What in the English - Review test in English | Đại học Hoa Sen

What in the English - Review test in English | Đại học Hoa Sen  được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

What in the ENGLISH Quarter 1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_fn1y5x
Five MACRO-SKILLS Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing
A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain
the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society.
Greek Mythology
body of stories concerning the gods, heroes, and rituals of the
ancient Greeks
EX. Twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses
Graphic Organizer
a tool that helps to organize ideas and can be used to visually
illustrate ideas
Circle Map to brainstorm ideas
Venn Diagram
to explain the DIFFERENCES and SIMILIRATIES between two
Flowchart to illustrate the STEPS, sequences
Tree Chart
to display the hierarchical RELATIONS of a structure in graphical
Line Graph uses line segments to show CHANGES that occur over time
Bar Graph uses horizontal or vertical bars to display DATA
Literary Techniques
strategy/style/method of the AUTHOR to create a meaningful and
significant literary masterpiece
series of events
- Exposition
- Rising action
- Falling action
- Resolution
Exposition Introduction
Climax Peak of a story, EXCITIING
Resolution Ending
Theme central message
- Author's attitude toward the subject
- Expressed through WORD choice
- emotional atmosphere/reaction of the readers
MESSAGE, intention behind the work
- to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to encourage, to express,
literary devices/tropes used by the author to establish a CONNO-
TATIVE meaning
- verbal
- situational
- dramatic
Allusion brief reference on a SIGNIFICANT PERSON, place or event
use of sensory images/objects
- Visual
- Auditory (hearing)
- Olfactory (smell)
- Gustatory (taste)
- Tactile (touch)
Symbolism uses OBJECTS to create a meaning
uses narrative/stories/songs/poems that present BROADER con-
Anaphora REPETITION of a word or phrases
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What in the ENGLISH Quarter 1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_fn1y5x
PLACEMENT of two or more CONTRASTING elements side by
Flashback a sudden clear memory of a PAST event or time
Foreshadowing a HINT on what's about to happen
uses of CONTRADICTORY words
Example : loud silence
Formal Definitions
- precise and structured
- contextually professional in tone/factual
FORMAL: structured parts
- Term
- Class/Genus
- Differentiating Characteristics
Informal Definition
- flexible and conversational
- casual, opinionated, creative, subjective
FD and ID Difference Structure, Language, Context
group of words that gives the MEANING, description and/or infor-
mation about a certain TERM
Even if a definition has 3/complete parts, it's still informal if it's
opinionated, use creative words, etc.
FD Structure
SPECIFIC and structured format
-term, class/category, distinguishing characteristics
FD Language precise, technical, and unambiguous (only one), language
FD Context
often found in academic, legal, or technical contexts where CLAR-
ITY and ACCURACY are crucial
ID Structure
< More relaxed and does not follow a strict format
< May involve: Explanations, Examples, Analogies
ID Language
uses more EVERYDAY LANGUAGE and may include FIGURA-
TIVE language or metaphor
ID Context
< typically used in everyday conversation, literature, or casual
< Goal: make the concept UNDERSTANDABLE rather than pre-
FD Audience Intended for readers who require accurate information
ID Audience Intended for a broader audience, often in non-specialist settings
Intensive Pronoun
- used to emphasize another noun or pronoun
- not necessary to the sentence
Reflexive Pronoun
- used to refer to the subject of the sentence
- necessary part of a sentence
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What in the ENGLISH Quarter 1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_fn1y5x Five MACRO-SKILLS
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing Myth
A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain
the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society.
body of stories concerning the gods, heroes, and rituals of the Greek Mythology ancient Greeks
EX. Twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses Graphic Organizer
a tool that helps to organize ideas and can be used to visually illustrate ideas Circle Map to brainstorm ideas Venn Diagram
to explain the DIFFERENCES and SIMILIRATIES between two concepts Flowchart
to illustrate the STEPS, sequences Tree Chart
to display the hierarchical RELATIONS of a structure in graphical form. Line Graph
uses line segments to show CHANGES that occur over time Bar Graph
uses horizontal or vertical bars to display DATA Literary Techniques
strategy/style/method of the AUTHOR to create a meaningful and
significant literary masterpiece series of events - Exposition - Rising action Plot -Climax - Falling action - Resolution Exposition Introduction Climax Peak of a story, EXCITIING Resolution Ending Theme central message Tone
- Author's attitude toward the subject
- Expressed through WORD choice Mood
- emotional atmosphere/reaction of the readers
MESSAGE, intention behind the work Purpose
- to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to encourage, to express, etc. Technique
literary devices/tropes used by the author to establish a CONNO- TATIVE meaning - verbal Irony - situational - dramatic Allusion
brief reference on a SIGNIFICANT PERSON, place or event use of sensory images/objects - Visual - Auditory (hearing) Imagery - Olfactory (smell) - Gustatory (taste) - Tactile (touch) Symbolism
uses OBJECTS to create a meaning Allegory
uses narrative/stories/songs/poems that present BROADER con- cepts/ideas Anaphora
REPETITION of a word or phrases 1 / 2 What in the ENGLISH Quarter 1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_fn1y5x Juxtaposition
PLACEMENT of two or more CONTRASTING elements side by side Flashback
a sudden clear memory of a PAST event or time Foreshadowing
a HINT on what's about to happen Paradox uses of CONTRADICTORY words Example : loud silence Formal Definitions - precise and structured
- contextually professional in tone/factual - Term FORMAL: structured parts - Class/Genus
- Differentiating Characteristics Informal Definition - flexible and conversational
- casual, opinionated, creative, subjective FD and ID Difference Structure, Language, Context Definition
group of words that gives the MEANING, description and/or infor- mation about a certain TERM TAKE NOTE
Even if a definition has 3/complete parts, it's still informal if it's
opinionated, use creative words, etc. FD Structure SPECIFIC and structured format
-term, class/category, distinguishing characteristics FD Language
precise, technical, and unambiguous (only one), language FD Context
often found in academic, legal, or technical contexts where CLAR- ITY and ACCURACY are crucial ID Structure
< More relaxed and does not follow a strict format
< May involve: Explanations, Examples, Analogies ID Language
uses more EVERYDAY LANGUAGE and may include FIGURA- TIVE language or metaphor
< typically used in everyday conversation, literature, or casual writing ID Context
< Goal: make the concept UNDERSTANDABLE rather than pre- cise FD Audience
Intended for readers who require accurate information ID Audience
Intended for a broader audience, often in non-specialist settings Intensive Pronoun
- used to emphasize another noun or pronoun
- not necessary to the sentence Reflexive Pronoun
- used to refer to the subject of the sentence - necessary part of a sentence 2 / 2