Tài liệu ôn tập unit 8 ôn tập cuối học phần | Đaị học Hoa Sen

Tài liệu ôn tập unit 8 ôn tập cuối học phần | Đaị học Hoa Sen  được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem


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Tài liệu ôn tập unit 8 ôn tập cuối học phần | Đaị học Hoa Sen

Tài liệu ôn tập unit 8 ôn tập cuối học phần | Đaị học Hoa Sen  được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

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Unit 8: Exercise 1
Read the information. Then choose the four statements that accurately describe
features of the diagram.
Remember that to achieve the higher bands in IELTS Writing Task 1, it is important to study
the diagram very carefully and make sure that the information you include in your response is
accurate and appropriate. Including data and other facts that do not appear in the diagram will
result in a lower mark for Task Achievement.
The diagram below shows the process of recycling plastic bottles.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Used plastic bottles are put into recycling bins by people who are paid to collect them.
The collected bottles are then classified by their colour and put into different boxes
before going further into the process.
In the next step, the sorted bottles are squashed in a crushing machine in order to
make them softer.
Following on from this, the crushed bottles are fed into a machine in which they are
broken up into individual plastic pieces.
The plastic is washed and is scooped up by a worker, who then separates the water
using a special tool, before putting the plastic into another machine.
This rather large heating machine then breaks it all down and the mixture turns into
much smaller plastic pellets, which are easier to manage.
After this step of the process, the heated plastic pellets are taken to another machine,
which blends them using a screw that forces the substance into a new bottle mould.
The new bottle is then sold in shops before it is recycled again.
Unit 8: Exercise 2
Match the more extended and better developed sentences in the box with the
simple sentences.
A worker filters the water from the plastic using a tool, and the plastic then goes into a
After this, the bottles are compressed together into a bundle.
Empty bottles are gathered together and placed in a special recycling container.
In the next step, the bottles are fed into a machine that chops them up.
The chopped-up plastic is then rinsed with water.
The collected bottles are then taken to a place where they are classified according to their
The pellets are put into a machine, where a screw grinds them into a mould for new
This heating process boils the broken plastic into pellets.
1. Collectors put used bottles into a recycling bin.
2. These bottles go to a factory and are sorted by colour.
3. Then a machine crushes the bottles into a bundle.
4. Next, the bottles are put in a machine that cuts them up.
5. After this, the broken bottles are cleaned.
6. Then, this clean plastic is put into a heater by a worker.
7. The plastic is made into pellets by the device.
8. Afterwards, these pellets are put into another machine and a screw moulds them into
Unit 8: Exercise 3
Read the information. Then match the sequencing words in the box with the
In order to achieve a higher band in the IELTS Writing test, you need to use a variety of
sequencing words and words to describe processes.
continually (adv) immediately (adv) once (adv) overall (adv) prior (adj)
stage (n) step (n) sltimately (adv)
1. happening repeatedly: ________________
2. close to something or someone in distance or time: ________________
3. happening earlier in time: ________________
4. taking everything into account: ________________
5. another way of saying : ________________after
6. any move that is made towards a goal: ________________
7. a distinct time period in a process: ________________
8. in the end, after a series of events have happened: ________________
Unit 8: Exercise 4
Choose the correct sequencing words to complete the model answer.
The diagram illustrates the process of recycling plastic bottles. This is a circular process
which begins and ends with a plastic product. In the diagram, we can see how the bottles go
through stages of being collected, cleaned, reshaped and before/ultimately reformed into a
new plastic product. In the beginning/Immediately , empty used plastic bottles are collected
and placed in a recycling bin. These bottles are directly/then classified by their colour and
put into different boxes before/immediately going further into the process. As soon
as/Instantly they are sorted, the bottles are compressed together by a crushing machine into a
bundle. After/Following on from this , the crushed bottles are fed into a machine where they
are sliced up into individual plastic pieces. The chopped-up plastic is in turn/right after rinsed
with water. The clean plastic is scooped up by a worker, who filters the water using a special
tool following this/prior to putting the plastic into a heating machine. A heating process boils
the plastic pieces into pellets. Afterwards/Following on , these pellets are put into another
machine where a screw mashes them into a mould for new bottles. A new bottle is at last/then
ready for use in the packaging of liquids such as soft drinks, cosmetics and detergents.
Unit 8: Exercise 5
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows the process of producing wood for commercial use.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words
Please add text into the Student post.
Student post:
Unit 8: Exercise 6
Read the IELTS Writing Task 2 question. Then read the sentences. Do the
sentences express opinions that support or are against the statement shown in
the Task 2 question? Choose Support or Against.
Social media and the virtual world are now more important than the real world in the
construction of young people’s cultural identity.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your own opinion.
1. When posting on social media, young people can try out personalities that differ from
those they have in the real world.
o Support
o Against
2. The mass media is, by far, the most important factor in developing culture among the
younger generation.
o Support
o Against
3. Interactive computer games allow young people to perform different roles and be
different people.
o Support
o Against
4. Socialising online, with people from different parts of the world, leads to a fluid
cultural identity.
o Support
o Against
5. Citizenship of any country can be changed; therefore, language is the true decider of
cultural identity.
o Support
o Against
6. Young people establish their cultural identity mainly based on their upbringing.
o Support
o Against
Unit 8: Exercise 7
Read the sentences. Are they relevant to the question? Choose Yes or No.
Social media and the virtual world are now more important than the real world in the
construction of young people’s cultural identity.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your own opinion.
1. Social media platforms are a great tool for keeping in touch with old friends and
making new ones internationally.
o Yes
o No
2. By entering spaces using virtual reality technology, young people can experiment
with a wide range of cultural experiences.
o Yes
o No
3. Many young people prefer to stay indoors and play online games rather than go out
and make friends.
o Yes
o No
4. The learning of one’s native language determines how a person reacts culturally since
linguistic conventions decide how people interact with each other.
o Yes
o No
5. Traditional media outlets such as television and print media are boring for young
people because they never have any good content.
o Yes
o No
6. Different people can comment on the photographs of food from my country that I post
online. I can therefore learn about what they eat.
o Yes
o No
Unit 8: Exercise 8
Read the sentences and choose the supporting statements that are clear and
Social media and the virtual world are now more important than the real world in the
construction of young people’s cultural identity.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your own opinion.
1. Young people like to try out different identities in social media posts,
o which allows them to hide their activities from their parents.
o which lets them experiment with various cultural identities.
2. National newspapers, radio and television are still the main cultural institutions
o that help young people think about themselves and the world.
o that influence how young people form opinions about the world around them.
3. Interactive computer games, particularly online games, give young people the chance
to role-play in different multicultural social environments.
o It follows on that they will make a variety of friends from different nations.
o That is to say, they can experiment with different identities in various
4. The internet, and the ability to chat to people from all over the world online,
o has enabled young people to discuss and negotiate cultural differences.
o has replaced pen pals, and this is the new way to keep in contact with people.
5. It is the language that one is brought up with, and not one’s profile on social media,
that determines cultural identity.
o In other words, how a person communicates face-to-face is more important
than the tool they use to express themselves online.
o The main point is that there is often a language barrier both online and offline.
6. Parentage, education and where young people spend their childhood are important
factors in the determination of cultural identity.
o In reality, parents, schooling and the social environment often reinforce a
young person’s idea of culture.
o The inescapable fact is that education is the key to everything in life.
7. Posting comments, photos and video content online allows young people to
experiment with their cultural identity.
o As such, it is leading to possible identity theft.
o Therefore, their cultural identities are more fluid and open than a generation
8. Where a young person grows up is absolutely pivotal in deciding their cultural
o In my opinion, social media and the online world have a far smaller impact on
their identity than their surroundings.
o What’s more, I moved to another country when I was 14 and it gave me a
greater cultural understanding.
9. Playing interactive, competitive computer games with people of other nationalities
lets young people role-play characters in different virtual environments.
o In this way, online games are possibly eroding cultural differences.
o This means that they can make lots of friends all over the world.
10. Chatting to people worldwide using social media platforms has allowed young people
to discuss and exchange their ideas about their cultural heritage.
o From my experience, I have been able to meet people from all over the world
o From my experience of communicating with various nationalities, a global
youth culture is slowly being formed.
Unit 8: Exercise 9
Read the information. Then read the conclusions. Would the conclusions
receive higher band scores? Choose Yes or No.
Remember: conclusions need to be clear and should not be repetitive. They need to
paraphrase the main ideas in the essay to achieve a higher band.
1. In conclusion, young people’s use of the internet, from chatting on social media to
playing interactive games, has changed young people’s cultural identity, and they no
longer feel the same about themselves and others.
o Yes
o No
2. In summary, young people’s use of the internet has fundamentally changed how they
communicate and identify with both the people immediately around them and those
from other places .
o Yes
o No
3. Overall, the real world of family, parents, the mass media and language are more
important in constructing a young person’s cultural identity than the virtual world.
o Yes
o No
4. All in all, a young person’s native language, their immediate family, education and
media outlets such as newspapers have a greater influence on what they identify with
culturally in comparison to their online activity and profile.
o Yes
o No
Unit 8: Exercise 10
You should spend 40 minutes on this task
The advantages of robots doing the basic serving functions in the entertainment, leisure
and retail sectors of the economy outweigh the disadvantages.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Please add text into the Student post.
Student post:
| 1/11

Preview text:

Unit 8: Exercise 1
Read the information. Then choose the four statements that accurately describe features of the diagram.
Remember that to achieve the higher bands in IELTS Writing Task 1, it is important to study
the diagram very carefully and make sure that the information you include in your response is
accurate and appropriate. Including data and other facts that do not appear in the diagram will
result in a lower mark for Task Achievement.
The diagram below shows the process of recycling plastic bottles.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Used plastic bottles are put into recycling bins by people who are paid to collect them. □
The collected bottles are then classified by their colour and put into different boxes
before going further into the process. □
In the next step, the sorted bottles are squashed in a crushing machine in order to make them softer. □
Following on from this, the crushed bottles are fed into a machine in which they are
broken up into individual plastic pieces. □
The plastic is washed and is scooped up by a worker, who then separates the water
using a special tool, before putting the plastic into another machine. □
This rather large heating machine then breaks it all down and the mixture turns into
much smaller plastic pellets, which are easier to manage. □
After this step of the process, the heated plastic pellets are taken to another machine,
which blends them using a screw that forces the substance into a new bottle mould. □
The new bottle is then sold in shops before it is recycled again. Unit 8: Exercise 2
Match the more extended and better developed sentences in the box with the simple sentences.
A worker filters the water from the plastic using a tool, and the plastic then goes into a heater.
After this, the bottles are compressed together into a bundle.
Empty bottles are gathered together and placed in a special recycling container.
In the next step, the bottles are fed into a machine that chops them up.
The chopped-up plastic is then rinsed with water.
The collected bottles are then taken to a place where they are classified according to their colour.
The pellets are put into a machine, where a screw grinds them into a mould for new bottles.
This heating process boils the broken plastic into pellets.
1. Collectors put used bottles into a recycling bin.
2. These bottles go to a factory and are sorted by colour.
3. Then a machine crushes the bottles into a bundle.
4. Next, the bottles are put in a machine that cuts them up.
5. After this, the broken bottles are cleaned.
6. Then, this clean plastic is put into a heater by a worker.
7. The plastic is made into pellets by the device.
8. Afterwards, these pellets are put into another machine and a screw moulds them into bottles.
____________________________________________________________________ Unit 8: Exercise 3
Read the information. Then match the sequencing words in the box with the definitions.
In order to achieve a higher band in the IELTS Writing test, you need to use a variety of
sequencing words and words to describe processes.
continually (adv) immediately (adv) once (adv) overall (adv) prior (adj)
stage (n) step (n) sltimately (adv)
1. happening repeatedly: ________________
2. close to something or someone in distance or time: ________________
3. happening earlier in time: ________________
4. taking everything into account: ________________ 5. another way of saying : ________________ after
6. any move that is made towards a goal: ________________
7. a distinct time period in a process: ________________
8. in the end, after a series of events have happened: ________________ Unit 8: Exercise 4
Choose the correct sequencing words to complete the model answer.
The diagram illustrates the process of recycling plastic bottles. This is a circular process
which begins and ends with a plastic product. In the diagram, we can see how the bottles go
through stages of being collected, cleaned, reshaped and before/ultimately reformed into a
new plastic product. In the beginning/Immediately , empty used plastic bottles are collected
and placed in a recycling bin. These bottles are directly/then classified by their colour and
put into different boxes before/immediately going further into the process. As soon
as/Instantly they are sorted, the bottles are compressed together by a crushing machine into a
bundle. After/Following on from this , the crushed bottles are fed into a machine where they
are sliced up into individual plastic pieces. The chopped-up plastic is in turn/right after rinsed
with water. The clean plastic is scooped up by a worker, who filters the water using a special
tool following this/prior to putting the plastic into a heating machine. A heating process boils
the plastic pieces into pellets. Afterwards/Following on , these pellets are put into another
machine where a screw mashes them into a mould for new bottles. A new bottle is at last/then
ready for use in the packaging of liquids such as soft drinks, cosmetics and detergents. Unit 8: Exercise 5 WRITING TASK 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows the process of producing wood for commercial use.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words
Please add text into the Student post. Student post: Unit 8: Exercise 6
Read the IELTS Writing Task 2 question. Then read the sentences. Do the
sentences express opinions that support or are against the statement shown in
the Task 2 question? Choose Support or Against.
Social media and the virtual world are now more important than the real world in the
construction of young people’s cultural identity.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your own opinion.
1. When posting on social media, young people can try out personalities that differ from
those they have in the real world. o Support o Against
2. The mass media is, by far, the most important factor in developing culture among the younger generation. o Support o Against
3. Interactive computer games allow young people to perform different roles and be different people. o Support o Against
4. Socialising online, with people from different parts of the world, leads to a fluid cultural identity. o Support o Against
5. Citizenship of any country can be changed; therefore, language is the true decider of cultural identity. o Support o Against
6. Young people establish their cultural identity mainly based on their upbringing. o Support o Against Unit 8: Exercise 7
Read the sentences. Are they relevant to the question? Choose Yes or No.
Social media and the virtual world are now more important than the real world in the
construction of young people’s cultural identity.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your own opinion.
1. Social media platforms are a great tool for keeping in touch with old friends and
making new ones internationally. o Yes o No
2. By entering spaces using virtual reality technology, young people can experiment
with a wide range of cultural experiences. o Yes o No
3. Many young people prefer to stay indoors and play online games rather than go out and make friends. o Yes o No
4. The learning of one’s native language determines how a person reacts culturally since
linguistic conventions decide how people interact with each other. o Yes o No
5. Traditional media outlets such as television and print media are boring for young
people because they never have any good content. o Yes o No
6. Different people can comment on the photographs of food from my country that I post
online. I can therefore learn about what they eat. o Yes o No Unit 8: Exercise 8
Read the sentences and choose the supporting statements that are clear and relevant.
Social media and the virtual world are now more important than the real world in the
construction of young people’s cultural identity.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your own opinion. 1.
Young people like to try out different identities in social media posts, o
which allows them to hide their activities from their parents. o
which lets them experiment with various cultural identities. 2.
National newspapers, radio and television are still the main cultural institutions o
that help young people think about themselves and the world. o
that influence how young people form opinions about the world around them. 3.
Interactive computer games, particularly online games, give young people the chance
to role-play in different multicultural social environments. o
It follows on that they will make a variety of friends from different nations. o
That is to say, they can experiment with different identities in various situations. 4.
The internet, and the ability to chat to people from all over the world online, o
has enabled young people to discuss and negotiate cultural differences. o
has replaced pen pals, and this is the new way to keep in contact with people. 5.
It is the language that one is brought up with, and not one’s profile on social media,
that determines cultural identity. o
In other words, how a person communicates face-to-face is more important
than the tool they use to express themselves online. o
The main point is that there is often a language barrier both online and offline. 6.
Parentage, education and where young people spend their childhood are important
factors in the determination of cultural identity. o
In reality, parents, schooling and the social environment often reinforce a
young person’s idea of culture. o
The inescapable fact is that education is the key to everything in life. 7.
Posting comments, photos and video content online allows young people to
experiment with their cultural identity. o
As such, it is leading to possible identity theft. o
Therefore, their cultural identities are more fluid and open than a generation ago. 8.
Where a young person grows up is absolutely pivotal in deciding their cultural identity. o
In my opinion, social media and the online world have a far smaller impact on
their identity than their surroundings. o
What’s more, I moved to another country when I was 14 and it gave me a
greater cultural understanding. 9.
Playing interactive, competitive computer games with people of other nationalities
lets young people role-play characters in different virtual environments. o
In this way, online games are possibly eroding cultural differences. o
This means that they can make lots of friends all over the world.
10. Chatting to people worldwide using social media platforms has allowed young people
to discuss and exchange their ideas about their cultural heritage. o
From my experience, I have been able to meet people from all over the world online. o
From my experience of communicating with various nationalities, a global
youth culture is slowly being formed. Unit 8: Exercise 9
Read the information. Then read the conclusions. Would the conclusions
receive higher band scores? Choose Yes or No.
Remember: conclusions need to be clear and should not be repetitive. They need to
paraphrase the main ideas in the essay to achieve a higher band.
1. In conclusion, young people’s use of the internet, from chatting on social media to
playing interactive games, has changed young people’s cultural identity, and they no
longer feel the same about themselves and others. o Yes o No
2. In summary, young people’s use of the internet has fundamentally changed how they
communicate and identify with both the people immediately around them and those from other places . o Yes o No
3. Overall, the real world of family, parents, the mass media and language are more
important in constructing a young person’s cultural identity than the virtual world. o Yes o No
4. All in all, a young person’s native language, their immediate family, education and
media outlets such as newspapers have a greater influence on what they identify with
culturally in comparison to their online activity and profile. o Yes o No Unit 8: Exercise 10 WRITING TASK 2
You should spend 40 minutes on this task
The advantages of robots doing the basic serving functions in the entertainment, leisure
and retail sectors of the economy outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
Please add text into the Student post. Student post: