Unit outline omni channe - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen
Unit outline omni channe - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem
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Assignment 1: Group slide: Customer segmentation
Please work in your group and select one favourite company. Please read this link and identify your customer segmentation
Link: https://blog.pushwoosh.com/blog/rfm-segmentation/
Submit on the 4th week (Decided by the lecturer) . The rubric mark includes the realistics (20%);
the research for your segmentation (40%) ; how to apply RFM in your segmentation (40%).
Assignment 2: Group Slide : Omni channel Funnel
Please work in your group and select one favourite company. Omni channel funnel includes 4
stages: awareness / attention (Top of funnel); desire/ interest (middle of funnel) ; consideration /
decision (bottom of funnel); purchase loyalty. Please identify the tools for each of phase and
submit on elearning one slide powerpoint. Submit on the 5th week (Decided by the lecturer) Number Requirement Mark 1. Top of funnel Any IMC tools 25 2. Middle of funnel Any IMC tools 25 3. Consideration Any IMC tools 25 4. Purchase loyalty
Please describe the way to use your data in the first 25
three stages. No need the CRM plan.
Assignment 3: Group report: omni channel strategy Number Requirement Mark 1. Introduction of the
Vision, mission, Omni channel current situation 5 company 2. Drivers in
Please describe some of the factors affecting 5 consumer
consumer behaviour in your industry and some behaviour consumer behaviour’s trends 3. How to get First
Please describe the way to collect the first party 5 party data data 4. How to get zero
Please describe the way to collect the zero party 5 party data data 5. How to get second
Please describe the way to collect the second party 5 party data data 6. How to get third
Please describe the way to collect the third party 5 party data data 7. Customer persona
Please draw personas into specific segmentation 5 8. E-FRM
Please identify the E-RFM model and specify the 10
way to increase the value each of the factor
(Recency, frequency, and moneytary value) 9. Consumer
Please identify the consumer touch point 10 touchpoint 10. Consumer journey
Please draw the consumer journey 10 11. Consumer
Please identify which way to increase the consumer 10 experience
engagement or experience according to your
consumer journey and touch pont . Please note that
you should apply customisation or personalisation
into your customer experience. 12. APA reference Citation , ISO, APA reference 5 13. Creative thinking
Your group has to be creative and details in your 20 report