Từ vựng tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Học viện Phụ nữ Việt Nam
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1. Protocol, / pro ˈ . ʊ tə.k
ɑːl/, the system of rules and acceptable behaviour used at official
ceremonies and occasions, a formal international agreement, giao uoc, hiep uoc, Nghi dinh
2. checks are conducted on shipments: su kiem tra duoc tien hanh tren cac lo hang
3. override, (of a person who has the necessary authority) to decide against or refuse to accept
a previous decision, an order, a person, etc.
4. Forceful, expressing opinions strongly and demanding attention or action
5. a forceful intervention, su can thiep manh me
6. The UK prime minister, thu tuong Anh
7. push ahead (with something), To proceed or continue with some action, task, or activity,
especially with determination or in the face of adversity, Thuc day, ex The UK prime minister
is pushing ahead with new legislation.
8. in an attempt to persuade, trong mot no luc de thuyet phuc
9. Power-sharing, is a political arrangement in which different or opposing groups all take part in government together. 10. In limbo, / l ˈ m.b ɪ
oʊ/, an uncertain situation that you cannot control and in which there is no
progress or improvement, ex in an attempt to persuade the Democratic Unionist party to
rejoin the power-sharing agreement at Stormont, which has been in limbo since the May local elections. 11. Address, giai quyet 12. Customs, hai quan 13. Subsidy, / s ˈ b.s ʌ .di/, ə
14. Unionists, a member of a labor union, Cong doan
15. Enrage (v), to cause someone to become very angry
16. In a joint statement, trong mot tuyen bo chung 17. Counterpart, doi tac 18. Undermine, / n.d ˌʌ ma ɚˈ n/, to gr ɪ
adually weaken or destroy someone or something, to make
someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually 19. sectarian violence, b o l ạ c giáo phái ự
20. in a way that, theo cach do
21. has signalled, da co dau hieu 22. deviate from lech khoi
23. rip up the agreement, to decide that something such as a plan or an agreement is useless and stop using it. 24. Simplify (v), don gian hoa
25. had already given ground by bringing forward proposals to, da dua ra cac de xuat nham...
26. the path of partnership and dialogue, con duong hop tac va doi thoai 27. unilateralism, / ju ˌ .n ː læ əˈ . t t .ɚ l. ə .z ɪ m/, the process or f ə
act of deciding a policy or action
without involving another group or country 28. tougher, kho khan hon 29. a few notches, vai bac
30. its predecessor, tien than, tien nhiem cua no
31. taken the hardest line among the 27, đ ng đầầu tr ứ ong sốố 27 quốốc gia
32. the joint statement, tuyen bo chung 33. A readout of, M t b ộ n đ ả c c ọ a ủ
34. undisputable breaches, 21 / 5.000 35. Kếốt quả dịch 36. vi ph m khống th ạ chốối cãi ể
37. remain calm and adopt a gradual approach, bình tnh và áp d ng m ụ t cách tiếốp c ộ n dầần ậ
38. it also underlined, dầầnnó cũng nhầốn m nh ạ
39. keep all options on the table, He means that every scenario you can think of is possible. The
US could send troops or could bomb the North Koreans or shoot a missile. All of the different ways to attack are possible