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Unit 11: Our greener world( Tiết 7) | Bài giảng PowerPoint Tiếng Anh 6 | Global Success
Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống bao gồm đầy đủ các bài giảng trong cả năm học 2022 - 2023, được thiết kế dưới dạng file trình chiếu PowerPoint với nhiều hiệu ứng đẹp mắt.
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 146 tài liệu
Tiếng Anh 6 1 K tài liệu
Unit 11: Our greener world( Tiết 7) | Bài giảng PowerPoint Tiếng Anh 6 | Global Success
Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống bao gồm đầy đủ các bài giảng trong cả năm học 2022 - 2023, được thiết kế dưới dạng file trình chiếu PowerPoint với nhiều hiệu ứng đẹp mắt.
Chủ đề: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 146 tài liệu
Môn: Tiếng Anh 6 1 K tài liệu
Sách: Global Success
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Vocabulary Add more words to the word webs below.
Write the correct form of each verb in brackets. Grammar
Combine each pair of sentences
Write a / an or the.
below to make a first conditional sentence. Vocabulary
Add more words to the word webs below. electricity water gas Reduce plastic bags rubbish paper bottles envelopes cans Reuse plastic light plastic bottles bulbs bags plastic plastic books boxes bags Recycle glass newspapers cans Grammar
Write a / an or the. 1. If I see _ a____ dog _ , I _ d wi o ll g, I w run aill w r a u y.n away.
2. Does your town have _ a__ n ___ art _ g a all r etr ga y? llery? 3. ____ The ___ M Moon o i on s briis b gh r t itght oni t g o h n t. ight.
4. There is a big temple in the town. ___ The _ t ___ t empl em i p s l v e eris ve y ol ry d. old. 5. - Is your mother _ a__ t __ ea __ che te r? acher?
- No, she isn’t. She’s _a__ n ___ arti _ s t. artist.
Write the correct form of each verb in brackets. 1. If the If y the (bui y l (bui d) l __ d) b __ uil __ d _ an ai an airporport rt herher e, i e, it (be t (be) ) will__ __ be v __ er _ y ver noi y sy. noisy. 2. Peopl P e (sav sa e) v __ wi__ ll __ sav_ e the the en environmen onment if the f th y ey (reuse) euse) __ r ____ euse _ old d it i ems. t 3. If w If e ( w gro gr w) o __ w) gr __ o __ w tr_ tr ee ee s, os, our school ur school (be (be ) ) will__ __ be __ gr _ ee gree ner. ner. 4. If w If e ( w not ha not v ha e) v __ ____ don’t _ ha e v noug e h foo enough f d, oo we (be d, we ( ) __ be) __ wi __ ll _ be hungry. hungry. 5. If w If e ( w be) e (be) __ ar __ e ___ hungr hungry, w y, we ( e (be) be) will __ be __ tir __ ed. _ tired.
Combine each pair of sentences below to make
a first conditional sentence.
1. We walk or cycle. We are healthy.
If we walk or cycle, we will be healthy.
2. We use the car all the time. We make the air dirty.
If we use the car all the time, we will make the air dirty.
3. You reuse paper. You save trees.
If you reuse paper, you will save trees.
4. You make noise. Your sister doesn’t sleep.
If you make noise, your sister will not / won’t sleep.
5. I see a used bottle on the road. I put it in the bin.
If I see a used bottle on the road, I will put it in the bin.
What can you see in each picture?
What did people use to make the things in the pictures?
Now work in pairs or in groups to complete the project.
- Choose a used object (a bottle, a sheet of paper, etc.). - Make something new from it and decorate it. - Bring it to class.
- Do a “show and tell” about it.
Listen to other presentations and decide which is the best. Answers:
Q1: A (0) B (2) C (2) Q4: A (1) B (0) C (2)
9 - 12 points: You’re green! Q2: A (1) B (0) C (2) Q5: A (0) B (2) C (0)
5 – 8 points: Try to be greener! Q3: A (0) B (2) C (0) Q6: A (2) B (0) C (2)
1 – 4 points: You aren’t green at al ! Now I can …
• use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled.
• say sentences with correct rhythm.
• use the articles correctly.
• use the first conditional to talk about possibilities. • give warnings.
• read about ways to go green.
• talk about tips for going green.
• listen about ideas for a green club.
• write a paragraph about ideas for a green club.