Takenote - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Takenote - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Tiếng anh chuyên ngành – Takenote
The article written by __ (on + date/newspaper) talks about __wh__.
Wh- what/who/where/why/how
Fundamental = basic/essential
Endorsement = approvement/ verification
Recommendation = suggestion/
Potential = possible/ target
Dedicated – tận tâm
Niche – nhu cầu tiêu thụ/ thị trường
Drive awareness = tell the customer= get attention
Promote the company – move the business forwards
Retain = continue to hold
Leverage – use sth to maximum advantage
Bleeding-edge= new/ experimental
Assertion = confident statement of fact -sự khẳng định
Indicator = trend or fact to measure the level of something
Supplement diet : thực phẩm bổ sung
Frizzing : (a) tóc xoăn xù
apiece : each
finishing touch item : a product that is used as the last step
drive awareness: to acknowledge/ catch attention
the proof is indeed the pudding : the quality of the product
decide if the customer will buy it
the bible on understanding customer trust : confirmation of
give a damn about : really care about something
target audience: potential customer
gauge success - đánh giá(calculate) sự thành công
resonate : to increase the sounds by shaking the item …
internalize - absorb the information, idea, opinion
grab someone attention : to someone's attract attention
subconsciously : in a way that uses or to the relates
subconscious part your mind notices (= the of that and
remembers information actively trying when you are not to
do so, and though you do notinfluences your behavior even
realize it)
blatant : very and , when this is a obvious intentional
bad thing:
cast net : quăng lưới - to somethingthrow
tangible : real and not ; to be , imaginary able shown
touched experienced, or
on a par - the same as or to someone or equal
Tuần 2
Mate = to have sex and produce young, or to make animals
do this, an animal's sexual partner
Offspring= the young of an animal
Caribou = a large deer with long horns with branches that
lives in North America
Tundra = the very large area of land in North Asia, North
America, and northern Europe where, because it is cold,
trees do not grow and ground below the surface is
permanently frozen- vùng lãnh nguyên
more-pronounced : clearer, easier to be seen/ more
missing out : leaving behind, failing to use an opportunity to
experience sth good
home range - area where animals live in a season
funded in part : partly sponsored
getting out of the whack : not writing normally/ out of regular
legal action
democratic reform
constitutional monarchy
political atmosphere
frank discussion
international norms
self-exiled Thai academic living in Japan- Thai professor
who was forced to live in Japan for political reasons
a sedition law - law that regulates words or actions which
are against the government
to protect the palace from naysayers - to protect the royal
family from protester
dictatorship powers - political situation where the king has
absolute powers
the military- aligned government- government supported by
military force
draw a/the conclusion - to the of a consider facts situation
and make a about what is , , to decision true correct likely
happen, etc.:
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành – Takenote
The article written by __ (on + date/newspaper) talks about __wh__. Wh- what/who/where/why/how Fundamental = basic/essential
Endorsement = approvement/ verification Recommendation = suggestion/ Potential = possible/ target Dedicated – tận tâm
Niche – nhu cầu tiêu thụ/ thị trường
Drive awareness = tell the customer= get attention
Promote the company – move the business forwards Retain = continue to hold
Leverage – use sth to maximum advantage
Bleeding-edge= new/ experimental
Assertion = confident statement of fact -sự khẳng định
Indicator = trend or fact to measure the level of something
Supplement diet : thực phẩm bổ sung Frizzing : (a) tóc xoăn xù apiece : each
finishing touch item : a product that is used as the last step
drive awareness: to acknowledge/ catch attention
the proof is indeed the pudding : the quality of the product
decide if the customer will buy it
the bible on understanding customer trust : confirmation of quality
give a damn about : really care about something
target audience: potential customer
gauge success - đánh giá(calculate) sự thành công
resonate : to increase the sounds by shaking the item …
internalize - absorb the information, idea, opinion
grab someone attention : to attract someone's attention
subconsciously : in a way that uses or relates to the
subconscious (= the part of your mind that notices and
remembers information when you are not actively trying to
do so, and influences your behavior even though you do not realize it)
blatant : very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing:
cast net : quăng lưới - to throw something
tangible : real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced
on a par - the same as or equal to someone or something: Tuần 2
Mate = to have sex and produce young, or to make animals
do this, an animal's sexual partner
Offspring= the young of an animal
Caribou = a large deer with long horns with branches that lives in North America
Tundra = the very large area of land in North Asia, North
America, and northern Europe where, because it is cold,
trees do not grow and ground below the surface is
permanently frozen- vùng lãnh nguyên
more-pronounced : clearer, easier to be seen/ more noticeable
missing out : leaving behind, failing to use an opportunity to experience sth good
home range - area where animals live in a season
funded in part : partly sponsored
getting out of the whack : not writing normally/ out of regular patterns legal action democratic reform constitutional monarchy political atmosphere frank discussion international norms
self-exiled Thai academic living in Japan- Thai professor
who was forced to live in Japan for political reasons
a sedition law - law that regulates words or actions which are against the government
to protect the palace from naysayers - to protect the royal family from protester
dictatorship powers - political situation where the king has absolute powers
the military- aligned government- government supported by military force
draw a/the conclusion - to consider the facts of a situation
and make a decision about what is true, correct, likely to happen, etc.: