Tài liệu tham khảo từ nguồn chính trọn bộ ôn tập cho sinh viên | Đại học Hoa Sen

Tài liệu tham khảo từ nguồn chính trọn bộ ôn tập cho sinh viên | Đại học Hoa Sen  được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

The first bar chart depicts the fraction of the types of movies that
released and their tickets were sold in a country between 1996
and 2000. Overal, as we can see that drama were the most
popular among other categories. While, the amount of drama,
comedy, and fantasy film increased signifiantly, the demand for
romance films was least popular in this country’s cinemas.
Regarding the percentage of films released, in 1996, drama film
took the lead with 26%. Followed by that the propotions of
comedy and fantasy stood at 20% and 13% respectively. And
romantic movies are the least popular with 5%. In 2000, The
figure for drama, comedy, and fantasy films rose to 35%, 25%,
16% respectively, while the number of romance films has
remained nearly unchanged.
Concerning the static of ticket sales, comedy movies are chosen
by people to buy the most in 1996, accounting for 20% of all
tickets sold. The second highest percentage of ticketed movies is
drama movies, with approximately 16%. The figure for fantasy
and romance film were much lower with nearly 2,5% and 5%
respectively. After four years, as same as the trend in the
percentage films released, the percentage of ticket sales
increasing up in all three genres ( drama, comedy, fatasy),
Nonetheless, the type of romance experienced a significant
reduction to around 2%.
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The first bar chart depicts the fraction of the types of movies that
released and their tickets were sold in a country between 1996
and 2000. Overal, as we can see that drama were the most
popular among other categories. While, the amount of drama,
comedy, and fantasy film increased signifiantly, the demand for
romance films was least popular in this country’s cinemas.
Regarding the percentage of films released, in 1996, drama film
took the lead with 26%. Followed by that the propotions of
comedy and fantasy stood at 20% and 13% respectively. And
romantic movies are the least popular with 5%. In 2000, The
figure for drama, comedy, and fantasy films rose to 35%, 25%,
16% respectively, while the number of romance films has remained nearly unchanged.
Concerning the static of ticket sales, comedy movies are chosen
by people to buy the most in 1996, accounting for 20% of all
tickets sold. The second highest percentage of ticketed movies is
drama movies, with approximately 16%. The figure for fantasy
and romance film were much lower with nearly 2,5% and 5%
respectively. After four years, as same as the trend in the
percentage films released, the percentage of ticket sales
increasing up in all three genres ( drama, comedy, fatasy),
Nonetheless, the type of romance experienced a significant reduction to around 2%.