Thuyết trình kĩ thuật quản lý thời gian trên đại học | Đại học Thái Nguyên

Good morning, everyone. I feel truly fascinated to see all of you here for today's examination. I sincerely hope that you can pass the test with the best results. Let me share a bit about myself. Tài liệu giúp bạn ôn tập, tham khảo và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


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Thuyết trình kĩ thuật quản lý thời gian trên đại học | Đại học Thái Nguyên

Good morning, everyone. I feel truly fascinated to see all of you here for today's examination. I sincerely hope that you can pass the test with the best results. Let me share a bit about myself. Tài liệu giúp bạn ôn tập, tham khảo và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

65 33 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD| 45349271
Good morning, everyone. I feel truly fascinated to see all of you here for
today's examinaon. I sincerely hope that you can pass the test with the best
results. Let me share a bit about myself. My name is Dat, and my full name is
Tran Quang Dat. Currently, I am a second-year student majoring in English
Language at Hanoi University of Industry.
As you can see on the screen, our topic today is "E 昀昀 ecve Time
Management Techniques for College Students." So, what do you think when we
talk about me management? It is indeed an essenal skill for students, isn't it?
That's right! But have you ever wondered why some people, within the same
24 hours in a day, can accomplish so much—they can work part-me, join
clubs, engage in community service, excel in their studies— while others
struggle to get things done or may not achieve much at all?
Do you think they use any tricks to gain extra me? Let's explore this topic
together. Don't worry about handouts; if you'd like, I can share them with you
aer my talk. I will divide my presentaon into four main parts.
First, I'll discuss the importance of me management in college life. Second,...
My talk will take about 25 minutes to cover all the aspects. If you have any
quesons related to my topic, feel free to raise your hand and ask me. There
will be me for quesons aer my presentaon.
Now, let's move on to the 昀椀 rst part: The importance of me management
in college life
Transioning from high school to university brings a lot of responsibilies and
independence for students. They are no longer under supervision and must
take charge of every aspect of their lives. This poses a challenge as students
face a busy schedule with part-me jobs, assignment deadlines, club acvies,
social relaonships, and so on.
To balance these demands, they need e 昀昀 ecve me management.
However, not everyone knows how to implement them correctly. Without
proper me management, students may experience a decline in mental and
physical health, which is a serious and crucial issue. Therefore, it is essenal to
have the right me management techniques.
lOMoARcPSD| 45349271
So, what are these me management techniques? Let's move on to the second
part of my presentaon.
I will give you a deeper understanding about me management techniques.
First of all, according to the arcle named Myhours we have the de 昀椀 nion
of ….. So what are the bene 昀椀 ts of employing TMT.
There are numerous bene 昀椀 ts to applying Time Management Techniques
(TMT), but in my perspecve, there are four main advantages for you to
consider when implemenng TMT.
Firstly: In stead of geng in multasking, you focus on one acviy at a me
for a speaci 昀椀 ed duraon. This way, you give it your best which result in you
achieving your goals faster.
The second bene 昀椀 ts, reduce stress, Priorize tasks and 昀椀 nish them
rst, you will know exactly what you need to do and how much me you have
to complete each tasks in order. This decreases your anxiety and overall
stress because you have enough me to get everything done.
Thirdly, Prevent procrasnaon:
+ Seng a speci 昀椀 ed me for a task gives you movaons that you need to
get it done. It helps you overcome the laziness and exhauson which oen
contribute to the procrasnaon.
and 昀椀 nally. Beer work-life balance:
+ Proper me mangagement create a perfect balance between professional life
and personal life. You have more opportunies to parcipate in various of
acvies without corncern about me budget
Thats all I have to say about me management techniques. Let now move to
main point of my talk today, 3 most important TMT. All three of these
techniques have been thoroughly researched and have shown promising
results. However, there are sll pros and cons that I would like to discuss later.
Technique number one: The pomodoro
Look at the diagram on the screen we can see there are totally 8 steps
implement this technique. You set your work into 25minute work sessions and
5-minute breaks. Aer 4 cycles, you
lOMoARcPSD| 45349271
take a 30-minute break Aer compleng one process, we can repeat another
About pros and cons of this technique
For advantages, when using Tech numb
This technique is aimed at priorizing tasks. Pick out most important (this is
your "frog"), and tackle it 昀椀 rst thing tomorrow. Once you have 昀椀 nished
with your "frog", you can move on to other tasks for the day, but not before
Tech numb 3:
- A contrast to the classical To-do List — you list all the tasks and acvies you
won't do.
So much about these techniques I want to demonstrate to u
To summurize my talk, I hope u must know three queson aer my
presentaon, what ,… and 昀椀 nd the answer for yourself the queson…
However from my point, That depends mostly on your needs — whether you
need to organize your work me, study me, or track your goals.
Thats is the end of my presentaon, Now is the me for queson, if you have
queson related to my topic, don’t hesitate raise your hand and give me your
think. Once again thank you for listening.
| 1/3

Preview text:

lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
Good morning, everyone. I feel truly fascinated to see all of you here for
today's examination. I sincerely hope that you can pass the test with the best
results. Let me share a bit about myself. My name is Dat, and my full name is
Tran Quang Dat. Currently, I am a second-year student majoring in English
Language at Hanoi University of Industry.
As you can see on the screen, our topic today is "E 昀昀 ective Time
Management Techniques for College Students." So, what do you think when we
talk about time management? It is indeed an essential skill for students, isn't it?
That's right! But have you ever wondered why some people, within the same
24 hours in a day, can accomplish so much—they can work part-time, join
clubs, engage in community service, excel in their studies— while others
struggle to get things done or may not achieve much at all?
Do you think they use any tricks to gain extra time? Let's explore this topic
together. Don't worry about handouts; if you'd like, I can share them with you
after my talk. I will divide my presentation into four main parts.
First, I'll discuss the importance of time management in college life. Second,...
My talk will take about 25 minutes to cover all the aspects. If you have any
questions related to my topic, feel free to raise your hand and ask me. There
will be time for questions after my presentation.
Now, let's move on to the 昀椀 rst part: The importance of time management in college life
Transitioning from high school to university brings a lot of responsibilities and
independence for students. They are no longer under supervision and must
take charge of every aspect of their lives. This poses a challenge as students
face a busy schedule with part-time jobs, assignment deadlines, club activities,
social relationships, and so on.
To balance these demands, they need e 昀昀 ective time management.
However, not everyone knows how to implement them correctly. Without
proper time management, students may experience a decline in mental and
physical health, which is a serious and crucial issue. Therefore, it is essential to
have the right time management techniques. lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
So, what are these time management techniques? Let's move on to the second part of my presentation.
I will give you a deeper understanding about time management techniques.
First of all, according to the article named Myhours we have the de 昀椀 nition
of ….. So what are the bene 昀椀 ts of employing TMT.
There are numerous bene 昀椀 ts to applying Time Management Techniques
(TMT), but in my perspective, there are four main advantages for you to
consider when implementing TMT.
Firstly: In stead of getting in multitasking, you focus on one activitiy at a time
for a speaci 昀椀 ed duration. This way, you give it your best which result in you achieving your goals faster.
The second bene 昀椀 ts, reduce stress, Prioritize tasks and 昀椀 nish them 昀
椀 rst, you will know exactly what you need to do and how much time you have
to complete each tasks in order. This decreases your anxiety and overall
stress because you have enough time to get everything done.
Thirdly, Prevent procrastination:
+ Setting a speci 昀椀 ed time for a task gives you motivations that you need to
get it done. It helps you overcome the laziness and exhaustion which often
contribute to the procrastination.
and 昀椀 nally. Better work-life balance:
+ Proper time mangagement create a perfect balance between professional life
and personal life. You have more opportunities to participate in various of
activities without corncern about time budget
That’s all I have to say about time management techniques. Let now move to
main point of my talk today, 3 most important TMT. All three of these
techniques have been thoroughly researched and have shown promising
results. However, there are still pros and cons that I would like to discuss later.
Technique number one: The pomodoro
Look at the diagram on the screen we can see there are totally 8 steps
implement this technique. You set your work into 25minute work sessions and
5-minute breaks. After 4 cycles, you lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
take a 30-minute break After completing one process, we can repeat another process.
About pros and cons of this technique
For advantages, when using Tech numb 2:
This technique is aimed at prioritizing tasks. Pick out most important (this is
your "frog"), and tackle it 昀椀 rst thing tomorrow. Once you have 昀椀 nished
with your "frog", you can move on to other tasks for the day, but not before Tech numb 3:
- A contrast to the classical To-do List — you list all the tasks and activities you won't do.
So much about these techniques I want to demonstrate to u
To summurize my talk, I hope u must know three question after my
presentation, what ,… and 昀椀 nd the answer for yourself the question…
However from my point, That depends mostly on your needs — whether you
need to organize your work time, study time, or track your goals.
That’s is the end of my presentation, Now is the time for question, if you have
question related to my topic, don’t hesitate raise your hand and give me your
think. Once again thank you for listening.