Tổng hợp tài liệu Speaking môn tiếng anh cơ bản 2 | Học viện tài chính

Tổng hợp tài liệu Speaking môn tiếng anh cơ bản 2 | Học viện tài chính. I. Short presentation. 1. What is a high – risk case in insurance? Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


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Tổng hợp tài liệu Speaking môn tiếng anh cơ bản 2 | Học viện tài chính

Tổng hợp tài liệu Speaking môn tiếng anh cơ bản 2 | Học viện tài chính. I. Short presentation. 1. What is a high – risk case in insurance? Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

62 31 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
Structure of the oral
test 2:
Part 1: Summarize unit … You should
- The main contents of this unit
- The things that you like or you are interested in
Part 2: Give a short presentaon You should:
- Master all parts of a presentaon
- Use what you have learnt from the reading text to develop yourideas
- Give more examples to clarify your points to persuade your audience
Part 3: Answer two short quesons You should
give brief answers.
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
1. Some ways cheap food makes people unhealthy. What do youthink about this
2. Food companies are undersstanding to stop selling biggerporons for less
money, but it is hard to change the trend? Why?
3. “Food is therefore more plenful and cheaper than it has everbeen? Why are
there sll famines?
4. Summarize the arcle?
II. Queson and Answer (QnA)
1. Why do companies have to push down the prices?
2. How do companies keep prices down?
3. What pricing strategy do companies use to improveprotability?
4. How do companies set prices for their products or services
5. What are the two quesons that companies should ask beforeseng a price?
Clarify them
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
I. Short presentaon
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
1. What is a high – risk case in insurance?
2. How do insurance companies deal with high – risk case?
3. How is an insurance company structure?
4. Why is it important to ght insurance fraud?
5. Summarize the arcle?
II. Queson and Answer (QnA)
1. What do people and businesses take out insurance policy?
2. What is auto insurance?
3. What is home insurance?
4. What is life insurance?
5. What is commercial insurance?
6. What is insurance fraud? Give example?
7. How do insurance companies ght insurance fraud?
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
I. Short presentaon
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
1. It is said that “a complaint is a gi. Can you explain why?
2. How important is good customer service to a business?
3. How can a company improve its customer service?
4. How to get beer service in VietNam?
5. When you look at a business, how can you tell whether theyhave good service
or not?
6. Summarize the arcle?
II. Queson and Answer (QnA)
1. What is service?
2. What is customer sasfacon?
3. What contributes to customer service sasfacon?
4. What makes bad customer service sasfacon?
5. What makes a good customer service sta?
6. What is LEARN roune?
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
I. Short presentaon
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com)
1. What are factors that can aect to producvity?
2. How to improve producvity?
3. What are the dierent methods of cung to improveprodtucvity?
4. What are steps of just – in – me producon system? Clarifythem.
5. Summarize the arcle
II. Queson and Answer (QnA)
1. What is producvity?
2. What factors can decrease producvity?
3. What is BTF?
4. What is BTO?
5. What are advantages and disadvantages of BTO inmanufacturing?
5. What is LEAN manufacturing?
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
Short presentaon
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com)
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com)
1. How important is creavity in business?
2. How to be a brilliant thinker?
3. How can be managers smulate company creavity?
4. What can be obstacles to creave thinking and how to overcome them?
5. Summarize the arcle?
II. Queson and Answer (QnA)
1. What is creavity?
2. Who are adaptors?
3. Who are innovators?
4. What creave people all have in common?
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
Short presentaon
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com)
lOMoARcPSD| 49431889
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com)
1. Why do companies try to aract and keep young workforce?
2. What can manager do to movate their worker?
3. How do companies build working environment that movateyoung people?
4. Who is responsible for movang employees in their job?Employees or
5. What are 5 most important movaon for sta at work?
6. Summarize the arcle?
II. Queson and Answer (QnA)
1. What is movaon?
2. How important is movaon?
3. What factors that can contribute to stop movaon?
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Preview text:

lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 Structure of the oral test 2:
Part 1: Summarize unit … You should say:
- The main contents of this unit
- The things that you like or you are interested in
Part 2: Give a short presentation You should:
- Master all parts of a presentation
- Use what you have learnt from the reading text to develop yourideas
- Give more examples to clarify your points to persuade your audience
Part 3: Answer two short questions You should give brief answers. lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889
1. Some ways cheap food makes people unhealthy. What do youthink about this statement?
2. Food companies are undersstanding to stop selling biggerportions for less
money, but it is hard to change the trend? Why?
3. “Food is therefore more plentiful and cheaper than it has everbeen? Why are there still famines? 4. Summarize the article? II.
Question and Answer (QnA)
1. Why do companies have to push down the prices?
2. How do companies keep prices down?
3. What pricing strategy do companies use to improveprofitability?
4. How do companies set prices for their products or services
5. What are the two questions that companies should ask beforesetting a price? Clarify them lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 I.
Short presentation lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889
1. What is a high – risk case in insurance?
2. How do insurance companies deal with high – risk case?
3. How is an insurance company structure?
4. Why is it important to fight insurance fraud? 5. Summarize the article? II.
Question and Answer (QnA)
1. What do people and businesses take out insurance policy? 2. What is auto insurance? 3. What is home insurance? 4. What is life insurance?
5. What is commercial insurance?
6. What is insurance fraud? Give example?
7. How do insurance companies fight insurance fraud? lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 I.
Short presentation lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889
1. It is said that “a complaint is a gift”. Can you explain why?
2. How important is good customer service to a business?
3. How can a company improve its customer service?
4. How to get better service in VietNam?
5. When you look at a business, how can you tell whether theyhave good service or not? 6. Summarize the article? II.
Question and Answer (QnA) 1. What is service?
2. What is customer satisfaction?
3. What contributes to customer service satisfaction?
4. What makes bad customer service satisfaction?
5. What makes a good customer service staff? 6. What is LEARN routine? lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 I.
Short presentation lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 I.
1. What are factors that can affect to productivity?
2. How to improve productivity?
3. What are the different methods of cutting to improveprodtuctivity?
4. What are steps of just – in – time production system? Clarifythem. 5. Summarize the article II.
Question and Answer (QnA) 1. What is productivity?
2. What factors can decrease productivity? 3. What is BTF? 4. What is BTO?
5. What are advantages and disadvantages of BTO inmanufacturing?
5. What is LEAN manufacturing?
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com) lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889
Short presentation
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com) lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 I.
1. How important is creativity in business?
2. How to be a brilliant thinker?
3. How can be managers stimulate company creativity?
4. What can be obstacles to creative thinking and how to overcome them? 5. Summarize the article? II.
Question and Answer (QnA) 1. What is creativity? 2. Who are adaptors? 3. Who are innovators?
4. What creative people all have in common?
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com) lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889
Short presentation
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com) lOMoAR cPSD| 49431889 I.
1. Why do companies try to attract and keep young workforce?
2. What can manager do to motivate their worker?
3. How do companies build working environment that motivateyoung people?
4. Who is responsible for motivating employees in their job?Employees or employers?
5. What are 5 most important motivation for staff at work? 6. Summarize the article? II.
Question and Answer (QnA) 1. What is motivation?
2. How important is motivation?
3. What factors that can contribute to stop motivation?
Downloaded by Ca Nh?t (nhatcanc2000@gmail.com)