Writing task 2 technology idea - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Writing task 2 technology idea - Tiếng Anh ngoại giao | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1, Robot is reponsible for household chores
nhà, m i ng i đang tr nên quá ph thu c vào s hỗỗ tr c a cỗng ngh đ gi i quyêết ườ
các vi c nhà.
Example : D n d p ho c r a bát
Consequence : Lỗếi sỗếng ít v n đ ng, dẫỗn đêến m t sỗế vẫến đêề vêề s c kh e nh béo phì vêề lẫu ư
dài, tình c m gia đình.
- At home, people are becoming overly dependent on technological assistance to deal with
various household chores such as cleaning or washing dishes.
- This may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which results in some health problems such as
obesity in the long term.
as well as stripping family members of the opportunity to bond over doing chores
2, Khiêến con ng i mẫết c h i vi c làmườ ơ
T i n i làm vi c, đ c bi t là trong lĩnh v c s n xuẫết, hàng tri u cỗng nhẫn trên toàn thêế ơ
gi i, đ c bi t là nh ng ng i khỗng có tay nghêề seỗ mẫết vi c làm. ườ
Example: các quy trình hoàn toàn t đ ng đã đ m nh n các cng vi c đ n đi u nh cỗng ơ ư
nhẫn ( dẫn truyêền lắếp rắếp ho c giao d ch viên ngẫn hành )
- To begin with, the growing presence of robots might result in a loss of employment
- This can especially be true for low-skilled workers, who are likely to find themselves
replaced by advanced robots.
- A prime example of this can be seen in manufacturing and assemblies, which would likely
deprive traditional workers of their jobs.
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Writing task 2 technology idea
1, nhà, robot có th thúc đ y s c kh e tinh thẫền và th chẫết cho ng i cao tu i. ườ
Example: Robot hình ng i nh t b n Telenoid. Đ c trang b nh ng tiêến b m i nhẫết trongườ ượ
trí tru nhẫn t o, robot này có th gi i thích các tín hi u xã h i.
Consequence: Làm gi m đáng k m c đ cỗ đ n và cắng th ng th ng thẫếy nh ng ơ ườ
ng i cao tu i nh t b n.ườ
- At home, robots can promote emotional and physical well-being for the elderly.
- An excellent case in point is the Japanese humanoid robot called Telenoid. Being equipped
with the latest advances in artificial intelligence, this robot can interpret social cues,
including body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice, which guides it in
conversations with humans.
- These heart-warming interactions significantly reduce the level of loneliness and stress
which are commonly found among senior Japanese citizens.
2, People have more time to care for themselves and family members
- Mothers and fathers do not have to cook or clean → can converse more with child, read
books to child, or take care of themselves (watch movies, play sports)
- Vi c s d ng rỗ-bỗết gi i phóng th i gian cho nh ng ng i có l ch trình b n r n → cho ườ
phép h phẫn b th i gian cho các ho t đ ng b ích h n: giao l u, đ c sách ho c tham ơ ư
gia th thao.
=> Utilizing robots frees up time for individuals with busy schedules → allow them to
allocate time to more rewarding activities: socializing, reading, or engaging in sports.
The first advantage is that now people will have more time to spend on other aspects of
For example, mothers no longer have to spend time cooking and cleaning, so they can take
better care of their children and themselves
3, Achieve more successes in science and technology → solve global problems
Robots doing repetitive tasks more accurately and faster → higher productivity → achieve
more success (higher production rates of clothes, technological devices, pre-packaged food)
→ provide products to humans at a cheaper price
Another advantage is that by , humankind can utilizing robots achieve more remarkable
feats in science and technology.
Because robots complete repetitive tasks quicker and more accurately incorporating ,
robots into the workforce higher productivity.will result in
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Writing task 2 technology idea
As a result, clothing, pre-packaged food technological devices , or will be available to
humans at a cheaper cost.
robot = automation machine = technological assistance = robotic
system = automated machinery
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Writing task 2 technology idea
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20:27 29/7/24 Writing task 2 technology idea TECHNOLOGY NEGATIVE:
1, Robot is reponsible for household chores nhà, m Ở i ng ọ i đang tr ườ nên quá ph ở thu ụ c v ộ ào s hỗỗ tr ự c ợ a cỗng ngh ủ đ ệ gi ể i quyêết ả các việc nhà. Example : D n d ọ p ho ẹ c r ặ a bát ử
Consequence : Lỗếi sỗếng ít v n đ ậ ng, dẫỗn đêến m ộ t sỗế vẫ ộ ến đêề vêề s c kh ứ e nh ỏ béo phì vêề lẫu ư dài, tình c m gia đình. ả
- At home, people are becoming overly dependent on technological assistance to deal with
various household chores such as cleaning or washing dishes.
- This may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which results in some health problems such as obesity in the long term.
as well as stripping family members of the opportunity to bond over doing chores together. 2, Khiêến con ng i mẫết c ườ ơ hội vi c làm ệ T i n ạ ơi làm vi c, đ ệ c bi ặ t là tr ệ ong lĩnh v c ự s n xuẫ ả
ết, hàng tri u cỗng nhẫn tr ệ ên toàn thêế giới, đ c bi ặ t là nh ệ ng ng ữ i kh
ườ ỗng có tay nghêề seỗ mẫết vi c làm. ệ
Example: các quy trình hoàn toàn t đ ự ng đã đ ộ m nh ả n các c ậ ỗng vi c đ ệ n đi ơ u nh ệ cỗng ư
nhẫn ( dẫn truyêền lắếp rắếp ho c giao d ặ ch viên ng ị ẫn hành )
- To begin with, the growing presence of robots might result in a loss of employment opportunities.
- This can especially be true for low-skilled workers, who are likely to find themselves replaced by advanced robots.
- A prime example of this can be seen in manufacturing and assemblies, which would likely
deprive traditional workers of their jobs. about:blank 1/3 20:27 29/7/24 Writing task 2 technology idea POSITIVE: 1, nhà, robot c Ở ó th thúc đ ể y s ẩ c kh ứ e tinh thẫền và th ỏ chẫết cho ng ể i cao tu ườ i. ổ Example: Robot hình ng i nh ườ t b ậ n T ả elenoid. Đ c trang b ượ nh ị ng tiêến b ữ m ộ i nhẫết tr ớ ong trí tru nhẫn t ệ o, r ạ obot này có th gi ể i thích các tín hi ả u x ệ ã h i. ộ
Consequence: Làm giảm đáng kể m c đ ứ cỗ đ ộ n và c ơ ắng th ng th ẳ ng thẫếy ườ nh ở ng ữ ng i cao tu ườ ổi ở nhật b n. ả
- At home, robots can promote emotional and physical well-being for the elderly.
- An excellent case in point is the Japanese humanoid robot called Telenoid. Being equipped
with the latest advances in artificial intelligence, this robot can interpret social cues,
including body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice, which guides it in conversations with humans.
- These heart-warming interactions significantly reduce the level of loneliness and stress
which are commonly found among senior Japanese citizens.
2, People have more time to care for themselves and family members
- Mothers and fathers do not have to cook or clean → can converse more with child, read
books to child, or take care of themselves (watch movies, play sports) - Vi c s
ệ ử dụng rỗ-bỗết gi i phóng th ả i gian cho nh ờ ng ữ ng i có l ườ ch trình b ị n r ậ n → cho ộ
phép họ phẫn bổ thời gian cho các ho t đ ạ ng b ộ ích h ổ n: giao l ơ u, đ ư c sách ho ọ c tham ặ gia th thao. ể
=> Utilizing robots frees up time for individuals with busy schedules → allow them to
allocate time to more rewarding activities: socializing, reading, or engaging in sports.
 The first advantage is that now people will have more time to spend on other aspects of life.
 For example, mothers no longer have to spend time cooking and cleaning, so they can take
better care of their children and themselves
3, Achieve more successes in science and technology → solve global problems
Robots doing repetitive tasks more accurately and faster → higher productivity → achieve
more success (higher production rates of clothes, technological devices, pre-packaged food)
→ provide products to humans at a cheaper price
 Another advantage is that by , humankind can utilizing robots achieve more remarkable
feats in science and technology.
 Because robots complete repetitive tasks quicker and more accurately, incorporating
robots into the workforce will result in higher productivity. about:blank 2/3 20:27 29/7/24 Writing task 2 technology idea
 As a result, clothing, pre-packaged food technological de , or vices will be available to humans at a cheaper cost. 
robot = automation machine = technological assistance = robotic system = automated machinery about:blank 3/3