Từ vựng - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Từ vựng - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Từ vựng
Civilian : a/n – a person who is not a member of the
armed forces, or police, or fire-fighting forces
Concur : a – agree, be of the same opinion
Complicated : a – not simple, intricate
Confirm: v- state or prove the truth of/ substantiate
Digress : v- turn aside(đi l ch), get off the main subject
in speaking or writing
Fragile : a – easy broken, breakable, weak, frail
Galore : plentiful, abundant(galore always follows the
word it modifies) –
Genuine : a – actually being what it is claimed or seem
to be, true, real, authentic
Hostile : a/n – of or related to an enemy or enemies;
Inter : v- put in to the earth or in a grave; bury
Mitigate : v- make less severe, lessen, soften, relieve
Novice : n- one who is new to a field or activity,
Oridinal : a/n- a work created firsthand and from which
copies are made
Belonging to the beginning, first, earliest
19:22 29/7/24
Từ vựng - từ vựng tiếng anh
Rarity : n – something uncommon, infrequent, or rare
begin again
Resume: v/n – begin again
Shrink : v- draw back, recoil
Sober : v – not drunk /serious, free from excitement or
Suffice : v- be enough, adequate, sufficient
Vacant : a- empty, unoccupied, not being used
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Từ vựng - từ vựng tiếng anh
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19:22 29/7/24
Từ vựng - từ vựng tiếng anh Từ vựng
Civilian : a/n – a person who is not a member of the
armed forces, or police, or fire-fighting forces
Concur : a – agree, be of the same opinion
Complicated : a – not simple, intricate
Confirm: v- state or prove the truth of/ substantiate
Digress : v- turn aside(đi l ch), ge ệ t off the main subject in speaking or writing
Fragile : a – easy broken, breakable, weak, frail
Galore : plentiful, abundant(galore always follows the word it modifies) –
Genuine : a – actually being what it is claimed or seem to be, true, real, authentic
Hostile : a/n – of or related to an enemy or enemies; unfriendly
Inter : v- put in to the earth or in a grave; bury
Mitigate : v- make less severe, lessen, soften, relieve
Novice : n- one who is new to a field or activity, beginner
Oridinal : a/n- a work created firsthand and from which copies are made
Belonging to the beginning, first, earliest about:blank 1/2 19:22 29/7/24
Từ vựng - từ vựng tiếng anh
Rarity : n – something uncommon, infrequent, or rare begin again Resume: v/n – begin again Shrink : v- draw back, recoil
Sober : v – not drunk /serious, free from excitement or exaggeration
Suffice : v- be enough, adequate, sufficient
Vacant : a- empty, unoccupied, not being used about:blank 2/2