Tài liệu bài : Multiple choice questions của môn Tiếng Anh B2 / Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội

Tài liệu bài : Multiple choice questions của môn Tiếng Anh B2 / Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội bao gồm các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm (có đáp án) sẽ giúp bạn đọc ôn tập và đạt điểm cao !

LISTENING PART 1: You will hear a radio discussion about writing a novel. For questions 1-5, choose
the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.
Question 1: What does Louise say about Ernest Hemingway’s advice to writers?
A. It is useful to a certain extent.
B. It applies only to inexperienced novelists.
C. It wasn’t intended to be taken seriously.
D. It might confuse some inexperienced novelists.
Question 2: Louise says that you need to get feedback when you ________.
A. have not been able to write anything for some time.
B. are having difficulty organizing your ideas.
C. are having contrasting feelings about what you have written.
D. have finished the book but not shown it to anyone.
Question 3: What does Louise regard as useful feedback?
A. a combination of general observations and detailed comments .
B. both identification of problems and suggested solutions.
C. comments focusing more on style than on content.
D. as many points about strengths as weaknesses.
Question 4: What does Louise say about the people she gets feedback from?
A. Some of them are more successful than her.
B. She doesn't only discuss writing with them.
C. She also gives them feedback on their work.
D. It isn’t always easy for her to get together with them.
Question 5: One reaction to feedback that Louise mentions is that___________.
A. it is justified but would require too much effort to act on.
B. it focuses on unimportant details rather than key issues.
C. it has been influenced by reading other people’s novels.
D. it is not suggesting that major changes to the novel are required.
LISTENING PART 2. You will hear someone talking on the radio about food and restaurants in the
local area. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
Question 6: The market is now situated _____________.
A. under a car park. B. beside the cathedral.
C. near the river. D. by the new shopping centre.
Question 7: On only one day a week the market sells________________.
A. antique furniture. B. local produce
C. hand-made items. D. utensils like saucepans
Question 8: The area is well-known for __________________.
A. apples B. ice cream. C. a kind of cake. D. a fish dish.
Question 9: What do fishermen do with the fish they catch?
A. They have just started selling fish in the harbour. B. They sell all their fish in London
C. They don’t sell fish to other countries D. They sell fresh fish in a stall in the harbour. Question 10:
What change has taken place in the harbour area?
A. Fish can now be bought from the fisherman. B. The restaurants have moved to a different part.
C. There are fewer restaurants than there used to be. D. Many new restaurants have been opened
And now we have our “know your town” section where we look at what's on offer in our area. Today, John
Monroe is going to tell us about local food and eating out. John.
John: Well, most of us buy our food in supermarkets these days, but we're very lucky having a wonderful
market here. It was originally on the piece of land in front of the cathedral. But at the beginning of the 20th
century it was moved to a site by the river. When the new shopping center was built in the 1960s, it found
a home beneath the multi-storey car park where it still is ( câu 6), but there are plans to move it back to
its previous home by the river. The market is now open six days a week. On Tuesday to Saturday, you can buy
fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and cheese from the area as well as a whole range of imported produce. But
if you come on a Sunday, you will find a different market where crafts people sell what they have made
( câu 7). Things like bags, cards, clothes. During the week, there are a few stalls selling more everyday utensils
like saucepans and cleaning products alongside the fruits and vegetables. As well as one new stall selling
antique furniture, which is proving to be very popular. People often ask what our local dishes are. As we are
by the sea, They expect it to be some kind of fish recipe. Our fish is good, of course, but there isn't one
particular dish that stands out. What we do have is an apple cake that isn't really made anywhere else (
câu 8).
There's a new cafe in the High Street, Bartons, which bakes them fresh every morning and serves them with
delicious homemade ice cream in a choice of flavorus.
Now the harbour is obviously the place to buy fresh fish. Every morning, there's a stall where local
fishermen sell a selection of the day's catch before the rest goes to London or abroad. ( câu 9) They've
been doing that for as long as anyone can remember of course, but the harbour itself looks very different from
a few years ago. Most of the restaurants used to be at the far end, but that part was redeveloped and the
restaurants had to relocate to the other end. ( câu 10) Many of them are simply the old ones in new premises
but a couple of new ones have opened recently. So there's a good range now both in the harbour and the town
itself. I'm now going to give you my top 6 places to eat in different parts of the town.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 11: A. handkerchief ( âm câm /d/ B. considerable C. goodness D. childhood
Question 12: A. preserve B. resolve C. measure / ʒ / /z D. artisan
Question 13: A. confusedly / kən`fju:zidly/ B. alleg edly / ə`ledʒidli/
C. markedly / `ma:kidli/ D. deservedly / di`zɜːvidli/
Tất cả đều đọc là idli nên câu này không có đáp án
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet t indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 14: A. habitable B. infamously C. communism D. geneticist / d ə`neticist/: âm 2 ʒ
âm 1
Question 15: A. lunatic B. choleric /kə`leric/ : âm 2 âm 1 C. politics D. bishopric
Đa số các từ đuôi –ic thường đánh vào âm tiết đứng ngay trước nó, ngoại trừ:
`Politics ( âm 1), `lunatic ( âm 1) , a`rithmetic ( âm 2) , rhetoric ( âm 1), catholic ( âm 1), heretic ( âm 1),
arsenic ( âm 1), turmeric ( âm 1), bishopric ( âm 1)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 16: The construction of mammoth shopping malls has contributed to the decline of small stores in
neighboring towns.
A. modern B. gigantic C. numerous D. separate
Mammoth / mæmmə / = gigantic (a): extremely large: vô cùng lớn
Question 17: I’d rather staying in a hotel with all the amenities than camp in the woods.
A. honors B. conveniences
C. privileges D. expense
Amenities = conveniences : tiện ích (n)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 18: When her boss broke his leg, Julie had to represent the company at the congress, and she rose
to the occasion extremely well.
A. made a bad job of it: làm kém B. made it a success
C. showed sympathy D. got up the chance
Rise to the occasion: nắm bắt cơ hội và thành công
Question 19: He provides the committee with the record of his work and clears himself of: chứng minh ai vô
tội the charge of plagiarizing from Plautus and Nevus.
A. stealing B. copying C. searching D. creating
Plagiarize = copy : đạo văn >< create: sáng tạo
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 20: The situation has become ________ worse, and it is now impossible to handle.
A. progressively = gradually : ngày càng ( + so sánh hơn)
B. frequently C. continuously D. constantly
Question 21: In ____________the new evidence, we will be tried for forgery: giả mạo as well
A. view of B. accordance with
C. the event of D. the light of
In the light of = because of = as a result of: bởi vì
( be) tried for : bị xét xử về tội
Question 22: Let me lend you a little money, ___________?
A. won’t you B. may I C. shall I D. will you
Láy đuôi: Let me May I
Let’s Shall we
Question 23: Working with the poor is _________job in the world.
A. the more satisfying B. easily the most satisfying ( easily : without doubt: không còn nghi ngờ gì)
C. quite as satisfying D. more and more satisfying
Question 24: Sorry! I didn’t mean to tell your mother that you had failed the exam; It was _________!
A. a feeling in my bone B. a straight face
C. a sweet tooth D. a slip of the tongue: lỡ lời
Question 25: Vitamin D is necessary to aid the _________ of calcium from food.
A. absorption (n): sự hấp thụ B. absorbent (a) C. absorbance D. absorbency Question 26:
Why are you still here? You ________ an hour ago.
A. were supposed to have been left B. supposed to have been left
C. supposed to have left D. were supposed to have left : (bị động với V ý kiến theo cách 2, vế 2 xảy ra
trước vế 1)
Question 27: Unable to run the entire 42 kilometers, she decided to drop out of the race, ______ her a heat
stroke: sốc nhiệt
A. which the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
B. the fatigue from the intense heat had almost give
C. the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
Mệnh đề phụ mang nghĩa bời vì, nhưng không có liên từ ( because), nên ta dùng S2 + V-ing
D. the fatigue from the intense heat almost gave
Question 28: We need a process that ______ corrupt: tham nhũng police officers.
A. tides over B. beats about C. barks up D. weeds out: loại bỏ
Weed out: get rid of unwanted people from a grop: loại bỏ
Question 29: Queen Elizabeth II’s ____________ took place in 1953 at Westminster Abbey in London.
A. throne B. coronation/ kərə`nei∫n/ (n): lễ trao vương miện C. empire D. crown
Question 30: My sunburnt nose made me feel rather ___________for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-effacing B. self- centred
C. self-conscious = uncomfortable: ngượng ngùng D. self-evident
Question 31: ____________up money, Jane decided to turn down: từ chối her friends’ suggestion to go on
A. Not saving B. Having not saved
C. Not having to save D. Not having saved: vì đã không tiết kiệm tiền
Question 32: I was promised a good job from January this year, but it’s April now and I’m afraid that they
are just ____________ me along.
A. cheating B. swindling C. stringing D. bringing
String sb along: = deceive sb: lừa dối ai
Question 33: Her punky hairstyle showed she was not one for following the ____________.
A. flock B. herd C. swarm D. group
Follow the herd = follow what most other people do: làm theo trào lưu
Question 34: When it comes to the: Liên quan đến/ về khia cạnh ________________, Alice always support
her friends.
A. crunch : a difficult situation: tình huống khó khăn B. crisis C. mark D. point
Question 35: Although there is some truth to the fact that Linux is a huge threat to Microsoft, predictions of
the Redmond company’s demise: sự sang nhượng are, ______, premature: biết trước/ sớm.
A. saying the most B. to say the least: nói không quá lời C. to say the most D. to the least degree
Question 36: Don’t you remember Jack? Here, let me show you a photo of him. Maybe that will ______ your
A. jog B. access C. recall D. commit
Jog one’s memory = make sb remember sth: gợi cho ai nhớ
Question 37: “ Oh no! You’ve got to help me! I’ve lost my ticket and I’m going to miss the bus!”
- ‘ _________ are reason to panic: sợ - just calm down: bình tĩnh. ”
A. Half of those B. Despite which
C. Neither of which D. Both of which
Question 38: The ceiling ____________and several people were trapped.
A. butted in B. caved in: break and fall into space below: sụp đổ C. cracked down
D. wore down
Question 39: During my college years, ______________to sporting events.
A. I wore a big red, white and black hat B. I wore a big red white and black, hat
C. I wore a big white red and black hat D. I wore a red, white and black big hat
Tính từ chỉ kích thước ( size ) đứng trước color
Khi có từ 3 tính từ cùng loại đứng gần nhau, ta dùng dấu, giữa các tính từ trước và dùng and giwuax 2 adj
cuối cùng : red, white and black
Question 40: After my brother had lost his job, he ___________.I hope his depression doesn’t last much
A. did a trick
B. hit rock bottom: reach the point where they are so unhappy and without hope: rơi vào tình huống cùng
tồi tệ
C. made a breakthrough D. went from strength to strength
Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 41: John offers to give Mary a lift and they are talking on the street.
John: “___________” - Mary: “OK, John. Thank you for giving me a ride home.”
A. Hey Mary, throw your stuff in the back and ride up front with me ( chào Mảy, hãy cho mọi thứ ra ghế
sau và ngồi ghế trước với tôi) .
B. Would you like to drive home, Mary?
C. Safe trip home, Mary! Catch you later.
D. Okay, let’s take me home Mary.
Question 42: - Henry : You should never have agreed to help mend her car!
- Bob: “__________________.”
A. It’s a small word B. You can’t win them all
C. Famous last words D. Well, you live and learn: ai mà chẳng mắc sai lầm
Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 43: Whereas the average weight of a sports shoe two decades ago amounted to 320 grammes,
today its equivalence is about fifty per cent lighter.
A. Whereas B. amounted to C. equivalence equivalent (n): cái tương đương
D. lighter
Question 44: The impact of malnutrition: suy dinh dưỡng on children's learning is not simply that they are
tired and unable to concentrate in class although they have not eaten enough on a given day.
A. in B. although because C. on D. impact
Question 45: By studying geometry, students can learn what to develop logical arguments through
deductive reasoning: tư duy diễn dịch.
A. can B. through C. what how D. By studying Read the following
passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Who says that each and every teenager spends all of his or her time inside in front of a screen? Contrary
to popular belief, many teens have taken to the great 46____________ in search of a way to give
47____________to their feelings and stay fit. What are these teens up to? Well, it is a sport called parkour. In
fact, parkour: môn thể thao vượt chướng ngại vật is more than just a sport; it is a training discipline, one that
has its 48____________in common military obstacle course training.
The 49____________of parkour is to get from Point A to Point B, usually 50____________ a complex
urban environment, without the assistance of any special equipment in the quickest way imaginable. And it
does demand the use of the imagination because the philosophy behind parkour is seeing your environment in
an innovative manner; envisioning the manner in which it can be navigated by diverse movements over
anything that might be in the way. This could mean running around 51____________buildings in an inner city
“ghetto”; jumping over 52____________in busy urban streets or climbing up, and then down, any other
physical features that block the route of the participant.
Parkour is something that requires 53____________and a variety of other skills some physical, some
mental, but all incredibly challenging. One person who has mastered these skills is Dimitris Kyrsanidis of
Greece. Virtually a(n) 54____________success, Dimitris took up the sport and literally 55____________the
ground running! In a remarkable achievement, he went from playing football on a local pitch to becoming a
noted parkour champion in the famous Red Bull Art of Motion competition by beating seventeen of the best
parkour athletes in the world.
Question 46: A. suburbs B. downtown
Take to the great outdoors: tìm về với thiên nhiên rộng lớn
C. outdoors
D. outskirts
Question 47: A. over B. way
C. rise
D. vent
Give vent to : bộc lộ hết ra
Question 48: A. backgrounds B. origins C. roots: nguồn gốc D. bases
Question 49: A. aim: mục đích B. ambition C. record D. dream
Question 50: A. knuckling down B. taking up C. going up against: xử lí / ứng phó D. scraping
Question 51: A. provincial B. bustling C. run-of-the-mill
Run- down building: tòa nhà xuống cấp
D. run-down
Question 52: A. parking meters: máy thu tiền đỗ xe B. bungalows
D. barristers
C. junctions
Question 53: A. surveillance B. perseverance: sự bền bỉ C. mishaps
D. felonies
Question 54: A. night-time B. nightly C. night-long
Overnight success: thành công bất ngờ
D. overnight
Question 55: A. met B. set C. hit
D. had
Hit the ground running: nhanh chóng thực hiện điều gì đó
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The garden city was largely the invention of the British social visionary Ebenezer Howard (18501928).
After emigrating: di to the USA, and an unsuccessful attempt to make a living as a farmer, he moved to
Chicago, where he saw the reconstruction of the city after the disastrous fire of 1871. In those preskyscraper
days, it was nicknamed 'the Garden City', almost certainly the source of Howard's name for his proposed
towns. Returning to London, Howard developed his concept in the 1880s and 1890s, drawing on notions that
were circulating at the time, but creating a unique combination of proposals.
The nineteenth-century slum city was in many ways an horrific place; but it offered economic and
social opportunities, lights and crowds. At the same time, the British countryside - now too often seen in a
sentimental glow - was in fact equally unprepossessing: không hấp dẫn though it promised fresh air and
nature, it suffered from agricultural depression and it offered neither sufficient work and wages, nor adequate
social life. Howard's idea was to combine the best of town and country in a new kind of settlement, the garden
Howard's idea was that a group of people should establish a company, borrowing money to
establish a garden city in the countryside, far enough from existing cities to ensure that the land was
bought at rock-bottom: với giá thấp, depressed-agricultural, land values ( câu 58). They should get
agreement from leading industrialists to move their factories there from the congested cities; their workers
would move too, and would build their own houses.
Garden cities would follow the same basic blueprint: bản thiết kế, with a high proportion: tỉ lệ of
green spaces, together with a central public open space, radial avenues: đại lộ xuyên tâm, and peripheral
industries: ngành công nghiệp ngoại vi. They would be surrounded by a much larger area of permanent
green belt, also owned by the company, containing not merely farms, but institutions like reformatories:
trường giáo dưỡng and convalescent homes: nhà an dưỡng, that could benefit from a rural location.
As more and more people moved out, the garden city would reach its planned limit - Howard
suggested 32,000 people; then, another would be started a short distance away. Thus, over time, there
would develop a vast planned agglomeration: sự tịch tụ, extending almost without limit; within it, each
garden city would offer a wide range of jobs and services ( câu 60), but each would also be connected to
the others by a rapid transit system, thus giving all the economic and social opportunities of a giant city.
Question 56: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. The Garden City Land Structure. B. The Invention of the Garden City.
C. Garden Cities Why Not? D. Garden City Movement.
Question 57: The word “unprepossessing: không hấp dẫn” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. demanding B. disappointing
C. unattractive: D. promising
Question 58: Howard proposed that garden cities should be located __________.
A. in areas where people wished to live. B. as far as possible from existing cities.
C. where employment opportunities already existed. D. where cheap land was available. ( 3 dòng đầu
đoạn 3)
Question 59: The word “They” in paragraph 4 refers to __________.
A. garden cities B. avenues
C. industries D. green spaces
Question 60: What is said about garden cities in the last paragraph?
A. The number would continue to rise. ( câu 3,4 đoạn cuối)) B. Each one would contain a certain type
of business.
C. Each one would continue to expand. D. Residents would live and work in the same place. Question
61: The word “agglomeration” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. centre B. castle C. unit D. cluster: sự tích tụ
Question 62: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Howard decided to emigrate to the USA after farming efforts in his homeland failed.
B. The movement initiated by Howard influenced the development of several model suburbs in other
C. Howard arrived to Chicago just before the great fire of 1871, which heavily destroyed the city.
D. Howard aimed to reduce the alienation: sự xa lánh of humans and society from nature.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
In an unremarkable business park outside the city of Ann Arbor in Michigan stands a poignant
memorial to humanity’s shattered dreams. It doesn’t look like that from the outside, though. Even when you
get inside, it takes a few moments for your eyes to get used to what you’re seeing. It appears to be a vast and
haphazardly: 1 cách tình cờ organized supermarket; along every aisle, grey metal shelves are crammed with
thousands of packages of food and household products. There is something unusually cacophonous about the
displays and soon enough you work out the reason: unlike in a real supermarket, there is only one of each
The storehouse: nhà kho, operated by a company called GfK Custom Research North America, has
acquired a nickname: the Museum of Failed Products. This is consumer capitalism’s graveyard or, to put it
less grandly, it’s almost certainly the only place on the planet where you’ll find A Touch of Yogurt shampoo
alongside the equally unpopular For Oily Hair Only. The museum is home to discontinued brands of
caffeinated beer and self-heating soup cans that had a regrettable tendency to explode in customers’ faces.
There is a Japanese term, mono no aware, that translates roughly as “the pathos of things”. It captures
a kind of bittersweet melancholy at life’s impermanence – that additional beauty imparted to cherry blossoms,
for their fleeting nature. It’s only stretching the concept slightly to suggest that this is how the museum’s
manager, an understatedly stylish GfK employee named Carol Sherry, feels about the cartons of Morning
Banana Juice in her care or about Fortune Snookies, a short-lived line of fortune cookies for dogs. Every
failure, the way she sees it, embodies its own sad story on the part of designers, marketers, and salespeople (
câu 70). It is never far from her mind that real people had their mortgages, their car payments, and their family
holidays riding on the success of products such as A Touch of Yogurt.
The Museum of Failed Products was itself a kind of accident, albeit a happier one. Its creator, a now
retired marketing man named Robert McMath, merely intended to accumulate a “reference library” of
consumer products, not failure per se. And so, starting in the 1960s, he began purchasing and preserving a
sample of every new item he could find. Soon, the collection outgrew his office in upstate New York and he
was forced to move into a converted granary to accommodate it. Later, GfK bought him out, moving the whole
lot to Michigan. What McMath hadn’t taken into account was the three-word truth that was to prove the making
of his career: most products fail. According to some estimates, the failure rate is as high as ninety percent.
Simply by collecting new products indiscriminately, McMath had ensured that his hoard would come to
consist overwhelmingly of unsuccessful ones: sản phẩm.
By far the most striking thing about the museum, though, is that it should exist as a viable, profitmaking
business in the first place. You might have assumed that any consumer product manufacturer worthy of the
name would have its own such collection a carefully stewarded resource to help it avoid making errors its
rivals had already made. Yet the executives who arrive every week at Sherry’s door are evidence of how rarely
this happens. Product developers are so focused on their next hoped-for success, so unwilling to invest time
or energy thinking about their industry’s past failures that they only belatedly realize how much they need to
access GfK’s collection ( câu 66). Most surprising of all is that many of the designers who have found their
way to the museum have come there to examine or been surprised to discover products that their own
companies had created, then abandoned.
It isn’t hard to imagine how one downside of the positive thinking culture, an aversion to confronting
failure, might have been responsible for the very existence of many of the products lining its shelves. Each
one must have made it through a series of meetings at which nobody realized that the product was doomed.
Perhaps nobody wanted to contemplate the prospect of failure; perhaps someone did but didn’t want to bring
it up for discussion. By the time the truth became obvious, the original developers would have moved to
other products or other firms. Little energy would have been invested in discovering what went wrong.
Everyone involved would have conspired, perhaps without realizing what they’re doing, never to speak of it
again. Failure is everywhere. It’s just that most of the time we’d rather avoid confronting that fact.
Question 63: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Product Developers B. Collecting Successful Products
C. A Museum of Failed Products D. An Organised Supermarket
Question 64: The word “haphazardly” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. logically B. randomly: 1cachs ngẫu nhiên/ tình cờ C. roughly D. greedily
Question 65: The word “indiscriminately: 1 cách bừa bãi ” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. in a planned way B. in an unexpected way
C. in an unplanned way D. in an expected way
Question 66: According to the writer, what is remarkable about the product developers who visit GfK?
A. their ignorance of the existence of the collection.
B. the way they dismiss their own companies’ failures.
C. their tendency to repeat past failures.
D. the lack of attention paid to previous failures. ( đoạn 5 dòng 4,5)
Question 67: According to the writer, what is the reason why the storehouse does not resemble a
A. the dimly-lit space. B. the range of products on each shelf. ( câu cuối đoạn 1)
C. its appearance on the outside. D. the size of the building.
Question 68: What point is the writer making in the last paragraph?
A. that people are afraid to talk about failure. B. that failure should have been prevented.
C. that thinking negatively often leads to failure. D. that failure is an acceptable part of life.
Question 69: The word “ones” in paragraph 4 refers to __________.
A. products B. failure rate
C. ninety percent D. estimates
Question 70: What is Carol Sherry’s attitude to the failed products?
A. She appreciates the concepts behind the products.
B. She feels particularly attached to some products.
C. She has sympathy: sự đồng cảm for the people inventing them. ( đoạn 3 dòng 6)
D. She prefers failed products to successful ones.
SECTION B: WRITING (30 points)
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (5 points). Question 1. I was
greatly relieved to hear that her condition was not serious.
It was with great relief to hear that her condition was not serious With
great relief: thật nhẹ nhõm.
Question 2. Sally distrusts modern technology strongly.
Sally has a trong distrust of modern technology Distrust
(v+ N): không tin .
Question 3. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather permitting, we may go camping at the weekend .
Weather permitting: nếu thời tiết đủ tốt ( cấu trúc tuyệt đối)
Cấu trúc tuyệt đối để là mệnh đề phụ, nhưng không có liên từ. dùng tỏng trường hợp 2 mệnh đề khác chủ ngữ
S1 + V-ing , S2 + V2
Question 4. Whatever the methods used to obtain the results, drugs were definitely not involved.
There was no questionof drugs being involved, whatever the methods used to obtain the results .
There was no question of: không có khả năng
Question 5. What put me off the idea was simple how expensive it was going to be.
The sheer cost was what put me off the idea
The sheer cost: giá cả đắt đỏ
Part 2. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it but using the word given. Do not change the form of the given word. Write
the answers on your answer sheet. (5 points)
Question 6. The shipwrecked sailors were washed up on the beach: được đưa lên bờ late at night. ( CAST)
The shipwrecked: trong vụ chìm tàu sailors were cast ashore late at night.
(be) cast ashore: được đưa lên bờ
Question 7. Charles disappeared one day and no one’s seen him since. ( BLUE)
Charles vanished into the blue one day and no one’s seen him since.
Vanish into the blue: biến mất không để lại dấu vết
Question 8. Is it necessary to make such a fuss about my being late? ( SONG)
Do you have to make such a song and dance about my being late? Make a
fuss = make a song and dance: làm ầm lên
Question 9. That child wants to be the centre of attention all the time. (SPOTLIGHT)
That child wants to be in the potlight all the time.
In the spotlight: trở thành tâm điểm
Question 10. Twelve people lost their jobs in the company’s reorganisation. ( REDUNDANT)
Twelve people were made redundant in the_company’s reorganisation.
( be) made redundant : bị nghỉ việc ( do dư thừa người)
Part 3. Essay writing (20 points)
“Nowadays there is a growing shift towards the use of cashless transactions. While some people argue in
support of a cashless society, claiming that it is beneficial to citizens, others raise concerns about security.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Write
an essay of about 250 words to express your ideas.
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Preview text:

LISTENING PART 1: You will hear a radio discussion about writing a novel. For questions 1-5, choose
the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.
Question 1: What does Louise say about Ernest Hemingway’s advice to writers?
A. It is useful to a certain extent.
B. It applies only to inexperienced novelists.
C. It wasn’t intended to be taken seriously.
D. It might confuse some inexperienced novelists.
Question 2: Louise says that you need to get feedback when you ________.
A. have not been able to write anything for some time.
B. are having difficulty organizing your ideas.
C. are having contrasting feelings about what you have written.
D. have finished the book but not shown it to anyone.
Question 3: What does Louise regard as useful feedback?
A. a combination of general observations and detailed comments .
B. both identification of problems and suggested solutions.
C. comments focusing more on style than on content.
D. as many points about strengths as weaknesses.
Question 4: What does Louise say about the people she gets feedback from?
A. Some of them are more successful than her.
B. She doesn't only discuss writing with them.
C. She also gives them feedback on their work.
D. It isn’t always easy for her to get together with them.
Question 5: One reaction to feedback that Louise mentions is that___________.
A. it is justified but would require too much effort to act on.
B. it focuses on unimportant details rather than key issues.
C. it has been influenced by reading other people’s novels.
D. it is not suggesting that major changes to the novel are required.
LISTENING PART 2. You will hear someone talking on the radio about food and restaurants in the
local area. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

Question 6: The market is now situated _____________. A. under a car park.
B. beside the cathedral. C. near the river.
D. by the new shopping centre.
Question 7: On only one day a week the market sells________________. A. antique furniture. B. local produce C. hand-made items.
D. utensils like saucepans
Question 8: The area is well-known for __________________. A. apples B. ice cream. C. a kind of cake. D. a fish dish.
Question 9: What do fishermen do with the fish they catch?
A. They have just started selling fish in the harbour.
B. They sell all their fish in London
C. They don’t sell fish to other countries
D. They sell fresh fish in a stall in the harbour. Question 10:
What change has taken place in the harbour area?
A. Fish can now be bought from the fisherman.
B. The restaurants have moved to a different part.
C. There are fewer restaurants than there used to be. D. Many new restaurants have been opened Transcript: lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
And now we have our “know your town” section where we look at what's on offer in our area. Today, John
Monroe is going to tell us about local food and eating out. John.
John: Well, most of us buy our food in supermarkets these days, but we're very lucky having a wonderful
market here. It was originally on the piece of land in front of the cathedral. But at the beginning of the 20th
century it was moved to a site by the river. When the new shopping center was built in the 1960s, it found
a home beneath the multi-storey car park where it still is ( câu 6)
, but there are plans to move it back to
its previous home by the river. The market is now open six days a week. On Tuesday to Saturday, you can buy
fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and cheese from the area as well as a whole range of imported produce. But
if you come on a Sunday, you will find a different market where crafts people sell what they have made

( câu 7). Things like bags, cards, clothes. During the week, there are a few stalls selling more everyday utensils
like saucepans and cleaning products alongside the fruits and vegetables. As well as one new stall selling
antique furniture, which is proving to be very popular. People often ask what our local dishes are. As we are
by the sea, They expect it to be some kind of fish recipe. Our fish is good, of course, but there isn't one
particular dish that stands out. What we do have is an apple cake that isn't really made anywhere else ( câu 8).
There's a new cafe in the High Street, Bartons, which bakes them fresh every morning and serves them with
delicious homemade ice cream in a choice of flavorus.
Now the harbour is obviously the place to buy fresh fish. Every morning, there's a stall where local
fishermen sell a selection of the day's catch before the rest goes to London or abroad. ( câu 9) They've
been doing that for as long as anyone can remember of course, but the harbour itself looks very different from
a few years ago. Most of the restaurants used to be at the far end, but that part was redeveloped and the
restaurants had to relocate to the other end
. ( câu 10) Many of them are simply the old ones in new premises
but a couple of new ones have opened recently. So there's a good range now both in the harbour and the town
itself. I'm now going to give you my top 6 places to eat in different parts of the town.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 11: A. handkerchief ( âm câm /d/ B. considerable
C. goodness D. childhood
Question 12: A. preserve
B. resolve C. measure / ʒ / /z D. artisan
Question 13: A. confusedly / kən`fju:zidly/ B. alleg edly / ə`ledʒidli/
C. markedly / `ma:kidli/ D. deservedly / di`zɜːvidli/
Tất cả đều đọc là idli nên câu này không có đáp án
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet t indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 14: A. habitable B. infamously
C. communism D. geneticist / d ə`neticist/: âm 2 ʒ âm 1
Question 15: A. lunatic
B. choleric /kə`leric/ : âm 2 âm 1 C. politics D. bishopric
Đa số các từ đuôi –ic thường đánh vào âm tiết đứng ngay trước nó, ngoại trừ:
`Politics ( âm 1), `lunatic ( âm 1) , a`rithmetic ( âm 2) , rhetoric ( âm 1), catholic ( âm 1), heretic ( âm 1),
arsenic ( âm 1), turmeric ( âm 1), bishopric ( âm 1)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 16: The construction of mammoth shopping malls has contributed to the decline of small stores in neighboring towns. A. modern B. gigantic C. numerous D. separate
Mammoth / mæmmə / = gigantic (a): extremely large: vô cùng lớn
Question 17: I’d rather staying in a hotel with all the amenities than camp in the woods. A. honors B. conveniences C. privileges D. expense
Amenities = conveniences : tiện ích (n) lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 18: When her boss broke his leg, Julie had to represent the company at the congress, and she rose
to the occasion extremely well.
A. made a bad job of it: làm kém B. made it a success C. showed sympathy D. got up the chance
Rise to the occasion: nắm bắt cơ hội và thành công
Question 19: He provides the committee with the record of his work and clears himself of: chứng minh ai vô
tội the charge of plagiarizing from Plautus and Nevus. A. stealing B. copying C. searching D. creating
Plagiarize = copy : đạo văn >< create: sáng tạo
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 20: The situation has become ________ worse, and it is now impossible to handle.
A. progressively = gradually : ngày càng ( + so sánh hơn) B. frequently C. continuously D. constantly
Question 21: In ____________the new evidence, we will be tried for forgery: giả mạo as well A. view of B. accordance with C. the event of D. the light of
In the light of = because of = as a result of: bởi vì
( be) tried for : bị xét xử về tội
Question 22: Let me lend you a little money, ___________? A. won’t you B. may I C. shall I D. will you Láy đuôi: Let me May I Let’s Shall we
Question 23: Working with the poor is _________job in the world.
A. the more satisfying B. easily the most satisfying ( easily : without doubt: không còn nghi ngờ gì)
C. quite as satisfying D. more and more satisfying
Question 24: Sorry! I didn’t mean to tell your mother that you had failed the exam; It was _________!
A. a feeling in my bone B. a straight face C. a sweet tooth
D. a slip of the tongue: lỡ lời
Question 25: Vitamin D is necessary to aid the _________ of calcium from food.
A. absorption (n): sự hấp thụ B. absorbent (a) C. absorbance
D. absorbency Question 26:
Why are you still here? You ________ an hour ago.
A. were supposed to have been left
B. supposed to have been left
C. supposed to have left
D. were supposed to have left : (bị động với V ý kiến theo cách 2, vế 2 xảy ra trước vế 1)
Question 27: Unable to run the entire 42 kilometers, she decided to drop out of the race, ______ her a heat stroke: sốc nhiệt
A. which the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
B. the fatigue from the intense heat had almost give
C. the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
Mệnh đề phụ mang nghĩa bời vì, nhưng không có liên từ ( because), nên ta dùng S2 + V-ing
D. the fatigue from the intense heat almost gave
Question 28: We need a process that ______ corrupt: tham nhũng police officers. A. tides over B. beats about C. barks up
D. weeds out: loại bỏ
Weed out: get rid of unwanted people from a grop: loại bỏ
Question 29: Queen Elizabeth II’s ____________ took place in 1953 at Westminster Abbey in London. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223 A. throne
B. coronation/ kərə`nei∫n/ (n): lễ trao vương miện C. empire D. crown
Question 30: My sunburnt nose made me feel rather ___________for the first few days of the holiday. A. self-effacing B. self- centred
C. self-conscious = uncomfortable: ngượng ngùng D. self-evident
Question 31: ____________up money, Jane decided to turn down: từ chối her friends’ suggestion to go on holiday. A. Not saving B. Having not saved C. Not having to save
D. Not having saved: vì đã không tiết kiệm tiền
Question 32: I was promised a good job from January this year, but it’s April now and I’m afraid that they
are just ____________ me along. A. cheating B. swindling C. stringing D. bringing
String sb along: = deceive sb: lừa dối ai
Question 33: Her punky hairstyle showed she was not one for following the ____________. A. flock B. herd C. swarm D. group
Follow the herd = follow what most other people do: làm theo trào lưu
Question 34: When it comes to the: Liên quan đến/ về khia cạnh ________________, Alice always support her friends.
A. crunch : a difficult situation: tình huống khó khăn B. crisis
C. mark D. point
Question 35: Although there is some truth to the fact that Linux is a huge threat to Microsoft, predictions of
the Redmond company’s demise: sự sang nhượng are, ______, premature: biết trước/ sớm.
A. saying the most B. to say the least: nói không quá lời C. to say the most D. to the least degree
Question 36: Don’t you remember Jack? Here, let me show you a photo of him. Maybe that will ______ your memory. A. jog B. access C. recall D. commit
Jog one’s memory = make sb remember sth: gợi cho ai nhớ
Question 37: “ Oh no! You’ve got to help me! I’ve lost my ticket and I’m going to miss the bus!”
- ‘ _________ are reason to panic: sợ - just calm down: bình tĩnh. ” A. Half of those B. Despite which C. Neither of which D. Both of which
Question 38: The ceiling ____________and several people were trapped.
A. butted in B. caved in: break and fall into space below: sụp đổ C. cracked down D. wore down
Question 39: During my college years, ______________to sporting events.
A. I wore a big red, white and black hat
B. I wore a big red white and black, hat
C. I wore a big white red and black hat
D. I wore a red, white and black big hat
Tính từ chỉ kích thước ( size ) đứng trước color
Khi có từ 3 tính từ cùng loại đứng gần nhau, ta dùng dấu, giữa các tính từ trước và dùng and giwuax 2 adj
cuối cùng : red, white and black
Question 40: After my brother had lost his job, he ___________.I hope his depression doesn’t last much longer. A. did a trick
B. hit rock bottom: reach the point where they are so unhappy and without hope: rơi vào tình huống vô cùng tồi tệ C. made a breakthrough
D. went from strength to strength
Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 41: John offers to give Mary a lift and they are talking on the street. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
John: “___________”
- Mary: “OK, John. Thank you for giving me a ride home.”
A. Hey Mary, throw your stuff in the back and ride up front with me ( chào Mảy, hãy cho mọi thứ ra ghế
sau và ngồi ghế trước với tôi) .
B. Would you like to drive home, Mary?
C. Safe trip home, Mary! Catch you later.
D. Okay, let’s take me home Mary.
Question 42: - Henry : You should never have agreed to help mend her car!
- Bob: “__________________.”
A. It’s a small word
B. You can’t win them all C. Famous last words
D. Well, you live and learn: ai mà chẳng mắc sai lầm
Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 43: Whereas the average weight of a sports shoe two decades ago amounted to 320 grammes,
today its equivalence is about fifty per cent lighter.
A. Whereas B. amounted to
C. equivalence equivalent (n): cái tương đương D. lighter
Question 44: The impact of malnutrition: suy dinh dưỡng on children's learning is not simply that they are
tired and unable to concentrate in class although they have not eaten enough on a given day. A. in
B. although because C. on D. impact
Question 45: By studying geometry, students can learn what to develop logical arguments through
deductive reasoning: tư duy diễn dịch.
A. can B. through
C. what how D. By studying Read the following
passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Who says that each and every teenager spends all of his or her time inside in front of a screen? Contrary
to popular belief, many teens have taken to the great 46____________ in search of a way to give
47____________to their feelings and stay fit. What are these teens up to? Well, it is a sport called parkour. In
fact, parkour: môn thể thao vượt chướng ngại vật is more than just a sport; it is a training discipline, one that
has its 48____________in common military obstacle course training.
The 49____________of parkour is to get from Point A to Point B, usually 50____________ a complex
urban environment, without the assistance of any special equipment in the quickest way imaginable. And it
does demand the use of the imagination because the philosophy behind parkour is seeing your environment in
an innovative manner; envisioning the manner in which it can be navigated by diverse movements over
anything that might be in the way. This could mean running around 51____________buildings in an inner city
“ghetto”; jumping over 52____________in busy urban streets or climbing up, and then down, any other
physical features that block the route of the participant.
Parkour is something that requires 53____________and a variety of other skills – some physical, some
mental, but all incredibly challenging. One person who has mastered these skills is Dimitris Kyrsanidis of
Greece. Virtually a(n) 54____________success, Dimitris took up the sport and literally 55____________the
ground running! In a remarkable achievement, he went from playing football on a local pitch to becoming a
noted parkour champion in the famous Red Bull Art of Motion competition by beating seventeen of the best
parkour athletes in the world.
Question 46: A. suburbs B. downtown C. outdoors D. outskirts
Take to the great outdoors: tìm về với thiên nhiên rộng lớn Question 47: A. over B. way C. rise D. vent
Give vent to : bộc lộ hết ra
Question 48: A. backgrounds B. origins
C. roots: nguồn gốc D. bases
Question 49: A. aim: mục đích B. ambition C. record D. dream
Question 50: A. knuckling down B. taking up
C. going up against: xử lí / ứng phó D. scraping lOMoARcPSD| 39099223 through
Question 51: A. provincial B. bustling C. run-of-the-mill D. run-down
Run- down building: tòa nhà xuống cấp
Question 52: A. parking meters: máy thu tiền đỗ xe B. bungalows C. junctions D. barristers
Question 53: A. surveillance
B. perseverance: sự bền bỉ C. mishaps D. felonies
Question 54: A. night-time B. nightly C. night-long D. overnight
Overnight success: thành công bất ngờ Question 55: A. met B. set C. hit D. had
Hit the ground running: nhanh chóng thực hiện điều gì đó
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The garden city was largely the invention of the British social visionary Ebenezer Howard (18501928).
After emigrating: di cư to the USA, and an unsuccessful attempt to make a living as a farmer, he moved to
Chicago, where he saw the reconstruction of the city after the disastrous fire of 1871. In those preskyscraper
days, it was nicknamed 'the Garden City', almost certainly the source of Howard's name for his proposed
towns. Returning to London, Howard developed his concept in the 1880s and 1890s, drawing on notions that
were circulating at the time, but creating a unique combination of proposals.
The nineteenth-century slum city was in many ways an horrific place; but it offered economic and
social opportunities, lights and crowds. At the same time, the British countryside - now too often seen in a
sentimental glow - was in fact equally unprepossessing: không hấp dẫn though it promised fresh air and
nature, it suffered from agricultural depression and it offered neither sufficient work and wages, nor adequate
social life. Howard's idea was to combine the best of town and country in a new kind of settlement, the garden city.
Howard's idea was that a group of people should establish a company, borrowing money to
establish a garden city in the countryside, far enough from existing cities to ensure that the land was
bought at rock-bottom: với giá thấp, depressed-agricultural, land values ( câu 58).
They should get
agreement from leading industrialists to move their factories there from the congested cities; their workers
would move too, and would build their own houses.
Garden cities would follow the same basic blueprint: bản thiết kế, with a high proportion: tỉ lệ of
green spaces, together with a central public open space, radial avenues: đại lộ xuyên tâm, and peripheral
industries: ngành công nghiệp ngoại vi. They would be surrounded by a much larger area of permanent
green belt, also owned by the company, containing not merely farms, but institutions like reformatories:
trường giáo dưỡng and convalescent homes: nhà an dưỡng, that could benefit from a rural location.
As more and more people moved out, the garden city would reach its planned limit - Howard
suggested 32,000 people; then, another would be started a short distance away. Thus, over time, there
would develop a vast planned agglomeration: sự tịch tụ, extending almost without limit; within it, each
garden city would offer a wide range of jobs and services ( câu 60)
, but each would also be connected to
the others by a rapid transit system, thus giving all the economic and social opportunities of a giant city.
Question 56: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. The Garden City Land Structure.
B. The Invention of the Garden City.
C. Garden Cities – Why Not?
D. Garden City Movement.
Question 57: The word “unprepossessing: không hấp dẫn” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________. A. demanding B. disappointing C. unattractive: D. promising
Question 58: Howard proposed that garden cities should be located __________.
A. in areas where people wished to live.
B. as far as possible from existing cities. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
C. where employment opportunities already existed.
D. where cheap land was available. ( 3 dòng đầu đoạn 3)
Question 59: The word “They” in paragraph 4 refers to __________. A. garden cities B. avenues C. industries D. green spaces
Question 60: What is said about garden cities in the last paragraph?
A. The number would continue to rise. ( câu 3,4 đoạn cuối))
B. Each one would contain a certain type of business.
C. Each one would continue to expand.
D. Residents would live and work in the same place. Question
61: The word “agglomeration” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to __________. A. centre B. castle C. unit
D. cluster: sự tích tụ
Question 62: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Howard decided to emigrate to the USA after farming efforts in his homeland failed.
B. The movement initiated by Howard influenced the development of several model suburbs in other countries.
C. Howard arrived to Chicago just before the great fire of 1871, which heavily destroyed the city.
D. Howard aimed to reduce the alienation: sự xa lánh of humans and society from nature.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
In an unremarkable business park outside the city of Ann Arbor in Michigan stands a poignant
memorial to humanity’s shattered dreams. It doesn’t look like that from the outside, though. Even when you
get inside, it takes a few moments for your eyes to get used to what you’re seeing. It appears to be a vast and
haphazardly: 1 cách tình cờ organized supermarket; along every aisle, grey metal shelves are crammed with
thousands of packages of food and household products. There is something unusually cacophonous about the
displays and soon enough you work out the reason: unlike in a real supermarket, there is only one of each item.
The storehouse: nhà kho, operated by a company called GfK Custom Research North America, has
acquired a nickname: the Museum of Failed Products. This is consumer capitalism’s graveyard or, to put it
less grandly, it’s almost certainly the only place on the planet where you’ll find A Touch of Yogurt shampoo
alongside the equally unpopular For Oily Hair Only. The museum is home to discontinued brands of
caffeinated beer and self-heating soup cans that had a regrettable tendency to explode in customers’ faces.
There is a Japanese term, mono no aware, that translates roughly as “the pathos of things”. It captures
a kind of bittersweet melancholy at life’s impermanence – that additional beauty imparted to cherry blossoms,
for their fleeting nature. It’s only stretching the concept slightly to suggest that this is how the museum’s
manager, an understatedly stylish GfK employee named Carol Sherry, feels about the cartons of Morning
Banana Juice in her care or about Fortune Snookies, a short-lived line of fortune cookies for dogs. Every
failure, the way she sees it, embodies its own sad story on the part of designers, marketers, and salespeople (
câu 70). It is never far from her mind that real people had their mortgages, their car payments, and their family
holidays riding on the success of products such as A Touch of Yogurt.
The Museum of Failed Products was itself a kind of accident, albeit a happier one. Its creator, a now
retired marketing man named Robert McMath, merely intended to accumulate a “reference library” of
consumer products, not failure per se. And so, starting in the 1960s, he began purchasing and preserving a
sample of every new item he could find. Soon, the collection outgrew his office in upstate New York and he
was forced to move into a converted granary to accommodate it. Later, GfK bought him out, moving the whole
lot to Michigan. What McMath hadn’t taken into account was the three-word truth that was to prove the making
of his career: most products fail. According to some estimates, the failure rate is as high as ninety percent.
Simply by collecting new products indiscriminately, McMath had ensured that his hoard would come to
consist overwhelmingly of unsuccessful ones: sản phẩm.
By far the most striking thing about the museum, though, is that it should exist as a viable, profitmaking
business in the first place. You might have assumed that any consumer product manufacturer worthy of the
name would have its own such collection – a carefully stewarded resource to help it avoid making errors its lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
rivals had already made. Yet the executives who arrive every week at Sherry’s door are evidence of how rarely
this happens. Product developers are so focused on their next hoped-for success, so unwilling to invest time
or energy thinking about their industry’s past failures that they only belatedly realize how much they need to
access GfK’s collection ( câu 66). Most surprising of all is that many of the designers who have found their
way to the museum have come there to examine – or been surprised to discover – products that their own
companies had created, then abandoned.
It isn’t hard to imagine how one downside of the positive thinking culture, an aversion to confronting
failure, might have been responsible for the very existence of many of the products lining its shelves. Each
one must have made it through a series of meetings at which nobody realized that the product was doomed.
Perhaps nobody wanted to contemplate the prospect of failure; perhaps someone did but didn’t want to bring
it up for discussion. By the time the truth became obvious, the original developers would have moved to
other products or other firms. Little energy would have been invested in discovering what went wrong.
Everyone involved would have conspired, perhaps without realizing what they’re doing, never to speak of it
again. Failure is everywhere. It’s just that most of the time we’d rather avoid confronting that fact.
Question 63: Which best serves as the title for the passage? A. Product Developers
B. Collecting Successful Products
C. A Museum of Failed Products
D. An Organised Supermarket
Question 64: The word “haphazardly” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____________. A. logically
B. randomly: 1cachs ngẫu nhiên/ tình cờ C. roughly D. greedily
Question 65: The word “indiscriminately: 1 cách bừa bãi ” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____________. A. in a planned way
B. in an unexpected way
C. in an unplanned way D. in an expected way
Question 66: According to the writer, what is remarkable about the product developers who visit GfK?
A. their ignorance of the existence of the collection.
B. the way they dismiss their own companies’ failures.
C. their tendency to repeat past failures.
D. the lack of attention paid to previous failures. ( đoạn 5 dòng 4,5)
Question 67: According to the writer, what is the reason why the storehouse does not resemble a supermarket?
A. the dimly-lit space.
B. the range of products on each shelf. ( câu cuối đoạn 1)
C. its appearance on the outside.
D. the size of the building.
Question 68: What point is the writer making in the last paragraph?
A. that people are afraid to talk about failure.
B. that failure should have been prevented.
C. that thinking negatively often leads to failure. D. that failure is an acceptable part of life.
Question 69: The word “ones” in paragraph 4 refers to __________. A. products B. failure rate C. ninety percent D. estimates
Question 70: What is Carol Sherry’s attitude to the failed products?
A. She appreciates the concepts behind the products.
B. She feels particularly attached to some products.
C. She has sympathy: sự đồng cảm for the people inventing them. ( đoạn 3 dòng 6)
D. She prefers failed products to successful ones.
SECTION B: WRITING (30 points)
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (5 points). Question 1. I was
greatly relieved to hear that her condition was not serious. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
It was with great relief to hear that her condition was not serious With
great relief: thật nhẹ nhõm.
Question 2. Sally distrusts modern technology strongly.
Sally has a trong distrust of modern technology Distrust (v+ N): không tin .
Question 3. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather permitting, we may go camping at the weekend .
Weather permitting: nếu thời tiết đủ tốt ( cấu trúc tuyệt đối)
Cấu trúc tuyệt đối để là mệnh đề phụ, nhưng không có liên từ. dùng tỏng trường hợp 2 mệnh đề khác chủ ngữ S1 + V-ing , S2 + V2 Vpp
Question 4. Whatever the methods used to obtain the results, drugs were definitely not involved.
There was no questionof drugs being involved, whatever the methods used to obtain the results .
There was no question of: không có khả năng
Question 5. What put me off the idea was simple how expensive it was going to be.
The sheer cost was what put me off the idea
The sheer cost: giá cả đắt đỏ
Part 2. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it but using the word given. Do not change the form of the given word. Write
the answers on your answer sheet. (5 points)

Question 6. The shipwrecked sailors were washed up on the beach: được đưa lên bờ late at night. ( CAST)
The shipwrecked: trong vụ chìm tàu sailors were cast ashore late at night.
(be) cast ashore: được đưa lên bờ
Question 7. Charles disappeared one day and no one’s seen him since. ( BLUE)
Charles vanished into the blue one day and no one’s seen him since.
Vanish into the blue: biến mất không để lại dấu vết
Question 8. Is it necessary to make such a fuss about my being late? ( SONG)
Do you have to make such a song and dance about my being late? Make a
fuss = make a song and dance: làm ầm lên
Question 9. That child wants to be the centre of attention all the time. (SPOTLIGHT)
That child wants to be in the potlight all the time.
In the spotlight: trở thành tâm điểm
Question 10. Twelve people lost their jobs in the company’s reorganisation. ( REDUNDANT)
Twelve people were made redundant in the_company’s reorganisation.
( be) made redundant : bị nghỉ việc ( do dư thừa người)
Part 3. Essay writing (20 points)
“Nowadays there is a growing shift towards the use of cashless transactions. While some people argue in
support of a cashless society, claiming that it is beneficial to citizens, others raise concerns about security.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Write
an essay of about 250 words to express your ideas.