Summary Lịch sử nhà nước và pháp luật | Học viện Hành chính Quốc gia

PLKT phân biệt giải thể và phá sản Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


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Summary Lịch sử nhà nước và pháp luật | Học viện Hành chính Quốc gia

PLKT phân biệt giải thể và phá sản Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

85 43 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD|4983073 9
Governing law
The enterprise is not able to pay due
Article 207. Cases of and conditions for
dissolution of enterprises
1. An enterprise shall be dissolved in the
following cases:
a) The operating period specified in
the company's charter expires without an
extension decision;
b) The enterprise is dissolved under
a resolution or decision of the owner (for
sole proprietorships), the Board of
Partners (for partnerships), the Board of
Members and the owner (for limited
liability companies) or the GMS (for joint
stock companies);
c) The enterprise fails to maintain
the adequate number of members
prescribed in this Law for 06 consecutive
months without converting into another
type of business;
d) The Certificate of Enterprise
Registration is revoked, unless otherwise
prescribed by the Law on Tax
2. An enterprise may only be dissolved
after all of its debts and liabilities are fully
paid and it is not involved in any dispute
at the court or arbitration. Relevant
executives and the enterprise mentioned
in Point d Clause 1 of this Article are
jointly responsible for the enterprise’s
lOMoARcPSD|4983073 9
Goverment authority
in charge (Cơ quan
quản lý phụ trách)
Company owner to apply to
Business Registration Office
The decision of the enterprise or
the state agencies competent
Article 8: Jurisdiction of
courts to resolve bankruptcy
1. The people's court of a
province or a city under
central authority (hereinafter
collectively referred to as
provincial people's court) has
jurisdiction to resolve
bankruptcy in respect of
enterprises with business
registration or enterprise
registration and cooperatives
with business registration or
cooperative registration made
in such province and in one of
lOMoARcPSD|4983073 9
the following cases: (a)
Bankruptcy involving
overseas assets or overseas
participants in bankruptcy
procedure; (b) An insolvent
enterprise or cooperative with
branches or representative
offices located in many rural
districts, urban districts, towns
or cities of various provinces;
(c) An insolvent enterprise or
cooperative having real estate
located in many rural districts,
urban districts, towns or cities
in various provinces; (d)
Bankruptcy under the
jurisdiction of the people's
court of a rural district, urban
district, town or city of a
province (hereinafter referred
to as district-level people's
court) which the provincial
people's court takes to resolve
due to the complicated nature
of the matter.
2. A district-level
people'scourt has jurisdiction
to resolve a bankruptcy as to
an enterprise or cooperative
whose head office is located in
a rural district, urban district,
town or city of the same
province and such bankruptcy
does not fall into the cases
stipulated by clause 1 of this
3. The People's Supreme
Court shall provide guidelines
on the implementation of this
lOMoARcPSD|4983073 9
Nature of procedure
(Bản chất của thủ
Business owner -> submit the
dissolution decision to the business
registration agency -> Inventory of
assets -> Liquidation of assets ->
Obligation of related parties ->
The enterprises fall into bankruptcy ->
Sending applications to the Court ->
Deciding to initiate bankruptcy
process -> Inventory of assets ->
Liquidation of assets -> Obligation of
Business registration agency delete
business informations
The term of resolution a bankruptcy
is longer than a dissolution.
related parties -> Declaration of
bankruptcy Products
The term of resolution a dissolution is
shorter than a bankruptcy case.
Legal consequence
(Hậu quả pháp lý)
- Company stop to operate
- Debt payment to be controlled
- Company can be
recovered andcontinued to
operate if the recovery procedure
is successfully completed
- Debt payment not to
Sanctions on owners
& managers (Xử
phạt chủ sở hữu
người quản lý)
| 1/4

Preview text:

lOMoARcPSD|49830739 Criteria DISSOLUTION ( Giai the) BANKRUPTCY Governing law Reason
The enterprise is not able to pay due
Article 207. Cases of and conditions for debts.
dissolution of enterprises
1. An enterprise shall be dissolved in the fol owing cases: a)
The operating period specified in
the company's charter expires without an extension decision; b)
The enterprise is dissolved under
a resolution or decision of the owner (for
sole proprietorships), the Board of
Partners (for partnerships), the Board of
Members and the owner (for limited
liability companies) or the GMS (for joint stock companies); c)
The enterprise fails to maintain
the adequate number of members
prescribed in this Law for 06 consecutive
months without converting into another type of business; d) The Certificate of Enterprise
Registration is revoked, unless otherwise prescribed by the Law on Tax administration.
2. An enterprise may only be dissolved
after all of its debts and liabilities are fully
paid and it is not involved in any dispute
at the court or arbitration. Relevant
executives and the enterprise mentioned
in Point d Clause 1 of this Article are
jointly responsible for the enterprise’s debts. lOMoARcPSD|49830739
Goverment authority Company owner to apply to
Article 8: Jurisdiction of
in charge (Cơ quan Business Registration Office
courts to resolve bankruptcy quản lý phụ trách)
The decision of the enterprise or 1. The people's court of a the state agencies competent province or a city under
central authority (hereinafter collectively referred to as
provincial people's court) has jurisdiction to resolve bankruptcy in respect of enterprises with business registration or enterprise registration and cooperatives with business registration or cooperative registration made
in such province and in one of lOMoARcPSD|49830739 the following cases: (a) Bankruptcy involving overseas assets or overseas participants in bankruptcy procedure; (b) An insolvent
enterprise or cooperative with branches or representative offices located in many rural
districts, urban districts, towns
or cities of various provinces;
(c) An insolvent enterprise or
cooperative having real estate
located in many rural districts,
urban districts, towns or cities in various provinces; (d) Bankruptcy under the jurisdiction of the people's
court of a rural district, urban district, town or city of a
province (hereinafter referred to as district-level people's court) which the provincial
people's court takes to resolve due to the complicated nature of the matter. 2. A district-level
people'scourt has jurisdiction to resolve a bankruptcy as to an enterprise or cooperative
whose head office is located in
a rural district, urban district, town or city of the same province and such bankruptcy does not fall into the cases
stipulated by clause 1 of this article. 3. The People's Supreme
Court shall provide guidelines on the implementation of this article. lOMoARcPSD|49830739
Nature of procedure Business owner -> submit the
The enterprises fal into bankruptcy -> (Bản chất của thủ
dissolution decision to the business
Sending applications to the Court ->
registration agency -> Inventory of
Deciding to initiate bankruptcy tục)
assets -> Liquidation of assets ->
process -> Inventory of assets ->
Obligation of related parties ->
Liquidation of assets -> Obligation of
Business registration agency delete
related parties -> Declaration of business informations bankruptcy Products
The term of resolution a bankruptcy
The term of resolution a dissolution is is longer than a dissolution.
shorter than a bankruptcy case.
Legal consequence - Company stop to operate - Company can be (Hậu quả pháp lý) recovered andcontinued to
- Debt payment to be control ed
operate if the recovery procedure is successfully completed - Debt payment not to becontrolled Sanctions on owners & managers (Xử phạt chủ sở hữu và người quản lý)