: Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture
The law of negation of negation helps us to correctly perceive the development
trend of things. The development process of any thing never goes in a straight line,
but takes place in a complicated and winding way, which includes many different
cycles. The next cycle is always more advanced than the previous one. Therefore,
the renovation process of our country is going in that direction. The
socialistoriented multi-sector economy placed under the regulatory management of
the state creates the premise to negate the centralized and subsidized economy,
laying the foundation for a society to develop higher than it in the future. that is
socialist society.
Thus, in today's era, integration is becoming an objective trend. The Vietnamese
nation, or any other nation, cannot be outside that orbit. Integration is the
inevitable path, the survival reason of the whole nation. The question is how do we
integrate. Obviously, we are proactive, integrating on the basis of self-affirmation,
striving to surpass ourselves, that is, through the process of integration, we can be
more fully aware, have more conscious in preserving and promoting their national
identity. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese
At the same time, in the process, we will see the limitations of traditions that are
likely to hinder progress to find ways to overcome. Once we realize this, we will
surely combine traditional values with modern values, on the basis of preserving
national identity, keeping what is quintessential, and discarding. gradually outdated
elements, increasing exchanges and learning with the outside, will overcome
challenges, will arouse the driving role of traditional values. With the spirit and
bravery of the Vietnamese people, we will "make the most of our internal
resources, improve the efficiency of international cooperation, ensure
independence, self-reliance and socialist orientation", combine the strength of
ethnic group with the advantages of the times to develop the country and gradually
affirm its brave position in front of the community.
1. Dr. DO NGOC HANH (2022, Jun 23). Developing Vietnamese culture and
people in the new era. University of Politics, Ministry of National Defense.
2. Prof., Dr. LE VAN YEN (2021, July 28). Building Vietnamese culture and
people to meet the requirements of sustainable development of the country.
Publishing House National Politics Truth.
3. Dr. Pham Thi My Phuong - Dean of the Faculty of Basic Theory (2021,
November 26). The Party's viewpoint on building and developing culture
and people today. Tien Giang Political School.
4. Ngo Duc Thinh (2019). Vietnamese cultural value system. Publishing House
5. Truc Linh (2021, November 30). Building and developing Vietnamese
culture and people in the spirit of the 13th Party Congress.
6. Pham Phuong Thao (2022, November 17). Developing Vietnamese culture
and people. Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.
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Course: Vietnamese History and Culture Lecturer: V.V.Sen 1 TABLE OF CONTENT I. INTRODUCTION
1. Reason for choosing topic
2. Research situation: Essay History of state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture
3. Purpose of the mission

1. The concept of dialectical negation. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture
2. Contents of the rule: Essay History of the state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture
3. Meaning: Essay History of state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture
1. Achievements and limitations in the process of cultural and world integration
2. The application of the law of negation of negation to the construction and development
ofan advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity. Essay on History of
State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
3. The results of application in building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture
imbued with national identity. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture

4. Issues raised in building and preserving national identity in the current process of
globalization and cultural integration
I. INTRODUCTION: Essay History of state and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture
1. Reason for choosing topic
Over 55 years on the way of cultural development, from the first document
"Cultural Outline of 1943", our Party and State have accumulated practical and 2
theoretical experience, leaving historical and cultural imprints. the era of cultural thinking.
It is no coincidence that in the Document of the 4th Conference of the 7th Central
Committee of the Party, culture is identified not only as the result but also as the
cause of the process of industrialization and modernization of the country. .
Developing this point of view, the 10th Conference of the Central Committee of
the Party, term IX, continued to define the goal to be achieved, which is to create a
synchronous development of cultural quality.
“Ensuring the connection between the task of economic development as the center,
building and correcting the Party is the key with constantly improving the culture -
the spiritual foundation of the society; creating the synchronous development of
the three above fields is the decisive condition to ensure the comprehensive and
sustainable development of the country” (Document of the 10th Plenum of the IX
Central Committee). The Resolution of the 10th National Party Congress in April
2006 continued to affirm: “…Building an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued
with national identity, meeting the development requirements of society and
people. people in conditions of accelerating industrialization, modernization and
international economic integration. Essay on State history and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture.
Through nearly 20 years with the correct line of the Party, along with the
renovation and proactive international integration, we have gradually steadily
achieved very proud achievements such as: a market-oriented economy. socialism
is being built step by step; Socialist democracy with a rule of law state of the
people, by the people, for the people has been established. Besides economic
integration, the process of cultural integration is also an objective necessity. The
process between economic integration and cultural integration, if economic
integration is overlooked, the country will be slow to get out of poverty.
And disregarding cultural integration is sometimes more dangerous because it can
be assimilated by other cultures. Therefore, in addition to the economic
development strategy, we need to have a strategy to develop a culture imbued with
national identity in accordance with economic development. Of course, imbued
with national identity cannot close the culture, but actively select the quintessence
of human culture to enrich, enrich, and modernize the culture of the people of their country. 3
Culture has always been the decisive foundation of society, a culture for the
strongest and most comprehensive development of globalization and integration,
globalization as a necessity. It can be affirmed: Culture is the soul of a nation, a
nation, if it cannot keep its own cultural identity, that nation will be eclipsed or
even no longer exist. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
Therefore, building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with
national identity is not only the responsibility of the cultural sector but also the
responsibility of the entire party, the people and the whole society. I was interested
and chose the topic: "The law of negation of negation and its application to the
construction and development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with
national identity" to be a topic for this essay. this essay.
2. Research situation: Essay History of state and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture
Our country is in the period of integration with the open economy. However,
integration has both positive and negative sides. If we absorb non-selectively, then
besides the positive aspects of modern civilization, we are easily receptive to the
negative aspects. On the other hand, we are also concerned about losing our
national traditions, following other countries in the world, and being completely
influenced by other countries' cultures.
Each country has its own traditions and identities. The unique identity of a nation
helps us to clearly identify that country. Preserving and promoting national identity
is an indispensable thing in today's open economy.
3. Purpose of the mission
– Clarifying cultural issues and national cultural identity in Vietnam.
– Assess the positive and negative aspects in building an advanced Vietnamese
culture imbued with national identity in the process of integration in our country.
- Apply the law of negation of negation to build an advanced Vietnamese culture
imbued with national identity.
– The result of applying the law of negation of negation in building an advanced
Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity. 4
– On the basis of theory and practice, have researched and proposed solutions to
build an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity in our
country. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
II. General issues about the law of negation in the construction and
development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity
1. The concept of dialectical negation. Essay on History of State and Law:
Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
In the common sense, negation is understood as the non-acceptance, rejection or
substitution of a certain thing or phenomenon. In Philosophy there are two views:
the metaphysical view and the dialectical view of negation.
The metaphysical view understands negation as the intervention of external forces
leading to the annihilation of things, ending its development. The dialectical view
holds that negation is an indispensable step of any development. It is the
replacement of one thing with another on the basis of the loss of the old and the
emergence of a more progressive new, which is the process of resolving the
internal contradiction of the negated thing itself.
Therefore, dialectical negation is the process of negation itself, self-development
leading to the birth of a new, more advanced than the negated (the result of the
process of struggle between the opposite sides of the world). in that matter decide).
2. Contents of the rule: Essay History of the state and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture
The law of negation of negation is one of the three basic laws of the materialist
dialectic. This law generalizes the upward development trend in the form of a
spiral, showing the cyclical nature of the development process.
It is the methodological basis of the principle of dialectical negation, which directs
all methods of human thought and action. Dialectical negation requires respect for
inheritance, but inheritance must be selective, reformative, critical, anti-inheritance
primitive, mechanical and clean, nihilism with the past. The principle of dialectical 5
negation equips the scientific method to approach history and predict and predict
the basic forms of the future.
The law of negation of negation shows that the development of things is
determined by the contradiction in the thing itself. Each negation is the result of a
struggle and transformation between the opposites in the thing itself - between the
positive and the negative. The first negation occurs because the old thing turns into
its opposite. The second negation is done leading to the birth of the new thing. This
thing is the opposite of that which is born in the first negation. It added many new
elements. Thus after two negations things seem to return to the old, but on a higher
new basis is the most important feature of the dialectical development through the
negation of the negation. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture.
The negation of the negation that gives rise to a new thing is the result of the
synthesis of all the positive factors that were present and developed in the initial
affirmation and in the subsequent negations. Therefore, the new thing as a result of
negation of negation has more comprehensive, richer content, has the original
affirmation and the result of the first negation.
The result of negation of negation is the end of one development cycle and also the
beginning of the next. Things continue to negate their own dialectic to develop.
Just like that, new things become more and more new.
The law of negation of negation generalizes the inevitable upward trend of things -
the development trend. But that development is not in a straight direction but in a
"spiral" line. The "spiral" development is a clear and complete expression of the
characteristics of the dialectical development of things: inheritance, repetition, and
progression. Each round of the spiral seems to represent repetition, but higher,
represents a higher level of development. The infinity of development from low to
high is expressed in the bottom-up succession of rings in the "spiral" line. Essay on
History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
During the movement of things, new factors appear to replace old ones, in which
the positive factors of old things are retained. But this new thing will be negated by
another new thing. That other new thing seems to be an existing thing, but it is not
a complete duplicate, but it is supplemented with new factors and only preserves
the positive factors suitable for continued development. its. After the double
negation of the negation is done, the new thing completes a development cycle. 6
3. Meaning: Essay History of state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture
The law of negation of negation helps us to correctly perceive the development
trend of things. The development process of any thing never goes in a straight line,
it consists of many different cycles. The stellar cycle is always more advanced than
the previous one. Therefore, we must understand those characteristics in order to
have the right impact on development requirements.
Accordingly, everything always appears, the new replaces the old, the progressive
replaces the backward, the new is born on the basis of inheriting all the positive
factors of the old. Therefore, in their activities, people must know how to inherit
the quintessence of the old, avoiding a clean negative attitude.
In the natural world the new develops spontaneously, while in society the new born
is associated with conscious human activities. Therefore, in their own activities,
people must know how to discover new things and support it. Essay on State
history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
III. Applying the law of negation of negation in building an advanced
Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity
1. Achievements and limitations in the process of cultural and world integration
Globalization is an irresistible trend for all countries. Taking the initiative to
integrate is a positive and wise attitude, which is to affirm a strategic, tactical, and
planned direction for each step. Proactive integration will exploit the most
advantages and opportunities for the nation to have the most benefits, minimize the
challenges and negatives that arise.
The renovation of our country in the past twenty years has been the initiative of
international integration, gradually steadily achieving very proud achievements. In
terms of economy, Vietnam is one of the economies with a relatively high growth
rate (from 7.5 to 8% per year), the economic structure has been transformed in the
direction of actively developing industry and services. The pace of modernization
of infrastructure, science and technology with long strides... all have created ripe
conditions for Vietnam to firmly step on the process of integrating into the World 7
Trade Organization (WTO). Essay on State history and law: Building and
developing Vietnamese culture.
That's the strategy, but 20 years of world cultural integration is a fierce struggle.
Assessment of cultural integration achievements have many different opinions, not
as consensus as when we evaluate achievements of economic innovation. This
proves that our cultural integration process still has weak problems.
No one can deny that after 20 years of renovation, the cultural and spiritual life of
our people has been enhanced, expanded, diversified and much richer. But it must
also be admitted that, besides those good sides, many negative aspects of social life
also arise. Social morality is seriously degraded, cultural life is mixed, many social
standards are no longer respected, some bad aspects are maintained publicly
without anyone speaking up, many evils cannot be prevented.
Particularly in the field of literature and art, after 20 years of integration, world
literature and art has flooded into our country, both good works and bad works.
The culture of violence and sex blatantly challenges the fine customs and
traditions, the cheap instant goods attack the profound and profound values...
Those foreign literary and artistic qualities sometimes have power. Strongly
dominating him, a section of creative and performing tasks and a part of the public,
especially a large number of young people, applauded blasphemously, "in unison,
corresponding to the world's air" quite loudly. . Essay on State history and law:
Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Integrating the world, that is, going out to the ocean with many big waves. In any
field, it is necessary to have a driver with bravery and foresight. There have been
many lessons in the world about the harmonious development of economy and
culture. Every lesson only has certain values, not a universal key.
The strategy of building a rich Vietnamese culture, imbued with national identity is
absolutely correct, but implementing the construction of cultural management for
the whole society is extremely difficult and complicated, and is a big challenge to
have. the power of many levels and many branches can do. With great
determination, in the end, every disease can find a cure, and find the right solution.
Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Vietnamese culture in its 4000 years of existence and development has shown
intense vitality. The assimilation conspiracy of great cultures from wave to wave
has not erased the Vietnamese cultural bravery. It can be said that Vietnamese 8
culture has been tempered and has high resistance. This gives us confidence in the
upcoming development of the national culture. A big and important problem is
that: The advanced and modern culture formed by international integration has
contradictions, destroys the traditional culture and loses the national identity of the traditional culture. system?
The materialist dialectic and social practice show that the spiritual life has its
independent life compared with the social material foundation. Culture, once born,
whether it comes from economic existence or from material life, it becomes an
independent entity with socio-economic basis. Reality has proven that ideologies,
politics and culture have played a role in regulating and determining the direction
of movement of society. Today, humanity is increasingly realizing that culture is
not only a derivative of socio-economic conditions, but also an endogenous driving
force of that development. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture.
Vietnamese culture with its own identity, through many adaptations, has not been
distorted, faded, even through many times the country has been invaded, the nation
has been annexed, but that identity has never been lost. Not only is it not lost, but it
is increasingly confirmed and developed. Every time it adapts, Vietnamese culture,
with its bravery and vitality, takes the national identity as the criterion, it refines
and absorbs the good quintessence of other cultures around the world. richer and
richer, richer for their identity.
This does not mean that cultural integration only brings advantages, creates all
positive factors for and preserves the cultural identity of Vietnam. Essay on History
of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
We can easily see: "Globalization and integration" on the one hand improves the
quality of life, on the other hand also forms new standards in spiritual life, which
can lead to "collision". between modern way of life and thinking with traditional
way of life and thinking: Lifestyle and way of thinking in harmony with nature,
community sentiment and neighborliness seem to be "complex" with urban
lifestyle and mathematics. individual economy, peaceful lifestyle easily "allergic"
to the fast pace of industrial style, emotional behavior inclined to morality often
contrasts with intellectual culture and strict legal background. The lifestyle of
consumption is not very suitable with the frugal tradition of Vietnamese people... 9
International integration is not only the import of technology but also
comprehensive scientific and technical activities, production experience -
socioeconomic management. The integration will rapidly increase many kinds of
cultural products, in which, besides the good factors, there are also elements that
are not suitable for traditional culture, even harmful.
We actively choose policies in acculturation of industrialization - modernization.
The strengths in that countermeasure are relative because our country's
socioeconomic level is very low compared to other countries investing in us. In so
many types of investment, there are also certain cultural forms attached. What we
need is generally more than what we are able to give. In a poor society, the massive
penetration from the outside has upset many habits and lifestyles, including our
people's thinking, on a broader scale than ever before. Essay on History of State
and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
In recent years, not only in urban areas but also in rural areas, living conditions,
living facilities and lifestyles have undergone a great change, that change takes
place not only in appearance but also in depth. . A crisis of several facets in many
facets of life is taking shape in relation to individual families. In the past, some
people sought to satisfy their lifestyle abroad, but now that lifestyle has flourished
in Vietnam, in some areas that lifestyle has dominated the traditional Vietnamese
way of life, in many ways. activities, ways of living, ways of thinking... actually
conflicted with the standards that our people consider healthy.
Many phenomena that used to be completely foreign are now seen as normal in
many people: violence, sexual immorality, view of money as paramount, and
material enjoyment as the goal of life. The ally of the loose lifestyle is the liberal,
democratic without boundaries argument. All of that, if not promptly prevented, at
some point, national security, even national independence will be a target for
bombardment, national lifestyle and national culture will be considered backward. lost.
2. The application of the law of negation of negation to the construction and
development of an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national
identity. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
Currently, the issue of national cultural identity and its variations is one of the
issues of special concern in Vietnam. The obsession with identity is present
everywhere, from political discourses such as "building an advanced, modern
culture imbued with national identity", "integrated but not dissolved" to economic,
cultural and social activities such as building Vietnamese brands, self-criticizing
national character or criticizing literature and art.
Undeniably, this is a right orientation, a healthy concern of the whole society as
Vietnam increasingly participates more comprehensively in the process of
globalization, but the aspiration for conservation is itself. , promoting national
identity also raises difficult questions for the whole society, first of all in
determining the national cultural identity and then in dealing with that cultural identity.
"The original" is the root, the basic, the core, the nucleus of a thing; "Color" is the
outward expression. To speak of the national identity of Vietnamese culture means
to speak of the original, fundamental, core, and core values of the Vietnamese
nation. To say kernels of nuclear values is not to say all values, but only to say the
most representative, most essential values, they are so deeply nationalistic that they
manifest in all fields. such as: literature and art, theater, painting, sculpture,
architecture, in daily life, communication and behavior of Vietnamese people.
Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Those core values do not come naturally, they are formed gradually and confirmed
in the historical process of construction, consolidation and development of the
Vietnamese state. Those values are not unchanged over the course of history. There
are old, outdated values removed, and there are new, progressive values added.
There are values that continue to work, in new forms. The Vietnamese people, as a
creative subject, regularly test those core values, decide on the necessary changes
and additions, and reproduce those values from generation to generation.
There should be no static and metaphysical thinking about those core values, even
those that we consider the most sacred. If the nation does not have a sense of
preserving, fostering and regenerating in order to pass it on from generation to
generation, they will also be lost and perished over the years. Essay on State
history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Let's try to compare the Vietnamese patriotic identity among the people of the 11
August Revolution, in the resistance wars against France, Japan, and the United
States with the so-called "identity" of Vietnamese patriotism in the past. In the last
years of the Nguyen Dynasty, it was clear. Or for Vietnamese patriotism in the Le
Mat period and Vietnamese patriotism in the Ly - Tran dynasties. It cannot be said
that it is the same patriotic identity!
Someone asked can have negative identity values, or said identity is saying
something progressive, positive, worthy of being passed on and inherited.
As mentioned above, there should not be a static and metaphysical view of national
identity. Everything that lives changes and must change. The same is true of
national identity. The leading class must be wise and proactive in the evolution of
national identity. What obsolete values have to be removed, what new values need
to be added, what values should be inherited, but in a new form, and how is that new form added?
During the revolutionary transitions, life-changing events of our nation such as the
August Revolution, Ngo Quyen's victory ending the ten-century long night of
Northern domination, the Tay Son incident..., the leadership of the people The
nation at that time had to seriously re-examine the contemporary identity values of
the nation. It is not without reason that after 10 centuries of Northern domination,
the leadership of the nation at that time rejected Confucianism and accepted
Buddhist thought. For the same good reasons, our people, through the August
Revolution, have accepted the Marxist-Leninist ideology as their current
mainstream thought. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Such tests should also be carried out when there is widespread intercultural
communication between different cultures, for example between Vietnamese
culture and Soviet culture, Vietnamese culture and Indian culture. , China,
Vietnamese culture and European and American culture... there are no borders. The
present era is the era of extremely developed communication and information
technology. The earth seems to have shrunk hundreds of times, compared to ten
years ago. Therefore, cultural contact between ethnic groups living far apart is natural and inevitable.
Through those contacts, the cultural identity of the ethnic groups has changed,
besides the affirmations. It is absurd if we discard all the progressive elements and
the beauty and beauty of other countries' culture just because we are afraid of being 12
alienated. But it would also be more absurd if we absorbed all the elements of
foreign culture uncritically, just because they were new and innovative.
The progressive elements of foreign culture, once accepted by our people and
turned into their property, they can become part of the value of Vietnamese cultural
identity, of the people. Vietnamese ethnicity. No one can deny that many elements
of Buddhism and Confucianism, although originating from abroad, have become
an integral part of the national identity and Vietnamese culture. become your real
property. Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
In short, the outdated but not improved, the good but exaggerated, the foreign good
but not well localized can all turn negative and create obstacles to normal
development. of the national culture. Therefore, as we affirm, the identity values of
the Vietnamese nation and Vietnamese culture need to be regularly tested,
monitored, preserved, improved by the leadership of the nation. supplement and
remove obsolete ones, innovate forms that are no longer appropriate, absorb and
localize all the quintessence of foreign culture...
To make the values called cultural identity of our nation promote to the fullest
extent of the two catalytic and converging effects, for the comprehensive and
allsided development of our Vietnamese nation. The catalytic effect is a powerful
growth-promoting effect. Convergent effect is the effect of sticking, combining
with the face, the elements into a unified system.
3. The results of application in building and developing an advanced
Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity. Essay on History of State
and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture

For our country in recent years, in the process of opening up to the world, we not
only absorbed modern and advanced values but also supplemented and adjusted
some features of traditional values. to suit the times, to absorb and diversify the
national identity. We are becoming more and more aware of the integration
process. In the process of practical development of the country, they have achieved
achievements in building and promoting cultural identity which are:
The process of cultural integration has brought countries closer together by
common traditional values, and at the same time created conditions for each nation 13
to promote its uniqueness and characteristics. This process will also create
conditions for the world to always exist in the general unity of all the particulars
and the particulars; the common does not exclude the particular, but together with
the particular serve as a premise for each other to promote each other's development and progress.
Applying the law of negation of negation, we cannot passively protect identity, but
only integrate with friction and change to appear and shine. From Tales of Kieu,
Nom poetry or folk woodblock paintings, tuong tuong, Hue royal court music,
Quan Ho or Ca Tru ... contain the national identity because it used to be the
interference, friction and mutual exploitation of the different groups. different arts and cultures.
Recently, the ao dai, the hat, the lacquer, silk, oil paintings from Indochina to Doi
Moi, Moi Poetry, novels, "Indochina" architecture, cai luong... are all sources, and
" repository" of national identity. It is abstract but not general, but lies in the
concrete works of specific authors. If there are studies that identify certain
common features of those works and authors, then we can call our "national
identity". Essay on History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture.
Preserve identity without shrinking entrenched in separateness, refuse cultural
exchange. There is not a single culture in this world that is indigenous. The change
between cultures is due to exchange. When the exchange stopped, both areas
slowed down in development. This is the dialectic of exogenous factors in
endogenous development. However, the integration of cultural values is different
from cultural alienation as well as good hybridization is different from the
introduction of strange genes into the body, causing mutations, even teratogens.
Say nothing far. In the first half of the twentieth century, French culture and way of
life, followed by Europe, penetrated us quickly and strongly, seemingly reigning,
while the national culture showed signs of weakening. However, in the 20s, 30s
and early 40s, under the influence of that wave and with the rich cultural capital
available, a whole new Vietnamese literature and art emerged. The newly formed
petty bourgeoisie, with prose and poetry, music, painting, theater, literary
criticism... still resonates to this day. The early painting of the interrupted new era
made the Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese people richer, adding new features to
the identity. We reject something, we absorb and produce something newer, more 14
relevant, that has the power to elevate us. Essay on State history and law: Building
and developing Vietnamese culture.
Today's integration is stronger, comprehensive and global, its influence and impact
cannot be compared with before. But we possess a whole capital of genes, the
capital of our identity is extremely deep, extremely durable, there is nothing to be
afraid of! Try it, I imitate the Japanese style of eating raw fish with mustard, but
add lettuce, broccoli leaves, and raw radishes. I sing pop and rock music, but the
melody and the way it is performed are not the same. Even at these international
airports, every time I see a few of my compatriots gathered, I immediately
recognize it. It's in daily life, but in big categories like how to think, how to live,
how to strive... I'm not like anyone else.
Another solid achievement in preserving our identity is that we are not afraid to
attack globalization, but to attack it against it. Give two examples: food and clothing.
Food is the strongest element of identity, so it evolved with globalization. Today's
Japanese su-si globalizes the menu across five continents and four seas. It's so
simple: just a little bit of rice wrapped in agar. The richer world is bored with fat,
the more they like sushi. Grasping that weakness, su-si advances on the snack food
market: it plays with the stomach, it's not real, it's eaten as if it were nothing. Essay
on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
Our pho is the same now, also globalizing in the demand for "fastfood". Contrary
to su si, it is actually, making a big bowl is finishing lunch, but the taste is rich and
stimulating. Not to mention spring rolls (fried spring rolls) not only go into luxury
restaurants but also go to school canteens, trolleys on the street. When the students
saw the fried spring rolls, they were already salivating when they didn't eat.
But whether it's fried spring rolls or pho, whether it's pho cooked by a Chinese
kitchen or whether fried spring rolls are hybridizing with Thai rice paper, what's
special, what's different from China, and Vietnamese's Thai, is what makes
Vietnamese food good. Popular in the world, what makes Vietnamese people
forever define themselves as Vietnam regardless of space, regardless of nationality
law, is still that, that pungent smell, the salty taste. Without it, life is as bland as the
lack of a national element: "a bottle of fish sauce", fish sauce is a great marshal of
victory. Colonialism, imperialism, hegemony, Northern domination, Western
domination… don't consider it anything. But for Vietnam it is "identity". Essay on 15
History of State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture “Ao Dai”
is the national costume, the second key element of identity. Although Ao Dai is not
a long-standing tradition, it is only a reformed dress from the 1930s, it is also a
fashion processed to adapt to the new era. But how successful it is, how dear, how
lovely it is, how appropriate it is! It entered the hearts of the nation as if it had been
born since the nation was still in its cradle. And it proudly floats in the world, the
world admires it. Today, although fashion is free to draw, add and subtract,
multiply new styles, it is still what it is, still being honored and praised. What is
suitable for the nation has undergone many challenges, that is the identity, we are
not afraid of being overshadowed, who will take it, who will steal it! That way, no
one is afraid. Like a cup of fish sauce. Like a shirt. Then forever of the Vietnamese people.
4. Issues raised in building and preserving national identity in the current
process of globalization and cultural integration
In order to overcome limitations and weaknesses, continue to preserve and promote
the national cultural identity, meet the development requirements of society and
people in the context of accelerating industrialization, modernization and
socialization. For the sake of international economic integration, in the immediate
future, we need to perform a number of basic and urgent tasks as follows:
Strengthening the leadership of the Party and management of the State, promoting
the synergy of the country, creating a fundamental change and a strong
development step in construction, an advanced and rich Vietnamese culture.
national identity in sync with socio-economic development. Essay on History of
State and Law: Building and Developing Vietnamese Culture
We must definitely further promote the movement "All people unite, build a
cultural life" closely associated with extensive political movement throughout the
Party, the whole people and the army to study and implement the ideology. Ho Chi
Minh on ethics and lifestyle, drastically changed the work of education, moral
training and lifestyle among cadres, party members and people, especially key
cadres at all levels and young people.
We must closely associate the task of building culture with the central task of
economic construction and the key task of Party building, ensuring that cultural
activities proceed synchronously with economic activities, forming a spiritual 16
foundation. strong spirit for society. It should also be added that, in order to
perform well the specific tasks of building and developing culture, while putting
first the task of building people with basic and good virtues, we must build
Harmonious construction and development of other tasks, from building a cultural
environment, developing literature and art, mass communication, preserving and
promoting cultural heritages to preserving and developing culture, etc. Ethnic
minorities, cultural policy towards religion and international cooperation on
culture… Essay History of state and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
We continue to increase resources and facilities for cultural activities, first of all,
and increase the level of investment from the budget for the development of
cultural causes in parallel with mobilizing contributions from all classes of people.
and make the most effective use of those resources; soon develop and implement a
strategy for selection, training and development of cultural and artistic talents;
strongly strengthen and renew the Party's leadership method and the State's management of culture.
To do that, first of all, cadres and party members, it is necessary to raise awareness
and leadership level in the field of culture, in parallel with the fields of politics,
economy, society...; uphold the exemplary spirit of ideology, morality and lifestyle;
improving the quality and efficiency of ideological work under the motto "talking
together with doing", said to be done so that the decisions this time are thoroughly
understood in each cadre, party member, most and key cadres , and all classes of
people. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
All levels and sectors need to immediately have specific programs, plans and
measures to bring those contents deeply into each locality, sector, unit, community,
family, and person. , forming an exciting emulation movement, building new
people and a rich and healthy new cultural environment, promoting the fine
cultural traditions of our nation. If every day, each of us can do one good thing or a
few good deeds, and the whole society does the same, then we will definitely repel
negative phenomena, making our society more and more beautiful. The better it
gets, the more our culture gets better and better. 17
IV. CONCLUSION: Essay on History of State and Law: Building and
Developing Vietnamese Culture
The law of negation of negation helps us to correctly perceive the development
trend of things. The development process of any thing never goes in a straight line,
but takes place in a complicated and winding way, which includes many different
cycles. The next cycle is always more advanced than the previous one. Therefore,
the renovation process of our country is going in that direction. The
socialistoriented multi-sector economy placed under the regulatory management of
the state creates the premise to negate the centralized and subsidized economy,
laying the foundation for a society to develop higher than it in the future. that is socialist society.
Thus, in today's era, integration is becoming an objective trend. The Vietnamese
nation, or any other nation, cannot be outside that orbit. Integration is the
inevitable path, the survival reason of the whole nation. The question is how do we
integrate. Obviously, we are proactive, integrating on the basis of self-affirmation,
striving to surpass ourselves, that is, through the process of integration, we can be
more fully aware, have more conscious in preserving and promoting their national
identity. Essay on State history and law: Building and developing Vietnamese culture.
At the same time, in the process, we will see the limitations of traditions that are
likely to hinder progress to find ways to overcome. Once we realize this, we will
surely combine traditional values with modern values, on the basis of preserving
national identity, keeping what is quintessential, and discarding. gradually outdated
elements, increasing exchanges and learning with the outside, will overcome
challenges, will arouse the driving role of traditional values. With the spirit and
bravery of the Vietnamese people, we will "make the most of our internal
resources, improve the efficiency of international cooperation, ensure
independence, self-reliance and socialist orientation", combine the strength of
ethnic group with the advantages of the times to develop the country and gradually
affirm its brave position in front of the community. V. REFERENCES
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