Template of the result - English A1 | Học viện Phụ Nữ Việt Nam

Template of the result - English A1 | Học viện Phụ Nữ Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

The participants of this research project were 200 ISBA students of Banking Academy in Ha
Noi, who were chosen randomly. As my expectations, the obtained results fully identify the habit
of watching movies in the cinema of the mentioned group.
Every week; 21.50%
Twice a month;
3 times a month ;
Others; 12.00%
No answer; 15.00%
Every week Twice a month 3 times a month
Others No answer
Figure 1: The frequency of watching films in the cinema of ISBA students
According to Figure 1, it is clearly seen that there were about 41% of
ISBA students went to the cinema twice a month, which was the highest
compared to the others.
<100.000vnd 100.000-150.000vnd 150.000-200.000vnd
200.000-250.000vnd No answer
Figure 2: The amount of money that ISBA students spend for each time go to the
It is clearly seen that ISBA students often spent from 150.000 to 200.000vnđ each time
when they went to the cinema, which accounted for the biggest percentage at 36%.
Family; 14.50%
Friends ; 34.00%
Lovers; 25.00%
Alone ; 11.50%
No answer ; 15.00%
Family Friends Lovers Alone No answer
Figure 3: People who often go to the cinema with ISBA students
In response to the question of the person who ISBA students often went to the cinema
with, friends were the most chosen object, accounting for 34% of the total. Next was lovers
Science Fiction
Figure 4: The type of movies that ISBA students often choose
As can be seen from figure 4, Romance was the type of film that ISBA students often
chose the most, standing at 2nd was horror films with nearly 60% and 48% respectively.
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The participants of this research project were 200 ISBA students of Banking Academy in Ha
Noi, who were chosen randomly. As my expectations, the obtained results fully identify the habit
of watching movies in the cinema of the mentioned group. No answer; 15.00% Every week; 21.50% Others; 12.00% 3 times a month ; 11.00% Twice a month; 40.50% Every week Twice a month 3 times a month Others No answer
Figure 1: The frequency of watching films in the cinema of ISBA students
According to Figure 1, it is clearly seen that there were about 41% of
ISBA students went to the cinema twice a month, which was the highest compared to the others. 15.00% 26.00% 4.00% 19.50% 35.50% <100.000vnd 100.000-150.000vnd 150.000-200.000vnd 200.000-250.000vnd No answer
Figure 2: The amount of money that ISBA students spend for each time go to the cinema
It is clearly seen that ISBA students often spent from 150.000 to 200.000vnđ each time
when they went to the cinema, which accounted for the biggest percentage at 36%. Family; 14.50% No answer ; 15.00% Alone ; 11.50% Friends ; 34.00% Lovers; 25.00% Family Friends Lovers Alone No answer
Figure 3: People who often go to the cinema with ISBA students
In response to the question of the person who ISBA students often went to the cinema
with, friends were the most chosen object, accounting for 34% of the total. Next was lovers 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 e nim edy A orror ance thers etective om om O R C inal/D Science Fiction H rim C
Figure 4: The type of movies that ISBA students often choose
As can be seen from figure 4, Romance was the type of film that ISBA students often
chose the most, standing at 2nd was horror films with nearly 60% and 48% respectively.