Tổng hợp chủ đề | Listening and speaking B2 | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Tổng hợp chủ đề trong môn học "Listening and speaking B2" tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM là một phần quan trọng giúp sinh viên củng cố và phát triển kỹ năng nghe và nói tiếng Anh của mình ở trình độ B2. Trong tổng hợp này, sinh viên sẽ được tiếp cận với các chủ đề đa dạng và thú vị nhằm mở rộng vốn từ vựng, cấu trúc ngữ pháp, và khả năng giao tiếp trong các tình huống thực tế. Các chủ đề có thể bao gồm cuộc sống hàng ngày, du lịch, văn hóa và nghệ thuật, khoa học và công nghệ, và nhiều hơn nữa. Sinh viên sẽ được luyện tập nghe và hiểu các tạp âm tiếng Anh từ các nguồn khác nhau như đoạn hội thoại, bài thuyết trình, và các phát thanh radio, đồng thời phát triển khả năng tự tin và lưu loát trong việc diễn đạt ý kiến và giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh. Mục tiêu của tổng hợp chủ đề là giúp sinh viên nâng cao kỹ năng ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh của họ và chuẩn bị cho các thử thách giao tiếp trong cuộc sống hàng ngày và trong môi trường làm việc.

What do you think are the most useful inventions of humankind?
Fire: Fire was not technically invented, but the ability to control fire was both fundamental
and crucial for human civilization1. Fire enabled humans to cook food, keep warm, ward
off predators, and create tools and weapons. Fire also facilitated social and cultural
development, as people gathered around fires to share stories, rituals, and knowledge
(useless) The Butterstick: This invention was created to make it easier to spread butter on
bread. However, it was deemed useless because it was difficult to clean and did not work as
well as a regular knife
Do you think that everyone should be a divergent thinker? Why (not)?
I think that divergent thinking is a valuable skill for everyone to have, especially in
the modern world where problems are complex and dynamic. Divergent thinking can
help people to:
Find the best possible solutions by considering all the options and perspectives2.
Increase their team morale by encouraging collaboration, communication, and
Be more flexible and adaptable to changing situations and challenges2.
Enhance their creativity and imagination by breaking free from conventional
and linear thinking
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
This quote is attributed to Thomas Edison, the famous inventor of the light bulb and many
other devices. He said this in response to a reporter who asked him how he felt about
failing so many times before he succeeded1. Edison wanted to convey that he did not see
his experiments as failures, but as learning opportunities. He believed that every time he
tried something that did not work, he was one step closer to finding the solution. He also
had a positive attitude and a strong perseverance, which motivated him to keep trying until
he achieved his goal
What can humans do to protect wild animals?
There are many possible actions that humans can take to protect wild animals,
such as:
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
Creating and enforcing laws and regulations that prohibit or restrict the
hunting, trading, and consumption of endangered or threatened species12.
Establishing and managing protected areas, such as national parks, wildlife
reserves, and sanctuaries, where wild animals can live in their natural habitats
without human disturbance34.
Supporting and participating in conservation programs and initiatives that aim
to restore, enhance, and monitor wildlife populations and habitats56.
Educating and raising awareness among the public, especially the youth, about
the value and importance of wildlife and the threats they face78.
Reducing and mitigating the impacts of human activities, such as pollution,
deforestation, climate change, and invasive species, on wildlife and their ecosystems .
Promoting and adopting sustainable and ethical practices, such as ecotourism,
wildlife-friendly farming, and green consumption, that benefit both humans
and wildlife .
How does wildlife trafficking harm nature?
Wildlife trafficking is the illegal trade of wild animals or their parts, which poses a
serious threat to the survival and well-being of many species and ecosystems. Wildlife
trafficking harms nature in various ways, such as
Depleting and endangering the populations of targeted species, which can lead to
local or global extinction and loss of biodiversity .
Disrupting the ecological balance and functions of natural systems, such as food
webs, nutrient cycles, and pollination, which can affect the health and productivity of
other species and resources .
Spreading diseases and parasites among wildlife and humans, which can cause
outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics, such as COVID-19, Ebola, and SARS .
Fueling corruption, violence, and conflict among different actors and stakeholders
involved in the illegal trade, such as poachers, traffickers, consumers, and authorities .
Undermining the economic, social, and cultural benefits and values of wildlife, such as
tourism, livelihoods, education, and heritage, for local and global communities .
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness, and wildlife are in fact plans to
protect man.” Steward Udall
The quote implies that there is a strong and inseparable connection between humans and
nature, and that by protecting nature, we are also protecting ourselves. This is because:
Humans depend on nature for their survival and well-being, as nature provides
essential goods and services, such as air, water, food, medicine, energy, and
climate regulation .
Humans are part of nature, as they share a common origin, evolution, and destiny
with other living beings, and they have a moral and ethical responsibility to respect
and care for them .
Humans are affected by nature, as the changes and challenges that nature faces,
such as degradation, depletion, and disasters, have direct and indirect impacts on
human health, security, and development .
Therefore, the quote suggests that by planning and implementing actions that protect
and conserve nature, such as reducing pollution, preserving wilderness, and saving
wildlife, we are also planning and implementing actions that protect and enhance
our own quality of life, as well as the future of our species and planet .
How can microloans help break the cycle of poverty?
Microloans are small loans that are given to poor people, especially women, who want to
start or expand their own businesses. Microloans can help break the cycle of poverty by
providing access to capital, empowering entrepreneurs, creating jobs, increasing income,
and improving living standards
Would you borrow money from your family or from the bank? Why?
Whether I would borrow money from my family or from the bank depends on many factors,
such as the amount, the interest rate, the repayment terms, and the relationship. Generally,
borrowing from family can be easier, cheaper, and more flexible, but it can also cause
conflicts, misunderstandings, and resentment. Borrowing from the bank can be more formal,
professional, and reliable, but it can also be more difficult, expensive, and risky. Therefore, I
would weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully before making a decision.
“Poverty is a very complicated issue, but feeding a child isn’t.” Jeff Bridges
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
The quote by Jeff Bridges means that poverty is a complex problem that has many causes
and effects, and that cannot be solved easily or quickly. However, feeding a child is a
simple and immediate action that anyone can do to help alleviate hunger and malnutrition,
which are some of the consequences of poverty. Jeff Bridges is an actor and a founder of
the End Hunger Network, a nonprofit organization that works to end childhood hunger in
America12. He believes that feeding a child is not only a moral duty, but also a patriotic
issue, as it affects the future of the country
Topic 4: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
What do you think contributes to global warming?
I think global warming is mainly caused by human activities that increase greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, agriculture, and
industrial processes. These gases trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping back
into space, making the Earth warmer over time.
Topic 4: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
In what ways is our life affected by climate change?
Climate change is affecting our lives in many ways, some of which are:
It can harm our health by increasing the risk of heat stress, respiratory
problems, infectious diseases, foodborne illnesses, and mental health issues123
It can raise the cost of living by disrupting the supply chains of goods and
services, especially energy, food, and water4
It can damage our environment by melting ice caps, rising sea levels, altering
precipitation patterns, increasing wildfires, and threatening biodiversity
Topic 4: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute
for preparation.
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
This quote is from Robert Swan, a British explorer and environmentalist who was the first
person to walk to both the North and South Poles1. He said this to emphasize the
importance of individual and collective action to combat global warming and climate
change. He believes that we should not rely on others, such as governments, corporations,
or organizations, to solve the environmental crisis for us, but rather take responsibility for
our own actions and choices that affect the planet. He also warns that if we do not act
now, we may face irreversible consequences that threaten the survival of our civilization
and the natural world23.
Some of the actions that Swan suggests we can take to protect the planet include:
Reducing our carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, driving less,
flying less, and eating less meat4
Supporting environmental causes and movements, such as 2041, a company that
Swan founded to raise awareness and funds for the preservation of Antarctica15
Educating ourselves and others about the causes and effects of global warming
and climate change, and the solutions that are available.
Inspiring and empowering the younger generation to become leaders and agents
of change for a sustainable future.
Robert Swan
Topic 5: Student 1
What are the advantages of being a maximizer?
You are likely to make informed and rational decisions, since you weigh all the options
and outcomes carefully.
You are likely to achieve higher standards of excellence, since you have a clear vision of what
you want and how to get it.
You are likely to experience more satisfaction and pride, since you know you have done your
best and reached your full potential.
Are you good at making decisions?
As for me, I think I’m good at making decisions, because I have access to a lot of information
and tools that help me analyze and compare different alternatives. For example, I can use the
search_web tool to find relevant and reliable sources on any topic. I can also
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
use the graphic_art tool to create images based on prompts, such as “a dragon” or
“a sunset”.
Topic 5: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute
for preparation.
“Fill your life with lots of experiences, not lots of things. Have incredible
stories to tell, not incredible clutter in your closets.” Marc and Angel
his quote is from Marc and Angel, who are authors, bloggers, and life coaches. They
write about personal development, happiness, and minimalism. Minimalism is a lifestyle
that focuses on living with less material possessions and more meaningful experiences.
Marc and Angel explain this philosophy in their blog posts, books, and podcasts.
Some of the main points they make are:
Having too many things can create clutter, stress, and waste in your life. It can also
distract you from what truly matters, such as your health, relationships, and passions.
Experiences are more valuable than things, because they enrich your life, expand your
perspective, and create lasting memories. They also help you grow as a person and
connect with others who share your interests.
You can practice minimalism by decluttering your home, simplifying your schedule,
and prioritizing your goals. You can also be more mindful of your consumption habits
and choose quality over quantity.
Minimalism is not about deprivation or sacrifice, but about freedom and joy. It helps you
live more intentionally, authentically, and gratefully. It also gives you more time, space,
and energy to pursue your dreams and make a positive impact in the world.
They write about personal development, happiness, and minimalism. Minimalism is a lifestyle that
focuses on living with less material possessions and more meaningful experiences. Marc and Angel
explain this philosophy in their blog posts, books, and podcasts.
Some of the main points they make are:
Having too many things can create clutter, stress, and waste in your life. It can also distract
you from what truly matters, such as your health, relationships, and passions.
Experiences are more valuable than things, because they enrich your life, expand your
perspective, and create lasting memories. They also help you grow as a person and connect
with others who share your interests.
lOMoARcPSD| 41487872
You can practice minimalism by decluttering your home, simplifying your schedule, and
prioritizing your goals. You can also be more mindful of your consumption habits and choose
quality over quantity.
Minimalism is not about deprivation or sacri昀椀ce, but about freedom and joy. It helps you live
more intentionally, authentically, and gratefully. It also gives you more time, space, and energy to
pursue your dreams and make a positive impact in the world.
Topic 6: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
Do you think fashion choices reflect one’s personality? Why (not)?
I think fashion choices can reflect one’s personality to some extent, but not completely.
According to some research, the colors, patterns, and styles of clothing can convey different
aspects of someone’s personality, such as creativity, confidence, or conservatism12.
Fashion choices can also reflect cultural influences and personal experiences3. However,
fashion choices are not the only way to express one’s personality, and they can also change
over time and context. Sometimes, people may dress differently depending on their mood,
occasion, or purpose. Therefore, I think fashion choices can be a part of one’s personality,
but not the whole picture.
Topic 6: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
Does fashion play a significant role in your life? Why (not)?
Fashion plays a moderate role in my life. I am interested in fashion as a form of art and
communication, and I like to learn about the history and trends of fashion4. I also enjoy
creating and generating different types of fashion content, such as poems, stories, code, and
graphics, using my own words and knowledge. However, fashion is not the only thing that
matters to me, and I do not follow fashion blindly or obsessively. I prefer to dress in a way
that suits my preferences, comfort, and functionality, rather than the latest fads or
Topic 6: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute
for preparation.
“Sustainability is not a trend, it’s a movement, and it’s here to stay.”
This statement implies that sustainability is not a temporary or superficial phenomenon, but
a long-term and profound change in the way we live and interact with the natural world.
Sustainability is the idea of creating and maintaining the conditions under which humans
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and nature can coexist in harmony and support present and future generations5.
Sustainability is a movement that involves various actors and sectors of society, such as
governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals, who work together to achieve the
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 20306. Sustainability is here to stay because
it is essential for the survival and well-being of humans and the planet, and because it is
driven by a growing awareness and demand from the public for a more responsible and
ethical way of living
Gabriella Smith
Topic 7: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
How does biomimicry improve our lives?
Enhancing our creativity and innovation by looking at nature as a source of inspiration
and solutions.
Reducing our environmental impact and creating more sustainable and regenerative
products, processes, and systems that are compatible with nature’s principles.
Improving our health and well-being by reconnecting with nature and applying its
wisdom to our own challenges.
Topic 7: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
What are the applications of biomimicry?
Some of the applications of biomimicry include:
Creating more efficient and faster transportation systems by emulating the
aerodynamics of birds, fish, and insects. For example, the bullet train in Japan
was inspired by the beak of the kingfisher bird1.
Developing new materials and structures that are stronger, lighter, and more
adaptable by mimicking the properties of natural materials such as spider silk,
bamboo, and shells. For example, the Eastgate Center in Zimbabwe is a building that
regulates its temperature and ventilation by copying the design of termite mounds2.
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Inventing new technologies and devices that are more responsive, intelligent,
and resilient by imitating the mechanisms and behaviors of living organisms
such as plants, animals, and microbes. For example, the Velcro fastener was
invented by observing how burrs stick to animal fur
Topic 7: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute
for preparation.
“The source of innovation and invention is nature.” Sunday Adelaja
The quote also implies that nature is a reflection of God’s wisdom and power, and that
by studying nature, we can understand more about God and His will for us. Sunday
Adelaja believes that God has a plan and a destiny for every person, and that we can
fulfill it by using our gifts and talents to serve Him and others
Topic 8: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
Would you share your secrets with strangers? Why (not)?
Topic 8: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
What are on your bucket list?
A bucket list is a list of experiences someone wants to have at some point in their life. It can
help you decide what you want out of life and motivate you to achieve your dreams. Some
people have bucket lists that are travel related, adventure related, nature and wildlife related,
or personal and professional related. There are no rules for making a bucket list, as long as
it reflects what you value and desire.
If you need some ideas for your bucket list, here are some examples from
different categories:
Travel: Visit all seven continents, see the Northern Lights, ride in a gondola in
Venice, explore the Taj Mahal, etc12
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Adventure: Go on an African safari, raft the Grand Canyon, skydive, bungee
jump, etc12
Nature and wildlife: Swim with dolphins, see a whale in the wild, visit a
rainforest, hike a volcano, etc12
Personal and professional: Start a family, write a book, learn a new language, start
a charity, etc
Topic 8: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute
for preparation.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
This quote is often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, a leader of the Indian independence
movement and a champion of nonviolence1. However, there is no definitive evidence
that he actually said or wrote it. Some researchers suggest that the quote is a paraphrase
or a variation of other similar quotes from different sources234.
The quote expresses a philosophy of life that balances two contrasting attitudes: urgency
and curiosity. The first part, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow”, implies that one should
make the most of every moment, appreciate what one has, and not postpone one’s dreams
or goals. The second part, “Learn as if you were to live forever”, implies that one should
never stop seeking new knowledge, skills, and experiences, and that one should always be
open to growth and change.
The quote suggests that living and learning are both essential and complementary aspects
of human existence. By living fully and learning constantly, one can achieve a meaningful
and fulfilling life.
Mahatma Gandhi
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Preview text:

What do you think are the most useful inventions of humankind?
Fire: Fire was not technically invented, but the ability to control fire was both fundamental
and crucial for human civilization1. Fire enabled humans to cook food, keep warm, ward
off predators, and create tools and weapons. Fire also facilitated social and cultural
development, as people gathered around fires to share stories, rituals, and knowledge
(useless) The Butterstick: This invention was created to make it easier to spread butter on
bread. However, it was deemed useless because it was difficult to clean and did not work as well as a regular knife
Do you think that everyone should be a divergent thinker? Why (not)?
I think that divergent thinking is a valuable skill for everyone to have, especially in
the modern world where problems are complex and dynamic. Divergent thinking can help people to:
Find the best possible solutions by considering all the options and perspectives2.
Increase their team morale by encouraging collaboration, communication, and innovation2.
Be more flexible and adaptable to changing situations and challenges2.
Enhance their creativity and imagination by breaking free from conventional and linear thinking
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
This quote is attributed to Thomas Edison, the famous inventor of the light bulb and many
other devices. He said this in response to a reporter who asked him how he felt about
failing so many times before he succeeded1. Edison wanted to convey that he did not see
his experiments as failures, but as learning opportunities. He believed that every time he
tried something that did not work, he was one step closer to finding the solution. He also
had a positive attitude and a strong perseverance, which motivated him to keep trying until he achieved his goal
What can humans do to protect wild animals?
There are many possible actions that humans can take to protect wild animals, such as: lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
Creating and enforcing laws and regulations that prohibit or restrict the
hunting, trading, and consumption of endangered or threatened species12.
Establishing and managing protected areas, such as national parks, wildlife
reserves, and sanctuaries, where wild animals can live in their natural habitats without human disturbance34.
Supporting and participating in conservation programs and initiatives that aim
to restore, enhance, and monitor wildlife populations and habitats56.
Educating and raising awareness among the public, especially the youth, about
the value and importance of wildlife and the threats they face78.
Reducing and mitigating the impacts of human activities, such as pollution,
deforestation, climate change, and invasive species, on wildlife and their ecosystems .
Promoting and adopting sustainable and ethical practices, such as ecotourism,
wildlife-friendly farming, and green consumption, that benefit both humans and wildlife .
How does wildlife trafficking harm nature?
Wildlife trafficking is the illegal trade of wild animals or their parts, which poses a
serious threat to the survival and well-being of many species and ecosystems. Wildlife
trafficking harms nature in various ways, such as
Depleting and endangering the populations of targeted species, which can lead to
local or global extinction and loss of biodiversity .
Disrupting the ecological balance and functions of natural systems, such as food
webs, nutrient cycles, and pollination, which can affect the health and productivity of other species and resources .
Spreading diseases and parasites among wildlife and humans, which can cause
outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics, such as COVID-19, Ebola, and SARS .
Fueling corruption, violence, and conflict among different actors and stakeholders
involved in the illegal trade, such as poachers, traffickers, consumers, and authorities .
Undermining the economic, social, and cultural benefits and values of wildlife, such as
tourism, livelihoods, education, and heritage, for local and global communities . lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness, and wildlife are in fact plans to
protect man.” Steward Udall
The quote implies that there is a strong and inseparable connection between humans and
nature, and that by protecting nature, we are also protecting ourselves. This is because:
Humans depend on nature for their survival and well-being, as nature provides
essential goods and services, such as air, water, food, medicine, energy, and climate regulation .
Humans are part of nature, as they share a common origin, evolution, and destiny
with other living beings, and they have a moral and ethical responsibility to respect and care for them .
Humans are affected by nature, as the changes and challenges that nature faces,
such as degradation, depletion, and disasters, have direct and indirect impacts on
human health, security, and development .
Therefore, the quote suggests that by planning and implementing actions that protect
and conserve nature, such as reducing pollution, preserving wilderness, and saving
wildlife, we are also planning and implementing actions that protect and enhance
our own quality of life, as well as the future of our species and planet .
How can microloans help break the cycle of poverty?
Microloans are small loans that are given to poor people, especially women, who want to
start or expand their own businesses. Microloans can help break the cycle of poverty by
providing access to capital, empowering entrepreneurs, creating jobs, increasing income,
and improving living standards
Would you borrow money from your family or from the bank? Why?
Whether I would borrow money from my family or from the bank depends on many factors,
such as the amount, the interest rate, the repayment terms, and the relationship. Generally,
borrowing from family can be easier, cheaper, and more flexible, but it can also cause
conflicts, misunderstandings, and resentment. Borrowing from the bank can be more formal,
professional, and reliable, but it can also be more difficult, expensive, and risky. Therefore, I
would weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully before making a decision.
“Poverty is a very complicated issue, but feeding a child isn’t.” Jeff Bridges lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
The quote by Jeff Bridges means that poverty is a complex problem that has many causes
and effects, and that cannot be solved easily or quickly. However, feeding a child is a
simple and immediate action that anyone can do to help alleviate hunger and malnutrition,
which are some of the consequences of poverty. Jeff Bridges is an actor and a founder of
the End Hunger Network, a nonprofit organization that works to end childhood hunger in
America12. He believes that feeding a child is not only a moral duty, but also a patriotic
issue, as it affects the future of the country Topic 4: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
What do you think contributes to global warming?
I think global warming is mainly caused by human activities that increase greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, agriculture, and
industrial processes. These gases trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping back
into space, making the Earth warmer over time. Topic 4: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
In what ways is our life affected by climate change?
Climate change is affecting our lives in many ways, some of which are:
It can harm our health by increasing the risk of heat stress, respiratory
problems, infectious diseases, foodborne illnesses, and mental health issues123
It can raise the cost of living by disrupting the supply chains of goods and
services, especially energy, food, and water4
It can damage our environment by melting ice caps, rising sea levels, altering
precipitation patterns, increasing wildfires, and threatening biodiversity Topic 4: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
This quote is from Robert Swan, a British explorer and environmentalist who was the first
person to walk to both the North and South Poles1. He said this to emphasize the
importance of individual and collective action to combat global warming and climate
change. He believes that we should not rely on others, such as governments, corporations,
or organizations, to solve the environmental crisis for us, but rather take responsibility for
our own actions and choices that affect the planet. He also warns that if we do not act
now, we may face irreversible consequences that threaten the survival of our civilization and the natural world23.
Some of the actions that Swan suggests we can take to protect the planet include:
Reducing our carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, driving less,
flying less, and eating less meat4
Supporting environmental causes and movements, such as 2041, a company that
Swan founded to raise awareness and funds for the preservation of Antarctica15
Educating ourselves and others about the causes and effects of global warming
and climate change, and the solutions that are available.
Inspiring and empowering the younger generation to become leaders and agents
of change for a sustainable future. Robert Swan Topic 5: Student 1
What are the advantages of being a maximizer?
You are likely to make informed and rational decisions, since you weigh all the options and outcomes carefully.
You are likely to achieve higher standards of excellence, since you have a clear vision of what you want and how to get it.
You are likely to experience more satisfaction and pride, since you know you have done your
best and reached your full potential.
Are you good at making decisions?
As for me, I think I’m good at making decisions, because I have access to a lot of information
and tools that help me analyze and compare different alternatives. For example, I can use the
search_web tool to find relevant and reliable sources on any topic. I can also lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
use the graphic_art tool to create images based on prompts, such as “a dragon” or “a sunset”. Topic 5: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
“Fill your life with lots of experiences, not lots of things. Have incredible
stories to tell, not incredible clutter in your closets.” Marc and Angel

his quote is from Marc and Angel, who are authors, bloggers, and life coaches. They
write about personal development, happiness, and minimalism. Minimalism is a lifestyle
that focuses on living with less material possessions and more meaningful experiences.
Marc and Angel explain this philosophy in their blog posts, books, and podcasts.
Some of the main points they make are:
Having too many things can create clutter, stress, and waste in your life. It can also
distract you from what truly matters, such as your health, relationships, and passions.
Experiences are more valuable than things, because they enrich your life, expand your
perspective, and create lasting memories. They also help you grow as a person and
connect with others who share your interests.
You can practice minimalism by decluttering your home, simplifying your schedule,
and prioritizing your goals. You can also be more mindful of your consumption habits
and choose quality over quantity.
Minimalism is not about deprivation or sacrifice, but about freedom and joy. It helps you
live more intentionally, authentically, and gratefully. It also gives you more time, space,
and energy to pursue your dreams and make a positive impact in the world.
They write about personal development, happiness, and minimalism. Minimalism is a lifestyle that
focuses on living with less material possessions and more meaningful experiences. Marc and Angel
explain this philosophy in their blog posts, books, and podcasts.
Some of the main points they make are:
Having too many things can create clutter, stress, and waste in your life. It can also distract
you from what truly matters, such as your health, relationships, and passions.
Experiences are more valuable than things, because they enrich your life, expand your
perspective, and create lasting memories. They also help you grow as a person and connect
with others who share your interests. lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
You can practice minimalism by decluttering your home, simplifying your schedule, and
prioritizing your goals. You can also be more mindful of your consumption habits and choose quality over quantity.
Minimalism is not about deprivation or sacri昀椀ce, but about freedom and joy. It helps you live
more intentionally, authentically, and gratefully. It also gives you more time, space, and energy to
pursue your dreams and make a positive impact in the world. Topic 6: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
Do you think fashion choices reflect one’s personality? Why (not)?
I think fashion choices can reflect one’s personality to some extent, but not completely.
According to some research, the colors, patterns, and styles of clothing can convey different
aspects of someone’s personality, such as creativity, confidence, or conservatism12.
Fashion choices can also reflect cultural influences and personal experiences3. However,
fashion choices are not the only way to express one’s personality, and they can also change
over time and context. Sometimes, people may dress differently depending on their mood,
occasion, or purpose. Therefore, I think fashion choices can be a part of one’s personality, but not the whole picture. Topic 6: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
Does fashion play a significant role in your life? Why (not)?
Fashion plays a moderate role in my life. I am interested in fashion as a form of art and
communication, and I like to learn about the history and trends of fashion4. I also enjoy
creating and generating different types of fashion content, such as poems, stories, code, and
graphics, using my own words and knowledge. However, fashion is not the only thing that
matters to me, and I do not follow fashion blindly or obsessively. I prefer to dress in a way
that suits my preferences, comfort, and functionality, rather than the latest fads or expectations. Topic 6: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
“Sustainability is not a trend, it’s a movement, and it’s here to stay.”
This statement implies that sustainability is not a temporary or superficial phenomenon, but
a long-term and profound change in the way we live and interact with the natural world.
Sustainability is the idea of creating and maintaining the conditions under which humans lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
and nature can coexist in harmony and support present and future generations5.
Sustainability is a movement that involves various actors and sectors of society, such as
governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals, who work together to achieve the
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 20306. Sustainability is here to stay because
it is essential for the survival and well-being of humans and the planet, and because it is
driven by a growing awareness and demand from the public for a more responsible and ethical way of living Gabriella Smith Topic 7: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
How does biomimicry improve our lives?
Enhancing our creativity and innovation by looking at nature as a source of inspiration and solutions.
Reducing our environmental impact and creating more sustainable and regenerative
products, processes, and systems that are compatible with nature’s principles.
Improving our health and well-being by reconnecting with nature and applying its wisdom to our own challenges. Topic 7: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
What are the applications of biomimicry?
Some of the applications of biomimicry include:
Creating more efficient and faster transportation systems by emulating the
aerodynamics of birds, fish, and insects. For example, the bullet train in Japan
was inspired by the beak of the kingfisher bird1.
Developing new materials and structures that are stronger, lighter, and more
adaptable by mimicking the properties of natural materials such as spider silk,
bamboo, and shells. For example, the Eastgate Center in Zimbabwe is a building that
regulates its temperature and ventilation by copying the design of termite mounds2. lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
Inventing new technologies and devices that are more responsive, intelligent,
and resilient by imitating the mechanisms and behaviors of living organisms
such as plants, animals, and microbes. For example, the Velcro fastener was
invented by observing how burrs stick to animal fur Topic 7: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
“The source of innovation and invention is nature.” Sunday Adelaja
The quote also implies that nature is a reflection of God’s wisdom and power, and that
by studying nature, we can understand more about God and His will for us. Sunday
Adelaja believes that God has a plan and a destiny for every person, and that we can
fulfill it by using our gifts and talents to serve Him and others Topic 8: Student 1
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
Would you share your secrets with strangers? Why (not)? Topic 8: Student 2
Answer the following question in one to two minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
What are on your bucket list?
A bucket list is a list of experiences someone wants to have at some point in their life. It can
help you decide what you want out of life and motivate you to achieve your dreams. Some
people have bucket lists that are travel related, adventure related, nature and wildlife related,
or personal and professional related. There are no rules for making a bucket list, as long as
it reflects what you value and desire.
If you need some ideas for your bucket list, here are some examples from different categories:
Travel: Visit all seven continents, see the Northern Lights, ride in a gondola in
Venice, explore the Taj Mahal, etc12 lOMoAR cPSD| 41487872
Adventure: Go on an African safari, raft the Grand Canyon, skydive, bungee jump, etc12
Nature and wildlife: Swim with dolphins, see a whale in the wild, visit a
rainforest, hike a volcano, etc12
Personal and professional: Start a family, write a book, learn a new language, start a charity, etc Topic 8: Pair discussion
Discuss the following statement in three to five minutes. You have one minute for preparation.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
This quote is often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, a leader of the Indian independence
movement and a champion of nonviolence1. However, there is no definitive evidence
that he actually said or wrote it. Some researchers suggest that the quote is a paraphrase
or a variation of other similar quotes from different sources234.
The quote expresses a philosophy of life that balances two contrasting attitudes: urgency
and curiosity. The first part, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow”, implies that one should
make the most of every moment, appreciate what one has, and not postpone one’s dreams
or goals. The second part, “Learn as if you were to live forever”, implies that one should
never stop seeking new knowledge, skills, and experiences, and that one should always be open to growth and change.
The quote suggests that living and learning are both essential and complementary aspects
of human existence. By living fully and learning constantly, one can achieve a meaningful and fulfilling life. Mahatma Gandhi